Prophecy Update Newsletter
In the Midst: Part V - By Randy Nettles - The Kingdom of God is the spiritual/earthly realm over which God (Jesus Christ) reigns as King of the entire earth. The phrase occurs 70 times in the New Testament, primarily by Jesus in the Gospels. Jesus taught his disciples and the Jewish people extensively about this kingdom. Another name for this realm is the Kingdom of Heaven, used exclusively by Matthew in his Gospel account. He mentioned the Kingdom of Heaven 33 times and the Kingdom of God four times. It is possible that since each of the four Gospels was targeting a different audience, Matthew's Gospel (to the Jews) used this phrasing to impose a more practical meaning to the term. "The Jews didn't like saying or writing the true name of God. In the Tanakh, YHVH is the personal name of God. This is the ineffable name of the God of Israel. Because it is composed from the four Hebrew letters Yod, Hey, Vav, and Hey, it is also referred to as the "Tetragrammation," which simply means "the four letters." Https:// Later in time, vowels were added to the name and it became known as Yahweh. Yahweh is most likely an incorrect transliteration since there is no "w" sound in Hebrew. For this reason, Matthew chose to call it the Kingdom of Heaven instead. Basically, it means the same thing - the God of the Universe. The Kingdom of God consists of two phases. First is the body of believers who are in the world but not of it. It was established at the first coming. Here is how describes this first phase. "The Kingdom of God is a spiritual rule over the hearts and lives of those who willingly submit to God's authority. Those who defy God's authority and refuse to submit to Him are not part of the Kingdom of God; in contrast, those who acknowledge the lordship of Christ and gladly surrender to God's rule in their hearts are part of the Kingdom of God. In this sense, the Kingdom of God is spiritual. Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36), and he preached that repentance is necessary to be a part of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 4:17). That the Kingdom of God can be equated with the sphere of salvation is evident in John 3:5-7, where Jesus says the Kingdom of God must be entered into by being born again." The second phase of the Kingdom of God is the one we call the Millennium, where the Lord comes back to assume authority over all the world. Daniel, the great prophet of God, described it this way: "And in the days of those kings the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people (other than Israel). It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever" (Daniel 2:44). Jesus will rule and reign over his kingdom from Jerusalem. The prophet Habakkuk described life during the Millennium. "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14). Zechariah also described the Lord's future rule. "And the Lord (Jesus Christ) will be King over the earth. On that day the Lord will be one and His name one" (Zechariah 14:9). "Scholarly opinion is divided on the question as to whether Jesus taught that the kingdom had actually arrived during his lifetime. Possibly he recognized in his ministry the signs of its imminence, but he nevertheless looked to the future for its arrival "with power." He may well have regarded his own death as the providential condition of its full establishment." ( Regarding the actual starting point (calendar date) of the first phase of the Kingdom of God, there are two theories. The first theory is that it began with the death and resurrection of Jesus in AD 33. After Jesus' resurrection, he spent 40 more days on the earth before ascending back to heaven and the Father. During this time, He spoke often with his apostles of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). Ten days later, on the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus' disciples and the Church was born. Many scholars believe the spiritual Kingdom of God began at this time. The second theory is that the Kingdom of God started when Jesus began his ministry in the fall of AD 29. Jesus said that his miracles were evidence that the Kingdom of God had come upon the Jews. "But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you" (Matthew 12:28). Another fascinating scripture is found in Luke 9:27 when Jesus was talking with his disciples concerning his upcoming death. "But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Kingdom of God." Eight days later, Jesus took Peter, John, and James with him onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lighting. got a taste of the future Kingdom of God when Jesus was transfigured in glorious form before them. He was seen talking with Moses and Elijah (who also were in a glorious form) regarding his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem (Luke 9:28-31). So, you might be asking