Prophecy Update Newsletter
The 30330 Man - By Randy Nettles - On July 31, 2019, at the end of the Democratic primary debate, Joe Biden (former senator and vice-president of the U.S.) told viewers to "go to Joe 30330 and help me in this fight". Most viewers assumed this was a website name, but it turned out that wasn't the case. Joe was just doing what Joe does best, he misspoke. He evidently meant to tell the audience to text 30330 to get involved in his campaign. This was just another gaff among dozens in the career of the former senator from Delaware. This article, however, is not about Joe Biden in particular. It's more about the power behind politics and the world system. This evil power has been influencing civilization since the beginning of time, starting with the fall of Adam and Eve and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Of course, I am talking about Satan and his army of fallen angels (demons). They corrupted mankind and the animal kingdom during the Antediluvian Age to the extent that God had to destroy all the people of the earth, except for Noah and his family, and most of the animals, with a great flood. After the flood, mankind was again deceived by this wicked entity during the Tower of Babel incident. God had to intervene in the affairs of men again. This time He confounded their language (for they originally spoke only one language) which effectively separated them and scattered them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Throughout mankind's history, Satan has always been influencing nations and the lives of people around the world. His influence is one of evil, for he is against God and God's ultimate plan of redemption for man. Satan's corrupt control over the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah was evident, during Abraham's lifetime; as it was over Pharaoh and the idol-worshipping pagans in Egypt, during the time of Moses and the Exodus. His evil power corrupted the children of Israel during the time of the Judges, and later during the reign of the kings of Israel and Judah; when apostasy was rampant. Satan is alive and well on planet Earth (just like Hal Lindsey said a long time ago) even to this present day...maybe even more so, as he has the technology to work with (and through) these days. His influence can be seen and felt throughout America and all nations of the world. He will not stop until all mankind worships him as God, and then he will turn on his subjects and destroy them. God, however, will not allow this to happen. He always saves a remnant of mankind for Himself. Satan is a defeated foe, and has been ever since Jesus rose from the grave after his crucifixion, and ascended back to Heaven. Satan knows his future, as recorded in the Bible "When the thousand years (Millennium Kingdom of Jesus Christ) are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth; and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever" (Revelation 20:7-10). Satan wants to take as many human beings to this "lake" with him as he possibly can. Sadly, many humans (and angels) will follow him willingly or unwillingly to their doom. After the Democratic presidential debate, I started thinking about the number 30330 and why Joe Biden and his campaign advisors picked that particular number. You know good and well Old Joe didn't think that up for himself, as he doesn't think very clearly these days. I believe he takes the advice of someone, either person or principality; that tells him he should put his faith in the United Nations and world government, instead of God, to bring about "change". As with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, Satan knows he can control, enslave, and kill people more effectively if he can do his ungodly work through just one government or man, instead of hundreds. As a new world order globalist elite, Joe Biden's goal is to bring the U.S. into the one world government system; where the U.N. will be in control of the government, military, and citizens of the world. Under a President Biden, and the powers and principalities behind him, America will succumb to the siren call of the New World Order, thus losing her sovereignty, power, independence, and freedom. America the Great will fall, and will never again rise to such prominence. We will soon become just another region under the dominance of one of the Ten Kings/Kingdoms that will rule the earth during the end times. Eventually the Antichrist will kill 3 of the kings and the remaining 7 will relinquish their control to him. That is when all Hell on earth will begin in earnest. It will be the time of the Great Tribulation, otherwise known as Jacob's Trouble. As for the number 30330, I can only speculate on why it was chosen. I believe the "30" at the start and finish of this five digit number represents the U.N.'s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, which most progressive Democrats believe in. Agenda 2030 for S.D. has 17 goals for