Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Theory of Crisis and Quantum Entanglement - Pete Garcia - According to Revelation 13, the whole world will one day come under the authority of one man, one religion, and one economic system. We know this financial system is extremely successful because when it is destroyed in Revelation 18, the world is in deep mourning over it. But that scenario seems so distant from today's world. Currently, we are as divided a race as we have ever been. We divide by country, culture, and ethnicity, economic, financial, religious and philosophical persuasions so vast it would be impossible to count. How does the world go from many diverse groups and divided nations to a world united under one system? Well, rather quickly as it turns out. Not only does crisis demand rapid unified action in order to solve itself, but it also presents opportunity. People will set aside differences to overcome an emergency. And in that briefest of moments of confederation, an opportunity will arise. Rahm Emmanuel hit the nail on the head when he infamously quipped, you never let a serious crisis go to waste. Political Entanglement For the past forty years, the world has seemingly been on the edge of a perpetually changing global climate disaster. First, it was global freezing. Then it was global warming. Then, because the facts kept refuting the obvious, it just became the catch all climate change. The obvious truth now with hindsight is that the world powers (i.e....globalist organizations such as the United Nations and its subsidiaries) want total control and are willing to use climate change as that guise. They want global taxes on carbon output and stringent bureaucratic laws on virtually every industry. They need a global crisis to implement sweeping changes to usurp national sovereignty. What is hampering them from this, of course, is its largest benefactor, the United States. Due to our Constitution, the US limits the amount of authority the politicians can hand over to another entity due primarily to its political checks and balances. So for the past 72 years, the world has been at an impasse for true global governance. In other words, as of right now, they have global governance in name only. I mean, who's afraid of seeing the light blue helmets of the United Nations troops show up anywhere? So while the stalwart US remains reluctant to give up its sovereignty (this fluctuates between political administrations), the world is increasingly having problems that are "global" in nature. The problems seemingly demand global leadership. One of these "problems," is the Palestinian/Israeli "crisis" that has been ongoing now for the past forty years. The land for peace deals that began in 1977 with the Camp David Accords has been the unsolvable problem every president since Carter has tried to tackle...and failed. Hard to find a solution when one side (Israel) wants peace, the other side (Palestinians) wants Israel's destruction. The fact that the world keeps perpetuating this false narrative of land for peace means that it will not concede to the existence of a Jewish state. It can't. The reborn nation of Israel is the prophetic validation of what was in Scripture for thousands of years. Yet, the Trump Administration has begun back door negotiations in the promise to finally break the impasse that has embroiled every political administration since Truman. How do you bring peace to a region that vehemently hates and wants to destroy Israel? While we may applaud our current administration's attempts at finally bringing legitimate peace to a decades (actually millennia) old problem, it cannot be solved until one final piece of the puzzle is brought to bear. Economic Entanglement He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Rev. 13:16-18 NKJV While current political power and authority may have been stalled in a quagmire over the issue of sovereignty, the economic markets have marched lock step into the each other's arms....becoming impossibly entangled in a web that has only become more interdependent since the advent of the World Wide Web. Almost every major business organization is international. All banking systems to one degree or another, have become transnational. Communication networks and their mediums have become global. The only thing that has not become international is the actual American government entities themselves...even though they have become increasingly beholden to global interest groups. Economically speaking, the world is currently racing toward three technologies that will make a one world political and economic system possible. These are the things to watch for in the coming weeks, months, and years (if the Lord tarries). Quantum Computing. This will allow for the lightning quick speed and processing power required to handle the enormous amount of data it will be required to process and control all the information in the world. It also provides unbreakable encryption of data the likes the world has never seen. IBM, Google, the NSA, and other entities have made vast strides in developing this technology. Global Identification. The UN and other globalist groups have realized that there are too many people in the world without biometrically linked identification numbers. Enter ID2020. This provides the platform and the framework for the creation of a global identification number for every person on the planet. Blockchain technology. The Blockchain is digitizing currency and increasing banking transactions at an incredible