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September 2, 2016
Rapture and Rosh Hashanah - Bill Perkins -
One of the more interesting Bible discussions in this life is about the timing of the Rapture. Hey, this world will go from normal to experiencing God's wrath in a split second. And there are many reasons to believe we're getting close to the end of this age. I wrote an article in our Spring Communique' entitled "The Last of the Last Days" and presented 10 unmistakable signs were close, very close, to wrapping up this age. If you missed it, you can read it HERE. So there are numerous clues hidden in scripture about the last days, especially pertaining to the Rapture. And based on these Biblical clues, I think that the Rapture will probably happen on the Jewish Feast day of Rosh Hashanah, regardless of the year. Here's why! According to Leviticus 23, there are seven Jewish Feasts commanded by God to be observed each year. They are: Feast Name: Jewish Date: Hebrew: 1) Passover Nisan 14 Pesach (April or May) 2) Unleavened Nisan 15 Hag-Ha-Matzot Bread 3) Firstfruits Starts the day after Bikkurim the Sabbath following Passover. 4) Feast of Weeks Starts 50 days after Shavuot Firstfruits. (May or June) 5) Trumpets Tishri 1 Rosh Hashanah (Sept. or Oct.) 6) Day of Atonement Tishri 10 Yom Kippur 7) Tabernacles Tishri 15 Succoth Passover The symbolism of Jesus in the Jewish Feast of Passover has been extensively analyzed by numerous Biblical scholars. In a nutshell, Jesus is our Passover Lamb, the Lamb of God. "...Christ our Passover..." 1Cor. 5:7 Jesus was slain on the cross on Mt. Moriah, the same mountain where Abraham tried to sacrifice his only son Issac. It's also the same mountain where all the animal sacrifices were offered. The Passover sacrifice had to be a male lamb without blemish to temporarily cover their sins. So it's quite fascinating that at the exact same time the Jews were slaying their Passover lambs on Mt. Moriah, just a few steps away Jesus was being sacrificed as permanent covering for our sins. There's perfect symbolism in the other six feasts as well. Unleavened Bread The second feast, Unleavened Bread, is the day after Passover. Jewish days began at dark, about 6 P.M., so the Feast of Unleavened Bread began in the evening after Passover. "...Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29 Leaven in the Bible is a symbol of sin. The Jews purged their houses of leaven, in conjunction with what the sacrificial lamb had done--covered sin temporarily. Unleavened bread is a picture of what Jesus had done on the cross...permanently covering our sin. "I am the Bread of life." John 6:48 Firstfruits The Feast of Firstfruits was to be celebrated on the Sunday after the Sabbath following Passover. "But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep." 1 Cor. 15:20 The Jews celebrated Firstfruits by offering a sheaf of grain to the Lord for His allowing the first harvest. Jesus is called the "firstifruits" from the dead (sleep). Feast of Weeks Fifty days after Firstfruits, the Jews celebrated the Feast of Weeks. Here the Jews offered two loaves of bread, as a second offering to the Lord, but this time they were baked with leaven, which again symbolizes sin. Wretched man that I am! Rom. 7:24 The two loaves could represent either the Old and New Testament, the wheat and the tares, or the Jews and Gentiles being included in the New Testament Church. The leaven represents sin's existence in the church. That's an understatement! While the Jews were celebrating the Feast of Weeks, the Holy Spirit came roaring to earth, filling the Apostles (Acts 2) at what Christians call "Pentecost." (See our article on whom the Spirit fell HERE) Just a coincidence? The symbolism of Jesus and the church in the first four spring Jewish feasts is undeniable. The first four major events of the Church Age - Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, and the coming of the Holy Spirit - all fell exactly on the days of the Jewish Feasts. But there's a long summer break between the spring and fall Jewish feasts. The summer break in the feasts may very well represent the Church Age break in God's plan for the Jews. God divinely scheduled the first four major events of the Church Age to land exactly on the Jewish Feast days. Therefore it's probable that the next big Church Age event, the Rapture, will occur on the next Jewish Feast in the fall.... whichever year the Rapture takes place. This is where it gets very interesting! Rosh Hashanah The next feast in the Biblical order order falls in September or October each year. Called Rosh HaShanah, it's a day of gathering and celebration and the Jews are specifically charged to "blow trumpets." The blowing of a Ram's horn from the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount was the signal that it was time to gather in Jerusalem. For this feast, the Jews would blow the shofar for 29 days. Then on the last day there was one more blowing--three distinct series of 30 blasts each. This was followed by ten final blasts leading up to "The Great Blowing." This was one last, long blast of the trumpet, proclaiming the beginning of the feast. "Now in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall also have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work. It will be to you a day for blowing trumpets" Num. 29:1 Rapture and Rosh Hashanah As all who have studied the Rapture know, it's a day of gathering in the air and certainly should be quite the celebration! The two most famous spine-tingling Rapture verses read: "Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." 