curing all of the world's problems under the leadership of the unelected officials of the United Nations by the year 2030. All nations are required to follow their guidelines to bring about this new utopia on earth. They are to relinquish their national sovereignty, and become a member of the New World Order. All members will be required to submit to the authority of the one world government of the United Nations. The next two digits in the number 30330 make up a very special number. "33" is a very significant number in religion, numerology, and the occult. Regarding the occult symbolism for this number, I gathered the following information from a page on the website: www.dtss: "The U.N.'s flag shows the globe divided into 33 sections encircled by olive branches. The flag's color is blue just like the first 3 "blue degrees" of Masonry. 33 is the highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. There are 13 degrees of York-Rite Masonry. Our measuring system originated in Masonic France in the 1790's which explains why 13 standard inches is equal to precisely 33 metric centimeters. The Grand Orient de France of Freemasons was founded in 1733. The Masons base much of their traditions and rituals on the building of structures, such as the Tower of Babel and Solomon's Temple. Harry S. Truman, a 33 degree Mason, became 33rd President of the United States. In 1933 Adolph Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. The Masonic Great Seal with the Latin "New World Order" was added to the dollar bill in 1933. During World War II, 33rd degree Winston Churchill gave us the "V" for "victory" two-finger salute, which since the 60's became a symbol for "peace". Before it stood for victory or peace and was a symbol of the 33rd degree. There are 3 joints to the knuckle on two fingers making 33; then held apart like a V is about 33 degrees. Likewise, the human foot has 33 joints. The human spine has 33 vertebrae. The number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 33. All the pyramids in the world are on the 33rd parallel and also the area known as the Bermuda Triangle. The ancient city of Babylon was very near the 33rd parallel while modern Baghdad is on the 33rd parallel. This area was once thought to be the Garden of Eden and later, ancient Sumer. Mount Hermon is at 33 degrees latitude and longitude. In the book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Grigeri or Watchers/Sons of God/Nephilim descended to earth." These are the esoteric and occultic beliefs of the elite, new world order acolytes including Joe Biden, one of the many 30330 men and women of the world. The 30 at the start and finish of 30330 means it's important as it is mentioned twice. The number 30 represents the U.N.'s Agenda 2030 and 33 symbolizes the occult or supernatural. However, for Bible believing Christians, the numbers 30 and 33 represent something entirely different than it does for the new age guru's and new world order radicals. The number 30 is a special number in four ways according to the Bible. 1) 30 is a designated measurement for building special structures. Noah's Ark was 30 cubits in height (Genesis 6:15). Moses and the children of Israel built a tabernacle for God. It contained 11 curtains that were all 30 cubits in length (Exodus 26:15). Solomon's Temple was 30 cubits in height (1 kings 6:2). It was the same height as Noah's ark, but wasn't as wide or long. 2) 30 was the age for many men in the Bible when they had a life-changing event in their lives. The sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi had designated duties to perform in the Tabernacle of the congregation. All men from these families 30 years to 50 years old were to perform the work (Numbers 4:2-4). Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh King of Egypt (Genesis 41:46). David was 30 years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 40 years (2 Samuel 5:4). Jesus began his ministry at about 30 years of age (Luke 3:23). The key word here is "about". I believe he was more like 33 years old. That is about 30, but not exactly. 3) 30 days was a time of mourning for two great Jewish heroes of the faith, Aaron and Moses (Numbers 20:29 and Deuteronomy 34:8). 4) 30 was the perfect number of men that comprised an elite group in David's army. There were actually two elite groups of men in David's army: "the thirty" and "the three" (if you add them up, it's 33). According to 2 Samuel 23:12-14. To become a member of these groups a man had to show extraordinary courage in battle and wisdom in leadership. The 30 captains were the most courageous and highest ranking officers of David's army. "The three" were three men who risked their lives for David by breaking through the host of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem and brought it to David (1 Chronicles 11:15-19). Another aspect of the number 30 is when you multiply it by 13 (the number for rebellion or apostasy) you get 390. What's interesting