Prophecy Update Newsletter
Dangerous Days - By Daymond Duck - Please know that I voted Democrat for many years, but I was a Bible-believer, and the time came when I concluded that the Party had changed and left me. I started registering as an Independent, but couldn't vote a split ticket in nominating elections in the state I live in, so I started registering as a Republican. God is not a Republican or a Democrat, and I do not want to be political, but there are major Biblical differences between the two candidates in the upcoming election.
Some will say I am being political, and I am concerned about that; but in my mind, the next election is about opposing or supporting what the Bible says about many issues. I believe the election of one candidate will signify that God is ready to let the U.S. destroy itself, and the election of the other candidate will signify that God is not ready to let the U.S. destroy itself, at least for the time being. God is in control, and Trump will either be re-elected or removed. If Trump is re-elected, the Deep State and their minions will keep trying to remove him from office because they want to include the U.S. in the New World Order. If Trump is removed, Trump's replacement and those behind him seem ready to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the New World Order, and it could happen fast. There is a second issue, and it may be the most dangerous of the two. God gave all of the Promised Land to Israel and warned the nations that He will be against those that divide it (Gen. 17:8; Joel 3:2; Zech. 12:3). Biden clearly supports the Two-State Solution (dividing Israel). Trump is clearly the most pro-Israel president in the history of the restored nation. Trump is clearly ready to endorse the Israeli annexation of about 30% of Judea and Samaria. The problem is that God gave all of Judea and Samaria to Israel and more (not about 30% of it), and God will not allow Trump, the U.S., Netanyahu or anyone else to give part or all of the remainder away and get away with it. These are dangerous days no matter who God decides to raise up over the U.S. The Rapture is the hope of those that have accepted Jesus; and hopefully that is close, but it could also be what brings the U.S. down on those that are left behind. Here are nine more reasons why these are dangerous days: One, prophecy teachers have long warned that the approval of same-sex marriage will not end the demands of the LGBQT community. The Scriptures teach that God will give these people over to a reprobate mind, and there will be no end to this perversion until the Second Coming of Jesus. On June 29, 2020, the Mayor of Somerville, Mass., signed a bill to legalize polyamorous relationships (open relationships between people who have several lovers at the same time; a person of one sex living with multiple partners of another sex at the same time; a perverted picture of the relationship between Jesus and the Church.). Two, lawlessness (a characteristic of the Antichrist) is surging big time in major U.S. cities, especially those run by liberal Democrats. A large area of Minneapolis looks like a war zone (approximately 1,500 businesses destroyed; the Governor of Minnesota asked Trump to declare it a major disaster area and provide 500 million dollars to pay for damages; Trump refused). The Governor of Georgia declared a state of emergency and deployed 1,000 National Guard Troops to protect the monument at Stone Mountain. The Governor of Utah declared a state of emergency when it was declared that the death of a man there was justified. The St. Louis, Missouri, couple that used guns to defend their lives and home in late June when gun-carrying Black Lives Matter protestors (a George Soros financed, Democrat Party fundraising group) and others broke into their gated community and threatened to kill them, steal their possessions and burn their house - their home has been raided by the police, and their guns have been seized. Reports say the St. Louis couple legally owned their guns, and they have a constitutional right to defend their lives and property, yet their home has been raided, their guns have been seized, and they are being investigated. On the other hand, the gun-carrying mob that illegally broke into the gated community and terrorized the couple is being called peaceful protestors, they are not being investigated, and their guns have not been seized. On July 6, 2020, it was reported that between June 15, 2020, (when hundreds of police were reassigned) and July 2, 2020, shootings in New York City surged when compared to the same period in 2019. Black citizens are being slaughtered, and the only thing that I know that Mayor de Blasio has done at this time is to paint "Black Lives Matter" on the street in front of Trump Tower (which will do absolutely nothing to improve the lives of black people). Three, despite the Islamic threat, many Jews believe that they will be safer in Israel than they are in the U.S. and other nations where they live. Israel is expecting about 90,000 immigrants in the next 18 months and more than 250,000 in the next 3-5 years (perhaps more than they can absorb). The immigrants are being drawn by the Holy Spirit, and this is a literal fulfillment of end-of-the-age Bible prophecy (Jer. 31:10; Ezek. 11:17-20). Four, on July 6, 2020, Pres. Trump notified the UN that the U.S. is withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) effective July 6, 2021. If Pres. Trump is not re-elected, his replacement can rescind Trump's decision. But this is one reason why globalists and Democrats want Trump out of office. They have