Prophecy Update Newsletter
Knowing The Day and The Hour - Jack Kinsella - "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 24:35-36) The text itself, at first glance, seems simple and unambiguous. Jesus is explaining that nobody, not even He, knew the precise hour and day in which the Lord will return for His Church. But He offers a clue, saying conditions will be similar that those experienced by Noah and his family. Before moving on, let's look quickly at conditions in Noah's day, according to the Scriptures. First, Noah, himself. "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." We immediately see four key points. Noah was the recipient of an unmerited gift - "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." God extended His grace to Noah, who, in spite of being a sinner, trusted the Lord's word. Consequently, Genesis tells us, "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations." Noah was a 'just' man. Only God can justify sinful man. Note that it wasn't Noah that was perfect -- instead, Noah was 'perfect in his generations.' What does that mean? Genesis Chapter Six opens with an explanation: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . (6:1-2) The reference to the 'sons of God' is a reference to angels: "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them." (Job 1:6) "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (Job 38:7) These angels, according to Genesis 6, produced hybrid, half-angelic and half-human offspring, polluting the human bloodline. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. " (6:4) At the Fall, God pronounced both the curse and a Promise of a Redeemer, saying to the serpent, Satan, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His Heel." By the time of Noah, the seed of Eve had been so polluted by this hybrid bloodline that only Noah and his family remained "perfect in his generations." And God's promise was specific -- mankind could only be redeemed by the seed of Eve. Wipe out Eve's 'seed' and God's word is broken, and Satan wins his case on the grounds God is not perfect and therefore not qualified to stand in judgment over him. Finally, we see that Noah "walked with God". Noah is a picture of the Church in the last days. The Church is redeemed, and therefore justified, not by its own merits, but by God's grace. Covered by the Blood of Christ, the Church's 'bloodline' is perfect and unpolluted by the world. Noah was preserved alive out of judgment, not necessarily because God loved him best, but because it was a necessary element in God's unfolding plan for the ages. Had God not preserved Noah and his family alive out of judgment, mankind would have perished and there could have been no Virgin Birth, no redeeming life, atoning death or Resurrection unto life. Only Eve's seed could qualify according to God's Promise, so some perfect, untainted, purely human remnant of Eve's seed had to be preserved for God's plan to move forward. God's plan for the last days includes preserving a remnant out of judgment, not because He likes this generation best, but because it is necessary for His plan to move forward. Noah and his family were ridiculed for 120 years, until "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." (2nd Peter 3:6) Jesus likened the Rapture to the Flood, saying, "And [they] knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24:39) Assessment: How do we know that Jesus is referring to the Rapture in his passage about Noah, and not His 2nd Coming? Jesus said no man could know the hour and the day. The Prophet Daniel gives us the hour and the day of the 2nd Coming of Christ -- or at least, Daniel gives us the ability to calculate it. Daniel predicts a prince of the revived Roman Empire would negotiate a peace settlement between Israel and 'the many' and that part of that settlement would include the restoration of Temple worship. The peace agreement, according to Daniel, has a set term of one "week" (Heb - shabua) which is a week of Biblical 360-day years. Seven biblical years equals 2,520 days. Daniel says that agreement will be broken when "the abomination that maketh desolate is set up." (Daniel 12:11) The Apostle Paul identifies the "abomination" as taking place when the antichrist, "as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (2nd Thessalonians 2:4) It is this claim of godhood that causes the Jews to reject him, which results in his tearing up the agreement, closing the Temple and launching his persecution of Jews. So, let's quickly recap. Daniel 9:27 predicts a period of seven years time from the agreement that restores Temple worship to the 2nd Coming of Christ. Daniel also says that, from the time of the abomination of desolation until the 2nd Coming would total 1,260 days -- or exactly half of 2,520 days of Tribulation. Since the event that begins the countdown is the antichrist's seating of himself on the Mercy Seat in the Temple, anybody will a Bible could mark that date and start counting down 1,260 days to His Second Coming. Therefore, it seems entirely logical to deduce the following: The Tribulation Period (Daniel 9:27) lasts for 2,520 days, or seven Biblical years. It is divided into two parts, 1,260 days of Temple worship, and 1,260 days of persecution. It concludes on the 2,520th day from the date of the peace deal on the plains of Megiddo at the Second Coming of Christ. Since Daniel also predicted the precise date and hour in which Jesus Christ would ride into Jerusalem on the back of a colt and be received as King of the Jews, it is reasonable to expect the same kind of precision in Daniel's prediction of 1,260 days from the abomination to the 2nd Coming. Therefore, the only secret coming is that of the Rapture, not His triumphant return as the Righteous Judge at the close of the Tribulation Period. A secret pre-Trib Rapture is the only event that cannot be calculated. A mid-Trib Rapture can