Prophecy Update Newsletter
Warning to the Last Christian Nation - by Pastor Mike Taylor - Isaiah 1:18 " Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:1:20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it." I have been reading a very interesting, although controversial book by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn by the title "Mysteries of the Shemitah". It is an expansion on his first book that I also read, the "Harbinger". In the first book of the "Harbinger" Jonathan Cahn analyzes the parallels of what happened to Israel and the "harbingers" of impending national collapse and what is happening right now in America. The parallels are uncanny and can only be said beyond coincidence. Oh, there are many critics of the first book, as there are critics of this book I've been reading, but let us explore what Rabbi Cahn is trying to convey to all who will listen with the spiritual mind, instead of just dismissing without discernment. So what is this "Mystery of the Shemitah" and what does it mean? For the Israelite, it was given by God to use the land for 6 years, but each 7th year, the land was to lay fallow, or resting and anything that grew of its own was for whomever wished to gather it. That included the poor, the widow, or the average man on the street. The products were for everyone. We know by reading our Bibles that Israel was sent into exile for not following God's command and disobeyed the law of God for 70 consecutive Sabbath years, or for a total of 490 years and were warned by Jeremiah and other prophets that judgment was coming. But Israel rebuffed their words that came from God and persecuted and even killed the prophets for their warning, until God sent them into exile for 70 years. Now the critics emphasize that this covenant was for the nation of Israel and not for anyone else. So they scoff at the idea that God could use the same test for any other nation. But are they right? Let me state a few obvious things here: -Is our God the same yesterday, today and forever? Of course, He is. -Does God use the Old and the New Testament as learning tools for us today on how he deals with individuals and even nations who obey Him and those who disobey? Yes, He does. =If God dealt harshly with Israel, a nation that He was the center of their culture and they wandered away from His laws and commandments for living, then will He deal harshly with any other nation that does the same? Maybe, since God has not changed. -Are the Ten Commandments still in force today of how any individual is to live their life and if they are, what other commandments are still in force? (Matthew 5:18-19)5:18 " For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." -Finally, what were the Sabbath rest for the land designed for in the first place? Let us consider what the last question, as the first four are obvious to the follower of Jesus Christ, even though most theologians can't grasp their eternal meaning. But what was the Year of the Shemitah, or a Sabbath rest for the land designed for? It was designed to let mankind know that their substance, their living, and their very breath came from God. These were major economic laws given by God, designed to prevent undue wealth acquired through acquisition of farm land from accumulating in the hands of the rich while the poor become further impoverished. God repeatedly emphasizes that people are not to oppress one another (Leviticus 25:14, 17). Deuteronomy 15 says that following these economic laws would bring God's blessing (verses 4, 6, 10). God wants people to learn to be generous and compassionate-to have a "give" attitude rather than one of "get." So every 50th year (the year after 7x7 sabbatical years), men were set free, debts were forgiven, and every man was equal in that they owed no one, but God. It was the year of Jubilee. But greed and the pursuit of wealth and money clouds and interferes with giving thanks to God as men look to themselves to be their own god, and they don't need God Almighty. The nation of America has been blessed, and we have used the economic theory of Capitalism, and it has served us well, as men are in charge of their own destiny, and we don't reward sloven behavior in the past, but note that this has all changed, especially in the last 8 years of the "usurper in chief" that turned our economy into a product of welfare and the social state. The above example instituted by God shows what it required even further by repentance of sinning against God and humbling yourself before Him and growing close to Him, instead of growing further and further from following His way of life. That was the sin that Israel committed during those 490 years. The land rest was a symbol of national repentance and getting right with God. As Israel grew further and further from God and rejected God, they fell further and further into idolatry to even to burn their children in the fires of pagan gods. Finally, God had enough and banished them from their homeland for a national lesson in repentance and being humbled by force by an invading, foreign army of Babylon....Hence, we have gone the way of ancient Israel and have allowed our greed and pursuit of "stuff" to cloud our vision and ability to see to put God first in our economic dealings with other men. BUT ISRAEL IS NOT THE U.S.A? Israel was the only nation that was commanded to observe this year of the Shemitah and true we, the USA is NOT Israel, as many have pointed out, and never will be. We are NOT the New Israel or descendants of a scattered 10 lost tribes as some religions have so erroneously believed, BUT