started building their one-world government, and they want every nation, including the U.S. and Israel, to surrender their sovereignty. Pres. Trump's withdrawal from the WHO could be a very big deal. The WHO is trying to get the nations to grant them the authority to force everyone on earth to be numbered, tattooed, vaccinated, and tracked. Bill Gates is their largest contributor, and they are letting him tell them what to do. Five, several companies have reported that they expect to start vaccinating people for the Coronavirus in late Dec. 2020 or early Jan. 2021. True Christians will not be faced with taking the Mark of the Beast, but some, or all, of these vaccines may have cell lines that come from aborted babies. The Bill Gates vaccine will be accompanied by a tattoo, and he wants to force people to take it under the threat of not being allowed to work, buy, or sell if they refuse. This is the point: This is a clear indication that this generation is approaching the Rapture and the Tribulation Period. Six, on July 6, 2020, it was reported that the State of Rhode Island has employed an Israeli company to identify citizens that have been infected and/or are at risk of being infected by the Coronavirus. Those that have been identified can be tracked and forced to be treated and/or go into lockdown. Seven, in early July, the Governor of California temporarily banned singing and chanting in churches, and he limited indoor worship attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is the smallest amount. About that time, the ACLJ announced that it is preparing a lawsuit against the State of Cal. for its unconstitutional discrimination against the Church. Eight, in 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that family-owned businesses that are objecting on religious grounds cannot be forced to provide contraceptive insurance coverage for their employees. In early July 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that charitable religious groups cannot be forced to provide contraceptive insurance coverage for their employees. On July 8, 2020, Joe Biden pledged to reverse these two decisions. Nine, as an elected member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ilhan Omar took an oath to defend the Constitution of the U.S., but she is openly calling for the dismantling of America's political and economic systems. She is one of the first to call for the dismantling of the police in Minneapolis, is anti-Israel, and a very influential and outspoken member of the Democrat Party. Ten, as of July 9, 2020, there have been 8 mysterious incidents (explosions, fires, etc.) in 14 days that have killed dozens of people and destroyed several important military and civilian targets in Iran. Coupled with this is the fact that Israel has struck more than 1,000 Iranian, Hezbollah and Syrian targets in Syria in recent years. Iran's leaders seem helpless to do anything about it, and some of the Mullahs are demanding answers. Only God knows how much longer this will drag on, but sooner or later, Iran will be forced to respond. God loves everyone, and He paid the sin debt of all who will trust in Jesus when He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross (John 3:16). These are dangerous days (armed terrorists are roaming the streets and being praised; honest citizens are being disarmed; the police are being vilified; Church attendance is being limited; some Christians are being told they can't sing in Church, etc.), and as I understand Bible prophecy, God will soon allow all Hell to break loose on earth. The way to avoid that is to bow your head; acknowledge the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; ask Jesus to forgive your sins; sincerely promise to give up your sins and live for Him; and ask Jesus to come into your heart. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Israel and the Sino-Iranian alliance - Caroline Glick - When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Tehran in 2016, most observers dismissed the significance of the move. The notion that Beijing would wreck its relations with America, the largest economy and most powerful global superpower, in favor of an alliance with Iran, the world's greatest state sponsor of terrorism, was, on its face, preposterous. But despite the ridiculousness of the idea, concern grew about Sino-Iranian ties as Iranian political leaders and military commanders beat a path to China's door. Now, in the midst of the global recession caused by China's export of the coronavirus, the preposterous has become reality. Following weeks of feverish rumors, Iran and China have concluded a strategic accord. Last weekend, The New York Times reported on the contents of a final draft of the agreement. In its opening line, China and Iran describe themselves as "two ancient Asian cultures, two partners in the sectors of trade, economy, politics, culture, and security with a similar outlook and many mutual bilateral and multilateral interests." Henceforth, they, "will consider one another strategic partners." Substantively, the deal involves Iran supplying China with oil at below-market prices for the next 25 years and China investing $400 billion in Iran over the same period. China committed to expanding its presence in the Iranian banking and telecommunication sectors. Among dozens of infrastructure projects, China will construct and operate ports and train lines. China will integrate Iran into its 5G internet network and its GPS system. The implications of the deal are clear. China has opted to ignore U.S. sanctions. Beijing clearly believes the economic and diplomatic