yourself, "What difference does it make when the Kingdom of God began?" I believe Hosea 6:2-3 is a prophetic passage regarding the return of Jesus Christ to establish his Millennium Kingdom. "After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in His presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, and like the spring rains that water the earth." Peter said that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. (2 Peter 3:8). Therefore, if the Lord returns 2,000 years from the start of the Kingdom of God, it definitely matters when the kingdom began. It either began in AD 33 at Jesus' death or it began in AD 29 during his ministry. In part IV of In the Midst, I gave a hypothetical example of the timeline for the 7-year Tribulation, with Jesus returning to the earth in 2033. In 2033, it will be 2,000 years since Jesus was last on the earth. If you believe the Kingdom of God began in AD 33, then 2033 could possibly be the year of Jesus' second coming. However, if you believe that AD 29 is the beginning year for the Kingdom of God, then 2029 could be the year for Jesus' return to the earth. Personally, I believe the latter theory has more merit due to several facts as I outlined them in part III of In the Midst. Let's review them briefly: Israel will turn 74 years old in the year 2022. If the Antichrist confirms the covenant with the many (e.g., the government of Israel) this year, it will start the Tribulation. So, let's speculate that the fall of 2022 is the start of the Tribulation. The spring of 2026 is the mid-point (in the midst) of the Tribulation, and the fall of 2029 is the end of the 7-year Tribulation. Why is the number 74 significant? I believe it is relevant in the fact that the Antichrist's name is equivalent to the number 666. Remember, the Antichrist starts the Tribulation when he confirms the covenant with Israel. The Antichrist's number, 666, is the product of two relevant numbers, 74 and 9. In this example, the number 74 represents Israel because, as mentioned before, the modern Jewish nation will be 74 years old in 2022. The number 9 represents divine completeness, finality, and judgment in the Bible, especially for Israel. These two facts will confirm that he is the Antichrist for all those left behind after the Rapture, which will most likely happen a few years before the peace treaty is made (confirmed or made stronger) with Israel. Another interesting phenomenon regarding these years (2022 - 2029) is that they mirror the years of the early 1st century. We are currently in the same solar calendar cycle as when Jesus walked the earth. The following table starts with the mirror years of AD 2020 and AD 27 and ends with the mirror years of AD 2029 and AD 36. The dates given are for the full moon of Passover - Nisan 14 on the Jewish calendar. Notice how the Gregorian dates of the 1st century and the 21st century align within a day or two except for the years the intercalary months are added to the Jewish calendar. AD 2020 - April 7 AD 27 - April 6 Jesus the carpenter AD 2021 - March 26 AD 28 - March 26 Jesus the carpenter AD 2022 - April 14 AD 29 - April 13 Fall of 29 -Jesus starts his 3.5-year ministry AD 2023 - April 4 AD 30 - April 2 1st year ministry AD 2024 - April 21 AD 31 - March 23 2nd year ministry AD 2025 - April 11 AD 32 - April 11 3rd year ministry AD 2026 - March 31 AD 33 - March 31 Spring of 33 -Jesus crucified; start of Church AD 2027 - April 20 AD 34 - March 19 Church AD 2028 - April 9 AD 35 - April 8 Church AD 2029 - March 29 AD 36 - March 27 Church The theory is that the 3.5 years of Jesus' ministry (29-33) will align with the first part of the Tribulation (2022-2026), starting with the confirming of the covenant with the many (2022) and ending with the abomination of desolation (2026). Jesus' death was also an abomination. As Jesus rode humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey as the king of the Jews, the Antichrist will presumably do likewise, only on a white horse and definitely not humble. Both will die in Jerusalem and both are resurrected back to life: Jesus in 33 and the Antichrist in 2026. Both events will be on the same day of the year for both the Gregorian and Jewish calendars The second half of Jesus's seven-year ministry, which was cut short by the crucifixion, could coincide with the second half of the Tribulation. This is why we see the declaration of it by the angel in Revelation 12 at the midpoint of the 70th Week when the Antichrist is assassinated and then re-incarnated by Satan himself and God's wrath ramps up to unbearable levels. "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, 'Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time'" (Revelation 12:10-12). In this hypothetical timeline, the 2nd coming of Jesus on Trumpets (Tishri 1) in the year 2029 on the 9th day of the 9th month will align on the same day (Gregorian and Jewish calendar) as it did in AD 36, which was the 3rd year of the newly formed Church of Jesus Christ. By all standards, the year 2020 has been a terrible year. Perhaps God is warning the earth that judgment is coming. 