Prophecy Update Newsletter
This Age of the Gentiles Is About Over - By Gene Lawley - It is my belief that this age of the Gentiles, this age of grace, is near its end, and following are some reasons why I think that. First of all, Jesus aid, in Luke 21:28, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near," just after He gave a whole list of cataclysmic events that will come upon the world so that men's hearts will fail them for fear. The Great Deceiver, whose goal is to lull everyone to sleep and unaware of eternal danger ahead, has come up with "man-made climate change" to explain it all. It was once called "global warming" until the heavy snow storms came upon us in the middle of the outcry of concern for global warming with melting of the icebergs and rising of ocean levels that would overcome the land masses. In that list of stormy events Jesus said there would be earthquakes in different places, places that were not previously normal for them to be experienced. Ravaging hurricanes, ice storms, tornados with devastating effect have been happening. The statement He made next, however, gives us the "times and seasons" in which these things would appear. He spoke, in Luke 21:29-32 in parable form, that the blossoming of the fig tree-a type of or identity of the nation of Israel-would mark the time of the end. Note His words: "Then He spoke to them a parable: 'Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place.'" If He meant the generation which heard Him say that, as perhaps some might want to argue, then you and I would never have been born. No, He was talking of the generation which would see the return of Israel to its place as a nation among the nations. This happened on May 14, 1948, sixty-nine years ago. How long is a generation in God's timetable? Psalm 90:10 gives us a clue: "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." (This last part reminds me of that old faithful gospel song, "I'll Fly Away" and probably is the source of that title.) When He says "all things take place," it is clear that He means the final seven years that are called the Tribulation period, for it ends with Jesus coming to the earth to reign as King of kings on earth for a thousand years. (See Revelation 20.) Based on the accumulation of years since the rebirth of Israel, we are in the range of months only until Jesus comes in the Rapture of the saints. There are other telltale events in this world, also, that indicate that the time is very short. In 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3 Paul tells us that a "falling away" must come before the appearance of the lawless one. Some argue that this means "taking away" as in the Rapture, which is mentioned later in the chapter as being "when the one who restrains is taken out of the way." I looked at how about 52 English translations and paraphrases recorded that phrase, "falling away," or if it were translated as "taking away" instead. Almost all were using "falling away" or a similar wording as their translation variation. The closest phrase used was "departure," which can easily mean "departure from the faith." None of them specifically identified the phrase with the Rapture, however. It is totally conceivable that the end result of "falling away" from lawfulness will usher in that very image of lawlessness-the devil himself. That turning from lawfulness is confirmed by other Scripture, as follows, in spite of the argument as to the meaning of that phrase in the original Greek: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..." (1 Timothy 4:1-2). "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away" (2 Timothy 3:1-5). "But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13). "Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men" (2 Peter 3:1-7). "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world" (1 John 4:1-3). (I have noted before that an uncle once complained that details of topics of the Bible were not put together under each respective topic heading, as in an encyclopedia, and now I have almost done the same thing. However, here I have quoted Paul, Peter and John to confirm the consistency of the Scriptures as one message.) It is almost unbelievable what we see in the news every day , not only in America but the whole world, the turn to lawlessness. Terrorism runs rampant and it seems no one can get a handle on it with any authority. Political correctness has become the controlling principle for social relationships. There is a faction that is quick to call any contrary judgment to their way of thinking "racism" no matter what is the real issue. Here in America the absolute hate for President Trump is so very vivid in the liberal side of our culture that there seems to be no way to resolve the differences. The very things which the leftist Democrats have always said they are for are the things Donald Trump promised he would do and is doing them, yet their hate is so strong they will not cooperate at all to get those things done. President Trump is president of the people of America, but he does not fit their mold of a president, so "he just is not presidential." They strongly deny it, but it does appear that they would rather destroy America than to see President