Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Signs Scream with Both Peril and Hope - By Jonathan Brentner -
In 1893, Norwegian Expressionist artist Edward Munch painted what has come to be known as The Scream. Munch originally called his work The Scream of Nature. According to Munch, the inspiration for the work came while on a walk at sunset. As the setting sun turned the sky to red, he sensed an "infinite scream passing through nature." Historians speculate that a volcano eruption may have turned the heavens into such a daunting red hue. In Romans 8:22-23, Paul wrote about a different sound emanating from nature, "For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." Nature groans in pain and so do believers as we wait in eager anticipation of the completion of our salvation when Jesus comes to take us home. For those paying attention, world events scream with great danger for those who do not know Jesus as their Savior. For those who trust Him, we await the sound of the trumpet and shout of an archangel. The Screams of Impending Peril If the Christ-rejecting world were to be granted a glimpse into what is coming for them during the tribulation, their faces would resemble the scene Edward Munch painted. For now, they remain oblivious to the signs of their impending peril we know as the Day of the Lord. They cannot see how the signs of the approaching tribulation scream for all to see. Instead, they see their lives continuing for the indefinite future with the hope of future generations. Have you heard of China's surveillance system? China uses technology to monitor all the choices of many of its people (they have yet to implement it everywhere). Based on such things as the places people visit, social media activity, who they e-mail, and what they buy, they receive a numerical grade. China recently used scores from this system to prevent over one and a half million of its people from purchasing airline tickets. It gets worse. According to a recent report, a company in Silicon Valley is preparing just such a system for the United States. How would they use it? A news report last week stated that bureaucrats in the HHS (Health and Human Services Department) are considering employing a similar system to assign a social score for all those seeking to purchase guns in the US. I pray we never see such a system here, but I know it will happen after the rapture. These systems scream Revelation 13 for all who are paying attention. Verses 16-18 describe the antichrist using just such a system to control people's buying and selling worldwide during the tribulation. The Bible also tells us that during the tribulation the antichrist will kill millions of believers and Jews. Currently, Satan is preparing the world to readily accept this scenario. Jeff Klinzman, a former adjunct English professor at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, made this comment on social media regarding Evangelical Christians: "Kill them all and bury them deep in the ground." Not surprisingly, he identifies with the fascist group Antifa. Every day, the left grows more intolerant of those who hold to biblical values. Anti-Semitism also grows worse by the day. We see this throughout the world. In New York City, we see attacks against Rabbis on almost a daily basis. In the United States Congress, Anti-Semitism continues to rapidly grow along with hatred for Israel; it's not difficult to imagine this demonic spirit someday seizing total control of these elected officials in the United States. It's so easy to see how those with such little regard for human life, as demonstrated by their avid support of abortion, would engage in the killing of those they regard as detractors to their fond beliefs. The Day of the Lord, as described in Isaiah 24 and in Revelation 6-16, is rapidly approaching. The two recent developments I mention above show how Satan is relentlessly shaping the world for the arrival of his man, the antichrist. I could list many more signs of impending peril for those who reject the Savior, but it's time now for some good news! The Shout of Hope For those of us in Christ, we wait for the shout of the archangel and the blaring of the trumpet, not the scream of a world experiencing the terrors of socialism and the devastation of God's wrath. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 tells us, "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first." I grieve for those believers who remain asleep despite the screaming of the signs all around them. Some receive deceiving messages from pastors who deny the biblical relevance of Israel's modern-day restoration, and they believe the church has replaced Israel or that Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament promises for Israel. Other saints remain caught up in the things of this life and do not notice the telltale signs of a world ready to explode. We know there is "no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1). Paul promises that all those who are justified will be glorified (Rom. 8:30). It's an unbroken chain; once God applies Jesus' righteousness to your account (see 2 Cor. 