Prophecy Update Newsletter
Trickled Down Lawlessness - By Kit R. Olsen - Everywhere we look, in every aspect of life, the effects of a world gone mad have dangerously manifested. We are living in very perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). Beginning especially with Bill Clinton's Administration, this country has slid into a blatant in-your-face quagmire of immorality. It is rare today to see common courtesy, decency and respect for our fellow man. It seems that anything goes as long as it is indecent and destructive. The concept of being honorable is a trait that is rarely taught anymore, unless you are blessed to come from a good conservative and/or Judeo-Christian background, and even then-it depends on the character of the parents. Insurrection, bullying and violence are encouraged by liberal "progressive" activists posing as teachers, college professors and others who have slithered their way into the halls of education, media, government jobs and anywhere else they can infiltrate. Make no mistake about it, these are radical godless individuals have no respect for individual freedoms and liberty (except for their own of course). These propagandists want to see our country fall more deeply into a precipitous decline. The media are nothing less than political obstructionists-revolutionaries determined to take this country down. They are ruled by hatred and a dangerous ideology of hardcore socialism. They have a warped concept of reality that fuels their godless agendas, insanely defending anything that is detrimental to our safety and well-being-which includes lawless "sanctuary cities" and illegal immigration; hiding (under reporting) the identity of illegal aliens and Muslims who have harmed people, and playing down the seriousness of dangerous criminal gangs made up of illegal aliens. The subversive conditions we see in this country, and throughout the world are in-line with God's prophetic schedule just as the prophet Isaiah forewarned: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20) When the media can constantly and relentlessly slander the sitting president-an American president and all those who support him; when our duly-elected president can be outrageously stalked by a Soviet-style bogus "special counsel" using extra-constitutional techniques-out to get him no matter what. When bought and paid for dumbed-down masses are encouraged to loudly chant obscenities in public venues and cause physical harm to those who love this country and want it to thrive-we have a world on the brink of extreme chaos and lawlessness. Sadly, the immoral and irreverent conditions we see today have also greatly affected the Christian community. We see turncoats everywhere. Turncoats who have betrayed Jesus with their false teachings and self-serving religiosity; professing Christians who are selling the "Me" gospel and have no qualms about stomping on others to get their way. The most recent public exposé of false Christians is a Word of Faith cult, more specifically-the Word of Faith Fellowship located in Spindale, North Carolina-which has hundreds of members and branches in other countries. They have been recently exposed for years of terror unleashed upon their congregants "in the name of the Lord." It sounds like their lord is the devil himself. According to interviews of ex-congregants, it has been reported that at the Word of Faith Fellowship members have been regularly punched, smacked, choked, slammed to the floor or thrown through walls in a violent form of deliverance meant to "purify" sinners by beating out devils, 43 former members told the Associated Press in separate, exclusive interviews. Victims of the violence included pre-teens and toddlers-even crying babies, who were vigorously shaken, screamed at and sometimes smacked to "banish" demons. The church's leader, is a woman by the name of Jane Whitley. [1] Fear and intimidation have kept the majority of the congregant's quiet; many sold their homes and joined the church and felt they had nowhere else to go. Many were so browbeaten and intimidated that they lost their ability to think clearly and realize the full travesty of their situation. Cult leaders are experts at breaking down the psyche and will of their victims. The behavior and response of the victims is similar to the Stockholm Syndrome where captives develop a psychological alliance with the captor (s) in order to survive. Looking from the outside in, when the unsaved see another cult rise to shame (another group of whacked out false evangelicals), many of them will think all professing Christians are tainted-a tragic situation cleverly engineered by the enemies of the Cross. Another black eye for true Christians and for the cause of Christ-all because of the wicked people who use the Lord's name to inflict their dastardly deeds. Only evil accomplices of the devil would use the Lord's name to abuse and terrorize innocent victims in a "Christian" ministry. All enemies of Christ will be together during the Tribulation years. The prophesied one-world-church will be eagerly embraced by those who distort God's holy Word. The reward for