Prophecy Update Newsletter
Modern Warfare: III - Total War - By Pete Garcia -
There appears to be growing majority within Christendom today who are more than happy to straddle the fence of conformity. They do not see that the world has become increasingly dark and wicked, primarily because their eyes have adjusted to the darkness. They think they are open-minded for embracing cultural decadence and rejecting the objective truths the Bible puts forth. They reject the exclusivity of the gospel as being too offensive for our progressive age. They think their post-modern, ecumenical approach is somehow more tolerant and loving. They do not realize that war is on the horizon, and soon all have to take sides. Our enemy is not interested in a peace, nor does he believe in live and let live. He is waging war because he knows he has but a short time. Simply put, total war is a war without limitations or boundaries. We could think back to World Wars I and II as examples of this. The Bible forecasts four future total wars, as well as several other scenarios in which war is strongly implied (albeit at the regional level). These wars of the future will not only reorder the world geopolitically, but will also abolish most of the world's religions. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, and the rest (save Judaism and Christianity) will be rolled up into a mystery religion known only as the whore. Even she will be overthrown, and will have her idolatrous focus turned into worshipping the man known as Antichrist. (?)-timing unknown (R)-timing after the Rapture, but before the 70th Week (aka the Tribulation) officially begins (T)-occurs during the Tribulation Regional Wars (?) Psalm 83-All of the Arab-speaking Sunni nations/groups who currently border Israel, attack her in one final attempt to push her into the sea. They not only lose this battle, but Israel ends up doubling in size. (?) Isaiah 17-The destruction of Damascus. Essentially, Syria has gone from being a nation, to just another war-torn battle zone. How this total destruction comes about, along with its permanence, implies a nuclear event. Nuking Damascus may solve the problem of vaporizing the tons of toxic chemical weapons stored in hardened bunkers underneath the city. Total Wars (R) Ezekiel 38-39-The Battle of Gog and Magog primary players are Russia, Turkey, and Iran (Persia). Also in their coalition is Sudan and Libya. Those who you would think be there, but are not, is Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. Also conspicuously missing is Israel's greatest benefactor, the United States. (T) Revelation 6:3-4-The Rider on the Red Horse sweeps in global war after the Rapture and while the EU is trying to consolidate her global authority. These nations are those who rebel against that authority. (T) Rev. 9:13-19-The Two-Hundred Million Horsemen sweep across Asia and kill millions. (T) Revelation 19-The Battle of Armageddon is the last battle in the 70th Week and is where all the nations of the world gather in one last attempt to destroy Israel. They are interrupted by Christ (and His armies) who return and destroy them instead. See also Zechariah 14. Granted, these wars are primarily in the view from Israel's perspective. There could be other scenarios that play out before, during, or after the ones mentioned above, which affects other nations or regions. Furthermore, we are not told exactly how and when all the above happen, with the exception being Armageddon. The Grand Plan The speed at which modernization is occurring finally brings us to man's propensity for destruction and Satan's lack of alternatives. Once you realize that humans on planet earth are the only options Satan has to use in his war against God, you can see Satan's hand behind our rapidly advancing civilization. Especially since Israel became a nation again in 1948. However, from a military standpoint, we must look at Satan's agenda from three different perspectives: the strategic, operational, and tactical realms. Strategic: the campaign plans and themes, which encompasses the art and science (at the national level) to achieve either national or multinational objectives. From a spiritual perspective, this is the big picture of war at its highest levels. Satan's overarching plan is to prevent God's plans from becoming reality. Example: Since Abraham and his descendants were first identified to become God's chosen people (Ex. 19:5, Deut. 14:2, Jer. 31:9-11, etc.), Satan's strategic objective has been all about wiping them off the face of the planet. He has used every major Gentile world power for the past 4,000 years to do so. The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Nazi's, and now the Muslim world have all tried to destroy them, albeit, unsuccessfully. Operational: the medium or mid-level engagements broken down by specific campaigns all used to achieve the strategic objective. Example: Some campaigns were purely about destroying the Jewish people (Pharaoh, Philistines, Sennacherib, Haman the Agagite, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, Adolph Hitler). Some campaigns were all about corrupting them as a people (Korah, Balaam, Pharisees, Gnostics, Rothschild's, Adam Weishaupt, Karl Marx, etc.). Some serious misinformation campaigns have also falsely been waged against the Jewish people vis a vis