Prophecy Update Newsletter
Satan's World Government - By Daymond Duck -
I recently watched a Prophecy Watchers video of Gary Stearman interviewing Dr. Ken Johnson, author of The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar: And The Prophecies It Reveals. During the interview, Johnson said one scroll that is believed to be written by the Essenes says, "It's a serious sin to ignore Bible prophecy." There are at least 10 different verses in the Bible that tell everyone to watch for the return of Jesus. To know to do something and not do it is a sin (Matt. 7:26; James 4:17). I believe Satan's world government is shaping up, and here are several reasons why I believe that: One, persecution of believers is a major sign of the return of Jesus (Matt. 24:9). Persecution is worse in Africa and Asia than it is in the U.S., but America has abandoned God, the world will soon be ruled by a Satan-worshipper (the Antichrist), he and his False Prophet will try to enforce the UN global ethic (satanic one-world religion), and many pulpits are silent on these issues. In early July 2020, California Gov. Newsome temporarily banned singing and chanting in churches, and he limited indoor worship attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is the smallest amount. On July 13, 2020, Newsome ordered an immediate lockdown of all churches, restaurants, bars, fitness centers, barber shops and hair salons in the 30 hardest hit counties until the State Public Health Officer decides to let them reopen. All worship services in these 30 counties, including in-home Church meetings, singing, Bible studies, etc., have been suspended, the number of California counties may be increased, and there is no ending date for his order. Several politicians (mostly Democrats, but some Republicans) have refused to stop rioting, looting, and the destruction of property and statues in their area, and Newsome is one of them. It has also been reported that Newsome's order to ban meetings in churches and homes does not ban protests, but specifically allows them. Who would have thought that some leaders in the U.S. would declare Church and in-home Church Bible Studies and prayer meetings illegal while, at the same time, they are allowing meetings of rioters, looters, and arsonists in the streets? Liberty Council is preparing to fight this on behalf of some pastors and churches, but they could use prayer and support; every person should know that this anti-Christ attack upon God and His Church will not stop with 30 counties in California, and every person should remember it when election time rolls around. Two, Andy Stanley, son of Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor of North Point Ministries in Atlanta, and host to about 30,000 people every Sunday, has suspended in-person worship for the remainder of 2020. Three, in its July/August 2020 issue, Chick Publications reported that Pope Francis said, "Let us welcome this time of trial (this Coronavirus pandemic) as an opportunity to prepare for our collective (one-world government and religion) future. Because without an all-embracing vision there will be no future for anyone." Pope Francis is clearly doing the work of Satan by pushing for a world government and religion that will be led by Satan worshippers. Four, concerning lawlessness, on July 13, 2020, it was reported that George Soros will immediately funnel another $70 million through his foundations to the militant groups and activist groups that are demonstrating to transform the U.S., and he will funnel an additional $150 million to them over the next 5 years. There is no need to ask when will the rioting stop or what will it take to appease the rioters. Soros sees this transformation of the U.S. as something that will last for years, not something that will end anytime soon. According to the Bible, it will come to a sudden end at the Second Coming of Jesus. Five, on July 17, 2020, it was reported that protestor violence had been going on in Portland, Ore., for about 50 days and that Pres. Trump sent in federal agents to protect federal buildings and to detain people that damaged or defaced federal buildings, etc. Federal agents were using unmarked vehicles to find, detain and question people that were suspected of committing a crime. The mayor, a Democrat, addressed Pres. Trump this way, "Keep your troops (they are federal agents, not troops) in your own buildings, or have them leave our city." The Gov., also a Democrat, accused Trump of trying to win political points, and the Atty. Gen., another Democrat, threatened legal action. The demonstrators have been on a lawless rampage for weeks; and the politicians in charge, all Democrats, do not want it stopped. Six, concerning world government, on July 13, 2020, Sen. Chuck Grassley expressed concern that the Deep State in the U.S. has become so powerful that some people can commit political crimes and get away with it. He was referring to the fact that powerful politicians (Obama, Biden, Comey, Strzok, etc.) have come very close to toppling the President of the U.S., and nothing may be done about it. Seven, it was recently (mid-July 2020) reported that Bill Gates will soon start testing the first version of his program to identify (face scan, hand-scan, etc.), number, vaccinate and create a digital vaccination record on everyone on earth. Gates plans to start in remote, low-income areas in West Africa and move on to Europe, Asia and then the U.S. Gates' biggest concern is not creating a vaccine, not the technology, or anything like that. His biggest concern is people refusing to be vaccinated and using the government to deny them the right to hold a job, leave their house, buy, sell, etc. Some stores (Walmart for example), restaurants, etc., are now denying people the right to enter if they are not wearing a mask. Some doctor's offices and hospitals will not let people enter without a temperature check. Some cities are passing laws to prevent people from moving around if they are not wearing a mask. This is the beginning of not letting people buy