Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Emerging of End-Time Events - By Gene Lawley - Events are beginning to pile up on the edge of the horizon in a remarkable way. Broad descriptions are given in Scripture, such as the Rapture told of in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, but even in that context are finer details that are often overlooked or confused as to timing or connection to the main event specified. These looming events and related conditions include the "falling away" which must happen before the lawless one can be revealed. Another is the prophecy of Jesus that He will return during a time of economic revival. Still another is the prophecy of the Gog-Magog war recorded in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Then the strategic and time-sensitive confirmation of a covenant with many, as reported in Daniel 9:27. In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul writes that a "falling away" must come before the lawless one can be revealed, and the pronouncement seems to have two prongs to it. One, that there will be a turning away from the faith, a blanket-like rejection of the knowledge of God-fewer and fewer will be embracing the claims of Christ for redemption. Then, parallel to that, multitudes will be rejecting the rule of law, making laws of their own pleasing. Trashing the principle of equal justice for all, with the fear of God non-existent, are visible results of this growing trend. They call evil good and good evil and rant and rave in the streets against authorities. One might surmise it this way: "When the gestation period is finished, out comes that lawless one to take over the raging multitudes." (Note that it says "he will be revealed," indicating that he is already here but hidden.) Further in that chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians is listed another event that parallels the falling away from God and lawfulness. In Noah's day God looked down and noted that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5). And the ark He had Noah build was to carry Noah and his family out of the punishment of the flood upon those left outside. Likewise, in the case of Lot, recorded in Genesis 19, he was snatched out of the way of the destruction of Sodom. So will it be for the believers who are born-again children of God when the lawlessness compounds to the breaking point of God's mercy. Those who have been resisting the ever-increasing scourge of evil among the people of the world will be removed by the Lord, and evil will have its full sway over the world. It will be the time of the Rapture of the saints, as Paul reports in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. An unusual incident has occurred in the midst of this abandonment of the law that was heading up a planned destruction of the American sovereignty in order to institute a New World Order that would foster a one-world government. The surprising upset of Donald Trump's win over Hillary Clinton was utterly unexpected by that globalist faction. It has fulfilled a prophecy of Jesus in Luke 17:26-30 that He would return at a time of economic revival in America and in the world. That passage recounts how Noah and Lot were rescued from the destruction of the flood, for Noah, and of the destruction of Sodom for Lot, telling how that provision of God for salvation of the righteous ones from His judgment of the unrighteous will occur in like manner when He comes. The passage is clear that those left behind will be judged by destruction on earth, just as He said: "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed." The following verses of that context tell how that escape from judgment will affect each individual person. The judgment is from heaven upon the earth, and those left behind on earth will face it. The larger context of that concise detail of the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 continues into chapter 5, verses 1-10, but essentially through verse 4: "But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief." Jesus said no one but the Father knows the day and the hour of His return. It will be "as a thief in the night," but He said THE day or THE hour, not some day and some hour. There is, then, an "appointed time" already in place. And, we must remember that God has not made a promise or a prophecy that He does not intend to keep! In verse 3 there is what appears to be a trigger-like incident, for it says, "...for when they shall say, 'Peace and safety,' sudden destruction shall come upon them, and they shall not escape." Who are "they," and where else is "peace" indicated, and for whom in end-time prophecy? "They" are the Israelites, and the seven years are called "the time of Jacob's trouble" in Jeremiah 30:7. In Daniel 9:27 he predicts a confirmation of a covenant for seven years and speaks of a temple that is not now present in Jerusalem that will be completed by the halfway point of the seven years. It is then that the evil one will cancel the covenant and the sacrifices in the temple to declare himself God and demand the worship of the people. This is the same scenario that Paul predicts in 2 Thessalonians 2 and John in Revelation 17, where the Satan-indwelt Antichrist takes over the one-world government as the eighth head of the beast that has become known more specifically as the one-world government. This is when the Great Tribulation, the last half of the tribulation, begins with its demand that everyone take the mark of the beast or be killed. Hovering over the Middle East is the present threat of Russia's and Iran's combined efforts to take control of the region, including Israel and her abounding resources. When reading