Prophecy Update Newsletter
Rapture Shock: Postmillennialists and Amillennialists - by Kit R. Olsen - Postmillennialists teach that Christians will create a Golden Age on earth, gradually defeating the forces of evil. They believe they can help usher in a beautiful peaceful world of Christian dominance, and after that-Jesus Christ will return and establish His eternal kingdom. Considering the intense anti-Christian sentiments throughout the world, which continue to increase day by day, perhaps the Postmillennialists should reconsider their theology. Not only is their theory unrealistic and unattainable, it cannot be substantiated with Scripture. Those who believe in Postmillennialism call themselves Reconstructionists, and also label it Dominion Theology. They generally do not interpret Scripture literally, which means that their interpretation of Scripture is greatly flawed. Many who adhere to Postmillennialism teachings also accept certain ideas within Preterism, believing that many of the prophecies of the last days have already been fulfilled. The doctrine of Preterism denies the future literal fulfillment of key prophetic Scriptures-the Rapture, the Tribulation and the Lord's Second Coming. It also rejects a literal millennial kingdom. The belief that Christians will someday establish a theocracy on earth is an inconceivable idea, especially in light of the growing worldwide hatred toward Bible-believing Christianity. For the last one hundred years the influence of Christians has waned greatly. However, the power of the major false religions (Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age Spirituality) have increased significantly along with atheism and humanism. The popular accepted "politically correct" religions will merge into a one-world ecumenical religious system led by the False Prophet during the seven-year Tribulation. The forces of darkness have strengthened their control over nations all throughout the world. A rapid movement in the last century was initiated, consolidating the power of Satan's henchmen among governments worldwide-through the creation of numerous political and economic organizations. That intense effort is growing stronger in this century with no signs of slowing. A one-world government, economy and religion under the power of Satan is inevitable-just as the Bible teaches (Revelation chapters 13 and 17). Amillennialism is a erroneous doctrine which denies that there will be a literal Rapture, a literal seven-year Tribulation and a literal millennial kingdom-over which Jesus Christ the Messiah will rule on earth for 1000-years. Amillennialists teach that the 1000 years cited six times in Revelation 20 is a symbolic number. In the early 5th century, Augustine, a philosopher and theologian, wrote in his book The City of God that the book of Revelation "is a spiritual allegory." He saw the millennial kingdom as being primarily the reign of Christ in the hearts of the faithful and that Christ's reign on earth is spiritual in nature. Roman Catholicism gleaned a great deal from Augustine's writings even to the point of sometimes being referred to as the "Father of Roman Catholicism." His contributions to Catholic doctrine include his belief in the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. All very disturbing blasphemous teachings. The Roman Catholic Church also claims to be the "kingdom of God on earth" and the "new Israel." [1] Amillennialism was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church and also by most of the Reformers who did not reject all of the unsound doctrines of the Church of Rome. A few of the early Church fathers of the first and second centuries believed in Amillennialism, but none of the writings of those few men have survived-so there is no definitive record of their beliefs except for references made in the writings of Justin Martyr (100-165 AD). The vast majority of the early Church fathers taught that there would be a 1000-year millennial kingdom with Jesus at the helm. Only a small number of them rejected a literal kingdom: Clement of Alexandria, Caius, Origen and Dionysius. The latter two are considered to have been heretics. It was not until Augustine (354-430 A.D.) began to write on his views of eschatology that the belief in a spiritual, and not a literal millennial kingdom took hold. The skewed teaching of Amillennialism does not make sense; it denies the literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy. It is inconceivable that God would fulfill all the prophecies of the Messiah's First Coming in a literal manner, and then have most of the prophecies of His Second Coming fulfilled in an allegorical (spiritual) manner. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). One must ask who is more trustworthy concerning doctrine-the Roman Catholic Church which teaches Amillennialism and other extra-biblical doctrines, or Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Old Testament prophets, the Apostles and the early Church fathers? The Reformers held onto Amillenialism when they split from the Roman Catholic Church just as they retained a number of other false doctrines, such as the teaching of purgatory. Amillennialists deny that the Antichrist will be a real man and they deny a literal Tribulation period. They do this by twisting the passage in Daniel that describes the Antichrist and the Tribulation (Daniel 9:25-27). Amillennialists argue that the "anointed one, the prince" in verse 25 and the "anointed one" in verse 26 is Jesus (which is correct), but say that the "prince" in verse 26 refers to Titus. They also claim that the word "he" in verse 27 is Jesus who made a covenant with Israel at the beginning of His ministry and broke it after 3½ years. They say the "one that maketh desolate" in verse 27 was Titus. Such an interpretation is clumsy and implausible. It is impossible by all rules of grammar for the word "he" in verse 27 to refer back to the "anointed one" of verses 25 and 26. The "he" in verse 27 can only refer back to the "prince" of verse 26 which clearly states, "the prince that shall come" (Antichrist). Another insurmountable problem with this interpretation is that Jesus did not make a covenant with Israel when He began His ministry; Titus did not make a covenant with Israel, and neither did anyone else in the first century A.D. The Antichrist ("the man of sin") who is prophesied to come in the future will make a covenant with Israel and later break it: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 KJV). "And after the threescore and two weeks shall the anointed one be cut off, and shall have nothing: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and even unto the end shall be war; desolations are determined" (Daniel 9:26 ASV). "And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate; and even unto the full end, and that determined, shall wrath be poured out upon the desolate" (Daniel 9:27 ASV). The Church fathers who taught that there will be a literal millennial kingdom were Clement of Rome, Barnabas, Hermas, Polycarp, Ignatius, Papias, Pothinus, Justin Martyr, Melito, Hegisippus, Tatian, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Apollinaris, Cyprian, Commodian, Nepos, Coracion, Victorinus, Methodius and Lactantius (Chafer, Lewis Sperry, Systematic Theology, Vol. 4, p. 271-274). At the Nicene Council, "318 bishops from all parts of the earth placed themselves on record" in believing in a literal millennial kingdom (Ibid., p. 275). Additionally, at the Nicene Council, "318 bishops from all parts of the earth placed themselves on record" in believing in a literal millennial kingdom (Ibid., p. 275). The teaching of the Catholic Church on this matter is wrong. The Old Testament prophets, Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the early Church fathers are right that there will be a millennial kingdom. Postmillennialists and Amillennialists use the same method of study. They insert into the text a meaning that is simply not there. They make the text say what they want it to say, rather than accepting what the text itself says. Common sense and careful biblical exegesis cannot support a mythical spiritual utopia (an allegorical millennial kingdom), and the other flawed teachings that Postmellinialists and Amillennialists embrace as truth. When the Rapture takes place, those who hold to those positions will be shocked. Endnotes [1] Israel's Guaranteed Future Glory, page 9, May 2017, World Bible Society References Revelation God's Greatest Triumph, World Bible Society, March 31, 2017 4.Longfield, Bradley J. (2000). "For Church and Country: The Fundamentalist-Modernist Conflict in the Presbyterian Church." The Journal of Presbyterian History 78 (1): 35 The Never-Ending Peace Process Farce - By Isi Leibler - Unless the US is willing to bite the bullet and finally confront Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority, the mission to the region by US representatives Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt to "restart the peace process" on behalf of President Donald Trump may prove to be highly counterproductive. Abbas is coming to the end of his reign. A brutal and corrupt dictator, he is determined that his legacy be that of an embattled "freedom fighter" committed to reversal of the "Nakba," his ultimate objective being the restoration of Arab hegemony from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. His means to achieve this necessitate the dismemberment of the Jewish state in stages through terrorism and international pressure. Until now, he has basically ignored Trump's requests and demands. Incitement and calls for "resistance" via the media and imams urging Palestinians to kill Israelis and become shahids (martyrs) have reached a record high. Abbas himself whipped up religious hysteria based on the false cry that Jews were taking over and desecrating Al-Aqsa Mosque, thus triggering the recent riots and encouraging further terror attacks. Children are brainwashed into regarding Jews as subhuman descendants of apes and pigs, propaganda reminiscent of and frequently replicated from Nazi sources. The PA and its leaders continue honoring mass murders as freedom fighters, dedicating mosques, city squares, schools and other institutions in their names to commemorate their murderous acts. Despite personal demands from Trump, Abbas has vowed that he will never