Prophecy Update Newsletter
Almost There - By Daymond Duck - While preparing a message for an upcoming event, I decided to look back at things I have written about world government. I have written too much to mention in this article, but I want to recall some of it because it has relevance for today and the upcoming election. These things will help readers understand what is going on, and why some believe we are almost there. One, concerning world government, Daniel said, "The fourth beast (the Antichrist's government; the coming New World Order) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces" (Dan. 7:23). Two, concerning world government, John said, "And it was given unto him (the Antichrist) to make war with the saints (those that become believers during the Tribulation Period), and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations" (Rev. 13:7). So, the Antichrist will rule over all nations, and people should be aware that many globalists are working hard to turn the UN into a world government by 2030. Three, Winston Churchill said, "The purpose of the New World Order is to bring the world into a world government." This famous politician (not a preacher) said, "New World Order" means world government, and it is important to understand that the Bible teaches that it will be headed by the Antichrist, and he will be a Satan worshipper (Rev. 13:4-6). Four, in 1990, Pres. George H. W. Bush (Bush Senior) said, "Out of these troubled times (out of the Persian Gulf War), our fifth objective-a new world order-can emerge." Know that world government is an objective of the U.S., and the "Deep State" has been working to bring it in for years. Five, know that the establishment of a world government is in the UN Charter. Six, in 1997, Pres. Bill Clinton said, "What I am trying to do (to build a global system) is to promote a process of reorganization of the world." Seven, on May 14, 2008, Barack Obama was running for president of the U.S.; and Michelle said, "We are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation." On July 24, 2008, U.S. presidential candidate Obama supported a "globalized world," and he said, "The burdens of global citizenship bind us together." On Oct. 30, 2008, candidate Obama said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." On Oct. 24, 2014, Mr. Obama had become president, and he issued a Proclamation urging all 50 governors in the U.S. and all officials under the U.S. flag to observe "UN Day" with "appropriate ceremonies and activities." He released a joint statement with the UN Sec. Gen. at that time, Ban Ki-moon, that said global government should be further empowered. Eight, on Sept. 25, 2015, the UN was presented with a document called "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." Supporters called this document a "New Universal Agenda." This word "Universal" comes from the preamble of the document, and it means this document covers the entire earth and more. Some experts said the document calls for a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a one-world economic system to be established by 2030. Delegates from 193 nations unanimously approved it and applauded the decision. Nine, two days later, on Sept. 27, 2015, Pres. Obama assured the UN of America's commitment to the "Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" goals. He called the UN document "one of the smartest investments we can make in our own future." The next day, he addressed the UN and said, "Global integration (the merging of nations) is an agenda that transcends the narrowly defined interests of nation-states." He was saying merging nations into groups such as the U.S., Canada, and Mexico (USMCA) is more important than their national sovereignty. Be aware that the USMCA went into effect on July 1, 2020, and globalists believe it is more important than the sovereignty of the U.S. I believe ten global trading blocs will form. Shortly after that, each one will elect a leader (the Ten Kings), and then the Antichrist will appear. Ten, Pres. Obama's vice president was Joe Biden, and he called for the establishment of the New World Order (world government) on several occasions. On April 5, 2013, Mr. Biden spoke at the Export-Import Bank Conference in Washington, DC where he said, "The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order." Mr. Biden was saying it is now America's job to create a literal world government. Suppose he gets elected, and he or whoever replaces him follows through with this. Eleven, on May 28, 2014, Vice-Pres. Joe Biden told the U.S. Air Force Academy graduating class, "I believe we and mainly you have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century." Mr. Biden said the 2014 Air Force Academy graduating class could help shape a world government (Biden supports the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to a world government; this explains why the globalists hate Trump. He opposes it.). Twelve, on Jan. 21-24, 2015, a group called the World Economic Forum (WEF) met in Davos, Switzerland. These globalists agreed to speed up the development of regions of nations all over the world. Speeding up the development of regions of nations will speed up the surrender of their national sovereignty. (There is reason to believe