anti-Semitic propaganda (Scrolls of the Elders of Zion, Islam). Tactical: the smallest or lowest levels of engagements. These are battles or engagements, and are usually rolled up into campaigns, which all are centered on achieving the overarching strategy. Example: When Satan personally tempted Christ in the wilderness to use His power or to worship Satan, or how he (or his minions) target each of us every single day to wear us down so that we become ineffective. Satan knows he cannot destroy the Church, because Christ said as much (Matt. 16:18-19). However, Satan also knows he cannot defeat God, well, because he has tried before and lost. What he is aiming for here, is a zero-sum ending. The only card he has left to play is in trying to destroy the nation of Israel before Christ can return. He figures if he can do that, he's broken prophecy, and Christ will have to renegotiate the terms of Satan's damnation. "For 4,000 years the Jewish people have faced relentless persecution, opposition, and attempts to annihilate and destroy them; and in the future, the struggle against Israel continues. If it concerned any other people, this campaign would seem totally irrational and insane. However, with Israel, a rational but very satanic strategy sustains this animosity. For Satan, the destruction of Israel is a matter of self-preservation. Ultimately, the survival of Israel results in the eternal perdition of Satan. How can this be? Because when Israel repents and nationally invites the Lord Jesus Christ to be its own Redeemer / Messiah, that generation of Israel will be saved, and Satan's plan to destroy the Jews will be finally defeated. Christ will return to the Earth, destroy the satanic antichrist and his armies at Armageddon, establish His Kingdom over Israel and the world for 1,000 years, and then cast the still rebellious Satan into the Lake of Fire forever and ever." (Rev. 20:10) (Thomas S. McCall, Zola-Levitt Ministries) Corrupting the Land During the almost two-thousand yearlong diaspora, the land of Israel lay a perpetual wasteland. Like an ancient Chernobyl or Fukishima, the land of Israel seemed cursed and forbidden, as if a dark, poisonous cloud hung over anyone who attempted to inhabit it through conquest. God's intent was that it lay dormant until its rightful rulers (i.e., the Jewish people-see Ezekiel 37) came back into the land exactly when God intended them to do so. And so it has been. When the Romans under General Titus sacked and conquered Jerusalem in 70AD, up until the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 132AD, a semblance of Jews still remained in the land, albeit, in more of a squatter-status, than as citizens. But by the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian ousted every last Jew from the land, salted the ground so nothing would grow, and then renamed the area Syria Palaestinaso that even the land no longer bore a Jewish name. He attempted to erase their ties to the land forever. From 135AD until 1517, the ownership of the land of Israel was turned over and over again and continuously fought over by various succeeding Gentile kingdoms: The Romans, Byzantines, Sassanid's, Umayyad's, Abbasids, Tulunids, Fatimid's, Crusaders, and Mamelukes all had their day in the sun. It wasn't until the last kingdom, the Ottoman Turks, held the land for 400 years (or eight Jubilees) until they eventually lost it at the end of World War I. Jerusalem was still divided and would remain so until the Six Day War (1967). At the conclusion of that war, the Muslims were strangely allowed to retain authority over the last and most important part of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount. At some point in the not too distant future, the Muslims will finally lose control over this, and then the Jews will build their third temple. Corrupting Their Legitimacy Throughout the 1,878-year Jewish diaspora, Satan has been exceedingly busy corrupting anything Jewish. From the reintroduction of pre-Christian Talmudic writings, to the first century Pharisees and Judaizers, Christianity was challenged at every step. The reason for this, is that Christianity is fulfilled (or realized) Judaism through the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. Following Christ and His Apostles rose the Gnostics and proponents of Jewish mysticism. They produced such aberrant teachings as the Zohar and other Kabbalisticwritings. Satan was particularly busy in the 17th-18th centuries corrupting particular Jews into propagating such nefarious deeds that it would poison their ethnic identity forever. The Rothschild's, Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Illuminati), Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Sigmund Freud, and numerous Nazi-members who did their best to deny and ignore their own heritage. These all did terrible and staggering damage to the human race by bringing in new world order ideologies, Social Darwinism, and other socio-political models responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the 20th-century. In fact, almost every modern conspiracy theory today can in some way be traced back to the Jews in some form or fashion. Whether it be from the Elders of Zion propaganda, or some other nonsense that shows them trying to take over the world, the Jews are continually blamed for everything. What