5:21), your salvation is a done deal because, just as in the beginning, its completion does not depend on you. You cannot miss out on the rapture. (See my other post: Will Jesus Leave Us Behind?) If you are truly "in Christ," Jesus will not leave you behind when He returns for us. If that is the case, "what's the big deal about being ready?" you might ask. It matters in terms of urgency. They pray for those unwilling to listen, support ministries and missionaries that proclaim the Gospel, and encourage other believers to remain strong in these perilous last days. In addition, the Bible speaks of a special reward for believers who recognize the time and eagerly wait for Jesus' appearing (2 Tim. 4:8). I believe the Lord will celebrate the faith of those still holding on to His promise of coming to take them back to His Father's house in heaven (John 14:2-3). But ready or not, no true follower of Jesus will remain earthbound when He comes for us. We will all meet Jesus in the air. The hour is exceedingly late; Jesus is coming soon for His church. I believe many who are reading this post will be alive to hear the cry of the archangel and the trumpet of God. This is also the hope of my wife Ruth and me. For the unsuspecting world, sudden destruction will soon follow the rapture (1 Thess. 5:3). Many will come to faith in Jesus during this time of wrath upon the earth (Rev. 7:9-12). The majority of those left behind, however, will persist in their sins, refusing the forgiveness the Savior offers to them (Rev. 9:20-21). Despite screams of terror that they will surely hear at this time, they will persist in their wickedness. Sadly, their agony will continue after death; their shrieks of pain will never end. This is why we pray. This is why we warn others about the urgency of the times in which we live. This is also why we look at the clouds, wondering when we will meet our Savior there along with loved ones who already have gone to be with Him. Maranatha!! Jonathan Brentner Website: Our Journey Home Please consider signing up for my newsletter on my website. Thanks! E-mail: [email protected] Prophetic Sources: Arabs in Knesset Will Lead End-of-Days Ishmael War Against Jews That will be "Worse Than Nazis" - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "When the righteous become great the people rejoice, But when the wicked dominate the people groan." Proverbs 29:2 (The Israel Bible™) As the dust settles from the Israeli elections and it becomes clear that it will be exceedingly difficult for either of the dominant parties to form a coalition government, Benny Gantz, a former IDF general and Chief of Staff who heads the Blue and White Party, has already been adopted by the Arab parties as their leader-of-choice. Rabbi Yosef Berger is the rabbi of King David's Tomb on Mount Zion but as the son of Rabbi Shalom Berger, the spiritual leader of thousands of members of the Mishkoltz sect of Hasidic Jewry, Rabbi Berger is privy to an inner circle of holy mystic rabbis. One such rabbi, Rabbi Asher Frank who passed away approximately 16 years ago, gave over a warning that is unfolding today. "Rabbi Frank was known among the Haredim of Jerusalem as a particularly righteous Jew but a few knew that his spirituality went even deeper," Rabbi Berger said. "The rabbis learned to trust his intuition and predictions as guideposts but were careful to keep his identity hidden. My father and others believed he had ruach hakodesh (holy spirit, the power of prophecy). Forty years ago he predicted that the Arabs would take on a greater influence in the Knesset far exceding what was reasonable and the outcome will be horrific." "The Zohar describes the final confrontation between the Bnei Yishmael (the sons of Ishmael) and the Jews as being in Jerusalem," Rabbi Berger said. "The Arabs outside of Israel, even in Judea and Samaria, are open about their desire to destroy Israel. They are willing to use any tool as a weapon. One of those tools can be the Knesset in Jerusalem, the site of the final battle between Ishmael and Isaac." Jewish sources describe that in the end-of-days the descendants of Ishmael will have a place and a purpose in Jerusalem and, more specifically, on the Temple Mount. A surprisingly detailed description of the Messianic process is given in the Zohar Hadash, a collection of previously unpublished manuscripts pertaining to the Zohar printed in the late 16th century. In one section (Balak 68b), the Zohar Hadash describes a process that will begin in the 274th year of the sixth millennium. This works out to be the year 5774 in the Hebrew calendar which began in September 2013. "Rabbi Frank instructed us to pray that the Ishmaelites did not succeed in their plan to take control of the Knesset because if they did, it would be much worse than anything the Nazis were able to do during the Holocaust," Rabbi Berger said. In fact, with Likud receiving 31 seats in the election and the Blue and White receiving 32, Netanyahu will be hard-pressed to cobble together the bevy of right-wing parties into a coalition. He is challenged by right-wing Avigdor Liberman's refusal to sit in