Prophecy Update Newsletter
American Pie - By Pete Garcia -
The people of the great nations of the past seem normally to have imagined that their pre-eminence would last forever. Rome appeared to its citizens to be destined to be for all time the mistress of the world. The Abbasid Khalifs of Baghdad declared that God had appointed them to rule mankind until the day of judgment. Seventy-years ago, many people in Britain believed that the empire would endure forever. Although Hitler failed to achieve his objective, he declared that Germany would rule the world for a thousand years. That sentiments like these could be publicly expressed without evoking derision shows that, in all the ages, the regular rise and fall of great nations has passed unperceived. The simplest statistics prove the steady rotation of one nation after another at regular intervals. Sir John Glubb, the Fate of Empires America, the shining city on a hill. Her untamed lands offered for centuries, a home for the homeless. She became a nation of immigrants, who, fleeing the lawlessness of their ancestral homelands, embraced the ideals of a nation whose arbiter of freedoms, were not granted by some fleeting and transient government, but by the Creator of the Universe. She was the last best hope for mankind. She was the last great respite for the weary and beleaguered huddled masses. If she, as President Reagan once soberly noted, falls, there was nowhere else on earth to run too. To our surprise, we learn of our Ozymandias end Besides emerging victorious after two world wars, America's long list of crowning achievements made her the envy of every empire and nation. How could she lose? She conquered all of her domains- land, sea, air, and space. She split the atom, thus ushering in the Atomic Age. She put men on the moon, thus, ushering in the Space Age. She invented the Internet and thrust the world into the Age of Information. She was as indomitable as she was charitable. She was an impregnable fortress, guarded not by walls, but by her elastic resiliency. America the beautiful could not fall, could she? The end of the American dream did not come with a whimper, but with a gasp. The divinely destined and hard fought American dream, had by the mid-twentieth century, briefly offered life at the top of the geopolitical food chain for its patriotic citizenry. However, premiership came at a cost. Success would cause each successive generation to soften their moral resolve and despise their own position as the apex. Each new generation would feel, but ignore the birth pangs of gradualism, until finally; America gave birth to this generation's hideous twins, immorality and socialism. Were we better off that these two remained orphaned. Holy Writ warned, reap the wind, and sow the whirlwind This self-induced spiritual diaspora was by design. Unseen malevolent spirits, wisely spent the previous centuries reintroducing the foundation of humanistic "enlightenment" and "reason." These foul demons regurgitated Hedonism, Gnosticism, and Paganism to the 18th-19th century academics and ideologues, who in turn, recast these as new illumination on forgotten knowledge. In reality, they were just as vain and empty as the first time the pagan Greeks and Romans embraced them. However, piling onto these humanistic lunacies, was a new one brought about by emerging sciences. The new "scientific theories" prefaced that mankind's existence here was accidental and by nothing more than sheer, dumb luck, we somehow climbed to the top of the evolutionary food chain. Simultaneous to this, Marxism made its debut and offered up an economic model that guaranteed the equal spreading of misery and death. For both, nihilism was its religion and man himself became its god. It was here that the ungodly professors and ungodly pop culture iconoclasts religiously programmed their devotees to reject the good and embrace the growing counter-culture of Antichrist. The whirlwind of lawlessness is now all we see The American malcontents began asking the question anew, "Why should we have it so good?" Of course, this insane reasoning led to the need to rewrite history to reflect their ever-evolving positions of intersectionality and social justice. Post-modernism dogmatically rejected the tried and true, for the theoretical and subjective. The further they pushed the boundaries, the further they diminished their ability to understand truth and reason (Romans 1:18-32). This began the inevitable slippery slope of incrementalism. What was questionable to one generation became acceptable to the next. Feelings and emotions soon replaced logic and reasoning for the moral standard. This abandonment of reason, led to the inescapable introduction of the cancel-culture type cannibalism, evoking the Kristallnacht tactics of the Ku Klux Klan, the Third Reich, and the Taliban. No one left to defend The "progressives" began chanting that all cultures are equal. This of course, led to the demands that we abandon our own history and culture and embrace all cultures equally, especially, the failed ones despite the obvious and unavoidable conclusions. The result of course, is the unescapable end to the American saga. What began in Godly faith, and the blood, sweat, and tears of a pilgrim people, ended in air-conditioned malls, fast food, abortion on demand, and easy credit. Despite our last minute revival to Make America Great Again, we were already