we see today in the Middle East and now Europe is the rekindling of these irrational flames of Anti-Semitism, primarily amongst Muslim and socialist populations worldwide. This began toward the end of World War II when it looked like the Nazi's were not going to win the war. This was and still is, a satanically inspired failsafe measure Satan put in place should Hitler and the Nazi's fail to complete the Final Solution. Thus, we can see the complexity, intricacy, and lengths Satan has gone to destroy the land of Israel and their legitimacy. However, all of Satan's schemes have failed and God still got the land and the people back in there, who would fulfill their role in these last days. Destroying the People As prophesied (Deuteronomy 28:64, Leviticus 26:33), the Jews would be scattered throughout the world during their diaspora. However, their ability to remain a unique and distinct people group, is every bit as much a miracle as was the rebirth of their nation in 1948. God sustained them (Isaiah 49:15-16, 66:22) as promised despite the fact they rejected their own Messiah and had Him condemned to death (Matt. 27:25). Although their preservation was supernatural and divinely appointed, it would not be without first being disciplined and through much suffering (Deut. 28:65, Jeremiah 30:11). Just about every major kingdom that rose to power during those two millennia persecuted them. The Jews would find no respite from the Romans or the Byzantines, nor the French, the English, the Spanish, the Russians, and just about every major European power that existed until the founding of the United States. The Roman Catholic Church would be particularly cruel to the Jews during its various Inquisitions. Even the newly formed Protestant leader (Martin Luther) was so frustrated at his initial attempts to convert them that he ended up cursing them as anathema. Satan tried to prevent the coming of the Jewish Messiah on at least two separate occasions. The first time, he influenced Pharaoh to have all the Hebrew males who were born there in Egypt, to be drowned in the Nile (for population control purposes) (Exodus 1:16, 22). The second time was under King Herod. He two targeted male children under the age of two, to destroy the One who was born King of the Jews (Matt. 2). While these human leaders may have had different justifications, Satan did not know when this Messiah would be born. So we can reasonably assume Satan was there whispering in their ears of these leaders that the Jewish boys had to be destroyed, because both of these were attempts at preventing the birth and life of a Messiah. This persecution will only intensify as we draw closer to the end of the age. "Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; and he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without human means. Daniel 8:25 This man, the Antichrist, also called the man of sin and the son of perdition (2 Thess. 2:3), will be Satan's instrument to gather all the nations of the world against Israel. He uses 1) economic and political control, 2) religious power through false signs and wonders, and 3) united military might. While all these seem disconnected and disjointed in today's modern world, Satan will use crisis to bring all three together under one final governmental system. Furthermore, the massive ramp up of increasingly complex weapons seems very much like overkill. Considering that, around ten nuclear bombs could ruin life on planet earth for everything, why would we need thousands? Why would we need anti-matter weapons? Why does CERN operate a machine that could potentially create a black hole and destroy all life on earth? The reason is relatively simple. If Satan cannot prevent Christ from physically returning, then he will execute what the Israelis today call the Samson Option. He will attempt to destroy Israel and the world in one fail swoop in an attempt to break bible prophecy. Think about it, if Satan could destroy the Jews, Israel and Jerusalem, then theoretically, he could break God's word. We know that he cannot do that, but he probably thinks he still can. Secondarily to that, a theory posits that Satan is attempting to introduce such catastrophic weapons that he can levy against Christ and His armies at His return, should he not achieve his first goal. This is why we are seeing the proliferation of quantum physics gain much traction in the last few years. Not only have that but also energy and particle beam weapons, and armaments that attack things at the molecular level. Furthermore, he is behind CERNs attempt at opening up another dimension, which my theory believes will unintentionally open up the abyss. He is down on his numbers (he only began with a third of the angelic hosts), so he is attempting to add more fallen angels back to his forces who are currently confined. In fact, Jesus warned that this coming period was so bad, that if He did not intervene, no flesh would survive (Matthew 24:21-22). That would not be possible if mankind did not have the weapons capable of destroying the earth. And it shall come to pass in all the land," Says the Lord, "That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, But one-third shall be left in it: I will bring the one-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, 'This is My people'; And each one will say, 'The