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Prophecy Update Newsletter
September 19, 2016
The End of the Beginning - Pete Garcia -
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." ~Sir Winston Churchill As mortal and finite humans, eternity is a very difficult concept for us to wrap our heads around. We struggle with it so much because we simply have nothing tangible that we can associate with the concept. But as humans, we must realize that the overwhelming bulk of our existence will be spent in eternity-future. It is to this understanding that we recognize we are in the last days, and also at the end of this stage of the story. More importantly, that we are not really at the end, but only at the very beginning of it. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7 Regarding what God has in store for us, the Apostle Paul stated that "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Cor. 2:9) Put in another way, we have no conceivable way to understand all that God has in store for those of us who belong to Him. It is simply beyond any human understanding in this realm. They say that time is relative, to which, I would agree. But what if time itself were no longer a constraint we ever needn't worry about again? Again, it is difficult for us now to comprehend what existence itself would be like without being relegated to time in some form or fashion. But that is a problem for the living. The dead know perfectly well what eternity feels like. Assessment For those who have already died in Christ, the way they are now will always be their future (if I can relate to it that way). Granted, there are a few details that I am glossing over for those who have already died in Christ, having yet received their glorified, immortal bodies which will happen at the Rapture. There may also be campaigns afoot into eternity future which may involve far more grandiose plans than what God has made known to us within our own existence. This world, this life, and all the history associated, may in fact play some integral role for something yet future. Of this, admittedly, I do not know. But what we do know, is the closeness and existence with the Godhead in Heaven for all eternity. It is the compilation of all things good, righteous, holy, divine, pleasurable, interesting, joyous, and blissful all rolled into some divine, overarching existence we will find ourselves in, forever. The dead are no longer corrupted by time but have been made immortal, so that we may in some small measure, partake in God's immortality. This though, is only made possible by receiving the one true and safe passage, which is Christ Jesus. He is the Door that all must pass through to receive eternal life. This is why salvation is not predicated on lineage, social status, heredity, or wisdom. Salvation can only come when a person comes to the end of themselves and realize that they cannot save themselves but must fully trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. (1 Cor. 15:1-5) Once a person receives eternal life by placing their hope and trust in Christ, they are immediately changed. Their spirit, once dead, is now revived, sealed, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It is here, that a person becomes a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:19-21) and is already placed into the heavenlies. It is in a way, like calling ahead and making a reservation at a fancy restaurant, where a place is already being prepared for you and only awaits your arrival to be filled. Another interesting thought, is that the future then, what lies beyond the Millennial Kingdom, has not yet been written. Was this done brevity's sake, or for the fact that we probably wouldn't be able to wrap our minds around all that lies into eternity future? One thing I am sure of, it will not be us sitting around on clouds strumming harps. No, based on what we know of God now (according to numerous examples within Scripture), is that we will be busy. I do not believe that God does things arbitrarily, but always acts with a sense of purpose to compliment, aid, change, or complete, His will. There will be purpose in our being with Him, and in our glorified bodies beyond the necessity of simply being with Him. Godhood The ancient Gnostics and the modern day Theosophists, Buddhists, Hinduists, and New Agers all liken us to be a part of God or that we are a physical manifestation of it. Their goal was to bring man to the realization that through meditation, secret knowledge, self-realization, and channeling, we could achieve this divine state apart from the God of the Bible. But the Bible is very clear on this matter; we are not God and can never, ever, ever be Him. We are only created creatures made in the likeness of Him. When one becomes born again we become a new creation in which God infuses part of Himself (the Holy Spirit) into us, much the same way that radiation changes our DNA when we are exposed to it. We are not naturally part of that radioactive material we were exposed too but through exposure it fundamentally changes us all the way down to the molecular level. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Cor. 5:17-21 Relativity But what is time? In simple layman's terms, time is the measurement of moments from one to another. A Femtosecond is one thousandth of one trillionth of a second, or 1/1,000,000,000,000,000th of a second. Even smaller, the Attosecond, is one quintillionth (10-18) of a second, or 1 (0.0000000000000000001). The smallest measurement of time that within the laws of physics, 'Planck Time', is equal to 10-43 seconds. That would be a 10, with 43 zeros behind it. Anything beyond that would be indistinguishable to us in any known research methods. It is unknown yet as to which of these, a 'twinkling of an eye' would occur (1 Cor. 15:52) in our transformation from mortality to immortality as occurs at the Rapture of the Church. I don't know if it's that time speeds up to such a degree that we have the Disney version of the transformation (think Beauty and the Beast moment where the prince is lifted up, spinning, while being transformed), or if we are simply doing what we do at any given moment, and we immediately find ourselves in the glorified state. For instance, I could be sitting here typing this article, and as I type this word, immediately, I'm transformed. Perhaps, from the human perspective, it is immediate. But from the eternal perspective, which does not regard time (a day as a thousand years), as relative to anything; our transformation could be more of the spinning, sparkling change, as if there were some of God's ceremonial showmanship in our transformation process. Either way, I don't pretend to know, I only present these as things to consider. Conclusion I've often wondered what God did in eternity past. I believe that God has always existed, and yet there was the time (I have no better word) immemorial before Adam and the Creation, in which God existed. What did He do then? Was there other histories and civilizations of eons past to which God tended? What I don't think is that God sat in the darkness or in whatever heavenly abode He surrounds Himself in doing nothing. Whatever it was, I'm am positive we will find out in due time. All we know is that as this age comes to an end. The next one, the eternal one, begins. This is where we will all spend the rest of forever inside of. Thomas Watson once wrote "Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise." That is both an exhilarating and terrifying thought...depending on where you stand with God now. When this world comes to a close, the next will open up for us in such a manner, that this current one will dim and fade into obscurity. The Apostle John recorded in Revelation 21:4 for us, that God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Granted, as believers, we are new creations in Christ, but we still live in a fallen world, and in a fallen state of being. In relation to all the former things, these being; pain, sickness, anger, lust, hate, pride, envy, sadness, violence, perverseness, duplicities, wickedness, and all the other things to vile to even list, we understand that God strips that all from us on that Day. Whether we as Christians go in death, or at the Rapture man is irrevocably reconciled to His Creator to co-exist with Him forever. Therefore, we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 When Leaders Reject God's Word - By Daymond Duck -
Syria captured the city of Ramoth-gilead from the Northern Kingdom called Israel. The king of Israel, a wicked man named Ahab, wanted it back. He thought he saw the opportunity to retake it when the godly King Jehoshaphat visited him from the Southern Kingdom called Judah (I Kings 22). While King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat were talking King Ahab asked King Jehoshaphat if he would join him in a war against Syria to retake Ramoth-gilead. In essence, King Jehoshaphat replied, "I will help you, but I want you to seek the will of the Lord first." The wicked King Ahab called in about 400 false prophets and asked them if he should go to war. They answered, "Go up; for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king." The godly King Jehoshaphat did not believe the false prophets so he asked King Ahab "Is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides, that we might inquire of him?" King Jehoshaphat didn't want the advice of godless men. He wanted the advice of God (the truth whether he liked it or not). King Ahab replied, "There is one man, Micaiah ...but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil." King Jehoshaphat told King Ahab he shouldn't say that. And to satisfy the good King Jehoshaphat, Ahab sent for the prophet Micaiah. While they were waiting for Micaiah to arrive, King Ahab's false prophets assured him that the Lord would deliver Ramoth-gilead into his hands. When Ahab's servant reached Micaiah he told Micaiah what the false prophets said and urged him to "speak that which is good." That is to say, "If you want to get along with King Ahab, prophesy good things instead of bad things." Micaiah's response was, "As the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith unto me, that will I speak." His prophecy would be what the Lord told him to say not necessarily what King Ahab wanted to hear. As the story nears the end, Micaiah told King Ahab, "I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd." He also told King