it has been speeded up.) Thirteen, here is some information about the UN Sustainable Development goals for 2030 that people need to pay attention to because Mr. Biden is running for president of the U.S., and he has spoken out in support of the UN goals. Mr. Biden is running for president of the U.S. Mr. Biden is running for president of the U.S. For one thing, the document's preamble says, "All countries and stakeholders, acting in a collaborative partnership, WILL (not may-WILL) implement this plan." By 2030, the UN WILL be transformed into a body that can require all nations to obey the UN. (The Constitution of the U.S. will be irrelevant, and global law will prevail.) Unless God intervenes, in less than 10 years, the UN WILL become a satanic one-world government, and the U.S. will be required to obey the laws of the UN. One government official said not a single human being will be allowed to escape this next great leap forward (this includes everyone in the U.S., but he is overlooking the Rapture). One reporter said the world's children will now be indoctrinated with the idea that we are all "global citizens" (people will be citizens of a borderless world, not citizens of the U.S., Mexico, Canada, etc.). For another thing: in 2015, then UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon called the UN Sustainable Development goals the "start of a new era." (A New Era has started, and America will not return to what was considered normal a year ago.) Fourteen, on Jan. 1, 2016, it was reported that the UN Sustainable Development goals for 2030 had gone into effect and that everyone should expect all nations to make a strong push to bring them to pass. Trump was elected president in Nov. 2016, and he called for making America great again (MAGA. This opposes the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and it has created a big problem for the globalists, Deep State, etc.). Fifteen, on Mar. 10, 2016, it was reported that the UN had released a Master Plan called, "Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals." According to the report, every government is now required to promote wealth redistribution; government control of all production, a reduction in the consumption of goods and services, the consumption of less meat and frozen or convenience foods, the use of fewer and smaller vehicles and appliances, the use of less air-conditioning at home and at work, and the use of smaller houses and apartments. Governments must take control of all education systems to ensure that children are "agents of change" that support world government; governments must indoctrinate everyone to accept a new set of attitudes, values and beliefs to promote a new culture of peace and non-violence (the global Ethic or world religion); and governments will provide universal healthcare, mental health services, sexual and reproductive services to everyone on earth. Understand that this is not what the UN wants to accomplish in the next 50-75 years; this is what the UN wants to accomplish before 2030, and you need to ask yourself if these are the things you want our next president to support. As far as this writer is concerned, there is ample proof that America is the victim of an organized effort to weaken the U.S. and bring in the New World Order. Mrs. Clinton was supposed to complete Pres. Obama's goal of fundamentally transforming the U.S. and empowering the UN, but God put Trump in office; and "Make America Great Again" clashes with Obama's goal. Satan's Deep State is behind it, and they are desperate to get Trump out of office because four more years of Trump will interfere with the UN's goal of world government by 2030. People need to pay careful attention to these goals because Biden is clearly on record for supporting Obama's goal to fundamentally change America, and for his desire to create and lead in the shaping of the NWO (Google the quotes). Know that the Rapture will take place before the Antichrist appears, but these things indicate that if Biden (or someone of the Deep State's choice) becomes president, that person will bring in the NWO, and that would be a strong indication that the Rapture is close. For your information, one of the Sustainable Development goals is population control (a global right to abortion, LGBQT rights, etc.). Biden said if he is elected, one of his first executive orders will be to re-fund Planned Parenthood and do anything he can to be as pro-abortion as he possibly can be. (He is supporting the UN agenda which requires the weakening of the U.S.) Having said this, here are five recent events that seem significant: One, on June 19, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced that it will hold its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 2021 and the theme will be the "Great Reset." The "Great Reset" means changing every aspect of society by redistributing the world's wealth, enacting a global tax, supporting world government, and more. On that same day, former U.S. VP, Al Gore, went on TV to call for a "Reset" of the global economy to support "climate change." He said air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels heightens the death rates of the Coronavirus. Expect what the WEF agrees to at that Jan. 2021 meeting to be pushed on the world shortly thereafter. Mr. Biden has already come out in favor of tax increases in the U.S., and if he is elected, he will be at the president's desk when the request to fund the New World Order goes around the world. Two, on June 25, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, UN Sec.