Prophecy Update Newsletter
Who are the "Sons of God" in Genesis Chapter 6? (Part 5) - Steve Schmutzer - Part 5: The Fallen Angels' Agenda Against the Jews Up to this point in this series, I've presented the Biblical position that fallen angels abandoned their proper domain (Jude 1:6) in order to enter into unlawful sexual relations with human women and produce the hybrid Nephilim giants (Genesis 6:1-4). This incursion took place during the period of history leading up to The Great Flood and it was a tactical effort to comprehensively corrupt the human genome. The ultimate goal of the fallen angels (the "sons of God" or b'nai Elohim) was to prevent the advent of Jesus Christ and the destruction of Satan which were first prophesied in Genesis 3:15. God sent the Great Flood to destroy this Nephilim invasion, to reboot humanity as He'd originally created it, and to preserve the conditions necessary for the Messiah's arrival. But in accordance with the ongoing hostility between the "seeds" of the serpent and the woman which was also foretold in Genesis 3:15, the giants returned after the Great Flood (Gen. 6:4), and the Bible tells us how this happened. The giants are precisely traced through the lineage of Ham, one of Noah's sons. Since Noah and his wife were genetically-untainted, and since Shem - another of Noah's sons - also remained unpolluted to continue the Messianic lineage, the logical conclusion is Ham's wife carried a latent Nephilim gene. There are various assaults against the truth of those three paragraphs, but all this opposition faces a serious problem - the Bible backs it up! To put that another way, the Bible does not support the notion that sin overwhelmed God's tolerances, that one faction of humanity was somehow lifted above mankind's baseline depravity (Romans 5:12), that another portion of the human race was uniquely depraved, or that God was different then than He is now. Every one of these ideas emerges somewhere between passive ignorance and active apostasy, and given the clenched teeth and flushed visage of many who refuse to accept the Scriptures at face value, I fear it's the latter more than not. Moving forward here, my primary assumption is Satan is doing all he can to assert himself and to stave off his own inevitable destruction. These have been his motives since earliest times. If we can accept this basic premise, then everything else falls into place. Satan's first attack followed God's first prophecy concerning Jesus Christ. Satan's target was the genome of the human race since Jesus Christ was prophesied to come through the "seed" (Hebrew: "zera") of a woman. If he could poison humanity completely, then he could prove God wrong, prevent the Messiah's arrival, and position himself to be worshipped as "God." That last objective was Satan's original desire before his own fall (Isaiah 14:14), and it remained his obsession after the arrival of Jesus Christ (Matt. 4:1-11). It will continue to be Satan's goal as the present chapter of human history winds down (Revelation 13:4), and he won't stop trying to defeat God even at the threshold of the "new heaven and new earth" (Revelation 20:7-10). Satan's strategy became more focused when God issued another prophecy which also concerns Jesus Christ, and to see this we have to leap from Genesis 3:15 to Genesis 12:1-3. It's in this latter passage that we find God sovereignly electing Abram and giving him the unconditional terms of the Abrahamic Covenant. It is within these terms that we find the promise of Abraham's descendants through which "....all peoples on earth will be blessed." God further affirms this unconditional promise in Genesis 15:1-6. Here, Abram is not only reassured that the Messianic lineage would continue through him, but a few verses later in Genesis 15:18-21, God lists some of Ham's Nephilim descendants which Abraham's offspring would be forced to overcome in order to gain the land that God would give them. These passages may seem as vague as clues on a cryptic treasure map, but Satan got the message loud and clear. Now he knew something he hadn't known before: the Messiah would not only come through the human race, but He would come specifically through the lineage of Abraham. The target was smaller. Now Satan could use a rifle instead of a shotgun. The fallen angels' agenda shifted at this point from one that was focused broadly on the human race to one that was focused on part of it: the Jews. The corrupt angelic "zera" zeroed in on God's chosen people, and in a tactical sense, the battle was concentrated in the land of Canaan and the surrounding territories. If Satan could disrupt the terms and ramifications of the Abrahamic Covenant, maybe he could prevent God's greater plan from achieving success. This is the reason why the Israelites faced the Nephilim in Numbers 13:31-33. These were "....the giants, the sons of Anak" whose genealogies could be traced directly back to Ham. It's why the Israelites faced the gigantic King Og of Bashan (Num. 21:10-35; Deut. 3:11) when after being so afraid of their Nephilim adversaries in the Promised Land, God sent the Israelites back into the desert to wander in the wilderness once more. It's why Moses - when forty years later the Israelites stood once more on the borders of the Promised Land and prepared to enter it - rallied the nation of Israel and reminded them that they would face giants (Deut. 7:1-2). Moses listed seven Nephilim nations which he called "....larger and stronger than you," and he commanded the Israelites to "....completely destroy them," and to " them no mercy." It's no coincidence that God had mentioned six of those seven nations when He had reassured Abram of His covenant way back in Genesis 15:1-6. The enmity between the Nephilim and