Trump succeed. Check the source of their "wisdom." Solomon wrote in Proverbs 9:10, "the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," so it is no wonder that their default position turns out to be lawlessness, right out of the pit of the devil's habitat. Just like Jesus said, false prophets with their false doctrines are abounding and are giving the masses a casual attitude regarding any sense of impending judgment and the end of the age. A news person the other day told of a bumper sticker that said, "Jesus Is Coming-Look Busy." When sunlight is filtered through darkness, its intensity is greatly diminished and therefore, its effect shows up as increased lawlessness, in spiritual terms. Why does God allow such to happen? There seems to be a principle that God allows mankind to embrace sinfulness in a big way once he has rejected God as his Master. It confirms Man's judgment for his rebellion. Yet, God says He is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" in 2 Peter 3:9. None will enter the presence of God having not repented and turned away from his rebellion against God and receiving Jesus as his personal Savior, just as John 14:6 declares that none can be saved except through Him. Contact email: [email protected] Jordan's intel tags Hezbollah for Temple Mt. terror -'s-intel-tags-Hizballah-for-Temple-Mt-terror The Israeli police Thursday, July 20, released a video tape recording the movements of the terrorists heading for the murderous attack they committed on Temple Mount six days ago, when they shot dead two Israeli border guard police officers. The film shows not three but four men who carefully stepped away from each other before entering the Al Aqsa Mosque. There, the three gunmen were handed their weapons by the fourth confederate, who made his escape among the crowds of worshippers exiting the mosque. The police published the video Thursday ahead of Muslim Friday prayers - which brings tens of thousands of worshippers to Al Aqsa - as a reminder that the crime committed was a terrorist attack staged by Muslims at Islam's third most sacred site - not the metal detectors which Israel installed for its safety. To drown this truth out, the Palestinians and Waqf officials have been raising a worldwide uproar over those detectors, as though nothing else happened to make them necessary. The investigation going forward has established that the terrorists were far from amateurs. They acted coolly, with professional precision and were clearly highly trained and familiar with the terrain. It was a skilled terrorist cell that assaulted a shrine holy to three world faiths. Even the absence of any claim of responsibility for the attack is a clue, especially since none of Israel's investigators, be they police, security authorities or intelligence agencies, have so far thrown any light on the identity of the hand behind that cell. However, debkafile's intelligence and counterterrorism sources report that Jordanian and Saudi intelligence services have come to the conclusion that the attack was the work of a Hezbollah-run cell on orders from Iran. One of Hezbollah's signatures is the absence of any claim of responsibility. On July 18, 2012, a suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus carrying Israeli tourists at the Bulgarian resort of Burgas, killing five Israelis and the Bulgarian driver and injuring 32. No organization has ever claimed this attack. Israeli intelligence uncovered evidence that it was orchestrated by Hezbollah, but was never able to lay hands on the perpetrators. The difference this time was that the three gunmen on Temple Mount had no intention of committing suicide. They did not expect the Israel police detail to react quickly enough to gun them down, but had meant to elude pursuit by fleeing to safety into Al Aqsa mosque. There they planned either to escape through ancient subterranean tunnels leading outside the Old City walls, or barricade themselves inside the cavernous mosque for a long shootout with Israel police. Jordanian intelligence circles suspect that the Temple Mount attack was linked to the US-Russian deal for ceasefire zones in southwest Syria right up to the borders of Jordan and Israel. Both governments have demanded the exclusion of Iranian and Hezbollah forces from those zones. Tehran found an answer to this demand by demonstrating that its Lebanese proxy is capable of reaching deep inside Israel without recourse to external territory, because Hezbollah not only maintains a presence in Daraa and the Syrian Golan, but has planted terrorist networks inside Israel and Jordan. The pro-Iranian terror group has long been suspected of recruiting networks in some Israeli Arab communities. By striking Temple Mount, Iran and Hezbollah targeted both Israel and Jordan, which claims religious custodianship of its mosques. Temple Mount terror puts the lie to Palestinian rage - By Eli Lake - For years, the most delicate dispute in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the status of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Al Aqsa Mosque sits on the spot from which Muslims believe Mohammed ascended to heaven. At its base are the remains of the outer wall of the second Jewish Temple. This is why