-Gen. Guterres said, "The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic 'national interests.'" (In my words, he was saying, "The world needs groups of nations, not one person, with the power to set aside the desires of individual nations.") Guterres said there is a need to "reimagine the way nations cooperate." Guterres added, "We need a networked multilateralism, bringing together the U.N. system, regional organizations, international financial institutions and others." (Know that I believe the Bible teaches that 10 regional groups of nations will rise and be headed by the 10 leaders or 10 kings before the Antichrist rises.) Three, on June 26, 2020, it was reported that Facebook will start blocking and removing everything that criticizes the globalist agenda. They immediately placed a "hate speech" warning label on a Republican pro-Trump video campaign ad. The video shows true events, but Facebook gave in to people that want to silence the events. The next day, it was reported that Republicans and conservatives (Sean Hannity, Jim Jordan, Kayleigh McEnany, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and others) are flocking to a new app called @parler_app Four, on June 29, 2020, NYC Mayor de Blasio announced plans to cut $1 billion from NYC's police budget. Some of the leftists complained that defund the police means defund, not cut. Many local police departments won't submit to globalist control, so the globalists want all local police departments disarmed, dismantled or placed under the federal government to weaken the resistance to their global policies. In years past, some globalists have suggested that U.S. troops be sent out of the U.S., and troops from other countries be brought into the U.S. to deal with U.S. citizens that might want to resist the surrender of America. Citizens need to elect politicians that won't go along with these control tactics. God may use the next U.S. presidential election to impact how soon the New World Order will take over, but regardless of who wins, events are now moving with unprecedented speed, and we are almost there. Five, in my article that was posted last week, I reported that Atty. Gen. Barr said that some of the individuals and groups that have been involved in the violence in the U.S. may be supported by foreign entities. A friend sent me an article this week that says the U.S. has caught Communist China supplying weapons to Antifa and Black Lives Matter. I am not making any of these things up, and if these things are true, there are no words to convey how serious all of this is in light of Bible prophecy. The NWO could drag on for a while, or something could happen that causes it to come together almost overnight. Many think things are happening fast now, but they will happen faster in the future. Every church member needs to be sure they are really saved, and every person that hasn't accepted Jesus as their Saviour needs to sincerely do that immediately. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] How Israel Rescued The Promised Land From Devastation And Neglect - By James Sinkinson/ - Last week I toured much of northern Israel, from the Jezreel Valley and the Lower and Upper Galilee regions to the Golan Heights. The natural beauty of this part of Israel, as well as the explosive proliferation of agriculture, was striking and inspiring. The abundance of flora in Israel today makes it easy to forget that this land at the turn of the 20th century was a parched wasteland. It also raises the questions: How did this miraculous transformation take place, and who was responsible? On his visit to Palestine in 1867, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) called the Sea of Galilee "a solemn, sailless, tintless lake, as unpoetical as any bath-tub on earth." On the other hand, last week I found the Kinneret (its Hebrew name) a sparkling blue jewel surrounded on its north, south and west by vegetable fields, orchards and forests. Traveling by horseback through the Jezreel Valley, Clemens noted: "There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent--not for 30 miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride 10 miles, hereabouts, and not see 10 human beings." Clemens continues, "Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. ... Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies." According to Allon Tal's 2002 book, Pollution in a Promised Land, the Jezreel Valley around 1900 remained an undeveloped swamp--described as "barren and boring, a miserable plain without a tree or river ... all in ruins." Tal relates how one traveler in 1905 described mud so deep that the mules fell and the donkeys almost vanished in it. It wasn't until 1924 that Zionist settlers finished the herculean two-year task of converting these marshes into the rich, fertile farmland of today. Later, in 1918, following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Herbert Samuel was named British High Commissioner of the Mandate for Palestine. In his 1921 "Annual Report on the Civil Administration," Samuel wrote: "It is obvious to every passing traveler, and well-known to every European resident, that the country was before the War, and is now, undeveloped and under-populated. The methods of agriculture are, for the most part, primitive; the area of land now cultivated could yield a far greater product. There are in addition large cultivable areas that are left untilled. The summits and slopes of the hills are admirably suited to the growth of trees, but there are no forests. Miles of sand dunes that could be redeemed, are untouched, a danger, by their encroachment, to the neighboring tillage. The Jordan and the Yarmuk offer an abundance of water-power; but it is unused... "After the persecutions in Russia forty years ago [1880] ... Jewish agricultural colonies were founded. They developed the culture of oranges and gave importance to the Jaffa orange trade. They cultivated the vine, and manufactured and exported wine. They drained swamps. They planted eucalyptus trees. They practiced, with modern methods, all the processes of agriculture." Palestine's devastation can be attributed to many factors, mostly centered on poverty. At the turn of the century, an estimated 70 percent of the area's Arab inhabitants were subsistence farmers. They took what they needed from the land--including unreplenished wood for fire--and allowed unrestrained sheep and goat grazing, as well as the hunting of native species, like the Syria bear and small deer, to extinction. While early Zionists saw Palestine as " a land without people for a people without land," there were some 700,000 people living in the area at that time, most of them Arab. However, Jewish immigration--bearing great intention and aspirations--had begun. Within a few generations, it would transform this neglected, relatively barren territory into a lush cornucopia of food and forests with a majority Jewish population. Fast-forward to the fruitful land I witnessed in northern Israel last week. What happened in the 100 years between 1920 and 2020? Wisely, the Zionists focused on agriculture to support Israel's growing population of both Jews and Arabs. The new immigrants purchased land that was largely semi-arid, much of which had become untillable due to deforestation, soil erosion and neglect. These pioneers cleared rocky fields, built terraces, drained swamps, planted trees, fought soil erosion and desalinated salty land. Today, Israel is a major exporter of fresh produce and a world leader in agricultural technologies, notwithstanding the reality that Israel's geography is not naturally hospitable to agriculture. More than half of Israel's land area is desert, and its climate and dearth of water resources discourage farming. Imagine: Only 20 percent of Israel's land area is naturally arable. Yet Israel now produces some 95 percent of its own food requirements. Much of this success, of course, is owed to Israel's phenomenal, groundbreaking inventions in agricultural and food technology--starting with drip irrigation and water desalination. Israeli dairy cows are the most productive on the planet. Even more astounding: Since Israel attained independence in 1948, the total area under cultivation has skyrocketed by a factor of 2.6 to approximately 1.1 million acres. In just the past 50 years, agricultural settlements have grown from 400 to 750. Agricultural production has expanded by a factor of 16--300 percent greater than Israel's population growth. Wine also represents a thriving, expanding agricultural enterprise in Israel. Today, in a territory only one-thirteenth the size of New Zealand, just about the size of New Jersey, Israel supports some 320 wineries. (Trust my personal research: The output of these vines is uniformly excellent.) As for Israel's abundant forests, we can thank millions of North American and Israeli donors to the Jewish National Fund and its parent, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, which have planted more than 240 million trees in Israel. This effort alone has transformed the Land of Israel--providing groves, woods and forests of conifer, deciduous and fruit trees all over the country. In short, the Israeli miracle is far greater than the unsurpassed achievement of creating one of the world's most successful and powerful nations--made up of millions of Jewish refugees from all over the globe, most returning to their homeland in just 150 years. It's more, too, than reviving and reinventing the Hebrew language after 3,000 years. Israel is also the miracle of restoring a depleted, deteriorating land through determination, ingenuity and back-breaking work. While some resent Israel's revitalization of its indigenous national territory, Israel has, in effect, rescued the land of Palestine. Beautiful, thriving Israel today supports some 9 million Arabs and Jews--almost 13 times more people than in 1900, all enjoying one of the world's highest standards of living ... and the best food in the Middle East. So Many Jews are Returning to Israel that the Government is Worried they won't be Able to Absorb them - by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Lo, I am sending for many fishermen -declares Hashem- And they shall haul them out; And