their apostasy will be going through the seven-year Tribulation, a harrowing time of unprecedented pandemonium and tyranny. All those who do not come to genuine faith in Christ and repent during those years-will ultimately spend all eternity in the lake of fire, with no chance of pardon or escape. Zero Hedge reported on July 20, 2017 that our country has a serious drug problem, "An opioid crisis" -which began to escalate around the beginning of Obama's first term in office; that is when deaths from drug overdoses started to climb. Now, after recording nearly 60,000 drug-related deaths in 2016, drugs are the biggest killer of prime-age Americans. I was shocked to learn that America has more drug overdose deaths than any other developed country. Many of these deaths are caused by dangerous synthetic opioid analogues like fentanyl and carfentanil, the latter of which is 100 percent stronger than morphine. [2] This crisis is causing working age men to drop out of the work force which is very detrimental to our nation's prosperity overall, and of course to those who are debilitated by their addictions. The legalization of marijuana is another controversy which is only going to lead to harming people. Those who participate in ingesting that drug are opening themselves up for many difficulties. It is a known fact that marijuana acts as a gateway drug to other even more dangerous drugs and causes many other problems. The despicable George Soros whose mission is to destroy the entire West has been a strong proponent of legalizing marijuana, which is of course a way to cause people to become distracted and unproductive-another step toward a globalist clamp down to gain control of the lives of a weakened population and "fundamentally" change (ruin) America. The globalists want a weak servile population which they can control. If some people are benefited medically from taking marijuana, then the substance should be carefully prescribed and regulated. Instead, at this rate we are heading for the development of hundreds of communities of free-for-all reckless dumbed-down useless pot-heads. How many more car wrecks will be caused by these stoners? How many families will suffer and be affected by the drug-induced behavior of these out-of-touch druggies? The previous "president" whose true background has been hidden from the public, exponentially accelerated the conditions in which we find ourselves today-a divided nation, fragile and gasping for breath. The Obama Administration had the most lawless gang of anti-American crooks this nation has ever had to endure; and Obama is still lurking in the background. We can see that he and his holdovers are rigorously shadowing the new administration with purposeful intensity, working to try to destroy it. One has to wonder how many of the anti-Trump haters are demonically possessed or at the very least-demonically empowered. The evil is very fierce and relentless. Obama's incessant racism, his perpetual lying, his hatred for Israel, his love for Islam, his anti-Christian rhetoric, his disdain for the Constitution, his obvious anti-American agenda-are all indicators of the closeness of the prophesied seven-year Tribulation. He is still a poster boy for globalism and about half this county drank his toxic Kool-Aid (and still do). Obama's clueless followers, and all the maniacal leftist agitators who are working to implement tyranny-have no idea what a dangerous world lies ahead; a world where no one will be able to buy and sell unless they bow down to the coming global leader (Antichrist), and even then, when their usefulness is no longer needed, they will be destroyed. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:16-17). I have read some reports lately where large numbers of employers in all aspects of business are having difficulty finding qualified and reliable workers-because too many applicants are flunking the drug test. Bit by bit, in so many areas of life, productivity is being marginalized. I see this as a precursor of the dire economic and social conditions that will be prevalent during the Tribulation years-when hundreds of millions of people will be even much more dysfunctional than they are today. When the Antichrist rises to power the ignorant masses will welcome him with open arms and call him a great hero. These unstable and susceptible people will eagerly accept a iron-fisted welfare state and surrender their personal freedoms. The security they think government welfare will provide through sub-standard living conditions will create a breed of indigents, totally dependent on the state-the globalists' dream come true of a planet of slaves whom they can control. The intensely disrespectful immoral behavior of both Bill Clinton and Obama have trickled down into every aspect of life. No one is immune from the outpouring of indecency which they introduced into the office of the presidency. Virtuous God-loving people are truly the minority-another indication of the coming judgment when God pours out his wrath upon a godless world. Are there any towns or cities left in America where we can feel safe and free, where the globalists