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Prophecy Update Newsletter
September 9, 2016
The Planned Progression of Parallel Purposes - By Gene Lawley -
Two parties have great plans for this world. One is bent on having a one world government in their control for selfish reasons of great magnitude. That party is made up of New World Order proponents who speak of their goal in glowing terms of peaceful law and order...for them. I have identified them as the Tower of Babel Syndrome, reaching as far back as that episode recorded in Genesis 11. The other party is God, the Sovereign of the Universe, who seems to have a knack for letting mankind do their thing, seemingly, and then turning those activities into the progressive realization of His own ultimate purpose. In this article I want to show how the actions of that cartel for world control will be, in fact, God's vehicle to bring about their demise and His glory. In Psalm 75:6-8 we are told this: "For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south, but God is the Judge. He puts down one, and exalts another. For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is fully mixed, and He pours it out. Surely its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth drain and drink down." The continuity of the context indicates that the placement of a certain one in authority is to establish a basis for eventual judgment. One can observe that mankind has the unique incapability of righteously governing themselves for any lengthy time period. Paul writes to Timothy of this degenerating actuality in 2 Timothy 3:13, saying, "But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." When Daniel laid out the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in chapter 2 of the book of Daniel, the image of a man was seen, made up of various metals from head to toe. The head was of gold and represented the king's regime and was followed by four other future kingdoms. Note the diminishing value of the metals as the future kingdoms represented unfold: "This image's head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay" (Daniel 2:32-33). The interpretation of the dream reveals five kingdoms represented by the image of a man. The first one, Babylon, had the head of gold--Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom. In succession, the next kingdom to rule was of silver that was displayed in the image's chest and arms. It is later identified as the Medo-Persian empire, a duel leadership situation adequately shown as the chest with the two arms. The third kingdom was of bronze, shown as the belly and thighs of the image. This one is identified as Alexander the Great's Greek empire. It is said of him that his last complaint as he died was that there were no more worlds for him to conquer! Then, we come to the fourth kingdom to rule the world, known to us as Rome in the time of Christ. That one was shown as iron, a strong metal, but iron rusts and disintegrates over time. That is what happened to the old Holy Roman Empire-"holy" perhaps because it linked up with the Roman Catholic Church and fading away because of rampant immorality. One thing is different, however, about this fourth one-it had an extension of two feet of iron, also, having ten toes, which were iron mixed with clay. That continues to imply a weaker, softer integrity of character, one that is saturated with the immorality and godlessness of a degenerate people. In these recounts over these past centuries, it is easy to see that secular history is parallel with Bible prophecy. There could be questions of why did it take God so long to bring about the soon conclusion of mortal human history of manmade governments, ostensibly speaking, that is. Recall, if you will, that there were many centuries before God called Abraham out to begin the Hebrew nation and people, out of which was to come the Messiah, the Savior of the world, especially of those who believe (see 1 Timothy 4:10). And, in Galatians 4:4, the Scripture says this: "But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman...." When John wrote of his vision in Revelation 13, he saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads with ten horns having ten crowns on them. On the beast the seventh head was unclear-in chapter 17:8, it is described as, "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition." We know that it is speaking of that seventh head because verse 11 follows with identification of the beast's eighth head, as, "The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition." (That "perdition" is the lake of fire, in which he and his false prophet will be thrown to burn forever and ever -- Revelation 19:20). The ten horns with ten crowns that John saw compares to the ten toes Daniel saw on his image of a man, and these compare to the ten regions the planners for a one world government have envisioned. North America is one of those regions and includes Canada, the United States and Mexico. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), activated in the late 1900s, is evidence of the progress of that planning, and no doubt has much to do with the obvious reluctance of national leaders to close borders and protect American sovereignty. Daniel looked ahead and saw four kingdoms, yet that fourth one, the legs of the image, had extended characteristics-two feet and ten toes. John looks back from his standing in that fourth kingdom of Daniel's vision, but the sixth kingdom of his vision. There were two kingdoms, or heads, prior to Daniel in Babylon-Assyria and Egypt. John writes of that seventh-and eighth-head as future. He says, in Revelation 17: 8, "The beast that was, and is not, and yet is." The history of the seven headed beast, as world kingdoms or world governments, is summed up in Revelation 17:10: "There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time." When Daniel 9:27's prophecy of a coming confirmation of a covenant for seven years is activated, and the pretribulation Rapture occurs, that one who brings the covenant to pass will come out in the open, "conquering and to conquer," as Revelation 6 tells us. We see him working to bring together those ten toes to develop that New World Order that is now an open secret among the global elite. As that one world government, so longed for by the elite and developed from the foundation of a world-wide control of the money supply through the banking systems, it will only continue a short time. Revelation 17:10, above, tells us that. Then, the Antichrist will tire of trying to work with those "ten horns" and will dump them and take over as the eighth head of the beast. The timing of this action will coincide with his entry into the temple and declaring himself as God and demanding the worship of all mankind on earth. It will happen halfway through that seven year covenant period, as shown in Daniel 9:27. (See also 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.) Here we have advanced knowledge of God's "planned progression" of His side of the parallel unfolding of secular plans for the world and those of our sovereign God. Since the days of Cain, man has had his own ideas about his destiny, and they did not include God. Probably topping the list of frontline perpetrators of a one world government, a world-dominating kingdom, in these last few centuries, has been the Rothschild dynasty. From the earliest days of the development of banking systems, they have led the way. Presidents have been assassinated to retain control of the money supply of this nation. One Rothschild is said to have declared in the early 1800s, "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I will not care what its laws are." Thus we come to Psalm 75:6-8 again, which declares that God sets up one and puts down another, meaning that He is the one who decides who will be the leader of a country. And with that revelation, we can recall the 2008 campaign rhetoric of Barack Hussein Obama saying, "Come join me in fundamentally transforming America forever!" And again, his April 30, 2016, statement, "The end of the Republic has never looked better" continues and seems to highlight a soon conclusion to that theme of American destruction. Apparently, it was his way of summing up the real success of his two terms as president of the United States. Those parallel plans of the secular world and the God of heaven are coming down to a single vision. We know what Bible prophecy says will take place, but we merely wait for the secular planners to activate what God has already planned for them to do. Contact email: [email protected] Golan Heights Set to Become Flashpoint Between Israel & Hezbollah - By Sean Savage -
Well into its fifth year, the Syrian civil war continues to show no signs of dissipating. While the conflict has drawn in a number of regional and global powers including the U.S., Russia, Turkey and Iran, Israel has largely remained on the sidelines. Yet for the Jewish state, the conflict does have profound consequences, notably from the threat stemming from Iran and its Lebanese terror proxy Hezbollah. Hezbollah is in the final stages of launching "large-scale" operations in the Quneitra in the Golan Heights region in southern Syria, a Sept. 5 report from the Iranian semi-official Fars News Agency shows. "The Syrian army and Hezbollah fighters have been working on a joint plan to end militancy in Southern Syria, particularly near the Golan Heights," the report states. "Hezbollah has deployed a large number of its forces at Quneitra passage which has connected the Syrian territories to the occupied Golan." David Daoud, research analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), told the situation along the Golan Heights was "troubling." "Ostensibly, the Hezbollah operation is aimed at rooting out Sunni jihadists from the area bordering Quneitra," Daoud said. "Assuming the operation succeeds, it's unlikely Hezbollah and allied forces will simply withdraw from the area. They will take up new positions bordering Israel." The Golan Heights has long been a flashpoint within the larger Arab-Israeli conflict, owing to its geography sitting high above northern Israel. After years of Syrian-sponsored terror attacks and threats to Israel's north, Israel gained control of the Golan Heights during the 1967 Six-Day War. After Israel briefly lost the territory during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel and Syria established a United Nations-monitored cease-fire line in the region, with Israel taking control of the western two-thirds of the area. In 1981, Israel essentially annexed the Golan when it extended Israeli civil law to the territory. Now, the Golan is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and tourists, and is famous for its wine production, hiking, and skiing. Despite being firmly under Israeli control, the Golan Heights has not been immune to fighting in