Lord is my God.' " Zechariah 13:8-9 Hezbollah Using Lebanon To Prepare For Future War With Israel - By Yaakov Lappin - Hezbollah and Lebanon's official military--the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)--are increasingly cooperating with one another, Israeli military sources say, and this relationship is helping the Iranian-backed terrorist organization run southern Lebanon. "We actually see them working together," an IDF official said earlier this month during a briefing to reporters near the Lebanese border. "We see them go the same villages together. We know who is who. Sometimes the Hezbollah personnel wear LAF uniforms. The LAF, of course, are allowed to be here." The cooperation also takes the form of joint vehicle patrols, and the LAF never enters a southern Lebanese village without gaining prior Hezbollah approval. This relationship helps Hezbollah get around U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which forbids it from moving armed units into south Lebanon. Resolution 1701 does, however, permit the LAF to be in the area, enabling the Lebanese military to act as a cover for Hezbollah's activities. With the Syrian civil war beginning to wind down, Hezbollah, armed with a formidable rocket and missile arsenal, is preparing to bring its highly trained units in Syria back home to Lebanon. Many will head to the southern Lebanese front with Israel, according to IDF assessments. The close cooperation with the LAF could allow the Shi'ite organization to deploy its forces even more effectively, as they prepare for potential war with Israel. "The LAF has lost its independence a long time ago," Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, a former IDF Military Intelligence research division chief, and a former director-general of the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs, told the Investigative Project on Terrorism. "Not just LAF - but all of the Lebanese security apparatus - has lost independence. We see it in ongoing cooperation in intelligence, operational, and security activities - in all of these fields. This is an area of concern," he said. Many in the international community "want to think about the LAF as a body that is part of the system that can be worked with, and which is not contaminated by terrorism," said Kuperwasser. "But in reality, there are many doubts that this is in fact the situation. That should worry everyone, because no one wants to see Hizballah get more capabilities than it already has." Kuperwasser noted that, despite their growing cooperation, Hizballah and the LAF do not view everything eye to eye. The LAF has a commitment to the Lebanese state, while Hizballah has many identities, he noted, including Lebanese, Shi'ite, jihadist, and Iranian, as well as being heavily invested in Syria. "Hizballah operates on many fronts. Hence, as soon as it becomes connected with the LAF, this projects on the LAF's conduct," the intelligence expert said. "We see an Iranian willingness to assist the LAF. We see that the LAF is supposed to be the organization deployed in southern Lebanon, according to Resolution 1701, and ensures that there is no Hizballah presence in the area. But in actuality, because of the cooperation with Hizballah, this has turned into a fiction," he added. Due to such trends, Israel has repeatedly warned that it can no longer make a clear distinction between Hizballah and the Lebanese state or the LAF. Should any potential security escalation occur, the IDF source said during the briefing earlier this month, the IDF's response would "mostly depend on how the LAF behaves." "If we see the LAF move back and give us space, we will not attack them. If they take part in hostilities, we will have to attack," he cautioned. On a regional level, the Hizballah/LAF cooperation has also caused significant damage to Lebanon's relationship with the Sunni Arab powers, particularly Saudi Arabia. Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah maintains cooperation with Yemen's Houthis forces, who are engaged in a major armed conflict with the Saudis. "Nasrallah does not care about the Lebanese state. From Lebanon, he operates in a way that endangers the Sunni moderate states, and the U.S.," said Kuperwasser. "And all of this happens in Lebanon with the knowledge of the LAF. This must cast a shadow on the willingness of the West and the pragmatic Arab states to cooperate with Lebanon." Hopes that further cooperation with Lebanon can "save the situation, and foster a different attitude, making the LAF act differently" still exist in the international community, said Kuperwasser. "But Hizballah does not read the situation this way, and neither do the Lebanese, who are continuing their cooperation with Hizballah." Hizballah's three components Hizballah's cooperation with the LAF is just one aspect of its larger Lebanese military operations, which are made up of three main components. The first involves defensive units, embedded in every southern Lebanese village, and in open areas. These units are tasked with challenging a potential Israeli ground offensive and also have access to underground bunkers and tunnels. The units maintain war readiness, equipment, and weapons. A second component is Hizballah's offensive firepower, which is estimated to exceed 120,000 missiles, making it one of the largest