is there a lesson in something that is so prophetic in nature that can be applied to modern times we live in? Can this be used as a prophetic sign from God Almighty to any nation either in blessings or in curses as God warned? Let me take a few points that jumped out at me when I read Rabbi Cahn's book and I wish to address them here and I'm paraphrasing in my own words. Such a prophetic sign could be given to any nation that in any way, matches the description and the attributes of ancient Israel. Those attributes would include the following: -Any nation that is in defiance of God's ways or judgments would be a candidate. Course that could cover a lot of nations, no matter what their religious practices be, whether Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or totally secular. But let's narrow it down a bit. -A nation that has known God, but has rejected His ways and turned away from Him. That could apply to many "Western" nations that have had the label "Christian", or is largely post-Christian. But let us narrow it down even further. -A nation that its foundation was laid upon the precepts of Almighty God found in the Ten Commandments and their laws were governed by His Word for the sole purpose of His glory and His attributes and to establish a nation "Under God". Now that narrows it down a whole lot. There are only TWO nations that have built their society, their government, their laws upon God's law. That would be Israel, and the United States of America!! If you can think of another, because I can't. Our forefathers came to this land and envisioned a new government built upon the precepts of Almighty God when it was a fledgling colony in Massachusetts and from there, through the War of Independence and our founding documents beginning with the Declaration of Independence and then our Constitution, God and His Word was the mold that shaped our new nation, under God. President Ronald Reagan spoke of that very important fact, who is but one of the leaders of our country, down through our history that recognized the importance of God in our society. He said " If we ever forget that we are a nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under".( AMEN.) For the last 200 years, God has blessed this nation beyond any nation in all of history and the wealth of this nation has surpassed all nations upon this earth, past and present. But times have changed in the last 50 years (and as noted especially the last 8 years), as our slide into idolatry has grown more pronounced and more anti-God in our schools, our universities, our halls of government, and in our very lives. God has been legislated out of the very foundation of our republic and "progressively" (I use that term tongue in cheek) God has been told that He is not welcome. We don't need God, we can handle ourselves. Oh, really and how has that been working out for you in the years of this nations last dictator in chief who thought he was above the law. (thank God he is gone..or is he?) HAS GOD REMOVED HIS HAND FROM AMERICA? Let us think for a moment, what would it look like in a society that has kicked God out of our everyday affairs. Since the beginning of our founding, God has had His hand on this nation and blessed us in business, in resources, in national security, militarily in our wars with victory, and every aspect that makes up the USA. No question of that, as the history books speak of how this nation became a lone superpower, and not by its own might, but by the very Hand of God. Why was that? Because we honored Him, we prayed to Him, and we looked to Him for guidance in the majority of the population. What would happen if God removed that protective hand and removed the protective hedge that He has placed around us? As Jonathan Cahn wrote in his book: "What if God released "His grip" on the United States and He pulled away His protection from that nation, even for a moment? What if He allowed a nation so deafened and hardened itself to His calling voice, would now allow it to be "shaken"? IMAGINE HOW GOD MIGHT GET THAT NATIONS ATTENTION To a nation that has driven the God it once had known out of its life (as this nation has), rejected His ways, defied His will, and hardened itself to His call, a Shemitah would be the opposite of blessing, it would be judgment. In Leviticus chapter 26, God gives blessings for following after God, but He also gives curses if they do not:26:14 "But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;26:15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:26:16 I also will do this unto you;......." God listed all the curses He would level at Israel in the next few verses, and as a warning, an example to us, (as the Bible was written down for the last days for us, read the curses for yourselves), as He said that He will utterly destroy that nation who does not fear or respect Him. But God is a merciful God, and before He passes judgment, He gives us warnings. Folks, since the 1960s, God has been trying to get our attention and in the leaders of this country and the elite, they have turned a blind eye and led the population down a torturous road bound for most certain destruction. It was shown that every 7 years of our modern time, since 1973, in a cycle of every 7 years, there has been an economic downturn that has affected the nations business found in the stock market on Wall Street and our financial structure. And the amazing thing, it all happened on the very year of remission of debts, and the freeing of obligations to another person, the year of the Shemitah. Each and every instance, Wall Street has taken