1 Cor 15:51-52 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 1Thes. 4:16 Coincidence is not Kosher There's a trumpet blown at the feast of Rosh Hashanah and a trumpet blown for the next Christian event, the Rapture. The Jews celebrate at Rosh Hashanah and Christians will celebrate at the Rapture in the sky. Coincidence? Hardly! The Jewish Feasts continue to mirror the major Christian events! Therefore, following God's pattern of having the first four major events of the Church Age land on the first four Jewish feasts, I believe undoubtedly that the next big event of the Church Age is likely to occur on Rosh Hashanah, regardless of the year! Now, for those purists who will argue that you can't know the day and the hour based on this verse: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." Matthew 24:36 First, when Jesus made that statement, He was speaking pre-cross and had not yet received all knowledge as described in Revelation 5. Like many other statements He made to the Jews under the Law, it was true when He made it before the cross, but not true today to you and me living in the Church Age. Today, Jesus can't make that statement! Second, we still don't know the year, much less the day and hour as Israel is one day, eight to ten time zones ahead of us. But for what it's worth, just for fun, if the Rapture just happens to be this year, Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of October 2. Just saying... Prophecy of Daniel 7 'being fulfilled in our midst' - Leo Hohmann -
Patriarch issues dire warning: Christianity 'disappearing' from Mideast A Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church has issued a dire warning that Christianity is in danger of disappearing across entire countries in the Middle East, the very land of its birth. And the onslaught of ISIS has prompted an American Bible teacher, Joel Richardson, to observe that "we have begun to see the prophecy of Daniel fulfilled in our midst." There have been repeated warnings about the decline of Christianity in Iraq under the onslaught of the Islamic State, also called ISIS. Eight in 10 Christians have left Iraq since the 2003 fall of Saddam Hussein, who had protected the 1.5 million Christians who lived there under his rule. But the Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church, Ignatius Aphrem II, has now told the Assyrian International News Agency that Christianity is also at risk of disappearing in Syria and Lebanon. The massive decline of the Christian population in Turkey from 3.5 million to 150,000 in the last 100 years alone could be repeated in Syria and Lebanon, he told the news agency. "I am worried that Christianity is on the way out both in Syria and Iraq as well as in Lebanon," he said. Already, in Syria, half of the Christians are either displaced or have fled abroad. Many are also fleeing Lebanon. The Associated Press reported Tuesday that thousands of bodies were found in 72 mass graves as images reveal the shocking scale of ISIS' industrial-scale murder of Christian and Yazidi minorities. Satellite photos show the spot where more than 600 male prisoners were lined up and shot in northern Iraq. Aerial photos also offer the clearest look yet at massacre sites such as the one containing 600 male bodies at Badoush Prison in Mosul, a city with a once-large Christian population in northern Iraq. International Christian Concern has recognized that two years ago, on June 10, 2014, Mosul, Iraq's second largest city fell to the Islamic State. Since then, more than 100,000 Christians have been driven from their homes by the Islamic militants who still hold Mosul. In 2014, more than 500,000 fled Mosul, and since then, the number of displaced Iraqis has grown to over 3 million, many of the Christians who are often not treated well in United Nations refugee camps and therefore avoid entering the camps. Joel Richardson, a documentary filmmaker and author of the New York Times bestseller "The Islamic Antichrist," "Mideast Beast," "The Coming Battle for Jerusalem" among other books, said it's no coincidence that what is presently unfolding in much of the Middle East is precisely what is described in Daniel 7:7. "There the prophet saw an empire that was yet to emerge on the earth, represented symbolically as an iron-toothed beast, which would first devour the saints of God all across the then known world, after which time, it would trample the remaining saints with its feet," Richardson told WND in an email. The prophecy continues: "After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns." When Muhammad's successors, the early Caliphs of Islam, burst forth out of Arabia in the seventh century, it was less than 100 years for the heart of the ancient church to have been virtually ripped out, Richardson noted. "All of the great missionary-sending cities of the ancient Church were devoured. Antioch, Ephesus, Jerusalem, and Alexandria were all conquered by the Muslim hordes," he said. "The 'remainder,' however, hung on. They survived the ensuing thousand years of pressure and until just a few years ago, the ancient Christians continued to call the Middle East their home. Now, since the Arab Spring and the onslaught of ISIS, we have begun to see the prophecy of Daniel fulfilled in our midst. "The remnant is being crushed like crumbs under the feet of the iron-toothed fourth kingdom of Islam. This is the very nature of the spread of Islam. Wherever it goes, it shatters, crushes, and erases the cultures it conquers." Yet, despite the work of dark forces in the region, which Richardson believes is directly inspired by Satan, he said the Lord is also at work. At the same time many of the traditional Orthodox and Catholic Christians are being forced to flee their homes and churches, many Muslims are also coming to faith in droves, he said. "I recently saw another video of former Muslims from Iraq being baptized," he said. "We must remember that despite the brutality of