Prophecy Update Newsletter
18-Years and a Day - By Pete Garcia - Most of you remember where you were on that fateful morning. I was in my senior year of college, living in a crummy old apartment that didn't central air or heat, heck, we didn't even have television. I had been sleeping in that morning since I didn't have any early class that day; and also, I was sleeping off the previous night's outings. But I remember my roommate (who was a bartender at the time) come running into my room yelling that we were under attack. At first, I thought people were trying to break into the apartment, but it was daylight and it seemed an odd time for a home invasion. But he was seriously panicked and all he could say was that terrorists were attacking America. Not much for hyperbole, I got up and dressed and we drove over to another friend's house who actually had a working TV, and we watched the news, for what seemed like hours. It seemed so surreal, like we were watching a movie or something. However, I think the only movie at the time that could even compare was the Sci-Fi Independence Day. I was set to commission in the Army that next May, but all I could think about was this is not going to go over well...or soon. The world had changed in a day. I mean, the world was one way on September the 10th, 2001; and then it completely changed forever the next. And despite the carnage and senseless loss of life, I was proud of my country for how we came together. Blacks, whites, straights, gays, atheists, Christians, everyone set their differences aside for the briefest of moments, and realized their collective humanity. What the enemy had done was so senseless, and with such a violent violation of our trust, that it angered us all equally. As a nation, we rallied and quickly found where the attack had initiated from and then unleashed hell upon a country bent on staying in the 13th-century. Or did we? How many of the 9/11 attackers were Afghani? How many were Saudi? Why didn't we launch an attack on Saudi Arabia instead of Afghanistan? Too many questions and who was I to ask. I simply did what everyone else did, and went to school. I listened to the news, tried to make sense of what all had just transpired, and grieved with the rest of America. Until the Patriot Act passed unanimously. But more questions arose. I thought, how could a security bill this comprehensive pass both houses and get signed into law in less than two months? That had to be the first and only time a bill of that magnitude had passed in a bipartisan unison that quickly. Again, who was I to ask such things? I was just some dumb college kid. Within the year, many conspiracies began to surface about how the buildings (Towers I and II) came down so quickly. More questions surfaced regarding the attack at the Pentagon. What happened to the plane wreckage? Where is the video footage from the camera's facing that part of the building? How did the plane create the hole that it did in the side of the Pentagon? Again, I pushed those troubling issues to the back of my mind and focused on finishing school. To this day I don't know. I would say that time should have settled these questions with valid explanations, yet, events keep happening that seem to defy logical explanation. These events never seem to get answered. They just keep adding to the growing list of odd coincidences that we are just supposed to accept as normal life here in the 21st-century. For example, why are there so many unanswered questions about the following: The Oklahoma City Bombing The Las Vegas shooting Jeffrey Epstein's 'suicide' The Clinton's body-count Where all the billions of dollars from TARP I and II went Pizzagate, NXIVM, and Science Connections I think at the end of the day, these things (some which predate 9/11) add to the mystique of America in its final days. In reality, all these things remind us of dark schemes and mankind's plans behind closed doors in smoke-filled rooms. I doubt seriously that any of us will ever know the truth about the above in our lifetime. But we worship a God who does. He sees everything. He's seen everything. There is nothing hidden from His view, nor is there any scheming that somehow escapes His understanding. Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us." He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: "Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion." Psalm 2:1-6 Assessment As we approach the 18th anniversary of 9/11, I want you to reflect back on how much (and how fast) things have changed since then. And my, how things have changed in America in the last 18-years. We are now more divided (politically and ideologically) than we have been since the Civil War. It has moved beyond just Republican vs. Democrat, but also between Capitalist and Socialist. Between a nationalist and globalist. Between those who demand our demise, and those trying to preserve it. Were another 9/11-like event happen, I do not think we could come together again as we did 18-years ago. We even have elected