9 is the number for divine completeness, finality, and judgment, especially for Israel. In 9 years, on 9-9-2029 (Trumpets), Jesus could possibly return to the earth at the Battle of Armageddon and defeat the Antichrist and his followers. He will then begin the Kingdom of Jesus Christ /God and His saints (Jewish and Gentile believers), which will last for 1,000 years and unto eternity. For the unbeliever, though, it will be a different story. "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the Kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God. And, behold, those that are last shall be first, and those that are first shall be last" (Luke 14:28-30). Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Randy Nettles [email protected] Is the UAE-Israel deal a manifestation of Abraham's legacy? - Warren Goldstein - Remarkably, Abraham's legacy is so powerful and relevant that a peace accord is named after him almost 4,000 years since his birth. The elation felt in both Israel and the United Arab Emirates over the recent peace deal emerged so powerfully at a public discussion I hosted this week with Ambassadors Michael Oren and Dore Gold Jewish Council of the Emirates president Ross Kriel. The South African-born Ross said the feelings of the Jewish community and its interaction with the broader society at this time reminded him of the excitement in South Africa when Nelson Mandela was released and the journey to peace and reconciliation began. Now, he said, there is a palpable joy across a very broad range of people in Dubai for what this peace deal means and how it can benefit the two countries. This reminds me of the midrash that describes how, at the moment of Abraham's passing, his warring sons Isaac and Ishmael reconcile at his funeral, holding hands. And now, all these generations later, the children of Abraham, the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, have begun a historic reconciliation, through the UAE/Israel deal so aptly named the "Abraham Accord," and are setting out a path to peace in this conflict of brothers. Remarkably, Abraham's legacy is so powerful and relevant that a peace accord is named after him almost 4,000 years since his birth. We are witness to the fulfillment of the Divine promise to Abraham that "you will be a father of a multitude of nations." This is not about biology, but rather about values. God chose Abraham to champion the moral and spiritual values vital for humankind to survive and thrive. First, Abraham taught us that our world was created by the one and only God, the source of all things. By the time Abraham appears in history, humankind had forgotten the clarity of belief in one God that Adam and Eve and their family had at the dawn of civilization. Abraham came into a world of paganism, in which people believed in multiple gods, and he brought the radical and profound concept of monotheism: There is one God Who holds everything together and is the creator of all people and things. In response, God gave Abraham the merit of founding the Jewish nation, the people of Israel, who would later at Sinai be charged with carrying His ideas into the world. The other animating idea of Abraham's life is the power of kindness - unconditional kindness to every human being, no matter who they are or what they believe. These two ideas are intertwined, as emerges from the emblematic picture of Abraham's kindness to the three wayfarers whom he thought were idolaters, but who actually turned out to be angels sent by God. The Torah can span decades and even centuries in a single sentence, but in describing Abraham's archetypal act of kindness, it devotes seven lengthy verses. Water is fetched, and the travelers are invited to wash their feet and find a shady spot to rest. Bread is brought as a starter course. Cakes are baked, veal is prepared, beverages are served. Abraham himself is at the center of all of these activities, and there's a sense of urgency as he seeks to ensure his guests are made to feel welcome and looked after in every respect. There is one detail that is especially striking. Before he sees the wayfarers, God appears to Abraham and comforts him while he recovers from his brit milah (circumcision). When the wayfarers appear on the scene, Abraham says, "My Master, if I find favor in your eyes, please do not move on from your servant" (Genesis 18:3). The most obvious reading here is that he is addressing one of the travelers. But according to one extraordinary explanation in Rashi, these words were actually addressed to God Himself. In effect, Abraham was asking God to wait for him while he attended to the needs of the travelers. Based