have not designated land to use for their sinister plans? These interlopers intend to build high density urban housing interspersed within good neighborhoods (bringing the ghetto you). I have seen the blueprints for eight of these high density urban buildings (ghettos) designated for the town in which I live; they fall within only an eight mile radius of one another in good middle class neighborhoods where the property is well-maintained and not cheap. Only a massive grassroots outcry with God's help against this wicked attempt to denigrate good neighborhoods, endanger the safety of its residents and bring down the value of personal property-can possibly stop or delay this detestable plan. The infiltration of unsavory individuals packed into these "high density urban" buildings would bring about lawlessness on steroids. One world globalists have infiltrated U.S. government agencies even on the local level. Are there any cities or states that have not been forced to provide "refugee" centers? These centers house potential terrorists and criminals-people who do not want to assimilate into our American culture. These barely vetted or unvetted "refugees"(many from third world nations) are thrust into our towns and cities subsidized by our tax dollars. Yet we seem to have no say in the matter. An Internet search will disclose some of the refugee centers (primarily housed by Obama- imported Muslims). America is no longer the Norman Rockwell apple pie white picket fence American flag on the porch nation. Thankfully, we still have some pockets that reflect our nation's culture, but it is even becoming dangerous to hang an American flag from your front porch in some neighborhoods. You might just offend someone. Your house might just burn down. Lawlessness politicians whom the American people entrusted to carry forward the principles that this nation was built on, "One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all"-have shown themselves to be evil liars; sold-out diabolical globalists who despise the Constitution. This nation is now in a tailspin of lawless indulgence. It is imperative more than ever to pray for our president, his family and all those who are fighting to stop the attempt to take away our American sovereignty. President Trump has done a lot of good for our country in a short time despite all the hysteria aimed at him-constantly. The tyrannical forces are trying to drown out the successful positive changes implemented by him-so he does not get the credit he deserves, and so the brainwashed fools that say they hate him-will not see that he is improving the conditions of our country for everybody. Even with our president working for the betterment of America, the moral depravity that cuts deeply into this nation and throughout the world cannot be legislated away. Too many unscrupulous people control Washington and will undermine anything that has to do with reviving, maintaining and improving our cherished American free market system. These desperately evil despotic frauds will continue to sabotage the constitutional precepts initiated by our Founding Fathers. We also have too many people everywhere who laugh at and reject God's saving grace, defiantly choosing the wide gate and broad way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). Our best weapon against all of these ongoing problems is fervent intercessory prayer and daily Bible study. Prayer is our refuge and strength, the way we can communicate with our beloved Lord and the Word of God is like a healing balm that soothes our souls on a blustery day. How comforting it is to know that this is not our true home, and that one day soon we will be free of the cares and dangers of this broken world. I can't image life without Jesus. He truly is our Rock, our Fortress, our King. Every night I pray that He will swiftly move things along prophetically and call us home. Even so come Lord Jesus. Endnotes [1] [2] Israel's government under triple siege - Binyamin Netanyahu's government is being forced back step by step on the Temple Mount standoff by a three-line siege imposed by the Palestinians, Sunni Arab governments, including Jordan, and public opinion at home. The security cabinet can't be faulted for approving its first rational steps for securing the worshippers and visitors frequenting Temple Mount, after three Israeli Arab gunmen desecrated the shrine on July 14 by shooting dead two Israeli police officers on guard at Lion's Gate. Metal detectors at the gates provided a quick fix for reopening the shrines the next day. Where the ministers went wrong was in failing to go after the perpetrators of the murders committed at one of the most sensitive world shrines. The killers belonged to the lawless Jabarin clan that rules the Israeli Arab town of Umm al Fahm. The ministers did not treat this clan as central to the crime, out of concern for the delicate relations with Israel's Arab minority. Instead, Temple Mount, the lightening rod of Israel's relations with the entire Muslim and Arab world, was treated as the core issue. The Jabarins felt safe enough to carry on breaking Israel's laws. On Tuesday, July 