Prophecy Update Newsletter
QAnon: The Great Awakening & The Great Deception - By JD Farag - As I mentioned in the last couple of weeks, today, I am going to address the "QAnon movement," specifically as it relates to what's known as "The Great Awakening." Now, please know that I'm keenly aware of the many Christians that are involved in this, followers of this, or even just get information from this. As such, it is not my intention to pass judgment on those who do, but rather it is my intention to explain why it is that I believe said "Great Awakening" may, in fact, be a great deception. For those who are unfamiliar with QAnon, it stands for Q, the letter Q Anonymous. QAnon is purported to be a military intelligence operation that provides hints to open-source information pointing ANON or anonymous researchers to what are known as "Q drops." Q began posting back on October 28, 2017, and since then has garnered many followers who decipher the coded information in these Q drops. As for "The Great Awakening," it's a term coined by QAnon to suggest that the general human population is waking up during this time period to the fact that the power structures have been intentionally keeping them domesticated and controlled like sheep. To those who are wondering why it is that this rises to the level of devoting an entire update to QAnon, I have three reasons for doing so at this time: #1. I'm doing this out of obedience to what I believe the Lord would have me to do. #2. The QAnon movement has become a source of division and confusion within the body of Christ, and sadly it's even dividing families and splitting marriages. Since I first mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, I've been on the receiving end of several emails from online members who are just pleading for prayer concerning their wife, their husband, or their son who is all caught up in this, and it is just tearing their family apart. It is tearing their marriage apart as well. Very divisive and confusing. #3. The third reason and perhaps, more importantly, a sense of conviction from the Holy Spirit concerning my integrity before the Lord, such that I could no longer avoid the proverbial "elephant in the room" as it were. By that, I mean for me to not speak up at this time would be disingenuous at best and dishonest at worst. Furthermore, the swiftness with which everything is happening today, in the world, is most unforgiving of remaining silent any longer concerning the much-needed warning about what is coming. In Ezekiel 33, God commands the watchman on the wall to warn God's people of what's coming lest he have their blood on his hands. If he warns them about what's coming and they don't take heed, then it's on them and not the watchman. I suppose I could be rightly accused of having a sanctified selfishness in this regard (notice I sanctified the selfishness), knowing that I won't have anyone's blood on my hands when I give an account to God because I sounded the alarm, I blew the trumpet, and I warned God's people. Now it's not on me. I did that which God has called me and even commanded me to do, and that is to warn you concerning this. By way of a preface, I'm going to approach this the way I approached the unveiling of the long-anticipated Deal of the Century. The reason is I knew, after reading the 181-page plan, that I was going against many Christians who believed that the peace plan was good. In so doing, I found myself in the very uncomfortable position of the student in an experiment to get him to agree that 2 + 2 = 5. Let me explain this one. Many years ago, I heard about this experiment. They conducted experiments like this. This particular one had a classroom of young students, and everybody was in on the experiment except for one student. The teacher would write on the board something like 2 + 2 = 5, and then all of the students who were in on it would raise their hand in agreement. Except for that one student who wasn't in on it, the one student who the experiment was on to see the power of peer pressure. Can you imagine? I mean, that's so cruel first of all, but can you imagine? You're sitting there in the classroom, and the experiment is on you. The joke is on you as they say. You're going, "2 + 2 doesn't equal 5?" You're looking around at all your classmates, and they're all raising their hand, and then they're looking at you, and you think, "I'm the only one not raising my hand." They're all looking at him like, "hello?! You're the only one not raising your hand!" Yeah, but 2 + 2 doesn't equal 5; it equals 4. So, he (for lack of a better word) sheepishly raises his hand because the pressure was too great. Because he wants to go along with the crowd and doesn't want to be the only one to say, "Hey, this doesn't add up." That's how I felt with the Deal of the Century. I read the entire plan. I even had some help with some of the technical stuff that was in the plan. The Lord knows my heart; I wanted it to be good. I tried inside and out, every which way I could to find that this plan was good. When I got to a certain section and realized that it was the section on "End of Claims; End of Conflict," which basically says both the Jews and the Palestinians have to end their claims on Jerusalem in order to end the conflict, that's a problem, and it divides the land. So instead of raising my hand, I put my foot down. Back on February 2, in that prophecy update, I stated that the Deal of the Century was, in fact, a plan to divide Jerusalem; and the problem is, of course, according to the prophecy in Zechariah 12:1-3, anyone trying to divide Jerusalem will themselves be divided. So as a watchman on the wall, that was the warning concerning what I saw coming, which is why I sounded the alarm. Knowing that I was going to get a lot of push-back from those who did not see the plan as dividing Jerusalem, I made the following statement. This is back on the February 12 update, I said, "Time will tell, and if this is indeed the intent of the plan, then we will likely witness the dividing of America very soon." I mean, wow, as I had suspected, it happened and is happening fast, which to me is a confirmation that the plan does, in fact, divide the land. The reason I'm approaching QAnon in this way is that once again, time will tell. If this movement is indeed good, and of God, and I've got it wrong, then I will publicly humble myself and ask for forgiveness from the pulpit as I have several times over the years. However, if I'm right, I don't need to be right. In fact, the Lord knows my heart. So often, I wish I wasn't right; I wish I was wrong. But if I'm right, then I would argue that it shouldn't be too long before the "great awakening" is seen for what it, in fact, is - the great deception. Kindly allow me to address a statement I made during the July 5 update concerning QAnon being a cult. Perhaps it would be helpful to define what a "cult" is according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Webster defines a cult as "a great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work." I mention that because it seems that not only is there a great devotion to the Q movement, there is now more recently those receiving the QAnon oath. In response to part of a QAnon-related meme called "Take the Oath," which went viral after Q Drop Number 4510 on June 24, from the official site, which reads, "Take the oath. Mission forward," under the heading of "Digital Soldiers