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Prophecy Update Newsletter
August 15, 2016
Glow in the Dark Faith - Pete Garcia -
This might be a hard pill to swallow for some, but we are now living in a post-Christian nation. For the better part of 50 years, America has been transitioning from that of broad-based, Judeo-Christian culture, to that of a neo-pagan/secular humanistic one. She is no longer that 'shining city on a hill', because she is abandoning those principles that made her stand out amongst the nations. For the regular readers here, and for those who have a proper working knowledge of bible prophecy, this should come as no surprise. The cultural slide began in earnest around the mid 1960's; right around the time, the Beatles launched their 'American Invasion' to the United States. The Beatles were huge, so much so, that John Lennon once stated that they (the Beatles) were more popular than Jesus Christ. Shortly thereafter, they made a pilgrimage to India to meet the Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi and study advanced Transcendental Meditation. After their perspective stays, the newly Hinduized 'Fab Four' began introducing Eastern Mysticism to the culture at large back here in the States. While the Beatles are not solely to blame for cultural slide into paganism, their rise to fame and fortune came at exactly the right moment when drugs and free 'love' were sweeping across the nation. America was embroiled (albeit the early stages) in a long, unpopular war. The communist slogan "Make Love, Not War" was for all intents and purposes, the slogan of the decade, and placated the people's desire to voice a protest against an already unpopular and unnecessary war. As was noted back then by the iconic Bob Dylan..."the times, they are a 'changing." What free love and psychedelic experiences was to the sixties, political correctness and political angst was to the seventies. In 1973, Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand, and thus institutionalized the idea that a woman has the constitutional right, to murder her unborn child for any reason. Again, political correctness was the main tool used to dehumanize the unborn from that of a thinking, feeling, growing human baby, to that of a non-feeling, and non-thinking gelatinous fetus. From then until now, we have tolerated the murders of over 50 million babies. A fact no one likes to bring to light is that abortion is the number one cause of death in the United States. What political angst and counter revolution was to the seventies, consumerism was to the eighties. Video killed the radio star, and thus the MTV generation was born. Ridiculous movies, ridiculous music, and ridiculous trends were all the rage and America seemed invulnerable and impervious to the growing storm brewing beyond her borders. The first major sign of trouble, happened on "Black Monday", when reality-based economists began to note that we weren't ten feet tall and bullet proof, and that if things didn't change, we could be in a for more financial shocks down the road. Consumerism was to the eighties, as counter-culture and the tech-rise was to the nineties. Culturally, the youth revolted against popular music to that of grunge and hardcore rap. Economically, the internet was a new and wide open field that could either be capitalized on, or exploited...or both. The Berlin wall had fallen in 1989, the Soviet Union would collapse in December of 1991, and the US seemingly lost its only major threat, overnight. Three major events would shake our national confidence: Somalia, World Trade Center (1993), and the Oklahoma City bombing (Alfred P. Murrah Building) in 1995. The Y2K threat loomed large, but the tech boom was creating millionaires overnight so the fears were alleviated by a renewed sense of 'good times'. Politically, Clintonian-partisan-cronyism was over the top in its grandiose corruption, and China was on the rise. Since September 11th, 2001, about the only thing that could be said of the 2000's, is that change is the only constant. We have been, technologically, politically, culturally, theologically on this fast-forward track of rapid advancements in how we live, what we watch, where we get our information, and so on. Politicians have perfected the art-form of the 'flip-flop' in this age of instantaneous information. The current regime has mandated a system of management by crisis (global warming, healthcare, guns, immigration, etc.), and has put to shame anything, any former administration had done before it in terms of spending, cronyism, political sloganeering, and dithering. Our last decade was also marked by our two longest military engagements on record. As those engagements have ended, and are ending, we are kind of back to a 1991 time frame when our enemy ceased to have a name and a face. New threats, and even more daunting and perilous challenges face our nation, and these come in the form of potential pandemics, economic collapse, and terrorist splinter groups. Global warming became climate change. Former enemies turned allies, turned enemies, China and Russia, have risen from their political ashes like a phoenix with a giant chip on its shoulder. Economically speaking, our financial system is sputtering and whining like a car going uphill and running on fumes. We live in an age of uncertainty and much anticipated calamity with a new global threat just a moment away from bringing the whole global house of cards down. Assessment Jesus took his disciples on a 32 mile field trip up to the area of Caesarea Philippi, which was then THE hotbed of Greek and Roman paganism of the first century. Numerous niches were cut into the mountain face next to the "Gates of Hell" called the "rock of the gods". Statues and shrines were present to Pan (half man-half goat fertility god), Caesar, Zeus, etc. were all within eyesight when Christ asked His disciples, two pivotal questions... "...Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am? He said to them..."But who do you say that I am?" Caesarea Philippi was not the place these Jewish disciples wanted to go, and coming from Galilee, they probably stuck out like backwoods hillbillies amongst the thriving and successful, and modern Gentile community there. Yet, Jesus took them there, and all in the midst of this demonically charged atmosphere, for seemingly only this conversation. They gave various answers (John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, a prophet), but it was to Peter's response that He confirmed, then told them to remain silent about. Furthermore, Christ did not evangelize there, performed no miracles there, but seemingly only wanted to present a powerful visual for them, in that pending their responses, in which He Himself would lay the foundation for this newfound creation known as the Church. Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ. Matt. 16:16-20 NKJV Without the context of knowing what exactly the 'Gates of Hell' were, we wouldn't understand the meaning behind what Christ was actually saying. He was saying, that we aren't meant to play defense, but offense. We are to take the Gospel out to the lost and dying world, and show them the light of Christ. Jesus wasn't taking them there to show them how awful and decrepit the pagan Gentiles were, but to show them how lost they were, and how much they were in need of a Savior. It was thought that the Gates of Hell was where the gods entered and exited from, but Christ is saying, that the Gates of Hell would not prevail over His Church. Similarly, we live in a lost and dying world. Each decade seemingly worse than the one before it, and becoming increasingly paganized, and detached from the light of Christ. We aren't called to simply exist here, or to blend in, but to stand out and declare that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God to people who are enshrouded in darkness, and doomed to an eternal hell. As believers, we pray for those who hate us, for those who persecute us, who rail against the Gospel, and who attack our message. We are to wage spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-20) and meet the enemy where he is, not hide in our churches and hide ourselves from the world. We are to be 'salt and light' to a world that is spiritually dead and blinded, and we can't be a light if we are hiding it in a bunker or in the confines of your church building. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 The world is embracing and surrendering itself to the mystery of lawlessness, (2 Thess 2:7-11) and it is getting worse by the day. We can't hide. We can't hide our children from the evil that is spreading like a rot across the face of this earth. But we can arm them and ourselves with the knowledge of God through the Holy Spirit, and then declare war, and take the fight to the enemy. For our weapons are powerful, and our God, mighty to save. We see the end approaching, and we see the signs that point to the time known as the Tribulation is already being set. But it is discouraging to turn on the news as of late. It is discouraging to hear so many who reject the Gospel message because their hearts are hardened. I think this is just one of the side-effects of this mystery of lawlessness, in that men's hearts now are in a process of being hardened. Much as we see the process between Pharaoh and Moses, his heart began a hardening process, which at a certain point, could not be changed. I know that it's discouraging to see the remnant of believers growing smaller, while the luke-warm masses grow larger. The world, and America in particular, relish in the thought of embracing paganism, and secular humanism, as if it's some new thing...all the while, casting off the 'shackles' of the Bible. But we aren't told to shrink back from that, but like Stephen, be bold until the end, whatever end that may be...comes for us. We will leave this planet either by death, or by Rapture, and then we will step into eternity and forever be in the glorious presence of His light and love. Our lives should grow brighter like a candle in a room that is losing its light. The darker it becomes, the brighter we shine, and in our shining, we will certainly draw attention back to the One who saved us from destruction. But we don't shine because of anything we do, but because of who we represent, and in His righteousness, we force the darkness to shrink back from where we stand until that Day comes, and He calls us to come home to where He is. Even so, Amen! And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching Hebrews 10:24-26 Israel Prepares to Build Third Temple as It Mourns Previous Temple Destruction -
It may have been almost 2000 years since the Roman Empire destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD and even more since the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple but a growing movement of Jews is determined to see the Temple rebuilt and once again take its place at the center of Jerusalem. This past weekend saw thousands of Israelis from across the country converge on the capital to participate in the Fast of the 9th of Av (Tisha B'Av), the day of mourning for the destruction of the First and Second Holy Temples in Jerusalem which took place on this same day centuries apart. Events to commemorate the day of mourning include gathering at the Western Wall as well as marching around the walls of the Old City and reading from the Book of Lamentations. Traditional customs also include not greeting one another during the fast, refraining from studying Torah, except for certain selections, sitting on low chairs until noon, refrain from bathing, leather footwear, cosmetics