in Ezekiel 38-39 that the nation of the far north, no doubt Russia, would have her back turned, and God would have to put hooks in her jaws to bring her attention back on the Middle East and Israel, one may wonder when will, or did, it happen. Perhaps God allowed the Soviet Union to fall apart and leave the solitary nation of Russia standing in shame and dishonor after the Cold War in order to bring about that different coalition with Iran (Persia) and other nations which are named in Ezekiel 38-39, in order to make way for the Antichrist's certain judgment as the solitary head of all evil in resistance against God. In Ezekiel, Gog is awakened to the opportunity of plunder against an "unwalled," defenseless nation that has let down its guard, resting in assumed "peace" from an imposed covenant. The only thing that is apparently holding them back, except for the Lord's timing, would be the commitment of America to defend the state of Israel. If the Rapture will have already taken place, America's ability to defend Israel will have disappeared in the "sudden destruction" described in that event. Russia and the Muslim world will not have been affected very much with the disappearance of Christians from their populations. The question often posed as to how the seven years taken to burn the residue of the weapons of war, and not spill over into the millennium, may be satisfied with the 75 days added on to that last half of the tribulation, as noted in Daniel 12. It appears that the Gog-Magog invasion will take place immediately after the Rapture, then the invasion's failure, followed by the rebuilding of the temple which the Antichrist takes over, but temporarily. The compressing of these events together is evidence that the time is drawing very near. Romans 8:11 is reassurance to the believers that their expectation is to be snatched out of the way of that "sudden destruction" just as Noah and Lot were in those days of long ago: "But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." Contact email: [email protected] Will Israel Suffer for Liking Trump? - By Jonathan Tobin - The last couple of weeks have not been kind to U.S. President Donald Trump. The guilty verdicts that took down his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and the plea deal that led his former lawyer/fixer and ardent defender Michael Cohen to declare that the president had taken part in a violation of campaign-finance laws has the anti-Trump resistance smelling blood. Though Trump's supporters dismiss all of this as more of an attempt to re-litigate the 2016 presidential election than a credible indictment of Trump's legitimacy, it has created a mainstream media narrative in which the possibility of impeachment is now a matter of open debate, rather than confined to the margins of the political culture. That leaves some friends of Israel worried. It's not just that Trump has been a better friend to the Jewish state than perhaps even his most ardent supporters imagined. Trump's policies appear to have endeared him not only the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but also to the bulk of the Israeli people. As both a recent American Jewish Committee poll and an Israel Democracy Institute Peace Index survey illustrate, his policies, as well as the contrast between former President Barack Obama, who was arguably the least popular American president among Israelis in recent memory, have made Israel the equivalent of a red state impervious to the swelling tide of anti-Trump sentiment in the United States. That is something that further irritates the majority of American Jews who identify as liberal and Democrats. They were already displeased with the Israeli electorate's repeated embrace of Netanyahu since many Americans wrongly blame the lack of progress towards peace on Israeli settlement policy--as opposed to ongoing Palestinian intransigence--and for concerns about religious pluralism. If you assume that Trump is not merely doomed, but that any link to him will forever taint all those who have supported him or benefited from his presidency, his popularity in Israel presents a daunting prospect. To this way of thinking, Israel will not only lose a friend once Trump is sent packing, but many Americans will never forgive the Jewish state for having supported him. This thesis is further backed up by a rising left-wing tide among Democrats that seems to have brought to prominence not only those deeply critical of Israel like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, but also a new crop of young and popular radicals like Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who may represent the future of the party. In this scenario, an America that is on its way to repudiating both Trump and the Republican Party will turn on Israel in 2021. The next Democratic administration in Washington could prove to be even less friendly to Netanyahu (who, if not taken down by his legal problems, seems likely to win re-election the next time Israelis go to the polls) than that of Obama, leaving Israel thoroughly isolated. Does this mean that Israelis should rethink their affection for Trump? One of the first obligations of any Israeli government is to remember the importance of the alliance with the United States, and that it should transcend partisan alignments in either country. While we can debate which side was most at fault, the mutual antipathy between Obama and Netanyahu seemed to put that assumption at risk from 2009 to 2016. Now that Trump has seemed to fully embrace Netanyahu's view of the conflict with the Palestinians, the bipartisan nature of the pro-Israel coalition is seemingly at risk, albeit from the other side of the