Take the Oath and Serve Your Country." Now, on the surface, this would seem to be a very good thing that we, as Christians, should want to be a part of and support, right? However, when you look deeper into this, what you'll find is that it is Antichrist in the sense that it's in place of Christ. Antichrist does not just mean "against Christ." It actually also means "in the place of Christ." If you'll kindly hear me out, I would like to explain how I get there. What follows are what's known as "Q Drops" from the official Q website at the aforementioned that, to me, are very telling. I want to draw your attention to the actual Q Drops, then I want to quote from Scripture in relation to that specific Q Drop. I hope to demonstrate and illustrate how these posts very subtly are designed to lead people away from Jesus instead of leading people to Jesus. Let's start with this 1st one. It's Number 1797 (these drops are all numbered); it says, "Sheep No More." Now, this is a very well-known one from Q and is usually couched in terms of people being "sheep people." However, that's what Jesus said we are. So, if I'm "sheep no more," does that mean that the Lord is my Shepherd no more? We are likened unto sheep, and we are His sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd. In John 10:11, Jesus said, "I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." In John 10:7, "Then Jesus said to them again, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.'" And then in that same chapter, John 10:14-15, Jesus says again, "I am the good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. Just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep." Well, wait a minute; I want to be a sheep if the Lord is my Shepherd. Here's the next one, Number 3014, "Dark to Light." Now, at first, this sounds biblical and right. However, this is referring to the angel of light. It's kind of ironic that Q Drop Number 666 says to, quote, "Follow The Light." Now, this begs the question of who or what is this light Q says to follow. The answer is in 2 Corinthians 11:14, where the Apostle Paul says, "For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." Could it be that this "light" is a Luciferian light vis a vis being enlightened, awakened, eyes opened? Moreover, this "Dark to Light" and "Follow the Light" presupposes that we, as Christians, are in darkness and need to be brought to light in order to follow the light. Sadly, this is in direct contradiction to what Jesus said in John 8:12. "When Jesus spoke again to the people. He said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me [listen very carefully] will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.'" Listen, if I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, a believer in Jesus Christ, I'm not in darkness. I will never be in darkness; I'm walking in the light. The Apostle Peter, in 1 Peter 2:9-10, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light, who once were not a people, but are now the people of God who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy." Here's the next one, Number 3843, "Trust and Believe in Yourself." Really? I mean, wouldn't you agree that one would think this contradicting Scripture would be a firm grasp of the obvious? I mean, Scripture is replete with passage after passage about trusting in the Lord and not man, and even dying to self, not trusting in self. Another one that you'll find often is "Trust the Plan." Trust the plan? No, I trust no plan; I trust no man. I trust the Lord. Proverbs 3:5, a very well-known verse in Proverbs, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 28:26). We just finished our study through Proverbs; it was such a magnificent book. Proverbs 28:26 says, and I love this about the book of Proverbs that it pulls no punches. "Those who trust in themselves are fools." Are you calling me a fool? No, I'm not. God's Word says you're a fool if you trust in yourself, "but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe." Psalm 118:9, "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes." Psalm 20:7, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Luke 9:23-25 says, "Then He [speaking of Jesus] said to them all, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily [daily] and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world and yet lose or forfeit their very self.'" Their very soul, as another translation renders it. Do you know what Jesus is saying here when He says pick up your cross? What He's saying is that, because the cross represents death, a crucifixion, you need to pick up your cross and die to yourself every single day. It's not trusting self; it's dying to self. Number 2442, "You are the Saviors of Mankind." Not only is this not biblical, but it's also actually right out of the playbook of the New Age, which I want to talk about in a moment. Because the New Age is all about, I am God. Even as I say that many of you are replaying that video in your mind of Shirley MacLaine there on the beach, "I am God. I am God; I am my own God. I am my own savior." That's the New Age and nothing new under the sun. Is this not what the serpent did in the garden (Genesis 3:1-6)? The whole thing was, "God is holding out on you! He knows that if you were to eat from this tree that He commanded you not to eat from, He knows that you'll be just like Him, and He doesn't want that. Because if you eat from this, then your eyes will be opened, enlightened, awakened, and you will be just like God. Just repackaged. You are god; You are your own savior." I'm not going to quote a lot of Scripture; if I did, we'd be here all day. But I do want to quote Isaiah 43:11, "I, even I, I am the Lord, and apart from me, there is no Savior." In the Old Testament, there are so many times when God would command Moses to have Aaron speak to the people and say, "I am the Lord your God who delivered you out of Egypt." What's interesting is it's repeatedly replete throughout the Old Testament that you hear again and again, "Command Aaron to speak to the people, 'I am the Lord your God who delivered you out of Egypt.'" Why? Why do you have to keep telling them that? Because they think that the golden calf that Aaron made when Moses didn't come down from the mountain was the god that had delivered them out of Egypt. And God has to remind them that, no, that's not your god, that's not your savior. "I am the Lord your God." When I read Scripture - I don't know if you do this - I would recommend that you do this because I think it helps. By the help of the Holy Spirit, to grasp an understanding of where the Scripture is saying the emphasis is. For example, I don't think the emphasis is on, "I am the LORD your God." I don't think the emphasis is on, "I am the Lord your GOD. " I think the emphasis is on, "I am the Lord your God." That's not your god. They are not your god. "I am the Lord your God, and there is no other apart from me that is your Savior." Number 2788, "Where we go one, we go all!" This is usually the #WG1WWA. This particular one is gaining quite a bit of traction. But the problem is that it smacks of this "One World" where all go and are united like they were at the Tower of Babel. One world; One language. It's almost a reversal of what happened at the Tower of Babel. So, not only is it in direct opposition to God and His Word, but the other problem with this is, "where all go," may seem and sound right, but in fact, in the