and sell if they have not taken the Mark of the Beast. Eight, concerning famine: on July 15, 2020, it was reported that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said war, the economic impact of the Coronavirus (lost jobs, workers can't get in the fields, factories shut down, etc.), and natural disasters are causing a decline in food supplies and a rise in hunger and starvation. Severe undernourishment has increased everywhere except in Europe and North America (Matt. 24:7; Rev. 6:7-8). Nine, on July 14, 2020, it was reported that there is a shortage of aluminum cans in the U.S. because more people are prepping, and more people are eating at home due to the Coronavirus. Soups, sodas, and a few other products may be scarce for a while due to this lack of cans. Ten, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on July 16, 2020, U.S. Atty. Gen. Barr accused China of trying to bring down the U.S. and establish herself as the world's preeminent superpower. According to the Bible, the Kings of the East (China and her allies) will invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 9:16, 16:12). Eleven, two weeks ago, I mentioned that the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced (on June 19, 2020) that it will hold its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 2021, and the theme of the meeting will be the "Great Reset." This week, I read that Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab said, "Every country from China to the United States must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a 'Great Reset' of capitalism." We are less than 6 months away from a demand by powerful globalists that the life of everyone on earth be changed forever. Every nation, including China and the U.S., must (not should, must) submit to the New World Order (Satan's world government). I close by saying those that are truly trusting in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins do not have anything to worry about, but time is running out, and those that are not trusting Him could be in trouble. Bow your head; admit that you are a sinner; believe what the Bible says about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; ask for forgiveness; tell others that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Israel & Hezbollah Prepare For Next Round Of Conflict - By Yoav Limor/ - Israel and Hezbollah are again embroiled in a perilous dynamic of escalation. How things unfold, as always, depends on the degree of self-restraint and level-headedness on both sides, and just as importantly on luck. Hezbollah plans to perpetrate a terrorist attack in the coming days. Hence the Israel Defense Forces dispatched reinforcements to the Lebanese border last week and raised alert levels. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in the past that he would retaliate from Lebanese soil for any harm to his personnel, even if they were wounded or killed in Syria. Such was the case last September, following the assassination of a Hezbollah drone cell in the Syrian Golan Heights; and such is the case now as he seeks to avenge the death of a Hezbollah operative in an airstrike on Damascus International Airport last Monday, which has been attributed to Israel. We can assume that, if Israel was indeed behind the attack, Israeli officials didn't know the Hezbollah operative was present at the targeted site. Efforts are usually made to avoid casualties, which increase the likelihood of a counter-response. But from the moment the (relatively junior) operative was killed, the situation took on a life of its own: social-media sites in Lebanon erupted, with users mocking Nasrallah for failing to back up his words. It seems he initially couldn't decide whether or not to retaliate, but the IDF's recent measures indicate the decision has already been made in Beirut. Nasrallah does not want a war. He is in unprecedented distress. Lebanon is in tatters economically, on the verge of insolvency. Unemployment numbers are through the roof. Because it is a part of the government, Hezbollah is perceived as being part of the problem. The terrorist group has not avoided the vitriol of the masses, not least because many of the problems stem from the economic sanctions imposed against it, which heavily burden Lebanon's financial systems. This distress is also palpable among Hezbollah's rank and file. Iranian funding has dried up considerably because of the Islamic Republic's own economic hardships in the face of crippling U.S. sanctions. Nasrallah has to maneuver to survive. A war that will wreak havoc on Lebanon, and mainly on the country's Shi'ite population, will give him nothing. He plunged Lebanon into a war with Israel in 2006, for which he eventually expressed his regret. "Nasrallah is a Shi'ite, but he isn't suicidal," a senior IDF officer said this week. Responding, but on a small scale We can expect Nasrallah to try walking a tightrope. He'll look to retaliate, but to the most minimal degree possible. If he could kill one IDF soldier, an eye for an eye, so to speak, he would take it and close this chapter. He'll likely look to hit an easy target from inside Lebanon, with an anti-tank missile, sniper or roadside bomb. The IDF, as stated, is preparing accordingly, and since Friday night forces have reduced their visibility. IDF vehicles are banned from using roads in the northern sector, which is exposed to Lebanese territory. Civilians can go about their daily routines, on the assumption that Hezbollah wants to kill a soldier, but military units are under stringent restrictions so as not to give Hezbollah a convenient target. Past experience tells us however that a target will eventually be found. Inevitably, the enemy will make contact. Such was the case last year when an army ambulance violated security protocol near Avivim and was attacked with anti-tank missiles. Miraculously, all five soldiers inside the vehicle survived. Although the IDF at the time presented the incident as a success, mostly because it was part of a deception exercise, it could