Abraham's descendants continued well past Canaan's conquest. David killed Goliath (1 Sam. 17) who had ridiculed the God of the armies of Israel (1 Sam. 17:45). David and his men also killed four more giants who were related to Goliath in subsequent battles (2 Sam. 21:15-22). The whole premise that Satan positioned his Nephilim troops in the Promised Land to resist the entry of the Israelites and the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant explains why God ordered Joshua to "....wipe out all the inhabitants" that were there (Josh. 9:24). It's why God directed Saul to attack and kill the Amalekites and to put to death "....every man, woman, child and infant" (1 Sam. 15:2-3). The Amalekites were a subset of the "descendants of Anak" (Num. 13:22-23), and God got down to the nitty-gritty to specify that He wanted no remnant of the Nephilim heritage remaining. In the instructions Moses gave to the nation of Israel and which Joshua and Saul received, God was scrubbing the earth to rid it of the sordid stain of the fallen angelic "zera." I admire R.C. Sproul JR for his exceptional ability to exposit many portions and themes of God's Word, but it's at this juncture I need to take issue with him. R.C. Sproul JR, like other prominent teachers, scholars, and pastors, does not want to accept that the Bible says what it means and means what it says concerning the Nephilim and God's instructions to the Israelites. R.C. Sproul JR states in a Nov. 2013 article, "Why Did God Command the Children of Israel to Kill Every Man, Woman, and Child in the Promised Land?" that "....God wanted the land cleared of all temptations to His people to turn from Him, His worship and His law." He further adds that the reason "....God commanded them all to be put to death is because they were all, every man, woman and child of them, sinners. And the wages of sin is death." OK, true - but only partially so, and in partial truth lurks the achievements of full deception. R.C. Sproul's approach is to provide carefully-constructed language that sounds right on the surface but stops shy of submitting to the bigger divine picture. Sure, God didn't want the Israelites tempted, and sure, the Canaanites were sinners, but that hardly explains this genocidal command by God any more than similar hermeneutical gymnastics justify the Great Flood. RC Sproul JR confesses in an article he wrote called "The Sons of God" concerning the pivotal Genesis 6:1-4 account, "I do not believe this text necessarily teaches the idea of sexual relations between angels and human beings." He goes on to support the arguments of the "sons of Seth" theory, a heresy I addressed in Part 3 of this series. OK, there you have it. To quote myself from Part 3 of this article series, R.C. Sproul JR "....spiritualized the text so he could disregard the plain truth that was staring him in the face." And he's not the only one! RC Sproul JR is one example of many highly-regarded teachers and scholars who have found the full counsel of the Scriptures to be an affront to their personal tastes and agenda. The reality is Satan's actions and intentions in this "sons of God" storyline are not hard to see. Knowing the Messiah would come through the human race, Satan first assaulted all of mankind. When he learned that prophecy would be fulfilled in the lineage of the Jews, he went after God's chosen people. His methods along the way stayed true to the original Genesis 3:15 prophecy that his "seed" - his "zera"- would be at enmity with whatever human "zera" Jesus Christ would come from, and so Satan went from a broad brush approach to a more specific one as he gained more information along the way. Today, the Jews are reviled and resented. It's an evil prejudice which is a first cousin to the physical "battle of the seeds." It's been that way for centuries, but I personally feel there is a strong surge in anti-Jewish sentiments in our time as God permits Satan to work furiously behind the scenes. That ancient enmity which was first prophesied in Genesis 3:15 remains alive and well. Hints of a new battle between the "zera" of the serpent and the "zera" of the woman are already brewing, and it'll all be out in the open once more as the other battles before it have been. Jesus predicted this when He said it will be " the days of Noah" (Matt. 24:37, Luke 17:26), and among other things, that battle was global and visible. "As it was in the days of Noah," the fallen angels' forthcoming agenda will not ultimately succeed, but in the next installment of this series, I will discuss the things we need to learn from the past to understand how the future will play out. Scientist: Creation of Earth Calibrated to Mount Moriah - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - Thus said Hashem: I set this Yerushalayim in the midst of nations, with countries round about her. Ezekiel 5:5 (The Israel Bible™) The scientist who mathematically proved prophecy claims his formula has cosmic implications, showing that the creation of the world was calibrated according to the location of Jerusalem and the return of the Jews to Israel. According to the scientist, Saul Kullook, his discovery is indisputable proof of the existence of the God of Israel. Last month, Breaking Israel News published a synopsis of Kullook's remarkable discovery. Simply stated, he discovered that the dates of major events affecting the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel can be numerically obtained by a mathematical relation between two observable physical factors: the inclination of the planet and the latitude of the Biblical borders in Israel. "This is not a theory," Kullook explained to Breaking Israel News. "It was there, waiting to be seen. I just worked out the mathematical