close the Palestine National Fund, which provides generous pensions and massive financial awards for imprisoned or killed terrorists and their families, the amounts proportionate to the success of the terrorist act. Incarcerated murderers top the list with monthly payments of 11,000 shekels (more than $3,000), which is augmented with $25,000 if they are released from jail. This year, the fund has distributed $345 million, comprising half of the $693 million the PA receives in foreign aid. Thus the US and European countries have effectively been providing funds to incentivize Palestinians to murder Israelis. The US Congress has now passed legislation to deduct an equivalent of these funds from aid provided to the Palestinians. The Europeans have taken no action, although Germany, the UK and Norway are "reviewing" the situation. Abbas has responded by vowing to maintain the payouts, which he describes as "social welfare" and in recent weeks has even increased the payments. His recent proclamation that security arrangements with the Israelis had been terminated was never effectively implemented. The reality is that the Abbas regime would be undermined if it annulled the security coordination whereby police constrain the enormous popular resentment by the people against the regime. While the security arrangements did reduce pressure on the IDF, the party with the most to lose if it were terminated would be the corrupt PA -- which would then probably collapse or be taken over by Hamas. Abbas has now condemned the US as being biased and unfit to act as an intermediary. The Israelis, on the other hand, appreciate that with the Trump administration in disarray, mixed messages have emerged in relation to the peace process. Trump repeatedly reaffirms that he stands by Israel, but he has yet to fulfill his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has been exceptionally forthright; the recent flow of statements from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his departmental releases, however, are highly disconcerting and ominously reminiscent of the Obama era. Tillerson informed the Senate that the Palestinians were moving forward positively in the peace process and had undertaken to bring an end to "martyr" payments. This was promptly denied. In July, the State Department released a report commending Abbas for having "significantly" addressed incitement. The report also stated that Palestinian terror was prompted "by a lack of hope in achieving Palestinian statehood, Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, the perception that the Israeli government was changing the status quo on the Temple Mount and IDF tactics that the Palestinians considered overly aggressive." Such observations could match those issued two years ago, at the height of then-US President Barack Obama's diplomatic campaign against Israel. This should not be interpreted as an indication that the US has abandoned Israel. It merely reflects the divisions inside the administration, which were unlikely to have emerged had Trump not been diverted by the chaos in other areas. Fortunately, Tillerson has largely been excluded from direct engagement in peace negotiations and Trump has now authorized Kushner and Greenblatt "to restart the peace process." They will visit the region over the next few days. To further complicate matters, both the Palestinians and Israelis are entangled in domestic turmoil. Abbas, the duplicitous rogue with the forked tongue, rules as a dictator and has created a culture of death. However, he is aged and his people realize that his time in office is limited. He has never been willing to make any meaningful concessions to Israelis, who were desperate to separate themselves from the Palestinians, and is now unlikely to make any moves in that direction. On the contrary, he has been actively strengthening relations with the Iranians and the Turks who now support him as well as Hamas. But the people are restless and there is already jockeying among those seeking to replace him. Israelis are also facing domestic problems with the endless campaigns to demonize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and indict him on charges of corruption. Fortunately, he is unlikely to face major political pressures in relation to the peace process because the opposition would become a laughingstock if it sought to pressure him to make concessions to the PA. In this context -- setting aside the problem of Hamas in Gaza -- it is impossible to envisage Trump's representatives making any progress. Kushner has even recently conceded that he feared that a realistic solution to the impasse at present could well be impossible. The question is, how will the American representatives respond when, as is likely, Abbas gives them the thumbs up. Will they once again engage in the farce of an ongoing "peace process" that fails to bring Abbas to account? Or will they urge Trump to realize that it is time to state openly that the protective cover for the aggressive Palestinian leaders is over, and call on the world to cease providing them with the power to continue their incitement and terrorism against Israel? They should outline an economic