have ended in abject failure. It was only by dint of fortune that a more serious incident was avoided, which would have assuredly triggered a grave, unpredictable escalation. This is precisely the current situation. If Hezbollah harms soldiers, Israel will have to respond. To that end, reinforcements were sent north and additional outfits (mainly in the air force) were placed on a heightened alert footing. Hezbollah will then have to exact a price after Israel retaliates, and so forth. The downward spiral, at that point, will depend, as stated, on the leaders and luck. Although neither side wants a war, they can afford not to respond even less. Bracing for an Iranian response Supposedly, Hezbollah could have mitigated this risk by responding from the Golan Heights sector. The IDF is preparing for this, too: The Israeli helicopter attack on Friday--in response to errant Syrian anti-aircraft fire that landed in Israeli territory--was exploited to destroy observation posts on the Syrian side of the border. There's another reason for the heightened readiness along the Syrian frontier--Iran. In Tehran, regime officials are determined to retaliate for the significant damage at the centrifuge production facility at Natanz, which has been attributed to Israel. The belief is that this response will come from Syrian territory, and will be separate from Hezbollah's response over the death of its operative in Damascus. This state of affairs means IDF forces will remain on high alert, at least over the coming days. Last September, it took Hezbollah a week to respond. This time around, it might want things to happen sooner, perhaps before the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on July 31. What happens next will depend on the outcome of the Hezbollah attack. If it is deadly, heaven forbid, Israel will strike back. At that point, the path to full-blown war is exceedingly short. Israel and Lebanon, both buckling under the weight of the coronavirus and their struggling economies, could find themselves caught in an unwanted tailspin. Anyone on either side searching for conspiracy theories can rest assured: These tensions and the heightened alert are quite real. This scenario appears in every briefing the Military Intelligence Directorate has presented in recent years, certainly due to the scope of Israeli airstrikes in Syria, alleged and otherwise. We can only hope that both sides exhibit the same level of judgment that has guided their actions since the Second Lebanon War, and end this current spat before the situation dangerously spins out of control. America's Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It Is Not Going To End In November - by Michael Snyder - The civil unrest that we witnessed all across America this weekend was extremely alarming. For a few weeks, it seemed like the chaos that erupted in the immediate aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd was subsiding, but in recent days there has been a dramatic resurgence. Within the last 48 hours, there have been eruptions of violence in major cities such as Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, Austin and Richmond. At this point we have seen sustained protests and rioting for nearly two months straight, and it looks like the chaos isn't going to disappear any time soon. Over the past few weeks, a few people have written me emails suggesting that the civil unrest will disappear if Joe Biden wins the election in November. But I don't believe that this is true. Virtually all of the rioting is happening in cities that are controlled by Democrats, and the leftist politicians that run those cities do not have any control over the Marxist protesters at all. For example, just look at what has been happening in Seattle and Portland. The politicians that run those cities are radical Democrats, and yet those radical Democrats have been completely and utterly unable to end the violence. The following comes from the Daily Mail... The streets of Seattle turned violent Saturday when protesters set fire to a youth detention center and a police precinct. Other protesters threw rocks, bottles, fireworks and other explosives at cops, with the unrest leading local authorities to declare protests had turned into 'riots that afternoon'. Portland geared up for its 59th night of unrest Saturday with swathes of demonstrators marching from the federal building to the Portland Marriott where they believe federal officers are staying, in the wake of a violent night Friday that ended with at least one person stabbed. To me, it is absolutely amazing that Portland has had 59 days of protests in a row. One man that actually lives in downtown Portland says that his neighborhood has essentially been turned into "a war zone"... Gabriel Johnson has lived in the Essex House Apartments in downtown Portland for seven years. He has loved it - until now. "I compare it to a war zone and some people will take that and say he must be exaggerating but no," said Johnson. Johnson said he is kept awake by the nightly demonstrations taking place just two blocks from his home. The sounds of fireworks and flash bangs, he said, are overwhelming. The tear gas is bad, too. And Johnson certainly knows what a "war zone" is like, because he is actually a military veteran. Elsewhere, two very heavily armed militia groups nearly came face to face in Louisville, Kentucky this weekend... More than 300 members of the Atlanta-based Black militia NFAC, or "Not ******* Around Coalition" came to Louisville demanding justice for 26-year-old Breonna Taylor, an ER technician who was fatally shot by officers in March. The group came close to 50 far-right "Three Percenter" militia members, who were also heavily armed. Police kept the sides apart and tensions eventually dissipated. If just one person had gotten an itchy trigger finger, that situation could have gotten out of control very rapidly. But there was one unfortunate incident when a member of the NFAC accidentally had a gun discharge... Police confirmed three members of the NFAC were struck by