and intimate relations - all this a culmination of three weeks of keeping various customs that symbolize mourning and even more stringent ones during the nine days leading to the fast. The Ninth of Av is a date marked by tragedy in Jewish history in addition to the destruction of the first and second Temples. Several other terrible events in Jewish history occurred on this date: - The decree in Numbers 13 and 14 that they would not be allowed to enter the promised land until the entire generation had died out due to unbelief and murmuring against the Lord. - The Bar Kokhbah Revolt was crushed resulting in the plowing of Jerusalem and the killing of 600,000 Jews by the Roman Empire - The expulsion of the Jews from Britain in 1290 - The expulsion of the Jews of Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492 - World War I erupted in 1914, causing untold suffering to the Jews of Europe and Palestine and setting the stage for World War II and the Holocaust. - Tisha B'Av of 2005, the expulsion of 9,000 Jews from the region of Gaza by Israel's own government. This has resulted in Hamas creating a missile launching area that has seen thousands of missiles and rockets fired at Israeli civilians and consequently leading to three IDF operations...with more expected. Speeches by many prominent Rabbis at rallies across Jerusalem were directed not only toward a sense of mourning for the past, but looking to the hope of redemption and the importance of the future, including the rebuilding of the Temple. Rabbi Ben-Dahan spoke of the centrality of Israel's capital to the Jewish nation."We aren't the only ones who know this, our enemies know it too. There is a reason [Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas] [a.k.a. Abu Mazen] claims that the Temple in Jerusalem never existed; there's a reason why he makes sure every archeological discovery found linking the Jewish people to the Temple Mount will disappear. He understands that the Temple Mount is the beating heart of the Jewish people. The Temple Mount and the Temple are the heart of the nation of Israel, and without a heart there is no body." Rabbi Ben-Dahan added that the rebuilding of Jerusalem would not be complete until the Temple, too, is rebuilt and the Temple Mount redeemed."We are all here to declare that we have returned to Jerusalem and God-willing we will prepare the hearts of the people to return to the Temple Mount as well and to rebuild the Temple. We aren't embarrassed to say it: We want to rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount." MK Yehuda Glick, a notable Temple Mount activist, said the time had come to replace mourning with action. "For 2,000 years we lived out the verse in the Book of Lamentations 'you shall surely weep at night'. No more! We must stop weeping and start to take action. The founders of the Zionist movement taught us that the Exile was not just a punishment but a sin as well. Today we are in a different place. Anyone who reads the Book of Lamentations cannot possibly think we are still there in that situation. We are not under siege and we are not isolated." Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of the Temple Institute, declared: "Everyone that has ever attended a Jewish wedding knows that we break a glass, but how many internalize the message. The broken glass isn't supposed to let guests know when to shout 'mazal tov', on the contrary it is a catalyst to move people into a new level of consciousness that fuses mourning with celebration - giving hope for a time in which we will finally rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Every single bridegroom announces the proclamation that he and his future household will not forget Jerusalem, because it is incumbent on everyone of us, at all times to prepare for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. With the work of the Temple Institute over the last three decades, preparation for the Temple is no longer a dream, it's a reality, in which everyone can play a part". In the run up to the annual commemoration of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, the Temple Institute has released a video proposing the rebuilding of the third Temple. The video uses the metaphor of a glass, which is broken as part of the Jewish wedding ceremony, to signify that the celebration is incomplete so long as the Temple isn't rebuilt. Despite the 2000-year-old fast and palpable longing for the Temple to be rebuilt on Judaism's holiest site on Mount Moriah, UNESCO and the EU are entertaining proposals to recognize it as a Muslim site, ignoring all of the above. Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold blasted the proposal, saying, it "deliberately ignores the historical connection between the Jewish people and their ancient capital". It is told that the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was walking down a street one night and saw a darkened synagogue lit by several candles and people lamenting while sitting on the floor. Wondering what terrible catastrophe could have befallen them, he asked and was told they were mourning the destruction of their Holy Temple in Jerusalem. He was sure this was a recent tragedy and upon hearing that it had occurred almost two millennia earlier, is said to have remarked: "A people who mourns their Temple for thousands of years will also live to see it rebuilt." Destruction of both Temples supported by archaeological findings -