a hit, and in some years, a huge smack-down of losing near half of it's worth. The cycle has been ominious in its destruction of a major portion of our national wealth and our GNP (Gross National Product), including prices for goods, and unemployment with major losses of jobs, due to businesses being forced to close. These warnings have been growing louder and louder, as America has been isolated and protected on our shores through two World Wars and many foreign conflicts, as those conflicts never saw an attack on our soil, guessed it...September 11, 2001 (9/11). America's security and feelings of invincibility were shattered on that day. What once was the symbol of our economic might and wealth, lay in rubble as so many bricks and mangled steel upon itself, as the Twin Towers fell to the earth. Would it concern you that this was the Year of the Shemitah? Yes, 2001 was a Sabbath Year rest and I believe, a call to repentance for national idolatry. On the following days, the stock market crashed, due to the shaking of the economy and the fall of the Twin Towers due to this terrorist attack. Not only has the cycle of economic instability happened every 7 years, but now God was letting evil come against even our infrastructure and leveled one of the tallest buildings on earth, as a warning. America was shaken and filled the churches of the land, but it lasted only a few weeks and we went back to sleep. We continued in unrepentance and ignored a physical warning, I believe was allowed by God. Next came 2008, and yet another Sabbath year. What happened then? We had another stock market crash that pretty well destroyed most of people's retirement that were based in the stock market. The stock market fell from over 14,000 points to a little more than 600 in days. It spelled an economic recession and the scrambling of the government to save businesses "too big to fail". Since then we have printed money out of thin air and the stock market is soaring again. We think all is it? But if you think that, you lie to yourself and many people can feel something coming, a foreboding of doom. I watch in amazement as the stock market has soared to unprecedented heights that give the nation a false sense of security. I have just watched and waiting for the air to be let out of this bubble that is built on "funny money" and the total collapse of this nations economic might. We are well overdue for a correction in the stock market. WHAT MAY BE COMING? Understand, I make no predictions or set dates of when God will do anything, but the coincidences keep building and a person that has money in the stock market might be feeling a little trepidation, right about now. Why? One indicator of our economic condition is our energy sector. That major source of energy is oil. Now oil has been upwards of 100+ bucks a barrel, and I didn't like it much, as gas has been expensive, but in the historical aspect of the price of oil that drops its price precipitously, (like a rock to the bottom of the lake fast), spells economic woes for a nation dependent on that energy source. Remember 2008, and 2001 as the price of oil did about the same as a precursor to a stock market crash? Oil prices are pretty steady right now, but will it last? Now we all know, or should that the level of the stock market in 2017 is nothing but a bubble based on cheap money and interest rates. It's a house of cards that could implode any moment and the stock market will make a drastic correction. Investors are making a sucker's bet that they can read the market. As in the past, it will catch them flat footed. First thing, these events have been extremely precise in 2001 and 2008 and for that matter, every stock market downturn has happened during the fall of the year, in what is called the month of Tishri, or the beginning day of the Feast of Trumpets, a Holy Day and month given to Israel. It's all happened either in September or October during that month with the end of the Sabbath year, or the Shemitah on the Elul 29 or the end of the Jewish year and Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets being the first day of the new Jewish year calendar. We are now in the year 2017 and we see the stock market doing a zig-zag of up and down losses and increases, much like the last crashes that happened. When will the correction begin? If it does come, then how deep will it slide? How long will God allow us to continue in our idolatry to the god of wealth and greed? If the falling of the World Trade Center was a physical warning, along with monetary losses in the stock market, what could be a even more powerful warning? Since 1960s, America has been going down a slippery road and it became even more slippery, when we let the Supreme Court let stand a ruling called Roe V. Wade and the subsequent murder of now 60 million babies, inside and outside the womb. What in the past we called evil, we now call good. What was abhorred in the past, we now celebrate. Homosexual marriage, or that lifestyle was an a abomination that was not spoke of in public circles, but now we have parades for "Gay Pride" in all parts of the this country. and what was considered abnormal is now an "alternative lifestyle" and is glorified. Both are evil in the eyes of God and His Word condemns both. We are being warned. Isaiah 5:20-26 King James Version (KJV)20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel." As Jonathan Cahn testifies in his book, it is not about the land's Sabbath rest per se, but a call to repentance, a time of humbling, and a time to understand that God is the source of your very existence. As a nation, we must turn away from the path that we are on. God is a God of being unchangeable and what He has done in the past to any nation, so shall may He also do to ours. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when a former first lady did NOT get into the White House, this last election cycle, as her election would have given the elite of this world, their One World Government in a handbasket...with our present POTUS, I believe we have been given a short reprieve. Oh, it hasn't stopped our slide, just slowed it down. And note the total resistance from the Liberal left found in our dereliction of duty we call the "Free Press" and the Political left of the "Communist Democrat Party" that is not the party of JFK any longer, but they have sold their soul to the devil. Now any nation on earth is deserving of the wrath of God, and believe me, brother, it is coming as the Tribulation drum beats grow louder and louder, but even as Israel was scourged and disciplined most severely by Almighty God, so may the USA be scourged and disciplined just as severely. I believe the ONLY think holding back the complete destruction of this nation, are God's people who hold onto His Word with both hands and will NOT stop praying for this nation until they are removed from this planet in what is popularly called "the Rapture, or the HARPAZO" ...then all bets are off. If you should still be here, those who read this and have an ear to hear, you will see this nation fall with such a loud crash, it will make many commit suicide, much like they did in 1929 market crash and causing the Great Depression. WHY IS THIS SO FOR THE WESTERN NATION OF AMERICA? Why, you ask, would this be so? Because like Israel, the USA knows better. Of all lands upon the earth, we were the producers of missionaries, Bibles, and distributed the Word of God from one corner of the globe to the other. But now all we are famous for is pornography and lewd living. Our crime statistics are rampant. Race relations are to the point of a civil war between people of color and the white majority. We murder our unborn. The family, the foundation of a Christian society has been all but torn asunder and when the foundation goes, the nation goes as well. As Paul wrote and God warned us in 2nd Timothy:3:1 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, de'spisers of those that are good, 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." If that was ever a description of the majority of a population, this prophecy has been fulfilled in America. Judgment is coming, my friend, make no mistake about that. When will it happen and what will lead up to it? Only God knows, but from historical accounts, and what is happening right now, I feel that like Rabbi Cahn, I am sounding a warning to all who will heed the trumpet call. It is time, no past time, to get right with God. What will happen in the end of 2017 and into the next year or two, only God knows. Will American collapse? Will her economy implode to where the ripple effect causes world-wide panic and other stock markets to also collapse? Will it usher in a "new world order" and be the trigger for a One World government? The puzzle of the end time events grows stronger and stronger. What could be coming? Could it be war in the Middle East, leading to a possible 3rd World War? Could it be economic catastrophe to the USA homeland that puts the rest of the world into bankruptcy and chaos? Will the USA become a third world country that can't afford to help Israel any longer when the Gog-Magog war prophecy is fulfilled? Will we be ripe for invasion from a foreign nation, much like Babylon invaded Israel and destroyed their nation and many lives? The symptoms of an end time prophecy coming to pass mount up to be unable to dismiss or ignore. I believe that what is being warned of, could possibly even happen this fall. Many prophetic teachers, pastors, and even laymen see something happening this fall...Why? Because we are at the end of a generation of the formation of Israel as a nation, and the fulfilling of the prophecy given by Jesus when He warned: 32 "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Matthew 24:32-36) We are at the end of a generation that will see the coming of the Lord Jesus in the clouds of heaven, that Jesus called "no man knoweth the day or the hour" and is exactly what the feast of Trumpets is called. Is it a clue to the coming of our Lord, based on His Feast of Trumpets and the next in line for fulfillment, much as He fulfilled His Spring "plan for mankind"? If Jesus comes this fall, and only God knows, then my friend, you will witness all "hell on earth" begin and grow more destructive in a crescendo wave of the annihilation of most of mankind. If what is suggested comes to pass, and friend, I use this in all humbleness, when literal "hell on earth" comes to roost in your own front yard, who will you call to? Will you cry out to your congressman, your senator, or even the president of the USA? Will your government help you, your senator, or your congressman? No, my friend, nobody will come to your aid. When this scenario or any part of it does come to fruition, then there is only One that can help you. He is the Holy One of Israel, the Great I AM that I AM. God Almighty, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. John 3: 16-18 King James Version (KJV) 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." Think not that you can weather the coming storm all by yourself. The Son of Man, Jesus Christ could be on the very cusp of His return. I make no prediction, but "No man knoweth the day