the crushing beast, so also does the Book of Revelation inform us that until the very end, there will always be a faithful remnant who will stand firm, not because their numbers are huge or because their militaries are the greatest, but because they will not love their lives, even unto death," Richardson said. "The last days are closing in on all of us. It's time to resolve in your heart to stand firm, even unto the end." Obama no friend to Christian refugees The Obama administration has been antagonistic toward Middle East Christians. Of the more than 10,000 Syrians brought to the U.S. as refugees over the past year, a paltry 0.5 percent have been Christian while more than 98 percent have been Muslim, and the overwhelming majority of those being Sunni Muslim, the same sect as ISIS and al-Qaida. In a further show of contempt for Iraqi Christians, the Obama Justice Department indicted and recently convicted Robert DeKelaita, an Iraqi-American Christian lawyer who has been successful in getting thousands of persecuted Iraqi Christians out of that country and into safe haven in the U.S. For his efforts, he was charged with "falsified" asylum applications for the Iraqi Christians, allegedly "exaggerating" their plight. DeKelaita faces up to 35 years in prison and his sentencing is scheduled for September in federal court in Chicago. A warning for Europe The Syrian Patriarch, whose church numbers five million worldwide, also called on Europe's leaders to be more active in stopping radicalized Muslims entering their countries, warning against those who reject Western values and want Shariah law widely implemented. "There should be a way of screening those who come to Europe so that they do not embrace extremist ideology. I do not know how this should happen, but it is necessary and should be done without infringing the rights of those who are peace-loving and law-abiding," he said. "Then there are those from Europe who go to Syria and elsewhere to wage jihad and who then come back from their countries. Europe has to be prepared for that." Patriarch Aphrem will be the guest of honor at the U.K. launch of the charity's Religious Freedom in the World report in London in November. Obama's greatest achievement - By Caroline B. Glick -
The time for complaining about President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran has passed. The time has come to overcome the damage enormous damage his signature foreign policy accomplishment has caused. To understand why this is the case, it is important to understand the breadth and depth of Obama's failure. On August 4, during the course of a press conference, Obama gave his interim assessment of his nuclear agreement with Iran. "It worked," he insisted. A year after the deal was signed, Obama argued, events have proven that he was right and the deal's critics were wrong. "You'll recall that there were all these horror stories about how Iran was going to cheat and this wasn't going to work and Iran was going to get $150 billion to finance terrorism and all these kinds of scenarios, and none of them have come to pass," he proclaimed. Obama then snidely swiped at the deal's opponents saying that it would be "impressive" if the people who criticized the deal would own up to their mistakes and admit that it worked. As it works out, everything that Obama said about the deal with Iran during his press conference was a lie. Some of his lies became apparent within hours. For instance, Obama falsely claimed that Israel now "acknowledges this has been a game changer and Iran has abided by the deal and they no longer have the sort of short-term breakout capacity that would allow them to develop nuclear weapons." Hours later, the Defense Ministry issued a stinging rebuke of Obama's claim, parroted more diplomatically by the Prime Minister's Office. Obama's press conference took place the day after The Wall Street Journal reported that in January 2016, the US sent an unmarked plane to the Tehran airport filled with $400 million in cash, on the same day Iran released four US hostages. Obama angrily rejected allegations that the cash payment was a ransom payment for the hostages' release. He insisted that the US had made the payment as the first installment of a $1.7b. payment the administration made to settle an Iranian government lawsuit against America. Obama claimed that the administration agreed to the settlement at the urging of the Justice Department. He said his administration was able to settle the dispute only due to the nuclear deal which placed US officials in direct contact with their Iranian counterparts for the first time in decades. Within a day, Obama's claims were exposed as lies. It turns out that Justice Department lawyers opposed the cash payout to Iran. One of the hostages released in January told the media that the Iranians refused to allow the hostages to leave Iran until the airplane with the cash landed in the airport. The Iranians, for their part, contemptuously mocked Obama, and stated openly that the $400m. was a ransom payment for the hostages. Two weeks later, Obama's State Department admitted that the $400m. was a payment for the hostages. Obama's principle claim is that due to his deal, Iran no longer has a short-term nuclear breakout capacity. He also says that in accordance with the deal, Iran has shipped its nuclear materials out of the country. These claims are both untrue and misleading. On Thursday Reuters reported that Iran did not ship the quantities of low-enriched uranium out of the country in the quantities the deal required. Last January, when the deadline arrived for Iran to comply with the deal's clauses calling for it to move its uranium enriched to 3.5 percent and 20 percent out of the country and so enable the US and its European