Prophecy Update Newsletter
Peace or War? - Does Bible Prophecy Reveal The Next Steps In The Middle East? - Britt Gillette - In recent decades, no area of the world has been home to more conflict and ongoing animosity than the Middle East. A cauldron of ethnic, political, and religious clashes, many believe the spark that ignites World War III will come from the Middle East. Central to the region's ongoing conflict are Muslim hostility toward Israel and disputes over control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. These are the exact events the Bible says will happen in the last days. The Bible says Jerusalem will be "like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger" (Zechariah 12:2-3). That's precisely what we've seen. The re-establishment of Israel in 1948 led the neighboring Arab nations to declare war. In the years that followed, Israel fought no less than four conventional wars with its neighbors and has spent every moment preparing for all-out war. For all of its 72-year history, the Arab nations of the Middle East have viewed Israel as a mortal enemy. The lone exceptions have been peace treaties with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994). Yet despite those treaties, many of the citizens of those two countries remain hostile toward the Jewish state. Is that changing? Some say it is, and they point out recent events that promise to transform the Middle East. One of those events took place last month. That's when Israel entered into its first peace agreement with an Arab neighbor since the 1994 treaty with Jordan. On August 13, President Trump announced the Abraham Accord - a peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The Abraham Accord is notable because the UAE is the first Persian Gulf state (and only the third Arab state) to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. Ultimately, the agreement promises to build deeper cultural, economic, and military ties between the two nations. Diplomats claim the agreement is a template for establishing a new era of peace and prosperity in the Middle East. Less than a month after breaking news of the Abraham Accord, President Trump announced a similar peace agreement between Israel and Bahrain. Like the UAE, Bahrain will establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. As if that weren't enough, in between the UAE and Bahrain deals, Trump brokered another deal that led Serbia and Kosovo to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. What do these agreements mean? Do they really herald a new era of peace in the Middle East? Some think so. But it's more likely they herald a growing recognition on the part of many Arab Muslim nations of their common need to counter Iran's growing influence in the region. All these nations have a shared interest in thwarting Iran's regional ambitions, even if it means partnering with Israel to do so. For that reason alone, many people believe we'll soon see similar peace agreements between Israel and other Arab nations, such as Oman and Saudi Arabia. So is any of this in the Bible? And if so, what does it mean? The Seven-Year Treaty Students of bible prophecy immediately take notice of any peace deal involving Israel. Why? Because the Bible says an Israeli peace treaty plays a central and pivotal role in the end times. Over 2,500 years ago, Daniel said a mighty ruler will enter into a covenant or a treaty with Israel for a period of seven years (Daniel 9:27). This treaty kicks off the seven-year Tribulation and makes the ruler behind it a major player on the world stage. Who is this ruler? None other than "the man of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:3) himself - the Antichrist. Do any of the recent peace agreements qualify as the Daniel 9:27 treaty? Some say yes. They point out that the Daniel 9:27 treaty is a covenant made "with many," and in this case, we see agreements between Israel and many nations - the UAE, Bahrain, Kosovo, and Serbia - with the prospect of more nations joining in the near future. But that's where the similarities begin and end. The treaty outlined in Daniel 9:27 is set for a specific period of time - seven years. None of the recent peace deals with Israel mention a period of seven years. Also, the man behind the treaty of Daniel 9:27 is a specific individual - the Antichrist. This is important to note. Because when it comes to the recent peace agreements with Israel, the driving diplomatic force has been the Trump administration, and Donald Trump is not the Antichrist. Despite what many of his political opponents may think or say, he simply doesn't fit the profile. The Bible describes the life and times of the Antichrist. It provides details in regard to his ethnic background and political career. Like Barack Obama before him, Donald Trump doesn't fit the description. While people have accused every U.S. President of the past several decades of being the beast of Revelation, the Bible says the Antichrist will be the leader of a revived Roman Empire (Daniel 7). He will come from among the people of the Italian peninsula (Daniel 9:26), and He will be called the Assyrian (Isaiah 10:12; Daniel 8:9). Furthermore, the Bible says the Antichrist will emerge from a group of ten kings (Daniel 7:7-8), and not all