about this number is when you relate it to the history of Israel. "390 years is the whole duration of the separate existence of the ten tribes of Israel from the day they rebelled against Rehoboam to the day they were led away captive by the Assyrians. Ezekiel prophesied about this in Ezekiel 4:4-5: The 390 years were to signify not only the years of apostasy but were also to signify the 390 days (13 months x 30 days) of the siege of Jerusalem. The siege commenced on the 10th day of the 10th month of the 9th year of Zedekiah (2 Kings 25:2-4). and it was taken on the 9th day of the 4th month of the 11th year of the same king. This gives a period of 18 months. The siege was raised for about 5 months, while Nebuchadnezzar's army was withdrawn for fear of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, who had come up to meet him. Thus the siege lasted for 13 months before Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed." {1} "The numbers 3 and 33 are very special numbers in the Bible. The number 3 represents Divine perfection. It is associated with the Godhead, for there are 3 Persons in God; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus himself represents the number 3 in many aspects, even though he is mentioned most as the number 2 Person...the Son. There were 3 years of Jesus' ministry which testify to the completeness of Israel's failure to accept him as their Messiah (Luke 13:7). Jesus 3-fold "it is written" replies to Satan show that the word of God is the perfection of all ministry (Matthew 4). The 3-fold voice from heaven revealed the completeness of God's approval of his beloved son Jesus (Matthew 3:17 and John 12:28). The prophet Jonah was in the belly of a great fish for 3 days and 3 nights. "Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah: And Jonah was in the belly of the fish 3 days and 3 nights (Jonah 1:17). This event pre-figured Jesus' death and resurrection. In the New Testament, Matthew verified this: "For as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth" (Matthew 12:40). Matthew mentioned 3 days and 3 nights (33) twice which signified its importance. Jesus started his 3 year ministry when he was probably 33 (33.5) years old. In the year AD 33, at 3 PM Jerusalem time, Jesus died on a cross having been crucified. There had been darkness in the land of Israel for 3 hours before Jesus uttered his last 3 words..."It is finished" (John 19:30). Mankind's salvation was now secure and complete for all who put their trust and faith in Him. In Exodus 33:11, Moses spoke to the Lord "face to face" as a man speaks to his friend. This was probably a theophany of God the Son, Jesus Christ. David, God's anointed king of Israel, ruled for 40 years; 7 in Hebron and 33 years in Jerusalem (1 Kings 2:11). He started his reign in Hebron when he was 30 years old. David was the 33rd generation from Adam (1Chronicles 1 and 2). Gideon, one of the judges of Israel, defeated the Midianites with only 300 men which he divided into 3 companies (Judges 7:16-23). Gideon originally had 22,000 warriors, but 12,000 of them were too fearful to fight. That left Gideon with 10,000 men, but God devised a test to see who was qualified to fight. Only 300 men passed God's test (Judges 7:4-8). Gideon fought the vast host of the Midianites with only 3.33% of his army. However, he had the Lord on his side who gave him a great victory (Judges 7:5-25)." {2} In the Bible, the number 33 can also be seen as 33.33% or one-third. There are numerous examples of this in both the Old and New Testaments. In 592 BC, the prophet Ezekiel gave a prophecy regarding the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah, the city of Jerusalem and the Temple, and two-thirds of the Jewish population. "One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them" (Ezekiel 5:12). This prophecy was fulfilled six years later in 586 BC. Nebuchadnezzar and the army of Babylon was the tool God used to accomplish it. Six years after Ezekiel's prophecy was fulfilled (580 BC) Zechariah prophesied about a similar account regarding the Jews; only this would occur during the end times of the Tribulation/Jacob's Trouble. "And it shall come to pass in all the land, says the Lord, "That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, but one-third (33.33%) shall be left in it: I will bring the one-third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'This is My people'; and each one will say, 'The Lord is my God.' " (Zechariah 13:8-9). "One third" is mentioned twice in these verses which means it is important. It has been 1440 years since Zechariah made this prophecy. It will surely come to pass in the near future, for God has ordained it through his righteous prophets. God always saves a remnant of mankind from total destruction; those who will call on the name of Lord for their deliverance. Even the numbers of the chapter and verse (13 and 9) signify a bad or disastrous event. The number 13 represents an