proof." His discovery is phenomenal in its own right, but Kullook's conclusions describing the implications of this are even more momentous. "Put simply, my discovery shows the proof of the God of Israel," Kullok said. "People talk about the God of Israel everywhere but not as if it is true, verified and proven. But here it is, mathematically proven." Kullok explained how he came to this conclusion. "There are at least 15 points of correlation between the historical migrations of the Jews into Israel, the Biblical borders of Israel, and shift in the axis of the planet," Kullook said. "This shows that the planet is changing the inclination of its axis according to the history of the Jews in relation to Israel and the geography of Biblical Israel. Each correlation taken by itself is remarkable but taken as a whole,it is a direct relationship that is statistically undeniable. There is no possibility that this is by chance. There is an irrefutable underlying causation: Hashem (God, literally 'the name') created the Earth according to this preset plan of the Jews and Israel based around Jerusalem." "When Hashem created the world, he had all of history, heavens and earth and man, all set out, based on Jerusalem and the Jews. The parameters in which the creation was performed were calibrated according to the location of Mount Moriah. The relation of the sun and the moon to the earth were fixed and after Joshua brough the Jews into Israel, there was no changing it." Kullook has one exception to this preordained timing. "When the sun stood still for Joshua, that was a final adjustment, Kullok said, referring to the Biblical account of the sun standing still when Joshua fought five armies. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. Joshua 10:13 "After the Jews came into Israel, this framework, establishing history according to the geography of Israel and, specifically, Jerusalem, there were no more changes," Kullook said. Kullook's theory seems to be Judeo-centric, implying that the Earth was created for the sake of the Jews and Israel. But Kullok emphasized that the opposite is true: the relationship between Israel and creation was in order for the rest of humanity to discover Hashem for themselves. "A main implication of this fine-tuning of the Solar System is that objective evidence will be provided to all people on Earth, proving the existence and actions of the God of Israel, irrespective of their religious or non-religious beliefs," he explained. The theory, therefore, has modern-day political implications. "If there is a force that can direct the inclination of the planet based on the borders of Israel, anyone who tries to change the borders of Israel or the return of the Jews to Israel is going against this and the system will react," Kullook warned. "The connection between the Jews and Jerusalem is not political or even Biblical: it is the basis for the creation of the world and a force of nature." Kullook has attempted to present his theory and proofs in scientific forums but has been largely ignored and denied the opportunity to defend them. A true scientist, he welcomes objective scrutiny but is dubious, believing the scientific community is not ready for the Divine implications. This is the first time ever that objective evidence from mathematical results has been found that brings proof of a cosmic kind of influence on the Solar System in accordance with the words in the Hebrew Bible," Kullook said. "It is expected that people will resist believing that this scientific demonstration of the existence of the God of Israel is correct. A confirmation of these mathematical results implies the need of a great change in our understanding of the physical universe and its laws and of life in this planet. We need to scrutinize our understanding of the earthquakes and cataclysms that may affect the Land of Israel, as predicted by several prophets in the Hebrew Bible." "I sincerely hope that there will be scientists or research Institutions ready to check my findings," he said. "This is something that is relatively easy and can be done in a very short time. I am ready to provide the formulae and calculation method used in this research study." Nearing Midnight: The Sudden Popularity of Socialism - Todd Strandberg - There is no other system of government that is a bigger failure than Socialism. For every nation that has implemented a pure form of Socialism, the end result has always been financial disaster. Leftists love to point to the European healthcare agencies as an example of how Socialism can work. Everyone in Norway has guaranteed healthcare coverage, but it is paid for by a market-based economy. The current biggest example of why Socialism fails is the nation of Venezuela. It is the nation with the world's largest oil supply. When Hugo Chávez kicked out all the Western Oil companies in 2007, Venezuela had seemed to have discovered the secret to prosperity. Chávez gave out cheap food, education, housing, and jobs. He neglected to reinvest in the nationalized oil company, and things quickly headed south. When oil dropped below $30 in 2013, it became very difficult for the Venezuelan government to continue to hand out free goodies. Oil has recovered above $70; there has still been no relief for the Venezuelan people. That nation's production of oil has gone from 3 million barrels per day to 1.5 million barrels per day, and it will likely drop to 1 million by the end of this year. Inflation in Venezuela is now at 43,000 percent. Two years ago, the cost of a cup of coffee was 450 bolivars. It now costs 1 million for that same cup of coffee. The government keeps raising the minimum wage, but it doesn't come anywhere close to matching inflation. Back in April, for instance, President