Prophecy Update Newsletter
Watching Bible Prophecy Unfold - By Daymond Duck - The prophet Amos said, "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). God reveals what He intends to do before He does it. Some, like myself, believe the Tribulation Period is being set in motion, and few realize how serious this is prophetically. Those that are not Raptured before the Tribulation will probably die during the Tribulation Period. Notice these things:
Jesus was asked about the signs of His coming (Second Coming, not the Rapture) and He said, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree (Israel; Hos. 9:10); When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation (perhaps 70-80 years; Psa. 90:10) shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" (Matt. 24:32-34). More could be said, but anyone that knows very much about the Bible should be able to see the existence of Israel, the fact that Israel has been a nation 72 years, and the prophetic significance of the current global situation. My granddad would probably have said, "Anyone with one eye and half sense can understand that the last days are shaping up just like the Bible says." Jesus told Daniel the wise will understand the Tribulation-Period events at the time of the end (Dan. 12:8-10). Some global elites are planning to control people's lives, incomes, religion, healthcare, education of their children, force people to live in smaller houses, force people to drive smaller cars, and control the kind and amount of heating and cooling people have, etc. Some of this is part of the Green New Deal that Bernie Sanders and the Democrats are pushing in this current election. I want to lovingly remind pastors and teachers that accepting God's call to be a pastor or a teacher includes an awesome responsibility. Pastors and teachers will be rewarded for faithfully preaching and teaching the whole Word of God, including the Second Coming (II Tim. 4:8; I Pet. 5:2-4), but pastors and teachers will receive a greater judgment if they ignore their responsibility (James 3:1). We should not take these words of Jesus lightly, "O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky, but can ye not discern the signs of the times" (Matt. 16:3). More recent current events are as follows: One, natural disasters will increase in frequency and intensity (like birth pains) before the Second Coming. After Hurricane Laura tore through Louisiana and Texas with winds up to 150 mph, one survivor said, "It looks like 1,000 tornadoes" came through. Two, on August 24, 2020, the president of the Barna research group said one in five churches could permanently close within the next 18 months because of the Coronavirus crisis. Church attendance and giving are down, and many pastors will lose their pulpits. My sympathy goes out to these churches and pastors. But God's Word cannot be silenced. The good news is that some of those pulpits were silent on prophetic matters, and large numbers of their members are tuning in on TV and the Internet to hear what some of the prophetic preachers of our day are saying. If a pastor does not want to preach the whole Word, God can close the pastor's church and feed the members through another venue. Three, on August 26, 2020, Amir Tsarfati reported a buildup of Russian naval vessels in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Syria. What this is all about remains to be seen. Four, following the announcement that the UAE is ending its economic boycott of Israel, Rabbi Yehudah Glick, of Temple Mount fame, spoke out. It has been reported that he said, "A wave of peace agreements could be a harbinger of a period of peace more conducive to the construction of the Third Temple than the first several decades of modern Israel, which were characterized by wars." According to the Book of Daniel, there will be a peace treaty and the Temple will be rebuilt. However, the Antichrist will break that peace treaty at the middle of the Tribulation Period (Dan. 9:27). He will confirm that treaty, and people will declare peace and safety, but the Antichrist will go forth conquering and to conquer (Thess. 5:3; Rev. 6:1-2). Rabbi Yehudah Glick made another interesting comment, "One of the most significant achievements in this agreement is that this will bring the Arab Muslim citizens of the UAE to the Temple Mount to pray." They will not be allowed inside the Dome of the Rock to pray, but they can visit the Temple Mount and pray outside. Glick sees this as an opportunity for Jews, Muslims and Christians to pray together and, eventually, for the Temple Mount to become a place of prayer for all people (see Isa. 56:7). This will happen during the Millennium. For those that are interested, I am not predicting the day or the hour of the Rapture, but a friend recently sent the following Ken Potter information to me: Rosh HaShanah 2020 Key Times: START: Sunset in Jerusalem, 9/18/2020 6:40 PM IDT = 9/18/2020 11:40 AM U.S. Eastern FINISH: Sunset in Jerusalem, 9/20/2020 6:38 PM IDT = 9/20/2020 11:38 AM U.S. Eastern SOLAR MIDNIGHT AFTER in Jerusalem, 9/21/2020 12:32 AM = 9/20/2020 5:32 PM U.S. Eastern The following is a link to a video with loads of information about the Feast of Trumpets: Finally, no one knows the day or the hour of our Lord's return, but a growing number of the best Bible prophecy teachers believe one's salvation is an urgent matter. God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God, who died for the sins of the world and was buried and raised from the dead. Ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, and come into your heart and be your Saviour. Then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] Russia and Turkey Getting Cozy? Why It Could Point to Bible Prophecy of Gog and Magog Being Fulfilled - Steve Warren - Are Russia and Turkey moving closer to a military alliance that was foretold in biblical prophecy? Turkey has announced that Russia will conduct live-fire military exercises in the eastern Mediterranean Sea starting next week. The drills come as Greece and Turkey - both NATO members - inch closer to military conflict over territorial oil and gas rights in the Aegean Sea. The Russian military exercises are expected to take place in waters where Turkish research vessels are prospecting. The area in question is claimed by both Greece and Cyprus. NATO officials have tried to arrange negotiations between both sides, but Greece insists it will not sit down for talks until Turkey withdraws its vessels from Greek territorial waters. It's not just the Russian regime that Turkey seems to be shifting toward. It's taken other steps away from the US and toward a more extreme brand of Islam. Messianic Jew and prophetic expert Joel Rosenberg recently told CBN News that Turkey's tyrannical leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is moving his country away from its alliance with western powers and moving it toward radical Islamic countries like Iran. "Erdogan is taking his country out of the western moderate camp, into the Iranian, Islamism more radical camp. And that's a long term very serious problem," he said. Rosenberg also believes the recent Israel/United Arab Emirates "Abraham Accord" has prophetic undertones. "What we watch in the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, which is known as the 'eschatological' future war of Gog and Magog, is the Arab states being very calm and quiet towards Israel. Israel (is) reconstructed, peaceful, prosperous, calm, secure and then a Russian-Iranian-Turkish alliance forming against Israel." The Bible talks about a confederation of nations it calls Gomer, Put, Cush, Persia, Togarmah, Gog, and Magog one day coming against Israel. "Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops-the many nations with you."- Ezekiel 38:5-6. "Now, I'm not saying the war with Gog and Magog is imminent," Rosenberg explained. "I'm saying that the trend lines of peace in the Middle East, with a Russian-Iranian-Turkish axis - this is exactly where we are heading. This is the trajectory, and this is something that should cause all Christians to watch carefully and continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem." It's the city of Jerusalem that President Erdogan and the leaders of Iran say that one day they want to conquer. One spiritual sign of that came recently when Erdogan converted an ancient Christian church building - the Hagia Sophia - into a functioning mosque. As CBN News reported in July, Erdogan wrote in a Facebook post that the "revival of the Hagia Sophia is a sign towards the return of freedom to the al-Aqsa mosque" in Jerusalem. UAE-Israel Hold Cross-Continent Shabat Ushering in Pre-Messiah Double Sabbath Described by Isaiah - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - As for the foreigners Who attach themselves to Hashem, To minister to Him, And to love the name of Hashem, To be His servants- All who keep the Shabbat and do not profane it, And who hold fast to My covenant- I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Isaiah 56:6 (The Israel BibleTM) As part of the growing relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, a cooperative virtual event was held bringing Jews together from the two countries welcoming in the Sabbath. Remarkably, Jewish tradition describes a double Sabbath as being the precursor to redemption. Conducted via a video-conferencing platform, the event held three weeks ago included the Minister of Diaspora Affairs, MK Omer Yankelevich, the official president of the Jewish communities in the UAE - Ross Kriel, and the official rabbi of the community, Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, along with Israeli and UAE youth. Yankelevich opened the event by quoting Psalms: How good and how pleasant it is that brothers dwell together. Psalms 133:1 A young participant sang the Ishy Bilady, the national anthem of the United Arab Emirates. Members of the Firqat Alnoor Israeli classical orchestra of near-Eastern music also participated in the event playing HaTikva ("the hope"), the Israeli national anthem. The Beck and Yoni Steingiser household from the UAE lit Shabbat candles, after which participants prayed for the welfare of healthcare workers, as well as a prayer for the welfare of Israeli and UAE citizens. The official president of the Emirates Jewish community, Ross Kriel, said: "On behalf of all the Jewish communities in the UAE, I would like to express our appreciation to the Minister of Diaspora, Omer Yankelevich, who honored us at the Sabbath reception. Her presence and warm words move us and warm our hearts. We are full of hope. For peace will bring with it prosperity and unity among all the Jews of the world." The rabbi of the community, Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, said: "This is a day that will never be forgotten. This is the first time, ever, that a minister and a Knesset member from the State of Israel addressed us and held a Sabbath reception with the Jewish community of the United Arab Emirates." No less remarkable was a tweet posted by the UAE Foreign Ministry Strategic Communications Director Hend al-Otaiba wished followers on Twitter a "Shabbat Shalom" in English, Hebrew, and Arabic, calling it a "historic week of peace." The dual celebration has particular significance as it is written in the Talmud (Shabbat 118b): Rav Yochanan said in the name of Rabbi Shim'on bar Yochai: If Israel were to keep two Shabbatot according to the laws [of Shabbat], they would be redeemed immediately. The Sanhedrin has been advocating the expansion of Sabbath observance with the goal of hastening the redemption. Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, head of the Sanhedrin's Noahide Court and of the Dvar Yerushalayim Yeshiva, put out a call for the nations to keep the Sabbath and for the Jews to help them in this mission. He noted that this was described by the Prophet Isaiah as a precursor to the Messiah: As for the foreigners Who attach themselves to Hashem, To minister to Him, And to love the name of Hashem, To be His servants- All who keep the Shabbat and do not profane it, And who hold fast to My covenant- I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples." Isaiah 56:6-7 Iran Caught Stockpiling Enriched Uranium Needed for Bomb - Adam Kredo - Nuclear watchdog: Tehran 3.5 months away from weapon The United States has evidence that Iran is stockpiling enriched uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, in direct violation of international restrictions on Tehran's use of the fissile material. Nuclear experts predict that Iran is now just 3.5 months away from the "breakout time," a measurement of how close the country is to having the technology and materials to construct a nuclear weapon. It also now has the fuel to potentially construct two separate bombs. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) disclosed on Friday that Iran has nearly doubled its stockpiles of enriched uranium, generating concerns about the country's continued progress on a nuclear weapon. Iran granted the IAEA access to several contested nuclear sites that had previously been off limits. A report on Tehran's nuclear activities was shared with the United States and other United Nations members. It is just the latest attempt by Iran to breach restrictions written into the original nuclear agreement governing the amount of uranium it can enrich and keep in the country. Iran has also been building advanced ballistic missiles, contrary to U.N. regulations. The revelations about its uranium enrichment are likely to provide fresh grist for the Trump administration as it seeks to reimpose a set of international sanctions on Iran. A State Department official, speaking to the Washington Free Beacon only on background, said the IAEA's report "highlights Iran's 'significant nonperformance' of its commitments under the Iran deal that led the United States to take decisive action to restore U.N. sanctions on Iran." The official would not comment on specific claims in the report until it is made public by the IAEA. However, the official said there is conclusive proof that Iran is violating its commitments under the nuclear deal. Iran's enriched uranium store "now exceeds by 10-fold the limit set in the [nuclear deal]," according to the Institute for Science and International Security, a nuclear watchdog group that has closely tracked the IAEA's inspections. The group said "Iran's estimated breakout time as of September 2020 is as short as 3.5 months." "A new development is that Iran may have enough low enriched uranium to produce enough weapon-grade uranium for a second nuclear weapon, where the second one could be produced more quickly than the first, requiring in total as little as 5.5 months to produce enough weapon-grade uranium for two nuclear weapons," the group said Friday. The State Department official said the administration will keep increasing pressure on Iran until it backs away from the pursuit of a nuclear weapon. "There is no reason for Iran to expand its nuclear program other than to engage in continued brinkmanship," the official said. "We will continue imposing maximum pressure on the Iranian regime until it ceases its destabilizing activities and negotiates a comprehensive deal. That is why we took decisive action last month to initiate the 'snapback' of U.N. sanctions on Iran." As part of its pressure campaign at the U.N., the Trump administration has sought to reimpose international sanctions on Iran that were lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear agreement. The success of this effort remains unclear in light of opposition by European powers, as well as Russia and China. Water Is Your Best Friend - By Grant Phillips - "Then Moses led the people of Israel away from the Red Sea, and they moved out into the desert of Shur. They traveled in this desert for three days without finding any water. "When they came to the oasis of Marah, the water was too bitter to drink. So they called the place Marah (which means "bitter"). Then the people complained and turned against Moses. 'What are we going to drink?' they demanded. So Moses cried out to the LORD for help, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. Moses threw it into the water, and this made the water good to drink. It was there at Marah that the LORD set before them the following decree as a standard to test their faithfulness to him. "He said, 'If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you.' "After leaving Marah, the Israelites traveled on to the oasis of Elim, where they found twelve springs and seventy palm trees. They camped there beside the water" (Exodus 15:22-27). Water is your best friend. I've heard my wife and daughter say those very words more than once, and it's true ... water is your best friend, physically and spiritually. I didn't used to care much for water. I preferred to drink a certain diet cola after I left it sitting in the refrigerator ... opened ... for at least a day. I know it sounds terrible, but I like the acquired taste. There's no fizz, so it's not as bad on your stomach, and it does taste good ... to me. When my doctor