last Friday's terror attack on this sacred ground is so important. It's hard to think of a worse debasement of a holy place than for armed gunmen in the middle of a shooting spree to flee to it for sanctuary. Add to this the fact the Jerusalem police now say there were guns hidden in the Temple Mount complex at the time. All of this challenges a prevailing Palestinian narrative about the Al Aqsa Mosque: that Jews are a threat to its preservation. You hear it in the speeches of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, in which he falsely claims Jewish settlers are building tunnels underneath the Temple Mount. He complains of "dirty feet" stepping on this holy ground. When former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount in 2000, Palestinians were so angered that it sparked the second intifada. Later that year, Yasser Arafat formed a militia called Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade to kill Jews at random in the name of reclaiming the holy site. Now it should be said that Al Aqsa Mosque, believed to be built in 690, has endured the crusades, British colonization and Israeli statehood. In the 1980s, a group of Jewish terrorists plotted to blow it up, but they never followed through. When Israel won the land that includes the Temple Mount in the 1967 Six-Day War, it decided to allow a religious trust called the Jordanian Waqf to remain the administrators of the site. Now we have an atrocity that threatened the mosque's worshippers. The real threat to the Mosque on Friday did not come from Jewish settlers, but from Israeli Arabs. So it's important to examine the response from Palestinian leaders. Let's start with Abbas. He was forceful in his condemnation of the act, noting that there is no room for violence in such a holy place. Other members of his party, Fatah, were also quick to denounce. And Ayman Odeh, the head of Israel's largest Arab political party, condemned all armed struggle from Israeli Arabs against Israel in the wake of the attack. That's pretty good. But by Monday the old patterns emerged. Fatah called this week for a "day of rage." Was this to protest the gunmen who entered the noble sanctuary or those mourning their deaths? No. This protest is aimed at Israel for erecting metal detectors at the entrance of the Temple Mount compound after the shootings. The most telling response, however, came from Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group that rules Gaza. A spokesman for the group, Sami Abu Zuhi, said on Friday the attack "was a natural response to Israeli terrorism and their defilement of the Al Aqsa mosque." Now there are many things one can say about Hamas. They are killers, of course. They are also fanatics. Hamas favors the imposition of Islamic law on the people of Gaza. The group was responsible for changing the tenor of the Palestinian national liberation movement in the 1980s and 1990s, from largely an anti-colonialist struggle to a kind of holy war to reclaim Jerusalem. In light of the group's response to shootings at the mosque, let's add a new descriptor: frauds. Yes, how can any thinking person take the professed pieties of Hamas leaders seriously if they rail against "defilement" of the site yet praises gunmen who fled to it in a shooting spree? As Martin Kramer, a historian at Shalem College in Jerusalem, told me this week, the attack at the Temple Mount broke a taboo. "The usual Islamist claim is the danger to the mosque and the shrine is from Jews," he said. "Here there was an actual conspiracy to smuggle weapons into this holy place and Hamas does not condemn it, they praise it. Who poses the greater danger to Al Aqsa?" It's an excellent question. The answer is that the greater danger to one of Islam's holiest place these days comes from the Palestinian fanatics who claim to be fighting for its reclamation. World Looks Breathlessly to Temple Mount as Portal for Messianic Change Swings Open - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Thus said Hashem: I have returned to Tzion, and I will dwell in Yerushalayim. Yerushalayim will be called the City of Faithfulness, and the mount of God of Hosts the Holy Mount." Zechariah 8:3 (The Israel Bible™) This week, for the first time since the Second Temple stood in all its glory, Jews were able to walk the Temple Mount freely as Muslim authority fell away from the site, allowing both Jews and Christians to heed the call to prayer on the Mountain of God and opening up the gates of redemption. Jews inadvertently became the main presence on the Mount, something that has not happened since the destruction of the Second Temple 2,000 years ago, as a result of the misguided actions of Arab leadership following a horrifying terror attack at the Temple Mount last Friday. The global prophetic implications of the major shift on this holiest of sites, emphasized MK Yehudah Glick, an advocate of universal prayer on the Temple Mount, cannot be denied. "This was an enormous gamechanger," he told Breaking Israel News. "Everything is part of the geula (redemption) process, but the things that happen on the Temple Mount are especially so. "If we want to bring world peace, we have to start there." The unprecedented situation on the Temple Mount