Tal Barkai -,7340,L-4841735,00.html Arrowheads, coins, burnt houses and various testimonies all support the biblical and external accounts of the First and Second Temples' destruction. For nearly two thousand years, Jews have mourned the destruction of the Temples. They have traditionally relied on the account of the First Temple's destruction as told in the Bible and the external accounts for the destruction of the Second Temple-but over the past decade, archaeological findings supporting the Jewish canon have been adding evidence. Prof. Aren Maeir, an expert on the First-Temple period from Bar Ilan University's Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, "From a chronological historical standpoint, we're talking about the year 586 BCE, when Jerusalem was destroyed. There are accounts of the siege on Jerusalem. In the Jewish Quarter, there's a tower that's an Israelite fortification on which you can actually see the arrowheads that the Babylonians shot at the Kingdom of Judea and that soldiers of the Judean Kingdom fired back. There's a difference between the Babylonian arrow and the Judean arrow. Remnants have also been found in excavations in the City of David, layers that date to the eve of the destruction. Throughout the Kingdom of Judea at the end of the Iron Age before the destruction of Jerusalem, we have evidence of more than a few other sites that have the layer from the destruction. While the destruction of the First Temple is described in detail in the Bible, the destruction of its successor is not, and most of the information on it comes from the historian Josephus Flavius. The archaeological evidence uncovered also seems to support this information. Prof. Boaz Zissu, the head of Bar Ilan University's Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology and an expert on the Second-Temple period, said, "The archaeological findings support, complete, expand what we learn from Josephus." He continued, "In Jerusalem, when you dig in the area of the Jewish Quarter and remove the later layers, you'll reach the complete destruction. You'll find houses that sometimes burnt with their residents inside, or the remains of their residents. One of the more exciting finds was a cut-off arm, which was found nearby a spear. "In a structure that was destroyed in a fire in 70 CE, we've found coins that the rebels minted themselves in Jerusalem with writing in Hebrew... At the foot of the Western Wall, a street was uncovered that had on it remnants of the destruction of the Temple. "There is also lots of evidence in the Galilee. In Yodfat and in Gamla, evidence has been found of the siege, of the destruction, of the fighting. The findings here are unequivocal. If we go to fortresses in the desert, of which Masada is a very famous example, and ditto for Herodium, which also has the story of the Bar Kochba Revolt. "Then Josephus speaks of a 1,100,000 deaths as a result of the Great Revolt. We learned of the result of the Bar Kochba Revolt from a Roman source, Cassius Dio. He gives as a number 580,000 Jews who were killed in battle alone. But doesn't count the civilian population at the end of the Bar Kochba Revolt, but he tells of 985 villages or towns and 50 fortresses. Archaeology teaches us that those numbers that Cassius Dio records are apparently trustworthy." Hezbollah: 'There is no location in Israel outside of our cross-hairs' -
The Hezbollah leader also thanked Syria and Iran for their assistance in the war ten-years-ago, and noted that his terror organization "is spearheading the fight" against Israel. Thanks Syria and Iran for help in war against Israel 10 years ago "Israel knows that there is no location in the country that is not in Hezbollah's cross-hairs," Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech Saturday evening. He added that there is "no region of Israel outside the reach of Hezbollah's missiles." At the ceremony, marking the tenth anniversary of the Second Lebanon War, Nasrallah stated that "Israel believes everything the resistance says. Israeli authorities didn't declare any goals in the Gaza Strip for fear they wouldn't achieve them." Nasrallah spoke via video to his supporters in Bint Jbail in southern Lebanon and said that victory in the war was the organization's most important achievement. "Israel's military theory, which rested on a quick military operation in enemy territory, failed. Results of the war damaged public trust in the Israeli army, as well as the confidence of the political leadership," Nasrallah said. "A physical body can be repaired, but the spirit is much more difficult. Israel's spirit and will was damaged and their trust was undermined between the public and the army and between the army and the political echelon. "The war stirred an awakening in the Israeli army and caused a crisis of confidence which still exists. This damaged their ability to win the war. [IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi] Eisenkot said that the biggest threat to the military is the decline in public confidence. This undermined confidence in the leadership of the army which was cowardly and weak. It also undermined the confidence of the Israeli political leadership and created a leadership crisis in Israel. "The last war between the Lebanese resistance [Hezbollah] and the Israeli occupation hurt them [Israel] internally," Nasrallah said. "It almost brought the state to near collapse." "Israel's aims include destroying the resistance," Nasrallah continued, "and to remove Hezbollah from their border and to create a new Middle East, which has failed." The Hezbollah leader also thanked Syria and Iran for their assistance in the war 10 years ago, and noted that his terrorist organization "is spearheading the fight" against Israel. Violence Erupts in America's Heartland as Milwaukee Becomes the Latest U.S. City to Burn - By Michael Snyder -