program, which Israel will certainly endorse, focused on building institutions and creating infrastructure that will enhance the living standards of Palestinians, few of whom have benefited from the huge amounts of foreign aid that their corrupt leaders siphoned off into their own bank accounts. They should also encourage the moderate Arab states to press for a new leadership that would be willing to make peace with Israel. However, should they decide, yet again, to paper over reality and continue "pursuing peace," the visit will actually prove to be counterproductive and Israel by itself will be compelled, as was the case hitherto, to look after its own interests. How serious are Iranian nuclear threats? - Yonah Jeremy Bob - There are at least two key points to make about Iran's threat on Tuesday that it could highly enrich uranium within five days if it chooses to pull out of the nuclear deal with the West. The first is that this has nothing to do with Iran developing a nuclear bomb in a matter of days. Estimates of its ability to breakout to develop a nuclear weapon if it walked away from the deal range from between six and 12 months. The second, as put forth by INSS Iran expert Emily Landau and others, is that Iran's threat is a sign of continued noncooperation as the debate about how the US and Israel should view the deal continues. First, debunking Iran's threat. Read carefully: Iran was not threatening to enrich uranium to the 90% range, which is needed to achieve weaponization. Rather, it was threatening to enrich uranium from the 3-5% range to the 20% range that it had before the deal. Twenty percent means that Iran has less to do to get the uranium to 90%, but it is still far from being weaponized. Also, Iran has depleted its once large stock of already enriched uranium. While Obama administration figures said the deal would hold off Iran from breaking out for at least 12 months, the Institute for Science and International Security and others have said Iran could breakout in as few as six months. Six months is still not five days. Why is Iran trying to sound like it can get to a nuclear weapon faster than it can? Landau notes that Iran wants the deal to continue, "because otherwise it would lose economic benefits so it is in their short and medium term interest to keep it..., and it is not a bad deal for them as they can move to get nuclear weapons" when its terms expire "while getting stronger regionally." In other words, Iran does not want to lose the deal's pluses and wants to pressure the West to stick to the deal as is, without tougher enforcement that it is worried about from the Trump administration. Why are Iran's threats significant? Landau explains that many of those who are afraid of pressing Iran to change its disruptive regional behavior lest it walk away from the deal, continue to focus on Iran as being technically mostly compliant with the agreement. In contrast, she said Iran's threats show that it is not cooperative and gives support to those who say Iran may have secret breakout plans lined up and concealed nuclear activities. The international community might need to ask Iran how it would enrich uranium to 20% in only five days, which might suggest that Iran could break out faster than the "fast" six-month estimate. "How does the threat square with Iran's commitments under the nuclear deal?" asked Landau, contending that more violations might be discovered if inspectors look into Iran's threat. Further, it signals that Iran's mentality is not that of a state which has moved on from seeking nuclear weapons. Obviously, much of Iran's latest threat is also part of its back and forth with the Trump administration, which is making plenty of its own threats. But Landau points out that Iran made plenty of threats against the more friendly Obama administration as well. Ironically then, Iran's threat to leave the deal both exposes its true desire to milk the deal for the benefits it offers economically without permanent limits on its nuclear abilities, and signals that Iran has not given up on its nuclear ambitions long-term. Israel's red lines in Syria long crossed by Iran -'s-red-lines-in-Syria-long-crossed-by-Iran- Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu set out for President Vladimir Putin Israel's red lines against Iran establishing a permanent, expanded military presence in Syria. This theme dominated their three-hour conversation in Sochi on Wednesday, Aug. 23. Netanyahu stiffened his warning with a veiled threat that should Iran or Hezbollah cross those lines, there would be a regional war. It was the first time that the prime minister had publicly threatened to go to war against Iran and Hezbollah. After talking to Putin, he said to reporters that what is new today is Iran's attempt to "Lebanonize Syria." in the same way as it seized control of Lebanon through its surrogate, Hezbollah. "We are looking at Tehran's future takeover of Syria through its Shiite militias. if that happens, "we will not remain passive," he said - nor if Syria becomes a link in Iran's overland corridor via Iraq and Syria to Lebanon. And we certainly can't accept Iranians and Hezbollah close to the Golan. "We