Prophecy Update Newsletter
Falling into Place - By Daymond Duck - The great Bible Prophecy teacher, Jan Markell, has often said something like this: "Things aren't falling apart; things are falling into place." A pastor recently sent her an e-mail that said, "We don't live in uncertain times. Not at all! These times are as certain as any time in all of human history, and the God of the universe laid out this time in great detail, point by point, and in fact, with all the detail needed by His people to live in times of absolute certainty! So no, there's nothing uncertain about the times we live in to the believer who is seeking to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Bible prophecy is falling in place right now with incredible speed and accuracy. These current events appear to verify what the best prophecy teachers are saying. For those that are really saved, it is a message of comfort and hope, not doom and gloom (I Thess. 4:13-18). One, concerning a falling away or a departing from the faith at the end of the age (I Tim. 4:1), on Sept. 3, 2020, Michael Snyder reported that a recent State of Theology survey found that 30% of those that call themselves Evangelical Christians say Jesus isn't God. It seems to me that there are only two explanations: 1) They weren't saved to begin with, or 2) They have fallen away from the faith by rejecting what the Bible clearly teaches (Matt. 7:21; John 10:30). Two, concerning persecution of believers at the end of the age, Rev. Franklin Graham recently warned that the Democratic Party is "opposed to faith," and the left will close churches in many places if the U.S. embraces socialism. He said, "You are going to see Christians attacked, you are going to see churches close, and you are going to see a real hatred expressed toward people of faith. That is coming." This has already started, but it could get much worse in a matter of months. Three, concerning peace in the Middle East, on Sept. 1, 2020, Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to Pres. Trump, said, "Obviously anything could happen, but the reality is that a lot of people are envious of the move that the United Arab Emirates has made." "A lot of people want access to the technology, economy and the advancements that Israel has. Israel is like another Silicon Valley for the Middle East." On Sept. 2, 2020, Kushner boarded a plane for a flight to the UAE and the beginning of a "new era of peace in the Middle East." The word "peace" was written in three languages over the cockpit of the plane. Kushner believes another Arab nation will make peace with Israel in a matter of months and all 22 Arab nations will eventually recognize the existence of Israel (Note: On Sept. 3, 2020, it was reported that Bahrain will likely normalize relations before Rosh Hashana, Sept. 18, and as many as 20 Muslim nations could do it in the next two months). On Sept. 5, 2020, it was reported that Israel and the UAE anticipate signing their agreement in Washington, D.C. during the week of Sept. 14, and they will call their agreement a "treaty of peace." Calling it a "treaty of peace" gives it the same status as the peace treaties that Egypt and Jordan have signed with Israel. This peace treaty must be approved by the Israeli Knesset, but there should be no problem with that. The Antichrist will confirm a worthless treaty after the Rapture of the Church (Dan. 9:27). Four, Amir Tsarfati believes the current situation is causing Israel to dwell more safely and may be setting the stage for the Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38:11). On Sept. 3, 2020, Saudi Arabia opened its airspace to all countries (includes Israel) flying planes to the UAE. This new relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel is a reminder that Saudi Arabia will not join the Gog and Magog attack on Israel (Ezek. 38:13). On Sept. 3, 2020, Bahrain opened its airspace to Israel. Five, the Tribulation Period will begin with a covenant of peace in the Middle East (I Thess. 5:3). The Antichrist will confirm the covenant at the beginning of the Tribulation Period, and he will break it at the Middle of the Tribulation Period (Dan. 9:27). When the Antichrist breaks the covenant, goes to the Temple and says he is God, the Jews in Judea will flee into the wilderness (Matt. 24:15-16; II Thess. 2:3-4). Then, God will judge the nations and drag them into the Battle of Armageddon for dividing the Promised Land and scattering the Jews (Joel 3:2). On Aug. 31, 2020, it was reported that U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien traveled to the UAE where he said, the U.S. is "committed to a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine." The U.S. is trying to appease the Arabs and Palestinians when we should be trying to appease God. Six, at the end of the age, Israel will be an exceedingly great army (Ezek. 37:10). On Aug. 28, 2020, US News and World Report published a ranking that says Israel is the eighth most powerful country on earth for the fourth year in a row. According to the Bible, the Archangel Michael will stand up for Israel at the time of the end, and Israel will be the most powerful nation on earth (Dan. 12:1). Seven, concerning the lawlessness that is rampant in many U.S. cities today, this lawlessness is ultimately