colleagues to cancel UN sanctions against it, it worked out that Iran had failed to comply. Rather than acknowledge Iran's failure and maintain the sanctions in accordance with their deal, the Americans and Europeans decided to move the goalpost closer to Iran. They secretly decreased the amount of uranium the Iranians were required to part with. They then announced triumphantly that they were canceling UN sanctions because Iran had complied with the agreement. Reuters reported that much of the low-enriched uranium Iran did remove from its territory wasn't actually removed from its possession. Instead it was transferred to neighboring Oman, where it is held under Iranian guard and control. Obama of course knows all of this. So his claims that the agreement "worked" are nothing more than a card trick meant to trick the American public. Obama's assertion that Iran's breakout time to a nuclear arsenal has been slowed as a result of his deal is similarly a stretch of the imagination. The Iranians have suspended much of their prior centrifuge spinning. But that is only because they are now directing their efforts to developing and deploying more advanced centrifuges that will be able to enrich uranium to bomb grade material far more rapidly than the centrifuges they were required to retire. Experts have already placed Iran's post-deal nuclear breakout time at a mere six months. And Iran can leave the agreement - which it never actually signed or officially agreed to - anytime it wants. While developing their next generation centrifuges, the Iranians are expanding the range and precision of their ballistic missiles, deploying them and increasing the size of their arsenals. Despite the fact that these actions are prohibited under US law and breach what was initially claimed about the ever-changing nuclear deal, the Obama administration has refused to impose sanctions against Iran, insisting that its actions merely breach the spirit, rather than substance, of the deal. The administration has had a similar response to Iran's recent deployment of Russia's S-300 missile defense battery around its military nuclear site at Fordo. On Sunday Iranian television showed footage of the missiles being set up around the formerly secret site. As Omri Ceren of the Israel Project noted this week, Iran's deployment of the S-300 system places it in breach of three US sanctions laws. Despite this, the White House announced on Wednesday that it has no intention of enforcing US law and applying sanctions on Iran. The S-300 missiles can be used both as a defensive system and as an offensive one. On Tuesday, Tehran announced that it will be launching three satellites in the coming months. Satellite launches are widely viewed as a means through which Iran is covertly developing a long-range ballistic missile capability. Rather than censure Iran for its actions, the Obama administration insists that such actions, as well as Iran's recent long-range rocket tests, do not violate the nuclear deal or warrant US action. Taken separately and together, Iran's actions since the nuclear deal was officially concluded make clear that it continues to pursue its nuclear program, and indeed, has become more brazen in its nuclear operations than it was before the agreement was announced last year. Watchman Warning: Democracy Challenged - by Hal Lindsey -
On August 18th, the FBI's Cyber Division issued an "eyes only" alert to state election officials. Various news organizations have now let the cat out of the bag, so I'm not divulging secrets here. The FBI told of intrusions into two different state election websites. In one, computer thieves stole actual voter registration information. Yahoo News Chief Investigative Correspondent, Michael Isikoff, wrote that the flash alert "comes amid heightened concerns among U.S. intelligence officials about the possibility of cyberintrusions, potentially by Russian state-sponsored hackers, aimed at disrupting the November elections." Imagine Russian hackers deciding American elections. Computerized voting terminals and servers can be hacked. This undermines the very idea of democracy. It strikes locally, nationally, and internationally. Democracy in 2016 is under assault from every quarter. Bible prophecy foretells a future with autocratic rulers and small ruling councils. Critics point out that in the years since the American Revolution, representative government has taken hold all over the world. There are more democracies now than ever. But they're missing the big picture. Democracy is beginning to unravel. There are dozens of threats to representative government around the world. Perhaps the biggest is that the world's elites have, for the most part, lost confidence in the voting public. The "great unwashed" voted Britain out of the European Union, and that may have been the last straw for the elites. European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker represented the thinking of world elites recently, when he said, "Borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians." Look where that logic takes you. If borders are a bad idea, then individual nations must also be a bad idea. If individual nations are a bad idea, then the only thing left is global government. In another sign that the elites no longer trust the masses, high-end media corporations, run by global elites, have almost completely abandoned old-fashioned fair and accurate journalism. They believe commoners need to be told what to think. And that seems fine with a new generation of reporters trained at elite schools to follow the corporate line. No matter who you plan to vote for in this year's presidential election, you have to be concerned over the death of journalistic standards. I'm not talking about columnists, editorialists, or