The city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin exploded in violence last night as the wave of chaos and civil unrest that is sweeping across America continues to intensify. At this point, many of our largest cities have become powder kegs of anger and frustration, and a full-blown riot can be set off with a single bullet. In this case, an armed suspect was shot and killed by Milwaukee police as he attempted to evade the police, and his death almost instantly set off pandemonium in the heart of the city. America is being ripped apart, and much more violence is coming. Decades of social decay and economic decline have fundamentally transformed many of our greatest cities, and tensions that have been simmering for a very long time are now being brought to a boil. Sadly, it seems quite likely that we will see even more rage, hatred and divisiveness in the months ahead. The sudden eruption of violence that we witnessed in Milwaukee last night was absolutely stunning. Within just hours after the shooting of the armed suspect, fires were burning all over the city... Protesters clashed with officers in the hours after a Milwaukee police officer shot and killed an armed suspect during a foot chase. After an hours-long confrontation with officers, police reported that a gas station was set on fire. Police said firefighters initially could not get close to the blaze because of gunshots. Later, fires were started at a bank branch, a beauty supply company and an auto parts store as scores of people gathered near the crime scene on the city's north side, a grim Mayor Tom Barrett said at a news conference Saturday night. He said the unrest was driven by a social media frenzy urging people to gather in the area. Of course police were one of the primary targets of the violence. It is being reported that at least one squad car was set ablaze, and another had a brick thrown through a window. One prominent Milwaukee city official is blaming racial injustice for the violence. The following comes from CNN... City Alderman Khalif Rainey said the area has been a "powder keg" for potential violence throughout the summer. "What happened tonight may not have been right and I am not justifying that but no one can deny the fact that there are problems, racial problems in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that need to be rectified," Rainey said. "This community of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has become the worst place to live for African Americans in the entire country." Rainey said Saturday's violence was a byproduct of inequities, injustice, unemployment and under-education. "Something has to be done to address these issues," he said. "The black people of Milwaukee are tired, they are tired of living under this oppression, this is their life." Without a doubt, the suffering that is going on in our inner cities is intense. Our economic infrastructure has been gutted by decades of bad trade deals, and evidence of severe social and moral decay is all around us. But no matter how bad things are, there is never any excuse for committing random acts of violence. In addition to setting businesses on fire, it is being reported that rioters were trying to drag people out of their vehicles in order to beat them up. How in the world does that solve anything? Meanwhile, police all over the nation continue to be targets of violence. In a previous article, I told my readers that the number of police officers that have been shot and killed this year has risen by 78 percent compared to last year. Well, over the past few days some more officers have been added to the list. For example, the following is an excerpt from a CNN report about an officer that was just shot and killed in south Georgia... A police officer was shot dead while responding to a call of a suspicious person in south Georgia, authorities said. The shooting occurred Saturday night after the officer, Tim Smith, got the call in a residential area in Eastman, special agent Scott Whitley of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations said. While on patrol, Smith encountered the subject and exited his car. That's when he was fatally shot, Whitley said. And this is from a Fox News report about an officer that was shot and killed in New Mexico... Two Ohio fugitives wanted for a murder have been arrested after authorities say one of them fatally shot a New Mexico police officer. Dona Ana County Sheriff's spokeswoman Kelly Jameson said Saturday that 38-year-old Jesse Hanes is suspected of gunning down Hatch Police Officer Jose Chavez during a traffic stop Friday. In addition, there was another very disturbing incident that just happened a few days ago in Arkansas. When a suspect started shooting at police officers, one was killed, one was wounded, and a police dog named Kina that got hit and ran away was just found on Saturday... Police spokeswoman Kristin Faulkenberry told reporters the dog, named Kina, "was up and walking" when searchers found the animal Friday morning near where the shooting unfolded near Hackett, about 115 miles west of Little Rock. The dog was shot and ran into a wooded area Wednesday when a man identified as Billy Monroe Jones opened fire on officers, killing Sebastian County Deputy Bill Cooper and wounding Hackett Police Chief Darrell Spells. Earlier today I talked to a friend of mine that works as a police officer, and he admitted that he and his wife do think about all of this violence that is being directed at the police. I suppose that it would be exceedingly difficult not to. Those that are serving their communities in this way are going to have a very tough time moving forward. At this point every single law enforcement officer in the entire nation is a potential target, and they are just going to have to find a way to deal with this new reality. America is more divided than I have ever seen in my entire lifetime. Instead of learning how to love one another, hatred is growing by the day. More chaos is coming, more violence is coming, and more of our cities will burn. Things didn't have to turn out this way, but thanks to decades of incredibly foolish decisions we will now reap what we have sown.