going to lead to the rise of the lawless one (the Antichrist). Eight, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, on Sept. 4, 2020, it was reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency has informed several members of the UN that Iran is just 3 ½ months away from having the ability and materials to produce two nuclear bombs. The U.S. and Israel have both said they will not let Iran get nuclear weapons. The U.S. response may well be influenced by the upcoming presidential election (Biden was pro-Iran under Obama; Trump is pro-Israel). Nine, concerning pestilence, the World Health Organization has linked a recent polio outbreak in Sudan and Chad to vaccinations. This is very troubling, but it is more troubling in light of the fact that many officials want to force everyone on earth to be vaccinated for the Coronavirus. Polls show that a large number of U.S. voters are likely to hesitate before they agree to be vaccinated for the virus (and this could lead to persecution). As I close, Bible Prophecy is falling into place, but no one knows the day or the hour of the Rapture. God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] Turkey's bid to return to Ottoman-era glory endangers Israel and the region - Israel Kasnett - Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has high ambitions. He wants to take his country back to what he perceives as the glory days of the Ottoman Empire, but the leader, who has been described as "pugnacious" and has been at the pinnacle of power since 2002, appears to be leading the country down the wrong path as he quashes secularism, supports radical Islamism, suppresses democratic reforms and adopts a forceful foreign-policy approach that aims to assert Turkish hegemony in the region. With an eye on his party's conservative and religious support base as his popularity dips amid an economic downturn, Erdoğan recently converted two Istanbul landmarks operating as museums-the Hagia Sophia and the Church of St. Saviour in Chora-into mosques in a bid to flex his Islamist muscles. And now, with his attention turned to Greece and Libya, Erdoğan seems to be looking for regional dominance. The question is how all this bodes for Israel. Gallia Lindenstrauss, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies who specializes in Turkish foreign policy, told JNS that Erdoğan's actions are influenced by the "transformation of the international system from a unipolar system to a multipolar one." The perception that the United States is planning to significantly reduce its military presence in the Middle East-announced by U.S. President Donald Trump this week-and the power vacuums that have emerged as one of the consequences of the Arab upheavals "are causing several actors, including Turkey, to act in a more assertive manner," she said. Lindenstrauss noted that Turkey's bellicose behavior stems from its perception that "in the current international context, acting aggressively doesn't necessarily incur major costs from the global powers and hence the temptation to act this way is greater," she said. With Erdoğan's Islamist identity and close ties with Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar and Hamas, this triangle seems dangerous for Israel. Is it a real threat? "After the fall of [former Egyptian President] Mohammed Morsi, Turkey became the leader of the Muslim brotherhood axis in the Middle East," she said. "This is a cause of concern in Israel, and there is now greater awareness of Hamas military activity on Turkish soil." "Likewise, there is greater suspicion with regard to Turkey's government agencies and NGO activities in Israel and in the Palestinian territories, and Israel is less open to Turkish initiatives to assist the Palestinians," she said. "The fact that Turkey is seen as the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood axis is even a greater problem in the eyes of the pragmatic Sunni states Israel is cooperating with." Lindenstrauss suggested that one of the reasons Israel and the United Arab Emirates have worked out a normalization agreement between them is related to "the growing concerns from Turkey's greater role in the region." 'A fusion of nationalism and Islamism' Efraim Inbar, president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, told JNS that as an Islamist, Erdoğan "has no great love for Jews and for Israel." According to Inbar, "Erdoğan believes that Turkey has a great destiny and should be a world power. The fact that the U.S. is slowly reducing its footprint in the Middle East adds to even greater freedom of action for Turkey in regional affairs." He noted that Erdoğan is not only a leader with an Islamist ideology, but a realpolitik player. Turkey is in Iraq and Syria, and has a military base in Qatar and in Somalia. Erdoğan tried to build a base in Sudan, and now he is busy in Libya. As part of this new Turkish nationalism, he is challenging the border with Greece, essentially seeking to reverse the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, which officially ended the Ottoman Empire. "There is a fusion here of nationalism and Islamism between Turkish nationalism with its roots in Islam, the Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire," said Inbar. "There is a clear alliance between Turkey and