told President Putin plainly that we won't put up with Iran using Syria as a military base for attacking Israel. Putin, in the part of the meeting to which reporters had access, did not address Netanyahu's remarks about Iran's role in Syria, nor his warning of unilateral military action. The Russian president just repeated the standard Moscow line that foreign forces would not stay in Syria at the end of the war, but offered no timetable or guarantees. The Russian leader would clearly prefer not to see an Israel war against Iran and Hezbollah breaking out in Syria, debkafile's sources say, especially since Russian special forces, naval and air force contingents are deployed there - albeit not in large numbers. At the same time, he may well find Netanyahu's strong words useful for boosting Russia's clout in Syria. If Tehran believes an Israeli war against its forces and Hizballah is potential, it will be in Iran's interest to strengthen its military ties with Russia so as to gain its military and political backing. For Putin, this would be a welcome change from the atmosphere of acrimony prevailing for some weeks between Iranian and Russian officers in Syria. Russian colonels have been posted at the most sensitive sectors in Syria, such as Aleppo, Hama, Homs and eastern Damascus. They are taking over both the military and civilian administration there and, in effect, shouldering the Iranian officers aside. In Iraq, the Iranians seized control of the country from within, by setting up armed militias and getting them integrated in the national army, as Trojan horses. Tehran knows how to manage this ruse on the quiet, without drawing unwanted attention from the powers on the spot. In Syria, the problem facing Israel is quite different. If Netanyahu shared sensitive intelligence with Putin that he had not known before, he can't help noticing that Israel's red lines for Iran's expansion were crossed months ago, some of them with Russian assistance. Four instances stand out: 1. Iran and Hezbollah have already set up a chain of military bases in Syria - notably in the Qalamoun Mountains on the Syrian-Lebanese border, from which missiles can be launched against Israel. 2. Iran has already won its coveted land bridge through Iraq to Syria. Bashar Assad's army has taken over whole sections of the Syrian-Iraqi border, and opened the door for pro-Iranian Shiite militias, Hezbollah and Iraqi Shiite groups to move into strategic positions on both sides of the border. 3. Netanyahu warned of the danger of planting an extremist Shiite entity in the heart of the Sunni Muslim region. But this is already underway. On orders from Moscow, the Syrian army's 5th Corps is in the process of absorbing the pro-Iranian Shiite militias which fought for Assad. The prime minister did not inform Putin of any timetable for Israeli action. But the Russian leader will take it for granted that the Israeli army will not move into Syria without a nod from the Trump administration in Washington. For now, Putin and Trump are synchronizing their operations is Syria with better results than Netanyahu's understanding with the US administration. US Government Preparing for "Black Sky" Doomsday Scenario - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of Hashem come." Joel 3:4 (The Israel Bible™) An exercise designed to prepare the US for a high-tech end-of-days scenario has just ended in preparation for a threat that is growing as America's enemies focus on these attacks that could cripple America. Government efforts in this area are increasing and as one expert put it, "It is not a matter of 'if, but a matter of 'when'". On Wednesday, an invitation-only exercise called EarthEX 2017 was held by the Electric Infrastructure Security Council (EIS) Council to prepare for what experts are calling 'Black Sky'. Black Sky events are any catastrophes, man-made or natural, that disrupt the normal functioning of society and its necessary infrastructures in multiple regions for extended periods of time. This can include extreme weather, mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism, and high altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP). An EMP is a powerful burst of electromagnetic energy capable of destroying susceptible electronic equipment over a wide area. In its first report eleven years ago, the Congressional EMP Commission warned that one EMP attack could kill up to 90 percent of America's civilian population within one year through starvation, disease, and societal collapse. All of these threats are described in prophecies describing the end-of days. Most notably, EMPs and nuclear wars may have been hinted at in the Bible. At eventide behold terror; and before the morning they are not. Isaiah 17:14 EarthEx was sponsored by the US Department of Energy and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The mission of EarthEx 2017 was to improve community resilience to large scale, long duration power outages through multi-sector exercises. Large scale threats have become an increasing concern to the government. Last month, 200 experts from 24 countries and dozens of states gathered in Washington DC to plan for Black Sky events. The summit