Nicolas Maduro hiked the country's minimum wage by 155%. Last week, he increased the minimum wage by 300%, but it only means that people would make the equivalent of $1 per month. America is nowhere close to Venezuela, economically or politically. But much of the left today is headed in that direction, looking to "socialize" medicine, housing, education, you name it. They plan to pay for all these programs by making the "rich pay their fair share." In 2016, Bernie Sanders was successfully pushing the party to the left. He called for things like "Medicare for All," free college tuition, and whopping hikes in the minimum-wage. The surprise prime win by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shows that Democratic voters are signing on to hard-left candidates. DNC Chair Tom Perez has declared Ocasio-Cortez to be "The Future of Our Party." She is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, which has some very radical ideas: Abolish business profits Abolish prisons Abolish cash bail Abolish national borders Abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency It is very hard to run against someone who wants to play the role of Santa Claus to the voters. Ocasio-Cortez wants the federal government to pay off all student loans, and liberal media praise her like this is a brilliant suggestion. They should be asking her who is going to pick up the tab. I think the biggest threat America faces from Socialism is the debt it naturally creates. In 1958, the US national debt was $276 billion. Today it is at $21.2 trillion, which is a 76.8-fold increase. According to the government's CPI inflation calculator, something that cost $1 in 1958 should now cost $8.80. The massive increase in the money supply means that we should be paying $100 for a basic meal at a McDonalds' restaurant. I've written before that the problem with socialism, as the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher put it, is that "you eventually run out of other people's money." Since we've already spent the income of the next generation, there is no "other people's money" left. Faith in the dollar itself is the only thing that keeps the economy rolling. With high deficit spending being a major problem of most nations, Satan is likely planning to crash the global economy so he can implement a one-world financial system. It is my hope that the rapture is what triggers this mess. Having warned the world of the consequence of reckless spending, I'll have no regrets about missing the calamity. "He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev 13:16-17). Haven't We Waited Long Enough? - By Jan Markell - The malady goes by many names: End-time weariness; Rapture fatigue; Israel burn-out. The results are the same: The scoffers and skeptics are gaining too much territory and too many followers. The fact that the King is coming is boring and just old news. What Hal Lindsey wrote in 1969 in his classic "The Late-Great Planet Earth", in the eyes of many, did not come to pass. Thus, there is a collective so-what sigh. Haven't we waited long enough?? It is the tragedy of my lifetime - and I never thought I would see the day. Late-Great Burn-Out? Recently I read a revealing article in The Guardian recommended by Bill Koenig. It talks about the destruction of the new Christian progressiveness. This article suggests: * "The Late-Great Planet Earth" and the "Left Behind" series prophesied a lot of things that have not yet come to pass. Haven't we waited long enough? Isn't it time to move on from their message? * Those who hung onto the words of the popular 1970s Larry Norman song, "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" have also waited long enough. Life has always been filled with guns and war and everyone gets trampled on the floor as the song goes, but so what? Almost 45 years have passed and the world is still groaning. It's time to move on. * "We've been through all of this before" has replaced apocalyptic fervor! There is nothing new under the sun. Your words of warning are now falling on deaf ears. * Maybe you evangelicals have sided with the wrong players. Don't you know that hundreds of innocent Palestinians are being killed daily by apartheid Israelis? End-time weariness. Rapture fatigue. Late-Great burn-out. The Chosen People have lost their chosenness. The article in The Guardian suggests all this and more! The Spoilers: Date-Setters Add to this mix that some date-setters have been wrong. Edgar Weisenhunt and Harold Camping not only set dates, but re-set dates when nothing happened the first time! Hal Lindsey never said 1988 was the date of the Rapture but that was the accusation. He suggested 40 years after 1948 was an intriguing date. That's all. The Bashers Then came the bashers who are respected in some circles. Hank Hanegraaff said there was no Rapture to be found in the Bible. Who knew? Well, he's no Bible Answer Man to me. Lynne Hybels and World Vision teamed up to condemn Israel as almost barbaric persecutors of the Palestinians in their one-sided "Hope for the Holy Land" tours across America. What's in the water Frankie Schaeffer is drinking? When he, like Hanegraaf, joined the Eastern Orthodox Church, he went sideways. He now goes into tirades on MSNBC against what his parents - Francis and Edith Schaeffer - might have believed about the end-times. He slams his "good friend" Jerry Jenkins for coming up with the "Left Behind" books that belong in the Twilight Zone category according to Schaeffer. What's in them can only be believed by white evangelicals who support Donald Trump, says Frankie. Internet broadcaster Rick Wiles consistently says that Dispensationalists and Christian Zionists are the root of the world's problems and also the church's problems. We