Qatar, which both support the Muslim Brotherhood." He also noted that Turkey provides Hamas members with passports, which gives them greater freedom of movement. "Erdoğan is a very successful politician, a good speaker and charismatic," he said. "Going after Israel gets him votes and makes him popular in the Muslim world, which he wants to lead, so Israel is a good target for him." With all of Erdoğan's saber-rattling over Israel, it's business as usual, however, as most Turkish exports to the Arab world are shipped through the port of Haifa. "Erdoğan has "a pragmatic streak," said Inbar. "He didn't completely sever diplomatic relations with Israel." Still, he cautioned, Israel must tread carefully. All of Israel to Behave like High Priests in Temple thanks to a new Lockdown Measure - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - When he goes in to make expiation in the Shrine, nobody else shall be in the Tent of Meeting until he comes out. When he has made expiation for himself and his household, and for the whole congregation of Yisrael, Leviticus 16:17 (The Israel BibleTM) This year, the Jewish High Holidays will be observed in an entirely unprecedented manner. Normally, synagogues are full-to-overflowing but on Monday, the Health Ministry issued restrictions on public prayer that will come into effect at 2:00 PM Friday and last for three weeks. This covers the holiday of Rosh Hashanna that begins on Friday evening and continues until the end of Sukkoth. The decision to lockdown comes after Israel's Health Ministry announced Thursday night a record 4,015 new cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in 24 hours marking the first time that figure passed 4,000. For the past week, Israel has led the world in new coronavirus cases per capita. 513 of the cases were classified as very serious cases, out of whom 137 were placed on respirators. This brings the total number of cases to 143,049 since the start of the pandemic in March. To date, 1,108 people have died from Covid-19. Full lockdown measures include:
For prayer, the guidelines are as follows: Prayer in open areas is permitted in capsules of up to 20 people. Closed areas are classified according to their locations. For regions designated as Red Areas: Prayer shall be permitted in closed structures in groups of up to 10 people. The permitted number of groups in a closed area shall be a function of the number of entrances to the structure. The first two entrances multiplied by 3 and each additional entrance multiplied by 2, on condition that the ratio of one person per 4 square meters of space of the place is maintained. For example, in a house of prayer in a red area, that is 250 square meters in size and has 2 entrances - it will be possible to pray in 6 capsules of 10 people each. 10 people in each capsule, 2 entrances times 3 yields 60 people for the structure while maintaining the ratio of one person per 4 square meters of space. In a structure of 500 square meters with 5 entrances, 12 capsules of 10 people each shall be permitted to pray. In a structure of 70 square meters with 1 entrance, 1 capsule of 10 people shall be permitted to pray due to the limitations of the place. In regions that are not designated as Red Areas: Prayer shall be permitted in closed structures in groups of up to 25 people. The permitted number of groups in a closed space shall be double the number of entrances to the structure on condition that the ratio of one person per 4 square meters of space of the place is maintained. For example, in a house of prayer in a yellow area that is 400 square meters in size and which has two entrance doors, it shall be permitted to have 4 capsules of 25 people each (25 people in each capsule, 2 entrances multiplied by 2, yields 100 people in the structure while maintaining the ratio of one person per 4 square meters of space. A Biblical perspective Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, head of the Center for Kohanim in Jerusalem, noted that the holidays certainly have a communal aspect as expressed in the synagogue service or originally in the Temple. But he also noted that the holidays contained a strong element of personal introspection that was implicit even in the Temple in Jerusalem. "Due to the restrictions, many Jews today will find themselves in the same condition as the High Priest in the Temple who, right after Rosh Hashannah, was placed in quarantine," Rabbi Kleiman said. "The High Priest went into quarantine to maintain ritual purity,but being in a solitary condition was always an opportunity for contemplation. This was certainly implicit in the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) before doing the Yom Kippur Temple service."' "The entire month of Elul is supposed to be for introspection on how to repair and prepare your soul. The idea is that there are some aspects f tshuva (repentance) that we can only accomplish by ourselves, in solitude. This imposed solitude might be a wake-up call from Hashem (God) to do even more introspection." Rabbi Kleiman compared this to Elijah the Prophet being in solitude for forty days, culminating in a revelation of the "still small voice" in Mount Horeb (I Kings 19). "So many people today can't handle being alone or in silence. We see that so many people came out of