25, a member was caught smuggling a truckload of illegal Palestinian workers from the Palestinian town of Jenin across into Israel. It was obvious that something is badly amiss in national homeland security policies. In another example, the government finally, a year late, ordered the home of one of the Tel Aviv Sarona Market terrorists, who murdered four Israelis, to be knocked down. One story of a building in the Hebron village of Yata will be destroyed. At the same time, the Supreme Court of Justice in Jerusalem gave the police 30 hours to hand over the bodies of the three Temple Mount gunmen, members of the Jabarin tribe, to their families for burial. Razing the home of one of the Tel Aviv terrorists, who claimed to have been inspired by ISIS, in a timely fashion, a year ago, might have been some deterrent for the killers of Umm al-Fahm. it now turns out that the shrine murders 12 days ago were the result of Israeli Arabs and Palestinians coming together for a joint terrorist conspiracy against Israel. The location was deliberately chosen as the catalyst for dragging moderate Arab rulers into a plot for compelling Israel to give up its sovereignty on Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem. This conspiracy was insufficiently addressed by the ministers taking part in the security cabinet's deliberations. The removal of the metal scanners, security cameras - or any other measures Israel was been forced to cede - will not satisfy the Palestinians and Israeli Arab leaders, including their members of parliament. They are intent on drawing their community of 1.5 million into the bloody brew they have cooked up for the entire Arab world to consume. As this juncture, the Israeli government has no choice but to brake hard on concessions - even as street violence escalates - and draw a red line against caving in any further. The Palestinians and their clerics should be firmly informed that if they choose to continue to boycott Al Aqsa and hold prayers in the street outside the shrine, so be it. Israel will not budge any further on its responsibility to secure Temple Mount against more violence. And their dream of a victory parade on the holy compound to celebrate their humiliation of the Jewish State will never come true. Very few Israelis are aware of the origins of the 180,000 Arabs living in Jerusalem today. Most of them originate in Hebron and migrated to Jerusalem over the years since 1967. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan which ruled eastern Jerusalem and its shrines for 19 years up until the Six Day War, very carefully kept Hebron natives out of the city. Their extremist conduct over Temple Mount explains why. If Israel fails to draw a strong red line at this point in the standoff, a new crisis or terrorist outrage will be staged every few days to force the ministers to fall back step by step on measures pivotal to national security. Popular opinion at home, incensed over the Halamish terrorist outrage, was against the first concession and will oppose any more. At the Temple Mount, it's not about metal detectors, it's about sovereignty - By Dov Lieber - Abbas is calling for a return to the way things were before July 14's deadly attack in which two Israeli cops were killed. The worshiper-protesters on the streets of the Old City have more ambitious goals The Israeli government missed the point of Palestinian anger directed at metal detectors placed at entrances to the Temple Mount and, having misdiagnosed the situation, made a decision that failed to resolve the crisis and has only made it worse. At least, that's what many of the Muslim protesters in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City have been saying since the metal detectors were removed early Tuesday morning. Israel thought it was making a concession by removing the detectors, which were installed after three Arab Israelis carried out a shooting attack at the Temple Mount, killing two policemen with weapons they had smuggled into Al-Aqsa Mosque. Instead, the security cabinet decided advanced monitoring equipment, at the cost of NIS 100 million (around $27 million), would eventually take their place. This would make physical access for Muslim worshipers to the mosque easier and quicker, and make the area outside the holy site look less like a military checkpoint. However, on Tuesday and Wednesday, many protesters in the Old City repeated the same line: "The smart cameras are worse." Worse, they explained, because such cameras represent a more sophisticated way of controlling the entrances to the Temple Mount. And therein lies the real issue: The initial quarrel over metal detectors has evolved into a battle over sovereignty at what is possibly the world's most sensitive holy site. Complicating matters for Israel is the fact that the thousands of Palestinians heading to pray in the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem every day have no clear leader. While the Jerusalem Waqf - a branch of the Jordanian government that administers Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem - may have initiated the boycott of the Temple Mount in protest