on this, the Talmud (Shabbat 127a) makes a dramatic statement: "Greater is welcoming guests than receiving the Divine Presence." The Maharal guides us to understand this statement with reference to the mishna in Pirkei Avot: "Beloved is the human being created in God's image" (Avot 3:18). Every human being has within them a Divine soul, a reflection of God Himself, and that this makes human beings the greatest tangible manifestation of God's presence on Earth. And so, even though the Divine Presence came to be with him in the wake of his circumcision, Abraham knew he would in fact have a more intense interaction with God through engaging with the Divine image in another human being. The two big ideas of Abraham's life - belief in one God and the imperative of treating all people with compassion and kindness - can bring peace to the world, which makes naming this historic peace accord between Israel and the UAE after Abraham so significant. One creator of all human beings means we all share a common humanity. There is a fundamental and unconditional equality and dignity in all people that emanates naturally from the Divine soul within each of us. To create and nurture peace that is meaningful, pervasive and enduring, we must see each other as our forefather Abraham saw everyone - as godly beings created in the image of the Divine. At a time in which hope has been in short supply, let all people of goodwill around the world rally together in unity, embrace our common humanity, recognize the Divine within us all, and celebrate the Abraham Accord. And let us pray it is only the first step in what will become a flourishing of peace and reconciliation among the children of Abraham, and a wide and warm embrace of the spirit of Abraham's vision and values by all humankind. Nearing Midnight: Geometric Progression in Prophecy - Terry James - Computer technology that took Neil Armstrong and crew to the moon and back, it is reported, involved less computing power than that of the first desktop sold commercially. This was a stunning revelation to me when I first heard it. When the moon mission was being planned, the technological wonders flashing upon some of the control monitors they showed us looked phenomenally complex. They were, in fact, phenomenally complex at that primitive moment in the progression of the space program. Now, I'm told, the average teenager holds in his or her hand a device that can perform functions exponentially beyond those available to the launch scientists of Apollo 11. The laptop I'm using to type this piece, I'm told, is as far advanced from the computer power available in the year my beloved wife and I were married-1969-as today's Air Force One 747 is from the model T. I'm not sure that's true. I'm such a back number when it comes to such technology that I'll just have to take the word of others who are savvy about such things. One thing is sure, though. I can see the developments literally exploding around me and know that everything, including technology, is expanding in unbridled, geometric progression. One recent report explains: The fastest internet speed in the world has been clocked at an incredible 178 terabits per second (Tb/s)-fast enough to download the entire Netflix library in under a second. Engineers in the UK and Japan have developed new ways to modulate light before it That new top speed is an insane feat. It's 17,800 times faster than the current fastest internet connections available to consumers-10 Gb/s in parts of places like Japan, the US and New Zealand. Even NASA can't compete, with its 400 Gb/s ESnet. It also leaves other experimental devices in the dust, including a photonic chip developed in Australia that clocked a still-impressive 44 Tb/s just a few months ago, and beats the previous record holder-a Japanese team with 150 Tb/s-by almost 20 percent. While current state-of-the-art cloud data-centre interconnections are capable of transporting up to 35 terabits a second, we are working with new technologies that utilize more efficiently the existing infrastructure, making better use of optical fiber bandwidth and enabling a world record transmission rate of 178 terabits a second," says Lidia Galdino, lead researcher on the study. (Michael Irving, "Internet Speed Record Shattered at 178 Terabits Per Second," New Atlas,, August 22, 2020) Precisely what this means, I haven't a clue, being that back number I mentioned. However, this advancement, as I understand it, is capable of squeezing far more information through the fiber-optic systems than possible before advent of the technology. It's not just a breakthrough, but a phenomenal game-changer in moving information, thus in all aspects of all other applications. It will allow technology to progress geometrically far beyond even what we have experienced to this point. The prophet Daniel almost certainly prophesied this development along with predicting the swift movement of things to come. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. (Daniel 12:4) Most who observe Bible prophecy today-at least in the Pre-Trib view-are in agreement. This is the time of the end about which the angel spoke to Daniel. We are seeing an increase in knowledge within the physical and biological world-within the technological and societal spheres of human movement toward unknown destiny. That is, unknown to those who aren't spiritually attuned to God's prophetic truth. That's why it is vital for the nation's pastors-those who deliver God's whole Word-to include Bible prophecy in their study and delivery from the pulpits. There is a geometrical progression that will mark a certain generation. The angel of the Lord clearly foretold through Daniel that it will take place at the end time. We are at that profound moment, I and many others believe. It is incumbent upon pastors to teach prophetic truth. And it's incumbent upon Christians to read, heed, and believe just how near Christ's call to the Church is to this generation. And when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your head, for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28) Muslims Caught Hiding Secret Shaft on Temple Mount from Second Temple Period - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - In the days to come, The Mount of Hashem's House Shall stand firm above the mountains And tower above the hills; And all the nations Shall gaze on it with joy. Isaiah 2:2 (The Israel BibleTM) Last week, a broken flagstone on the Temple Mount revealed a tunnel, approximately two feet square, descending several yards where it seems to join up with a larger tunnel. The entrance is located in the southern end of the Temple Mount, between the Aqsa Mosque and the Mughrabi Gate. Assaf Fried, the spokesman for the Temple Organizations, said that last Wednesday, the tunnel was revealed. "The Waqf is being very secretive about the existence of the tunnel but to all appearances, a vehicle or construction equipment broke through the paving stone," Fried told Breaking Israel News. He noted that the Muslim Authority frequently carries out illegal construction projects that are destructive to the artifacts at the site. Much of this is with the intention of erasing archaeological proof of the historical Jewish connection to the Temple Mount. "Little by little, Jews going up to the site became aware of the tunnel," Fried said. Fried notified the police and for the time being, the Waqf is being prevented from fixing the site. It is feared that they will simply fill the hole with concrete, sealing off the tunnel forever. "The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has yet to investigate the tunnel. "This could be nothing, a 200-year-old sewer or a water cistern, but it could possibly be part of a tunnel complex that was part of the Temple, perhaps even leading to tunnels from the First Temple," Fried noted. "We simply don't know but if it is left in the hands of the Waqf, we never will know." Fried noted that this section of the Temple Mount was added by King Herod and much of it is landfill honeycombed with underground features. The el-Marwani Mosque was established in Solomon's Stables, a huge underground space in the southern end of the Temple Mount that can accommodate over ten thousand worshippers. "It is absolutely essential that the public demand that the Waqf be prevented from destroying this irreplaceable artifact," Fried emphasized. "The law requires that this be dealt with under the supervision of the archeology authorities but unless the public demands it, this will disappear and the Waqf will claim that neither this tunnel nor the Temple ever existed." Dr. Zachi Dvira, an Israeli archaeologist from Bar-Ilan University, confirmed that the shaft was from the Second Temple Period. "This is from the part of the Temple Mount that Herod added later," Dr. Dvira said. "It was part of the Temple Complex, though not part of the Temple itself." Dr. Dvira co-directs the Temple Mount Sifting Project which began in 2004 to recover archaeological artifacts contained within debris removed from the Temple Mount without proper archaeological care during illegal construction carried out by the Waqf. In 1999, approximately 9,000 tons of archaeologically-rich soil were removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf, using heavy earth moving equipment and without a preceding salvage excavation or proper archaeological care, following works in and around the newly constructed underground el-Marwani Mosque. Despite his vast experience with Waqf destruction of Temple Mount artifacts, Dr. Dvira was confident that the newly discovered tunnel would not suffer the same fate. "This is a hugely important discovery," Dr. Dvira said. "I do not think that the Israeli government