of these ten kings will willingly cede their power. Three will oppose him (Daniel 7:8). None of these verses describe Donald Trump. So unless a dramatic change takes place, the recent Israeli peace agreements are not the treaty described in Daniel 9:27. However, that doesn't mean they don't have prophetic significance. In all likelihood, they lay the groundwork for the treaty Israel will eventually sign with the Prince of Darkness. A Time of Peace While the Bible doesn't cite any end times peace agreements other than Daniel 9:27, it does mention a time of relative peace Israel enjoys in the last days. The prophet Ezekiel described this time of peace as a time when Israel will be an unprotected land of unwalled villages - a time when Israel will live in great confidence of its safety (Ezekiel 38:11). During this time, a massive coalition of armies will invade Israel from the north (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2), and Russia will lead them. Known as the Gog of Magog War, the invading nations are as follows: Rosh = Russia Magog = Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan Persia = Iran Cush = Sudan, Ethiopia Put = Libya Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah = Turkey While the recent peace deals with the UAE and Bahrain aren't the covenant mentioned in Daniel 9:27, I believe they're setting the stage for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. The battle lines of the Middle East are being drawn, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the official response to the recently announced deals. Most predictable among them was Iran's reaction. According to Al Jazeera, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused the United Arab Emirates of betraying the Islamic world and the Palestinians. He promised the Emiratis will be disgraced forever, and the stigma of their betrayal will always be remembered. It's clear Tehran stands against this alliance, but the most revealing reaction came from Turkey's President - Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan threatened to suspend diplomatic ties with the UAE and withdraw its ambassador after the Gulf state and Israel agreed to normalize relations. Until recently, this would have been a surprise. After all, Turkey is a longtime ally of Israel. However, since Erdogan rose to power in 2003, he's slowly dismantled many of Turkey's democratic institutions. He's taken an antagonistic stance toward Israel and strengthened Turkey's ties with Russia and Iran. All that's left to permanently move Turkey into the Russian/Iranian sphere of influence is a clear break between Turkey and NATO. While we wait for that moment, the military forces of the three most powerful members of the Gog of Magog alliance - Russia, Iran, and Turkey - are now cooperating in Syria. This puts their joint military forces right on Israel's border. And not just any border - Israel's northern border. This is where Ezekiel said the invasion force will come from - north of Israel (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). Is this a mere coincidence? I don't think so. Never in history have these three nations formed an alliance. Now, they're stationed directly to Israel's north. God continues to set the stage for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies. Turkey has made a strategic choice to align itself with Russia and Iran. The UAE and Bahrain have made a strategic choice to align themselves with Israel. If Oman and Saudi Arabia follow suit as expected, it explains why these nations aren't part of the Gog of Magog alliance. Eventually, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and their allies will launch an overwhelming invasion force against Israel (Ezekiel 38:8-9). When they do, God will destroy them and display His power and glory for all the world to see (Ezekiel 38:23). The Bottom Line We'll have to wait and see what further developments take place before we can know for sure what the prophetic significance of these peace deals will be. None of these agreements are explicitly mentioned in the Bible, and none of them qualify as the covenant mentioned in Daniel 9:27. However, collectively they're setting the stage for a prophetic event that will soon take place - the Gog of Magog invasion. Never in world history have the invading nations of Ezekiel 38-39 banded together. Today, they have. Never before have Russia, Iran, and Turkey posted armies on Israel's northern border. Today, they have. Israel enjoying peace with its neighbors and a false sense of security is the only missing ingredient. Once it's in place, the stage will be set for the fulfillment of the events described in Ezekiel 38-39. It's just the latest sign highlighting how close we are the end of the age and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. America's Diminishing Role - By Terry James - One of the prime points of Bible prophecy, at least from the pre-Trib view, is that America isn't mentioned in it by name or even in cursory reference. (That's unless, of course, one sees the reference to the "young lions" in Ezekiel 38:13 as meaning the United States as offspring of "the Merchants of Tarshish," referring to England.) This is made even more intriguing when we consider all that we believe