at the metal detectors, the situation has spiraled out of its control. On Tuesday morning, for example, the head of the Waqf, Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib al-Tamimi, told The Times of Israel that no decision had been made about whether it would accept alternative security arrangements being put in place by Israel, including "smart cameras." The Waqf tried to buy time by saying it would wait to make a decision until a full assessment of Israeli measures taken inside and at the entrances to the Temple Mount had been completed. But worshipers in the streets of the Old City that morning had already made up their minds. Some thought the smart cameras had already been set up. Many said they believed these cameras would show their naked bodies, or perhaps give them cancer. Whatever these cameras could or couldn't do, many agreed, they couldn't be tolerated. In Ramallah, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas waited until 7 p.m. to announce what had already been established on the streets in Jerusalem: No cameras, and no increased police presence at the site. Either things go back to the way they were at the Temple Mount before July 14 or, Abbas said, he would continue to freeze contacts with Israel, including security coordination. The protesters in Jerusalem are fond of saying that they are neither Fatah (Abbas's party) nor rival party Hamas. They are, rather, they say, "the street, the people, the Jerusalemites. " The Waqf, many have said this week, is no longer pulling the strings. It's now the street controlling the Waqf. As one worshiper at nighttime prayers outside the Mount put it on Tuesday, "Do we have a leader? Yes. The unified voice of the people." Because this is a clash over sacred space, the protests are more religious than nationalist in nature. Many Palestinians have become tired of politics, but their religion and its symbols remain a force of mass mobilization. Underlining this, Tuesday night saw the largest crowd of worshipers since the start of the crisis gather in the streets of the Old City and outside the Lions Gate for evening and nighttime prayers. When the evening prayers finished around 8 p.m., the mass of people waited around another hour and a half for the next prayer service to begin. Self-made preachers took up microphones, railing against "Jewish" measures at Al-Aqsa, and led chants with clear religious overtones. "We will not kneel, for Mohammad is our leader." "Khayber, Khayber, Oh Jews, the army of Mohammad will return." (Khayber was an Arabian Jewish town whose residents were slaughtered by Mohammad in the seventh century.) I asked one worshiper about the significance of this chant. "It's a promise for the future," he said. "Of war?" I asked. "Yes, of war." Another man explained that the current Temple Mount crisis was the fulfillment of a Quranic prophecy about a struggle between Jews and Muslims at Al-Aqsa. That the current protests are literally just prayer services - at least before some of them devolve into clashes - adds to the religious fervor. For one whole minute during the Tuesday evening service, the crowd chanted "Oh God, Oh God" repeatedly with the fear of losing of Al-Aqsa likely at the forefront of its thoughts - however improbable this seems to Israelis, and no matter how many times Israel promises it won't change the status quo at the site. Outside lions gate now. - Dov Lieber (@DovLieber) July 25, 2017 While five Palestinians died in clashes with Israeli security forces around Jerusalem on Friday and Saturday, and the Palestinian terrorist who killed three members of the Salomon family in Halamish on Friday night cited a determination to assert Muslim sovereignty at Al-Aqsa, the prayer-protests inside the Old City, just outside the Temple Mount, have been relatively peaceful. For the most part, the worshipers come, pray and, eventually, go home. But minor clashes have broken out almost every night; small incidents, such as a single water bottle being thrown into the air, can lead to police taking action, including with the use of stun grenades, sending thousands running in every direction. On Tuesday night, some in the crowd said this could all end if Israel fully restored conditions at the Temple Mount entrances to the July 14 status quo ante. But others believed it was too late for that now. Mohammas Rowais, from Ras al-Amud, said goals now included "for the police to be completely removed from the site, and for religious Jews to stop going up there." "Maybe," he added, more analytically than provocatively, "this is the beginning of a new uprising." Evidence of Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem unearthed in City of David - Daniel K. Eisenbud - "These findings depict the affluence and character of the Judean Kingdom and are mesmerizing proof of the city's demise at the hands of the Babylonians." Less than one week before Tisha B'Av, the Israel Antiquities Authority presented further evidence of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, unearthed during excavations at the Jerusalem Walls National Park in the City of David. During the excavations, concentrated