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Feds Move to Takeover Police - By Daymond Duck -
On December 18, 2014, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13684 establishing the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing. On Mar. 6, 2015, he spoke about the rioting in Ferguson, MO and announced his plan to impose federal standards on state and local police forces. He called for an increase in the kind and amount of data that is being collected and stored on citizens and to be able to retrieve it instantaneously from government data bases. Critics pointed out that the German Gestapo and the Russian KGB were government controlled police forces that persecuted and killed millions of opponents. They expressed opposition to his plan to control the local police, know more about U.S. citizens and to be better able to track everyone. On Aug. 4, 2016, it was reported that Pres. Obama has found a way to take over local police departments and his Justice Dept. has already taken over the police in several large cities including Newark, NJ; Miami, FL; Los Angeles, Cal; Ferguson, Mo; Chicago, Ill; and more. It goes like this: an incident is used by the Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division to file a federal lawsuit against a city, county or state alleging that the police have violated someone's civil rights following a demonstration or jailing. The city, county or state is allowed to plead no contest under the condition that it signs a consent order to let the Justice Dept. regulate the police. A UN Human Rights Council representative has already praised this and called for even greater federal control of the various police agencies. A Google search found that the Justice Dept. filed a lawsuit against Newark, NJ and it was settled by Newark agreeing to federal monitoring; the Justice Dept. filed a lawsuit against Miami, FL and it was settled with Miami signing a court-enforceable mutual agreement. The Justice Dept. filed a lawsuit against Ferguson, MO and it was settled with Ferguson signing a court-enforceable mutual agreement; and Justice Dept. is investigating the use of force by the Chicago, IL Police Dept. In a previous article titled "Black Lives Matter Exposed," I wrote about a leader in that group named DeRay McKesson. Some of the groups funding originated with George Soros. Mr. McKesson has had several meetings with Pres. Obama at the White House and the Black Lives Matter group has been officially endorsed by the Democratic National Committee. Videos show Mr. McKesson's involvement in many of the demonstrations that have taken place this summer. At Ferguson, MO there was rioting, looting and property destruction. At Baton Rouge, LA, Mr. McKesson and many others were arrested while demonstrating on July 9, 2016. One police officer lost several teeth when he was struck in the mouth by a projectile. Police said they confiscated eight firearms. Guess what? Mr. McKesson has filed a federal lawsuit against the Louisiana police. He claims that they acted in a "militarized and aggressive manner." I am not a betting man, but if I was, I would bet that his lawsuit will be settled by the signing of a court-enforceable mutual agreement with the U.S. Justice Dept. monitoring the police. I will go one step further. As I started to send this article in I heard a TV reporter say that a man with a gun was shot in a chase in Milwaukee, WI. I Googled it and read that a few hours later, a crowd gathered for what looked like a Black Lives Matter protest. It got out of control. Several vehicles were vandalized and set on fire. Several buildings were burned. A policeman was hit in the head by a brick. Shots were fired when firemen arrived to put out the fire. It is too early to know all of the details, but in less than 24 hours people are already calling for the police department and the criminal justice system to be reformed. I cannot predict the future and, once more, I am not a betting man, but if I was, I would bet that a lawsuit will be filed and I would bet that it will be settled by the signing of a court-enforceable mutual agreement with the U.S. Justice Dept. monitoring the police. The public is being told that the objective of these court-enforceable agreements is to promote trust between Law enforcement and the people. But this comes from a man in the White House that is now famous for not telling the truth. I believe the real objective is federal control of the city, county and state police. And when that objective is realized it will be followed by the Justice Dept. ordering the city, county and state police forces that they control to confiscate everyone's guns. Be aware that the upcoming election (if there is one) pits a candidate that opposes gun seizure against a candidate that supports it. Prophecy Plus Ministries Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Daily Jot: When in need - Bill Wilson -