or the hour" (Matthew 24:36) a term used for the "Feast of Trumpets" the sign of the King...King Jesus. As He has warned us, we take Him seriously of all who call upon His name and will love His appearing. So come my Lord. We look up expecting our redemption as it draweth nigh. This is Pastor Mike Taylor, praying that God reveals Himself to you, through His Son, Jesus Christ. If you need prayer, counseling, or just a listening ear, email me at [email protected] . Or visit me at, God bless you all, till we meet at Jesus feet.......soon. Muslim worshipers still refusing to enter Temple Mount - Jeremy Sharon - Jewish Temple Mount activist groups posted pictures of the site completely empty on Monday morning. Despite the removal of metal detectors from the entrances to the Temple Mount, Muslim worshipers are still refusing to enter the compound due to the presence of the newly installed smart-cameras at the site. The worshipers said that they refused to enter the holy place if security cameras and other sensors and security equipment put in place over the last ten days remained in place. The smart-cameras placed at the Lion's Gate, the central access point for Muslim worshipers going up to the al-Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount, had been removed, Maariv reported, although security cameras inside the compound remained in place. A statement by the Wakf, the Muslim religious authority that administers the Temple Mount, said that they would only enter the al-Aksa Mosque "once all manifestations of aggression by the Zionist occupation are removed and the situation returns to what it was like before July 14." Jewish Temple Mount activist groups posted pictures of the site completely empty on Monday morning during the hours non-Muslims are permitted to visit, in contrast to the large number of Muslims usually present. On Monday night, the security cabinet issued a statement saying that it had adopted the recommendations of the various security services to remove the metal detectors in favor of the smart-cameras as well as "other measures." Until the cameras and other requirements are in place, the numbers of police personnel at the site will be increased in order to ensure the safety of visitors to the Temple Mount. The cabinet allocated some NIS 100 million for the implementation of the program which will be completed within six months. Hamas Attempting to Orchestrate Terror Campaign with West Bank Factions - by Aaron Klein and Ali Waked - Hamas has held meetings over the past few days with the leaders of the main Palestinian factions in an attempt to escalate clashes with Israeli troops that have been ongoing in the West Bank, a senior official in one of the Palestinian jihadist organizations active in the Gaza Strip told Breitbart Jerusalem. According to the official, the terrorist organizations participating in the meetings were those with active members in the West Bank like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Iran-backed Islamic Jihad. The goal of the meetings was to turn the current wave of violence into a full-blown intifada led by the Palestinian factions. The source noted that the main motive of these meetings was to push for extensive confrontations in the West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem while maintaining the principle that the Gaza Strip should remain distant from the escalation. "Hamas representatives requested that the Palestinian factions organize, help, and lead the clashes and current wave into a continuous wave while maintaining coordination between the factions," said the source. "Those in Hamas believe that circles in Fatah would join the circle of conflict with Israel if it is intensive and shown to be motivated by the al-Aqsa Mosque. The goal is for clashes to continue on a daily basis and to keep the flame of conflict lit." The other issue that was emphasized, according to the source, was to make sure that Israel is not dragged into military action in the Gaza Strip. "Hamas believes that it is possible to renew a wave of attacks similar to that which broke out in October 2015 and was characterized by stabbing and car-ramming attacks and to maintain it longer with financial and logistic help and proper communication," said the source. The source also noted that Hamas sees an opportunity in the current deterioration of the security situation in the West Bank to relieve its internal crisis. "That's the reason that in these meetings Hamas said they were prepared to coordinate with factions that suffered less damage than Hamas in the wave of arrests that Israel and the Palestinian Authority carried out in the West Bank over recent months," he said. "It was clear that Hamas wants to use a possible escalation in the West Bank as a bargaining chip in its contacts with Israel in an attempt to accelerate the contacts in regards to the reconstruction project of the Gaza Strip." For over a week now, Palestinians and Israeli Arabs have engaged in clashes with Israeli security forces in Jerusalem and the West Bank purportedly set off by Israel's decision to put metal detectors at entrances to the Temple Mount. Tensions spilled over to central Israel on Monday with the stabbing of an Israeli in Petach Tikvah, a suburb of Tel Aviv. The terrorist reportedly told Israeli police that that he "did it for Al-Aqsa." All has not been quiet on the Gaza front. On Monday, a projectile was launched at Israel from Gaza and the Israel Defense Forces retaliated by striking a Hamas position. Russia posts troops 8km from the Israeli Golan - Russia has quietly moved troops to a