be calculated -- it is 1260 days after the peace deal. A post-Trib Rapture can be calculated, 2,520 days after the peace deal, or 1,260 days after the abomination. A pre-Wrath Rapture, that is a Rapture that takes place at some point after the peace deal but before the abomination, makes the inclusion of the 2,520 and 1,260 day time frames superfluous and unnecessary, begging the question of why God included them in the first place. But despite Jesus' stern warning that the timing of the Rapture cannot be calculated, I predict that within the next couple of weeks, somebody will be predicting the Rapture will occur on September 11, 2018 with the blowing of the last shofar (trumpet) at the end of the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana). It is a safe enough prediction; it happens every single year at this time. And it makes logical sense. The only major Jewish feast day for which there is no corresponding miracle performed during the Lord's earthly ministry is Rosh Hashana. So many conclude that when the Rapture does come, it will come at the conclusion of Rosh Hashana. For that reason, I am absolutely convinced that, of all the possible dates for the Rapture, it won't be Rosh Hashana, despite the twenty-page emails I am certain to receive shortly explaining somebody's exhaustive and comprehensive calculations. Why? Because the same Jesus who said we couldn't calculate the Rapture also said any calculations that are made will be wrong. "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 24:44) Palestinians: Spitting in the Well - by Bassam Tawil - Once again, the Palestinians are conveying conflicting messages about their attitude towards US President Donald Trump's administration. On one side, they are condemning the Trump administration for its decision to cut all US aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA); on the other, the Palestinians are opposed to any plan by the US administration to provide them with financial aid and improve their living conditions. This Palestinian stance is not only bad-faith double-dealing, it also reflects the state of confusion and uncertainty among the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah in particular and the Palestinian public in general. In reality, the Palestinians have one main message for the US administration: We hate you and incite against you, but we fully expect that you will continue providing us with cash, to the tune of billions of dollars. And, when you do try to help us, we reserve the right to spit in your face. This is the message -- despite much duplicitous obfuscation -- that the Palestinians have long sought to communicate the US. Now to the facts. Earlier this week, Palestinians staged a protest in Ramallah against the Trump administration's decision to halt US aid to UNRWA. During the protest outside America House (the educational and cultural center belonging to the US Consulate General in the de facto capital of the Palestinians, Ramallah), the Palestinians burned photos of Trump and some of his senior representatives, including US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and presidential advisors Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt. The protesters chanted slogans condemning the Trump administration as being "fully complicit" with Israel in its "aggression and war" on the Palestinians. In other words, the Palestinian protesters, who included senior officials of Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas's ruling Fatah faction, are demanding that the US continue to fund Palestinian "refugees" through UNRWA. The message the protesters sent to the Trump administration is: Look, we burn the photos of your president and top officials and we hate you, so kindly continue to give us hundreds of millions of dollars every year. As recently noted in this space, in Arabic this is called wakaha (impudence or audacity). It takes a lot of wakaha to spit in someone's face and then reach your hand out to beg for money. A day after that protest in Ramallah, Palestinian protesters in east Jerusalem tried to prevent a group of Palestinian businessmen from attending a meeting organized by the US Consulate General. Guess who led the protest against the meeting, which was obviously aimed at benefiting the Arab residents of Jerusalem? Activists belonging to Fatah, Abbas's faction: Shadi Mtour and Awad Salaymeh. The protesters gathered outside the Notre Dame Hotel, just across the street from the Old City's New Gate, and tried to prevent the businessmen from entering the premises. Mtour claimed that the meeting organized by the US Consulate General was an attempt to "bypass the Palestinian leadership" in Ramallah. "This is unacceptable because we support the official Palestinian position to boycott the US administration," he said. He claimed that some of the businessmen turned away when they encountered the protesters. However, Mtour expressed deep disappointment that others chose to ignore the protest and proceeded to attend the meeting. "Shame on them and anyone who agrees to compromise on Jerusalem," he added. Salaymeh, for his part, accused the Palestinian participants of promoting "normalization" with Israel and the US. The US and Israel, he said, are "two sides of the same coin." Just in case no one noticed: both Mtour and Salaymeh belong to Fatah, the faction that dominates and controls the Palestinian Authority. The entire existence of Fatah relies heavily on financial aid from the US, EU and other Western donors. So, while the protesters in Ramallah were demanding that the US rescind its decision to cut off its funding to UNRWA, Abbas's men in east Jerusalem were trying to block a US-sponsored meeting to discuss ways of helping the Palestinian economy. This was not the first incident in which Palestinians rejected an attempt by the Americans to help them. Last July, Palestinians thwarted a