after that I will send for many hunters, And they shall hunt them Out of every mountain and out of every hill And out of the clefts of the rocks." Jeremiah 16:16, (The Israel BibleTM) Unlike immigration to other countries, olim to Israel are welcomed as long-lost brothers, educated and housed at great public expense. A combination of coronavirus and anti-Semitism is creating conditions expected to bring millions of Jews home. But the Israeli government, already stretched to the limit, is concerned they may not be able to fulfill the prophecy in the proper manner. The Knesset's Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs Committee met last Wednesday to discuss a major dilemma: Jewish immigration is expected to double nest year but budgetary constraints will make it difficult, if not impossible to absorb them into Israeli society. Earlier this month, Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog reported to the committee that an estimated 250,000 people, mostly young people, will immigrate to Israel within the next three to five years. Herzog added that the number of people who have contacted the Jewish Agency about Aliyah from English-speaking countries has increased by 50%, and by 70% from French-speaking countries. Israel could receive as many as 90,000 new immigrants in 2021 - nearly three times the number of immigrants in 2019. Jewish Agency CEO Amira Ahronoviz presented the official Aliyah statistics for 2019: 35,000 immigrants, including 24,651 from the Commonwealth of Independent States; 3,963 from European countries; 3,539 from North America; 1,746 from Latin America; 663 from Ethiopia; 442 from South Africa; 318 from Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries; and 189 from Australia and New Zealand. In 2009, only 16,000 people made Aliyah. Though these declarations are certainly cause for celebration as manifestations of the prophesied ingathering of the exiles, coping with immigration to Israel requires preparing physical vessels to receive the divine blessings. MK David Bitan (Likud) emphasized that Israel must prepare for a large wave of immigration in the next year and a half due to the fact that large Jewish communities overseas have seen a significant number of corona-related deaths, alongside the rising anti-Semitism around the world. The Israeli government goes to great efforts to help new immigrants with job placement, housing options, scholarships for new immigrant university students, and language skills. In the meeting on this subject last week, Bitan noted that immigration to Israel was being hampered by a shortage of consuls in Israeli embassies in the US. He also noted a shortage of manpower in Nativ, an independent administrative unit in the Prime Minister's Office that is in charge of determining the eligibility to immigrate to Israel from the US and Eastern Europe based on the Law of Return. The Law of Return gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship. Though simple in concept, the law raises issues of defining Jewish identity and, as a result, is controversial and complicated. The committee called for making the citizenship process shorter than it currently is. Requests to make aliyah are processed in roughly four months. The pandemic has made the process longer and more difficult. MK Zeev Elkin (Likud), who is in charge of Nativ, said that even prior to the corona crisis, people would have to wait about six months for an appointment at the Israeli Embassy in Moscow to check their eligibility for immigration. "The significance of this is that anyone who decides to make Aliyah will be able to actually do it only a year from now," he said. "In the meantime, he can, of course, change his mind, and we will lose this oleh (immigrant)." According to Minister Elkin, Nativ's budget for 2015 was $23.2 million but was reduced due to budgetary constraints to its current amount of $16.2 million. Nativ Director Neta Briskin-Peleg told the committee, "There are no shortcuts in checking eligibility. It is a complex, gentle (process) that takes time." During the process, she explained, Nativ also has to deal with the "document forging industry." Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, founder of the Land of Israel Fellowship Program, noted that immigration to Israel embodies the prophecy as described by Jeremiah. Lo, I am sending for many fishermen -declares Hashem- And they shall haul them out; And after that I will send for many hunters, And they shall hunt them Out of every mountain and out of every hill And out of the clefts of the rocks. Jeremiah 16:16 "The prophet Jeremiah speaks of two stages of the ingathering of the Jewish People back to the land of Israel," Rabbi Gimpel told Breaking Israel News, noting that we are clearly entering a new stage of this prophecy. "Looking at history, it seems as though country by country, the exile is being shut down. From Arab countries, Ethiopia, Russia, France, and the rest of Europe... Now America is being shaken. It seems to be a new part of this larger process of return." Rabbi Gimpel emphasized that despite being prophecy, aliyah is, after all, produced through real-world means, requiring money. "Israel has absorbed more immigrants per capita than any other country in the world," Rabbi