point in southern Syria that is 8km from Israel's Golan border, in the face of Israeli objections, debkafile reports exclusively. Moscow used the uproar over the Temple Mount standoff and the diplomatic crisis between Israel and Jordan to cover its creeping troop deployment almost up do Syria's borders with Israel and Jordan. Tuesday, July 15, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Avidor Lieberman and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkott visited Bashan Division headquarters on the Golan for a rundown on the Russian deployment just opposite. debkafile's military sources report that some 800 Russian troops face Israel and another 400 are positioned on the border with Jordan. They have set up a roadblock east of Quneitra 8km from Israeli positions on the Golan. They have also strung an additional four to six lookout posts, some of them 13km from Israeli military positions, along the 64km Syrian-Israeli border - from Mount Hermon in the north, up to a point south of Qunetra in the south. Most of the Russian troops were recruited in Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, republics known for their Muslim extremist activity. Israel has repeatedly objected to the proximity of this Russian military presence, and asked the Trump administration to prevent it. But the protests from Jerusalem went unheeded in Washington and Moscow. President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary James Mattis regard the creation of US-Russian sponsored ceasefire zones in southwestern Syria as an essential component of their military cooperation in Syria and the war on ISIS. debkafile's military sources report that, on Monday, July 24, Moscow announced the Russian deployment after the fact in messages to Washington, Jerusalem and Amman. They were all too engrossed in coping with the crises that had sprung up over Temple Mount and in relations between Jerusalem and Amman to pay much attention to this Russian fait accompli. According to the announcement by Col.-Gen Sergey Rudskoy, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff, the Russian units were in already in place on July 21 and 22: "We informed our colleagues from the United States, Jordan and Israel, through military diplomatic channels in advance of the deployment of the Russian-controlled forces around the perimeter of the de-escalation zone in southern Syria," he wrote. debkafile recalls that the Russians brought into embattled Daraa earlier this month to monitor the first ceasefire zone did not require Hizballah to withdraw. Iran's Lebanese proxy is still there. Israel fears that Hizballah will repeat this exercise in the second ceasefire zone and establish a presence opposite the Golan without the Russians raising a finger to keep them out. Nearing Midnight: Temple Mount Movement - Terry James - Rapture Ready News headlines tell the story. Things are shaking on and around Moriah, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It is the geographical area most central to Bible prophecy yet future. Those headlines are: Muslim authority protests Temple Mount security measures, blocks entrance; Ministers approve bill aiming to take Jerusalem off the negotiating table Arab-Israeli lawmaker warns of third intifada after Friday attack Closing the Aksa Mosque; Jordan's King Abdullah calls for calm after Temple Mount attack.. No doubt about it, things are moving and shaking on and around the Temple Mount. Considering all the other signals taking place in the world today, the import of this activity should alert the student of Bible prophecy to the lateness of the hour. The Temple Mount is not only the nucleus problem of the historical, Arab/Israeli ages-long conflict. That place where once sat the Holy of Holies in the midst of the Temple, housing the Shekinah glory of God within the Ark of the Covenant, is at the heart of the spiritual warfare that began with man's Fall in the Garden. It is where the ram was provided for the sacrifice God required, sparing Abraham's son Isaac from serving that purpose. It is very near where God's own Son hung suspended between Heaven and Hell as sacrifice for the sin of mankind in order to provide eternal salvation. Mount Moriah is where the Tribulation Temple will be built and where Satan's evil one, the son of perdition, will claim himself to be God. There is coming a great, planetary spiritual earthquake, and its epicenter is this very spot that is smack in the middle of our headlines today. The rumblings from that spiritual seismic area is growing daily. When three terrorists murdered two Israeli police officers, the latest quivering of Moriah began. The officers were killed near the gates to the Temple Mount and the Israeli prime minister took action that infuriated the Muslims of the region and around the world. Netanyahu closed the Temple Mount to Muslim worship at the religion's sites on the Mount. This brought immediate anger and threats of a third intifada, or violent uprising. The Israeli prime minister eventually agreed to gradually open some areas for worship on the Temple Mount. (Only Muslims are allowed to worship there; the Jews are forbidden to do so.) Netanyahu, however, placed detection devices-metal detectors and specially placed surveillance cameras-to restrict possible terrorist activity. King Abdullah phoned the Israeli prime minister to lobby for the gates to be fully opened, thus access to the worship places restored. Before leaving on his trip to France and Hungary, Netanyahu dismissed the oft-repeated charge that the Israeli government was "disrupting the status quo" in