those giving commentaries on television. Opinion is fine, but it shouldn't be labeled news. Journalism is based on a tradition of trying to be balanced and fair in the presentation of facts. Everyone has a worldview, and it will color the way they say things. But journalists traditionally strove for accuracy and fairness - objectivity. They didn't take sides. As much as possible, they simply reported the facts of the story. The Reuters' "Handbook of Journalism" says, "Accuracy and fairness are the hallmarks of Thomson Reuters journalism." Most journalistic organizations have a similar credo. It may be in a dusty book on a back shelf, somewhere behind the no-longer-in-use copy machine. But they have it somewhere. They just don't pay attention to it any more. The new perspective has been well-expressed by the Univision anchorman, Jorge Ramos. The New York Times says he "is often called the Walter Cronkite of Latino America." Ramos is fiercely, even viciously anti-Trump. He says, "Trump has forced journalists to revisit rules of objectivity and fairness." Without objectivity and fairness, what does a reporter have? If Donald Trump is bad, give fair and objective news about him, and let voters decide for themselves. But Mr. Ramos clearly wants reporters to stop being fair; stop being objective. Slanting the news equals lying. They lie to their viewers because that's the best way to manipulate voters. As the leading voice on one of the most watched networks in the United States, Ramos is enormously powerful. Give him credit for honesty at least. Other members of the mainstream media hold the same beliefs, but don't say it. New York Times Media Columnist Jim Rutenberg wrote, "It's not unusual to see news stories describe [Trump] as 'erratic' without attribution to an opponent." Then Rutenberg excused the reporters' lack of objectivity because Trump is... well, Trump. Journalists are simply reflecting their elite boss's attitude of disdain for voters, and, therefore, for democracy itself. What if other American professionals should sink to the levels of modern journalism? What if others decide that a Trump or Clinton presidency is so dangerous they should stop them with every means available? It would be the end of government that is "of, for, and by the people." In a conference call with state election officials a few days before the FBI alert, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson warned of cybersecurity concerns, and offered his department's help in securing local voting systems. That's good . . . except, do you fully trust Homeland Security? What if that department's computer engineers are as willing to trash professionalism and integrity as Jorge Ramos - the new CNN, or the New York Times? Local election officials certainly need federal help. Few communities can afford the kind of security needed to defend against modern computer hackers. And we can't allow the Russian government, or American kids in basements, to alter U.S. election results. Representative government only works when there is a broad societal consensus on the supremacy of integrity. So another clear path to one world government and the Anti-christ is prominent on the horizon. This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' - Hal Lindsey - Most of the 24th chapter of Matthew is devoted to Jesus answering this question. And to this day, people across the world are still interested in both the question and His answer. His disciples asked him, "What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24:3 NKJV) Jesus then laid out a picture of conditions and events to expect during the time leading up to His return. On this week's "Hal Lindsey Report," I am going to show you how every one of those "signs of the times" that Jesus named are in the headlines this week! Earthquakes. On August 24th, within minutes of each other, but 5,000 miles apart, two 6+ earthquakes struck central Italy and Myanmar. Just this week, a 7+ earthquake shook New Zealand. Jesus said there would be "earthquakes in various places." (Matthew 24:7 NKJV). The King James Version calls them "diverse places." And it seems that over the last few decades, earthquakes around the world have arrived in waves. Jesus described the events of the last days as being like a woman's "birth pangs." Birth pangs occur in clusters, growing in frequency and intensity as the time of delivery draws closer. Examine a chart illustrating the occurrence and frequency of earthquakes and it looks like a graph depicting an expectant mother's birth pang history. Famine. Though starvation and hunger seem far removed from most of us in the western world, it's not. The World Hunger Education Service says that 1 in 9 people in the world today is undernourished. UNICEF says that 161 million children suffer from "nutritional stunting." In tiny, war-torn Yemen alone, UNICEF says that 500,000 children face starvation. And though world starvation crises don't dominate the headlines today, the long-term outlook is more than dire. Changing weather patterns, fast-growing populations, mass migration, and extreme poverty combined with high food prices have made earth vulnerable to a massive, worldwide famine. The world doesn't need a cataclysmic event like a volcano eruption to cause famine. There are several slow-motion disasters occurring right now that will do it. For instance, drought and depletion of water sources and supplies. Even in America, we are facing potential disaster because of the severe drought in California's Central Valley and the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer. The aquifer supplies 30% of the irrigation water for the entire United States agricultural output, and it is drying up. Pestilence. Though often thought of as meaning "disease," the Greek