end, leads to death and destruction. Back to Proverbs 14:12, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Then in Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus is speaking; listen very carefully. He says, "Enter by the narrow gate." Why? "Because wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." This next one, Number 4249, is actually a quote from Scripture, and this is a common argument from those who follow Q. They will argue that Q quotes Scripture. You'll forgive me... But well, let me just say it this way: Make no mistake about it, Satan knows Scripture better than you and I ever will. Isn't it true that Satan quoted the words from God to Adam and Eve in the garden? Misquoted really. And so too did he also misquote out of Deuteronomy when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Don't ever think for a second that Satan doesn't know Scripture. By the way, you'll forgive me again for this, but Satan really knows Bible prophecy. I mean, think about it. You know the book of Revelation? It's the only book of all 66 books of the Bible that promises a blessing to those who read it, hear it, and take it to heart. Yet here's the thing; many Christians are so afraid of that book. It's so apocalyptic. Do you know what the word "apokalypsis" in the original language of the Greek means? Revealing. I know this is going to be deeply profound - revelation, reveal-ation. It's a revealing, an unveiling of what's going to come. No wonder Christians don't read the book. Satan doesn't want Christians reading that book and being blessed by that book. The only book in the Bible that promises a blessing. I mean, think about it. Would you want someone to read a book that is about you and your demise, and ultimate destruction, and being cast into the lake of fire? I kind of don't want people reading that book about me and what's going to happen to me. That's what the book of Revelation is. Well, here's the drop, quoting, "Peace for the Storm: Have Faith in God, Mark 11:22." Wow! Okay, conspicuously absent from these Q Drops is any mention of the name above all names, the only name given among men whereby we must be saved, the name of Jesus. Do you know what Mark 11:22 actually says? Well, I'm going to read it to you. This is Mark 11:22: "Have faith in God, Jesus answered." Jesus said, "Have faith in God." That was Jesus. I know I've mentioned this before, and just indulge me for a moment... I'll try not to digress too much on this, but I think it's important. "god" is very generic. I know in my culture as an Arab in the Middle East, it's actually "allah," which any Arab in the Middle East, and Jews for that matter, will say is synonymous with the title of "god." Even if you had an Arabic Bible, every time you read the word "God," it would say "allah." There's a problem; "allah" is not the title of God; it is the name of a god. It is the "moon god." Allah is not God; allah is a false god. Islam is a false religion, and Mohammed a false prophet. So, allah is the moon god that they worshipped and worship. Allah is not Jehovah God. You know that on the back of your money, it says, "In God we trust." I have a question. Which god? What's the name of the god? Did you know in Egypt they had over 3,000 "gods"? Did you know that? Man, that's confusing. Well, again, I don't want to digress too much. I guess my point is simply this: it's at the name of Jesus that demons tremble. There's coming a day when every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus, Jesus Christ, is Lord and there is no other (Phil. 2:10-11, Romans 14:11). You know, when I pray sometimes, actually more often now, especially when the spiritual warfare is intense, which is like all the time now. I always pray out loud in the name of Jesus because I know that the spiritual forces, the wickedness in high places, they can't stand it. If I just say, God, they're like, hey cool, that's not very specific; but when I say, Jesus, they hate it! They hate it. Jesus said, do you know why they hate you? Don't take it personally. They hate you because they hated me first. It's the name of Jesus. Number 2450, this is interesting. "A Beautiful Brave New World Lies Ahead." Oh, it does? Wow, cool. The problem with this is that it's not a brave new world that lies ahead; rather, it's the new heaven and the new earth that lies ahead instead. The reason being is that this so-called "beautiful brave world" is passing away and coming to an end. The Apostle John in 1 John 2:15-17 said, "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." Understand that as we say in our day when somebody is dying, they're passing away or they passed away. That's what John is saying; the world's dying. It's passing away. When our daughter Noel was born and we took her home, we knew, in just a matter of time, she was passing away. She was going to die; we just didn't know when. We had her for four months and six days. But we knew she was going to pass away. Would to God that we as Christians would come to terms with the reality that this world is dying. In Revelation 21:1, John is writing; he says, "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." It had already died. Wait a minute, a new heaven too? Yeah. Why? Oh, because that's when the first sin had entered. It was not in the garden; it was in heaven by Lucifer. So, God creates a new heaven and a new earth. Well, Number 3858 is "The Great Awakening." It's this last one that I would like to focus on for the remainder of our time together. As I mentioned in the beginning, it is my belief that this great awakening is actually a great deception. This for a number of reasons, chief of which is that the Bible does not speak of a coming great awakening; rather, it speaks of a coming powerful deception. The Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (we just studied verse by verse through this epistle) talks about this very powerful delusion and strong deception. That's what's coming. Now, please know that I spent the better part of last week, really the last couple of weeks, researching, praying, preparing, and certainly seeking the Lord concerning this. I only mention that because everything in my research and preparation pointed to not only the "Great Awakening," but to what's known as "the Great Awakening Map." The Great Awakening Map, which as I understand, was created in response to the leading QAnon followers who believe that this great awakening to the Illuminati agenda and its imminent overthrow will coincide with this massive cosmic event, including the release of energy from the sun that will awaken dormant divine DNA in the human body, accelerating our evolution, and triggering the ascension of humanity. All of this is thoroughly detailed in this Great Awakening map, which illustrates QAnon's pivotal role in the larger New Age agenda. As a spiritual counterpart to the teachings of the New Age, QAnon is engineering a political awakening that will soon be joined by a spiritual awakening to "godhood." That's what this great awakening is. The creator of the Great Awakening map, Parinya Champ, if I'm pronouncing his name right, talked about this map in an interview with ConspiracyFact.Press on June 29, 2018. I want you to listen very carefully as I quote verbatim what the creator of this map said about it: "I put Q as the biggest on the map because Q is in a secret alliance with many world countries. Everyone is awakening and realizing that