Jerusalem and at the Temple Mount. This is a charge that has brought on violent rampages from the Arabs in the past. "I decided that as of tomorrow, in the framework of our policy of maintaining the status-quo, we will gradually open the Temple Mount, but with increased security measures," Netanyahu said. "This evening, I held a discussion with the top security leadership and I instructed that metal detectors be placed at the entrance gates to the Temple Mount. We will also install security cameras on poles outside the Temple Mount... which give almost complete control over what goes on there," the prime minister added. The action threw the Muslim element into a frenzy of threatened violence. The crowds could be heard shouting: "Disgrace, enough with that, you are suffocating us! Al-Aksa belongs to Muslims!" The anger is directed at the new safeguards against terrorists bringing weapons into the Temple Mount area. Apparently, the safeguards Netanyahu installed are doing a good job of keeping out those tools of the Muslim militants who plan for future such actions as took the lives of the policemen. Tremors spawned from the rage that continues to build in and around this most critical promontory on the map of prophecy yet future are scheduled to grow stronger, not weaker. We know that it is all moving toward the time Jesus Himself prophesied nearly 2 millennia ago. "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:15-21) Hagee's End Times Warning: 'The Fuse Is Lit, Every Prophetic Player Is on Stage' - Abigail Robertson - Over 5,000 Christians traveled to Washington, D.C. this week for the 12th annual Christians United for Israel Summit. As part of the summit, attendees lobbied congressmen and senators for a day on Capitol Hill to stand with Israel. At the top of the list of legislation they'd like to see passed is the Taylor Force Act, which calls for a halt of all U.S. taxpayer funding of the Palestinian Authority until they stop rewarding people for being terrorists. "The United States of America has been giving money to the Palestinians; the Palestinians have been using that money to pay bonuses to terrorists who kill Jews and we are saying to our government shut that money off," Pastor John Hagee, founder of CUFI, told CBN News. "America should not be paying for the murder of Jewish people." Hagee Praises Trump's Pro-Israel Stance On Monday night, Pastor Hagee introduced Vice President Mike Pence to deliver the summit's keynote address. Hagee says he's pleased with this administration's commitment to supporting Israel. "This administration's position towards Israel is probably the most aggressive, pro-Israel administration in my lifetime," said Hagee. "I assure you it's a million miles in front of the former administration." Pastor Hagee think at some point during President Donald Trump's presidency, the U.S. Embassy in Israel will move to Jerusalem. "I'm very confident that President Trump will move the embassy. He has promised that he would get us a conservative Supreme Court justice; he has done that," Hagee told CBN News. "He has promised that he will rebuild the U.S. military; he is doing that," he continued. "In spite of the Russian witch-hunt and the obstinate Democrats, he's doing his very, very best to fulfill his promises. And I know that he will in his own time move that embassy." Hagee Weighs in on the 'End of Days' Hagee made national headlines a few years ago with his studies and observations on the series of four blood moons that appeared in the sky and all coincided with Jewish feast days. Hagee says these were prophesied in the Bible and are a sign that God is about to move on the world stage. "The four blood moons, as soon as the fourth blood moon appeared, you will follow the press followings that Russia moved out of Russia into the Middle East," Hagee noted. "They moved their military forces into the Middle East. The 38th chapter of the book of Ezekiel says that when the King of the north moves out of the north, I will bring you out of the north. Then we are getting ready to watch the Genesis of the Gog-Magog War." "So the very specific thing that happened as soon as those blood moons ended was that Russia moved out to the Middle East, and Russia is not going to leave the Middle East," Hagee warned. "They're going to join with Iran to build... a massive army that will in time try to perform a land invasion of the state of Israel." He says the upcoming, rare solar eclipse on August 21 is not quite as dramatic as the four blood moons, but is an example of one of the many signs and wonders we'll see in the sky in the end of days that have never happened before. "The Bible says in the end of days you will see signs and wonders in the sky, and there are several signs and wonders that are happening in the sky that have never happened before," Hagee told CBN News. "They are not quite as dramatic as the four blood moons because the four blood moons were predicted by Joel," he said. "They were prophesied and confirmed by Jesus. They were confirmed by NASA; they were given dates -- the dates of those events were Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles." "God established those dates thousands of years ago. Only God can make a blood moon happen because the sun shines through the Earth's atmosphere to make the moon come to a reddish glow," he continued. "Only God can get those aligned to do that, and He did it four times in a row on those specific dates. It is so phenomenally packed with truth that even the atheists had to admit that is was unusual," said Hagee. 