rate. But with advancements in quantum computing (which has could easily crack the security Blockchain provides), it is not a stretch to see how eventually the two technologies will be combined to provide an unbreakable financial system. In summary, when you combine the three, you have the ability to secure encrypted data onto a microchip or possibly even into our DNA, (which has the capacity) along with the power and security the consumer would need via quantum computing married with blockchain technology to use in everyday life. Note the potential storage capacity of the human body: Researchers at ETH Zurich, in Switzerland, believe the answer may lie in the data storage system that exists in every living cell: DNA. So compact and complex are its strands that just 1 gram of DNA is theoretically capable of containing all the data of internet giants such as Google and Facebook, with room to spare. In data storage terms, that gram would be capable of holding 455 exabytes, where one exabyte is equivalent to a billion gigabytes. All of your personal and financial data into a chip or DNA in your hand (or head) that will prevent identity theft, data hacking, and provide the ultimate in financial ease and security. As we see more frequently, companies both in the US and abroad are offering to chip their employees for varying reasons. While these current examples are not the "mark of the Beast," they are, however, desensitizing the public for the general acceptance of what will eventually come. Scoffers of this prediction denote how no one will take this technology seriously even if it does become available. But I offer an example of how quickly people will take it. Imagine tomorrow that Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO) offers anyone who switches exclusively to Amazon to purchase all of their material needs, could use his account so long as they were a legal US adult citizen and didn't purchase anything (non-perishable goods) from anyone else. How quickly would people abandon Target or Wal-Mart? Well, if Bezos had the ability to deliver the goods and not bankrupt himself in the process, he'd probably do it. He could put much of his competition out of business relatively quickly. He'd also have to have a way to know if people were honoring their end of it. But people, predictably, would not spend their own money on things they could get for free at Amazon. I believe the "mark of the Beast" will operate in much the same fashion with one exception. There will be no other competitors. Everyone will use this system, so either you have it, or you starve and do without. Total loyalty is rewarded by usage of this new digital currency system that could be placed in the customer, who willingly sacrifices privacy for convenience. For those who resist, the option is death by execution or starvation. While this reality may not seem possible in our current day, all this technology needs is the right crisis for implementation. Conclusion- Global Entanglement For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thess. 4:16-18 Skeptics of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture (both religious and secular) scoff and openly mock at the idea that we are in the last days. They look at the world the way it is today and see it as impossible. Yet, they forget that after the Rapture, Satan's attempts to unite the world under a single, global government will no longer by hampered by the Restrainer. Going back to the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, Satan began to unite the world under a single system he controlled. He even attempted to get all of Christianity under one system (via the Roman Catholic Church) and used every attempt to include grafting in paganism, massacring non-Catholic converts (Lollards, Albigensians, Waldensians, etc.), the Crusades, and the Inquisitions. But God separated man at Babel and has kept the world divided on purpose to prevent this from being possible until the Rapture. Whatever our current problems are (economic, political, religious) and however insurmountable they seem at present, will quickly be set aside to deal with the almost instantaneous global realignment of power the world has ever seen immediately after the Rapture. Not only that, but the world will be given over to some form of delusion (2 Thess. 2:11-12), and they will be unified in this aberration. This lie (whatever it may be) will allow the world to set aside their differences just as it did briefly at the end of World Wars I and II. If you had tried to explain to politicians, scholars, and theologians of the 19th century how the Jewish people would become a sovereign nation again in their ancient homeland, you probably would have been laughed out of the room. How impossible it seemed to the world then. Little did they know that it would take two world wars to reshape the geopolitical map, along with a post-holocaust world to allow for a reborn Jewish nation called Israel. In regards to Israel, the Rapture finally removes that decade's old benefactor from Israel's short list of allies. The Rapture will force Israel to compromise in a way she has been able to hold off due to her unique relationship with the United States. Because the Rapture of the Church removes Christians from the earth in a fraction of a second, the world will be reeling from the sudden shift in global dynamics. No longer will the US be the global super power it once was. Her economy will nose-dive overnight. Vacuums in leadership and expertise will be felt at every level