Ahab, "the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee." Micaiah prophesied four things: 1) Israel would be defeated; 2) King Ahab would die; 3) God had put a lying spirit in the mouth of his false prophets, and; 4) God had pronounced judgment upon King Ahab instead of blessing. Micaiah was slapped in the face by one of King Ahab's prophets and he was cast into prison to receive nothing but bread and water until King Ahab returned from the battlefield. The godless king rejected the advice of God's man. He did what the lying spirit in the mouths of his false prophets advised him to do. He was killed and his body was brought home to be buried in Samaria. On Aug. 29, 2016, John McTernan and Georgann Ryan wrote an insightful article (Europe: The Substitution of a Population) that triggered this message. McTernan and Ryan suggested that huge numbers of Europeans have rejected the Bible (like King Ahab did when he rejected the advice of God's man), aborted their babies and promoted the homosexual lifestyle. God didn't want them to kill their children, become gay and things like that, but they did it anyway. They could have had multitudes of babies that grew up as their children and grandchildren. Most of these descendants would have lived peaceful and productive lives among their ancestors. But their descendants didn't get to grow up because they were killed or never born. God gives people time to repent, but when they won't repent His judgments begin to fall. He opened the borders of Europe and replaced the millions of unborn babies with millions of grown Muslims to live among the Europeans causing them to fear terrorism, persecution, rape and death. Let's take this a step farther. How did George Soros get so much power, influence and wealth? Could he have all of his power, influence and wealth without God's approval? Is it possible that God raised up an atheist to give bad advice to world leaders that have rejected His Word of Truth? We ask why do foreigners that illegally enter the U.S. draw bigger checks than people who were born and raised here? That is not fair. Why can foreigners that have illegally entered the U.S. get free healthcare when many of our veterans are dying before they can get in to see a doctor? That is not the right way to treat people who have fought for this country. Why is same-sex marriage taught in U.S. schools when most Americans don't agree with it? That is not normal. Why is America turning against Israel when God said He would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel? We should want God's blessings. Do we really think an atheist (someone who doesn't believe in God) would advise world leaders to be fair, normal, treat people right and do God's will? It may be far-fetched, but world leaders have rejected God's prophets (like King Ahab did) so I believe God has raised up a godless men like George Soros (like Ahab's demon-possessed prophets) that is tickling their ears with words (lies) that they want to accept. And just as sure as the advice of the godless prophets led to the destruction of King Ahab, the advice of the godless George Soros and others will lead to the failure, perilous times and tribulation. Prophecy Plus Ministries Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Obama, Keen to Push Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Will Meet with Netanyahu - By Mark Landler and Peter Bakersept -
President Obama arrived in New York City on Sunday evening for three days that will mix election-year politics with a farewell to the world stage at the United Nations. But the visit comes against a suddenly tense backdrop, after a powerful explosion rocked a Manhattan street and a man claiming fealty to the Islamic State stabbed several people in a Minnesota shopping mall. The president's diplomatic schedule also got more complicated. The White House announced Sunday that he would hold meetings at the United Nations with leaders from Israel and China. Both will be closely watched for signs of friction in relationships that have been marked by tension during Mr. Obama's tenure. On Wednesday, he is scheduled to confer with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel at a time when he is weighing whether to propose his own framework for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians over Mr. Netanyahu's objections. The two leaders have clashed repeatedly over the Iran nuclear agreement and Mr. Obama's pursuit of Middle East peace. The meeting could be their last face-to-face encounter before Mr. Obama's term ends in January. Last week, the United States and Israel sealed a $38 billion, 10-year American security aid package to Israel, the largest ever granted to an ally. Officials in both countries have characterized the deal as proof that the American-Israeli relationship is enduring, whatever the strains between the two men. On Monday, Mr. Obama is scheduled to have a brief session with China's premier, Li Keqiang, a week after North Korea tested another nuclear device. The president is expected to press Mr. Li to use China's influence to discipline the North, something the Chinese have resisted for fear of destabilizing an impoverished neighbor. Mr. Obama returned recently from a trip to Hangzhou, China, which was marred by a messy