destined to become a relic of a bygone age. While we think of this perhaps, as an age of leisure, comfort, and dominance, will be known only as a cautionary tale to those who follow. The experiment that was the United States of America, like all its predecessors, would join a long line of momentary, but deceased empires. Nowhere left to flee Coda To the unredeemed, this message reeks of doom, gloom, and biblical fatalism. And that is partly true. First and foremost, the Christian faith is an apocalyptic faith. The Bible is adamant in its promotion of the believer keeping a 'loose grip' on terra firma. This current earth is slated for a total overhaul. Not just earth, but the heavens as well. All of it will go up in flames. (2nd Peter 3:10-11) As Christian's, we shouldn't spend our time building our empires of dirt here, but rather, investing in our treasures in heaven, where neither moth, nor rust, nor thieves can steal or destroy (Matthew 6:19-20). That is not the message this world promotes. We are constantly bombarded with the inane propaganda to buy expensive things, wear expensive clothes, drink the finest drinks, and live in this place or that, to find happiness in this increasingly darkening world. We are told that unless we are living according to the world's standard, we will never find fulfillment. Many churches in the West, and in particular, the United States, have jumped on board with the ludicrous notion that we have to invest "financial seeds" in human ministries in order to build the kingdom up on earth. We have mega-pastor's promoting the ridiculous ideas of living our best life now, and / or being purpose-driven as if God needed our instruction. Juxtaposed to these faux-Christian heretics, are the Bible skeptics who are divided on their messaging regarding the fate of America. Half of them hate the nation, and hope she fails. As of August 2020, they are still unclear as to what should replace America and whether or not that will be an improvement. Their malcontentment of their own American privilege burns like a hot coal on their consciousness. They want an endless revolution, they want to rage against the system that has given them the freedom to do so. What they really rage again, or should I say, whom they rage against, is their Creator. The other half of Bible skeptics believe America is indomitable, and that present troubles aside, we are just going through a "phase." They will say, the way things are today, are the way things will always be. Life will go on as it always has. They say, even if Jesus were real, He is not coming back anytime soon. They are busy planning their 401Ks and retirements into the next fifty-years, as if, all of this will remain as it always has. The truth is, God had a purpose for the United States, and nothing, not the British, not the Confederates, not the Nazis, not Mother Nature, nor the Progressives, will end this nation one second earlier than God has predetermined. God has used this nation in mighty ways in the past, most notably; both to help restore Israel back to the table of nations, and to produce some of the greatest revivals and missionary efforts the world had ever seen. However, when God says that something will end, neither heaven nor hell, nor anything in between, will stop that thing from happening. Since the Bible makes no mention of a superpower like the United States in the pages of Holy Writ, we can conclude, the world's greatest nation is not in the picture at the end. Some would argue that the US was not in view when the Bible was written; however, God (the true author of the Bible) was well aware of all the nations who would ever come and go across the span of history. As the Apostle Paul stated in Acts 17:26, And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings Therefore, the end of our nation was foreseen and pre-appointed long before the first Pilgrim ever-set foot at Plymouth. In fact, our end was established long before God ever set the boundaries of the earth during Creation. The fact we as a nation, are not in Bible Prophecy, undoubtedly points to some less-than-desirable ending for our once great nation. This thought has always brought me back, strangely enough, to the verse in Don McClean's iconic song, American Pie. Bye, bye Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singin' this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die At present, our spiritual levee is dry. Whatever America was, is long dead. At present, around half of America seems determined to vote in national suicide Vis a Vis radical progressivism and socialism. At present, around half of the American churches are caught up preaching the false social justice gospel for the sake of social relevancy. Ironically, in the age of prophetic signs, many churches seem strangely detached to what is going on, preaching something akin to the normalcy bias gospel. Most of the world is not looking for Christ to return. Most in the West, but do not care. The most blessed nation to ever exist has almost conceded to wickedness in ever quarter. Where it not for the remnant, she would have conceded decades ago. However, when the Rapture does happen, America will gasp at the horror of what just transpired, and she will finally succumb to the lawlessness she had so long toyed with. The United States of America must decline, so that another may take her place. Its name is The Beast. It will rise