word used in the Bible can also refer to pests and the havoc they wreak. The "pestilence" currently dominating headlines is the Zika virus. Though apparently initially caused by the bite of a certain mosquito, Zika can be spread through sexual contact. That means it can go worldwide very easily. And, researchers are discovering that Zika can enter the adult brain and cause an effect similar to Alzheimer's. The chief medical officer of England recently warned that because of the dangers posed by several pestilences lurking in the world today, we are facing an "apocalyptic scenario." And Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the USA's Centers for Disease Control, just cautioned that we are facing the end of the road for antibiotics. He said that the superbugs we are now facing have become resistant to the current antibiotics and that "we may be in a situation where we have patients in our intensive care units, or patients getting urinary-tract infections for which we do not have antibiotics." Drugs and the occult. In the past few days, we have seen headlines and stories about mass overdoses in various places. First responders in Huntington, West Virginia, recently dealt with 26 drug overdoses in just a few hours. On skid row in Los Angeles on August 19, fire officials responded to a call. When they arrived, they found not one overdose, but 50! The following Monday, it happened again. Dozens were taken to the hospital. All were the result of the use of a "synthetic marijuana" called "Spice." It is super-cheap and easy to obtain. States are rushing to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Not because science has proven that pot is harmless, just the opposite. We now know better than ever the extreme physical and psychological dangers of marijuana. It wrecks peoples' lives. But states are legalizing marijuana because the public wants the drug-induced high; businesses want the cash; and politicians want the taxes it generates. And several times over the last few decades, we have seen that on the heels of a drug wave, you get a new wave of the occult. The liberal magazine, Salon, even commented on it. It headlined its discussion with, "'Mysticore' is the New Norm: Inside the trend that's casting its spell over the culture." 'Mysticore' is the name attached to the new blend of old evils of magic, mysticism, and the occult. Now, it is mainstream television entertainment and the hot new thing in products aimed at children, especially dolls and games. In fact, the Bible warns of this connection between drugs and the occult. In describing the final days of this Age, the Apostle John says that in those days, "...they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts." (Revelation 9:20-21 NKJV) The word "sorceries" in that verse comes from the Greek word, "pharmakia," from which we derive "pharmacy." It also refers to the practice of the occult with the use of drugs. The meteoric and uncontested rise of the demonic is a phenomenon of our times. The Bible says it will be a hallmark of the end times. Rumors of war. In Matthew 24:6, Jesus said of the days before His return, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars." Note that He did not just say "wars," but also specified "rumors of wars." In the last century, the world has seen wars like never before in history. In fact, there are many "wars" going on right now: Afghanistan, Iraq, the Boko Haram insurgency in Africa, and civil wars in Syria, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, and South Sudan. But what has been so prevalent of late have been the "rumors of wars." When we hear about Russia's ongoing preparations for war in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and eventually Israel and the United States, we are hearing "rumors of wars." Iran's recent challenges of US naval vessels in the Persian Gulf and its attempts to humiliate America and prod it into responding are "rumors of wars." Viet Nam is moving rocket launchers to islands in the South China Sea as a first line of defense against the illegal military installations that China is building there. More "rumors of wars." China is spending heavily on missile research and development. The Asia Times reports that China is attempting to build defensive and offensive missile systems "in preparation for a future missile-dominated conflict with the United States." Still more "rumors of wars." Last week, North Korea launched yet another ballistic missile from a submarine. Unlike their first test a few weeks ago, this one was a success. Couple that with another successful nuclear bomb test and you have a chilling scenario. With the missile test, South Korea and Japan went on full "war alert." Again, "rumors of wars." In Germany, for the first time since the Cold War, the government urged Germans to stockpile food and water, just in case. What do they know that we don't? Another "rumor of wars." But there is one thing I do know. It will not get better. It will only get worse and more dangerous as we draw closer to the end of this Age of Grace. The Bible says so, and it has never been wrong. That's why you need to make certain your relationship with God is first on your list of priorities. The time is growing short and Jesus Christ could return for His Church at any moment. On this week's program, I am also going to spend a few moments discussing with you "The Unpardonable Sin." As time grows short, it is critical that we realize that even though Jesus Christ died on the cross to purchase redemption for every member of the human race -- and it is a free gift -- there is one sin for which He could not die. Please, make certain that you are not guilty of this "unpardonable sin." Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or . Check your local listings. Watch this week's Report before it airs! 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My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Death Jesus Is Coming and Most Don't Have a Clue - By Grant Phillips -