ill-omen, rebellion, or apostasy and 9 represents judgment from God. Jesus, the Word/Son of God/Yahweh/LORD, gave John a heavenly vision of the end time events of mankind and the earth. John the Revelator had this to say about the end times and the powers and principalities behind the scenes: "And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third (33.33%) of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born" (Revelation 12:3-4). The great red dragon is Satan. The third part of the stars of heaven are the fallen angels that have pledged their allegiance to him and rebelled against God. Satan and his demons will be cast down from heaven to the earth at the mid-point of the Tribulation. Woe to those who are still alive on the Earth at this time! Although 7 is the dominant number in the book of Revelation (mentioned 58 times); the number 3 is mentioned quite often as well. "Three" is used 11 times and "third" is used 22 times; for a total of 33 times. Is this a coincidence or what? In my opinion it is "or what". These are Biblical truths that the 30330 "citizens of the world" will never understand. "Wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and to be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). But for those who love the truth of the word of God, a different path awaits them. "Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name. Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You" (Psalm 33:18-22). Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Randy Nettles [email protected] Endnotes: {1} Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger, Kregel Publications pgs. 215-216 {2} Israel Watch: The Cedars of Lebanon - Jim Fletcher - [email protected] The beautiful country to the north of Israel-along the Mediterranean-is one known to biblical students of Israel. Lebanon, that grand land that produced the cedar for Solomon's splendid First Temple, has unfortunately been on the frontlines of terror for generations. In 1982, a tragedy that will last generations occurred when President-elect Bachir Gemayel was assassinated on the orders of Syrian dictator Hafez Assad. The 34-year-old attorney was on good terms with Israel, and in particular, in his memoirs, Israeli legend Ariel Sharon lamented the damage this caused to the region. He had worked very hard to establish a relationship with a sane Lebanese government. Today of course, Lebanon remains in the grip of terrorists. In the 1970s and 1980s, the PLO decimated the country. Now, Hezbollah is established and has political seats in the government. The "military wing" (terrorists) have stockpiled weapons from Iran and others and estimates are that many tens of thousands of rockets are stockpiled. Hezbollah routinely threatens war with Israel and this week, the IDF moved to bolster its defenses. According to the Jerusalem Post: "The Israeli military deployed troops to Division 91 of the Galilee Division and 210 Bashan Division along with artillery and intelligence troops. Iron Dome missile defense batteries were also on alert as well as Israel Air Force jets. "IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, who met earlier in the day with US Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley who landed in Israel to discuss Iran and its proxies like Hezbollah, will remain at the IDF's Kirya Military Headquarters on Friday due to the tensions. "Hezbollah has pledged in the past to retaliate for any fighter that is killed by alleged Israeli airstrikes in Syria and the IDF on Friday warned Beirut that it 'holds the Lebanese government responsible for all actions emanating from Lebanon.'" I do believe that a potential Hezbollah conflict, on a wide scale, would have Bible prophecy implications, since such a confrontation would involve war-like conditions. If Hezbollah can threaten Tel Aviv and Israel's "breadbasket" in the area between the mountains and the sea, Israel would necessarily have to meet such a threat robustly. We will watch this latest escalation. War with Lebanon in 2006 left Israel with a bad taste in its mouth, but recent comments by American officers familiar with the region left no doubt that such a war today would end badly for Hezbollah. No doubt it would, but taken collectively, all these enemies require a level of preparedness that few countries can achieve. Israel can, but we must intercede in prayer for the Jews of Israel. I noticed a small-but-important item this week from the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center: "Palestinian sources reported the detention of Adnan Ghaith, the governor of the PA's Jerusalem district, at his home in the Silwan neighborhood of east Jerusalem (Wafa, July 19, 2020). On July 19, 2020, sources also reported the detention of the head of Palestinian general intelligence for the Jerusalem district, Jihad al-Faqih, while he was on his way home to the town of Qatana northwest of Jerusalem (official Fatah Facebook page, July 19, 