on the eastern slope of the City of David, structures dating more than 2,600 years ago were unearthed after being delicately extricated from collapsed layers of stone, the IAA said Wednesday. "Nestled within the collapse, many findings have surfaced, including: charred wood, grape seeds, pottery, fish scales and bones, and unique and rare artifacts," the Authority said in a statement. "These findings depict the affluence and character of Jerusalem, capital of the Judean Kingdom, and are mesmerizing proof of the city's demise at the hands of the Babylonians." Notable among the findings included dozens of storage jars, used to contain both grain and liquids, with stamped handles depicting the seal of a rosette. According to the excavations directors, Ortal Chalaf and Dr. Joe Uziel, the seals are characteristic of the end of the First Temple Period and were used for the administrative system that developed towards the end of the Judean dynasty. "Classifying objects facilitated controlling, overseeing, collecting, marketing and storing crop yields," the researchers said in a joint statement. "The rosette, in essence, replaced the 'For the King' seal used in the earlier administrative system. "The wealth of the Judean Kingdom's capital is also manifest in the ornamental artifacts surfacing in situ. One distinct and rare finding is a small ivory statue of a woman. The figure is naked, and her haircut, or wig, is Egyptian in style. The quality of its carving is high, and it attests to the high caliber of the artifact's artistic level, and the skill par excellence of the artists during this era." Chalaf and Uziel added that the excavation's findings illustrate that Jerusalem had extended beyond the line of the city wall before its destruction. "The row of structures exposed in the excavations is located outside, beyond the city wall that would have constituted the eastern border of the city during this period," they said. "Throughout the Iron Age, Jerusalem underwent constant growth, expressed both in the construction of numerous city walls, and the fact that the city later spread beyond them." Moreover, they said excavations carried out in the past in the area of the Jewish Quarter have shown how the growth of the population at the end of the 8th Century BCE led to the annexation of the western area of Jerusalem. "In the current excavation, we may suggest that following the westward expansion of the city, structures were built outside of the wall's border on the east, as well," the researchers said. The excavation was funded by the City of David Foundation (Elad). Nearing Midnight: Is Pope Francis the Antichrist? - Todd Strandberg - In last week's article I wrote about the possibility of Emmanuel Macron being the Antichrist, and briefly noted that Putin could be Gog. I soon realized I left out Pope Francis as being a possible candidate for the False Prophet. What reminded me of this prospect is the content of a news story I came across; Francis is once again attacking evangelical Christians-the group which lately seems to be his favorite target. You would think that the "Holy Father" would be fully distracted by internal matters. The Vatican's Swiss Guard recently broke up a drug-fueled gay orgy on the Vatican grounds. One of the Pope's closest aides-the third-highest official in the Catholic Church, Cardinal George Pell-stands accused of several acts of sexual assault. Another Cardinal used half a million dollars from a Vatican-owned children's hospital to renovate his luxury flat. Pope Francis also has a 2,000 case backlog of Pedophilia cases. Francis has a fixation with finding problems with the Trump Administration. He criticized President Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border by saying, "Societies should build bridges not walls." Francis has said that it's immoral for President Trump to try to ban certain immigrants from coming to America. The Pope thinks that this is an evil policy stemming from his belief that our president has become a puppet of the religious right. Last week, two close associates of Pope Francis co-wrote an article that accused Steve Bannon, the chief White House strategist of espousing "apocalyptic geopolitics" and then compared their assertion to being "not much different from that of Islamist extremists." The article states that Christian fundamentalism has a doomsday mentality that is "not the product of a religious experience, but a poor and an abusive perversion of it. This is why Francis is carrying forward a systematic counter-narration with respect to the narrative of fear. There is a need to fight against the manipulation of this season of anxiety and fear." The allegation that Steve Bannon is a Christian fundamentalist who wants to bring about Armageddon is a bald-faced lie. He is an Irish Catholic with basic conservative values. There is nothing in his background that would point to him having any type of extremist views. It is not biblically wise to label people as spreading "anxiety and fear." If the opposite is true, these critics are the ones promoting "peace and safety" which the apostle Paul forewarned will be