included defense and security ministers, scientists, engineers, and non-government organizations Also present were members of the U.S. military, National Guard Adjutant Generals, officials from Homeland Security, Department of Energy, FEMA, NOAA, and experts from the utility, distribution and supply sectors. "It's not 'if' but 'when' a Black Sky event will occur. The time is now for each of us to do all we can to be resilient, to prevent - but also to prepare to restore and rebuild," warned Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, a former member of the Florida House of Representatives and co-chair of the Florida House Working Group on Cyber Security and EMP, in USA Today after attending the event. Current tensions with North Korea add to this concern since the rogue Asian nation has long had the ability to create a nation-crippling EMP with a high-altitude nuclear explosion. In 2013, Chinese sources warned the West that Korea had acquired nuclear technology from Russia specifically designed to create massive EMPs. Since that warning, North Korea's nuclear program has advanced. Its last missile test launched a payload into the upper atmosphere in a manner similar to an EMP attack. FEMA announced this week that they will hold tabletop exercises to discuss a simulated emergency situation in order to plan for sustained electrical outages in major cities. Dead Sea Dying: Can Israel's Jewel Be Preserved for Future Generations? - Julie Stahl & Chris Mitchell - Sunrise over the Dead Sea is a magnificent sight. A soothing atmosphere surrounds this biblical landmark and mineral treasure. The Dead Sea is a natural wonder that is actually giving life, but this unique jewel is in danger of drying up. It sits on the Great Rift Valley between Israel and Jordan. Fed by freshwater from the Jordan River and mineral springs, it's one of the saltiest lakes in the world - so salty no fish can survive in it. Nominated as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the water, mud and atmosphere have healing properties, but all this could disappear. The Dead Sea is dropping by five to eight feet a year. That means the lowest point on earth is getting even lower. Hebrew University Professor Avner Adin explained what's taking place and why there's only one way to restore the sea. "The reason is very, very simple," Adin explained. "On one hand ...there is all the time evaporation of water, the surface is very large. On the other hand ... the good water[s] from the upper Jordan were taken for irrigation to develop agriculture, to develop food for the people and [therefore] stopped reaching the Dead Sea. So the balance has changed." "What could save the Dead Sea is pouring water into the Dead Sea," he explained. Adin told CBN News a combination of solutions is the only way to help. "One way, which is the natural one, meaning let the rivers flow into it: don't take the water from the Jordan, from the other rivers...let it come back to its natural way," he said. "The other way is artificial, meaning making the Red-Dead Sea project, making it come true." Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority signed a Red-Dead Sea agreement to build a 140-mile canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The billion dollar project begins with a desalination plant to provide much needed water and power to Jordan and then drop the remainder of the water into the Dead Sea. "Another way that in parallel could be done would be ... to take water from the Mediterranean and desalinate this water and give this water for drinking and for agriculture instead of taking water from the Lake of Galilee and from the streams," he said. But Adin knows it's not easy to get governments invested in saving the Dead Sea. That's why activists like Jacob Ben Zaken and Noam Bedein are sounding the alarm. "I want to see the Dead Sea restored," said Ben Zaken, who lives in a nearby kibbutz and gives the only boat ride available on the Dead Sea. "The purpose is to bring awareness to the Dead Sea - to the beauty, to everything that's going on, including the disappearing of the Dead Sea and the way to save it," he explained. And it's working. Over a year ago, photojournalist Noam Bedein took the boat tour. "That touched me as an Israeli to speak up for this enchanted, prehistoric, biblical place - to stand up for it," said Bedein, who works as a Dead Sea sailing excursion guide. These salty pillars or chimneys may be stunning, but their appearance signals trouble. Bedein's photos show the drop in the water level in just one year. "I've been documenting this one-of-a-kind place like never before, going on this boat ride over a period of time and documenting the beauty, the magic of this place with the purpose to educate the next generation of this one-of-a-kind place, but also showing the dramatic changes of this place has been taking," Bedein said. The drop has also caused huge sink holes to open up along the shore, forcing beaches to close and a nearby road to collapse. The Dead Sea is a favorite tourist destination. It's so salty you can't sink - only float. But there's much more. In the Bible, a young David hid in the nearby caves of Ein Gedi. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the Qumran Caves, giving us the oldest manuscripts of the Bible. And the Dead Sea is actually giving life. The waters and air at the Dead Sea have special healing properties for skin and other ailments. Besides that, mineral mining yields potash and magnesium - key elements for fertilizer used in agriculture to feed the world. "So it's a very special diamond that we should keep it," Adin said. Biblical prophets also said that the Dead Sea would go through a change when the Messiah returns. Ezekiel prophesied that one day the waters of the Great Salt Sea would be healed and teaming with fish. Daily Jot: Know Christ Know Hope - Bill Wilson - One of the signs of the end times is what is called the great falling away, a great apostasy. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come the falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." 1 Timothy 4:1 states: "Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to deceitful spirits, and doctrines of demons." Each day, many folks write in to say that America is in such moral decline that it will never recover. Some equate this decline to the "falling away" mentioned in the Bible. There are a couple of thoughts that we all should ponder regarding this growing "no hope" for America doctrine. The Bible is a Middle Eastern-centric book. The events described depict areas of the Middle East, the Mediterranean Sea, and Northern Africa as found in the Genesis 10 table of nations. This was the world at that time. It is speaking to the Jews and Gentiles of these areas first. The prophecies are specifically directed at these areas. The nations that come against Israel are traditional enemies of Israel. The Bible is not United States-centric. There was no official "United States" or "Russia" at the time of the Bible; they are not listed in the table of nations. The end times timepiece is Israel, not the United States or Christianity in the United States, although as members of the body of Christ, we are accountable and do have influence. Having said that, however, all scripture is also for those of us in the United States-both Old Testament and New. Scripture was not just for the Jews in the time of the prophets or the disciples of the time of Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." We need to be mindful that what happens in Israel impacts us. We also should recognize that in a country where 80% of the people claim to be Christian, we certainly must not be holding accountability to our Lord. If we were, the nation would not be in the current condition of moral decline. It would appear that we are experiencing apostasy in the United States. American society's sex-charged, death promoting, politically correct culture could be a reflection of American Christianity's emotional, self-indulgent, and extra-biblical condition. Our Christian culture has become too casual in our relationship with God. We are not in unity in our interpretation of the scriptures or in the practice of our faith. The constant negativity in our news can even cause some to lose hope and faith-to fall away. We should not lose hope for our nation and its people. We are the light of the world. As Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all tings through Christ which strengthens me." If you know Christ, you know hope. Never give in to the negativity of the day or to those of the doom-doctrine. Our hope is in Christ. Let's exercise our God-given gifts and turn the world upside down as did the apostles in the early days of the church. Daily Devotion: How Pain Builds Bridges - By Greg Laurie - "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." -2 Corinthians 1:4 It has been said that success builds walls, but failure builds bridges. Sometimes when we tell someone how everything is going well, it doesn't help them at all. We say, "Hey man, things are going great for me. I just got a promotion, we're going to buy a bigger house, and the kids have both been accepted into the finest colleges." Meanwhile, their house just burned down. And a wall just went up. But when someone says, "Pray for me. I'm hurting right now. I have a problem. I just got bad news from the doctor," your heart goes out to them. You care. You want to help them. And so you should. We live in a world of pain and hurt. Everyone has it. And we should reach out to others who are in pain. When we go through adversity, we can help others who are going through it as well. The apostle Paul wrote, "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us" (2 Corinthians 1:4). God lets us go through adversity so we will have a new compassion for others who are in pain. Since our son Christopher went to Heaven, God has given me a platform to bring comfort to others that He has brought to me. So many hurting people have written me and have talked with me. And there are some who will listen to me today who wouldn't have listened to me before. I thank God for that. But am I glad all this has happened so I can have this new ministry? No. I am glad, however that God can bring some good and some comfort out of that pain. FROM THE HEART
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