a government with Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) parties. Gantz does not have enough left-wing parties to form a coalition so he may consider a unity government with Netanyahu. It is unclear whether Netanyahu is willing to risk the ire of his right-wing voter base to do so and in any case the terms of such a union will be difficult on either side. A much more simple solution for Gantz will be to simply join forces with the Joint Arab List, the third-largest party. Rabbi Nisim Makor, head of Machon Kibutz Galuyot, noted that the Arab parties in Knesset have a connection, albeit indirect, to open enemies of Israel. In an interview in 2017 with Israel's Kan News Network, head of the Joint Arab List, Ayman Odeh refused to condemn the actions of Samir Kuntar, an Arab terrorist who crushed the skull of a 4-year old girl or the terrorists who killed Dvir Sorek. "This is the man who will pave the way for Benny Gantz to be the next prime minister," Rabbi Makor told Breaking Israel News. The rabbi emphasized that Odeh's refusal to condemn these particular attacks was not random. Samir Kuntar, the rabbi noted, was from Hezbollah and one of Dvir Sorek's killers was affiliated with Hamas. Though Hezbollah is in Lebanon and Hamas is based in Gaza, both organizations are funded by Iran. "This struggle to form a coalition in the Knesset is part of the end-of-days war with Persia," Rabbi Makor said. Persia appears very frequently in Jewish eschatology in a manner that includes the U.S. which is representative of Edom, the nation of "red men", allying with Arabia. The Yalkut Shimoni, a compilation of rabbinic commentary on the Bible believed to have been composed in the 13th century, describes Persia's role in the end-of-days in detail. "Rabbi Yitzchok said: The year in which Melech Hamashiach (Messiah king) will be revealed, all the nations of the world will be provoking each other...The king of Persia will provoke the King of Arabia. The King of Arabia, will go to Edom to take counsel and the King of Persia will threaten to destroy the entire world. The nations of the world will be outraged and panic. They will fall on their faces and will experience pains like birth pangs. Israel too, will be outraged and in a state of panic ask, "Where do we go?" (Yalkut Shimoni, Isaiah, 60:499) It is likely that any deal between Odeh and Gantz would require Palestinian politicians being granted minister positions and quite possibly a position on the cabinet. If so, they will be part of Israel' highest level of security. There have also been reports that for the Joint Arab List to support Gantz's bid, he must commit to the "Two-State" which would see a Palestinian state created in Israel's Biblical heartland, in effect granting the Palestinians a military victory. In the most intriguing part of the prophecy described in the Zohar, it is predicted that the sons of Ishmael will "make war against the Messiah, and will come and bow down before God at the holy mountain in Jerusalem". The Zohar specifically uses the name of the God of the Jews, and not a generic term or the expression used for non-Jewish worship. This prediction of the Zohar predicts that the Arabs will worship the Jewish God on the Temple Mount. "The Palestinians declared they wanted their own government," Rabbi Makor said. "Despite the Oslo Accords and the existence of the Palestinian Authority (which hasn't held elections in more than a decade), the Palestinians eagerly voted in the Israeli election and seem to be putting all of their efforts into playing a key role in the Israeli government. They left their 'temple of politics' behind and are set on destroying ours from within." Turkey Seeks To Go Nuclear - Another Trigger For Ezekiel 38? - By Britt Gillette/End Times Bible Prophecy - During the 17 years he has ruled NATO-member Turkey, the country's Islamist strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has rarely missed an opportunity stealthily to convert Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's secular, pro-Western establishment into a rogue state hostile to Western interests. Erdogan now wants to make it a rogue state with nuclear weapons. "They say we can't have nuclear-tipped missiles, though some have them. This, I can't accept," Erdogan said in a September 4 speech, rejecting calls to prevent his country from acquiring nuclear weapons while conveniently forgetting that Turkey has signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1980. In other words, Turkey's elected leader publicly declares that he intends to breach an international treaty signed by his country. Turkey is also a signatory to the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, which bans all nuclear detonations, for any purpose. This is not, in fact, the first time Erdogan has voiced an eagerness to make Turkey a nuclear-armed state. As early as 2008 -- when he was the poster child of naïve Western statesmen and intellectuals who believed he was a reformist democrat -- Erdogan said: "Countries that oppose Iran's nuclear weapons should not have nuclear weapons themselves." Despite his use of