politicians now who refer to 9/11 as simply "some people who did some things." After 18-years, we have arrived to a point in our nation, were to say publically who actually carried out the attacks (19 Islamists), is considered offensive. We have arrived at a time in our nation where the original flag of the 13 colonies (the Betsy Ross flag) is considered offensive. In fact, anything that does not align itself with the ever-shifting leftist progressive narrative is deemed offensive and racist. Truth is now offensive speech is quickly labeled "hate speech." It is then targeted through silencing, economic boycotts, social media blackouts, and physical violence (Antifa). All of which, are considered perfectly acceptable tactics that are championed with zealous, almost religious vigor by the technocrats in Silicon Valley, the liberals in Hollywood, and establishment politicians (Swamp creatures) in Washington D.C. We here in 2019, have finally arrived in George Orwell's 1984. Make no mistake about it, American is under a far greater attack today, then it ever was on 9/11/01. They (leftist, progressives, globalists) are attacking the very fabric of what makes America exceptional in the first place, primarily that being our Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights. What starts out as revisionist history perpetrated by progressives in our education system over a period of decades, results in the physical destruction to actual monuments. They first go after the Confederate statues, because hey, those are easy targets. But then they go after anyone who had ever owned a slave, such as Thomas Jefferson and a few of the other founding fathers. But that is not the end game for them. It was never about statues nor even slavery, but about the Constitution itself. [The Democrats were the party of slavery, so if they truly cared about that as an issue, they would have disowned their own party a long time ago.] However, if they can link slavery and racism to men like Jefferson and Washington, they can then impugn the documents they helped author (i.e., the Constitution). This, even though those very documents (Bill of Rights, Dec. of Ind.) were the foundation and the system by which we destroyed the practice of slavery in the US. In summary: tear down statues of confederate heroes- no one complains because the south represented slavery and oppression. Next they want to tear down statues of our national forefathers because they once owned slaves. Next, they'll go after our founding documents, because they were written by men who owned slaves, even though the documents speak to the greatest freedoms the world has ever known. Never forget that all of this is about fundamentally deconstructing the United States and remaking it into a socialist, globalist, borderless, country. The leftist-progressives have become brazen in their attempts to dismantle the Bill of Rights bit by bit. They're using political correctness (i.e., cultural Marxism) to attack the First Amendment rights. They're currently using mass shootings to attack the Second Amendment rights. [They never seem to mention the fact that the democratically controlled cities with the strictest gun laws, also have the highest murder rates in the US.] However, this article does not even begin to touch on the numerous other issues which threaten to dismantle our nation at its core: open borders, sanctuary cities, removal of the LGBTQ anti-religious agenda (destruction of the family unit), transhumanism, artificial intelligence, and forced globalization. Multi-Domain Operations It is doubtful that the 9/11 Islamist attackers could have known or planned all of the second and third-order effects which would begin on that fateful day. They simply wanted to destroy the "great Satan" and spread their brutal, demonic religion. But their master Satan did. We, finite humans, look at these problems at the micro-physical level and try to attack the symptoms rather than acknowledge the source of the problem. Satan is real, and is the driving force for all that is wrong in the world. He focuses on the macro-view and the long game. He needs the United States, as it is currently constructed, out of the way so that he can raise up his final world kingdom headed by his man, the Antichrist. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 The Antichrist will be a man, whom Satan will throw all of his enormous power, knowledge, wealth, might, and resources (both physical and spiritual) behind to bring in this final, world system. Satan originally offered this to Jesus Christ in His forty-day temptation in the desert (Luke 4:5-7), but Christ rebuked Satan with Scripture. Notice that Christ did not tell Satan the kingdoms of this world were not his to give, but rather, His rebuked focused on Satan's attempt to get Him to commit apostasy and blasphemy. Make no mistake, all that ails the world and the United States, is not simply ideological or political, but it is spiritual. As Don Koenig rightfully noted, the US is currently being used a "restrainer of empires" in our day and age. But that time for that role, is quickly coming to an end. Conclusion Let 9/11 forever burn hot in our collective memories. Let us commit to ourselves, and our children, to never forget what evil men in this world are capable of doing. Let us not forget that our nation was designed in the purposes of God to serve as a restrainer of geopolitical evil. Yet, at some point, that restraint by God is going to be removed. Sir Alexander Fraser Tytler, a 19th-century Scottish philosopher, once noted the eight-stage cycle of a nation. It goes; 1. From bondage to spiritual faith; 2. From spiritual faith to great courage; 3. From courage to liberty; 4. From liberty to abundance; 5. From abundance to complacency; 6. From complacency to apathy; 7. From apathy to dependence; 8. From dependence back into bondage. I believe that we are either in stage 7, or stage 8, considering that we have academia, elected officials, and others all lobbying for socialism (as if the 20th century were not filled to the brim with reasons not too). Understanding that, let us as Christians use 9/11 as a mark on the wall, to note the rapidity by which we are racing toward the final week of years. Despite the socio-economic decay surrounding us, let us be hopeful because we know that our redemption comes first. That on that one day; that special day; the Day of Christ to be more specific, will be when Christ comes to take those who are His, to our real, forever home. Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 2 Thess. 2:1-8 Even so, Maranatha! The 9/11 Attacks and the Soon Coming Day of the Lord! - David Pepe - "9/11" will always be remembered as one of the most horrific and catastrophic events ever in U.S. history. It sobers the mind that such a series of horrific events actually happened in the United States of America. America was completely and totally caught off guard. No one, seemingly, could ever imagine that such a day could have taken place here on U.S. soil. The events that followed were beyond anyone's conception. What transpired on that September 11th morning came as a thief in the night to a sleeping and apathetic nation. It was a beautiful morning on that Tuesday of September 11, 2001. The sky was a clear blue and the early autumn air was crisp and cool. While Washington bickered about miscellaneous matters of state, the majority of Americans that day were living out their narcissistic and self-styled lives. New Yorkers and Americans went about their daily grind oblivious to what would transpire in mere moments. Sudden calamity and terror struck at 8:46 a.m in the financial capital of the entire world. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower. At approximately 9:03 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:37 a.m. another group of Al-Qaeda hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon building. The fourth and final flight, United Airlines Flight 93 - whose ultimate destination was to be either the White House or the United States Capitol building - crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. The heroic efforts of the passengers on board United Airlines Flight 93 prevented even greater devastation and loss. Within one fateful hour, terror, devastation and infamy had shaken to the very foundations a deaf and blind nation. The loss of life on this infamous day was tallied at 2,993 individuals. How could America have missed all the warning signs and clear evidence that such an attack was forthcoming? The bottom line was that the majority of Americans and our government leaders were over-confident, complacent, idle, sloppy, gullible, and apathetic due to our false sense of security and naivete. These had all given a deaf ear to the countless voices of warning that were sounded in the voluminous reports. The blind eye reasoning for this can be summed in the old adage: "It won't ever happen to me (us)". Global Calamity and Shock and Awe Today, as the global events and the godless out workings of base (corrupt) man continue at a "breakneck" speed, the stage is being set for the horrific events on the horizon called "The Tribulation Period", or "The Day of the Lord" (Matt. 24:21-22). The entire world - including America - will be absolutely oblivious to the realities and dire consequences of events to unfold during that time. Ever since the civilization of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9), the world has basically lived in a godless delusion of apathy and subjective narcissism. They have willfully rejected the eternal ordinances of Almighty God and their ultimate accountability to Him. As the terrible calamity of 9-11 overtook, shocked and stunned our nation, so also will be the commencement of horrific events that are due to transpire in that terrible time called "The Day of the Lord." One of the most sobering passages in the Holy Scripture is from the Book of Proverbs in chapter 1, verses 24-31. This passage speaks about those who willingly reject reality and