2020)." For anyone that's visited Jerusalem, you've seen or perhaps even driven through Silwan (I would not). It is located beneath (on a hillside) the City of David, an archaeological area adjacent to the Old City. What the above paragraph illustrates for you, I hope, is just how close Israel's enemies are to her. Imagine that you live in Dallas and over in Plano, a deranged and vicious enemy lives. This is what Israel deals with on a daily basis. Much is being made of the regional threats to Israel now, including Turkey, Iran and even certain African states. Then there is the terror threat from within Israel. As always, I advocate being cautious when predicting that Gog and Magog is ready to break out, but pray like never before for the safety and security of Israel. More than a few of us feel the Messiah's footsteps approaching, and I think that's legitimate, given the increasing pressure on Israel (which will spill over post-Trump) and the insanity that the global community has plunged into. Look up, saints! [email protected] Nearing Midnight: Enough! - Terry James - The lockdowns are again being initiated by those willing to follow the dictates of those I would like to say are just mistaken in their zeal to keep America healthy. I know better. We as a people are beginning to come under the delusion of the master planner-and I'm not meaning the Dr. Faucis of the bureaucratic, inside-the-Beltway elite of the medical establishment-those of the CDC and the like. The master planner is the old serpent, Lucifer the fallen one. Of this I am absolutely convinced. One can viscerally sense that the rage against the founding of this nation-against the principles that undergird America-is increasing, not lessening, day by day. Again to keep harping on the matter, I guess, America is the chief holdup to Satan getting the platform from which to launch his man of sin, the first beast of Revelation 13. This nation is, somewhat like the Church (all born-again believers) the only thing standing between the devil and his being able to wage total war on mankind-particularly on God's chosen people, the Jews. Now, I'm not equating America with the Church in the spiritual sense. The nation is, I simply mean, the physical manifestation-the nation-state-that represents a roadblock to Lucifer's plan to bring in the Antichrist regime. The Church, indwelt by God the Holy Spirit, is the spiritual entity that blocks the devil's ultimate plan to overrule God's governance upon this fallen planet. Against this spiritual entity, the Church, Satan and the gates of Hell will never prevail. That is a promise in God's Holy Word. But he will overcome all nations and (in the sense of physical death) even the Tribulation saints under the leadership of history's last and most terrible tyrant (see Revelation 13). America, too, will be overcome. The process is in full-blown fury. The plan of the devil can be delayed, but it can't be stopped. America as it was founded will not survive the onslaught we are witnessing. It will be overcome, just like all other nations and peoples. The Church is the greatest blocking mechanism against Satan's drive to bring his evil one to earth's throne of absolute control. The United States is still in place to be the national entity that is preventing the globalist agenda from coming to fruition. And it is the globalist agenda that Lucifer is counting on to provide the platform for bringing his man, Antichrist, to the stage for the final play of this great, end-times drama. It is the Church of Jesus Christ that has been instrumental in God's keeping America in place in order to block the globalist drive. God's people offering the prayer of 2 Chronicles 7:14, I believe, is what turned the globalist agenda aside in the presidential election of 2016. Even mainstream pundits, through their meltdown on election night, considered it a near miracle that their candidate lost and a "show-biz nothing" won. It was more like a nightmare to them, but it was indeed a miracle for all who love and cherish America as founded. We have witnessed that insane rage we've written about so much each and every news-cycle hour since that election. The rage hasn't abated, but has grown exponentially more virulent. Now the assault has us wearing masks and cringing in fear of a microbe (if that's what a virus is) that is, in fact, less deadly than strains of the flu experienced each year. Basically, one doctor of the CDC has, in consort with the so-called Deep State, dictated to the entire American populace that we must stop going to work, school, restaurants, and church. It is all to bring America into the orbit of the globalist order. American elections have to be overruled, and the way that will be done from the perspective of Satan's globalist minions in high places is to make you and me vote out the man God obviously put in place on 2016 to delay their plans. "It's the economy, stupid," is the mantra Democrat operative James Carville