price it will pay for doing so will be smaller than the price the U.S. will pay for the diminishment of its position as the ultimate arbiter of global markets. For Iran, China is a life raft saving it from total economic collapse under the weight of U.S. economic sanctions. The Sino-Iranian pact is also a military accord. According to the New York Times report, the agreement commits the sides to intensify their joint military exercises. Since 2014, China and Iran have carried out three joint military exercises, the most recent one being a naval exercise in December 2019. Russia also participated. Following the naval maneuvers, Iranian Navy commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi told the Chinese media the exercise showed, "The era of American invasions in the region is over." The draft agreement speaks of intelligence cooperation, joint research, the development of weapons systems and Chinese use of Iranian ports in the Gulf of Oman. Diplomatically, the deal places the United States on a collision course with the United Nations Security Council. Washington's efforts to extend the U.N. arms embargo on Iran past its expiration date in October will not succeed. This leaves the United States with only one option for diplomatic efforts to prevent Iran from importing advanced weapons platforms: Triggering the "snapback sanctions" clauses in U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231 which set the conditions for implementing the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran, the permanent Security Council members and Germany. The "snapback sanctions" clauses enable parties to the resolution to force the automatic reinstatement of all the Security Council sanctions against Iran which were suspended with the implementation of the nuclear deal in 2015. In light of Iran's extensive breach of the deal's limitations on its nuclear work, as a party to Resolution 2231, the United States has the power to activate the clause. China, Iran, Russia and the European Union argue that despite the clear language of 2231, the United States is no longer authorized to trigger the reinstatement of sanctions because it left the nuclear agreement in 2018. Consequently, if the United States triggers the restoration of the sanctions, the move is liable to precipitate a diplomatic struggle within the United Nations and beyond as states are compelled to choose sides. Either they will align themselves with the United States and actual international norms and laws or they will stand against the United States and with China and Iran and fake "international law." For Israel, the Sino-Iranian pact is a strategic inflection point. The deal has two immediate implications from Israel's perspective. The first is operational. Iran's new alliance with China will provide it with new options for developing nuclear weapons. China after all is no stranger to nuclear proliferation. It played a central role in Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. As for North Korea, at a minimum, China facilitated its nuclear weapons program by preventing effective international action to stop North Korea's race to the bomb. The possibility that China will soon be actively assisting Iran in its pursuit of nuclear weapons makes the continuation and expansion of the various unexplained explosions at Iranian nuclear and other strategic facilities a matter of highest urgency. Some of the Iranian opposition reports regarding the Iranian-Chinese deal claim Iran agreed to the permanent deployment of Chinese military forces on its territory. If these reports are accurate, it means those forces may become a tripwire. Any attack against Iran's strategic facilities could set off a much wider war in which China would be directly involved and fighting on behalf of Iran. The second immediate implication of the Sino-Iranian pact for Israel is that it requires the government to change its approach to Chinese involvement in infrastructure development and management and to Chinese investment in Israeli technologies and technological research and development. In May, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Jerusalem for a brief and unexpected visit. In public appearances over the course of his lightning trip, Pompeo warned of the dire implications for U.S.-Israel relations if China continues to participate in infrastructure and technology projects in Israel. "We don't want the Chinese Communist Party to have access to Israeli infrastructure, Israeli communication networks," he said, calling them "the kind of things that endanger the Israeli people and the ability of the U.S. to cooperate with Israel." Two weeks after Pompeo's visit, Israel awarded an Israeli firm a contract to build a desalination plant in Ashdod. The government had initially planned to award the tender to a Chinese firm. U.S. pressure continues apace. The Americans are maintaining their efforts to persuade Israel to cancel or limit the agreement it concluded with a Chinese firm last year to build and operate a new port in Haifa and other projects. In the wake of China's strategic pivot to Iran, Israel has little choice but to cancel the port contract along with several other infrastructure projects and academic and technological cooperation deals. The same Chinese firms that are supposed to build national infrastructures including rail lines here, are now committed to building similar projects in Iran. The danger to Israel's critical national infrastructures is obvious. Until now, Israel viewed the possibility of removing Chinese firms from major construction projects and other deals as a