this and went a little crazy, even becoming destructive. For a person who believes in God, being alone is an opportunity since we are never really alone." "There is clearly a global awakening going on so there is a greater need for each person to get to know their own unique soul. This lockdown is an opportunity to escape the social noise and to turn the focus inward and upward." Rabbi Azariah Ariel, head of the Temple Institute's Red Heifer Project, also saw the lockdown as an opportunity with Biblical roots. "The quarantine of the Kohen Gadol seven days before Yom Kippur was a safeguard put in place by the rabbis to prevent ritual impurity," Rabbi Ariel noted. "On Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol came out of this solitude and performed the Temple service in a public manner but the Torah states explicitly that he should, in fact, be entirely alone." The rabbi cited a verse in Leviticus. When he goes in to make expiation in the Shrine, nobody else shall be in the Tent of Meeting until he comes out. When he has made expiation for himself and his household, and for the whole congregation of Yisrael, Leviticus 16:17 "He was necessarily alone but he was, in his essence, connected to all of Israel," Rabbi Ariel said. "There is a value to being alone, without distractions. For the Kohen Gadol, this was established by Torah mandate. Perhaps the lockdown on the holidays this year is like a mandate from heaven for each man to take upon himself a small measure of being like the Kohen Gadol." Encourage One Another! - By Todd Hampson - Ponder this long-winded riddle and see if you know the answer: What has record-breaking wildfires; division about as deep as the American Civil War; riots like the 1960's but worse; an economy with Great Depression-like long-term metrics; a deceptively overblown reaction to a new virus; locust swarms of biblical proportions on several continents, an axis of evil military powers flexing their muscles around the globe, a pending Mideast peace agreement that seems to lay the foundation for Daniel 9:27; the multilayered merge of dystopian biological and technological "vaccine" inventions; and a pending, sure-to-be-unstable US election? If you guessed, "The Year 2020" you solved the riddle! Prophetic developments have accelerated to a new level this year. There is much more I could have added to the list above! Literally, every single condition mentioned by the Old Testament prophets - John in the Book of Revelation, Paul in his epistles, and Jesus himself in the Olivet Discourse, is in place or forming before our eyes at this very moment in history. Even secondary or subtle details of prophecies (particularly the setup for Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38) are lining up exactly as foretold 2,600 years ago. While everything I mentioned above is-through our natural eyes-scary and foreboding, when we realize this is exactly what we were told it would look like just before the rapture of the Church and the future 7-year tribulation period, we see it through a different lens. Along with the sobering realization of what the world is soon to go through, we should also be encouraged and excited. Titus 3:5 calls the rapture our "blessed hope." In the context of the rapture, Paul also shared 2 very important (and often overlooked) things: that we are not appointed to suffer wrath, and that the promised snatching away of the Church should greatly encourage us! In 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11, we read the following, "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." So, let's follow the chronology. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul shares the primary teaching about the rapture of the Church, demonstrating how the dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive will be caught up (harpazō-suddenly, forcefully snatched away) to meet the Lord in the air. Then he goes on in the very next chapter (continuing the same teaching/line of thought) to inform us that #1-we will not be here to experience his time of wrath, and #2-that we should encourage one another with this fact. How much clearer could Paul have been? So, although we see this truly unprecedented convergence of scary events happening before our eyes-we can still encourage one another with the teaching of the pre-tribulational rapture! While things have become lawless and dangerous to an extent, we are also told that this spirit of lawlessness can't fully take over until the restrainer (the Holy Spirit-indwelled Church) is taken out of the way via the rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:7). While we continue to experience a year that seems like the climactic sequel of a multi-movie franchise-in which key events are repeated with new apocalyptic twists-we need to remember a couple of important facts. First, we are called to put our hope and trust in the Lord, not world events, politics, economies, or comfort. Second, God always keeps his promises; and although, from our perspective, he seems to delay-he in fact has a specific appointed time. As we watch and wait, we must do so with a gritty, step-by-step faith. He never promised us ease, he just promised us it would all be more than worth it! Romans 8:18- "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." 