nearby Syria over the course of the civil war. Mortar fire and rockets have sporadically landed in Israeli territory as a result of fighting between factions inside of Syria. While most of these shells have not been directed against Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces holds the Syrian government responsible and has occasionally hit targets on the Syrian side. As the chief terror proxy of Iran, Hezbollah has been deeply involved in the Syrian civil war since 2013 where they have fought in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government forces. Hezbollah's decision to involve itself in the neighboring civil war has profound consequences for the terrorist organization both strategically and militarily. Late last year, it was estimated between 1,300 and 1,500 of its fighters were killed in Syria, according to the Times of Israel. The terror group also lost one of its most senior military commanders, Mustafa Badreddine, under mysterious circumstances at the Damascus airport in May. More recently, Hezbollah fighters have been heavily involved in operations near Aleppo in northern Syria, where the terror group has sustained significant causalities, with 26 fighters being killed in June alone. Nevertheless, with the support of Iran and Russia, Hezbollah and the Syrian government have made progress against rebel groups near Aleppo. Mordechai Keder, PhD, a former IDF military intelligence officer, who now serves as a senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, told that Hezbollah and Iran see Syria as an opportunity to further enhance their regional ambitions. "Hezbollah and Iran see no future for Syria, which is disintegrating, and decided to do exactly what the others do, take part of Syria for themselves," Kedar said. "The Eastern side of the Golan is on territorial contiguity with Lebanon, so since Hezbollah is on Israel's border with Lebanon, Hezbollah can be also on Israel's border with Syria." "With the Iranians backing them it is much safer than without Iran," he added. Hezbollah has significantly bolstered its weapons arsenal since its last conflict with Israel in 2006. According to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Hezbollah went to war with Israel in 2006 with around 13,000 short-range and medium-range rockets, but today "it could have over 100,000 rockets and missiles, including a number of long-range systems as well as systems with improved accuracy, allowing it to strike throughout Israel and with increased precision." Daoud, of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, said, "Israel is concerned about Hezbollah's build-up in Syria, namely using the chaos of the conflict to acquire so-called 'game-changing weapons,' but also its entrenchment opposite the Israeli-held Golan Heights. Israel calls this it's 'red line' in Syria and has even raised its concerns over this with Moscow." As such, over the course of the civil war, Israel has also frequently hit targets related to Hezbollah, striking weapons shipments or targeting Hezbollah leaders, in order keep the terror group from using the civil war to further grow its arsenal. "Israel has repeatedly taken direct action against Hezbollah crossing these "red lines," by striking weapons shipments to the Shiite organization while they are still in Syria," Dauod said. "They have also carried out strikes against Hezbollah and IRGC commanders - like Jihad Mughniyeh, Mohammad Issa and Samir Kuntar, and most likely also Mustafa Badreddine - who were attempting to build a second front against the Israelis in Syria." While the threat of Hezbollah opening up a second front against Israel in the Golan Heights remains serious, there are also active groups operating in the area, such as the anti-government Free Syrian Army, the Islamic State (Yarmouk Brigade) and the Southern Front. FDD's Daoud also cautioned that the report of a Hezbollah buildup in the Golan Heights region must also be "treated with skepticism" given the fact that pro-government forces, including Hezbollah, have been tied up as a result of heavy fighting in the Aleppo region. "Just last month, there was another report that Assad would be sending Hezbollah forces southward," he said. "But with the critical Aleppo operation not proceeding as smoothly as the regime and its allies would like, and with their high casualty rate, it's doubtful they would take away forces from that area to send them southward." Russian Mideast push could hurt US influence... if talks occur - By Bradley Klapper -
Moscow has clamored for years to host Israeli-Palestinian summit, but even after Thursday's announcement there's still no firm date or agenda American influence over the Middle East could slip a notch after Israel and the Palestinians agreed in principle to Russian-organized talks in Moscow. That is, if the negotiations ever happen. Russia has clamored unsuccessfully for years to host such a gathering and the Russian Foreign Ministry's announcement on Thursday included no date or agenda for the future get-together. Making the meeting even more uncertain: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' demands that Israel first halt all settlement construction in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, and release about two dozen Palestinian prisoners. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejects the preconditions. If the meeting occurs, it would surely rattle the region's tumultuous ground further. The United States has maintained a stranglehold over all Mideast peace processes since the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, seen by Israelis and Palestinians alike as the indispensable mediator and only power that could guarantee a two-state solution. But the Obama administration doesn't appear to enjoy that recognition any longer. The degradation of America's standing coincides with its difficulty projecting its vision across the Middle East. On Syria, Washington has pleaded with Russia for a ceasefire even as Moscow advances the position of the Russian-backed government over US-supported rebels. In the war against the Islamic State, the US has been unable to secure a quick victory and is challenged by fighting among allies such as Turkey and the Kurds. In Yemen, the US has lost hope of ally Saudi Arabia pushing Iranian-backed Houthis out of the capital by force. State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Thursday rejected the notion that the US is losing primacy in the region. But he appeared skeptical that it was the right time for such a meeting in Moscow. "We need to make sure that any face-to-face talks have the right climate in which to succeed in," Toner told reporters. He specifically cited Israel's ongoing settlement activity and Palestinian glorification of violence as hindrances to a peace settlement. Abbas has been fishing for the last couple of years for an alternative peace process, frustrated with President Barack Obama's inability to make any progress on a peace deal. He has welcomed a new French initiative that foresees a separate Israeli-Palestinian peace conference before the year's end, but involving more global powers like last year's Iran nuclear diplomacy. He also wants UN Security Council action. Netanyahu, too, is making a statement by tentatively accepting the overture from Russia, which has traditionally pitted itself as the strongest advocate of the Palestinians among the Quartet of Mideast peace mediators. Washington is seen as Israel's champion. The United Nations and European Union are somewhere in between. Netanyahu, whose relationship with Obama has always been frosty, is fearful the US president may try to initiate a new process in his last days in office, or seek to use his remaining clout to wring Israeli concessions, Western officials with knowledge of the private diplomatic discussions say. As a result, Netanyahu has been trying to beat back any new American initiative he might see as threatening by starting a separate process first, according to the officials, who weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity. He has discussed a new track with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and floated different ideas to European leaders. None of these endeavors has been clearly defined. Netanyahu "likes the idea of a counter-initiative," said David Makovsky at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, while Russian President Vladimir Putin gets another opportunity to "poke the US in the eye." The Palestinians seek to establish an independent state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem - territories Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war. Netanyahu refuses to accept Israel's pre-1967 lines as a basis for border talks. There have been no meaningful Israeli-Palestinian talks since Netanyahu took office in 2009. The last round broke down in 2014 after months of fruitless, primarily indirect negotiations brokered by Secretary of State John Kerry. If a Moscow meeting takes place, the chances for substantial progress would seem slim. And that also may explain why American officials are tempering their comments. Aaron David Miller, a former Mideast negotiator in Democratic and Republican administrations, questioned whether Putin's peacemaking offer was serious. Nevertheless, he said in a recent opinion piece, the US should let the Russian leader try. "Putin would almost certainly fail, tarnishing his vaunted image and likely angering Israelis and Palestinians," Miller wrote. But he said if Russia can "insert itself in the middle of the game, it would only reinforce the impression that Moscow is a key player and has exploited successfully the vacuum the Obama administration has created through what its critics charge is an abdication of leadership." Putin-Erdogan deal for Syria is ME exit for Obama -
The fledgling "initiatives" reverberating this week in Washington, Moscow, Ankara, Jerusalem and the G20 summit were nothing but distractions from the quiet deals struck by two lead players, Russia and Turkey to seize control of the region's affairs. Recep Tayyip Erdogan knew nothing would come of his offer on the G20 sidelines to US President Barack Obama to team up for a joint operation to evict ISIS from Raqqa. And, although Moscow was keen on hosting the first handshake in almost a decade between Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), neither were known to be ready for the last step toward a meeting. But the game-changing events to watch out for took place in Hangzhou without fanfare - namely, the Obama-Putin talks and the far more fruitful encounter between Putin and Erdogan. According to debkafile's intelligence and Mid East sources, Putin virtually shut the door on further cooperation with the United States in Syria. He highhandedly informed Obama that he now holds all the high cards for controlling the Syrian