created during the Bill Clinton years. The slogan worked. If they can convince voters that the economic coming-apart of America is Donald J. Trump's fault, their mission of getting rid of him as a roadblock to their plans will be accomplished. So we have the masks to remind us of just how the Trump years have caused us grief. It is the physical manifestation of the pandemic gulag that they, themselves, have perpetrated, and think they have convinced us to blame Trump. I received an email from a Rapture Ready website friend who is fed up with the minions of the assault on America that is getting more vicious by the day. She wrote the following. The word "ENOUGH" is a protest word. It is a conversation starter of "God is enough," "Enough lies," "Enough shut down." The enemy has stolen the "I can't breathe" to be a protest. I would write that on my face mask because I literally cannot breathe under it. We need to protest effectively. We can write it on our face masks without triggering people, but allowing a conversation. Please help me spread this message. Well, Shelly, it's a great idea, to be sure. One of these days soon, though-perhaps today-the Lord will say "Enough is enough," and will shout, "Come up here!" The Church will no longer be that Body on earth the Restrainer indwells. Satan will install his wicked order on this doomed planet. Meantime, I prefer to fight the evil going on with something stronger. Let's take off the masks altogether so the Lord can read our lips as well as our hearts. Let's again say "Enough is enough" with words of repentance, in unison, lifted toward the throne as instructed by the God of Heaven. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7: 14) Iran's Sprint to the Bomb - by Peter Huessy - In 2013, Danny Danon, Israel's Deputy Defense Minister, warned that Iran was speedily moving to develop advanced centrifuges that will enable it to enrich uranium needed for nuclear weapons within one month. "We have made it crystal clear ," Danon said, "Israel will not stand by and watch Iran develop weaponry that will put us, the entire Middle East and eventually the world, under an Iranian umbrella of terror." This concern was shared by the United States and thus, in 2015, a nuclear agreement -- the Joint Comprehensive Program of Action (JCPOA) -- was made between the United States, along with Russia, China, France, Great Britain and Germany, and supposedly Iran, which never signed the deal. Ostensibly Iran would give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons and the U.S. would withdraw its economic sanctions. Iran, of course, had no intention of giving up its pursuit of nuclear weapons; contrary to what JCPOA supporters claimed, the Iranians, even under the JCPOA deal, could continue pursuing their quest for nuclear capability. This "loophole" was clear especially after it was revealed the Obama administration had conceded that Iran had a right to enrich uranium, which is not required for "peaceful" nuclear energy. It cannot therefore be a surprise that Iran is still sprinting toward deliverable nuclear weapons with the very uranium enrichment technology permitted by the 2015 agreement. While the U.S. Senate was told the deal would halt Iran's pursuit of nuclear weaponry, the deal only camouflaged the mullahs' ambitions to acquire it. Worse, when the deal's provisions were to sunset this decade, Iran would have been free to acquire full nuclear capability without pretending it was not. At the time of the 2015 deal, the Obama administration warned that Iran was probably a year way from having enough nuclear material to fashion a bomb. Now, it is reported by David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) that until recently, Iran was no more than one or two months away from a nuclear weapons capability. Some people take solace in the partial destruction of the building at Natanz that housed many of Iran's centrifuges, in which a mysterious explosion occurred in early July. Although ISIS says the damage is serious, other sources say the hall underneath the building, where the centrifuges are located, was not destroyed. The Natanz facility, which was finished in 2018, was to mass-produce thousands of advanced centrifuges for nuclear weapons fuel production. It took six years for the building to be completed; it is important to remember that Iran was building its major nuclear weapons capability all during the negotiations that led up to the JCPOA deal and for three years afterward. As the United States, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Israel have argued all this time, Iran's Islamic rulers never gave up their pursuit of nuclear weapons. Obviously, somebody took these arguments seriously: Natanz, a key facility in the Iranian nuclear program, was likely bombed. Some experts say to rebuild the facility will take upwards of two years, while others say the nuclear program is only delayed by a few months. The latter opinion is supported