1 Corinthians 2:9- "However, as it is written: 'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived' - the things God has prepared for those who love him.'" Encourage one another with these things! (Note: if you are reading this and have not yet received Christ as your personal Savior, please contact me. I'd love to share more. I know the prospect of a rapture sounds crazy to our modern humanistic culture, but hundreds of undeniable fulfilled prophecies prove that the Bible can be trusted. God is a loving God who warns and who has literally done everything possible to reconcile us back to Him. We need to use our gift of free will to choose to receive his gift. He died to give it to us!) Daily Jot: The prophecy of lawlessness - Bill Wilson - Law enforcement officers are under fire across the nation. Efforts to defund the police are taking place wherever there are Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests. Chicago continues its murderous crime wave. "Violent protests" continue in various large cities, but the problem is, they are not protests once they turn violent as the media fails to report. They are riots. Unlawful riots. Over the weekend, two Los Angeles law enforcement officers were ambushed as they sat in their police cruiser. They are in critical, but stable condition, no thanks to so-called "protesters" who were blocking the emergency room entrance and according to various reports at least one shouted, "I hope they die." This is a true testimony to what is happening in our country. A person attempts to murder two police officers. Protesters block the entrance of the emergency room where the two officers are taken for life-saving treatment. Protesters are hoping "they die." In my opinion, those are not protesters, they are complicit in the crime. They all should be arrested and tried for the very same crime the shooter committed. But in this very incident is found the condition of our nation. A group of people have taken upon themselves to turn a nation of laws into a nation of lawlessness. Peaceful protests supporting police reform is one thing. Riots and blocking emergency services for wounded humans is reprehensible. FOX News in LA and several others posted accounts of videos taken by various people showed the disdain for police. One eyewitness to the shootings recorded a self-video that celebrated the shooting, repeatedly saying the "N-word-s got aired out." Black Lives Matter protesters videoed their walk to the hospital to "visit" the "pigs" that got shot and were upset with the "pigs" who wouldn't let them onto the hospital grounds. The lead protester characterized the officers who were shot as "two of America's most notorious gang members" and that "we're going to go up here and just check on these two murderers right here." This is the mentality of the spirit of hate and ignorance at the center of these peoples' hearts. The harsh rhetoric by politicians over the past four years has no doubt contributed to the boldness of those who are breaking the law. They justify their acts by hijacking movements and using any excuse to behave violently. Politicians, who should be unifying the nation, break even wider splits in the divide using the wedge of hateful rhetoric swung by the handle of an irresponsible news media. Christ said in Matthew 24:12 that in the latter days, "And because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." We are seeing first hand just how this prophecy can begin to play out. Right here in America. Problem is, these are all heart issues. Yes, there needs to be change, but it starts with the heart. Daily Devotion: Learning to Listen - by Greg Laurie - Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. -John 17:17 - Listen There are different ways to listen. We can listen passively. We can choose not to listen at all. Or, we can listen intently. If you were going skydiving, you would listen very carefully to your instructor. You would listen when he or she tells you how to use the parachute, where the ripcord is located, and when to pull it. Why? Your life depends on it. If you want to hear God speak to you from His Word, it comes down to how you listen. You need to listen as though your life depends on it, because it does. If you want to be a true disciple of Jesus, then you need to slow down and learn to listen. Jesus said, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31-32 NKJV). Sometimes that verse is taken out of context. We hear people using it to describe all kinds of so-called truths they want to pass on to someone else. But this verse is very specific. It isn't referring to just any truth; this is specific, absolute truth found exclusively in the pages of Scripture. The context is reading, studying, knowing, and living the Scriptures. That truth will set us free. The truth we find in the Bible is the only absolute truth. Jesus prayed, "Your word is truth" (John 17:17 NKJV) and said "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 NKJV). This is the only absolute truth we can be certain of. And when we understand what God is saying in His Word, it sets us free. If you want to be a disciple of Jesus, then you will carefully read, study, and live according to God's Word. FROM THE HEART
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