live in a spiritually/ mentally drunken delusion (Rev. 17:2). When evil and anguish come upon these individuals, they are in a total panic because they have rejected absolutes (reality) and truth (wisdom). The consequences of these actions will be their swift destruction on account of their doings. God's Word States: "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind (a powerful tornado); when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices" (Proverbs 1:24-31). So will be the mindset of those during the time when the Day of the Lord commences. These will seek God to render a godless remedy and an unrighteous solution for their consequences and dilemmas. In that day of their calamity they will still reject Almighty God's solutions and deliverance. These individuals have no heart for the absolute truths and realities of time and eternity. They are poisoned with bitterness and filled with violence. They posses only a godless, unrepentant nature rooted in delusion, lust and visions of a temporal (earthly) habitation. They are oblivious to their eternal destiny and will not repent of their godless transgression and be saved, even after all these horrific tribulation events transpire on the earth. (Isa 24; John 3:17-19; 2 Thess. 2:11-12; Rev. 9:20-21; 16:9). The Day of the Lord! The "Day of the Lord" is an ongoing theme throughout both the Old and New Testaments. The exact phrase "Day of the Lord" is mentioned twenty-eight times throughout the two books. Moreover, the phrases "In That Day", "The Day" and "The Great Day" also refer to the "Day of the Lord" and are mentioned over seventy times throughout the Old and New Testaments. The underlying theme of all of them is the judgment of God. This Day will commence directly after the Rapture of the Church, which will leave the inhabitants of the earth - especially America - bewildered, astonished and horrified. Following the removal of those who have a saving relationship to God in reality and Biblical truth, "The Day of the Lord" commences with the signing of a peace treaty with the enemies of Israel (Dan 9:27). This peace treaty (covenant) will be strengthened and enforced by none other than the Man of Lawlessness - Lucifer's global fascist, the Anti-Christ (2 Thess. 2:8-9). This time is dominated by the darkness of human delusion, godless insanity and lawlessness (Isa. 2:12-22; Ezek. 13:5; Joel 1:15; 2:1-11; Zeph. 1:7, 14; Zech. 13:1; Matt. 24). The Word of Almighty God states the warning message that this Day will overtake the whole world, lying in its utter narcissistic unbelieving slumber, as a thief in the night! "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" (1 Thess. 5:2-3). "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night" (2 Peter 3:10). Even today the signs and warning bells are loudly ringing. The shofar (ram's horn) of alert is piercing into every facet of civilization. While the Biblical evidence is overwhelming with events transpiring daily, the masses of humanity go about their narcissistic lives with a deaf ear turned to the warning cries of those who comprehend what is coming. Even now, how true is Proverbs 1:24-31 of those in this day. How will they escape such global calamity? My friend, this if very sobering: they will not (1 Thess. 5:3b)! My friend, today as you hear this message of warning, harden not your hearts to the eternal love and strong hand of deliverance found in Almighty God's Savior for the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Make a strong and valiant attempt to be objective about the real reality and true condition of fallen (unregenerate) man. Six thousand years of human history attests to the fact of man's violent attitude and godless actions. How can man bring about a global utopia from the wretched state in which they exist? Before the foundation of the world, Almighty God already had the remedy and solution for Adam's fallen race (Rom. 5:12-19; 1 Peter 1:18-20; Rev. 13:8). The Bible states: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him" (John 3:16-17). "Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father" (Gal 1:4). Oh my Friend, what hope there is! What love divine! What deliverance from the godless ramifications of fallen humanity! Almighty God has a plan and purpose for your life here in time, and a glorious eternal future for you free from the tyranny of sin and the fallen effects of this broken world (1 Cor. 2:9). As surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, the events of "The Day of the Lord" will take place! Be not a scoffer or mocker of the warnings from God's Infallible and Inspired Word (2 Peter 3:3). We have already seen and experienced the horrific events that transpired on September 11, 2001. May we hear with our ears the message and reality of the coming global day of wrath and not dismiss it as foolish heresay. Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, as the Holy Scriptures teach? If not, my friend, place your eternal destiny in His ETERNAL hands. He loves you and wants to save you from the wrath to come. My friend, do you have ears to hear God's call to you? Place your trust in Him today. My friend, on the authority of God's Word you will never be the same! The Kingdom of Heaven truly is at hand! DJP I.F. Nearing Midnight: The Mark of the Beast Goes Mainstream - Todd Strandberg - One of the most helpful tools I use in the analysis of Bible prophecy is a comparison of how people perceived events years ago, and how they view these same events today. In the 1960's the government believed that people with homosexual tendencies were mentally ill. Here in the 21st century, gay is the way. You've probably heard about state officials who try to compel florists or bakers to violate their religious beliefs and participate in same-sex weddings. In Minnesota the state claims the authority to do the same to filmmakers. A Christian film company was told to add gay couples to its film to show the normalcy of same-sex marriage. Another huge change in perception has been how people view technology that could compromise their privacy. I still remember when any news story about software or machines that could track your movements was viewed in a negative light. Today, people are blind to technology that can observe and track everything you do. Employees at the Three Square Market in River Falls, WI, actually celebrated by wearing "I Got Chipped" T-shirts after they were implanted with microchips by their bosses. The firm's Operating Officer Patrick McMullan dismisses any concerns that microchipping his employees is akin to Big Brother. He told detractors to "take your cell phone and throw it away" to defend this invasive practice. Three Square Market is looking to drastically expand the technology and make it standardized, showing how it can already be used to open doors, buy food items, and turn on computer portals. The company's CEO Todd Westby demonstrated how the microchips can effectively store biometric information as well. "I scanned my hand and here's my driver's license information," Westby said, holding up his phone. One of my neighbors has their house wired with Amazon's Alexa device. You can ask Alexa to turn on the lights or play music. You can ask Alexa a silly question like: "Do you have a boyfriend?" or "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" If you ask "Where can I hide a body?" or "What would be the best location to explode an improvised nuclear bomb?" there is a possibility that the FBI might pay you a visit. The internet provides the government with vast powers in controlling the population. One example of this danger is the number of times authorities shut down the internet to control or stifle. Typically used during times of civil unrest or political instability, a shutdown allows officials to stifle the flow of information about government wrongdoing or to stop communication among activists, usually by ordering service providers to cut or slow their customers' internet access. When Zimbabwe turned off the internet during a recent crackdown, Obert Masaraure, a prominent government critic, had no way of knowing when it was safe to emerge from hiding. The Indian government employs the practice more frequently than any other. In 2018, there were at least 196 shutdowns in 25 countries, up from 75 in 24 countries in 2016, according to research by Access Now, an independent watchdog group that campaigns for internet rights. In the first half of this year alone, there were 114 shutdowns in 23 countries. The horrifying vision of the future described by George Orwell in "1984" has been neutralized by the convenience that technology provides us. You can use your cell phone to watch the house, track the weather, and monitor the stock market. The apps on your phone also allow a dozen different companies to track your physical movement. China has started ranking citizens with a sinister 'social credit' system. It gives a credit score for every citizen based on big data analysis. This surveillance system rewards and punishes people based on their behavior. The global community should be outraged that China has become an Orwellian state. Many governments are viewing the social credit system as something to emulate. Last week there was a news story on the Drudge Report that discussed using the China model to control people's access to guns. When I was a kid, I remember reading a Christian publication that described the mark of the beast as the product of a world gone mad. The world has collectively lost its mind, and it is clear that the introduction of a 666 device would be welcomed by the vast majority of people. During the tribulation we may have individuals wearing "I Got Marked" T-shirts. We have had the ability to create the mark for at least two decades. The lack of any meaningful opposition to this type of technology tells us that the tribulation hour is very near. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:16-17). Netanyahu Vows to Re-Conquer Jericho: the 'Door to Greater Israel, 3rd Temple' - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - During his reign, Hiel the Beit Elite fortified Yericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of Aviram his first-born, and set its gates in place at the cost of Segub his youngest, in accordance with the words that Hashem had spoken through Yehoshua son of Nun. I Kings 16:34 (The Israel Bible™) On Tuesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to annex the Jordan Valley if he wins next week's elections. Though many people may think of that section of Israel as hot and sparsely populated, those familiar with the Bible (like Netanyahu) immediately recognized the enormous significance of the region which contains the city of Jericho. Political Move or Prophetic Initiative? Netanyahu's narrow coalition fell in March last year and early elections were called for in April. During his campaign, Netanyahu sought to attract right-wing voters by promising to annex Judea and Samaria. Though Likud, headed by Netanyahu, won the elections, they were unable to form a majority coalition and new elections were set to be held September 17. Many polls are putting the opposition led by the Blue and White Part ahead of Likud and is appears that Netanyahu is responding by becoming even more right-wing. This was seen on live television when he referred to the Jordan Valley as "Israel's eastern border." "Today, I announce my intention, after the establishment of a new government, to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea," Netanyahu said in his speech. Rather than leave this as a vague, open-ended campaign promise, Netanyahu said he would annex the region "immediately after the election if I receive a clear mandate to do so from you, the citizens of Israel." Biblical City, Prophetic Significance The largest city in the Jordan Valley is Jericho and though it is currently occupied by some 18,000 Arabs, it is believed to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world and the city with the oldest known protective wall in the world. Jericho is mentioned many times in the Bible, most notably as the first city conquered by Joshua in Israel. In addition to its role in the Bible in the time of Joshua and as the home of Elisha the Prophet, there are two ancient synagogues that attest to the historical Jewish presence in Jericho: the Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue first built in the 6th century and still in use today and the Wadi Qelt Synagogue which dates from between 70 and 50 BCE and is one of the oldest synagogues ever found. Rabbi Levi Sudri, an award-winning Bible expert, noted Jericho's spiritual significance. "In the Bible, we see that Jericho is the key to all of Israel, Rabbi Sudri told Breaking Israel News. "If you have the key in your hand, only then can you enter but after you do the entire land will be open in front of you. Opening up the land for the Moshiach ben David is, in fact, the main function of the Moshiach ben David as we saw in Yehoshua ben Nun who was the template for Moshiach ben Yosef." According to Jewish tradition, the Messianic era is a two-stage process beginning with Moshiach (Messiah) from the house of Joseph, a practical process that includes building up the land of Israel and the ingathering of the exiles. Moshiach from the house of David is a miraculous process culminating in the completion of the Third Temple and the resurrection of the dead. "Contrary to what Netanyahu did, Yitzchak Rabin's downfall began when he gave Yericho to the Arabs," Rabbi Sudri said. "Though it may seem like an insignificant city on the edge of Israel, it is like the door to the house which does not seem to be part of the house but if you give the key to an enemy, the entire house falls." "Not only did Yehoshua conquer Yericho but as Moshiach ben Yosef, he married Rahav, a convert who was from Yericho. She gave birth to Jeremiah and many other of the great men of Israel." As noted in the Israel Bible, the first time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible is in response to Joshua conquering Jericho. When King Adoni-zedek of Yerushalayim learned that Yehoshua had captured Ai and proscribed it, treating Ai and its king as he had treated Yericho and its king, and that, moreover, the people of Givon had come to terms with Yisrael and remained among them Joshua 10:1 The rabbi noted that the two cities seem quite different in many respects. "Jerusalem is the heart of Israel and Jericho is on the edge," Rabbi Sudri said. "Jerusalem, whose name means 'complete', is symbolized by the sun whereas Jericho's name contains the word Yareach (moon). Though they are adjacent on a map, they are actually quite distant from each other with Jerusalem on a mountaintop and Jericho in the deepest part of the world." "But there is a strong connection between Yericho and the Temple in Jerusalem," Rabbi Sudri said. "Jericho's name comes from the word re'ach (smell) because the smell of the incense from the Temple could be smelled in Jericho." Netanyahu and the Bible There is no doubt