collections in the world. This arsenal places almost every area in Israel within range. Hizballah is expected to focus its heaviest firepower on northern Israeli border regions and Israeli military targets, but it can fire thousands of rockets at greater Tel Aviv, and beyond, paralyzing the Israeli home front. Its third component is an elite ground attack force, called "Radwan," which would seek to use newly gained battle experience from Syria, and cross the border into Israel, where, according to IDF assessments, its mission would be "to kill as much as they can in villages and bases, and symbolically attack in Israel, so that after the war, Hezbollah can claim: 'We won.'" The IDF is closely studying these threats and drawing up preparations of its own, designed to crush Hizballah in an unprecedented manner should a conflict erupt. The fate of the LAF, it would seem, in any such scenario, would depend on its ability to stay out of the fighting. Russia Escalates Tensions With Israel, Gives New Missiles to Syria - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - When you take the field against your enemies, and see horses and chariots-forces larger than yours-have no fear of them, for Hashem your God, who brought you from the land of Egypt, is with you. Deuteronomy 20:1 (The Israel Bible™) In the wake of one of their planes being shot down by Syrian missiles during an Israeli airstrike, Russia announced that within the next two weeks, they will be supplying Syria with the advanced S-300 missile defense system. The presence of the Russian missiles will seriously curtail Israel's ability to cope with the Iranian military presence along their northern border and raises tensions in the region several notches. A previous commitment by Russia to provide Syria with the S-300 system in 2013 was cancelled after a request from Israel and several of its Western allies. Earlier this week, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu explained the turnaround in decision. "Now, the situation has changed," Shoigu said to the media. "And it's not our fault." The Russian change of mind comes as a result of an incident last week when Syrian aerial defenses reacted to an Israeli missile attack and inadvertently shot down a Russian military airplane, killing all 15 people aboard. "The command posts of Syrian air defense forces and units will be equipped with automated control systems only supplied to the Russian armed forces," TASS News Agency quoted Shoigu as saying. "This will facilitate centralized control over all forces and resources of the Syrian air defense, monitor the situation in the air and ensure operative issuance of orders. Most importantly, we will guarantee the identification of all Russian aircraft by the Syrian air defense systems." Initially Russia blamed Israel for the incident claiming Israel did not give them adequate warning of the attack. One day after the incident, Russian President Vladimir Putin assured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone that his government considered the downing of the Ilyushin Il-20 to be the result of a "chain of tragic accidental circumstances." The Russians changed their minds again, deciding finally to blame Israel for the death of their airmen. In a phone call on Monday, Putin reportedly told Netanyahu that the Russian Defense Ministry concluded that Israel was indeed to blame for the incident. "The information provided by the Israeli military... runs counter to conclusions of the Russian defense ministry," Putin reportedly told Israel's prime minister. "The Russian side proceeds from the fact that the actions by the Israeli air force were the main reason for the tragedy." "The actions of the Israeli fighter pilots, which resulted in the loss of life of 15 Russian servicemen, either lacked professionalism or were an act of criminal negligence, to say the least," a Russian defense ministry spokesman added During the phone conversation, Putin went on to assure Netanyahu that the S-300 system in Syria was "primarily intended to thwart any potential threat to the lives of the Russian military service members." Netanyahu was reported to have responded that "providing advanced weapons systems to irresponsible actors will magnify dangers in the region." Netanyahu also related to the primary focus of Israeli military operations in Syria. "[Israel is] determined to stop Iranian military entrenchment in Syria and the attempts by Iran, which calls for the destruction of Israel, to transfer to Hezbollah lethal weaponry [to be used] against Israel," Netanyahu told Putin. The new S-300 system will not only enhance the Syrian army's ability to respond to attacks but will also seriously inhibit Israel's ability to operate in the region. "Russia will jam satellite navigation, on-board radars and communication systems of combat aircraft, which attack targets in the Syrian territory, in the regions over the waters of the Mediterranean Sea bordering with Syria," Shoigu said. Shoigu emphasized that if these measures "fail to cool hotheads, we will have to respond in line with the current situation." The IDF made an announcement recently saying it has carried out more than 200 attacks against Iranian targets in Syria over the past 18 months. Debka, an Israeli military intelligence website, suggested that the use of the system