spectrum. Still, those advising the Israelis to start putting some distance between their government and Trump need to consider other factors. The first is that despite Manafort, Cohen and the ongoing probe being led by Robert Mueller, Trump and the Republicans are far from finished. Given the still-solid support he has among the 46 percent of the country that voted for him in 2016, Trump's re-election is not impossible. Moreover, barring some new evidence of skullduggery being unveiled by Mueller, the odds of impeachment remain slim, even if the Democrats win the House this fall. The odds of conviction and of Trump's ouster from office are virtually zero. And even if Trump were to somehow be forced from office, Vice President Mike Pence, who may well be an even more fervent friend of Israel than his current boss, would replace him. More importantly, Israelis should not be under the impression that their problem with the Democrats is confined to their affection for Trump. Though many assume that the contrast between lockstep Republican support for Israel and a Democratic Party divided about their opinion of the Jewish state is a recent problem, polling shows that this trend has been in place since the 1990s. The Democrats' drift towards identity politics, which has made them vulnerable to specious intersectional arguments that see the Palestinian war on Israel as analogous to the struggle for civil rights in the United States, started long before Trump came to Washington. If U.S. liberals are persuaded to view the Jewish state as repudiating their values--a false charge that has been bolstered by a largely disingenuous debate about the recent adoption of the nation-state bill--then even a full repudiation of Trump by Israelis wouldn't fix the problem. The problems between Israel and the Democrats not only run deeper than the current debate about Trump, but are more of a reflection of how the American left is following the pattern of European elites in terms of embracing false stereotypes and narratives about Israel. While trouble may lie ahead for the U.S.-Israel alliance, that potential peril won't be averted by a precipitous and likely counter-productive antagonism towards a president who (manifest faults notwithstanding) is standing by the Jewish state in a manner that Israelis understandably appreciate--and still need. News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey - In 1835, Charles Darwin was in the midst of one of his famous voyages aboard the HMS Beagle. He and his party were near Concepción, Chile, when the area was struck by a massive earthquake. Historians estimate it to have been an 8.2 magnitude quake. Darwin wrote that the quake "came on suddenly, and lasted two minutes, but the time appeared much longer." As someone who has been through earthquakes while living in California, I can confirm that time seems to stand still when the earth on which you're standing is rolling beneath your feet. He then wrote, "A bad earthquake at once destroys our oldest associations: the earth, the very emblem of solidity, has moved beneath our feet like a thin crust over fluid -- one second of time has created in the mind a strange idea of insecurity." He's right about the psychological impact of major earthquakes. They create a sense of dread and fear quite unlike anything else. After a big one, some people are never the same. Others choose to move far away from the earthquake's area and never return. As we grow closer to the end of this Age of Grace, it may become harder and harder to find places that are beyond the reach of earthquakes. In Matthew 24:7, Jesus warned that in these final days there will be an increase in the frequency and intensity of earthquakes in the world. In Luke 21:22, He spoke of "...great earthquakes...." Just this past month, in the span of one week, the earth experienced three major earthquakes. A 7.3 magnitude quake shook parts of South America and the Caribbean, off Venezuela. Later, a 7.1 quake hit Peru. Then, an 8.2 struck in the South Pacific near Fiji. That one fits the definition of "superquake." Scientists can only proffer estimates of the power and magnitude of earthquakes that occurred prior to the 20th century. However, they have fairly high confidence in their estimates going back about 500 years. And what they tell us is eye-opening. Especially when viewed in the light of Jesus's warnings about the increase in frequency and intensity of earthquakes worldwide. Consider this: Scientists estimate that from the years 1500 to 2000, there were 30 earthquakes of 8.5 magnitude or greater. In this young century, we've already had six of these enormous quakes. Think about that. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, in five hundred years the earth suffered 30 of these monster quakes. And in just the last 17 years (2001-2018), we've already had six! Further, in the known history of the world, there have only been five earthquakes of magnitude 9 or greater. Two of those five have occurred in this young century. And all five have occurred since 1948. Does that date sounds familiar? It's the year that Israel officially became a nation again. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? And here's something else that's a little unsettling. Especially if you live in an area that's considered an earthquake "zone." My friend, Pastor Tom Hughes of San Jacinto, California (near the infamous San Andreas fault) wrote this about the recent quake activity: "The scary thing about these two recent superquakes is that they weren't supposed to be possible. Scientists did not think either of those fault systems were capable of producing such massive quakes. That's scary because our building codes are based on these now-outdated scientific predictions. For instance, scientists have long said that the southern section of the San Andreas fault is capable of a 7.8 magnitude quake. Now we know it could be much, much bigger." (That alone makes me glad I moved back to my native Texas!) But the important thing is Jesus said it would happen, and it's happening! A prophecy in Isaiah warns that, "The earth is shaken violently. The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard." (Isaiah 24:19-20 NASB) Some see that prophecy as symbolic. But in the prophetic timeline, it coincides perfectly with Revelation 16:18, which says, "There was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth." (NASB) When that earthquake finally hits this earth, the world will seem to sway like a drunkard. Now, that could refer to the ground being "shaken violently," as Isaiah described, in the region near the epicenter. But the 9.1 earthquake near Japan in 2011 literally knocked the earth off its axis by as many as 10 inches. This prophecy could also refer to something like that. If a 9.1 quake can shift the earth by almost a foot, then think how massive and terrifying the earthquake will be that makes the "earth [reel] to and and fro like a drunkard...." I think it's safe to say that none of us want to still be on this earth when that happens! That's why it's important to get ready NOW to leave this world when Jesus returns for His church. And that could happen at any moment! But world-shaking earthquakes aren't the only reason to get ready for the Rapture. This old world is unstable in a lot of other ways, too! Some experts are warning that another global financial meltdown lurks on the horizon. Others are sounding the alarm about a new environmental concern over "megadroughts." They say that if the western United States goes through another dry winter like last year, we'll be in big trouble. For instance, El Paso, Texas, depends on the Elephant Butte Reservoir for half of its water supply. By the end of last month, that underground reservoir had dwindled to 3% of its capacity. In 1990, it held 2.2 million acre-feet of water. It now has about 65,000 acre-feet. CNBC is reporting that a "nuclear-powered Russian missile (the one that Vladimir Putin recently touted as having "unlimited range") remains lost at sea after a failed test last year." Hopefully, it's lost in a deep part of the ocean so that terrorists can't get to it. The "nuclear-powered" part of the missile is what is of concern. Devices like this can be used to create "dirty bombs." A dirty bomb is a conventional bomb laced with radioactive material. When exploded, that radioactive material would be spread over a large area, possibly making it uninhabitable for years. It's a true terrorist weapon. But here's what's even scarier. TIME magazine recently reported that, "In 2016, 189 incidents of missing or unauthorized nuclear and other radioactive material from all over the world were reported to the International Atomic Energy Agency." And that's only what was "reported!" In July, The Wall Street Journal revealed, "Hackers working for Russia claimed 'hundreds of victims' last year in a giant and long-running campaign that puts them inside the control rooms of US electric utilities where they could have caused blackouts." Does this mean they could take down our electric grid at a time of their choosing? While Russia gets all the publicity, several other countries are actively involved in cyberwarfare against the United States. The big one is China. The most ruthless may be Iran. For me, though, the most concerning part of all of this is not how dependent on computers and computer networks our banking systems and electric grids are, but how dependent on them the US military has become. Unfortunately, to ask any modern army to fight without its computers is a bit like asking a man to run a race without his legs. This is one of those situations where we should daily ask God for His mercy and protection for our nation. The more "modern" we become, the more vulnerable we are. Finally, back in September of 1974, President Gerald Ford offered disgraced (and soon to be indicted) former President Richard Nixon a "full, free, and absolute pardon." If you were Nixon, that would seem like a no-brainer, right? Not so. You see, in an earlier Supreme Court decision (Burdick v. United States), the justices had ruled that a pardon can be extended without an indictment and without being requested. But to be valid, it must be accepted. The justices further noted that "a pardon carries imputation of guilt; acceptance, a confession of it." Well, Mr. Nixon resisted accepting the pardon because he found it abhorrent to admit his guilt. Of course, he later relented and accepted the pardon. And, in President Ford's opinion, confessed. (Interestingly, I believe Nixon's acceptance of that pardon eventually made possible his return to a position of acceptance with the nation and a restoration of much of the respect his Presidency and its accomplishments actually deserved.) That's where many people find themselves spiritually. They don't want to confess their guilt and admit their need for a Savior. You see, the Good News starts with bad news. We are guilty. And we need a pardon. We are sinners. And we need grace. We are not worthy of salvation. We deserve hell, not heaven. But Jesus extended a pardon to each one of us before we asked for it and before we were indicted. He extended it from the cross before we were even born. The problem for many folks is that accepting God's pardon means admitting their guilt. But here's the Good News. If you will just swallow your pride and accept His free gift of pardon, He will write across your record in heaven those precious words, "Paid in full!" Because that is precisely what Jesus did with His death on Calvary. He paid off your sin debt in full. He redeemed you, which means He "purchased you out of slavery." He set you free "by paying the price of a ransom!" But only your "acceptance" of this pardon will gain you entrance to a life of eternal joy when our time on this earth is over. Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." "Everyone" includes you. God is offering salvation to you right now. All you have to do is acknowledge to God that you are a sinner and ask Him for His forgiveness. The Bible says that He will freely forgive anyone who asks with genuine sincerity. When you do that, He will grant you the pardon that Jesus bought for you with His death on Calvary's cross. Don't wait. Do it now! And you won't have to live through the earthquake to end all earthquakes! Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or . Please check your local listings. The Final Exam - J.L. Robb - Life is a test. Have you ever heard that? The first time I heard that life was a test, I was too young to know exactly what my mom was telling me. What kind of test? A test for what? Can we study for this test? I had a blood test yesterday. Seems like I have a lot of those lately, but I am thankful that the laboratories can take that small vial and analyze it. So far in my life, the blood test has detected a cancer that was eliminated because of early detection by my doctor at the VA Hospital; and detected some heart issues. I now love the test I used to hate, and it's a test you cannot prepare for by studying. How do we study for the test of life? In 1973 when I studied genetics, a requirement, I found it to be one of the more difficult courses in the Zoology curriculum. Genetic research was relatively new, though the wonder of genetics can be found in the very first book of the Bible when Jacob is trying to earn his wife, Rachel, by working for her father. "What shall I give you?" he asked. "Don't give me anything," Jacob replied. "But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them: Let me go through all your flocks today and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb and every spotted or speckled goat. They will be my wages. And my honesty will testify for me in the future, whenever you check on the wages you have paid me. Any goat in my possession that is not speckled or spotted, or any lamb that is not dark-colored, will be considered stolen." "Agreed," said Laban. "Let it be as you have said." That same day he removed all the male goats that were streaked or spotted, and all the speckled or spotted female goats (all that had white on them) and all the dark-colored lambs, and he placed them in the care of his sons. Then he put a three-day journey between himself and Jacob, while Jacob continued to tend the rest of Laban's flocks. Genesis 30-31-36 NIV This passage about Jacob's pursuit of Rachel and the requirements of Laban is all about genetics, though it was not called genetics in those days. It is also interesting that Gene and Genesis start the same way. As the years have passed since my 1973 genetics course, discoveries have been made. The chimpanzee gene pool is 95% identical to the human genome. Some feel this is strong evidence for evolution until you realize that a fruit fly is 90% the same as a human. Why would 5% make such a difference between chimps and peeps? Another thing I have figured out about genetics is, there is a lot more we do not know than we do know. Since studying the writings and beliefs of the Essenes, a group of Jews who moved to the deserts of Israel 2,000 years ago to escape the liberalism of the Pharisees, I have believed that good and evil occurs as a result of genetic makeup. Good people may have a bit of evil within themselves, but they are mostly good, they love one another. Evil people may have a bit of goodness within themselves, but they are mostly evil, they loathe one another. A New York Times article in 1986 addressed genetics and personality in the first extensive study of the personalities of identical twins separated at birth and raised by different families. Personality genetics The genetic makeup of a child is a stronger influence on personality than child rearing, according to the first study to examine identical twins reared in different families. The findings shatter a widespread belief among experts and laymen alike in the primacy of family influence and are sure to engender fierce debate. The findings are the first major results to emerge from a longterm project at the University of Minnesota in which, since 1979, more than 350 pairs of twins have gone through six days of extensive testing that has included analysis of blood, brain waves, intelligence and allergies. Can we change our personalities from good to evil or from evil to good? I do not believe so. I do believe that one can modify their behavior, but the roots are genetic. For example, one who is addicted to alcohol may be able to modify his behavior and stop drinking, but the addiction remains. Once an addict, always an addict. Some have the ability/desire to modify addictive behavior and some do not. Personality. If life is a test, how do we pass the test? Meet Wally Gina, a mother of four children under age ten, became curious, maybe a little cautious, when her daughter suggested she be dropped off at school where the kids could talk to a "cute, old man." Part of the story from Gina goes like this: "When we pulled in to the school she said, 'Oh no, I forgot! I like you dropping me off at the corner, so I can talk to the cute, little old