by the fact that Iran maintains numerous complexes for nuclear weapons work and, as noted, the centrifuge hall under Natanz is said to remain intact. Throughout all this, critics still maintain that the United States policy of "maximum pressure" is what drives the Iranians to accelerate their quest for nuclear weapons. Their solution? The U.S. should rejoin the JCPOA! Such arguments fall apart for a number of reasons. First, the Iranians have never given up their pursuit of nuclear weapons: they never complied with the JCPOA from its start. Second, as USAF General and former CIA Director Michael Hayden explained, the JCPOA actually allowed Iran to build an "industrial strength nuclear program" with a capability that served no other purpose than to allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon in a matter of months. And third, the "maximum pressure" campaign seems to be working, and working so well that it drove the Iranians to make a fateful decision: sprint to a nuclear weapon and risk being found out -- or suffer further economic deterioration that would eventually bankrupt Iran and threaten the survivability of the regime. The mullahs obviously chose to continue their sprint to a bomb. They enriched more uranium, refused IAEA inspections for military sites where nuclear work was done, illegally sought nuclear technology from Germany, and expanded their violations of the JCPOA, all the while trying to keep the U.S. military at bay and enticing the Europeans to increase investment and trade. The strategy might have worked: the White House is reluctant to go to war in an election year, even if the U.S. could destroy the entire Iranian nuclear weapons program. After America tried regime change in Iraq to eliminate Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, "not again" became the Pentagon watchword. With U.S. military leaders remaining wary of an escalation of rising tensions between Iran and the United States, the mullahs are counting on U.S. restraint to shield them from attack. U.S. restraint is one thing, but what about the friends of the United States? In 1981, for instance, the Israelis destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq with a perilous long-range air attack without air-to-air refueling. Then, in September 2007, the Israelis destroyed a nuclear reactor in Syria that was being built by North Korea and paid for with Iranian cash. In short, the U.S. may not need to end Iran's nuclear weapons program by "going to war," the argument used by JCPOA supporters who said that the U.S. had a choice either to agree to a flawed nuclear deal (even one allowing Iran eventually to get nuclear weapons) or go to war. A better choice is to recognize that the United States has allies that could get the job done, such as an Israeli government that understands how to deal with difficult military problems, and a Saudi Arabia willing to help with matters such as over-flight permission and airfield use to refuel returning airplanes. The Iranian leadership knows this. They understand they are facing an alliance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United States and Israel, all of which see the JCPOA as a dangerous failure. The mullahs also know that all the Middle East allies need to "get the job done" is an American green light. As a result of that understanding, current events, and sanctions, Iran is seeking to be rescued by China. Although first explored in 2016, and to a degree previewed last year, the Iranian government has now formalized a new historic deal with China. In exchange for hundreds of billions of dollars in promised investment, Iran is promising cheap oil for 25 years and access to the Persian Gulf for military facilities and bases. As one analyst put it, Iran is "selling its soul to China," apparently giving up on Europe to provide enough investment to prop up its economy. China is buying time for Iran. Perhaps China believes that its presence in the region will persuade the United States to show "restraint." The United States should not take the bait. It is clear that Iran is "crossing important [nuclear] thresholds that dangerously reduce its breakout time" to anywhere from two to four months, according to John Hannah of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Combined with IAEA concerns over the equipment and nuclear material at two sites targeted for inspection but denied access by Iran, it is obvious the nuclear weapons threat from Iran is only getting worse. In addition, in April, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), launched a military satellite into orbit. It was no doubt a prelude to a nuclear-armed missile being launched. The prospects ahead are possibly dark. A change in U.S. administration may likely see a return to the JCPOA, an end to sanctions and maximum pressure, and an Iranian sense of having won a major struggle with the "Great Satan." That is not a prospect American allies in the Middle East