arrival at the airport that led to shouting matches between American and Chinese officials. Administration officials played down the significance of the episode, saying Mr. Obama's talks with President Xi Jinping were not affected. This will be Mr. Obama's last appearance at the United Nations, and his aides said he would use it to recall his diplomatic achievements and argue that his multilateral approach is a model for dealing with future crises. But the still-unexplained bombing in New York and the stabbings in Minnesota, which the F.B.I. is treating as a "potential act of terrorism," guarantee that security will be at the forefront. So will presidential politics. Mr. Obama arrived in New York a day earlier than usual so he could attend a fund-raiser in Manhattan for his preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton. Mr. Obama's motorcade crossed Manhattan on 23rd Street, the site of Saturday's explosion, though several blocks to the east, before arriving at Gramercy Park. Mr. Obama spoke to 65 people at the apartment of the restaurateur Danny Meyer. The guests paid $25,000 each to attend, while the chairmen raised or contributed $250,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint organization of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee that raises money for Democrats up and down the ballot. Mr. Obama said that despite the gulf in qualifications between Mrs. Clinton and the Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump, the election was likely to be close because of what he called the "structural" polarization of American society. And he spoke more starkly than he had before about the role gender is playing in the race. "There's a reason why we haven't had a woman president," Mr. Obama said. "We as a society still grapple with what it means to see powerful women. And it still troubles us in a lot of ways, unfairly." Mrs. Clinton has her own schedule of meetings at the United Nations, including with the presidents of Egypt and Ukraine and the prime minister of Japan. It was not clear whether she planned to meet with Mr. Netanyahu, a leader with whom she had her own clashes while secretary of state. On Sunday, Mr. Obama made clear that now that he had demonstrated a commitment to Israel's security, he planned to press Mr. Netanyahu to move toward reconciliation with the Palestinians. "The meeting also will be an opportunity to discuss the need for genuine advancement of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the face of deeply troubling trends on the ground," Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said in a statement. Left unclear was whether Mr. Obama would go beyond simply urging Mr. Netanyahu. The president is considering whether to publicly lay out his own parameters for a settlement of the long-running conflict, a prospect Mr. Netanyahu has strongly opposed. The president's speech to the General Assembly would be a logical place for such a move, though his advisers say he might wait until after the November election to avoid its becoming part of campaign politics. If he proceeds, he could give a speech outlining his ideas or even encapsulate them in a resolution before the United Nations Security Council. Aides to Mr. Obama say he has played his cards very close to his chest, not discussing his plans outside a tiny circle. Christian Volunteers Harvest Grapes in Samaria in Fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:4 - By Anav Silverman -
"Again shalt thou plant vineyards upon the mountains of Shomron; the planters shall plant, and shall have the use thereof." Jeremiah 31:4 (The Israel Bible™) In the vineyards of Shiloh, Ofra, Psagot and Har Bracha, a group of about 100 Christian volunteers from the USA, Canada, and other parts of the world, were on hand to assist Israeli farmers with the grape harvest this week. The group was part of HaYovel, a U.S. based non-profit that recruits volunteers to help independent Israeli farmers. Paul Docherty, a 58-year-old construction worker from Seattle, Washington told Tazpit Press Service (TPS) that this was his fourth volunteer mission. "I love coming out here to the vineyards of Shiloh to prune the grapes and help out the farmers living here," he said. Docherty, like all the volunteers, are spending about three weeks in Israel and cover the costs of the trip on their own. "Seeing the gratitude of the farmers, and connecting with the settlers, is something I look forward to each year," noted Docherty. "I read the Bible, and just being able to visit Shiloh is a special experience in itself. "I'm not such a bad pruner either," he added. Indeed, the HaYovel grape harvesters are serious workers. According to Caleb Waller, the volunteers harvest on average about 20 tons of grapes a day. HaYovel was founded by Tommy and Sherri Waller, who have been bringing volunteer groups to Israel since founding the organization in 2005. The Wallers have 11 children, all of whom are active in HaYovel in a variety of capacities, from harvesting and field logistics to PR and lecture presentations about Israel and their organization's work. "Our mission is to help Israeli farmers anyway we can. We show them that they are not alone," Tommy Waller told TPS. The 55-year-old