came about in the wake of an attack that bloodied the holy stones of the Mount. Three Palestinian terrorists killed two Israeli Druze policemen near the Temple Mount before being chased into the compound itself and neutralized. The Israeli government responded to the attack by closing the Temple Mount to Muslims for the first time in decades. (The Temple Mount was also closed to Jewish visitors, which is standard operating procedure after Arab violence.) Two days later, the Temple Mount reopened with increased security measures in place for Muslims, including metal detectors of the type that have always been used to check Jewish visitors to the site. Until this recent attack, Muslims accessed the Temple Mount without undergoing any security checks. The Islamic Waqf, a Jordanian trust which controls the Temple Mount, immediately and furiously rejected the use of the detectors, calling the security measure "Israeli aggression". Jerusalem Mufti Amin al-Husseini called for a Muslim boycott of the site and inter-Arab scuffles broke out as Waqf strongmen prevented Muslims from ascending. The sudden lack of Waqf guards and large crowds of Muslim visitors on the Temple Mount led to an unusual situation. For the first time in decades, Jews were unencumbered by Waqf guards preventing them from praying. Though the Israeli police were still ordered to stop non-Muslim prayer, many Jews were inspired to seize the rare opportunity to speak a holy word on the holy mountain. The experiences, they shared, were breathtaking. Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, co-founder of the Land of Israel Network, was driven by the call to prayer. Early Wednesday morning, he began his preparations by bathing in a mikveh (ritual bath), noting that the day was especially significant because Jews are now in the three weeks of austerity leading up to Tisha B'Av (the Ninth of Av), a fast day commemorating the destruction of the Temples. When he arrived at the Temple Mount, he saw the site was teeming with Israeli police ready to cope with the threat of the hostile Muslim crowds surrounding it. Despite the tense situation, Rabbi Gimpel was moved by the clear atmosphere of holiness and felt compelled to prostrate himself on the stones as was required in the days of the Temple. The Israeli police followed orders and carried Rabbi Gimpel from the site. Nevertheless, Rabbi Gimpel was inspired. "Something monumental is happening there right now," Rabbi Gimpel told Breaking Israel News. "The Palestinians changed the status quo by killing Israeli policemen, but now, it is the time for us to do our part. Every Israeli is looking towards the Temple, waiting to see what happens." He described the awe he felt at being able to fulfill the ancient commandment of prostrating oneself before the presence of God. "Bowing down on the stones is a Torah commandment, precisely like in Temple times, and in a way we aren't able to do when the Waqf guards are here," Rabbi Gimpel said. "I couldn't resist. I felt like every prayer, every mitzvah (Torah commandment) done at the Temple Mount opened the door to geula just a little more." As Rabbi Gimpel pointed out, the potential of the situation to open up the Temple Mount to the Jews is enormous. This became clear when Knesset Member Avi Dichter (Likud) on Tuesday declared Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount. "Israel is the sovereign on the Temple Mount, period. The fact that the Waqf became a sovereign on the Temple Mount ended last Friday," announced Dichter, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and former head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), on Israeli public radio. But it is not only Jews who have a stake in how this situation is resolved. Jane Kiel, originally from Denmark but now known as the blogger Jerusalem Jane, is a Christian advocate for the Holy City and a frequent visitor to the Temple Mount. Her videos document the disrespect shown by Muslims visitors, who have barbecues, play soccer, pile garbage, and even urinate openly at the site. Jane was anticipating the opportunity to ascend the Temple Mount on Monday without these disturbing elements. "It was a total experience of awe," she told Breaking Israel News. "This is way this holy place is supposed to be. I didn't feel any fear or hatred or anger. For the first time, I felt what a House of Prayer was really like." She managed to recite the Shema (Jewish prayer accepting the yoke of heaven) despite the Israeli police monitoring the site. Jane was so moved by the experience she returned on Tuesday. But this time as she arrived at the security gates, a Waqf guard who had been monitoring the entrance approached her and told her she was not permitted to enter. This is the fourth time she has been removed from the Temple Mount as a result of her role as a Christian advocate for Jewish prayer. "This is not just a Jewish battle," Jane said. "I am a Christian trying to wake up Christians to act. They should be outraged. They should make the Temple Mount their first stop when they come to Israel. This is really a battle over whether or not the Bible is true." Perhaps the most touching testimony to Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount was the video of Aedan Sarah O'Connor, a Jewish Canadian student studying in Israel. O'Connor ascended on Monday and posted a video of herself reciting the Shema at the site to Facebook. Her video has already garnered over 27,000 views, attesting to the fact that Jews praying on the Temple Mount is of vital interest to so many. "This is my homeland, and no one can stop me from praying at my holiest site," she proclaimed. "I want everyone to be able to be able to pray here peacefully," O'Connor told Breaking Israel News. "The only way to ensure that all holy sites, Jewish Christian and Muslim, remain open to all people is to have them under Israeli sovereignty. The Waqf objects to metal detectors. It can't be any clearer that they want the Temple Mount to be a battlefield and not a place of prayer." As a result of the Jewish prayers, Jerusalem police closed the Temple Mount to non-Muslims on Wednesday, though it was reopened later in the day. Police chief Yoram Halevi said in a statement, "The Israeli Police operates within a series of balances to uphold the law and the rules of the site and won't allow anyone to violate the law in any way." Politically, the current situation is tenuous. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that while he does not intend to change the status quo, which forbids non-Muslims from praying, neither will he remove the metal detectors, creating an uncertain reality on the ground. Many worldwide are praying hard that as a result of this monumental shift, Jewish sovereignty will be established on the Mount once and for all. It is certain that if Israel retains control over the holy site, an indescribably enormous step will have been taken towards the fulfillment of the Temple's prophesied role as a place a peace, which is unlikely to happen under Muslim rule. "Without any compromise, the Temple Mount has to be a universal House of Prayer," said Rabbi Yehudah Glick, "and cannot be a place of violence." News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey - Though one would never know it by watching and reading the mainstream media, President Trump's recent trip to Europe for the G-20 was a substantial success. Many observers have called his speech in Warsaw, Poland "Reaganesque" and "Churchillian." Some say it was the finest speech given by a modern American president. In it, President Trump articulated the values of the Christian west and asked if we treasure those beliefs enough to defend them. He warned that even though westerners have the strongest economies and the most lethal weapons on earth, if we do not protect and nurture our families, faith, and freedom, and protect our national sovereignty, we will become so weak that we will crumble. He assured our European allies that America will protect them and not let them fall prey to the energy extortion by which Russia has held them in bondage for many years. Including EU leader Germany. The adoring Poles constantly interrupted his speech with shouts of "USA! USA! USA!" and "Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!" Polish citizens in Poland! Not Americans in America! To hear the American press report it, President Trump was virtually a pariah at the G-20 summit. They downplay the fact that various members of NATO are now thanking the President for insisting that freeloader nations carry their own weight. Suddenly, NATO is feeling a renewed vigor and confidence in the face of growing Russian aggression and belligerence. They don't mention the fact that the recent resurgence of the American economy has become the talk of the world's financial community. And other nations are feeling a great sense of relief. The undeniable fact is that when America is strong, the free world rests easier. Instead, the press is now claiming that the seeming acceptance of President Trump by other world leaders is nothing more than a cynical strategy on their part. CNN recently ran a story explaining the ploy: "Some world leaders think the best way to get to Trump is not to rebuke or lecture him, but to flatter him and show him respect." "Flatter him" is how CNN suggests world leaders will toy with the American President. Apparently CNN doesn't understand that the rest of the world knows that no matter their opinion of an American President, he still governs the world's largest, strongest economy and leads history's greatest military force. Like him or not, other world leaders know they must respect him and deal with him. Not for what he is, but for what America is. Or maybe CNN knows this, but doesn't want you to know it. Nonetheless, some say that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas tried this strategy on his visit to the White House last May. He gushed about President Trump's "...leadership ... courage ... wisdom." He applauded the President's "great negotiating ability." He even smarmed that "Now, Mr. President, with you we have hope." I'm sure the mainstream media gagged on that one -- or at least snickered. See! CNN was right. Flattery will get you everywhere! But CNN was wrong again. Flattery didn't get Mr. Abbas anywhere. In fact, the architect of the Palestinian "pay for slay" scheme for promoting terrorism by giving cash rewards to the terrorists' families