conflict, whereas Washington was just about out of the game. Putin picked up the last cards, our sources disclose, in a secret deal with Erdogan for Russian-Turkish collaboration in charting the next steps in the Middle East. The G20 therefore, instead of promoting new US-Russian understanding, gave the impetus to a new Russian-Turkish partnership. Erdogan raked in instant winnings: Before he left China, he had pocketed Putin's nod to grab a nice, 4, slice of northern Syria, as a "security zone" under the control of the Turkish army and air force, with Russian non-interference guaranteed. This Turkish zone would include the Syrian towns of Jarablus, Manjib, Azaz and Al-Bab. Ankara would reciprocate by withdrawing its support from the pro-US and pro-Saudi rebel groups fighting the Assad army and its allies in the area north of Aleppo. Turkey's concession gave Putin a selling-point to buy the Syrian ruler assent to Erdogan's project. Ankara's selling-point to the West was that the planned security zone would provide a safe haven for Syrian refugees and draw off some of the outflow perturbing Europe. It now turns out that, just as the Americans sold the Syrian Kurds down the river to Turkey (when Vice President Joe Biden last month ordered them to withdraw from their lands to the eastern bank of the Euphrates River or lose US support), so too are the Turks now dropping the Syrian rebels they supported in the mud by re-branding them as "terrorists." The head of this NATO nation has moreover gone behind America's back for a deal with the Russian ruler on how to proceed with the next steps of the Syrian conflict. Therefore, when US Secretary of State John Kerry met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Geneva Thursday and Friday, Sept. 8-9, for their sixth and seventh abortive sit-downs on the Syrian issue, there was not much left for them to discuss, aside from continuing to coordinate their air traffic over Syria and the eastern Mediterranean. Washington and Moscow are alike fearful of an accidental collision in the sky in the current inflammable state of relations between the two powers. As a gesture of warning, a Russian SU-25 fighter jet Tuesday, Sept 6, intercepted a US Navy P8 plane flying on an international route over the Black Sea. When the Russian jet came as close as 12 feet, the US pilots sent out emergency signals - in vain, because the Russian plane's transponder was switched off. The American plane ended up changing course. Amid these anomalies, Moscow pressed ahead with preparations to set up a meeting between the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, as the Russian Foreign Ministry announced Thursday. Putin is keen to succeed where the Obama administration failed. John Kerry abandoned his last effort at peacemaking as a flop two years ago. But it is hard to see Netanyahu or Abu Mazen rushing to play along with the Russian leader's plan to demean the US president in the last months of his tenure - especially when no one can tell who will win the November 8 presidential election - Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump - or what policies either will pursue. All the region's actors will no doubt be watching closely to see how Turkey's "Russian track" plays out and how long the inveterate opportunists can hang together. This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' - Hal Lindsey -
It's been a little over a year since the P5+1 nations, led by the United States, agreed to the Iran nuclear deal. Throughout the negotiations, Americans sensed that we were being intentionally left in the dark about many things. Many of us felt that we were actually lied to about other things. Over time, we saw a major shift in the priorities of the Western nations. It slowly became clear that the Obama Administration wanted a deal -- any deal -- no matter the cost. Shortly after the agreement went into effect, we learned that there were parts of it that neither the public, nor most Congresspersons would ever see. Deals within deals. Secrets within secrets. President Obama still sees it as his signature foreign policy achievement. In a press conference last month, he summed up why he believes it will be his legacy. He said, "It worked." But did it? How can we really know? Not only are parts of the agreement incredibly obscure -- so we can never be certain what America actually agreed to -- but Iran operates under such a cloud of secrecy and deception that we can never trust that they are complying with the agreement. And we apparently demanded little or no verification. After the August press conference in which the President touted the success of the deal one year on, Caroline Glick of The Jerusalem Post weighed in with her assessment. She wrote: "As it works out, everything that Obama said about the deal with Iran during his press conference was a lie. Some of his lies became apparent within hours." Pretty strong words, indeed. But not as strong as those from the Israeli Defense Ministry. During his press conference, the President said that Israel "acknowledges that this has been a game changer and Iran has abided by the deal and they no longer have the sort of short-term breakout capacity that would allow them to develop nuclear weapons." Israel responded immediately. And it wasn't in joyous agreement. In fact, the Israeli Defense Ministry compared the Iran nuclear deal to the sell-out of Czechoslovakia by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his