grandfather was raised in a Southern Baptist home in Tennessee, where he and wife raised their family, homeschooling their children. Waller, who worked for Fed Ex for 13 years, left the corporate world and moved his family to an Amish community where they ran a successful organic family farm. Today they draw on their vast agricultural experience to benefit Israeli vineyards and farms. "Life has been a spiritual journey," he explained. "Some people might call it radical." Waller made his first trip to Israel in 2004 and met an Israeli farmer, Nir Lavie, in Har Bracha. Lavie quoted the Biblical prophet Jeremiah, "Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria," and Waller was swept away. "It felt like I was touching the words of the Bible for the first time," said Waller. "I wanted to help Nir out and asked him how we could help - he told me he needed workers and a year later HaYovel was born." Headquartered in Har Bracha, HaYovel has the backing of the community rabbi, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, although not all farmers in Judea and Samaria accept the help of the Christian volunteers. Waller emphasizes that they are not missionaries. "This isn't about converting, but showing our respect and standing with the Jewish people in their biblical heartland. We've had thousands of volunteers from all over the world come as well as delegations of Congressmen and senators. They see a different kind of reality in Judea and Samaria - a peaceful one," he said. The volunteers tend to agree. In the Shiloh vineyards, one can hear them singing as they work against the backdrop of the rocky Samarian mountains. "We're excited to be here," said Paul Docherty's sister, Jane. "I knew I wanted to do this when I heard Caleb Waller and his brother, come to speak to our congregation. We're participating in history." For Shiloh vineyard owner, Ira Rappaport, the volunteers provide a vital service. "I've never seen anyone handpick grapes as fast they do. Their work is amazing," he told TPS. DISCLAIMER: We love Michael Snyder and appreciate his well-written and insightful articles, but we have to agree to disagree when it comes to his viewpoints concerning the Rapture and the Tribulation. We want to make it clear that we in no way endorse or approve of his Post Tribulation viewpoint nor his new book, "The Rapture Verdict." We believe that the Bible clearly teaches that the Church will not go through the Great Tribulation, but will be Raptured prior to the beginning of this time of Jacob's Trouble. Furthermore, we believe the Bible teaches that the Tribulation period can't even begin until we are taken out of the way! Some pre-tribulation ministries have completely banned Michael Snyder. For the time being, we will continue to post his very popular articles, but only with this disclaimer included.
3 Terror Attacks in America in 24 Hours - By Michael Snyder - New York City, New Jersey and Minnesota were all hit by terror attacks within a 24 hour time period, and authorities are concerned that this may be the start of a fresh wave of terrorism in this country. Those that conduct acts of terror do so because they want to create fear and because they want attention. All three of these attacks accomplished those goals, but in particular the bombing in New York City's thriving Chelsea neighborhood instantly captured the attention of the entire nation. The following is how USA Today described the attack... The explosion came just after 8:30 p.m. ET at 133 W. 23rd St., between Sixth and Seventh Avenue in a neighborhood known for its vibrant nightlife. City officials said police located the explosive device in the street next to a trash bin. The explosion was so powerful it blew out the windows in a nearby building. The city's fire department said none of the victims had life-threatening injuries, but witnesses reported seeing victims cut by shrapnel, metal fragments and glass. All those injured were released from area hospitals by Sunday morning, according to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office. A second device believed to be a pressure cooker was found on West 27th Street, four blocks from the initial blast on West 23rd. The New York Police Department said it was safely removed by the bomb squad early Sunday. Fortunately the second device did not go off, and at this point the city is on a high state of alert. Governor Cuomo has ordered 1,000 state troopers and National Guard soldiers into New York City, and authorities are determined to do all they can to prevent another attack from taking place. According to some reports, the explosive devices were consistent with the kind of improvised explosive devices that are commonly used in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East. So that is at least one link to Islamic terror. There also reportedly is surveillance video which shows the same man dragging a duffel bag to both locations where the explosive devices were placed. This is obviously a disturbing development, but the mainstream media is not telling us anything about the appearance of the man at this point. For example, this is what CNN is reporting... Surveillance video from Saturday shows a man dragging what appears to be a duffel bag with wheels