that Jericho's Biblical significance is clear to the Prime Minister and his campaign took a distinctly Biblical turn last week when he became the first sitting prime minister to speak in Hebron. Netanyahu referred to the Biblical significance of Hebron when he said, "We all remember the victory call of Caleb son of Jephunneh who was loyal to Hebron - Let us, by all means, go up!" This was a reference to the verse in Numbers. Kalev hushed the people before Moshe and said, "Let us, by all means, go up, and we shall gain possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it." (Numbers 13:30) In addition to its Biblical significance, the Jordan Valley has enormous strategic and national importance. With the Jordan River to the east, Bet Shean to the North, and the Dead Sea to the south, the valley covers 926 square miles or almost one-third of Judea and Samaria. Rabbi Glick: Time for the Nations to Recognize All of Israel Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a Temple Mount activist and former Member of Knesset, emphasized that the Biblical significance of Jericho surely affects its disproportionate role in Israeli politics. "Jericho connects the miraculous life in the desert and the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai to the Land of Israel," Rabbi Glick told Breaking Israel News. "Israel is where miracles took on natural manifestations, where the miraculous took on the appearance of the mundane. Jericho is the mediator where this change began to take hold." "Just as Jericho was the beginning of that process of building up of the Land of Israel, it was the beginning of the Oslo Process that cut Israel into sections," Rabbi Glick noted. The first stage of the 1993 Oslo Accords was a partial Israeli withdrawal from Jericho and the transfer of some powers and responsibilities on civil matters to the interim Palestinian Authority. After this step was implemented, the negotiations stalled and the process ended. "Since the Accords, redemption has made a U-turn and the nations now recognize Jerusalem as the heart of the Jewish People," Rabbi Glick said. "Now is the beginning when the world can recognize our sovereignty over all of Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel), especially the places that the Bible took place. This has to be true of Jericho which is specifically described as the first place we conquered after the Exodus as the entrance into the land." Jericho is Just the Beginning In response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement, Shlomo Ne'eman, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council said: "The Jordan Valley is a good start and we relate to this as the beginning of the road. The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is not the only one who recognizes the necessity of the move and is carrying it out, rather the other nations of the world with the American government at the helm will recognize the move, and will join the nation of Israel in his historic mission. Following the Jordan Valley, it must be Gush Etzion's turn next and afterward the rest of our homeland. That is the order of the day. There are many critics on the left of our political map and some believe the Prime Minister is only carrying this out for political gain. But we believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu is making history today!" Harsh Arab Response The Arabs responded immediately and in an extreme manner, displaying the importance they assign to the Jordan Valley. PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh announced on Monday that the PA may offer grants "to any Palestinian university graduate who is prepared to live in Jordan Valley areas and villages, and work with the residents there on production projects." Hamas took a decidedly more direct approach to show its disapproval. Later Tuesday night, Netanyahu was giving a speech in Ashdod when Red Alert sirens went off as rockets were fired from Gaza. The Arab League called Netanyahu's statement "new Israeli aggression." "The league regards these statements as undermining the chances of any progress in the peace process and will torpedo all its foundations," the league said in a statement from Cairo. History of the Jordan Valley and the Oslo Process The Jordan Valley was illegally occupied by Jordan in the 1948 War of Independence. Israel conquered the region in the 1967 Six-Day War. Though conquering territory in a defensive war is recognized as valid by international law, UN Resolution 242 allowed for the fate of parts of Judea and Samaria to be determined by bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. It should be noted that last month, the PA announced their rejection of the Oslo Accords and, as a result, was beginning to build in Area C, approximately 60 percent of Judea and Samaria that were designated by the Oslo Accords as solely under Israeli administration. Estimates have claimed some 10,000 Palestinian construction projects are underway in Area C, many funded by European sources. Daily