are destroying the world. Destructive Social Justice If your teen or twenty-something kid goes off to a Justice Conference, they will likely hear Marxist Cornell West rather than any pro-Israel speaker. The Catalyst Conferences aren't much better when it comes to promoting end-time theology. A persecuted Palestinian might be an honored guest so that the social justice cravings of the Millennials can be satisfied. Social justice has gained ground over good old-fashioned evangelical support for Israel and her God-given land. The under-age-40 crowd is listening to voices that are not telling the truth. They are hearing that Israel is illustrative of a new form of apartheid; that the Palestinians had their land stolen; and don't you know that the Church is the new Israel? Most reject what their parents grew up on: Israel is the apple of God's eye and the key to the end of the age. These are just a few of many reasons why this glorious message that years ago had nearly every Christian excited that today might be the day is now a big yawn! It is now a wake-me-when-it's-over sentiment. Add to that the fact that our churches have dropped this message! Deja vu All Over Again! So when stunning events take place such as the moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the aligning of the nations in the Mideast that could be a part of the Gog-Magog War, and the convergence of dozens of end-time signs, there is a collective sigh. Some will say it's déjà vu all over again. You said that 40 years ago. Nothing happened. So the fact that things are all coming together excites only a tiny remnant who will never grow weary of keeping their eyes on the sky! If you are among them, hang in there. He is coming soon and Israel remains the apple of God's eye! I talk about all of this more extensively in my DVD, How the Blessed Hope Became the Blasted Hope: The Attack on Bible Prophecy. Daily Jot: Of the world, or of the Word? - Bill Wilson - The Daily Jot began over 16 years ago with a simple mission: to use current events to equip and encourage people to evangelize the word of God. You may not always agree with what the Daily Jot has to say, but there may always be something in it to talk to others about or to take action. Some just get angry or don't want to think about the way events are shaping up prophetically or the way they are having an impact on society. We, as Christians, cannot afford to ignore the world around us. The issues will not go away if we look the other way. In fact, when Christians are not engaged with their family, their community, their state, their country, everything goes the way of the world, not the way of the Word. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." He said in Mark 16:15, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Romans 10:13-15 says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? If you receive The Daily Jot, you are hearing and you are being sent. You are called to action. You have current event to use to share the Word of God. As written in 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." James 1:25 says, "But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed." As Jesus said in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." It's not always easy. Many people find sharing the word uncomfortable in this day and age. But we are not charged to be comfortable, but to take up our cross and follow the Lord. That means it's not chocolate and roses, or Rolexes or checks in the mail or nice cars or whatever material things modern preachers are preaching about. It's not really about you or me. It's about Jesus and him being preached. 2 Corinthians 8-13 says, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsake; cast down, but not destroyed...We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak." So let us speak boldly as we ought to for if you are reading this you are equipped and encouraged to do so. Daily Jot: It's Time to Fight Back - By Greg Laurie - A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. -Ephesians 6:10-11 The church is under attack as never before. It is under attack around the world, and it is under attack in our own country. Christians are summarily mocked, marginalized, and dismissed as lunatics. Overseas, our brothers and sisters are being martyred by Islamic terrorists and Communists. It is enough to cause Christians to become downright discouraged. I have good news for you today: we win in the end. We may lose a battle here or there, but we will win the war. Jesus said of His church, "The gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18 NKJV). A military tactic used by ancient armies was to break down the gates of an enemy's fortress by hitting them with a battering ram. Once inside, they would destroy the opposing army. In the same way, Jesus was saying that Satan and his forces are not able to withstand or prevent the onward march of the Christian faith. The gospel will win, and the kingdom of God will win. Don't misunderstand. I'm not talking about a militant Christianity where we force conversion. I'm talking about the loving followers of Jesus Christ seeking to persuade others to turn from their sin, believe, and be forgiven. I'm talking about when Christ comes back to this earth and establishes His kingdom as King of kings and Lord of lords. I feel that in some ways, the church today is a sleeping giant. The devil has declared war on our country. He has declared war on our culture. He has declared war on our young people. He has declared war on the church, and it seems as though the church is collectively taking a nice, long nap. It's time for us to put on the armor of God. It's time for us to fight back. FROM THE HEART
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