will allow it to be destroyed. Today, there is better supervision preventing destruction on the Temple Mount. This is an opportunity that Israel really needs to investigate. Jordan and the Waqf oppose archaeology being carried out on the Temple Mount because it is an act of sovereignty at the site. So we may not carry out initiated research but it will probably not be destroyed." Rabbi Harry Moskoff, the award-winning producer of producer and writer of "The ARK Report", is intimately familiar with the Jewish traditions describing the underground structures located on the Temple Mount. Last week, by chance, he was visiting the Mount of Olives overlooking the site and noted a large dump-truck parked precisely where the shaft is now open. The presence of the dump truck represented undeniable evidence that the Waqf was conducting illegal construction at the site. He conjectured that the weight of the truck may have been the cause of the shaft being revealed. "The timing is totally divinely influenced," Moskoff said. "After thousands of years, suddenly this hole opened up. The Waqf is clearly doing illegal digging and this may lead to them being stopped." In his book, Rabbi Moskoff describes the Jewish traditions of underground tunnels. One such tunnel is quite close to where the shaft just opened. Leading from the Temple to the southern gate, it was used by priests who became impure and needed to leave the Temple Mount quickly. "This shaft could be an entrance or it could be an air-shaft or light-shaft," he said. Rabbi Moskoff noted that according to Jewish literature, King Solomon created a chamber directly under the Holy of Holies when making his temple intended to house the Ark of the Covenant. He also noted that in 2015, when changing the carpets in the Well of the Souls under the Dome of the rock, a mosaic was discovered covering a shaft similar in size and shape to the shaft that was uncovered last week. The work was carried out without any archaeological oversight and it is unknown whether anything was removed or damaged. In his book, Moskoff described how the former Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Yehudah Getz, believed that the Ark of the Covenant was still hidden in its specially prepared chamber under the Holy of Holies, where the Dome of the Rock now stands. The leader of Chabad, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, tried to dissuade Rabbi Getz from searching for the Ark but in 1981, he attempted to enter the underground tunnel complex. Teddy Kollek, the anti-religious mayor of Jerusalem at the time, tipped off the Waqf and Rabbi Getz was met with Arab mobs. "Even though they have an agenda that is not Biblically driven, the IAA should be intensely interested in this new development," Rabbi Moskoff said. He noted that the next logical step would be to send down a camera on a remote-controlled device. "But eventually, they will need to send down a person and that person will need to be a Kohen (descendant of Aaron the Priest and a member of the priestly caste), Moskoff noted. "I would like to officially submit my candidacy as a volunteer." Daily Devotion: The Choice Before Us - by Greg Laurie - Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. -Hebrews 12:2 - Listen I don't always finish what I begin. Awhile ago I started cleaning my office at home, but I didn't quite finish it. It was absolutely transformed, but a few little piles remained. It wasn't long before I noticed those little piles were starting to grow again. I had cleaned my office the wrong way. I needed to completely clean it. I didn't finish what I began. The apostle Paul, describing what conversion looks like, said that we turn "from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God" (Acts 26:18 NKJV). Yet some people go part of the way, sort of like how I cleaned my office. They say, "I'll follow Jesus, but there are a few little piles I'm keeping to myself." Those little piles turn into big piles, and soon they discover they haven't changed as much as they should have. What God said to the Israelites is in principle true for us well: "Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse! You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. But you will be cursed if you reject the commands of the Lord your God and turn away from him and worship gods you have not known before" (Deuteronomy 11:26-28 NLT). We have that choice before us every day. We can choose the blessing by choosing to follow God, or we can choose the curse by not following Him. Maybe you're at a point in your life where things aren't making sense. There seem to be a lot of loose ends, a lot of unanswered questions. God always has a plan. He has a beginning, a middle, and an end. And He always finishes what He begins. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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