got a public rebuke from the President of the United States. Something he has not heard for a while! Standing next to Abbas in a press conference, President Trump told him, "Peace can never take root in an environment where violence is tolerated, funded, and even rewarded." Ouch! Well, so much for CNN's theory! Speaking of "theories," some folks are beginning to notice that Pope Francis seems to have a lot of them. Some of which don't seem to agree with the Bible or the historical teachings of the Roman Catholic church. Writing for the British newspaper, The Independent, Samuel Osborne observed, "During his four years in office, Pope Francis declared evolution is real, assured atheists that they don't have to believe in God to go to heaven, and spoken out against the rise of populism in the west." Osborne omitted the Pope's radical, almost rabid, promotion of man-made climate change hysteria; his seeming endorsement of one-world government; his whittling away at the church's prohibitions on homosexuality; and his severe tilt toward communism-style social revolution. On this week's program, I am going to examine a couple of Pope Francis' most radical departures from the tenets of the Christian faith and show you where and how he is promoting error. Also, this week I am going to give you a brief update on some of the latest developments on the "prophecy news" front. Things that were precisely predicted by Jesus Christ Himself for these days are happening fast and furiously. Of course, they're not nearly as sensational or important as the critical 24-hour coverage of the Russian collusion "nothingburger" (to use Hillary Clinton's words), but I think they're pretty important because they give us a clue about how much time we believers have left on this earth! I'm also going to tell you what will happen when that time runs out! Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or . Check your local listings. Macron to Present New Peace Plan for Israel and the PA - By Geri Ungurean - It seems that the new president of France who promises to rule as a "Roman god" will be visited by PM Netanyahu. Is this meeting for diplomatic reasons? No, Emmanuel Macron wants to offer Israel "Safety and Security" (Peace and Security?) as he attempts to do what no one to date has been able to do: To bring peace between Israel and the PA. The Rothschild's hand picked protégé seemed to come out of nowhere and win France's presidential race against Marine LePen. He is the youngest ruler of France since Napoleon Bonaparte. I wrote an article about Macron not long ago: Macron Declares He Will Govern Like A Roman God From France to propose new peace plan France is expected to propose a new plan for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), an official in Paris said Saturday night. The comments came ahead of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's trip to France, where he will mark the 75th anniversary of the Vel d'Hiv roundup, where more than 13,000 Jews were arrested and sent to extermination camps. Netanyahu is also expected to meet one-on-one with French President Emmanuel Macron. A French official said on Saturday night that Macron is interested in being a significant factor in the attempts to renew talks between Israel and the PA, and that the French are working on their own peace plan. Macron's predecessor, Francois Hollande, initiated an international peace conference in which representatives of dozens of countries urged the two sides to commit to a two-state solution. It is unclear whether Macron's initiative is a continuation of Hollande's initiative, which Israel rejected. "Macron will explain to Netanyahu that France is interested in ensuring the safety and security of Israel, but will express dissatisfaction with settlement construction," the French official said on Saturday night. The official added that the Iranian issue will also be a central point of the talks between Netanyahu and the French president, and added that Macron will declare that his country does not tolerate Iranian extremism whatsoever. - source Just in..... From Macron Tells Netanyahu: France Ready to Address Hezbollah Threat to Israel After Paris meeting, Macron wants to lead diplomatic effort to 'reduce the severity' of Hezbollah threat in southern Lebanon. 'I share Israel's concerns' PARIS - French President Emmanuel Macron said after his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that France is ready to lead a diplomatic move to address the threat posed by Hezbollah's weapons in south Lebanon. Netanyahu and Macron met at the Élysée Palace for an hour and a half, when part of the meeting took place in private. The two leaders reached the Élysée Palace straight from a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of the expulsion of the Jews of Paris. During the ceremony, Macron said that anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism, and must be fought. One of the issues discussed by Netanyahu and Macron was Hezbollah's activity in southern Lebanon, in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 that ended the 2006 Second Lebanon War. France is one of the main countries that make up the United Nations Interim Force in southern Lebanon and has