the plural "countries," Erdogan was apparently pointing his finger at the country he hates the most: Israel. In a 2010 speech, Erdogan described Israel as "the principal threat to peace" in the Middle East. In that speech, he repeated his skepticism about whether Iran intended to use its nuclear-fuel program to build nuclear weapons, and said there was no such uncertainty concerning Israel's undeclared arsenal. If Turkey overtly or covertly launched a nuclear weapons program -- as Erdogan apparently wishes -- the move could well have a domino effect on the region. Turkey's regional adversaries would be alarmed, and Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Greece might be tempted to launch their own nuclear weapons programs. Would Israel stand for a nuclear Turkey any more so than a nuclear Iran? Erdogan's threats to Israel have been more subtle than Iran's threats "to wipe Israel off the map" but they are just as dangerous. Turkey Breaks from the West In July, Turkey announced its plan to move forward with the purchase of a Russian S-400 air defense system. In response, the U.S. expelled Turkey from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, cancelling their previous order of 100 F-35s. Furthermore, Turkey's announcement opened the door for more penalties under a 2017 act that calls for sanctions on any nation that buys a major defense article from Russia. Currently, relations remain strained as the two nations work to find a resolution. But far from an isolated incident, this is just the latest dispute between the United States and Turkey. The relationship between these two countries has been volatile for several years now. But this wasn't always the case. Up until a few years ago, Turkey was a reliable ally for the U.S., Israel, and NATO. Turkish History Following World War I and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led a Turkish War of Independence. When the war ended, the victors established the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Ataturk served as the new nation's first president. He oversaw numerous reforms to modernize Turkey. He established a secular western democracy and made the nation a model democratic republic in the Middle East. In 1949, Turkey became the first Muslim majority nation to recognize Israel. In 1952, it joined NATO. For the latter part of the 20th Century, Turkey was a strong ally of Israel, the U.S., and other western nations. As the 21st Century dawned, Turkey explored membership in the European Union. This would have further solidified the nation's western ties. Instead, an event took place that reshaped the future of Turkey. A New Direction for Turkey In 2003, Turkey elected Recep Tayyip Erdogan prime minister. A former member of a banned Islamist political party, Erdogan's administration has been hostile toward Turkey's secular and democratic institutions. Under Erdogan, Turkey has turned from its traditional western allies and cultivated relationships with nations that oppose western democracy. In July 2016, Erdogan cracked down on his political opponents following what he claimed was a coup attempt. He imprisoned thousands of citizens and consolidated his grip on power. A 2017 referendum further extended that power. Now the president, Erdogan is the undisputed ruler of Turkey. The nation, once hailed as a model of freedom and democracy in the Muslim world, has quickly devolved into a totalitarian regime eager to befriend America's enemies. Why This Matters So why should you care? Aside from diminishing freedom and liberty for Turkey's citizens, these events have enormous prophetic significance. Why? Because Turkey is a key member of the Gog of Magog alliance. Six centuries before the crucifixion of Jesus, Ezekiel foretold of a future invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39). He said it will occur in the last days (Ezekiel 38:16). It will come from north of Israel (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2), and it will involve a coalition of nations led by Russia (Ezekiel 38:2). The nations Ezekiel cited include: Rosh = Russia Magog = Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan Persia = Iran Cush = Sudan Put = Libya Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah = Turkey For years, those who study bible prophecy have wondered how Turkey fits into this alliance. After all, Turkey is a longtime ally of Israel. Also, as a member of NATO, the idea of Turkey joining a Russian invasion of Israel is hard for many to imagine. In 2014, I noted in my book Signs of the Second Coming: "Turkey is another interesting member of this military alliance. Since the restoration of Israel in 1948, those who understand bible prophecy have struggled to figure out how Turkey fits in. Why? Because in 1949, Turkey became the first Muslim majority country to officially recognize the state of Israel. Turkey and Israel have a long history of diplomatic, economic, and military cooperation. Turkey is also a member of NATO. And what is the purpose of NATO? Its purpose is to defend member nations against Russian aggression. So why would Turkey join a Russian