meeting with Adolph Hitler at Munich in 1938. They said that Chamberlain's agreement did not prevent World War Two and the Holocaust because the Western leaders ignored the statements of intent that Hitler had been making. They also said that this deal will not prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and that it openly declares its intent to destroy the state of Israel. Remember that the Bible predicts that Iran -- specifically -- will team with Russia -- also described specifically -- to invade Israel in an attempt to destroy it. Can Bible prophecy be any more alive and relevant that it is this very moment? As we say at the top of our show, "Yesterday's prophecies, today's headlines!" Because I have spent a great part of my life immersed in the Bible's prophecies regarding the times in which we live, I am seldom surprised by these events and developments. On the contrary, because I can read the Bible, I expect them. On the other hand, I am usually a bit surprised, and always saddened, when I see Christians line up against God's chosen people, the Jews. And the state of Israel. The establishment of which, may I remind you, started the countdown to the end of this Age on God's timeclock. Last month, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) held its Churchwide Assembly. At that gathering, the delegates representing the individual congregations agreed to join their voices and efforts together to urge America to force Israel to walk the plank. I'm on old sailor, so that's how I would describe it. You may choose to say, "...urge America to force Israel to commit national suicide." Either way, the result is the same. The ELCA has now joined the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, otherwise known as BDS. They seek to isolate Israel, hobble it, and force it to allow the establishment of a full-on terrorist state within its heartland. Under the present circumstances, enabling "an independent Palestinian state," as the ELCA demands, is tantamount to allowing ISIS to live next door. That's because Hamas, which is a globally recognized terrorist organization, will be chosen by the Palestinians to lead the new state. Hamas and ISIS are two peas in the same pod. It amazes me that so many Christians and Christian organizations are quick to demand that Israel put itself and its citizens in mortal danger. They spend time and effort (oftentimes displaying incredible ignorance about the reality on the ground in Israel) in castigating the Israelis for their treatment of the Palestinians and their state. They ignore the fact that there is not and never has been a Palestinian people or a Palestinian state. Yet these same people -- Pope Francis foremost among them -- make no effort to call to task the Islamists who are waging ethnic cleansing and genocide against Christians all across the Middle East. Italian journalist Giulio Meotti observed that the Catholic Church is pushing for the creation of a Palestinian state that "would be the first state after the Nazi Germany to officially ban the Jews and expel the remnant of its Christians." These churches would do well to remember God's promise to Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse." (Genesis 12:3 NASB) Finally, have you ever wondered how two people can see the exact same event or incident and come away with utterly opposite interpretations? The answer is that they see things in different contexts. Individual events are like the millions of dots that form the television picture you watch. We can make sense of them only by seeing them in the larger context. Then they coalesce to form a single image. We make sense of the individual events by seeing them in the larger context. Where do we get that context? It starts with parents, then moves to friends, schools, and the various media, among other contributing factors. As early as six years ago, The New York Times cited a Kaiser Family Foundation study that warned: "The average young American now spends practically every waking minute -- except for time in school -- using a smart phone, computer, television or other electronic device." That was six years ago! Imagine how much truer that is today! Young lives are literally saturated with messages from school and the media. These two activities fill their days and their minds. Those two institutions -- school and media -- provide the context within which the young will see the world. And, with few exceptions, the messages from school and the media stand in direct and firm opposition to the God of the Bible. On this week's program, I want to discuss with you how Satan is the power behind the "atmosphere of thought" in the world system Before we believe in Jesus Christ and are born spiritually, we are unwittingly dominated by this atmosphere. Satan rules the thoughts of the world system. He injects his venom into education, philosophy, mass media, the arts, style, and culture. And he will use a lake of truth to disguise a pint of poison. His deceptions about life and its purpose are lethal. He bombards us with his worldview everyday using entertainment, education, and even some churches. That is why it is critical that you understand the difference between approaching life from the Human Viewpoint or the Divine Viewpoint. One leads to life and victory. The other leads to struggle, disappointment, and even eternal loss. Tune in this week to see if you are taking full advantage of the Divine Viewpoint in your life and successfully remaining in full fellowship with your Redeemer. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or . Check your local listings. Watch this week's Report before it airs! An HD quality MP4 download of each week's show will now be available for purchase from the website. Visit the store at to get your report. ![]()