out of the sea of humanity. It consists of ten kings and kingdoms. It tramples all before itself, reducing them to residue. One man, The Antichrist, will eventually rise and lead it. He must come from the boundaries of the ancient Roman Empire. He will control ALL buying and selling in the world. He will be fatally wounded, but resurrected by the power of Satan. He will be possessed by Satan himself, and will desecrate the newly rebuilt Jewish Temple. He will convince the armies of the world to finally rid the world of Israel. They will form in the Valley of Megiddo, and will meet their inglorious end. Israel's Messiah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and followed by the armies of heaven, will tear open the sky, as Jesus pours out His judgment upon the world's armies. The Beast and his False Prophet will then be cast alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan will be bound in chains for 1,000 years while cast into the blackest abyss. Christ will rescue the Jewish remnant and vanquish their foes. Christ will judge the nations in righteousness. Christ will bring His Kingdom to the earth. The Rock built without human hands. And we shall be His forever. And Ever. Amen. And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold-the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure." Daniel 2:44-45 Was the Beirut explosion intended for Israel? - Alex Traiman - Many of Israel's modern military accomplishments have defied all odds and logic. Surprise victories in Israel's War of Independence in 1948, Six-Day War in 1967 and Yom Kippur War in 1973 will forever stand among Israel's most miraculous and unlikely historical achievements. This past week, while smoke and debris covers Beirut, Israel may have averted a disaster. When a massive stockpile of weapons-grade ammonium nitrate exploded in the Beirut port on Aug. 4, it was without a doubt a tragedy of horrific proportions. At least 150 innocent civilians were killed and thousands more wounded. The damage to the city of Beirut, and to Lebanon's main seaport, will take years to repair. Yet for Israel, there is one major consolation: The stockpile of ammonium nitrate and the collateral damage it caused may well have been earmarked for Israel. While Israel and the rest of the international community have been offering humanitarian aid to Lebanon in the wake of one of the largest explosions since the Chernobyl nuclear reactor blew in 1986, the greatest aid to the people of Lebanon would be the complete disarmament and expulsion of Hezbollah. Israel should now be staunchly making the case to the international community that weapons in the hands of irresponsible actors-and particularly international terror organizations-can only end in the death of innocent civilians. It was only one week prior to the massive explosion that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz held a joint press conference following an attempt by Hezbollah to infiltrate Israel's northern border. Netanyahu stated, "We take a grave view of this attempt to infiltrate our territory. Hezbollah and Lebanon bear full responsibility for this incident and any attack from Lebanese territory against Israel. Hezbollah should know that it is playing with fire." When terrorists play with fire, the results are almost inevitably going to turn deadly. Just several months ago, Israel's Mossad security agency reportedly provided Germany with significant evidence of Hezbollah's weapons storage, including ammonium nitrate. It was this information that led Germany to formally ban Hezbollah from operating in its country. Similarly, The Daily Telegraph revealed in 2019 that U.K. intelligence agencies, acting on a tip from a foreign intelligence agency (the Mossad according to a senior Israeli official), found some three tons of ammonium nitrate in a raid on four London properties back in 2015. The ammonium nitrate was stored in thousands of disposable ice packs. In 2019, the IDF published a video detailing Hezbollah's precision-guided missile program. It is currently estimated that Hezbollah has more than 150,000 mortars, rockets and missiles stockpiled for use against Israel. Security experts have similarly indicated that it was an initial explosion of stockpiled weapons in an adjacent portside hangar that acted as the detonator for the large stockpile of ammonium nitrate. In 2018, ahead of a U.N. Security Council meeting, Netanyahu called Hezbollah's stockpiling of weapons intended for Israel among Lebanese civilians "a double war crime." In 2016, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave a chilling speech indicating that an explosion of ammonium nitrate in Israel's Haifa port could carry the same explosive charge as a nuclear bomb. During the 34-day military conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006, the terrorist organization fired approximately 4,000 rockets and missiles against Israel, at a rate of approximately 100 per day. And Hezbollah has been using explosives to perpetrate terror attacks for decades. A bombing of American and French peacekeeping forces in 1983 killed 307. The explosive blast was reported to be the equivalent of more than 21,000 pounds of TNT. Acting as a primary state-sponsored terror actor of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hezbollah has wreaked havoc across Lebanon and Syria, and remains the most lethal threat against Israeli population