of government and in the private sector. Even if 10% of the population were taken from the United States, that's still over 30 million citizens instantly removed from the political and economic infrastructure that has kept this nation afloat. Out of the chaos, a political alignment of nations will arise, and out of this group, one man will rise to the top. The Bible has many names for him: The lawless one, the Antichrist, the son of perdition, and the rider on the white horse. He will use the economic system to force everyone's allegiance. For those nations who still aren't willing to join in the rider on the white horse's peace agenda and crisis action plan, will suffer under the red horse's banner of war. In other words, join peacefully, or you will be forced to on pain of death. I believe these two horses and their riders will act swiftly in the weeks and months after the Rapture. And they (white and red) will bring further crisis to the world (enter the riders on the black and pale horses) which serve to solidify Satan's grip on a planet wracked with crisis. All told, a quarter of the world's population (we are currently at 7.5 billion) will be killed by either the sword, famine, or pestilence. When the time is right, and the trumpet sounds, the Church is removed and the perfect crisis will present itself to a world ripe for judgment. In that moment of crisis, the sea of nations will rush together and be swept up in the tides of biblical prophecy. Watchman Warning: What Next? - By Hal Lindsey - The western media remains fixated on Washington, but outside of D.C., the world is spinning toward a series of potential catastrophes. Decisions made over the coming days will affect the future of all humanity. I could illustrate this by examining any of the world's regions. But, for now, let's focus on the nations in and around Syria. One of the eeriest specters of our time is the image of Russia and Iran sitting on Israel's doorstep in Syria. The well-known prophecy in Ezekiel 38 tells of a coming battle with those two countries leading a coalition of nations against Israel. Russia arrived in Syria ostensibly to fight ISIS. Will they leave when ISIS is defeated? I doubt it. Bashar al-Assad, Syria's President, is no longer his own man. He sold his soul to Vladimir Putin, the mad mullahs running Iran, and the Hezbollah terror group. Putin needs to maintain a foothold in the Middle East - the closer to Israel, the better. The natural gas fields found in the waters off the Israeli coast are a game-changer for Russia. With the discovery of those fields, Israel became a major player in the world's energy picture. Israel does not yet have the infrastructure needed to sell fuel to the world at large, but their reserves are huge. Israel could break Russia's monopoly on gas for Europe - possibly making it in Russia's interest to stir up a war in the region. What will Hezbollah do next? One of the most underreported facts of the Middle East is that Hezbollah has a larger stockpile of missiles than all NATO countries (except the U.S.) combined. And these aren't bottle rockets. They're sophisticated, high-quality missiles. Hezbollah has become so powerful in Lebanon, that the government works with them as partners. They sit on Israel's northern border in both Lebanon and Syria. But their presence is not limited to the Middle East. They have been patiently building a physical and organizational infrastructure in South America - primarily by providing weapons to the drug cartels. This generates cash, but, more importantly, it gives them a land route into the United States. Because the U.S. southern border has been so porous for so long, we don't know if they have transferred personnel or weapons into the country. But it's hard to imagine that they haven't. Hezbollah is probably the wealthiest terror group on earth. They have their own nefarious money-making enterprises. But they built their vast arsenal of weapons primarily with funding from Iran. Will Iran stay in Syria once ISIS has been defeated there? In the last few years, Iran has been consolidating the region's Shiite Muslims under its control. Their support of Shiite militias in Iraq has been one of the keys to defeating ISIS there. Iran is the primary sponsor of civil war in Yemen, where they back the Shiite Houthi rebels. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an Alawite Muslim. Alawites are a branch of Shiite Islam. And so, they support him. But they expect his loyalty in return. So far, President Trump has not been able to do anything publicly to slow down Iran's march toward the acquisition of an arsenal of nuclear weapons. But that was a major part of his campaign for President. I think he will act, but the difficulties are innumerable. And right now, his presidency remains embroiled in a series of domestic controversies that make accomplishing anything internationally, especially difficult. Then there's ISIS. For a while, it did something few terror groups have ever done. It amassed a large territory, and declared itself a caliphate. Now it's losing ground. Its dreams of a new Islamic State grow dimmer by the day. But ISIS is not done. People who live in apartment buildings often complain when a neighbor sprays for cockroaches. Some of the roaches die, but others just move to neighboring apartments. That's ISIS in 2017. They have agents and sympathizers in countries all over the world. Their hopes of a caliphate may have been put on hold, but the bloodlust that caused so many beheadings and mass murders has not subsided. They will continue to kill for the killing's sake - and they will do it all over the world. The emphasis on dismantling ISIS caused a strengthening of other terror groups. I'm not criticizing anyone here. It was correct to make the destruction of ISIS the priority. But during this time, we've seen al-Qaeda dramatically strengthened - especially in Syria. Earlier this month, the United States and Russia announced a ceasefire in Syria. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the Russians now "see the situation in Syria transitioning from the defeat of ISIS... to this discussion with them as to what do we do to stabilize Syria once the war against ISIS is won." Defeating ISIS in Syria will not end the civil war there, but it will end a major component of it. As that war winds down, there are strong indications that some of the big guns that have been protecting Assad, will now turn against Israel. Iran has long been obsessed with Israel. Their most elite special forces unit is called the "Quds Force." A Quds unit deployed to Lebanon in 1982, assisted in the formation of Hezbollah. The name "al-Quds" means Jerusalem. That makes their goal and purpose clear. With its position on Israel's northeast border, Syria provides Iran with a stepping stone to Jerusalem. These groups will become more dangerous to Israel as the war in Syria winds down. What will the United States do? What can it do? Where will Europe stand? Don't make the mistake of thinking these conflicts will remain confined to the Middle East. Intercontinental ballistic missiles give rogue nations enough reach to start World War III. As world tensions mount, it's comforting to remember that God warned us in advance about perilous times in the last days. It's also clear from scripture, that God's loving care, and His many promises, still apply even in times of danger. Soon, He will take us out of this world. In the meantime, He's got your back. Hezbollah takes over north east border of Lebanon - Hezbollah took most of the barren, mountainous zone of Jroud Arsal last week. A convoy of buses was deployed on Monday to transport Nusra Front militants and refugees from Lebanon's border region to Syria in exchange for Hezbollah prisoners. Under a local ceasefire between the Lebanese Shi'ite group and the Sunni militants, about 9,000 fighters and their relatives would leave for rebel territory in Syria on Monday, a Hezbollah media unit had said. The Nusra Front was al-Qaeda's Syria branch until it severed ties and rebranded last year. It now spearheads the Tahrir al-Sham Islamist alliance in the Syrian war. The deal includes the departure of all Nusra militants from Lebanon's northeast border region around Arsal town, along with any civilians in nearby refugee camps who wish to leave. Hezbollah took most of the barren, mountainous zone of Jroud Arsal last week, after launching an offensive with the Syrian army to drive militants from their last foothold along the border. The next phase is expected to target a nearby enclave in the hands of Islamic State. The first stage of the ceasefire, brokered by Lebanon's internal security agency, took effect on Sunday as the two sides exchanged the bodies of fighters killed in clashes between them. "Buses that will transport Nusra Front militants and their families have started arriving in Jroud Arsal," the Hezbollah military media unit said. The convoys came from Syrian territory and headed towards Lebanese army positions, it said. Hezbollah has played a major role in fighting militants along the frontier during Syria's six-year war. It has sent thousands of fighters to help prop up President Bashar al-Assad's government in the battle against rebel groups. A Lebanese security source said dozens of buses would carry militants and refugees to Syria's Idlib province, which is under the insurgents' control. Nusra Front will release eight Hezbollah fighters under the deal, three captured in recent days and five held in Syria, the source said. The Lebanese Red Cross has taken part in logistics. The U.N. refugee agency, not involved in the deal, was trying to reach refugees in the Arsal region to evaluate whether returns were voluntary, spokeswoman Lisa Abou Khaled said. "UNHCR believes that conditions for refugees to return in safety and dignity are not yet in place in Syria," she said, as war rages on across much of the country. The multi-sided Syrian conflict has killed hundreds of thousands of people and driven at least 11 million from their homes. Nearly 1.5 million refugees have poured into Lebanon - around a quarter of its population - where most languish in severe poverty. Several thousand live in makeshift camps east of Arsal. Jordan's King Vows to 'Stop the Judaization' of Temple Mount - "And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. Exactly as I show you-the pattern of the Mishkan and the pattern of all its furnishings-so shall you make it." Exodus 25:8 (The Israel Bible™) His Majesty King Abdullah II on Saturday spoke before an assembly of local newspaper editors and journalists, saying "he spared no occasion to put the Palestinian cause and defend Jerusalem before the world," according to the Petra state news agency, adding, "There is no voice that speaks better than Jordan as we carry out our historic political and legal role to stop the Judaization of holy sites despite the difficulties and challenges." Most historians agree that the Temple Mount's "Jewish" nature predated that of its modern Arab identity by some thousands of years. The