in such a manner might be a high-tech declaration of war. "The crucial measure he announced is not the arming of Syria for the first time with S-300 systems - which Moscow withheld in the past at Israel's request - but the jamming of navigation," Debka reported. "DEBKA file's military experts point out that this the first time a major world power has declared electronic war against any country. After rejecting Israel's version of the Ilyushin crash with 15 Russian servicemen aboard as untruthful, Moscow has thrown down the electronic gauntlet before the IDF and pitched the dispute onto a much higher elevation." U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton blamed the entire incident on Iran. "There shouldn't be any misunderstanding here," Bolton told reporters in New York. "The party responsible for the attacks in Syria and Lebanon and really the party responsible for the shooting down of the Russian plane is Iran." Bolton also said Russia's decision to provide the S-300's was a "major mistake" that would cause a "significant escalation" of tensions and put out a request that the Russian government reconsider this decision. Channel 10 News quoted a senior American official who said that the S-300 system could endanger U.S. Air Force jets operating against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria. "Bringing more anti-aircraft missiles into Syria won't solve the Syrian army's unprofessional and indiscriminate firing of missiles and won't mitigate the danger to aircraft flying in the area," the unnamed official said. Nearing Midnight: Qanon-Challenging Deep State - Terry James - The InfoWars website and radio program have been banned by the largest social media forums. Alex Jones, the host of InfoWars, has been termed a conspiracy purveyor and accused of being not only a kook, but a danger to the American public. Mainstream media look down on Jones and every other forum and individual who don't view their "news" as the only news that should be accepted as truth-thus while the American public is fed such mainstream media "news" punditry as "Trump is complicit in Hurricane Florence slamming into the East Coast." This, it is conjectured by such proclaimed to be reliable truth-tellers as CNN, based upon the current president's being a denier of climate change as defined by the globalist propaganda machine. CNN, you might have heard, is the same cable network that just a couple of weeks ago reported that Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, claimed that the then candidate for the presidency knew in advance of a meeting Cohen had with a Russian operative. Cohen's own lawyer, Lanny Davis, a long-time member of the Clinton attack machine, at first said he, himself, was present at that meeting. Later, he recanted that claim when his client, Cohen, said it was untrue. Trump never had any knowledge of any such meeting. Davis then publicly admitted to his own "mistake" in reporting the lie. CNN, who gleefully ran with the story, has not, to this point and to my knowledge, retracted the original claim that Trump was guilty as claimed. Multiply that mainstream media lie times a thousand in just the past two years while Trump has been either a candidate for president or president, and there is compiled a mainstream media platform of untruth that staggers sensibility. Yet it is Alex Jones, and anyone else who defies the mainstream fake-news narrative, who gets banned from getting his version truth before the public. Now, I'm among the first to say that I cast a skeptical ear upon some of what I've heard from Alex Jones' reporting. Some of it defies logical discernment, if I may use that term. However, considering all of the madness prevalent today in this nation and world, Jones and InfoWars ring as true, as do things coming out of the likes of NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, The Washington Post...and CNN. With that as preface, I come to something that has been effervescing for quite some time somewhere within my cogitative processes. You have likely heard of the matter or matters involved. "Q" or "Qanon" is the supposed entity to which I refer. I say supposed, because much of what I know about this entity, as I said about the mainstream narrative these days, defies logical discernment. Does he-for it is thought to be an individual within the immediate circles that surround the president, and I presume it is a man, if he indeed exists within that circle-truly have knowledge of the intrigues he reports? To those who are clueless of what I refer to here, I'll try to explain in brief. Q or Qanon is the name given a supposed insider within the White House ranks who issues reports on a frequent basis about what is in actuality going on with regard to this president and the so-called deep state. The deep state is a term most recognize. This refers to those within government-particularly within the top ranks of clandestine services -CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., that are part of the Washington, D.C. "swamp," as Mr. Trump termed it during his campaign to win the presidency. These, along with many D.C.