centers. For the last several years, Iran has been consistently smuggling weapons to its terror proxy, via a land bridge across Iraq and Syria, through the Beirut-Rafic Hariri International Airport, and most notably through the Beirut seaport, where the ammonium nitrate was stored in a warehouse adjacent to the water. While grieving over the deaths of innocent civilians, Israel must be extremely grateful that this stockpile was not detonated anywhere close to its own border. And now seeing firsthand how much damage can be caused by ammonium nitrate, one need only imagine the damage that could be caused should Iran successfully smuggle a nuclear weapon into Hezbollah's hands. During the first Gulf War of 1991, Saddam Hussein fired 42 Scud missiles at Israel. During the barrage, only one Israeli reportedly died-of a heart attack due to a nearby explosion. The lack of damage to Israel was a phenomenon of miraculous proportions. That nearly 3,000 tons of weapons-grade ammonium nitrate likely earmarked for use against Israel will now never reach its intended target is a similar miracle. Yet despite the severe damage caused by Hezbollah's "work accident," the stockpiling of weapons against Israel remains a grave threat. A campaign to fully disarm Hezbollah must be immediately launched. For as long as Hezbollah continues to have missiles pointed at Israel, the Jewish state will live in constant fear of attack. Peace in the region will never be reached until Hezbollah is fully disarmed. Ominous September Warning As Nations Mood Turns Grim - Michael Snyder - 2020 has definitely been a chaotic year so far. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted life all over the planet, we have witnessed a horrific economic downturn, and civil unrest has been raging in major U.S. cities for months. But the good news is that we appear to have hit a pocket of relative calm here in August. Yes, global events are still going crazy, and the bizarre explosion that we just witnessed in Beirut is just one example. But compared to what we experienced during the first half of 2020 and compared to what we will experience during the last portion of this year, I believe that August should be relatively peaceful. I would encourage everyone to enjoy this month as much as possible and to use it to prepare for what is ahead, because September is just around the corner. Of course many Americans can't imagine things getting much worse than they are right now. Gallup regularly asks Americans whether they are "satisfied" with the direction of the country or not, and what they have discovered is that the mood of the country has shifted dramatically since February, and this has especially been true among Republicans... A poll by Gallup released Wednesday shows that the percentage of Republicans who say they are "satisfied" with the direction the country is heading has fallen by 60 points since February, when the pandemic began spreading rapidly across the U.S. "The plunge in the U.S. mood, both in the past month and since February, is mostly occurring among Republicans. Republicans' satisfaction today (20%) is about half what it was a month ago (39%) and down 60 points since February, after the Senate acquitted President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial. The current figure is easily the lowest for Republicans during the Trump administration, with their prior low being 38% in October 2017," Gallup said on its website. I was quite stunned when I first saw the graphic that Gallup posted on Twitter which shows how much the numbers have changed over the course of 2020. I have never seen anything like this, and a presidential election is less than 3 months away. Because of COVID-19, this election season has been relatively subdued so far, but I definitely expect that things will start to get crazy starting in September. Many on the left have been anticipating a blowout victory by Joe Biden, but the polls have started to tighten, and Biden's physical condition has been rapidly deteriorating. To be honest, we don't even know if it will be Joe Biden taking on Trump in November, and we certainly do not know who is going to win. In fact, a group that included both prominent Republicans and prominent Democrats recently held "war games" to try to simulate the outcome of the election, and what those "war games" showed was quite disconcerting... After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were "alarming:" In an election taking place amid a pandemic, a recession and rising political polarization, the group found a substantial risk of legal battles, a contested outcome, violent street clashes and even a constitutional impasse. "We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November's elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape," the Transition Integrity Project, which organized the "war games," said in a report this week. That doesn't sound good at all. But I actually agree with that assessment. I believe that this will be the most chaotic election period in modern U.S. history, and I believe that much more civil unrest is ahead. In particular, I believe that a Donald Trump victory in November or a contested result that is decided by a long legal battle could set off a national temper tantrum that would be absolutely unprecedented. Sadly, we won't have to wait until November for chaos in the streets. Riots are happening on a nightly