there is an Illuminati and that there are extraterrestrials everywhere. And that it's all caused by this solar flash that's about to occur, and it's creating a leap of evolution of consciousness for everybody. "The great solar flash is talked about in almost every ancient religion on earth, and it talks about an end-times that are about to occur right now, and the sun will release several series of flashes. It's supposed to happen any time, and the series of flashes basically evolves our DNA. When the solar flash comes, we need to be in a state of mind that is peaceful and loving, or it will make you go crazy because you cannot adapt. That's why [listen] in the Bible, you say you see prophecies of people disappearing off the earth, but the good people get to stay." I mean, here again, I'm like that kid in the class going, is it just me? That's the Rapture!! Isn't that interesting? ... I'm sorry, people say your humor is inappropriate, to which I say, God has a sense of humor, and humor is medicinal. Besides, if I don't laugh, I'll cry. You don't want to see a grown man cry, again, right? Give me just a moment here, but isn't this interesting? That's how they are going to explain it away. Oh, by the way, seems that Satan, again, he knows Bible prophecy. He's got to have a plan in place when Christians disappear off the earth. So they're going to say, "Cool! They're out of the way. We can get on with this plan because they were taken out of the way, and the good people get to stay. " Quoting again, we're almost done. Hang in there. "It's basically that same concept, and everybody that has a group mind has to keep peace in their minds and their hearts at all times. Because this is what's going to push our timeline into the most positive optimal timeline reality, and that's something I wrote really big on the map. It's happening right now, and if you look real close, you'll notice that everything is turning to light. The World War 3 scenario is not going to happen anymore. [That's not what my Bible says] Our thoughts create our reality, and we can use our thoughts and basically take back control of our planet." Okay, I'll bring it to an end the way we began and reiterate that if I'm getting this wrong, I will humble myself, and I will publicly ask for forgiveness. The bottom line for me is, at best, this is the false teaching of NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation, and Dominion theology, which basically says that we have to take control, take back control, of the world. We have to take our country back. We have to take our planet back. From who? That's at best. At worst, this may very well lead to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 about false Christ's deceiving [if possible] even the elect. If it's the latter, then we need to look no further to realize just how close we are to the end and the soon return of the true Christ at the Rapture of the church. One last thing here real quick. Please don't keep track of how many times I say, "one last thing." Don't you find it interesting that in the Gospels and in the epistles, there's this common denominator, this common theme of, "do not be deceived"? In Matthew 24 in particular, as we just referenced, the disciples asked Jesus what are going to be the signs of your return and the end of the age? And before he lists or says anything, he says this; "Let no man deceive you." Do not be deceived (Matthew 24:4); there are going to be many that are going to come in my name, but they are going to be false. They are going to be false! For those of you that have been with us for any length of time, you know we're going verse by verse through the Bible in the New Testament. We've studied the epistles written by the Apostle Paul, by the Holy Spirit of God, and replete in those epistles are the words, "Do not be deceived." When he writes to the Corinthians, he says, "don't be ignorant." Don't be ignorant? Man, if somebody said that today, that's not politically correct, is it? You'd be hard-pressed in any church to hear an exhortation like that. Don't be ignorant. Don't be deceived. Don't be ignorant of Satan's devices. This is where I love the King James Version, "the wiles of the devil." Don't be ignorant. The strategies, the devices, the techniques, the wiles - I mean, you can add to that list of synonyms all you want. The implication is that he is more subtle and crafty, super-intelligent, supernatural intelligence, by the way. He's very patient, too, by the way. Why do I say that? Because the picture that is painted for us on the canvas of Scripture is that of a lion. He's like this lion, and lions patiently stalk their prey. Just waiting for the optimum time to attack, devour, and destroy. Sometimes we're unaware and vulnerable, and it's when we least expect it, from a place that we least expect it as well. That's how subtle and insidious Satan is. Never underestimate the enemy, the true enemy. "We wrestle not against flesh..." What's really interesting to me is that QAnon has piled the Right against the Left, the Conservative against the Liberal. So now they're the enemy, the Deep State, this false New World Order. What do you mean by that? Well, let me share with you a true story. This is many, many years ago; many of you know that I spent years in the car business. This friend of mine had a Jaguar that he wanted to sell for a very, very high price, and he knew it wasn't going to be an easy sale. So, here's what he did (this is very shrewd, very clever): he puts a fake ad in the paper. This is before the internet. I know this is going to date me, but this is back when we had newspaper ads. He puts a fake ad in the paper with a description of his car, but it's not his car. It's the same year, make, model, approximately the same miles, and this really high price. Then when somebody called, he said, "Oh, it sold right away! I think I sold it too cheap." He waited a little bit, put in the real ad, and that's how he sold that which would not have been easily sold for the price that he sold it at. Do you see where I'm going with this? You create the false - we talked about it before - the Hegelian dialectic. It's thesis > antithesis > synthesis; problem > reaction > solution. "So, the Deep State is the problem?! Those liberal Demon-rats, they're the problem?!" No, they are not the problem, and they are not the enemy. They are the mission field. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, Republican and Democrat, Left and Right, Conservative and Liberal. We wrestle against principalities, and powers of darkness, wickedness in high places. One of the most successful strategies, or wiles of the devil, is to get us to believe that he's not behind it so that we fight with each other and do his dirty work for him. If you were to ask me what my greatest concern was as a pastor, it would be the infighting amongst Christians on social media. The world is watching. The Global Reset - Unplugged. "The Deep State" - By Peter Koenig - Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy - and you may even believe it - but in fact your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs. They may be called Deep State, or simply the Beast, or anything else obscure or untraceable - it doesn't matter. They are less than the 0.0001%. For lack of a better expression, let's call them for now "obscure individuals". These obscure individuals who pretend running our world have never been elected. We don't need to name them. You will figure out who they are, and why they are famous, and some of them totally invisible. They have created structures, or organisms without any legal format. They are fully out of international legality. They are a forefront for the Beast. Maybe there are several competing Beasts. But they have the same objective: A New or One World Order (NWO, or OWO). These obscure individuals are running, for example, The World Economic Forum (WEF - representing Big Industry, Big Finance and Big Fame), the Group of 7 - G7, the Group of 20 - G20 (the leaders of the economically" strongest" nations). There are also some lesser entities, called the Bilderberg Society, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Chatham House and more. The members of all of them are overlapping. Even this expanded forefront combined represents less than 0.001%. They all have superimposed themselves over sovereign national elected and constitutional governments, and over THE multinational world body, the United Nations, the UN. In fact, they have coopted the UN to do their bidding. UN Director Generals, as well as the DGs of the multiple UN-suborganizations, are chosen mostly by the US, with the consenting nod of their European vassals - according to the candidate's political and psychological profile. If his or her 'performance' as head of the UN or head of one of the UN suborganizations fails, his or her days are counted. Coopted or created by the Beast(s) are also, the European Union, the Bretton Woods Organizations, World Bank and IMF, as well as the World Trade Organization (WTO) - and - make no mistake - the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. It has no teeth. Just to make sure the law is always on the side of the lawless. In addition to the key international financial institutions, WB and IMF, there are the so-called regional development banks and similar financial institutions, keeping the countries of their respective regions in check. In the end its financial or debt-economy that controls everything. Western neoliberal banditry has created a system, where political disobedience can be punished by economic oppression or outright theft of national assets in international territories. The system's common denominator is the (still) omnipresent US-dollar. "Unelected Individuals" The supremacy of these obscure unelected individuals becomes ever more exposed. We, the People consider it "normal" that they call the shots, not what we call - or once were proud of calling, our sovereign nations and sovereignly elected governments. They have become a herd of obedient sheep. The Beast has gradually and quietly taken over. We haven't noticed. It's the salami tactic: You cut off slice by tiny slice and when the salami is gone, you realize that you have nothing left, that your freedom, your civil and human rights are gone. By then it's too late. Case in point is the US Patriot Act. It was prepared way before 9/11. Once 9/11 "happened", the Patriot Legislation was whizzed through Congress in no time - for the people's future protection - people called for it for fear - and - bingo, the Patriot Act took about 90% of the American population's freedom and civil rights away. For good. We have become enslaved to the Beast. The Beast calls the shots on boom or bust of our economies, on who should be shackled by debt, when and where a pandemic should break out, and on the conditions of surviving the pandemic, for example, social confinement. And to top it all off - the instruments the Beast uses, very cleverly, are a tiny-tiny invisible enemy, called a virus, and a huge but also invisible monster, called FEAR. That keeps us off the street, off reunions with our friends, and off our social entertainment, theatre, sports, or a picnic in the park. Soon the Beast will decide who will live and who will die, literally - if we let it. This may be not far away. Another wave of pandemic and people may beg, yell and scream for a vaccine, for their death knell, and for the super bonanza of Big Pharma - and towards the objectives of the eugenicists blatantly roaming the world - see this. There is still time to collectively say NO. Collectively and solidarily. Take the latest case of blatant imposture. Conveniently, after the first wave of Covid-19 had passed, at least in the Global North, where the major world decisions are made, in early June 2020, the unelected WEF Chairman, Klaus Schwab, announced "The Great Reset". Taking advantage of the economic collapse - the crisis shock, as in "The Shock Doctrine" - Mr. Schwab, one of the Beast's frontrunners, announces openly what the WEF will discuss and decide for the world-to-come in their next Davos Forum in January 2021. For more details see this. Will, We, The People, accept the agenda of the unelected WEF? American Hubris Robust in a Cataclysmic Global Pandemic It will opportunely focus on the protection of what's left of Mother Earth; obviously at the center will be man-made CO2-based "Global Warming". The instrument for that protection of nature and humankind will be the UN Agenda 2030 - which equals the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It will focus on how to rebuild the willfully destroyed global economy, while respecting the ("green") principles of the 17 SDGs. Mind you, it's all connected. There are no coincidences. The infamous Agenda 2021 which coincides with and complements the so-called (UN) Agenda 2030, will be duly inaugurated by the WEF's official declaration of The Great Reset, in January 2021. Similarly, the implementation of the agenda of The Great Reset began in January 2020, by the launch of the corona pandemic - planned for decades with the latest visible events being the 2010 Rockefeller Report with its "Lockstep Scenario", and Event 201, of 18 October in NYC which computer-simulated a corona pandemic, leaving within 18 months 65 million deaths and an economy in ruin, programmed just a few weeks before the launch of the actual corona pandemic. See COVID-19, We Are Now Living the "Lock Step Scenario" and this and this. The Race Riots The racial riots, initiated by the movement Black Lives Matter (funded by the Ford Foundation and Soros' Open Society Foundation), following the brutal assassination of the Afro-American George Floyd by a gang of Minneapolis police, and spreading like brush-fire in no time to more than 160 cities, first in the US, then in Europe - are not only connected to the Beast's agenda, but they were a convenient deviation from the human catastrophe left behind by Covid-19. See also this. The Beast's nefarious plan to implement what's really behind the UN Agenda 2030 is the little heard-of Agenda ID2020. See The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is "Agenda ID2020". It has been created and funded by the vaccination guru Bill Gates, and so has GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations), the association of Big Pharma - involved in creating the corona vaccines, and which funds along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) a major proportion of WHO's budget. The Great Reset, as announced by WEF's Klaus Schwab, is supposedly implemented by Agenda ID2020. It is more than meets the eye. Agenda ID2020 is even anchored in the SDGs, as SDG 16.9 "by 2030 provide legal [digital] identity for all, including free birth registration". This fits perfectly into the overall goal of SDG 16: "Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels." Following the official path of the UN Agenda 2030 of achieving the SDGs, the 'implementing' Agenda ID2020 - which is currently being tested on school children in Bangladesh - will provide digitized IDs possibly in the form of nano-chips implanted along with compulsory vaccination programs, will promote digitization of money and the rolling out of 5G - which would be needed to upload and monitor personal data on the nano chips and to control the populace. Agenda ID2020 will most likely also include 'programs' - through vaccination? - of significantly reducing world population. Eugenics is an important component in the control of future world population under a NOW / OWO - see also Georgia Guidestones, mysteriously built in 1980. The ruling elite used the lockdown as an instrument to carry out this agenda. Its implementation would naturally face massive protests, organized and funded along the same lines as were the BLM protests and demonstrations. They may not be peaceful - and may not be planned as being peaceful. Because to control the population in the US and in Europe, where most of the civil unrest would be expected, a total militarization of the people is required. This is well under preparation. In his essay "The Big Plantation", John Steppling reports from a NYT article that a "minimum of 93,763 machine guns, 180,718 magazine cartridges, hundreds of silencers and an unknown number of grenade launchers have been provided to state and local police departments in the US since 2006. This is in addition to at least 533 planes and helicopters, and 432 MRAPs - 9-foot high, 30-ton Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicles with gun turrets and more than 44,900 pieces of night vision equipment, regularly used in nighttime raids in Afghanistan and Iraq." He adds that this militarization is part of a broader trend. Since the late 1990s, about 89 percent of police departments in the United States serving populations of 50,000 people or more had a PPU (Police Paramilitary Unit), almost double of what existed in the mid-1980s. He refers to these militarized police as the new Gestapo. Even before Covid, about 15% to 20% of the population was on or below the poverty line in the United States. The post-covid lockdown economic annihilation will at least double that percentage - and commensurately increase the risk for civil turbulence and clashes with authorities - further enhancing the reasoning for a militarized police force. China's Crypto RMB None of these scenarios will, of course, be presented to the public by the WEF in January 2021. These are decisions taken behind closed doors by the key actors for the Beast. However, this grandiose plan of the Great Reset does not have to happen. There is at least half the world population and some of the most powerful countries, economically and militarily - like China and Russia - opposed to it. "Reset" maybe yes, but not in these western terms. In fact, a reset of kinds is already happening with China about to roll out a new People's Bank of China backed blockchain-based cryptocurrency, the crypto RMB, or yuan. This is not only a hard currency based on a solid economy, it is also supported by gold. While President Trump keeps trashing China for unfair trade, for improperly managing the covid pandemic, for stealing property rights - China bashing no end - that China depends on the US and that the US will cut trading ties with China - or cut ties altogether, China is calling Trump's bluff. China is quietly reorienting herself towards the ASEAN countries plus Japan (yes, Japan!) and South Korea, where trade already today accounts for about 15% of all China's trade and is expected to double in the next five years. Despite the lockdown and the disruption of trade, China's overall exports recovered with a 3.2% increase in April (in relation to April 2019). This overall performance in China exports was nonetheless accompanied by a dramatic decline in US-China trade. China exports to the US decreased by 7.9% in April (in relation to April 2019). It is clear that the vast majority of US industries could not survive without Chinese supply chains. The western dependence on Chinese medical supplies is particularly strong. Let alone Chinese dependence by US consumers. In 2019, US total consumption, about 70% of GDP, amounted to $13.3 trillion, of which a fair amount is directly imported from China or dependent on ingredients from China. The WEF-masters are confronted with a real dilemma. Their plan depends very much on the dollar supremacy which would continue to allow dishing out sanctions and confiscating assets from those countries opposing US rule; a dollar-hegemony which would allow imposing the components of The Great Reset scheme, as described above. At present, the dollar is fiat money, debt-money created from thin air. It has no backing whatsoever. Therefore, its worth as a reserve currency is increasingly decaying, especially vis-à-vis the new crypto-yuan from China. In order to compete with the Chinese yuan, the US Government would have to move away from its monetary Ponzi-scheme, by separating itself from the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and print her own US-economy- and possibly gold-backed (crypto) money - not fiat FED-money, as is the case today. That would mean cutting the more than 100-year old ties to the Rothschild and Co. clan-owned FED, and creating a real peoples-owned central bank. Not impossible, but highly improbable. Here, two Beasts might clash, as world power is at stake. Meanwhile, China, with her philosophy of endless creation would continue forging ahead unstoppably with her mammoth socioeconomic development plan of the 21st Century, the Belt and Road Initiative, connecting and bridging the world with infrastructure for land and maritime transport, with joint research and industrial projects, cultural exchanges - and not least, multinational trade with "win-win" characteristics, equality for all partners - towards a multi-polar world, towards a world with a common future for mankind. Today already more than 120 countries are associated with BRI - and the field is wide open for others to join - and to defy, unmask and unplug The Great Reset of the West. Fatah, PLO are planning for a third intifada - PMW - Donna Rachel - A third intifada is being planned by Fatah, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and other Palestinian groups, PLO Executive Committee member Wasel Abu Yusuf confirmed following a meeting of group members last week, according to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW). The confirmation follows previous statements in which Palestinian leaders have warned that Israel's plans to claim sovereignty over parts of the West Bank would lead to a "popular uprising" against Israel by the Palestinian population. According to the host of 'Topic of the Day,' broadcast on official PA TV on July 28, 2020, as translated by PMW, "The statement issued after the [PLO - Fatah] meeting, spoke about 'developing and implementing coordination on the ground between all the political forces, popular committees, institutions, and activists of the resistance, and working to establish a united national front for popular resistance resulting in a comprehensive intifada.'" Yusuf agreed that this was so, explaining: "We cannot agree to [Israel] establishing facts on the ground. We will not accept harming the