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: The Government's Takeover of the World Wide Web - By Bill Perkins -
Shush...they don't want you to know this, but.... One of the reasons Barack Hussein Obama kept the government shutdown continuing could have been to keep the eyes off a secret free-trade agreement he is negotiating between the U.S., Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. It is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and The New York Times called the multination agreement the "most significant international commercial agreement since the creation of the [hideous] World Trade Organization in 1995." Little is known about the contents of this agreement, but what IS known is that it will create new guidelines for food safety, fracking, financial markets, medical pricing, copyright rules and even INTERNET access! The White House recently released a vague statement that we're "on track" to complete the TPP negotiations. What negotiations? What's in this thing? And why won't the White House divulge anything at all? The cloak of secrecy is raising eyebrows. Groups like, Project On Government Oversight and the "Global Campaign for Freedom of Expression and Information" signed a statement saying, "Despite the fact the deal may significantly affect the way we live our lives by limiting our public protections, there has been no public access to even the most fundamental draft agreement texts and other documents" Under every president before B.O., international free-trade agreements were authorized by a majority of the House and Senate. And then only after close scrutiny and lengthy discussions. But the White House is seeking to have it "fast-tracked"...allowing B.O. to sign it before it's even been read, reviewed or voted on. I remember then House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi's brazen response to complaints that they hadn't read the Affordable [sic] Health Care Act. She said: "You have to pass the bill so you can read it." That worked well. And they want to do the same thing again! The few leaks that have come out regarding what's actually in the agreement have even some Democrats worried. Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, wants the White House to disclose all the TPP documents. He said, The majority of Congress is being kept in the dark as to the substance of the TPP negotiations, while representatives of U.S. corporations--like Halliburton, Chevron, PHRMA, Comcast, and the Motion Picture Association of America--are being consulted and made privy to details of the agreement." But B.O. won't budge. Wonder what he's up to this time? If his lips are moving.. Lori Wallach of The New York Times wrote, "Only 5 of its 29 chapters cover traditional trade matters, like tariffs or quotas. The others impose parameters on non-trade policies. Existing andfuture American laws must be altered to conform with these terms, or trade sanctions can be imposed against American exports." Alan West, former Congressman from Florida, said, "Obama wants fast track power so he can conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an expansive system of global governance that would deal a mortal blow to American sovereignty and our Constitution." An area that makes Compass extremely nervous is anything changing or regulating the Internet, especially if B.O. is for it. If it weren't for conservative radio, television and the Internet, B.O. would be in a full-gallop at this point--even though he's moving quite rapidly, it could be worse! Jim Hightower wrote on Buzzflash that the deal would: "Transform Internet serviceproviders into a private, Big Brother police force, empowered to monitor our 'user activity' arbitrarily take down our content and cut off our access to the Internet." The Electronic Frontier Foundation argued the TPP would "restrict the ability of Congress to engage in domestic law reform to meet the evolving IP needs of American citizens." I can't imagine the government being in control of the Internet. They already openly punish their adversaries with IRS audits and penalties ... imagine what they could do with control of the Internet! Blocked sites, fines, URLs denied and who knows what else. And the worst of all of this, B.O. will probably get what he wants. But even if he doesn't get it now, we know that the Bible tells us that total control over every person's every transaction by a world government will eventually come.The technology is in place today to mark every person with an individual scannable imprint. "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides thatno one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:16-17). So we know where this will end up. Without the mark/global ID, won't be able to get a driver's license, travel by plane or train, open a bank account or get a job. Fortunately, this comes together in the Tribulation, after the Church is removed via the Rapture. And the Rapture MUST be getting close because we're sure seeing today all the final-days prophecies coming together exactly as written! Daily Jot: Exposed: Clinton's enablement of terrorists - Bill Wilson -