As Americans, we are beginning to focus on who will be the next president. There are many opinions and many ideas on who should lead, what type of person should lead and what our expectations are. No matter what we do, who we choose, there is one thing that will remain constant now more than ever-the Great Commission. Jesus said in Mark 16:13, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." The Daily Jot not only brings you insight on current events from a Biblical and prophetic perspective, our ministry is also active in bringing the good news of Christ to the very rural areas of Western Africa. We have an unusual ministry this way-news analysis and outreach-but thanks to you it works. We must remember that the only real change comes from the Lord. There is no savior in politics. Only our Lord Jesus Christ is the key to salvation. And, quite frankly, if everyone knew him as their Lord and Savior AND followed his ways, our world would be a much better place, our nation so much stronger. When the Lord impressed upon me to start writing the Jot some 14 years ago, I thought the mission was evangelizing the lost. It was soon evident, that the mission was evangelizing believers-that is-encouraging and equipping followers of Christ to reach out, to evangelize. It is my hope that the information you receive in the Jot assists you in starting conversations, reaching out, from a Christian perspective. Here are just a few comments from our readers as to how the Jot impacts them: Bill your Daily Jots are a source of affirmation and encouragement to me and I appreciate them deeply.--ES Bless you for writing this Daily Jot. You give us encouragement and direction and praise God for all your effort. --M & B Have been getting the Daily Jot for a couple of years now and am not sure I have ever thanked you...Keep telling us the Truth, brother Bill, and be encouraged.--BK Many people send the Jot out to others. Several media outlets use the Jot in their programming or publish it as well. This, and our outreach to the rural areas of West Africa with clean water, food and clothing-all in the name of Christ-is not possible without your active goodwill. From time to time, we have visitors and they are impressed (or maybe not, haha) that we do not have a big office and lots of staff. They wonder how this ministry can do so much on so little. Others ask if my "web person" could do this, or my "tech staff" could do that. My wife and I are the web person, the tech staff, the research staff, etc. We do not take salaries and we pour our heart and soul into the mission the Lord has given us. If you have been reading The Daily Jot for any length of time, you also know that we are a ministry that doesn't often ask for donations-only when needed. Usually, when I put out a fundraising appeal, there are a lot of unsubscribes and folks who write me angry that I do so. I apologize ahead of time. We are in need. If the Lord so puts it on your heart to assist us, to stand with us, in our mission, you can make a tax-exempt donation securely online by going to: Donate Securely Online Here If you wish do so by mail: The Daily Jot 5257 Buckeystown Pike #314 Frederick, Md. 21704 We greatly appreciate your prayers and action to help keep the Jot going and our outreach effective. Thank you again for your heartfelt consideration. It is greatly appreciated. Daily Devotion: Then Why? - Greg Laurie -
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. -John 11:5-6 The Bible tells the story of a tight-knit family from the town of Bethany that was devastated by an unexpected tragedy. This family, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, was very close to Jesus-literally. He would sit at their dinner table and spend hours with them. But tragedy knocked on their door one day. Lazarus was very ill. So they immediately sent word to Jesus: "Lord, behold, he whom Your love is sick" (John 11:3). Now, I would have expected the next verse to say, "So He transported Himself from where He was to where they were." Or, "He spoke the word, and Lazarus was immediately healed." That would make sense to me. But here's what actually happened: "Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was" (verses 5-6). This could almost seem like a contradiction. If Jesus really loved Lazarus, then why didn't He immediately go and heal him? When hardship and tragedy strikes our lives, we might ask a similar question: If Jesus really loves me, then why did He let this happen? Here is the problem: It's hard to see through eyes filled with tears. We lose perspective. We don't understand why this is happening to us. We need to remind ourselves that God's delays are not necessarily His denials. Just because He doesn't do something as quickly as we want Him to, it doesn't mean that He never will do it. It simply means that God has His timing just as surely as God has His will. Even though we cannot see how the situation will end or why it has come upon us, it flows from the love of God, and it is controlled by Him. FROM THE HEART
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