Palestinian people's rights." The host then clarified: "A comprehensive intifada as part of the non-violent popular uprising?" adding "Peaceful. A non-violent intifada?" Yusuf replied: "No. Of course [it will be] a comprehensive intifada, a national rebellion, and everything connected to ending this criminal occupation, which is implementing all its crimes and aggression against the Palestinian people. This is something necessary, and actually this is all being developed." Yusuf went on to justify a third intifada on the grounds that the first intifada in 1987-1993, which claimed the lives of approximately 200 Israelis, and the second in 2000-2005 in which more than 1,100 Israelis were killed, had both been successful in bringing the Palestinian cause to the international stage. Those uprisings "achieved a lot for the Palestinian cause, and everyone thought that the Palestinian cause was diminishing, but it always was in the international community's priorities. Therefore, the Palestinian cause is the basis in this matter," Yusuf said. Highlighting international calls for dialogue and negotiation as the path to resolving the conflict, the host of the program asked Yusuf whether the international community would accept a new Palestinian intifada within the next two years. "Of course," Yusuf replied. "When we talk about intifada we are talking about the way to escalate the situation." Yusuf's comments follow previous statements by Palestinian leaders in which they indicated that they were not calling outright for an intifada, but would not prevent a popular uprising by the Palestinian people. The Palestinian Authorities regularly broadcast music and videos inciting violence against Israel to the Palestinian population. "We're not calling for a third intifada," a senior PA official told The Jerusalem Post in mid-June. "We are just warning that Israel's actions and measures could lead to a new intifada and destabilize security in the region." The official said that the policy of the PA and the ruling Fatah faction was to encourage a "peaceful and popular resistance" in the West Bank, while discouraging "armed attacks that would play into the hands of the Israeli government and the Israeli right-wing parties." Although the PA has suspended security coordination with Israel, the official noted, "we remain opposed to armed attacks because they would cause huge damage to the Palestinian issue." However, the term "peaceful, popular uprising" has been used by PA leaders in the past to refer to violent attacks on Israeli citizens. In November 2015, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas referred to the Knife Intifada of 2015-16, which at that point had claimed 14 lives with a further 167 wounded, as a "peaceful popular uprising." Explaining in a statement broadcast on official PA TV why he had not condemned the attacks despite telling the international community that he is against terror, Abbas said: "We said to everyone that we want peaceful popular uprising, and that's what this is. That's what this is." I Am Special - By Dennis Huebshman - From 1967 through 1969, there was a TV show featuring the Smothers Brothers. Dicky Smothers was the straight man, and Tommy was the "clown." One of Tommy's favorite sayings was, "Mom Always Liked You Best!" The one show I remember most was when Tommy gave that line, and this time, Dicky said, "You're Right; She Did Like Me Best!" Tommy got a real pained look on his face and said, "I didn't know Mom liked you Best!" One thing about their program, even though they had some political issues, the entire family could watch it and be entertained. Sadly, today, some shows aren't fit for anyone to watch, and that includes some cartoon shows. (any emphasis mine) In today's society, people are going out of their way to feel like they "belong," even when gaining popularity pulls them away from our Heavenly Father. It's the old, "I'll do whatever it takes for you to like and accept me" syndrome. This is fine and dandy for those who are only concerned about their life here on earth. This covers a majority of people worldwide, who are on the broad path that leads to destruction (Hell). This is no surprise to Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. It's actually been this way from the creation, all the way to today. It will be that way until this earth has reached its final moment. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus was giving the Beatitudes, and included the following: "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide, and the way is easy that leads to destruction; and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow, and the way hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Estimates today of total true believers worldwide is between 10% and 12%, and that includes the United States. For God's chosen, the Jews, it's closer to 1% to 2% of their total population that accept Jesus as their Messiah. When Jesus said the "narrow road" was hard, it all depends on the mindset of each individual. To be a true believer and live a life that honors the Lord will put a person at odds with the ways of the world. Satan and his demons are steadily at work convincing people that the "here and now" is more important than any eternal thoughts. To go against the grain of worldly "pleasures" or "ideals" is considered to be a "hater," and believers will be persecuted. After the Greatest Commandment to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37), the second is "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). This does not mean we have to accept lifestyles that go against our Savior's will, but we are to love everyone as being a creation of our Father. Also, we can love someone, but not actually like them. Although this sounds like it's contradicting itself, Jesus loved everyone He came in contact with, even those who hated Him. He had the most problems with the religious leaders, and at times was visibly angered by them. However, He loved them for their eternal souls, and if they truly repented before they passed from this earth, they would have been forgiven. God loves everyone, which is given in John 3:16 and Romans 5:8. He is God of all, Jews and Gentiles. As stated in Romans 3:29, "Or is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles [everyone else] also? Yes, of Gentiles also." Peter learned a valuable lesson in Acts 10 when he was sent by the Lord to the house of Cornelius, a Roman centurion. In Verses 34-35 it states, "So Peter opened his mouth and said 'Truly, I understand that God shows no partiality; but in every nation, anyone who fears Him [respects], and does right is acceptable to Him.'" When Peter shared the Gospel with Cornelius and his household, the Holy Spirit came to them. For the first time, Peter saw that Salvation was meant for everyone, not just the Jews. All who receive and accept Jesus as their Savior are "special" to our Heavenly Father. He sent a very important part of Himself to become an acceptable sacrifice for all the sins of the world. The blood of animals could not satisfy the Father's need for a perfect offering to atone for our sins - My Sins. Jesus fulfilled that obligation that belongs to us - to Me. He was not forced, but did so willingly (John 10:18). He could have stopped His ordeal at any moment, but loved all of us so much, He conquered sin and death with His lifeblood on a cruel cross at Calvary. Worthy? None of us are