Temple Mount housed the two Jewish temples in Biblical times, with much archaeological and historical evidence proving ancient Jewish presence on and around the Mount. In the early Middle Ages, long after the Second Temple was destroyed, the birth of Islam led to the construction of a mosque on the holy site which Muslims believe to be the "al Aqsa Mosque", or the "farthest mosque", referred to in the Quran. However, Islamic scholars dispute this. Nevertheless, the Muslim religious claim on the Temple Mount - largely neglected and overgrown with weeds until the Jews began expressing an interest in it in the twentieth century - is the basis for countless Arab campaigns to deny any and all Jewish connection to the site. Of late, these campaigns have extended to numerous other Jewish holy sites, including the Western Wall, where Israel has full sovereignty, and various burial sites of Biblical figures, including the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, recently declared a "Palestinian world heritage site" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In addition to blatant historical inaccuracies, Jordan may find itself in the wrong on matters of state as well. Jordan relies on Israel for much of its economic stability. With an annual $39 billion GDP, compared with Israel's $320 billion for roughly the same population size, Jordan could go under without Israeli support. Under the 1994 peace treaty, Israel provides Jordan, a desert country, 13 billion gallons per year of fresh water from the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). More than 200,000 Israelis vacation in Jordan, which is starved for foreign currency. Jordan is expected to receive natural gas at a bargain-basement cost from Israel's Tamar and Leviathan offshore fields. In a country with a soaring unemployment-at least 30 percent, much higher among youths-Israeli businesses have established industry in Jordan, taking advantage of the lower pay across the river. In addition, the Hashemite Kingdom sits on the tips of Israeli bayonets. Without a firm security cooperation with Israel, which includes real-time Israeli warnings about assassination attempts against the King, Jordan would long since have become a Palestinian state. The Jordan Times' version of the King Abdullah's announcement Saturday scrubbed out the anti-Semitic tidbit. There has been a wave of anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic announcements from Jordanian officials in recent weeks. A Jordanian legislator invited former deputy head of Mossad Ram Ben Barak to fisticuffs at the Allenby crossing, "if he is a real man," after the latter mentioned the possibility of cutting the water supply to Jordan if Israel's poverty-stricken neighbor misbehaves. 56 lawmakers signed a petition calling on the King to bring back his ambassador from Israel and suspend relations. And the Amman-based daily Al Watan ran a long article about the ancient Jewish custom of mixing gentile blood in the Passover matzah. With close to 3.5 million Jordanians having "Palestinian" roots, meaning they arrived from across the river between 1948 and 1967, within an overall population of about 6.5 million, plus a volatile Syrian refugee population of about 2 million - Jordan is a boiling cauldron threatening to explode. An Amazing Six Days - By Daymond Duck - This week, as I read one remarkable story after another, I thought, "These are amazing days. The rate of prophetic fulfillment is breathtaking. I shouldn't be surprised, but God is moving." Consider the following examples: On July 17, 2017, Vice Pres. Mike Pence spoke to Christians United for Israel. He said, "Though Israel was built by human hands it is impossible not to sense that just beneath its history lies the hand of heaven." Later, he added these stunning words, "The State of Israel and her people bear witness to God's faithfulness as well as their own. How unlikely was Israel's birth? How more unlikely has been her survival and how confounding against the odds has been her thriving?" I wouldn't be surprised if these sensational words had come from an astute prophecy teacher, but the fact that they came from the vice president of the U.S. makes this writer proud to be an American. Next, Answers in Genesis Christian ministry has built a $100 million Ark Encounter biblical theme park at Williamstown, Kentucky. On July 18, 2017, Ken Ham, Pres. of the ministry said, "The Ark is lit permanently at night with a rainbow to remind the world that God owns it and He decreed it's a sign of His covenant with man after the Flood - Christians need to take back the rainbow as we do at the Ark Encounter." He said, "We now have new permanent rainbow lights at the Ark Encounter so all can see that it is God's rainbow and He determines its meaning in Genesis 6." "The rainbow is a reminder God will never again judge the wickedness of man with a global Flood - next time the world will be judged by fire." I wondered, "Did God put that $100 million theme park there and light it up like a rainbow to remind the world that the days of Noah have arrived" (Matt. 24:37)? "Did God put that ark there to counteract the deception that occurred when the White House was lit up with rainbow colors?" "Did God do that to remind the Revelation 12, total eclipse and blood moon skeptics that He has long put signs (rainbows) in the heavens. His deeds are awesome. On July 18, 2017, it was reported that Russian troops were preparing to take up positions on the Golan Heights just 3.1 miles from Israel's border. I