basis in Portland and other cities right now, and I expect political turmoil to really start escalating next month. Meanwhile, experts are warning of a "second wave" of the COVID-19 pandemic in the fall... Even though the first wave of COVID-19 cases is still happening, health experts warn that once the weather gets cooler in the fall, a second wave of cases is likely to arrive. And if the wave coincides with the start of flu season, it would put an enormous strain on doctors and their practices. That's why practices should start preparing now. If you look at the numbers from around the world, you will notice that COVID-19 has been exploding lately in countries like Brazil, South Africa, Peru, Chile, Colombia and Argentina. All of those nations are currently in the middle of winter because they are in the southern hemisphere, and this could be an indication that we will see seasonal waves of COVID-19 just like we see seasonal waves of the flu. During the summer, we spend a lot more time in the sun and so our bodies produce higher levels of Vitamin D. But in the winter we all tend to stay inside most of the day, and so our bodies produce a lot less Vitamin D. As a result, we tend to get sick a lot more. So keep an eye on the COVID-19 numbers as the weather starts to get colder. If they really start to spike as we get close to winter, that could be an important warning sign. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy continues to deteriorate at a rapid pace. More than 55 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the past 20 weeks. If Congress does not approve a new round of emergency benefits quickly, that will be another factor which will help to fuel discontent all over the nation. The period of time that we have entered has been described as "a perfect storm", and as I have detailed previously, quite a few prominent voices have been specifically pointing to the month of September as a major turning point. Of course the craziness will also continue throughout the rest of 2020 and into 2021 as well. And beyond that, we will see things happen that most Americans would not even want to imagine right now. Keep a close eye on Joe Biden. The extent to which he has physically and mentally deteriorated is a huge red flag, and some experts are even suggesting that he might not even make it to election day. But even if he does make it to November and he wins, there is a very good possibility that whoever he selects as his running mate will have to take over during his first term. In any event, I believe that this will be the strangest election season that any of us have ever seen, and I fully expect the craziness to begin next month. Global Upheaval - By Hal Lindsey - The world changes. Sometimes it changes quickly. The two world wars of the 20th century created massive upheavals, as did the Black Death pestilence of the 14th century. Some upheavals are caused by new technologies, such as the printing press, the internal combustion engine, the telephone, or gunpowder. Sometimes political revolutions cause fast and massive change, and sometimes big changes come from simple ideas, including bad ones. Today, several of those things are happening at once. With Covid-19 as a trigger, we see revolutions all around us. Technical revolutions that should have been for our good have been subverted. Ideas that history has repeatedly proven wrong and dangerous, are rising with a new sense of inevitability. One of the unique things about this year is that these massive societal upheavals are global. Most of history's revolutions have been localized, but the changes going on now are going on everywhere. And they are all moving in a specific direction - the direction laid out in the Bible thousands of years ago. For decades now, government and corporate surveillance of citizens has been growing, but mostly hidden. The pandemic has made the invasion of privacy suddenly seem laudable. To keep the virus in check, the world is rapidly building the infrastructure of the Antichrist. That means building a surveillance infrastructure that will allow governments to watch every move their citizens make, and be able to use Artificial Intelligence to interpret those moves. Covid's economic destruction is wreaking havoc on capitalism everywhere, making citizens of all nations increasingly dependent on government. That's what antichrist will need - a population full of people depending on government rather than their own hard work and creativity. To bring new benefits and more relief to the public, governments are printing money hand over fist. This can only go on so long before it brings its own disaster. The mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-18 means that, in the future, world leaders will give control of the entire global economy to the Antichrist and his cohort, the False Prophet. They will do that either because of a global economic collapse or their fear of one. (But it won't work for long because the Bible describes at least two more economic disasters after Antichrist comes to power.) Bible prophecies also say that near the time of Christ's return, there will be increased levels of anti-Semitism and of the persecution of Christians. Back in the 1960s and 70s, ideas like free speech and inclusiveness were primary tenets of campus liberalism. Not anymore. Today we have something popularly known as "cancel culture." And if you want to