is going on in setting the stage for the soon fulfillment of prophecy. We believe most, if not all, of Paul's "perilous times" (2 Timothy 3) forewarning is now taking place everywhere we look in our nation-i.e., people are "lovers of themselves," "without natural affection (abortion and homosexuality)"; they are "fierce" (think "BLM" and "Antifa"), and they're "traitors" (in reference to the Deep State and others subverting the Constitution), etc. All these things are, as I like to term them, "America-centric," in their composition. America seems to be at the center of all the earlier-mentioned stage-setting. Then we have this president stunning the world, really, with a peace arrangement that no one but perhaps he and a few others saw coming. It's a stage-setting reality that is indeed profound. To convince so many within the Arab world to come along with the plan Mr. Trump, Kushner, and the others of the administration have put together is just nothing short of phenomenal. It's phenomenal when we think about the absolute volatility of the Israel haters within the Arab world, which is so heavily influenced by the chief terrorist regime, Iran (ancient Persia). So America is at the center of most all primary activity as far as the current ebb and flow of issues and events. That makes it more than a curiosity, really, why God chose not to make this apex nation of history (so far as worldly achievement is concerned) the main focus of prophetic national disposition. Yet America is overtly omitted by name in biblical prophecy. Why did I title this commentary: "America's Diminishing Role"? Again we come to what I see as the strangest presidency in our history. Certainly this is true, it's reasonable to conclude, because we're so near the end of this age (Age of Grace/Church Age). The prophetic Word tells us it will be so as the time of Christ's return nears. Looking around, we're not disappointed. Things are getting stranger and stranger. One of the ironies, if that's what we may call the strangeness, is that this president exerts the most powerful influence on the issue of Middle East peace as any leader ever. At the same time, he's determined to pull out of that region to an extent that no other leader has attempted since much earlier days when isolationism ruled within American diplomatic spheres of influence. For example, he has announced troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and other areas, much to the chagrin of those in the defense department who are supposed to serve at his pleasure. Trump doing so, as a matter of fact, constitutes one of the reasons the so-called Deep State opposes his every move. They like to determine such things and have always been able to do so with the cooperation or the acquiescence of those occupying the White House. It's all part of the power wielded by the military-industrial complex President Dwight Eisenhower forewarned about. America's influence in the world, then, despite it being front and center in most every prophetic signal of the approaching Tribulation, is diminishing. The very president put in place by God to serve at this crucial time is an "America-First" chief executive, yet he also is withdrawing the nation from the most focal area of Bible prophecy-even while formulating a peace initiative that might lead to the very covenant Daniel prophesied. The following news excerpt highlights this dichotomy within Mr. Trump's presidential action. Turkey and Iran are engaging in new operations in Africa... It is important to understand that this is in the context of the US generally reducing its global role and comes around 60 years after European colonialism was rolled back... An article at The National in the UAE in May revealed that Iran has begun to play a role with military proxy groups in the Central African Republic (CAR). The article revealed that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Quds Force has played a role in cultivating "terrorist cells." It has operated, funded, trained and directed proxy groups. Its role and influence in Africa is still far from mapped and known but the article implies it has recruited figures in the CAR and elsewhere. Iran has also been active in Nigeria and also in South Africa and Hezbollah has been active in West Africa... An article at Al-Ain also asserts that Turkey and Qatar are now working to exert influence in Africa. The article asserts that Qatar has been trying to do influence peddling in Tunisia and that Qatar's Defense Minister Khalid al-Attiyah has been coordinating with Turkey's defense minister in discussions about Libya and Tunisia. They want to establish a "joint military training center" in Libya. (Seth J. Frantzman, "Turkey and Iran Are Engaging in New Operations in Africa," Rapture Ready News, September 18, 2020) With the key Ezekiel 38-39 players blatantly moving to fill the vacuum developing in the region because of America's withdrawal-Iran (ancient Persia) and Turkey (much of what comprised ancient Togarmah)-it becomes quite clear that America, although prophetically scheduled to diminish, is nonetheless most prominent in this pre-Rapture era. It will, it's therefore logical to conclude, take a dramatic set of circumstances to remove the nation so influential in the world power