'The World as We Have it Is a Powder Keg' And he's drawing other connections between biblical prophecies and current events around the world right now. "The world as we have it at this very present time is a powder keg and the fuse is lit," he warned. "Every player is on the stage for the first time in history that fulfills all of the prophesies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah; they're all there. We're just waiting for the next domino to fall and when it does watch out! It's not going to stop." Daily Jot: Combatting the modern Islamic slave trade - Bill Wilson - Love, Truth, Honor, Justice are the four pillars upon which The Daily Jot ministry is built. Our ministry outreach is not only providing you with news and analysis from a prophetic and biblical point of view, but also boots-on-the-ground in areas such as Ghana, West Africa to minister to the less fortunate through clothing, feeding, and water initiatives as well as church planting in often dangerous Muslim areas. Our work is under a constant threat from Islam not only generated from the writings of The Daily Jot, but also from our actions to maintain churches in hostile areas and protect people from Islamic aggression. This is a moving story of how the Lord used our ministry to prevent a young lady from being enslaved by Islam. Ministry partner William Agbeti is on the front lines of physical and spiritual warfare in Ghana. Often William is confronted with the most uncomfortable aspects of humankind where he relies on the Lord for spiritual guidance and wisdom. Our ministry efforts to establish churches in rural areas where the large Ghanaian churches will not venture leads us into handling many challenges. Islamic human sex trafficking is one of them. Islam is a most vile force in the world that reaches even to the very rural areas of Ghana where there is a huge underground trafficking of girls from Ghana to Dubai and Muslim nations. Without going into detail that would ignite dangerous retaliation, let me share with you one such example. William writes: "A young girl also almost fell victim to the trafficking. The traffickers took her money, warned her not to tell anybody, and set a date for her journey to "greener pastures". God loving her so much, she mustered up courage to seek final opinion about the opportunity from me. Was she fortunate or what? To cut a long story short, the girl is currently under the care of our ministry, safely enrolled in a school under our own protection program; far from harm's way. We are responsible for her needs and school fees. She is only 19, a teenager. Had it not been for a divine intervention in her life, with the help of our Ministry, she would have ended up a sex slave in an Arab country. Thanks be to God, she is now safely enrolled in a boarding school; pursuing the vocation of her choice." I am reminded of the story about the little girl who saw hundreds of starfish washed ashore on a beach and she was tossing some back into the ocean one by one. A person confronted her about what she was doing. She answered that she was trying to save the starfish's lives. The person said that there were so many that she couldn't possibly make a difference. She said as she tossed one into the water-"To that one I did." To this Ghanaian teenaged girl, we did. And this and other projects like it are why we need your financial support for this ministry. As Jesus said in Matthew 25:40,"Verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." And so it is. We are truly a reader-supported ministry. When you send a financial gift, your contribution goes to ministry-not buildings, salaries, planes, trains or automobiles. When you partner with us, you are not only helping equip others to speak as prophetic people into our society, but also feeding, clothing, quenching thirst and protecting those who cannot do so for themselves. We are a small ministry, but by God's grace we make a big difference. If you are so led, you may make a secure online donation at our donations page on this site or by mail at 5257 Buckeystown Pike, #314, Frederick, Md. 21704. Blessings to you and your family. Daily Devotion: It's Time to Suit Up - By Greg Laurie - "The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living." -Romans 13:12 Like it or not, as a follower of Jesus you will have people who show hostility toward you. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you" (John 15:18-19). It's true. If you dare to speak up about Jesus Christ, watch what will happen. It's an entirely different paradigm. The world will treat you as Jesus was treated. This is the battle between God's seed and Satan's seed, which we can trace all the way back to the book of Genesis. We have a choice as Christians. It isn't a choice of fighting or not fighting in the spiritual battle; it's a choice of victory or defeat, advancing or retreating. In the Christian life, either you are overcoming, or you will be overcome. We're living in a very critical time. The devil knows his days are numbered. He knows his judgment is sure. Thus, he's doing everything he can to wreak as much havoc as possible until the day he faces his judgment. That is why we need to get busy. Every battle counts. Every day is important. The Bible says, "The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living" (Romans 13:12). It's time to suit up. But first, cast off those works of darkness. Be done with the compromising life. Be done with trying to live in both worlds. Let's suit up. Let's get busy. Let's engage. And let's watch what the Lord will do. FROM THE HEART
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