man. And today I would have had more time! He stands at the steps where you drop me off and encourages all the students as they walk in. He talks about kindness, gives us advice and fist bumps! It's the best part of the day'." When Gina met the 94-year-old Veteran who served in the Korean War, she said her heart melted. If you watch the Meet Wally video above, you will know why. Gina's facebook page tells more of the wonderful story of a man who has passed life's test with motivational sayings for the kids, like this: "Never sweat the petty things, and never pet the sweaty things." "Remember, God loves you and so do I." If life is a test, what is the reward? Read the last 2 chapters of Revelation, 21 and 22. What a great reward there will be for those who believe the story. Daily Jot: Clinton operatives and Russian associates attended infamous Trump Tower Meeting - Bill Wilson - Brietbart News has completed an extensive report about the email trail left by Clinton campaign associates indicating that Clinton operatives and Russian associates attended the meeting at the Trump Tower allegedly to provide opposition research on Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. The email chain and subsequent testimony by those who attended the meeting indicate that Clinton's campaign possibly used the meeting as a set up to further enhance a narrative that Trump was colluding with the Russians against Clinton. If this is the case, there is a high possibility that the entire Russian ruse was instigated by Clinton, assisted by FBI employees, and shaped by willing reporters in the news media. Breitbart reports, "Attorney Edward Lieberman, whose late wife Evelyn served as Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, exchanged numerous emails with the co-founder of the controversial Fusion GPS firm and Russian participants in the infamous June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting, documentation provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee shows...Now the email logs provide a paper trail connection between Lieberman, Fusion GPS, and two of the Russian participants in the Trump Tower confab. Besides working for Hillary Clinton while she was First Lady, Lieberman's late wife, Evelyn, also served as Bill Clinton's deputy chief of staff, and famously transferred Monica Lewinsky out of the White House to the Defense Department. "Edward Lieberman himself has been described as working within the orbit of the Clintons.He previously served as legal counsel and advisor to the Albright Group LLC, which was founded by Madeleine K. Albright, who served as Bill Clinton's Secretary of State and who would later serve as a surrogate for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. Lieberman's expertise, listed on his former Albright Group bio, includes "multi-billion dollar privatizations of oil and gas assets in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Russia. The Russia collusion conspiracy was sparked by the dossier produced by Fusion GPS, which was paid for its anti-Trump work by Trump's primary political opponents, namely Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) via the Perkins Coie law firm." As the testimonies and communications between the actors are revealed, one conclusion could be drawn that the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, the previous White House, including the "president," the FBI and the CIA all worked together on an elaborate scheme to not only defeat Trump, but also remove him from office if he were elected. Could this be the "insurance policy" that disgraced FBI agent Peter Strozk mentioned in a text about taking down Trump-the one that the Washington Post referred to as "an embarrassing episode"? Beyond Breitbart, this story is not being carried by any major media, but it is well documented by Breitbart's Aaron Klein. As the drama unfolds, keep in mind this is a pivotal moment in American history. As Jesus warned in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." There are many trails in this rat hole. Daily Devotion: Don't Give Up - By Greg Laurie - One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. -Luke 18:1 I prayed for more than thirty years for my mother to come to Christ. I was beginning to wonder if God would ever hear my prayer. But He did. It was all in His timing. The Bible says, "God has made everything beautiful for its own time" (Ecclesiastes 3:11 nlt). We don't want to rush things. We don't want to run ahead of the Lord, and we don't want to lag behind Him. We want His perfect will in His perfect timing. But we have to be persistent in prayer. Jesus said, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7 NKJV) Notice the ascending intensity Jesus used with the words ask, seek, and knock. We start by asking God. Then we go to the next level: We're seeking. We're not going to give up on it. Finally, we're knocking. We're pounding on the door. We're not taking no for an answer. We have to be persistent in our prayers. We don't want to give up. If the request is wrong, God says no. If the timing is wrong, God says slow. If you are wrong, God says grow. But if the request is right and the timing is right and you are right, God says go. We don't always know what the will of God is, but I think when we're praying for the salvation of a loved one, when we're praying for our country to have a spiritual awakening (we urgently need that), when we're praying for God's will in our lives, we can't back down. We can't give up. We have to keep asking. We have to keep seeking. We have to keep knocking. Then, the Bible says, the door will be opened. FROM THE HEART
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