a significant factor as the last days play out: "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The Pope has a loathing for evangelical Christians which is partly rooted in two baseless liberal falsehoods. Because we think Jesus is coming soon, liberals claim we don't care about the dangers of "climate change" and if our Lord doesn't show up, we'll go straight into the Apocalypse by telling President Trump to push the nuclear button. The real enemy that Pope Francis needs to warn against is Islam. This religion is aggressively taking over Europe. They probably already have plans for where they want to add minarets to St. Peter's Basilica. When Muslims murder people in the name of Allah, Francis is mostly silent. When he does speak, he denies the existence of Islamic terrorism. "Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist," Francis said in his speech to a world meeting of populist movements. There is so much satanic delusion working to dull the senses of the general population that even when two Islamist terrorists killed a 85-year-old priest, Jacques Hamel, by slitting his throat on the altar-there was little outrage. Not even from the Pope. A year later, the attack has been completely forgotten. Pope Francis has all the qualifications to be the False Prophet. He hasn't yet called for a one world religion, but he is nearly there by stressing interfaith unity when he says, "We are all children of God." Francis gives homosexuals a free pass by saying, "Who am I to judge?" He is clearly the type of man who would be for in favor of a movement to join together all of the world's faiths. The biggest factor against Pope Francis fulfilling the Bible's prophecies about the False Prophet is his age. If the seven-year Tribulation started today, the Pope would be 87 at the time of Armageddon. Pope John Paul II lived to be 84, and he carried out his duties despite very poor health. If Pope Francis was empowered by Satan, he could live to be 100. If the Pope is the False Prophet, he has a very simple role to play in Bible prophecy. Because he is so popular, all he would need to do to get people to follow the Antichrist is tell the world, "Here is your savior." If Pope Francis soon strikes up a tight relationship with a world leader, we may have yet another indication that the Rapture is about to take place. "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live" (Revelation 13:11-14). Should Bible Prophecy Be Interpreted Literally or Symbolically? - Nathan Jones - Hello, I'm Eschatologist Nathan Jones, and here at Maranatha Labs, we research day and night to fight the deadly disease known as Symbolically. Those infected with this inhibitive condition are at first difficult to spot, for they look like any other Christian. Show them a symbol out of everyday life, and they can identify it with ease. But, show them a symbol taken from the Bible, particularly Bible prophecy, and the Bible translation portion of their brains are quickly overcome by Symbolically. When it comes to the interpretation of the Bible, patients with this debilitating affliction often struggle over the question... Should Bible Prophecy Be Interpreted Literally or Symbolically? In 9 out of 10 cases, those afflicted with Symbolically will intentionally spiritualize the Scriptures, choosing whatever interpretation that suits their fancy, and then argue automatically that the plain sense meanings found in the Bible are not their true meanings. 90% of those suffering under this inhibitive interpretive condition may experience...
The Cure If you are suffering from Symbolically, there is hope. Ask your local Eschatologist about the fast acting Golden Rule of Interpretation. Yes, the Golden Rule of Interpretation is the cure that will guide you to a literal interpretation of the Bible. Just generously apply this motto every single time you read the Bible - "If the plain sense makes sense, don't look for any other sense, lest you end up with nonsense." - and you, too, will be cured from spiritualizing Scriptures. Treatment Options Once you've started implementing the Golden Rule of Interpretation, keep the Bible study portion of your brain healthy by applying the following eight treatments: The Right Approach Always approach the Scriptures with a childlike faith and an honest heart. Be Filled By God's Spirit Before you open your Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to provide clear understanding. The Inspiration of Scriptures Because God Himself inspired the writers of the Bible, accept the truth that what they wrote must be without error. Plain Sense Symbols Let the Bible be its own best interpreter as to the meaning of its own symbols. Context, Context, Context Meanings of words in the Bible should always be determined by their context. The Principle of Searching All verses on a particular topic should be searched out, compared, and then reconciled. Never hang a doctrine on one isolated verse. The Problem of Prefilling Allow that some Bible prophecies are prefilled in symbolic type first before being completely fulfilled later on. Telescoping Prophets Understand that prophets often looked into the future and saw a series of prophetic events, not realizing they'd be separated by long time intervals. Side Effects There are side effects from using the Golden Rule of Interpretation.