planned visit to the city of Nablus in the West Bank by a US consular delegation. The planned engagement was part of an ongoing US commitment to improve cooperation and expand economic opportunities for Palestinians. The visit was cancelled out of concern for the safety of the US delegates, after Palestinian protesters threatened to foil the meeting and called for boycotting the visiting delegation. To add to the confusion regarding the Palestinian position towards the US, it was revealed this week that a senior Palestinian security and intelligence delegation had recently visited Washington for talks with CIA officials. Abbas and the Palestinian leadership have not denied the report concerning the visit. But wait, haven't Abbas and his officials been boycotting the Trump administration since the US president's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December 2017? Obviously, Abbas and the Palestinian leadership have no reasoned strategy regarding the US administration. Their conflicting message and actions are yet another sign of the absence of any real Palestinian vision. What is clear, however, is that the Palestinians' anti-US rhetoric will make it harder for them in the future to be considered by the Americans as reliable and trustworthy partners for any peace process with Israel. Abbas and his top officials in Ramallah evidently want to have it both ways -- to continue their incitement against the Trump administration while being bankrolled by US taxpayer money. This incitement, meanwhile, is whipping up anti-US sentiment among Palestinians and many other Arabs, who now refer to the US as the #1 enemy of Arabs and Muslims. From here, the path to violence and terrorism against US citizens in the Middle East is very short. Burning photos of Trump and senior US administration officials on the streets of Palestinian cities should be considered not only offensive, but effectively an act of war against Americans. Abbas and company would do well to learn that when they spit in the well they drink from, the water they draw will be bitter indeed. News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey - As we draw near the end of this Age of Grace, the Bible warns us that assaults on the people of God will increase dramatically. In fact, Jesus Himself warned all true believers that they can expect persecution simply for believing in Him and following Him. The New Living Translation (NLT) puts it in modern language. In Luke 21:22, Jesus said, "...there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors because you are my followers." The reference to being "dragged into synagogues" implies that not only will we be prosecuted by the secular authorities, but those who believe on and follow Him will be persecuted by the "religious" powers of the day. In the time when Jesus uttered those words, the rabbis, high priests, and Sanhedrin were the religious powers of the day. But to make sure that no one misunderstood, just a few sentences later in Luke 21:17, Jesus makes it crystal clear. He said, "And everyone will hate you because you are my followers." (NLT) So, just by those warnings alone, we know that things are going to get intense -- and uncomfortable -- for those who claim the name of Christ. But because Satan hates anything and everything of God, we know that these times will bring increasing attacks on anything and everything that represents God. And represents the truth of God's Word. That includes God's chosen people: the Jews. And the nation that God promised will arise at the end of this Age: Israel. It is especially important that evangelical Christians who support Israel are aware of the intense spiritual warfare going on there. We, of all people, should be able to understand the context in which these developments are happening. Satan's goal is to destroy Israel. If he cannot succeed from the outside, he will try to destroy it from within. The miracle nation of Israel is a glaring example of the veracity of God's Word. If He said it, we can believe it. God said that in the last days -- despite the seeming impossibility of it -- the nation of Israel would be reborn. And it was. That means we can believe everything else the Bible says. And Satan simply cannot tolerate that. So he must do everything in his power to destroy it and prove God to be a liar. There is a drama unfolding in Israel today that perfectly illustrates Satan's efforts to destabilize and destroy Israel by weakening it from within. Israel's safety is guarded and guaranteed by the vaunted -- and feared -- Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). In many ways, the IDF is the most critical institution in Israel. It literally protects Israel from annihilation by the hostile nations that surround it and the hostile enemies that lurk within its borders. It is almost impossible to overstate the IDF's importance to Israel's continued existence as a nation. In Israel's system of government, the Minister of Defense nominates the "Commander-in-Chief" of the IDF. The "Commander-in-Chief" is not the head of state, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is the ranking military officer who has direct command and control of all military forces and operations in Israel. Needless to say, it is a most critical position. The Israeli Minister of Defense, Avigdor Liberman, is preparing to name his choice. He has four candidates for the position and rumor has it that he has made that choice. But there's a rub. This is how Caroline Glick, the Senior Contributing Editor at The Jerusalem Post, describes it.: "Today, the IDF General Staff is in open rebellion against the government and the citizens of Israel." That sounds extreme, but here's the short of it. As Ms. Glick points out, of the four candidates for "Commander-in-Chief," two present glaring and dangerous problems. One has publicly stated that he sees parallels to Nazi Germany in Israel. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is an organization of 31 member nations, including the U.S. and 24 E.U. member states. One of the elements in the IHRA definition of "antisemitism" is, "Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis." So this candidate to lead the IDF technically qualifies as an "antisemite." It seems to me that could be a problem in Israel! A second candidate has previously shown disturbing tendencies to dismiss Palestinian atrocities and acts of terrorism. He has famously excused them as normal responses to extenuating circumstances. He has morally equivocated gruesome Palestinian acts of terrorism (the brutal murders of five members of a Jewish settler family) to petty incidents of vandalism by teenage Jewish hoodlums. In one case of Palestinian security forces gunning down an unarmed Jewish student leaving Joseph's Tomb, he claimed that the IDF would have done the same thing. Dani Dayan, currently the Israeli Consul in New York responded, "Slandering IDF soldiers to whitewash Palestinian crimes [is] a severe moral failing." This candidate has even criticized Israeli support among members of the U.S. Congress. It's disconcerting that Israel's top military leadership has been infected with such blatantly anti-Israel beliefs. If you publicly state that Israel is turning into a fascist state. Or if you imply that murderous acts of Palestinian terrorism are morally equivalent to acts of Jewish petty vandalism, you shouldn't even be in the IDF much less leading it! As believers, we have a scriptural imperative: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem...." (Psalms 122:6 KJV) That includes praying for protection against any force that comes against Jerusalem's, and Israel's, peace. Even if the threat comes from the IDF leadership! I don't know about you, but one thing that sickens me is blatant hypocrisy. And there was plenty of that on display recently in the mainstream media's coverage of the nation's farewell to Senator John McCain. As I watched, I wondered where all of this goodwill was when Senator McCain ran for President in 2008. Then, The New York Times accused him of "running a campaign on partisan division, class warfare and even hints of racism." (NYT, November 3, 2008). Now, the same newspaper says that "Mr. McCain was... driven by a code of honor." They even wrote that he "...gave hope for the future." (NYT August 25, 2018) From the man whom they said promoted "class warfare and... racism," he mysteriously became the man whose example gives "hope for the future." Oh, brother. The same media that could not say a nice word about Senator McCain (or Governor Palin) in 2008, were suddenly filled with gushing praise. But, sadly, I think the real reason for their fervor in honoring McCain was not their love for him, but their hatred for someone else. At the beginning of August, Business Insider reported on a poll showing John McCain as the third least popular member of the United States Senate. Yet the media covered his death and burial as if he had been a popular U.S. President. Not much honesty there. Despite my frustration with the breathless hyperbole of the week, I did appreciate some things about Mr. McCain's life story. On this week's program, I'm going to share a couple of those profound moments with you. Finally, sometimes we confuse "disciple" with "apostle." We think, "Yes, Jesus had a special relationship with Peter, James, John, and the other disciples." But the phrase, "the other disciples," encompasses all who have accepted and followed Him. I hope that includes you. The Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, paints a beautiful picture of Jesus as our intercessor. He specifically told His disciples that He had prayed for them. And the wonderful thing is that, just as He interceded for Peter, Jesus intercedes for you and me. He is our high priest. Jesus is the only interface we need between God the Father and ourselves. And He continually intercedes for us. In fact, Hebrews 7:25 tells us that "He always lives to make intercession for [us]...." (NASB) Our redemption through His sacrifice allows us to communicate directly with God. But it also presents to us another exciting opportunity: we are priests, too. Revelation 1:6 tells us, "He has made us a Kingdom of priests for God his Father." (NLT) In practical terms, that means we can go directly to God not just for our own needs, but on behalf of others, too. In 1 Timothy 2:1, Paul says, "I urge entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men." (NASB) A priest's job is to represent men before God and to speak to men on God's behalf. Every believer has this tremendous privilege. 1 Peter 2:9 says, "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood... that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." (NASB) Not only has Jesus redeemed us from sin and eternal damnation, but He has called us "friend" and brought us into a priestly fellowship with Himself. What grace! What mercy! What favor! Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings. Israel's Dry Bones Live - Israel's Population Continues To Grow - Since last Rosh Hashanah, Israel's population has grown by 162,000 people, to 8.907 million citizens, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday. In the Jewish year 5778, the Jewish population numbered 6.625 million people (74.4 percent of the population) and 1.864 million Arabs (20.9 percent). Prior to Rosh Hashanah last year, the Jewish population measured at 7.6 percent and the Arab population 20.9 percent. Among the Jewish population, 10.2 percent classified themselves as ultra-Orthodox, 11.5 percent as religious, 12.3 percent as traditional characterized by religious practice, 21.4 percent as traditional, with 44.3 percent defining themselves as secular. Almost 90 percent of Israelis expressed satisfaction with their lives, though 37 percent said they were unhappy about their financial situation. Most Israelis (84 percent) described themselves as healthy or very healthy. Israel's fertility rate of 3.11 children per woman is the highest of all the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. Israel welcomed 175,000 babies and attended 43,000 funerals in the last year, with 25,000 people making aliyah. There were 52,809 marriages in Israel in 5778 and 14,819 divorces. The most popular baby name for girls was Tamar and the most popular name for boys was Mohammad The most frequently chosen names for girls were: Tamar, Avigail, Miriam, Sarah, Adele, Yael, Noa, Shira, Noya and Lia. The most frequently chosen names for boys were: Mohammad, Yosef, Ariel, Omer, Adam, David, Daniel, Lavi, Eitan and Ori. Daily Jot: This week's fake news is deeper than deep state - Bill Wilson - This week is an excellent example of how fake news is created and a new-level false narrative results. It is a lesson in discernment for those who seek the truth. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4-5, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Ephesians 5:6, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of those things come the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." And 2 Timothy 3 warns that in the last days there will be perilous times because people will be truce-breakers, false accusers, traitors and despisers of those that are good." It is very important that we not be tossed about by the falsehoods that are designed to break our faith, our freedom, and our joy in the Lord. This week is a clear test. The godless want to have the form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. They want to puff themselves up, shout the loudest, bully their will over those with whom they disagree, and silence those who oppose them. Follow the Democratic Party plan to oppose Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. As admitted by leftist Illinois senator Dick Durbin, they had a plan to "protest" his nomination. That plan called for disrupting the Senate hearing, creating chaos, radical demonstrations resulting in arrests, and claiming the release of confidential documents that the Republicans were withholding. As it turned out, the brouhaha was contrived, as the documents were already cleared for release. But the stunt grabbed headlines on the false narrative that damning information was being withheld on Kavanaugh. Then some Christians got all up in arms about Kavanaugh being unfit because he said Roe vs Wade is settled law in the nation. I read his statement. He was stating an obvious fact. Roe vs Wade is settled law in this nation and over 65 million unborn citizens have lost their lives over it. Kavanaugh has been coached well to state facts when asked these entrapping questions. I do not know if he would be my choice if I were president, probably not. But he is far better than anything the communist Democrats would choose. People, we need to read and listen with discernment, seek the truth and be aware of the underlying strategies so that we are not deceived. The Democratic response to Kavanaugh is disgraceful and unacceptable, and the news media reports are based off of a contrived, well-planned deception. Similar is the so-called White House official who anonymously wrote an Op-Ed for the New York Times. Think about it. Democrat leadership and talking heads all across the mainstream media are using that Op-Ed as a reason to remove the president either by impeachment or because he is mentally unfit to serve. All this based on the talking points of the coup-makers written down in an editorial by an anonymous source. Coup-makers want to remove a president based on hearsay from someone who won't put their name to the accusations. The media irresponsibly has taken this fake news and made it the linchpin to removing an elected president from office. Again, this is well-planned and orchestrated deception. These are just two examples this week of how fake news is created and amplified to deceive many. It's deeper than deep state. Daily Devotion: Will There Be Another Jesus Movement? - By Greg Laurie - And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. -Romans 13:11 I once asked Pastor Chuck Smith if he thought there would ever be another Jesus Movement. He answered, "Well, people were desperate for revival back then. I am not sure people are desperate enough right now." That may be true. How desperate are we? The reality is that often we pray for prosperity in our nation and in our own lives. But the fact is that revival often explodes when there is calamity. The Third Great Awakening happened after the stock market crashed. What is revival? A simple definition is "to come alive again." Revival is the spark, if you will, that starts the engine. And periodically we need a new spark. Revival is like waking up from your sleep. One person defined it as nothing more or less than a new beginning of obedience to God. The great evangelist Billy Sunday once said, "They say that a revival is but temporary. So is a bath, but it does you good." A revival may be only temporary, but we need one right now. We are not praying that nonbelievers have a revival, because they don't need one. They need salvation. The church needs revival. Revival is a church word, and it is for believers only-believers who once, perhaps, were more alive than they are today and need to be revived again. C.H. Spurgeon said, "To be revived is a blessing which can only be enjoyed by those who have some degree of life. Those who have no spiritual life are not, and cannot be, in the strictest sense of the term, subjects of revival. . . . A true revival is to be looked for in the church of God." Revival starts with you and me. Then it affects the church. And then the church affects the nation. FROM THE HEART
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