Gimpel said. "It isn't easy but it the foundational purpose of the State of Israel is to provide a national home for the Jewish People." My Mansion - By Dennis Huebshman - People talk about going to Heaven and living in a great big mansion that is unparalleled here. My personal thought is, I would be satisfied with a one-room cabin without all the amenities. My absolute joy will be to be near my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, and to serve Him faithfully all through eternity. Besides, in this earthly human form, we are mortal and need a certain amount of rest in order to survive and thrive. This shell we occupy is temporary, thanks to the first humans that God created. (any emphasis mine) Once we are called up and receive our immortal forever bodies, we will rest when we want to, not because we have to. Also, there will be no darkness as our Savior will provide continuous light. Only that time of going through the millennium will be significant, and then mostly for the mortal humans that are there. As part of the Savior's "army", we will be there to serve Him in whatever tasks He will have for us. Although this message is about another hymn, Hank Williams, Sr. had a song in which the chorus is special for me. "Lord build me a cabin in the corner of Gloryland; in the shade of the Tree of Life that it may ever stand. Where I can just hear the angels sing, and shake Jesus' hand. Lord build me a cabin in the corner of Gloryland." When Jesus made the statement that He was going to "prepare a place" for us (John 14:1-3), He was trying to give a glimpse of Heaven that the disciples could relate to and understand. No one could ever possibly imagine or describe just how beautiful and wonderful it will be when we are with Him forever. When Jesus was talking with Nicodemus, a Pharisee, in John 3:12, He said, "If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe, how can I tell you Heavenly things?" It should be noted that this Pharisee and Joseph of Arimathea got permission from Pilate to bury Jesus' body after the crucifixion. Even though they secretly believed in Jesus because of a fear of unbelieving Jews, they put Him in a tomb that they probably thought He would be in from then on. Can you just imagine how Joseph later felt when he was told that his tomb was again available? I have heard it said that if we actually knew what Heaven is like, we could not bear being on this earth another minute. Think of Paul and John who got a real glimpse of the Throne of God and all the splendor there. Paul spoke in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 about "a man in Christ, having been caught up to the third Heaven." He said that man (himself) heard things he could not repeat, and saw things he could not talk about. To keep him humble and from being conceited, he was given a thorn in the flesh. Although he asked that it be removed, the Lord answered in V.9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Paul was able to face all persecutions thrown at him, knowing he had a wonderful eternity ahead. All through the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John attempted to give descriptions of things He saw and in words that he could understand at that time in history. All the future things he saw just about overwhelmed him. He even tried to bow and worship angels, but was told they were servants the same as him. For "true believers," John gave Jesus' promise that we would not go through the "hour of trial" or tribulation that will be coming on the whole world (Revelation 3:10-11). We are concerned for all who will be left behind; however, it's sad that this will be due to their own choices they have made. It will be the worst seven-year period of time this earth has ever experienced. The mayhem today is but a prelude to the total lawlessness and terror that will be here then. A gospel songwriter of the mid-twentieth century was Ira Forest Stamphill. He wrote numerous songs, but in 1949 he wrote "Mansion Over the Hilltop." It has been performed by many artists from just about every category, and even by Elvis Presley. It's not a song of greed, but one of anticipation of just how wonderful and amazing our eternity in Heaven will be. The treasures he speaks of, though priceless on this earth, will seem to be ordinary compared to being in the presence of our Jesus. (1) I'm satisfied with just a cottage below; a little silver, and a little gold. But in that city, where the ransomed will shine, I want a gold one that's silver-lined. (ref) I've got a mansion just over the hilltop, in that bright land where we'll never grow old. And someday yonder, we will never more wander, but walk on streets that are purest gold. (2) Tho often tempted, tormented and tested; and like the prophet, my pillow is a stone. And tho I find here no permanent dwelling, I know He'll give me a mansion of my own. (ref) (3) Don't think me poor, or deserted or lonely; I'm not discouraged; I'm Heaven bound. I'm just a pilgrim in search of a City. I want a mansion, a harp and a crown. (ref) The treasures of our Heavenly Home will be there for all of Jesus' flock to enjoy. Can you just imagine a huge gate to the City that is made from just one pearl? Streets of gold; a river that appears to be glass. Yes, we will