gunfire when someone's gun discharged while participating in a demonstration Saturday. All three victims went to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Meanwhile, things got really crazy down in Atlanta. Rioters attacked the local ICE and DHS field office, and they came close to setting it on fire... Atlanta also endured a night of unrest across Saturday evening into the early hours of Sunday as protesters took aim at the city's ICE and DHS field office, smashing windows and attempting to set fire to the building. Reports suggest that nobody was inside the building at the time, however extensive damage was caused to the front of the facility. Agents were seen patrolling the grounds early Sunday, as FBI officers snapped pictures of the shattered windows and what appeared to be scorch marks left from fireworks on the office's walls. It is important to understand that these rioters are very serious about their goals, and they aren't going to be happy with just a few half-hearted "reforms". For many of them, nothing short of the overthrow of the entire system will suffice. And as we draw closer to the November election, anything and anyone associated with President Trump will be a potential target. Trump supporter Bernie Trammell probably never imagined that his support of Trump would get him gunned down in front of his own business, but that is precisely what just happened... Bernell Trammell, a Black Donald Trump supporter, was reportedly shot and killed in Milwaukee on Thursday (July 23). According to Fox 6, the 60-year-old was gunned down during a drive-by shooting in the neighborhood where he was known for displaying signs reading "Vote Trump 2020" and recited Bible verses. Trammell was discovered dead in front of his business. A makeshift memorial containing flowers and candles has been set up on the sidewalk where Trammell died. One could probably imagine something like this happening in Seattle, Portland or Los Angeles. But Milwaukee? It is so sad to watch our major cities being torn apart, but a lot of Democrats out there seem to think that all of this chaos is just temporary and that it will come to an end once Trump is removed from office. Unfortunately, the truth is that these protests were never primarily about Trump. Yes, the protesters hate Trump, but they aren't exactly fans of Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats either. As Susan Duclos has pointed out, if Joe Biden and the Democratic Party actually believe that they will be able to control these protesters if they win in November they are being extremely delusional... This is a political calculation on the part of the liberal media and democrat politicians. Support the violent protesters, cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible before the 2020 presidential election, hoping that Trump will be blamed and their candidate, Joe Biden, will win. The problem, for them, is even if it works there is no way they control the monster they created and if they think they can, they are more delusional than originally thought. I have been warning that this civil unrest was coming for a very long time, and it is eventually going to get much, much worse no matter who wins in November. If you currently live in the heart of one of our major cities, please do not be fooled into thinking that these protests are just temporary and that things will eventually go back to normal. These protesters have a fervor that is almost on a religious level, and they are entirely convinced of the righteousness of their cause. They are never going to give up, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Who Can You Trust? - By Grant Phillips - I have read for years, from several reputable Bible scholars, that there are over 7,000 promises in the Bible. Think about that number for a while. That's a lot of promises! More so, God actually keeps His promises, unlike you and me! From our youth through our adulthood, how many times has someone promised us something but failed to deliver? How many times have we done the same? Some folks are better at keeping their promises than others, but none of us can say we have kept them all. God says what He means and means what He says. Maybe some find that hard to believe since we live in a world that is far from perfect. However, we can't, or at least shouldn't, judge God based upon the failures of mankind. Every promise and/or prophecy that God has made has either been fulfilled or will be. His success rate is 100%. He does not lie and He always keeps His promises. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'" (John 14:6). Jesus emphatically declares that He is the only way to the Father. In other words, He is the only way to be saved and go to Heaven. He also emphatically declares that He is the truth. Thirdly, in this passage, Jesus emphatically declares that He is life. Only in Jesus can we be assured that we can be saved, by hearing and accepting the truth, and have eternal life. Now some will say, "Just because He said it doesn't mean it's true." However, those who have put their faith in Jesus alone know they can depend on Him because He lives within them. "Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one" (John 10:25-30). God has made many promises, as previously stated. For example, He has informed us that: We are all sinners (Romans 3:23), and sin will be judged (Romans 6:23). He gives us eternal life if we accept Jesus (John 3:16; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9). Those who believe are heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17). Heaven is our home (John 14:1-4). The world is going to be judged (Revelation 4-20). In Heaven we will have no more tears, death, sorrow, crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). God states in His Word that He is God. Following are a few examples. "To you it was shown, that you might know that the LORD Himself is God; there is none other besides Him" (Deuteronomy 4:35). "'Now see that I, even I, am He, And there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand" (Deuteronomy 