want to accept. The United States should not risk waiting, either. The world knows that the JCPOA never ended -- or even intended to end -- Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. The ticking clocks you hear denote a race between America and its allies pursuing the destruction of Iran's nuclear weapons program on the one hand, and Iran's sprint to the bomb and an umbrella of terror on the other. Daily Jot: The cauldron of civil war in America - Bill Wilson - In May of 2017, I wrote in the Daily Jot what I saw as a growing civil war in America. I quoted as an example a University of Hawaii professor who wanted to eliminate white men from academia because she believed "actual solutions require women of color and trans people". Piper Harron, a black female, wrote, "If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) are the problem. Your very presence." These types of conclusions have been brewing in a cauldron of class warfare for years. It is from the Marxist playbook, collectively seeking to overthrow America. The riots in various US cities today are a reflection of Marxism more than they are protesting racism. Racism, in this case, was the spark. The subsequent fire is resultant of Marxists hijacking the moment of crisis. Americans are like the legendary frog in the boiling pot. Constitutional scholar, radio host and Fox News contributor Douglas V. Gibbs, in his January 2011 blogspot, politicalpistachio, observed: "The United States, however, despite the belief that this is a free country, has been under the assault of the same collectivist forces that guided the Bolsheviks and Soviet communists. American culture has been infiltrated, and though the process of turning our society into a communal system has been much slower, applied in an incremental manner, the American system is also moving in a direction of utopianism under the invisible hand of social engineering, and orchestrated class warfare." Gibbs continued, "The liberals use political correctness to mask their true intent. They have discouraged any debate over their true motives, censoring their opposition through ridicule and accusations. The discussion has omitted language that may betray their social engineering, income redistribution, class warfare, and any form of affirmative action that might become associated with these foregoing notions. Eliminating these ideas from the public debate, while acting upon them, has enabled them to fill the political discussion with propaganda that pit the wealthy against the poor, the religious against non-believers, sexual perversion against anyone who dares to question the "normalcy" of their abnormal behavior, and of course pitting the various ethnicities and races against each other." Gibbs' astute observations nine years ago have become the rising tide today. It is the dialectic on steroids-thesis, antithesis, synthesis. The more outrageous the claim (the antithesis), the faster people move toward the new thesis (synthesis). These are ingredients for revolution and tyranny. As stated in Micah 7:6-7, "For the son dishonors the father, the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house. Therefore, I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me." We must pray and act. We must stand in the gap and make up the hedge, point out the tyranny of censorship and freedom of thought. Expose to your family, neighbors and friends-respectfully-the folly of these machinations of evil. Daily Devotion: Where Sin Begins - by Greg Laurie - For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. -2 Corinthians 10:4 If my son were to sin against me, he wouldn't stop being my son. And when we sin against God, we don't cease being His sons and daughters. We are, however, prodigal sons and daughters. Of course, we like to blame everyone for our sin except ourselves. But we play a role in it. And if you think about the last time you gave in to any sin, you'll realize that it started in your imagination. Then it led to an action. Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth, "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3 NKJV). He also explained how to win this spiritual battle: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NKJV). Sin has ramifications. First, we feel the guilt-if our consciences are working, that is. Then we experience a dead feeling, which means that sin has done its work and has produced death. We haven't experienced separation from God in our relationship, but we have experienced separation from Him in our fellowship. So, when we sin, we need to restore that communication. We need to admit our sin, turn from it, and ask God to forgive us. 1 John 1:9 tells us, "But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness" (NLT). Whatever season we're in, we never can take a vacation from the spiritual battle. The devil doesn't take the day off from it, and we can't either. FROM THE HEART
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