appreciate these things, but nowhere in comparison to experiencing the love of our Father, Son and Holy Spirit that we will have in Heaven. But on the other hand, all who do not have Jesus as their Savior will experience a totally different eternity. Total darkness, despair, no hope, just wishing for a drop of water for their burning tongues (Luke 16:24) Once a person's last breath is taken here, their eternity is set. Heaven for all the believers; Hell for all others. There are no exceptions, no pardons for those facing the Lake of Fire - it's forever! The Savior would love to prepare your living space with Him if you will just call out sincerely to Him to be saved (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9-13). You have not sinned so great that you cannot be forgiven. The one that is unforgiveable is to leave here without the Father's Son as your Redeemer, Savior, Shepherd and absolute best Friend. Today would not be too early to call on Him - tomorrow may just be too late! Come Lord Jesus! [email protected] Daily Jot: Cancel culture and speaking boldly - Bill Wilson - In this day and age of social media, people can say whatever they want, about whatever they want, claiming whatever they want, and need no basis of fact for it. At the same time, if people disagree with what is said, they can troll those they disagree with by name calling, labeling or boycotting. Doing this on social media is called canceling. It's the cancel culture. Free speech is OK so long as you don't say anything against what certain people believe. A real live example of cancel culture may be the tearing down of historic statues to "deconstruct" American history. Protesters are also targeting Christian symbols for destruction because they believe the monuments represent "white supremacy." Where does it end? In his July 4 speech at Mt Rushmore, President Trump addressed the cancel culture movement, saying, "Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities. Many of these people have no idea why they are doing this, but some know exactly what they are doing...One of their political weapons is "Cancel Culture" - driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and our values, and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America. He continued, "In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. It's not going to happen to us. Make no mistake: this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution. In so doing, they would destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty, disease, violence, and hunger, and that lifted humanity to new heights of achievement, discovery, and progress." This political intolerance and ideological bigotry is designed to end America as we know it. Marxism always results in totalitarianism. We, as Christians, are in a battle over the soul of society. Cancel culture and the current rebellion against freedom of speech and religion are examples of where all this is headed. The standard of Christ is being shaken in this nation like never before. We cannot be absent in this debate. We need to speak truth in love and stand for what is right. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:19-20, "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in chains: that in this I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." Let's not wait until we are in chains, for then it may be too late. Daily Devotion: An Alien Concept - by Greg Laurie - Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. -Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." When Jesus spoke these words, Rome was in control of Israel. And the Romans did not value mercy. In fact, one Roman philosopher stated that mercy was a disease of the soul. When a child was born in the Roman world, the father had the right of patria potestas, meaning "power of a father." If he wanted his newborn to live, he held his thumb up. But if he wanted his child to die, he turned his thumb down, and the child would be immediately drowned. Mercy was an alien concept to the Roman mind. Romans were all about strength and domination. They viewed mercy as a flaw, not a virtue. So there was Jesus saying, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" (Matthew 5:7 NKJV). In other words, happy people are merciful people. And who is a greater example of mercy than Jesus? He extended mercy to the woman caught in the actual act of adultery. He extended mercy to the Samaritan woman who was married and divorced five times and was living with a man. He also extended mercy to Zacchaeus, a tax collector who took advantage of people. And as He hung on the cross, He extended mercy to the criminal next to Him who probably was guilty of murder. The more righteous a person is, the more merciful he or she will be. And the more sinful a person is, the harsher and more critical he or she will be. This is a very important distinction because sometimes, under the guise of spirituality, people will be very condemning and angry with anyone who does anything that disappoints them. On the other hand, godly people are merciful people. And if you're not merciful, then you don't understand what it means to be godly. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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