worthy,' but all who call on the name of the Savior, confess we're sinners, ask His forgiveness, and ask for Him to be our eternal Savior will be saved (Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:9-13). By doing this, a person joins a very elite group of people. As stated, only about 10% - 12% of the world's total population are truly believers and have the Holy Spirit living within them. I can safely say this group is "special," and being a true believer, I Am Special! God would rather that everyone repent and be saved (2 Peter 3:9), but He will not force this on anyone. It's our free-will choice to make. As stated, all who receive and accept Jesus will be saved. There is no other way to Heaven except through Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; John 3:18, and 1 John 5:12). We're told that false prophets and antichrists will increase at the end of this age. This is happening right now. Many church services have turned to entertainment sessions with no word on the rapidly approaching Wrath/Tribulation period. To be able to avoid entering that awful time, a person must have Jesus as their Savior. Then, as 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 1 Thessalonians 5:9 state, we will be kept from the coming wrath. To share this special gift is something all true believers wish to do. It makes our gift even more special for us. You don't need any fancy ceremony, no special rehearsed words, and it can be done with no one else around. The Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are waiting for you to become a part of their special flock. The greatest Shepherd of all is prepared to receive you right now. To delay is to play into Satan's tactics. He will make you think you have all the time in the world. Truth is, we're not guaranteed another day or hour here. Now would not be too early to call out for your Salvation. I Am Special, and you can be Special also. Eternity is a long time to make the wrong choice. Anyone who ends up in that White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15) will not be going to Heaven. Instead, they will join Satan and his demons in the Lake of Fire (Hell) forever. Those of us who are saved would love to welcome you to our Family. Call out today! Shalom! [email protected] Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: Farmball - Bill Wilson - Growing up on the farm was a lot of hard work. It seemed to never end. Waking up early in the morning before school and head out to the barn in cold weather to feed and water the livestock, clean stalls and then eat breakfast and get ready for the school bus. Summer was slightly different, but you still had to get up early. Substituting for school were other chores, like making hay, combining wheat and oats, mowing pastures. It never ends. So when we had a little time on our hands, we would try to find something to get into. Sometimes, that was playing farmball. Now farmball could be a form of basketball or football or baseball. But the rules were modified greatly for the number of participants or the weather or equipment. In the summer to fall months, I often loved dressing up in my brothers' football gear and making believe I was them. Chuck played in high school and college. Larry was a high school standout. These guys were strong, fast farm boys and they knew how to compete with the best of them. I wanted to be like them. Only trouble was, at such a young age and my brothers being 9 and 14 years older than me, I often had to play alone. Imagine how it is throwing yourself the football. I guess it made me faster, trying to catch my own passes. As I got older, my friend Sonny would come over and we would spend hours playing catch and "broadcasting" our moves for the TV audience. We would take turns being Roger Staubach or Bobby Hayes or Bob Lilly or LeRoy Jordan or Calvin Hill (get it that we were cowboys, so we were Cowboys fans?). New Years Eve at the farm, Sonny would come over and we would have some friends from school sometimes. We would go out in the horse barn and play farmball. The center ally in the barn was ten feet wide by 60 feet long, with a hard, compacted dirt floor. The doors at each end were the goal lines. No out of bounds. Tackle only. You could make two first downs. Throwing a pass was difficult because the ceiling of the barn was only about 14 feet. But if the ball bounced off the rafters and somebody caught it, it counted as a complete pass or interception. Probably one of the first "Arena" football venues. We would be bruised and bloodied up big time at the end of the night. And we were really sore the next day. Many a championships were fought, won and lost in that barn. Isaiah 22:18 recalls the judgment of the evil servant Shebna, "He [The Lord] will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country." Commenters agree that Shebna was in the hands of the Lord like a ball in the hands of a strong man, and would be hurled out of his place-thrown at a great distance by a strong arm. In 1911, Park H. Davis wrote what is known as the first history of football-"Football: The American Intercollegiate Game"-where he claimed: "This allusion, slight as it may be, is sufficient unto the antiquary to indicate that some form of a game with a ball existed as early as 750 years before the Christian era, the epoch customarily assigned to the Book of Isaiah." I'm pretty sure God loves football, and I bet that it's cousin, farmball, is played across America more than people would admit. We the have scars to prove it. Daily Devotion: When Church Works - by Greg Laurie - So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. -Colossians 1:28 I heard one person describe church as something that most Americans go to three times in their lives: when they're hatched, when they're matched, and when they're dispatched. That's how it is for a lot of people. When they typically go to church, they don't understand what's going on. The messages don't make sense to them. The music seems to come from another era altogether. It doesn't seem to be helping them or addressing what they're facing. So, they don't want to be a part of the church. It's not something they're really interested in. I don't think church has to be that way. I think it can be vibrant. It can be exciting. It can be innovative. And it can be enjoyable. Yet at the same time, it can be thoroughly biblical. It also can impart knowledge and truth and help change our lives. That's why, as I've often said, the holiest moment of the church service is when God's people come away changed people, doing what they can to turn their world upside down. Also, I think one of the reasons that so many churches are ineffective or falling apart is because they've strayed from God's original plan. We can find clear principles in the church as Jesus originally set it up and as the early believers applied them, turning their world upside down. The church began and was maintained by Christ's power, and it worked through His principles. It was the Spirit of God working through the Word of God in the hearts and lives of the people of God. I think it's wonderful when someone looks at the church and sees different ages, different cultures, different tastes, and different ethnicities with one thing in common: Jesus Christ. That, to me, is what people should see in the church today. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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