As the world unravels and judgment day edges closer and closer, I am reminded of the world as it was prior to the Flood of Noah's day. "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5) If that doesn't describe us in the here and now, then I would like to know what does. One thing, among others, I regret for my grand-children is that they did not get to live in the 50s. Life today is 180 degrees from the life we experienced during that time. I'm not saying it was perfect, but it sure was better than what we have today. First of all there was no Internet and very little television. Television consisted of three fuzzy channels and the programs were actually all clean; no sex, no profanity, no nudity. How did we ever survive? I'm being facetious folks. Children could walk up and down the road and wander through the hills without even a thought of being kidnapped and/or sexually abused and /or murdered. Good parents do not let their children out of their sight today. A child can be kidnapped within the blink of the eye at the local mall or grocery store. We didn't lock our car doors or even the doors to our homes. It wasn't necessary. Every day, and I mean every day, we pick up the paper or watch the news and are bombarded with crimes of the 21st century that could curl your hair. People commit crimes today we never even heard of fifty years ago. Some are so bad I can't even mention them in this article. Many years ago I used to think politics was bad, and it was. Those running for office, whether on a national or local level seemed sleazy at the time, but today we would be glad to have any of them back, from both sides of the aisle. Today's politicians, especially on the national level are absolutely the bottom of the proverbial barrel. Not all, but most of them are lying, immoral, perverted, thieving, traitorous, criminals. Maybe God has just given us what we deserve. What amazes me, even more than the corruption of our so-called leading members of society, is the absolute ignorance of the common man. The average adult is like the turkey that was invited to the Thanksgiving feast not realizing they were the main attraction. The turkey brings a fork and a bottle of wine, unaware of the guy with the ax and a chopping block out back. Our national leaders are purposely, not unwittingly, but purposely destroying everything our forefathers spilled their blood to build, and nobody gets it. Nobody seems to give a whipstitch. Our country is in the tank to the tune of $20 trillion dollars. We are spending 120% more than we take in. Our foreign enemies are on our own soil ready to kill us. Our domestic enemies (government officials) are tightening the noose around our scrawny necks. And we just stroll on down the road like everything is just hunky dory. Drugs are turning us into zombies. Hollywood is destroying what little moral structure we had. The Supremes, the President and Congress are trashing our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Liberal teachers in all levels of schooling are corrupting our youth. While the name-it-and-claim-it, feel-good, let's all have a glass of Kool aide, "spiritual advisors" are leading us straight to hell. And where is Mr. average American? Oh, he's still strolling along, whistling a happy tune. I've ranted on here for a while but just what is our problem? Yes, we have people in charge who are simply rotten to the core, but are they 'really' the problem? If the American people had any character at all, none of these sons (and daughters) of Satan would even be in a position of power. It is our fault. If it is our fault, why is that so? We are corrupted with sin. It's that simple. We have allowed others to buy our souls with basically money and sex. We have wallowed at the troughs with the prodigal son and need to return to our Father and seek forgiveness. Unlike the prodigal son, we have allowed these tyrants of tyranny to subdue us to the point we enjoy the slop they feed us. We think it's hors d'oeuvres because we have allowed ourselves to become spiritually blind and cannot see the poison dripping from the plate. The 60s began the sexual revolution, but even worse than that, it began our rejection of God and any and everything He represents. We finally managed to kick Him out of every area of our lives, from the schools to the family structure. We have said, "Be gone with you God!" and are now reaping our reward. But oh! The real reward hasn't arrived just yet, but it will. God is slow to anger, but in my opinion He has just about reached His boiling point. Judgment on this world is way overdo, and it is coming from a righteous God who will pour out His wrath with vengeance. It is called the Tribulation. Some like to call it "Daniel's 70th week, and some like to call it the "time of Jacob's trouble." It is commonly known as the seven years of Tribulation, and it is coming toward us like a runaway locomotive. When will it get here? That's God's business, but it is coming. If someone disrespected one of my children, I would not be a happy camper. This 21st century society has done far more than just disrespect the Son of God, and I don't think our Father in Heaven is very pleased with it. There are many signs for the forthcoming Tribulation, and nearly all of them are casting their long shadows upon this globe we call earth. If the shadows are appearing, it won't be long until the real thing gets here. It's just like a storm. When you hear the thunder, you'd better run inside because the storm is coming. Well, it's thundering folks, and