In September of 2011, my ministry partner William Agbeti and I shot a news video outside a village in Ghana, West Africa to spotlight that it was the victim of a nomadic Islamic tribe called Fulani that migrated from Nigeria. The Fulani were linked to Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist group who had slaughtered hundreds of Nigerian Christians and in 2015 pledged support to the Islamic State. The Fulani entered villages in Ghana and forced the elders to yield, convert or die. Entire villages had been slaughtered-men, women and children. Little did I know that this video in front of that village that had been terrorized by the Fulani would intersect me with Hillary Clinton and her dealings as Secretary of State. On May 7, 2014, Josh Rogin of The Daily Beast reported: "In the past week, Clinton, who made protecting women and girls a key pillar of her tenure at the State Department, has been a vocal advocate for the 200 Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram...On Wednesday, Clinton said that the abduction of the girls by Boko Haram was "abominable, it's criminal, it's an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible, first and foremost from the government of Nigeria."... What Clinton didn't mention was that her own State Department refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the group bombed the U.N. headquarters in Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen senators and congressmen." It seems more than coincidence that Nigerian oil dealer Kase Lawal, a devout Muslim, was a Hillary Clinton "bundler" during her last campaign for president, raising over $100,000 for her campaign from his home in Houston, and influenced millions in contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative. World Magazine reports that Lawal's dealings, which include some $2.5 billion in annual revenue, depended on Boko Haram warlords who controlled certain Nigerian oilfields, dating back to 2011 when Clinton was fighting against having Boko Haram declared a terrorist group. World Magazine lists numerous dealings by Lawal with terrorists and murderers where he depended on Clinton's State Department to assist him. Agbeti provides this insight from our ministry in Ghana: "There is common knowledge that America is scaling up from being the world's "policeman" to being a fore-runner in the establishment of a one-world government...We know Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, ISIS and the like are fighting to establish a one-world order, too. We believe it has nothing to do with religion. It is an economic empire they want to build, using religion to cow everyone and establish "forced peace." The concept transcends the borders of Islam, attracting the support of other one-world die-hards...It comes without surprise to some of us native Africans, therefore, that the Clintons and [sic the US "president"] have a soft spot for and love affair with Boko Haram, etc." As you can see, Clinton decries the actions of terrorists on one hand, but refused to designate them as terrorists on the other because she was benefiting financially from a friend of the terrorists. This convoluted corruption is the hallmark of Hillary Clinton's body of work as a human being. Christian girls in Nigeria were raped and forced into sex slavery at the hands of Boko Haram. Men, women, and children in peaceful Christian villages in Ghana faced horrible deaths at the hands of these terrorists. Yet Clinton fought to ensure that they were neither declared nor dealt with as terrorists because of money going into her campaign and foundation. It makes Benghazi a walk in the park. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Clinton's one of them. Sources: Daily Devotion: Cries in the Storm - Greg Laurie -
The LORD says, "I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble." -Psalm 91:14-15 An old sea captain who was quite vocal about his atheism was washed overboard one night during a storm. His men heard him crying out to God for help. After his rescue, someone said, "I thought you didn't believe in God." He replied, "Well, if there isn't a God, there ought to be for times like this." Some people have to hit rock bottom before they will cry out to God. C. S. Lewis wrote, "The atheist too has his moments of shuddering misgiving, of an all but irresistible suspicion that old tales may after all be true." Sometimes the hardships of life are the very things that bring us to God. I remember a letter from someone who made a commitment to Christ at a Harvest Crusade. Her husband had a stroke, and she also was having problems with her mother. This woman became upset with God as all these things hit at once. Then her eight-year-old daughter heard about the Harvest Crusade and wanted to go. She wrote, "When the invitation was given, my daughter wanted to go forward, so I went with her. But little did I know that God was sending me down, too." She went on to say, "After a few minutes, I fell on my knees, and I felt His love. I knew that He loves me and has forgiven me. You have saved my life, not only my soul." That is a beautiful letter from someone who had hit rock bottom. In Psalm 91 God says, "I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble" (verses 14-15). In the midst of our storms, we need to cry out to Jesus. FROM THE HEART
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