near the site of the explosion on West 23rd street about 40 minutes before the blast, according to multiple local and federal law enforcement sources. Video shows the same man with what appears to be the same duffel bag on West 27th street about 10 minutes later, multiple law enforcement sources said. In the video, the man leaves the duffel bag where police later found an unexploded pressure cooker. After he leaves, the video shows two men removing a white garbage bag believed to contain the pressure cooker from the duffel bag and leave it on the sidewalk, according to a senior law enforcement official and another source familiar with the video. So why not tell us what the man looked like? Authorities could have millions of New Yorkers looking out for this guy. By bowing to the forces of political correctness, authorities are potentially putting more lives in danger. What we do know is that a letter was found with the second explosive device, and at least a part of that letter was written in Arabic... In another new wrinkle, a hand-written letter, a portion of which is in Arabic, was found inside a plastic bag that held the second device, sources said. Cops were interviewing two men who claim to have spotted a potential person of interest in the case, sources said. The witnesses were dining at the Krush bar and grill on 32nd Street about a half-hour before the 8:30 p.m. Saturday explosion when they saw an Arab-looking man who was carrying a suitcase and appeared out of place, sources said. According to the New York Post, a man called 911 after the Chelsea attack and warned that "there will be more" attacks. In their report, the New York Post did not indicate if there was anything distinctive about the man's voice. Once again, political correctness is getting in the way of solving the case. But before we firmly conclude that this was act of Islamic terror, we should consider another possible explanation. According to the Daily Mail, someone on Tumblr took responsibility for the attack, and if he is telling the truth then this attack didn't have anything to do with Islam. This was his most recent blog post in its entirety... Hi. You probably have all seen the news by now, the explosives detonated in New York City, that was me. Those were just some tests, I know where I have made errors and I will not make the same mistake next time. I did it because I cannot stand society. I cannot live in a world where homosexuals like myself as well as the rest of the LGBTQ+ community are looked down upon by society. It is 2016 and we are still being viewed as mentally ill, sinners, attention seekers, and just plain weirdos in general. I am not going to stand by while under classed and underprivileged people are oppressed. I am not going to stand by while there is inequality in my country such as the racism being seen in white police officers all over the country. I am not going to live in a country where it is OK to have a misogynist, xenophobic, racist Islamophobic, republican candidate running for President of The United States! That's implying that republicans in general should even be taken seriously as they are all cisgendered privileged white people. This is not the end, this is just the beginning. I will be remembered. I will make a difference. I will eliminate my targets before it is too late. In addition to the attack in New York, there was also an explosion at a Marine Corps charity run in New Jersey. This is how that incident was described by CNN... Saturday's blast was likely timed to disrupt the event in Seaside Park, officials said. No injuries were reported - most likely because registration problems delayed the start of the race, so no one was near the garbage can when the explosion happened. Investigators discovered three pipe-bomb-type devices wired together near the boardwalk, authorities said. An initial examination showed the devices were rudimentary, with some type of timer, and only one of them detonated, two federal law enforcement officials told CNN. Authorities seem to believe that there is a link between the attacks in New York and New Jersey because both devices were detonated using flip-phones. Meanwhile, nine people were injured when a knife-wielding attacker started assaulting people in a Macy's department store in St. Cloud, Minnesota... The attacker, who was was wearing a private security uniform when he struck in St Cloud, Minnesota, was shot dead by an off-duty officer, authorities said. St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson said the knifeman made references to Allah during his attack and asked at least one person if they were a muslim. In this case, we do know the identify of the attacker. His name was Dahir A. Adan... The father of the man who stabbed nine people at a central Minnesota mall has identified him as a 22-year-old college student. Ahmed Adan told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis that police told him Saturday night that his son, Dahir A. Adan, died at Crossroads Center mall in St. Cloud. Dahir A. Adan was a Somali immigrant that had come to the United States 15 years ago. He currently was enrolled at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, but nobody is quite sure what made him flip out like that. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for this attack, and authorities are looking into what links Adan may have had with the group. This is another example of why it is so alarming that Barack Obama has announced that we may see up to a fourfold increase in the number of refugees from Syria in 2017. Without a doubt, most refugees are coming here for our help. But there are others that have other motives, and the past 24 hours have shown us how much damage just a handful of jihadists can do. We live at a time when terror attacks are on the rise. Worldwide there have already been more than 1000 Islamic terror attacks so far in 2016, and this trend is only going to get worse during the years ahead. Our world is becoming increasingly violent and unstable. The strategies that worked in the past will not necessarily work in the future, and we all need to start adjusting to the new reality. ![]()
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Watchman Warning: Attacking The First Freedom - by Hal Lindsey -
In a report issued last week, the Chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, Martin Castro, declared that the words "religious liberty" are merely a code for American bigotry. He said, "The phrases 'religious liberty' and 'religious freedom' will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance." He went on to blame the Christian faith for slavery and Jim Crow laws. Our nation's founders viewed the first amendment as the most important in the Bill of Rights. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...." U.S. citizens stand heir to these remarkable words. They were assembled in an attempt to manifest in practical ways what both Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King called the "creed" of our nation - "...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." The Declaration set forth the concept of human dignity before God, and the Bill of Rights codified it into the bedrock of American law. Yet today the Bill of Rights is under assault on university campuses, in federal courts, and now at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The Commission is an official arm of the United States government. Congress created it in 1957, and reauthorized it several times. Their website says they are "an independent, bipartisan, fact-finding federal agency." Bipartisan? One of the 8 commissioners is a Republican, and another is a right-leaning Independent. The remaining 6 of 8 include 4 Democrats and 2 left-leaning Independents. The Commission's chairman, Martin Castro, is an Obama appointee. Most Americans view the phrases "religious liberty" and "religious freedom" as precious. But in the eyes of Chairman Castro, they stand for hypocrisy - mere code words for oppression. His attack on them shows the depths to which this nation has fallen in just the last few years. You have to wonder how someone so disoriented could rise to the Chairmanship of this important government entity. In some ways, though, the determination of the Commission as a whole may be even more troubling. The report that contained the Chairman Castro's attack on freedom of religion is called, "Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles with Civil Liberties." In that report, the Commission wrote, "Civil rights protections ensuring nondiscrimination, as embodied in the Constitution, laws, and policies, are of preeminent importance in American jurisprudence." They concluded, "Religious exemptions... significantly infringe upon these civil rights." How could the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights fail to recognize that religious freedom is not something that competes with civil rights, but is a major component of those rights? Because it is listed first in the Bill of Rights, "religious freedom" has long been known as the "First Freedom." In a rebuttal to the Commission's report, Commissioner Gail Heriot wrote, "By starting with an assertion that antidiscrimination laws are 'preeminent,' the Commission's analysis essentially begins with its conclusion. Why should anyone accept it?" The Commission also expressed concern when "religious institutions and organizations claim the freedom under constitutional and statutory law to choose leaders, members or employees according to the tenets of their faith, even if the choice would violate employment, disability, or other laws." This isn't even a matter of religious freedom. It's a matter of common sense. Should the NFL be required to hire a Public Relations person who believes football is a dangerous sport that should be outlawed? Should they be forced to hire someone to speak on their behalf who hates their sport? Of course not. To speak for the NFL, the person needs to be able to express the tenets of the NFL. So why should a religious organization be forced to hire an atheist? How long before the Catholic Church will be required to make women priests? They aren't required to do so now because of a "religious exemption." But the Commission officially states that "Religious exemptions... significantly infringe upon these civil rights." All institutions, including religious ones, are defined by their rules. Abolish the rules and you remove the distinctions that define the group, thus destroying it. On an international level, it's the equivalent of removing a nation's borders. Governments around the world seem intent on overwriting the rules of faith-based institutions, primarily Christianity. In this case, they are attacking Christians by saying that our beliefs in God's rules are really just a way to disguise our bigotry. It's another sad day of decline in America - just as the Bible prophets predicted about conditions of the last days just before Christ comes for Christians. Daily Jot: The New Normal-Terror in the US - Bill Wilson -