arrangement. The Abraham Accords - By Hal Lindsey - On August 13th of this year, the United States, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates released a joint statement announcing an agreement normalizing relations between Israel and the UAE. They call their agreement the Abraham Accords. The announcement explained their choice for that name. "Recognizing that the Arab and Jewish peoples are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham." Less than a month later, on September 12th, the White House announced that Bahrain had also agreed to normalization of ties with Israel. The reactions of other Arab nations have been mixed. A group from the Kuwaiti assembly representing Liberals, Shi'ites, Islamists, and Arabists condemned the treaty. Significantly, however, the Kuwait government remained silent. That means they left their options open. Oman supported the agreement. Saudi Arabia said they would not normalize relations with Israel until the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Accords represent a remarkable turn of events and a huge diplomatic victory for the United States. Some have said that the Abraham Accords cannot be called a "peace agreement" because the nations involved were not officially at war with one another. While technically true, that fails to recognize the depth of enmity these Muslim nations have shown toward Israel over the seven decades of modern Israel's existence. After years of blood threats and extreme rage, why peace now? We should give a lot of credit to the President and his team, especially his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. But the most important factor is Iran. That nation scares everyone in the region. It has a large and growing nuclear weapons program. It is quickly developing missiles to carry those nukes wherever it wants to send them. It has developed ties to Russia and China. And its military meddling across the region shows that it has no respect for the sovereignty of neighbors. Israel makes a strong friend in such a dangerous time. Even those Gulf nations that condemned the agreement continue to show a desire for friendship with Israel. That, too, is because of the severe and imminent threat posed by Iran. Only a few years ago, friendly overtures between these nations and Israel seemed impossible. Today, all that has changed. Since before Israel declared its independence, these nations showed nothing but hatred for Israel. Yet the Bible teaches that a peace agreement between Israel, its neighbors, and the Antichrist will mark the starting point of the seven years of tribulation coming on the world. Until recently, such a peace treaty seemed utterly impossible. Now, it makes perfect sense. Antichrist's peace treaty will be hailed as miraculous, but the peace it will bring will be both short and weak. We can already see the nations moving in the direction of peace. But we can also see the inherent weakness of that future treaty. There remains a fundamental prejudice against Jews written into the Koran and other teachings associated with Mohammed. The fracture lines that will mark the breakup of the Antichrist's peace treaty are also evident. We already see the "king of the south" nations aligning, including most of the Gulf States. We also see the Ezekiel 38 group beginning to form. You might wonder how Antichrist could ever convince Iran to agree to peace with Israel. That will probably be accomplished because of Russia's power over Iran, and Russia's need to be part of the world trade groups that Antichrist will control. But Ezekiel 38 says that Russia, Turkey, Iran, and certain African nations will form into another coalition that will break away from Antichrist's peace accord and move against Israel. The world is rapidly realigning itself into the place described by the Bible in the last days. It is an awe-inspiring thing to see. Thousands of years ago, prophets wrote down God's words, and what He said then is coming true today. That provides a strong reason to trust Him and His word. In a time when it's hard to know who you can believe, you can know that God has spoken, and believe Him. The Stage Has Been Set For The Most Chaotic Election In U.S. History - by Michael Snyder - If you are deeply concerned about what is going to happen in November, you are definitely not alone. Experts on both sides of the political spectrum have been warning that it is very likely that we will not know the winner of the presidential election until well after November 3rd, and everyone pretty much agrees that the period of uncertainly that we will be forced to endure will not be good for our nation. Those of us that are old enough clearly remember the pain that the election of 2000 caused. The outcome hinged on the results from the state of Florida, and the endless recounts were finally brought to a conclusion after 36 very stressful days with George W. Bush up by just 537 votes. Unfortunately, some are saying that we are potentially facing "the 2000 election on steroids" because vote counting will be going on in multiple swing states long after election night is over. The big reason why this election is going to be so different from previous elections is because so many Americans are going to be voting by mail. According to