regrettable price of its alliance with the United States rather than an Israeli interest. The Sino-Iran pact changed the calculus. Canceling technological and infrastructure deals with China-Iran's superpower sponsor-is now an Israeli national interest regardless of Washington's position. In response to the deal, Israel should consider replacing Chinese firms with U.S. ones, which at a minimum will not be compromised by ties with Iran. If U.S. firms are able to produce competitive bids, or develop strategic partnerships with Israeli firms to produce large-scale infrastructure projects at reasonable prices, the move would redound to the economic and strategic benefit of all sides. Certainly, efforts to develop cost-effective alternatives to Chinese contractors would firmly integrate Israel into the Trump administration's post-coronavirus efforts to reduce U.S. and allied supply chains' exposure to China. Globally, the Sino-Iran pact will compel new strategic alignments. Europe is likely to split around the choice between the United States and China. Some European governments will choose to align themselves with Iran and China. Others will prefer to remain allies of the United States. With its weak and sputtering economy now largely integrated into the Chinese market, at least in the short term Russia will continue to stand on China's side while winking at the United States. Things could change though, as time passes. China's decision to initiate a direct confrontation with the United States over Iran was a gamble. It wasn't a crazy move, given China's growing economic and technological power. But bets against America are far from safe. The ultimate outcome of China's Iran gambit will be determined in large part by the shape of the American and Chinese economies in the coming months and years as they emerge from the coronavirus pandemic. And as things now stand, the United States is well positioned to emerge from the pandemic in a sounder economic position than China. Corporations large and small from countries across the globe are either considering or actively working to relocate their production lines out of China. One of the Trump administration's key efforts today is securing U.S. and allied supply chains from China by moving as many factories as possible either to the United States itself or to allied states. Japan's Sony and South Korea's Samsung are both reportedly planning to move their manufacturing bases from China to Vietnam. The impact of these moves on China's economic growth prospects and global influence are likely to be profound. As things stand, China's only ally in its neighborhood is its client state North Korea. India, which is now in a border conflict with China, has already taken steps to limit China's technological penetration of its territory. Indian strategists both inside and outside government are taking a hard look at their military dependence on Russian platforms in light of Russia's growing economic dependence on China. The United States has not hidden its interest in developing a strategic alliance with India and replacing Russia as India's main supplier of air defense and other platforms. Israel, which is already a major arms supplier and ally to India, could play a positive role in advancing that goal. How the Arab states respond to China's decision to stand with Iran will be determined both by the economic power balance between China and America and by the status of Iran's nuclear program. If Iran achieves nuclear capability, the Arabs will feel compelled to view China as their shield against Iran. If Iran's nuclear program is dramatically diminished, the Arabs are likely to feel more secure turning their backs on Beijing, siding with the United States and strengthening their ties with Israel. For decades, U.S. warnings notwithstanding, Israel perceived China as a neutral power and a highly attractive market. Unlike the Europeans, the Chinese never tried to use their economic ties with Israel to coerce Israel into making concessions to the Palestinians. The Chinese didn't work with radical Israel fringe groups to subvert government and military decisions. They just seemed interested in economic ties for their own sake. Now that China has chosen to stand with Iran, Israel must recognize the implications and act accordingly. People in Israel are Preparing Show-Bread for Service in Third Temple - by Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler - "You shall take choice flour and bake of it twelve loaves, two-tenths of a measure for each loaf." Leviticus 24:5 (The Israel BibleTM) Les Saidel, a veteran immigrant to Israel, originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, likely knows more about the Biblical showbread than anyone else on earth. Called Lechem Hapanim in Hebrew (literally, bread of the faces), the ancient art of preparing the showbread for use in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem has not been practiced for close to 2000 years. During the Second Temple period, the showbreads were baked by the Garmu family of Levi'im (Levites). Each Friday, the Garmu family baked a new set of 12 loaves. Each of the loaves represented one of the 12 Tribes. They were placed on the Temple's golden shulchan (table) in two stacks of six and they remained on the shulchan all week. According to Saidel, these special breads had miracles associated with them during the time the Holy Temples stood in Jerusalem. Despite the fact that the breads sat out uncovered for seven days, they miraculously remained fresh and warm, even a week later. The showbreads were replaced every Friday and the