said I need to cut way back on this bad habit (4-6 per day) and drink water instead, I made an adjustment. I now drink one of these in the morning and the rest of the day I drink several glasses of ice water. I've actually grown to like water with ice ... not so much without ice. If I'm outside working in the hot sun, nothing satisfies like water; not a cola, not tea or anything else, just cool water. Now why am I rambling on about all this? Merely to make a point. Our body knows it needs water, lots of it. When we listen to it (our body), we are much healthier and there is even a bonus; our skin is not as wrinkled, so they say anyway. (Just thought I would throw that in, especially for the ladies.) When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, several thousand people got thirsty in that desert region quickly. I've read anywhere from about 600,000 to 2.4 million. Either way you cut it, that's a bunch of thirsty Israelites. Here's the thing. There was more than just physical thirst involved here. From the constant belly-aching, nagging, whining and threats that Moses had to deal with throughout the trip, it is obvious Israel had forgotten God, except for wanting Him to pull their butts out of the fire - in slavery in Egypt, when they were thirsty, when Pharaoh came after them, when they were hungry, and ad infinitum. Here at Marah they thought their problem was physical thirst, but their real problem was a lack of spiritual thirst. They were thirsty for H2O, but they didn't have a thirst for God, other than wanting Him to appease their discomfort. One of their own, the apostle Paul, said many years later: "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:11-13). That's a far cry from the belly-aching Moses had to deal with from Paul's ancestors. When reading the book of Exodus, I always scratch my head (figuratively) and say something like, "What's wrong with these idiots?" Over and over again they show their desire for the earthly things but no desire for spiritual things. Finally, it came down to only Joshua and Caleb (and their families) of that generation being allowed to enter the Promised Land. All the others died off during 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, just going around in circles. When the 40 years were up, their children were allowed to enter the land their parents never saw. I believe we have reached that plateau of ignorance in our day. There is no thirst for the spiritual. Oh, you betcha, we cling to what the world has to offer but have no room for God ... unless we're sick, broke, jobless, dying, or whatever. We're just going around in circles like the wandering Israelites in the desert. The Bible tells us that just before Christ's return there will be a great apostasy. "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:3). "Falling away" is a falling away from the faith which is 'apostasy.' How long will the apostasy of our day be allowed to continue before Jesus removes His Church and allows the "man of sin" to come on the scene? I don't know, but I do believe we are living on borrowed time. Any day Jesus could call out to His bride (the Church), "Come up here." Millions upon multiplied millions of people are risking their souls for a drop of water offered by the world instead of the Water of the Word, the Son of God, freely given by God. "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost" (Isaiah 55:1). I've always loved this verse. It has God's grace written all over it. Salvation cannot be bought. It is free to all who will come to Jesus Christ to be saved. Jesus paid dearly for it. "But there is a great difference between Adam's sin and God's gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. And the result of God's gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man's sin. For Adam's sin led to condemnation, but God's free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins" (Romans 5:15-16). Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Devotion: The Evidence of Discipleship - by Greg Laurie - By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. -John 15:8 - Listen Spiritual fruit doesn't grow overnight. You don't go into your backyard, pull up a chair in front of your peach tree, and then wait for the peaches to grow. (You could, but you wouldn't see anything.) However, if you were to set up a camera with time-lapse photography, you would see dramatic growth over a period of time. Jesus said, "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples" (John 15:8 NKJV). If you are truly a disciple of Jesus, then you will have spiritual fruit in your life. That means results. It means evidence. One of the first things we do as Christians is produce what Jesus called "fruits worthy of repentance" (Matthew 3:8 NKJV). For example, maybe your friend says, "Let's go get a drink after work." "I don't do that anymore." "What? You don't do that anymore? What's wrong with you?" "It isn't what's wrong with me; it's what's right with me," you say. "Christ has come into my life." People know you by the fruit of your repentance. You stopped doing some things and started doing godly things instead. That intrigues them and also perplexes them. As disciples of Jesus, we should be known by our repentance. A change in your conduct is spiritual fruit. Galatians 5:22-23 says, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (NKJV). Giving praise and thanks to God is a way of bearing fruit. We are told in Hebrews 13:15, "By Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name" (NKJV). When we sing praises to God, that is bringing forth fruit. Can people see spiritual fruit in your life? ![]() FROM THE HEART
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