one recent survey, a whopping 37 percent of all voters plan to cast their votes by mail this time around... Thirty-seven percent of registered voters said they are likely to vote by mail in the November election, by receiving a mailed ballot and either mailing it back or returning it in person, according to a new survey released Tuesday by the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project. Other estimates put the number as high as 40 percent, and it could go even higher than that because some states are promoting mail-in voting extremely aggressively. In fact, as I detailed yesterday, one of my readers told me that he and his wife "have received three requests each for mail in ballots" over the past five weeks. We are also being told that Democrats are far more likely to vote by mail than Republicans are. According to the same survey that I quoted above, supporters of Biden are more than twice as likely to vote by mail than Trump supporters are... Among them, 48% of voters who plan to vote for Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden said they are likely to vote by mail, according to the survey. That's more than twice the 23% of voters backing President Donald Trump who said they are likely to vote by mail. It takes a lot of time to open and count ballots that have been mailed in. If that work could be done in advance, that wouldn't be that much of a problem. Unfortunately, there are 14 states where it is prohibited by law to count mail-in ballots before Election Day, and that includes some of our most important swing states... Tens of millions of Americans will try to vote by mail because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But officials in 14 states are prohibited from processing mail-in ballots until Election Day; counting them could take days or weeks. Those states include Pennsylvania and Michigan, battlegrounds that could decide the election. It should deeply alarm all of us to hear that it "could take days or weeks" for some of these states to finally count every single ballot. And that is just the first count. I am not even talking about any potential recounts. At this point, many Democrats are warning of a possible "red mirage" on the night of the election. Many of them believe that it will look like President Trump is winning on election night, but that Joe Biden will ultimately win once all of the mail-in votes are finally counted. As evidence, they point to the fact that there has been a "blue shift" in all national elections going back to 2004... Since 2004, mail-in ballots have been disproportionately Democratic, a phenomenon known as the "blue shift." So, barring a landslide, we could see a "red mirage" on Nov. 3, an election-night count of in-person votes that suggests that Trump has won - even though millions of votes for Biden are waiting to be tabulated. Personally, I do believe that it is very likely that President Trump will be leading on the night of the election, but what is really going to matter is what happens during the days that follow. If a Trump lead evaporates and Biden is eventually declared the winner, there will be widespread allegations that the election was stolen, and that could cause tremendous explosions of anger. And the big tech companies are already preparing for post-election chaos. In fact, Facebook has openly announced that they will purposely "restrict the circulation of content" in order to try to control civil unrest... Facebook announced this week that it may restrict certain aspects of its platform following November's general election as part of a larger effort to limit social unrest. A spokesperson for Facebook suggested that executives including Sheryl Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg may censor specific information if they believe it is likely to heighten political tensions following the election. According to a report by the Financial Times, Facebook announced this week that it will "restrict the circulation of content" following November's election to curb violence and social unrest. The announcement follows efforts by Facebook to address concerns from those who have alleged that the platform aids in voter suppression and promotes election-misinformation. What is this country going to look like if it takes weeks or even months to officially declare a winner? No matter who ends up winning, I believe that the process is so flawed that it is going to tear the country apart. And no matter what the final result is, a large percentage of the population will never accept the outcome as being legitimate. This is already one of the most difficult chapters in U.S. history, and a bitterly contested election result will only make things even worse. At this point, even the mainstream media is admitting that we are heading into "wild" times. The following comes from CNN... Ask anyone about the next six weeks and they will likely give you some version of this as a response: Whoa boy. It is going to be wild. Which it is! The last 42 days of a presidential election are always filled with unpredictable storylines, big moments and, more than anything, uncertainty. Just about the only way that we can avoid the type of scenario that I have described is if there is an overwhelming landslide on election