previous week's showbreads were distributed among the incoming and outgoing shifts of kohanim (priests assigned to work in the Temple). Saidel explained that this amounted to 400 or 500 people eating from these 12 loaves. Despite the fact that each kohen (priest) received only a small amount of bread, it miraculously was as filling as if they had eaten an entire meal. Saidel has lived in Israel for 35 years. For the first 25 years after making aliyah (immigrating to Israel), he worked as a computer programmer. Given the combination of the bursting of the .com bubble and a bit of a mid-life crisis after finding himself without a job, Saidel returned to his childhood passion of baking 11 years ago. "I fell in love with whole grain bread," he reported. He and his wife "opened an artisan bakery serving healthy organic breads and baked goods." Over the last five years, their business pivoted from primarily baking and selling bread to mostly offering baking workshops for families, Jewish and Christian tourists and school groups. The Saidels started out teaching about baking challah (the traditional braided Shabbat bread) and sourdough breads. In 2017, Les created a workshop called Breads of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) which launched his passion for researching the history of bread in the Holy Temple. Today, the Showbread Institute, established in 2018 and based in Israel's Shomron (Samaria), exists to "to serve as an umbrella organization for the research, publication and educational activities... and to [reacquaint] the People of Israel with the Temple Service in preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Temple, speedily in our days," the website explains. Unfortunately, the Garmu family who used to bake the Temple's showbread didn't record how they did it. "The secret of the Lechem Hapanim was lost after the Second Temple," Saidel explained. He's on a mission to recover all the lost secrets. "The showbread is the iconic bread of the Beit HaMikdash. I've been studying for six years and still don't know half of it." There is an entire tractate in the Talmud, over a hundred pages long, that deals with breads in the Beit HaMikdash. "It's an incredibly complicated bread, filled with lots of symbolism and life lessons," he shared. The bagel is often thought of as Jewish bread, but Saidel explained that the bagel was copied from a Christian bread prepared for Lent. Challah is also not originally a Jewish bread. "From all the breads in Jewish history, the only one that is Jewish is showbread. All the others were copied and not originally Jewish. The showbread is [historically] unprecedented. It was a breathtaking bread." Saidel authored the forthcoming book The Jewish Bread Bible which covers the history of bread from the time of Adam and Eve to the present day. He expects it to be published before the end of 2020. Among his lessons are that three important aspects of the Temple service symbolized a different blessing. The menorah symbolized the blessing of spirituality and the light of the Torah. The ketoret (incense) symbolized the blessing of prayer and defense against evil influences and the golden shulchan on which the showbread was placed symbolized the blessing of wealth, abundance and prosperity. Why is any of this relevant now? Saidel explained that, "We are in the throes of Moshiach (messiah). We have to learn how they did things in the Temple to be ready [for the Third Temple]. "Bread is an excellent medium to teach people how they did the avodah (service) in the Beit HaMikdash," he commented. In their live workshops, participants have the chance to mix and bake and smell the bread and the levonah (frankincense) associated with it. "We don't just bake. Everyone gets a workstation. As we're doing each thing, I explain the reasoning and symbolism: why the salt has to be sea salt; why it was the shape it was; why the water was lukewarm. Nothing was random in the Beit HaMikdash. Everything was designed to evoke an emotion or spiritual thought," he elaborated. "When people do the workshop, they are transported back 2000 years. It's a multi-sensory experience," he said. Since corona hit, the Saidels have temporarily gone back to baking and selling bread. But through Zoom sessions and their YouTube channel, teaching others about the secrets of the showbread continues. As part of a series of Zoom sessions during the Three Weeks leading up to Tisha B'Av, Saidel is planning a free live simulation of shaping and baking the showbread on Sunday, July 26. Why Be A Watchman? - By Dennis Huebshman - Genesis 4:8-11, "Cain spoke to Abel, his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, 'Where is Abel, your brother?' He said, 'I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?' And the Lord said, 'What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground. And now, you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand." As with his parents, Adam and Eve, Cain did not take responsibility for his sin. As with most people even today, he thought he could get around telling the truth (Matthew 7:13-14 - all emphasis mine). Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he/she also reap." One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make is to believe they can outsmart our Heavenly Father. He knows each and every person on this earth, and our most secret thoughts are an open book to Him. This is one reason why it is critical that we are truthful and honest with Him, and when we do slip and sin, give a true confession and ask for His forgiveness (1 John 1:8-10). This does not mean we will be free from discipline for our actions (Hebrews 12:6), but will be forgiven for the sin. With this in mind, are we our "brother's (and sister's) keeper"? The following applies to both males and females. Ezekiel 33:7, "So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from My mouth, you shall give them a warning from Me." Ezekiel 33:11, "Say to them, as I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn away from his/her way and live; turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?" If this sounds familiar, consider first the Great Commission from Jesus to His disciples, and also everyone, to spread the "gospel" to all the nations of the world (Matthew 28:16-20). As watchmen/watchwomen, in whatever capacity we have, we are to share the "good news" to others. Some have very limited resources, and others have worldwide capabilities. Jesus has asked that whatever we can do, we need to share the true word about repenting, and being with Him forever. Also, 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you [very important], not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." Our Heavenly Father is not like any of the man-made gods. He is totally a Creator that loves His creation - all of us. He doesn't sit around on His throne wondering who He's going to condemn next. He would rather that everyone accept Jesus and be saved, but will in no way force His will on anyone. We are free to accept or reject Jesus; therefore, each person is responsible for where they will spend eternity. Before going further, 1 Peter 3:15-16 says, "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that in you; [very important] yet, do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame." Quick question: are Christians being reviled in today's world? We are at the time where Jesus, Paul, John and others said we would be, just before the end of this era. The next prophetic event to take place will be the Rapture, which removes all true believers from the coming wrath (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; and 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10). For anyone to not believe evil influences are gaining ground, it only took a "virus" to shut down America almost overnight; get most of the population into face masks; shelter in place (homebound); set up safe distancing; and numerous other events we have never seen the likes of. One terrible event is being properly handled by the legal system, but radicals used it as the "excuse" to riot, loot, burn businesses and declare open season on all Law Enforcement officers. As just about everyone has witnessed, I watched the police officer criminally cause the death of another, and in no way condone his actions. He has subsequently been arrested and charged with murder, and the others that were there have also been charged with aiding that homicide. I fully agree with the actions taken by the legal system of that city. Turns out, the main officer involved should have been removed years earlier. However, this does not excuse any of the nationwide criminal activity that has taken place. That officer represents less than 1% of the total police forces in this country, and his type needs removing. The remaining 99%+ are honest, hardworking men and women who want to be there for the public they serve. All safe-distancing went out the window for the rioters; all of a sudden, Covid is on the back burner. To not see that the warnings by Jesus in Matthew 24, and Paul in 2 Timothy 3, is to turn a blind eye to the word of God. He is not surprised by anything that is happening, as the Bible specifically tells us what the time just before the end of this age will be like. Israel is exactly where it was said they would be. They're prosperous, have a powerful military, people are making "Aliyah" in record numbers (returning to Israel), and the majority (over 95%) do not accept Jesus as their Messiah. The Messianic Jews try to get the word about Yeshua (Jesus) to their people, but are ignored. They are the "watchpersons" that are trying to follow Ezekiel 33:7, but are mostly ignored. God said if someone tries to warn others about His word, and the others reject that warning, the watchperson would not be held responsible for the others' disbelief. It falls squarely on those who scoffed at the warning. Romans 11:25 is about to happen. The time of the Gentiles is about to reach the fullness, and afterwards God will turn His attention to the Jews' disobedience (Romans 11:31). They will go through the most horrifying 7 years ever. Zechariah 13 tells us 2/3 of their population will perish. Those who were Messianic - true believers - will be Raptured with all other believers from all over the world. Sounds like a huge number of people will be taken. However, sad to say that today only approximately 10% - 12% of the world population falls into the true-believer category. For the Messianics, it's only about 1% - 2%. Those being taken in the Rapture will be significant enough to prove God's word is true and accurate. Most of those who will be left behind will not be able to say they never heard about Jesus, God, Salvation, Repentance or any of the Bible's specific prophecies. The notifications were there, but they chose to disbelieve them. As a watchman, I encourage you to please read John 3:16-18; Romans 8:1; Romans 5:8; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:9-13. Also look at Ephesians 2:8-9. In 1 John 2 through 5, you can learn about the false prophets and antichrists that have been with us all along; we're told they will increase toward the end of this age. Daniel and Revelation tell