Jot: 18 years after 911 - Bill Wilson - I am sitting in my office 18 years after the al Qaeda operatives ran two planes into the World Trade Center towers, one plane into the Pentagon, and another was downed in a Pennsylvania field. The result, nearly 3,000 American citizens met an untimely and brutal death. I went back through Daily Jots written around the anniversary of that fateful day. The progression of American foreign policy from September 11, 2001 through 2016 is a sad reminder of how the United States became a tool of the prophetic dark side in not only allowing the advancement of the most antichrist religion on earth, Islam, but also supporting its bloody aggression in the Middle East, and appeasing all things Islam in America, itself. A trip down memory lane shows how the Bush Administration, while initially responding wisely, bungled retaliation for the attack over the long haul by its nation-building strategy, and promoting Islam as a religion of peace here in America. But what happened during the eight years of the Obama Administration was a diplomatic U-Turn in the handling of the Middle East, resulting in acceleration of prophecy and placing America in harm's way for years to come. On the tenth anniversary of 911, this is what the Daily Jot reported: "The US president has forced the American military and his diplomatic corps to support terrorist sponsoring- and terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda in overthrowing governments in the Middle East." And this is also when the build-up to Benghazi began: The Washington Post, revealed as if it were news on September 12 (2011) that Islamists are emerging in force in "new Libya."...The Post reports further: "Islamists led by the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of secularists' absence from the eastern city of Benghazi to win passage of a revised provision that made Islamic law the principal law of the land." A year later, according to a 270-page intelligence report in Arabic obtained by WorldNetDaily (WND), those who attacked the embassy in Benghazi were the very same Muslim Brotherhood-backed, al Qaeda radicals that the White House assisted in overthrowing Libya. The White House tried to cover up this revelation by lying to the public that the attack was inspired by a video that insulted the prophet Mohammad. That same president also is responsible for the overthrow of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood and the destabilization of Yemen and Syria, which continues to be an issue today. In addition, he gave billions to Iran, which has accelerated its nuclear arms development and has exported terrorism across the Middle East. That's what has happened in the 18 years following the 911 attack by Islamic extremists. Thank God, we now have a president that is reversing this foreign policy and trying to address the problems created by the nearly two decades of wrongmindedness. Proverbs 29:2 says, "...when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." How true. We have seen how leadership impacts a nation's prophetic future. Daily Devotion: The Cave - by Greg Laurie - He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.-Psalm 40:2 Nickajack Cave, thirty miles from Chattanooga, was an underground warren where Cash had previously searched for Indian arrowheads and inscriptions left by Confederate soldiers. The story goes that Cash decided to crawl into the cave and keep going until his flashlight flickered out (so he wouldn't be able to find his way back out if he lost his nerve), then lie there and die. Cash claimed that after three hours he had descended a mile into the cave. That's when his flashlight died, and he hoped to follow suit. "I lay down to die in the total darkness," he recalled, beseeching God to take him away. But all of a sudden, he said, he was suffused with a powerful, peaceful sensation, a comforting warmth. Then he heard the voice of God tell him to get up and get out of here-He wasn't ready for Cash to die just yet. Cash said it took hours of crawling in the dark to find his way out, and that when he emerged from the mouth of Nickajack Cave, he collapsed. When he awoke, June Carter and his friend were there. He promised them he was finally going to hand it over to the Lord. Johnny started attending church services again, where he heard the gospel and told the reverend that he was thirsty for "living water." It would replenish his wasted body and spirit, and no more would he defile either with drugs-at least for a while. Scripture Reading: 1. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. (Psalm 40:2) Describe a time when you reached "rock bottom." What did the Lord teach you through that experience? 2. I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. (Deuteronomy 30:19) Who makes the choice between life and death? 3. Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. (Psalm 42:11) Where can we find hope when our soul is cast down? FROM THE HEART
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