So fight the dreaded Symbolically with the Golden Rule of Interpretation - "If the plain sense makes sense, don't look for any other sense, lest you end up with nonsense." Why live with the heartbreak of confusion? Take the Golden Rule. Because He's worth it. No prescription necessary. Available to all ages. Daily Jot: The cover-up - Bill Wilson - Breitbart reports that the FBI is investigating "several smashed hard drives seized from the home of two Pakistan-born brothers" who worked for former DNC chairwoman and Progressive (Communist) Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). The story is a fascinating expose of mishandling confidential information, massive cybersecurity breaches, and the bizarre exchange of millions of dollars to Pakistanis while sensitive Congressional data was transferred to unsecured servers. One of the Pakistanis, who had amassed some $4 million from Wasserman Schultz since 2010, Imran Awan, tried to flee the country on Tuesday, was caught by the FBI and is now a central figure in the probe. The intrigue continues as the story unfolds. In May, it was reported that a laptop used by Imran was hidden in an unused crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building, found by Capitol Police and seized for use in the criminal investigation against Imran. Wasserman Schultz reportedly threatened Capitol Police with "consequences" if they didn't return the laptop she said was owned by her and used by Imran. Imran's attorney is playing the Muslim card, saying that his arrest is clearly a right-wing media-driven prosecution by the US Attorney's office against a Muslim worker. Aside from the Islamic smoke and mirrors, the real story is what was Wasserman Schultz and Imran doing with the information and who was the money paid to? At a time when the Democrats are opining every day about Russian influence in the US election, what ever happened to those classified documents that Hillary Clinton gave up in her closet email server? Who got the emails? Was it the Russians? Was Wasserman Schultz, who was also a Clinton comrade and supporter, involved in some money laundering scheme with Islamic actors? How much taxpayer money was used to influence the election on behalf of Clinton and the Democratic Party? What about the Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation after the Russian uranium deal? Who is really involved in peddling influence with America's enemies? These are all questions that should be asked. Wasserman Schultz had to resign as Democratic Party Chairman because leaked emails showed her part in a conspiracy to undermine socialist Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders' campaign. At the time, the Democrats were blaming Russia for hacking the emails and releasing them to the public. Here's the real point: The Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and the DNC, were fast and loose with confidential information. They also did ethically wrong and possibly illegal acts exposed by the emails they were trying to secure. Whether it's the Russians or now these Pakistanis, the underhanded deals are being exposed, and the Democrats are trying to blame it on the Republicans. Jesus said in Luke 8:17, "For nothing is hidden that shall not be made manifest." Let's hope all this chicanery is brought to light. Daily Devotion: Don't Underestimate the Enemy - By Greg Laurie - "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." -John 10:10 A story is told of a boxer who was being badly beaten in a match. He leaned over to his trainer and yelled, "Throw in the towel! This guy is killing me!" His trainer yelled back, "He is not! He's not even hitting you! He hasn't even laid a glove on you!" The dazed boxer said, "Then I wish you would watch that referee, because someone sure is hitting me!" In the same way, our culture is getting hit. Our kids are being hit. And they don't even know who is hitting them. One of the most brilliant strategies Satan has managed to pull off is convincing people he doesn't exist while he manipulates their lives. He is active. And really, this is the only plausible explanation for the horrible, depraved wickedness that mankind is capable of. If you believe the premise that people are basically good, then you have more faith than I do-or maybe you're a bigger fool. People are basically bad. And the devil works through the fallen nature of people, getting them to do evil. God gives everyone a choice in life called free will, the ability to say yes or no. Romans 6:16 says, "Don't you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living." Jesus summed it up succinctly when He said, "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" (John 10:10). There is your choice in life: God or the devil. Don't underestimate the devil. He's a sly and skillful foe. And he has had many years of experience in honing his craft. FROM THE HEART
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