be canceled fast, just quote one of the Bible's less popular passages - Old Testament or New. Another way to do it is to identify with Israel, or tell the real story of Israel's formation. People are losing their jobs because of Sunday School lessons taught 20 years ago. How should we respond to these things? Like Christians. In Matthew 5:44, Jesus said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." But you will not respond in love if you are hysterical with fear. So, follow an instruction given in the Bible hundreds of times - "Fear not." In John 14:27, Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." Live in His peace. Love your neighbor. Pray with expectation. He's coming soon! Daily Jot: The Common Thread Of Destruction - Bill Wilson - The Washington Post has done a hit piece on President Trump about how his negotiating skills have failed him as president and he has had to resort to Executive Orders to get things done. "The president's inability to reach a deal with Congress on a payroll tax cut or an extension of unemployment benefits underscored his underwhelming record as a presidential negotiator, according to several historians and lawmakers from both parties," wrote Toluse Olorunnipa and Ashley Parker on August 9. This is yet another example of fake news. Nowhere in this article is there any mention that the Democrats hold the House of Representatives and that the Democrats have been obstructing the Trump agenda since before he took office. In fact, Trump arguably has accomplished more than any modern president given the fierce opposition he has faced. The use of Executive Orders (EOs) by presidents is commonplace. According to The American Presidency Project, Trump is about average in the use of EOs. Jimmy Carter, in four years, issued 320/80 per year. Ronald Reagan, who faced extraordinary opposition from Congress, had 381 in two terms, 48 per year. George H.W. Bush issued 166 in four years. Bill Clinton directed 364 in two terms. George W. Bush, 291 EOs in two terms; and Barack Obama, 276 in two terms. Donald Trump has issued 172 during one term-49 per year. Many of Trump's EOs were undoing his predecessors harmful EOs. Can you see how the leftist media presents a case to make someone look bad, absolving political allies of any wrong-doing when they did the exact same thing? Let's look at a couple more examples. In Chicago, Portland, Seattle and other places where there are Democratic Mayors and Governors in charge, there is unchecked violence against the citizens that live there conducted by Antifa and Black Lives Matter Organization "protesters." The Democratic officeholders in these places refuse to take measures to stop the violence, and yes, killing. Additionally, California, New York, Washington, DC, Michigan, Minnesota and other states with Democratic governors have the biggest problem with COVID. Why? They also are taking the most stringent actions against their citizens regarding lockdowns, fines, mask requirements, gatherings, etc. All this obstruction in Congress, refusal to enforce the law, the lack of sensible COVID prevention measures, the resultant lockdown and resistance to reopen the economy, and the taking away of citizen's rights are being done by Democratic Party officeholders. They tried to take out Trump over the past 4 years. It didn't work. So now their actions are harshly impacting citizens and they are blaming it on Trump, hoping that if they resist long enough people will vote Trump out of office. These are like those written about in Jeremiah 9:5, "And they will deceive every one his neighbor, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity." They are the common thread to the chaos and destruction in our nation. Daily Devotion: Above All Else - by Greg Laurie - That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? -Matthew 6:25 In Australia they use an expression that I love: "No worries, mate!" I think that phrase nicely sums up the point Jesus was making in Matthew 6 when He said, "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?" (verse 25 NLT). When we worry, essentially, we're not trusting God. Worry is a lack of trust in Him. In fact, the word worry originates from a term that means "to strangle." And that's exactly what worry does to us. It strangles us. It chokes us. Worry is interest that we pay on troubles before they're due. It comes down to this: We need to trust in the providence of God. The providence of God, or the sovereignty of God, simply means that God is in control of our lives as followers of Jesus. You may not understand why you're dealing with a hardship right now. But God has allowed it for some reason. Nothing touches us that has not first passed through God's loving hands. He's in control. So instead of worrying, let's put God first in our lives. Jesus said, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need" (Matthew 6:33 NLT). The word seek speaks of persistence. Let's say that you dropped a $100 bill on the ground, and a little breeze picked it up. Would you go looking for it? Of course you would. And what is the kingdom of God? It's the rule and reign of Jesus Christ in our lives. Above everything else, we want to give God the number one position in our lives. And when we put God and his kingdom first, life will find its proper balance. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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