it's going to be a doozy. The thing is, I have an umbrella. It's called salvation in Christ. I won't be here when the storm comes, and I pray you won't either. All who belong to Jesus are His Church (His bride). Jesus is coming for His bride before the storm (the Tribulation) comes, but once He removes (the Rapture) His bride from this earth the gloves are off. Wake up my friend, Jesus is coming. I don't know when, but He has told us to be watching, and He would not have told us to watch if there were not something for us to watch for. Jesus came down hard on the Pharisees for not recognizing the signs of His first coming, the First Advent. He has given us signs for His second coming, the Second Advent. All of the signs we are seeing are related to the Tribulation and the Second Coming of Christ. There are no signs for the Rapture. So obviously, now get this, when we hear the thunder, the storm is on its way. We are hearing the thunder of the approaching Tribulation followed by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That means the Rapture is even closer, since we will be removed before the downpour arrives. Jesus is coming. Are you ready? Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready Daily Jot: Evidence mounts against H Clinton - Bill Wilson -
Another story has revealed that Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was in violation of both Federal government and State Department policy and broke the law as Secretary of State. investigative reporters John Solomon and Kellan Howell report that "FBI agents who investigated Hillary Clinton's email collected significant evidence suggesting she and her team violated federal record-keeping laws, including persisting to use a private Blackberry and server to conduct State Department business after being warned they posed legal and security risks." FBI sources told that each email that transmitted a government document could be in violation of the Federal Records Act. Circa reports: "Other federal laws make it a felony to intentionally conceal, remove or destroy federal records as defined under the Act, punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to three years. A single conviction also carries a devastating impact for anyone looking to work again in government because the law declares that any violator "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."...The FBI "indirectly documented hundreds, and likely thousands, of violations of the Records Act," one source with direct knowledge of the FBI's investigation told Circa. Using forensics, the FBI recovered from computer drives and other witnesses about 15,000 emails from Mrs. Clinton's private account that dealt with government business, most that had not been turned over by her or her aides." The Daily Jot's own investigation of the Clinton email caper reveals that several long-term government sources, who wished to remain anonymous, said that if they had done what Clinton did, they may be in jail. One source said, "that requirement [is] in the US Code of Federal Regulations: 5 CFR 930.301, Subpart C. There is NO excuse for Clinton and staff not to have known they were violating security protocols--they are lying. Executive agencies are required to have this training...the requirement has been around for a long time: This particular CFR was issued Jan 1, 2011. Para (a)(1) states, "All users of Federal Information systems must be exposed to security awareness materials at least annually." He continued, "Plus paragraph (a)(2) says, "Executives must receive training in information security basics and policy level training in security planning and management." Hillary's position as Secretary of State was a senior executive position. She herself was responsible that she and her staff were appropriately informed and trained. How many years was Hillary the Secretary of State? That's how many times minimum she was exposed to these requirements...Not to mention common sense for a person in that position and who was in the White House for 8 years." Yet, the FBI recommends no prosecution for Clinton. As in Isaiah 59:14, "And justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." But you can enter the voting booth come November. Daily Devotion: Go and Sin No More - Greg Laurie -
And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." -John 8:11 I've heard some Christians say, "God loves me the way I am, and this is just the way I am." Yes, God does love us the way we are, but He wants to change us. Jesus said to the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more" (John 8:11). How could He say this? She was still immoral; she simply was caught in the act. He could say this because in a short time, on the cross of Calvary, He would personally take upon Himself the very condemnation she should have faced. Notice something else that is very important. He did not say to her, "Go and sin no more, and as a result, I will not condemn you." In that case, who could ever live up to that requirement? Nor did He say, "Just go your merry way, and the next time you mess up, I hope I will see you again." Rather, Jesus was saying, "Neither do I condemn you. Now, as a recognition of that, go and sin no more." His act of forgiveness was followed by a challenge. This is important, because implicit in His statement was a warning not to keep living that lifestyle. Jesus is saying the same to us. We are to leave our lifestyle of sin. It doesn't mean we have to be perfect, because no one is. It doesn't mean we need to be sinless. But it should mean we will sin less. God wants to change us. The Bible says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our identity should not be in what we were but who we are. FROM THE HEART
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