hope not, but these may be some of the troops that will die on the mountains of Israel in the latter years and latter days battle of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38:8; 38:16-39:7). If so, Jehovah will soon be known as the Lord in the eyes of many nations (Ezek. 38:23). How is that for "amazing?" On July 14, 2017, three Muslims (the religion of peace) murdered two policemen and injured two others on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem. Prime Minister Netanyahu closed the Temple Mount and installed metal detectors and surveillance cameras (Who knows? Someday they may video the Two Witnesses). On July 16, 2017, Mr. Netanyahu reopened the Temple Mount, but the Islamic Waqf urged the Muslims to start a boycott and refuse to pass through the metal detectors. They obeyed. This meant that there were no Muslim guards on the Temple Mount when Christians and Jews started showing up. The Muslim boycott had backfired. Some Christians and Jews prayed on the Temple Mount. God is wonderful. Who knows what will happen, but it's a Jubilee year and if the Jews insist on retaining partial or full sovereignty over the Temple Mount this could eventually lead to incredible events: The rebuilding of the Temple, the resumption of animal sacrifices, exploration of the caves under the Temple Mount, or some other stunning development. On July 22, 2017, Sean Osborne ( posted an insightful reminder that Jerusalem is in the process of a literal imminent fulfillment. He nailed it. The current violence is a step (a course of action) that should have been expected (because it is prophesied) and that is literally setting the stage for the Tribulation period. Mr. Osborne astutely refers his readers to Isa. 66:8. Among other things, as I understand the passage and its context, God asks who has heard of a nation (Israel) being born in a day? He asks if He should establish Israel in one day and drop her? Should He move heaven and earth to establish Israel and not complete what He started (not cause the nation to grow, not cause the Jews to multiply in the land; not take the Jews all the way to faith in Jesus, not take the Jews all the way into the Millennium and fulfill His kingdom promises)? The implied answer is don't even think that way. God birthed Israel in one day so He can take Israel all the way to the full realization of His promises. Let everyone rejoice with Jerusalem because God fully intends to take Jerusalem and the Temple Mount through every act of violence including the full force of the Tribulation period. Then, all Israel will be saved, Jerusalem will be established as the capital of His kingdom on earth, and Jerusalem will finally have peace. The Muslims intend what they are doing for bad, but God intends what they are doing for good. Yes, Mr. Vice President, underneath all of this lies the hand of heaven. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] The United Nations Rolls Out 'Advancements' to Indoctrinate Every Student on the Planet - Agenda 2030 - By Nate Brown - Quietly, the United Nations is rolling out advancements to its objective of undermining education as a whole, with the purpose of creating a single system for learning globally. Sounds far-fetched right? Well, meet the new Global Education Institute unveiled by the United Nations in South Korea. The education institute was named after former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and is designed to incorporate higher education with sustainable development. The reason being according to the United Nations it is an educated person that threatens Agenda 2030. However, the new institute is only just now being constructed, and the ceremony for the construction of such was on July 11th, 2017. At which they delivered remarks in regards to the reasoning behind the new institute. "The three axes of globalization education are peace, development and human rights," Ban was quoted as saying. Of course, he did not point out that the UN means something very different by the term "human rights" than America's traditions of God-given, inalienable individual rights. According to Yonhap News Agency, the full fledged scheme of the institute is to "align institutions of higher education, scholarship, and research with the UN." UNAI Korea is building the Ban Ki-moon Global Education Institute (GEI) to help realize the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and nurture related global experts. The UNAI is short for the U.N. Academic Impact, an initiative launched by then-U.N. chief Ban in November 2010 to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the U.N. At present, more than 1,000 institutions in over 120 countries and some 40 academic networks are now members. The institute will focus its efforts on carrying out SDG research, supporting developing countries and nurturing related youth leaders. -Yonhap In other words, all collegiate institutions around the world aligned with the UNAI's goals will indoctrinate young people into activism towards the one-track output based on accomplishing Agenda 2030. As stated above there are already 1,000 institutions involved in this elaborate scheme to control education. Senior leaders of the United Nations gathered on July 11th, 2017 not to create a pathway to higher education but rather to impose on every child on the planet their globalist agenda. Thus, the United Nations can single handily indoctrinate droves of students into their whims of knowledge, and socialism. The United States is a democratic republic, the