alliance to invade another country? While it hasn't made sense in recent years, that idea doesn't seem so far-fetched today. In May 2010, Turkey and Russia signed a series of agreements enhancing their energy ties, including an agreement to build Turkey's first nuclear power plant. And in recent years, Turkey's domestic politics - historically secular in nature - have been heavily influenced by Islam. And that gives Turkey more than enough motive to join the Gog of Magog Alliance." And here we are. Erdogan has consolidated power in Turkey. Ataturk's Turkish Republic is dead. The relationship between Vladimir Putin and Erdogan is strong and growing. All that's left to permanently move Turkey into Russia's sphere of influence is a clear break between Turkey and NATO. While we wait for that moment, the military forces of the three most powerful members of the Gog of Magog alliance - Russia, Iran, and Turkey - are now cooperating in Syria. Just this week Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hosted the leaders of Russia and Iran in Ankara for talks to resolving the Syrian civil war. It is expected any final agreement between these nations will put their joint military forces right on Israel's border. And not just any border - Israel's northern border. This is where Ezekiel said the invasion force will come from - north of Israel (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). Is this a mere coincidence? I don't think so. Never in history have these three nations formed an alliance. Now, they're stationed directly to Israel's north. The stage is now set for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies. Turkey has made a strategic choice to align itself with Russia and Iran. Eventually, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the other nations in the Gog of Magog alliance will send an overwhelming invasion force against Israel (Ezekiel 38:8-9). When they do, God will destroy them and display His power and glory for all the nations to see (Ezekiel 38:23). It's one more sign of how close we are to the Second Coming of Jesus. Seeking Your Own Genetic Heritage? - Gary Stearman - You're certainly not alone! Over the last few years, it has become a global obsession to discover your ancestry through DNA analysis. Satisfying curiosity about our genetic identity has long been a tantalizing preoccupation. Who knows, we might discover a hidden talent, great riches or bragging rights if our genetic background displays the correct connections to the past. But now, the exploding science in this area is almost being considered a necessary part of a normal life. And there are medical indicators in one's genealogical heritage, possibly opening the way for preventing a medical problem before it becomes fully realized. That being said, we should emphasize the central message of the Bible: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God..." (Rom. 3:23). Without Christ, one's true genetic structure is terminally damaged. (But read the conclusion, below.) And make no mistake: The Bible identifies sin as genetic; it's a part of every human being's physical, mental and emotional makeup at birth. Over the centuries, man's life span has decreased, and in spite of his best efforts at life extension, he still perishes after a precious few decades of life. If there is a central message in the Bible, it is the pressing need for redemption and a "New Birth." It's the only way that we can regain our lost relationship with the Creator God. It's also the only way we can repair our damaged human genome ... and receive eternal life! Eight times in the New Testament, a reference is made to the "Book of Life." It's a Scriptural certainty that having one's DNA written there provides the only hope of living forever in the presence of the Lord. Paul refers to his coworkers, who are having a few minor differences, as "... fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life." (Phil 4:3) And Revelation, referring to the overcomer: "... and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life." (Rev. 3:5). John writes that worshippers of the Antichrist are those, "...whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Rev. 13:8). Unbelievers who witness the Antichrist ("... whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world ..." Rev. 17:8) shall marvel at his power. Later, John writes about "... the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: (Rev. 20:12). And in Revelation 20:15 "... whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Later, we discover, "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life" (Rev. 21:27). "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book" (Rev. 22:19). So, if you're eager for a favorable DNA analysis, make sure you get the one recommended in the Bible: "... Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 3:24). It has already been paid for! Daily Jot: The prophetic clock tick tock - Bill Wilson - Many events are coalescing around the world with prophetic players. It is not so much that Israeli elections came to a stalemate with division. It is not so much that Iran is rattling its sword. It is not so much that the world is in a very divisive state where major countries are facing visceral debates over illegal immigration, migration, refugee placement-essentially, a redistribution of the world population, much of which is due to Islamic wars. It is, however, that all these events are occurring at the same time. We can point to various prophecies regarding the end of times and the return of Christ and reasonably discern that the prophecy clock is moving forward with Israel as its timekeeper. When we look at the chronology Christ gave in Matthew 24, there is a picture of what happens in Israel leading up to the return of Christ. Verse 10: And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. Verses 15-16: When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place...Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains." The Daniel 11 prophecy speaks of the king that takes away the daily sacrifice and places the abomination that makes desolate. It goes on to say that many shall fall by the sword, by flame, by captivity and spoil. These are also prophesied in Zechariah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Revelation and other books of the Bible. Israel is going to fall. There will be a time when the Beast will take over Jerusalem and do horrible things to the people there. Zechariah 14 says that Jerusalem will be taken, the houses rifled, the women ravished, and half of the city will go into captivity. But the Lord returns and sets things straight by defeating the Beast in a supernatural way as such that the nations "shall know that I am the Lord (Ezekiel 38:23)." The enemies of Israel will be defeated and the Lord establishes his kingdom on earth as foretold by the prophets. Zechariah 14:9 says, "And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one." Just as it is written in Romans 14:11, "For it is written (in Isaiah 45:23), As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." We are constantly watching and discerning the times. Iran is making a play for the Middle East. Israel has had elections resulting in nothing but division. The Middle East is in turmoil. Islam is advancing around the globe either by sword or by immigration. As we look at all these events, we also need to pay close attention to what is happening in Israel. Israel is the timepiece for prophecy. There will be an event or a series of events that will set the stage and actually trigger all the other events that are in place for the return of the Lord. We can watch closely to see the convergence. What event causes division in Israel and opens the door for the enemies of Israel? We may be seeing today a type and shadow of prophecy evolving as Israel's leaders are divided and the Joint List of Arab parties are united. Something to ponder and pray about. Daily Devotion: Tripped up by Sin - by Greg Laurie - Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace.-Romans 6:12 Once Johnny Cash started taking pills to help his singing performances, it wasn't long before Cash was gobbling ten or more uppers every day. When touring in south Texas there were frequent side trips into Mexico, where a doctor's prescription for what he wanted was unnecessary and he could buy all the pills he wanted. His wife, Vivian, sensed they were dangerous from the start. When Cash was home, she'd get up early in the morning and find him sitting there haggard and bleary-eyed after staying up all night furiously writing, singing, and committing songs to tape. She urged him not to take the pills or at least cut back, but he didn't want to hear it and blew her off. The pills changed his behavior, and led him down the road to increased sin. But Johnny's basic good nature continued to shine through when not under the influence. He committed random acts of kindness, often giving money to strangers in need. Hearing about a fan who traveled a long way to see him perform and who had neither provisions nor a place to stay, Johnny staked him to a hotel room and gave him meal money. Or catching someone in a grocery store who was short on money, Cash would pay their bill. Such things endeared him to family and friends, but unfortunately also made ignoring the telltale signs of addiction easier for them. Johnny was living what the Apostle Paul talked about in his letter to the believers in Rome when he wrote, "It happens so regularly that it's predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God's commands, but it's pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge" (Romans 7:21-23 MSG). Scripture Reading: 1. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace." (Romans 6:12-14 NLT) Does God care about what we do with our bodies and what we put into them? How can we use our bodies "for the glory of God"? 2. Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. (James 1:13-15 NKJV) What is always the ultimate outcome of giving into temptation? 3. But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NKJV) Are you a person who gives to others freely, generously, and cheerfully? FROM THE HEART
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