of the horrors that the ultimate antichrist and false prophet will be responsible for. You can be assured you will not go into the wrath/tribulation by receiving and accepting Jesus as your Savior. He will not force anyone to come to Him, but all who do call on Him will be saved. Time is becoming a major factor. We are definitely near the end of this age, and the next event, as given previously, is the Rapture. No one can accept salvation for anyone else. It's an individual choice. Choose well; choose wisely. For right now, the Savior is waiting for your call. Maranatha (Come Lord Jesus)! [email protected] Daily Jot: The prophetic American valley of decision - Bill Wilson - Joel 2:1 says, "Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand." America needs to sound the alarm for there is a day of reckoning fast approaching. Americans are truly in a valley of decision and the future of this country for generations hangs in the balance. There are two recent news events that underscore a dangerous pattern for America that jeopardizes both freedom of speech and of religion: a recent election in New York, and the ongoing investigation of the Obama-Clinton-Democratic National Committee's use of the secret FISA Court to spy on and undermine a duly-elected president. Across America, Democratic-controlled cities face tremendous crime waves and financial issues. Yet, the Party leadership continues to advocate for unprecedented actions such as defunding police, deficit spending, and a demand for federal money to bail them out. These socialist ideals are destructive to all Americans because they are led by extremists and radicals who want to deconstruct the country. Last week in the New York City borough of the Bronx, for example, the powerful chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot Engel, was defeated by a socialist upstart middle school principal who had the backing of socialists Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The primary was held June 23, and only now enough ballots have been counted to give Jamaal Bowman a stunning 15-point victory. There are so many fishy things about this "election." Mail in ballots. A political socialist upstart with no prior experience toppling a 30-year incumbent. This is reminiscent of how socialist Ocasio-Cortez upset long-term entrenched democrat Joe Crowley in 2018. Couple this with the trend of continuous and ongoing "investigations" against political opponents by the Democrats, and America is not-so-suddenly looking like a revolutionary communist state. The declassified documents of the investigation of the Steele dossier, paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, and used by Obama for FISA warrants to spy on Trump's campaign, clearly indicate the deep state and the Democrats tried to prevent Trump from taking office. Their efforts to remove Trump on false information have continued with Soviet-like tribunals since 2016. These trends are alarming. The Democratic Party is already socialistic, yet it is becoming even more socialist. Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is considering selecting a socialist running mate, like Elizabeth Warren. The Democratic Party, like the socialists and communists in other regimes across the world, is showing its vast appetite for endless investigations and disruption of the election process. Defunding the police, vote by mail, taking over a month to declare primary victors, vilifying and labeling anyone who disagrees with them are all revolutionary steps. Left unchecked, these people will dictate a police state in the name of justice and freedom that will destroy free speech and religious freedom-the enemies of tyranny. America needs to sound the alarm, for we are in a valley of decision. Daily Devotion: The Value of Prayer - by Greg Laurie - Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. -Philippians 4:6 If I had to name a sin that was prevalent in the church today, it would be prayerlessness. Breaking God's commandments is the sin of commission. In contrast, the sin of omission is not doing what we should do. So often we miss out on what God wants to do in our lives because we don't pray. Yet prayer isn't painful; it's simply a commitment we make in which we call out to the Lord. However, we don't pray as much as we ought to. We can pray anywhere, even in times that we're feeling stuck. Paul prayed in a dungeon. Daniel prayed in a cave filled with hungry lions. Peter prayed on the surface of the water, and then he prayed underwater. And Jonah prayed from the belly of a great fish. The main thing is that we pray. God doesn't care so much about the length of your prayers. He doesn't care about the eloquence of your prayers. But He does care about the heart of your prayers. That is true of worship as well. God is not so interested in your posture, your volume, or even your pitch (though it's nice to have great pitch). More than anything else, He looks on the heart. Jesus said, "For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him" (Matthew 6:8 NKJV). You might say, "Well, if that's the case, then why pray?" Here's the answer: Prayer is not informing God; prayer is inviting God. When I call out to the Lord in prayer and offer my petition, I'm not informing God of something He doesn't already know. I'm inviting God into my situation, into my challenges, and into my problems. We should think of prayer as a relationship between a father and a child. The value of prayer is that it keeps us in touch with God. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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