32:39). "I am the LORD, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me, That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other" (Isaiah 45:5-6). "Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other" (Isaiah 45:22). "Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me" (Isaiah 46:9). Some will shy away from God in the Old Testament because they think He is too stringent. They want the loving God in the New Testament, but He is the same God. Apparently, they have never read His book called Revelation. "For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob" (Malachi 3:6). "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" (Hebrews 13:8). In the Old Testament, God tells Moses to tell the children of Israel that His name is "I AM." "Then Moses said to God, 'Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they say to me, 'What is His name?' what shall I say to them?'" And God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.' And He said, 'Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you'" (Exodus 3:13-14). Now in the New Testament, Jesus tells the children of Israel that His name is "I AM." "Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM'" (John 8:58). Well now, must be the same God in both Old and New Testaments. Jesus Christ is either God or the biggest charlatan who has ever walked the earth. You don't have to believe it, but what if you're wrong? Personally, I and millions of others know He is God because His Spirit lives within us. We know He is coming for us, and we wait with great anticipation. Turn to Him today. You can trust HIM! Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: What? Wait a minute! - Bill Wilson - Marxist groups that want to defund the police, abolish the traditional role of fathers in the family, and set all prisoners free because of racism are being celebrated by political leaders and the news media- What? Wait a minute! The world is being shut down by the fear of a virus where there is a 99% chance of survival- What? Wait a minute! People have adopted the slogan, "Hate doesn't live here," but call everyone who disagrees with them racists, bigots, hatemongers and more- What? Wait a minute! Mayors in the largest cities in the US are demanding the defunding of police yet are turning a blind eye to riots, murders, crime, vandalization of businesses-What? Wait a minute! These are just from headlines, here are more. Democrats blame the President for COVID 19 deaths, but offer no solution to what they call a national pandemic- What? Wait a minute! The New York governor sends people infected with COVID 19 to nursing homes and then tries to blame the President for huge numbers of nursing home deaths- What? Wait a minute! Now he's saying that criticism of his actions is just politics-nothing to see here- What? Wait a minute! Riots in Seattle and Portland, the mayors and Democrat politicians there refusing to restore order, but blame the President- What? Wait a minute! The Speaker of the House invoking Nazism when the President sends federal agents to restore order in riot-torn Democrat-controlled cities- What? Wait a minute! the US closed Chinese consulate offices amid an array of issues, including COVID 19 and spying, and China retaliates saying the US is responsible for all of the deterioration in US-China relations- What? Wait a minute! Democrat governors and mayors are issuing orders and punishments for not following lockdowns and wearing masks, yet their states and cities are the most infected with COVID 19- What? Wait a minute! Those same politicians want businesses shut down and people in lockdown, but they support rioters in the streets- What? Wait a minute! Former Vice President Joe Biden says that black people are not really black if they don't vote for him- What? Wait a minute! In more than 80 pages in the Democratic National Committee's draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists, which likely encourages more rioting in the name of racism-What? Wait a minute! Do you see the pattern in all these headlines? The nation is gone crazy. Proverbs 12:15 says, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise." America is adrift in foolishness. Oh, one more-Major League Baseball has no fans in the stadiums, so it is populating seats behind home plate with cardboard cut-outs of fans-What? Wait a minute! Put on the brakes. We need the LORD. Daily Devotion: Our Role in Temptation - by Greg Laurie - The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. -1 Corinthians 10:13 Where does temptation come from? Many of us would say that it comes from the devil. There's truth to that, of course. But even if the devil just took a month off every year, we'd still get ourselves into trouble. All of us will be tempted at one time or another. The apostle Paul wrote, "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure" (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT). Yet there's something we need to recognize: we play a key role in our own temptation. James tells us, "Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death" (James 1:14-15 NLT). In this verse James breaks down the steps of temptation for us. First, we're drawn away by our own desires. The temptation comes to mind and we say, "I'm not going to do it, but I'll just take it for a test drive. I'll kind of think it through. What would it be like?" But then we take the bait, which makes us responsible. And we're under its power, and frankly we're enjoying the experience. There's a momentary euphoria in sin. Next, the problem is already in full bloom because we effectively bit on the hook. Then we're enticed and drawn away. And ultimately that gives birth to sin. We play a key role in our own temptation because the devil needs our cooperation in this area. And where there's no desire on our part, there's no temptation. Remember, it isn't the bait that constitutes temptation. It's the bite. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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