United Nations is a socialistic and communistic organization, thus with the inclusion of the UNAI's education program our government can be undermined by graduates of the UNAI's institutions because students would be solely indoctrinated into socialistic practice rather than democratic governance. A single system of education refutes intellectual diversity, for one simple reason, a select group of individuals create the textbooks based on their agenda, and depending on that agenda it could spell dire consequences for the younger generations. The one-track education system is precisely what the 'leaders' of the United Nations are rolling out, openly. An intellectually diverse global populace threatens their agenda because of freedom, literally, enough said. Daily Jot: Prophecy Clock moving with Turkey's actions - Bill Wilson - While Americans are wrapped around the axel of daily political drama, the prophecy clock is moving forward in the Middle East. Many Christian Americans tend to examine prophecy from a Western-centric, non-Jewish worldview, when in reality, prophecy's timepiece is Israel and how it is impacted by those neighboring nations found and emanating from the table of nations in Genesis 10. For example, Noah's grandsons from Japheth-Gomer, Magog, Meshech, Tubal are specifically mentioned in the end time prophecy of Ezekiel 38 as part of a coalition led by Gog of Magog against Israel. All these nations are located in what is now modern Turkey. And Turkey is making some prophetic news today. Three recent events by Turkey's leadership may have an impact on moving prophecy forward. First, Turkey's "president" Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has attained near dictatorial powers in Turkey, on July 23 visited Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to defuse tensions in the region over Qator's fostering ties with Shiite Iran. Erdogan seeks to position himself as the region's powerbroker, patron and peacemaker, counterbalancing Iran. Then on July 25, he proclaimed that all Muslims should visit and protect Jerusalem. He was referring to the Temple Mount where he accused Israeli Jews of "attempting to take the Mosque from Muslim hands on the pretext of fighting terrorism." Then Sunday, July 30, Erdogan organized thousands in Istanbul to protest Israel's Temple Mount actions and to show solidarity with the "Palestinian" people. This could be a type and shadow of Daniel 8. In Daniel 8:19, Gabriel says, "Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. The ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia." Strong's Concordance interprets the word "Grecia" in Hebrew as "Yavan, a son of Japheth (the third son of Noah)," his descendants and their land." The Genesis 10 table of nations indicates this area was not only Greece (as Bible interpretations imply), but also the Eastern Mediterranean, including key parts of today's Turkey. Gabriel's interpretation of Daniel's vision of "what shall be in the last end" and "for at the time appointed the end shall be" is clearly an end-time prophecy, which, therefore, could not have been completely fulfilled by Alexander the Great and his generals as is widely taught. These events are yet to occur for the little horn (antichrist) to rise to power. Currently, Iran has control over much of Iraq and Syria. Turkey is challenging that control through ISIS and pressure from its allies, including the US and European Union. For Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 8 to be fulfilled, Iran must come into alignment with Iran submitting to Turkey's leadership against Israel. Erdogan is continuously positioning Turkey for such a role, as recent events demonstrate. Despite all the political turmoil in the US, these prophetic types and shadows are advancing. Daily Devotion: The Extraordinary Potential of Ordinary People - By Greg Laurie - "The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." -2 Chronicles 16:9 Throughout the Scriptures and throughout the history of the Christian church, we find that God has done unexpected things with unexpected people. He has done extraordinary things through ordinary people. The Bible tells us, "The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him" (2 Chronicles 16:9). This verse doesn't say God is looking for strong men and women; it says God is looking for people whom He can be strong on behalf of. As I have often said, God is not looking for ability as much as He is looking for availability. When God was looking for a man to lead the nation Israel, whom did He select? He chose a boy named David who was watching over a flock of sheep. When God wanted someone to lead an army to defeat the Midianites, the enemies of Israel, whom did God choose? He chose a cowardly man named Gideon who couldn't even muster up the courage to show himself publicly. It's almost as though the Lord goes out of His way to choose someone and then raise up him or her. Then people will have to stand back and say, "This is the work of the Lord." One thing is clear in the Scriptures: The individuals God found to carry out His work didn't necessarily look like they would amount to much. He chose people who, at first glance, didn't even to appear to have what it took for the task at hand. Would you be a person who would say, "Lord, I don't have much to offer. I'm not a towering intellect. I'm not a great orator. I'm not very talented. But what I have, Lord, I offer to You"? Then you watch what God will do. FROM THE HEART
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