As a judgment on a nation that behaved in many ways like the United States is today, God said in Jeremiah 51:14, "Surely I will fill thee with men, as with locusts, and they shall raise a battle cry against thee." While the US is not Babylon, and it has not completely turned its back on the Lord by taking great joy in persecuting the children of Israel, US leaders have blindly allowed the enemies of Israel their head. The consequences of such are being seen in this nation at an increasing and alarming rate-Islamic terrorism on American soil. The weekend, with a terrorist attack in a Minnesota shopping mall and pipe bombs in New York City, may become the new normal for Americans. And we must begin to deal with it. AP reports, "A man in a private security uniform stabbed nine people at a Minnesota shopping mall, reportedly asking one victim if he or she was Muslim before an off-duty police officer shot and killed him in an attack the Islamic State group claimed as its own...An Islamic State-run news agency, Rasd, claimed Sunday that the attacker was a "soldier of the Islamic State" who had heeded the group's calls for attacks in countries that are part of a U.S.-led anti-IS coalition." AP and authorities are downplaying the incident by saying it is uncertain that the IS planned the attack. Nonetheless, its proximity to Minneapolis, where a large population of Islamic Somalia refugees is settled, seems more than coincidental. In New York City, Vocativ reports, "Supporters of the Islamic State rushed to celebrate Saturday night's powerful explosion in New York's Chelsea neighborhood that injured at least 29 people, even as no group or individual has been arrested or claimed responsibility. "The lions of the Caliphate roar in New York, we cause you pain inside your house, the carrier of the Cross," wrote one Twitter user who went by the name "I am ISIS, come and block me." The account was soon suspended. Another, called "The Lone Wolves," tweeted with the Arabic hashtag #ExplosionManhattanNewYork "Oh God burn America, take revenge in the name of your oppressed slaves and believers' blood."" There was another backpack with five bombs in it found near an Elizabeth City, NJ train station. Authorities are trying to determine if there is a link between all the New York area bombs. The New York Post's Paul Sperry wrote in June, "America has now averaged one serious Islamic terrorist attack a year on [sic] the president's watch, yet he still insists the threat from radical Islam is overblown and that he's successfully protecting the nation." Add those over the weekend to the list and we are beginning to see a new normal for America-one of internal violence, death and destruction. Let us be reminded that the current Administration and the Democratic Party candidate for president seek to continue the policies that have facilitated this phenomena. Daily Devotion: A Watered-Down Gospel - Greg Laurie -
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. -2 Timothy 2:3 Without question the greatest life to live is the Christian life, because God takes a life that was empty, aimless, and, worst of all, headed for a certain judgment and then turns it around and transforms it. He forgives all our sin, removes our guilt, and literally takes residence inside of us through the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, He changes our eternal address from a place called hell to a place called heaven. This all comes about as a result of the power of the gospel proclaimed and believed. Yet some have believed what I would describe as a watered-down version of the gospel, a gospel that promises forgiveness but rarely mentions the need to repent of your sin, a gospel that promises peace but never warns of persecution, a gospel that says God wants you to be healthy and wealthy and never have any problems to speak of, a gospel that says you will so find the favor of God that a parking space always will be available for you. But that is not the gospel of the New Testament. The Christian life is not a playground, but a battleground. Not only is there a God who loves you and has a plan for your life, but there is also a devil who hates you and opposes God's plan. I am not suggesting that once you become a Christian, you will be sick, poor, and miserable. But the essence of the Christian life is knowing and walking with God. It is about sticking with Him when the sky is blue and also when it is filled with clouds. It is about pressing on. Jesus made it clear that storms will enter every life. But as we seek to know and follow Christ, we will find happiness as a fringe benefit. FROM THE HEART
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