played a central role in formulating Resolution 1701 in August 2006. "I share Israel's concerns about Hezbollah's activity in south Lebanon and about the arms the group has," Macron said during joint statements with Netanyahu following their meeting. "I want to try and promote a diplomatic move to reduce the severity of this threat," he added. Macron noted that he and Netanyahu also discussed the situation in Syria, the joint struggle against terror and the nuclear agreement with Iran. The French president stressed that France will remain vigilant in monitoring the full implementation of Iran's nuclear deal, adding that Israel and France will hold talks to discuss policy coordination on the day after the nuclear agreement. - source Who is this man, Emmanuel Macron? Maybe he is just another globalist leader, throwing his hat into the ring of those who went before him. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no one has been successful in bringing peace between Israel and the so-called Palestinians. But perhaps he is more than just another leader. Only God knows......... MARANATHA! [email protected] Daily Jot: Prophetic times call for prophetic people--Why not you? - Bill Wilson - In these days where the news media and leftists have amplified a message of belligerence against anyone who disagrees with them, and the lack of civility even among friends over-not really political issues-who they support, why bother doing anything? Many good people are disengaging rather than pressing in. It's easy to get discouraged. It's easy to just say that you are waiting for the return of Jesus. It's easy to move inside not only your place of worship, but also inside yourself. This is the path of least resistance. But is it the best that the Lord has for you? One person can make a difference in the direction of homes, communities, states, and nations. Why not you? Let's start by answering the question with 2 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." The Apostle Peter continues in verse 11: "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation...As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God." You ARE a chosen generation, a true prophetic people living in a prophetic time. Every day is a step closer to the return of the Lord. We see what is going on in the world around us. We see how there is increasing hatred and the love of many has grown cold. We are witness to how the world treats the Jewish people. We see how the unbelievers, and even many who say they are believers, go against the ordinances of God, even mock God. So the prophetic times are growing shorter. Our charge in life, however, is not to shrink back or be influenced by these events. We are challenged by Jesus Christ himself to occupy till his return, to spread the gospel, which is the good news of salvation. There are many ways to do this, but as Peter writes, having your conversation honest and by the example of your good works, you are a witness to our faith, which glorifies God in heaven. Jesus exhorted in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:15-16), "Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick: and it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." We cannot afford to be idly waiting around for the return of Christ. He has charged us with being the light unto the world, spreading the good news, doing his work here on earth. Prophetic times call for prophetic people-Why not you? Daily Devotion: The Importance of Right Motives - By Greg Laurie - "And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple." -Luke 14:27 Jesus was becoming very popular in His ministry-maybe too much so. People followed Him in great numbers. The crowds swelled on a daily basis. But Jesus looked at these people and, being God, knew their motives. He recognized that most of them were not interested in spiritual things at all. They wanted to be dazzled by a few miracles. Others heard that He had fed the hungry. A few hoped He would overthrow Rome and establish the kingdom of God. There were various reasons people had for following Him, but He realized many of them were following Him for the wrong reason. Thus, He made a series of statements intentionally designed to thin out the ranks. He wanted to be left with those who really wanted to follow Him-not fair-weather followers but true, committed disciples and soldiers. In the same way in the church today, there are many people who are not really interested in the spiritual. God wants us to follow Him for the right motives. Jesus said, "Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. . . . Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14: 27, 33). Here Jesus laid out plainly what it is to be His disciple, to be a soldier in His service. God has an unusual set of mathematics. He subtracts in order to multiply. Sometimes we think bigger is always better. But these words of Jesus show that He is more interested in quality than He is in quantity. Yes, He wants everyone to come into the Kingdom. He wants everyone to believe. But He wants us to come with the right motives, because a halfhearted soldier can be more of a liability than an asset. FROM THE HEART
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