night. Wouldn't that be nice if that actually happened? It would be wonderful if one of the candidates conceded on November 3rd or November 4th and we could avoid weeks or even months of endless national strife, but I don't think that is going to happen. Instead, I believe that both sides are going to fight to the bitter end, and the end will definitely be very bitter indeed. Daily Jot: FBI warns of election day misinformation, LOL - Bill Wilson - The same agency that worked with the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Campaign to undermine the 2016 election results came out with a "public service" warning, "to raise awareness of the potential threat posed by attempts to spread disinformation regarding the results of the 2020 elections." Yes, this is not a joke. The FBI jointly with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned the American public September 22 that "The FBI and CISA urge the American public to critically evaluate the sources of the information they consume and to seek out reliable and verified information from trusted sources, such as state and local election officials." The joint release said, "Foreign actors and cybercriminals could create new websites, change existing websites, and create or share corresponding social media content to spread false information in an attempt to discredit the electoral process and undermine confidence in U.S. democratic institutions." In addition, the FBI and CISA say that the use of mail-in ballots will delay official results of the election and open the door for people to undermine confidence in the election and advises to "Seek out information from trustworthy sources, such as state and local election officials; verify who produced the content; and consider their intent." NOTE: Delaying the election results in of itself opens the door to tampering with the ballots. The release said, "The increased use of mail-in ballots due to COVID-19 protocols could leave officials with incomplete results on election night. Foreign actors and cybercriminals could exploit the time required to certify and announce elections' results by disseminating disinformation that includes reports of voter suppression, cyberattacks targeting election infrastructure, voter or ballot fraud, and other problems intended to convince the public of the elections' illegitimacy." The release reiterated: "The FBI and CISA urge the American public to critically evaluate the sources of the information they consume and to seek out reliable and verified information from trusted sources." Let us remember that it was the FBI in concert with the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign that paid for a fake dossier used to get a FISA Court warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. The ex "president," his Attorney General, Justice Department, the FBI, and the Clintons were all working schemes at the same time to derail Trump before he even got started. FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchanged an estimated 50,000 texts in efforts to undermine President Trump. Strzok and Page emerged as part of a secret society against Trump housed within the FBI. And now the FBI is coming out saying beware of criminals trying to undermine the presidential election. As Solomon so wisely said in Ecclesiastes 1:9, "And there is no new thing under the sun." And the FBI warns of election day misinformation, LOL. Daily Devotion: Cross the Finish Line - by Greg Laurie - You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? -Galatians 5:7 - Listen The Bible is filled with the stories of so many people who had tremendous potential but crashed and burned in the spiritual race. There was King Saul, the namesake of Saul who later became the apostle Paul. King Saul was handsome, tall, brave, and anointed by God to be the king of Israel. He even prophesied. Saul had incredible potential, but he disobeyed God repeatedly. He allowed pride into his life, giving way to paranoia and jealousy, which ultimately consumed him. He met a tragic end on the battlefield. What a wasted life. Then there was Samson. Talk about power. He had an incredible ability to vanquish his enemies. He would kill them left and right on the battlefield. On one occasion Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. Yet Samson went down in flames. Because he played around with sin, sin ultimately played around with him, and it culminated in his own death. There was Gideon, who had such humble beginnings and was mightily used by God to defeat his enemies. But as Gideon's life came to an end, he lowered his standards and fell into immorality and pride. All of these men started well, but they didn't finish well. They ran fast in the beginning, but they didn't get across the finish line as they should have. The apostle Paul, however, wanted to be in the company of those who finished the race, joining the ranks of those who did so in God's winners' circle-men like Caleb and Joshua who finished well. He said, "I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful" (2 Timothy 4:7 NLT). If your life were to end today, would you be able to say, like Paul, "I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful"? ![]() FROM THE HEART
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