-establishment types, have been doing all within their power to destroy Trump's presidency and even the man himself, family-wise and business-wise. The aforementioned mainstream media joins this cabal in the attempted destruction. At the heart of this drive to oust this president at any cost is the pile upon pile of lies that continue to spew from the swamp and are magnified and carried throughout mainstream media. You might have noticed how there has been a steady stream of such lies meant to destroy the president-a different lie almost every week for nearly two years. Qanon tells a far different story than the mainstream anchors and pundits tell. In their reporting, Trump is always on the cusp of being linked to Russian collusion in defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Special counsel Robert Mueller is right on the verge of proving that collusion, or is about to get the president on obstruction of justice, has been the mantra of these establishment-media types for almost two years. Yet, there hasn't been a single fact brought forward that makes the connection Mueller is desperate to make. There have been only accusations and innuendo-this, in my view, is designed to keep doubt in the minds of the voting public until Trump is no longer president. Their world has been disrupted-again, in my opinion-by the Lord of Heaven, Himself. They cannot and will not abide their gravy train being taken away and their one-world plans disrupted. The entity known as Qanon is disseminating through alternative news sources that there is a reckoning coming for the deep state and those complicit in opposing the president and doing great harm to the American Republic. He indicates something big is on the way that will expose and even bring to justice much of the deep state at every level. It will soon be made clear for all to see, Qanon assures, the corruption at the very top of U.S. government, and where the true collusion festers. This supposed insider source has much to say that is fascinating. I can't and won't vouch for the absolute validity of everything that is said in his news releases. I will say, however, that this source's news rings far more true than do the lies, innuendo, and corruptive evil that has been spewing from the keyboards, microphones, and cameras of the mainstream news and entertainment media and even from governmental minions of the father of lies-again, in my humble opinion. I make this appeal to anyone reading this commentary who has insider knowledge of the Qanon intrigues to send me information ([email protected])-while providing at least a degree of validation that the information you provide is credible. Please don't send links to Qanon posts on various blogs. I've seen many, many of these. True insider information is solicited here, if it exists. One thing sure, Ephesians 6:12 has never been more in view than at present. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Daily Jot: To investigate or not to investigate - Bill Wilson - The Democrats are calling for an FBI investigation into allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford at a party in front of witnesses some 30 years ago. Notwithstanding, Blasey Ford's accusations have not been collaborated by any of the witnesses she claims were present at the party. Furthermore, a second accuser, Deborah Ramirez, came forward in a New Yorker magazine story of a similar event 35 years ago. Her allegations are also not collaborated by witnesses and close friends. But the Democrats want an FBI investigation of this one, too. Both accusers are active left wingers and have protested against the current President. The Democrat playbook and talking points are trying to appeal to the fairness of "well, let's look into these with an FBI investigation so we can get the facts from an independent third party." Sounds reasonable. Until one looks at what is really going on here. Hillary Clinton, on Tuesday's MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show, said, "I think you can't avoid the appearance of insult if you don't have an investigation so that she is, you know, able to be evaluated fairly. And what I think the White House and the Republicans on the committee are trying to do is, you know, basically, put her in the dock and try to rush this through." Hillary Clinton, really? This doesn't meet the straight face test. Clinton endured several such sexual assault, and even rape, allegations against her husband from Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Dolly Kyle Browning, and Jennifer Flowers. According to Attorney Larry Klayman, who represented many of Bill Clinton's accusers, Hillary Clinton started the "war room" during her husband's 1992 campaign. Its purpose "was to destroy any woman that would challenge Bill Clinton...she had to destroy the women who she knew were gong to come forward and reveal the alleged sexual harassment and rape, and keep them quiet. Klayman said Hillary Clinton hired private detectives to intimidate the women into silence. No FBI investigation on this one. Now Clinton is leading the charge for Kavanaugh's accusers, saying there should be an FBI investigation and that the women, "have the right to be believed." So far Kavanaugh has emphatically denied all these allegations and no witness has collaborated the accusers' stories. The Democrats want an FBI investigation only to delay the appointment until they control Congress, then there will be true obstruction and many more investigations as their coup continues. This, obviously, has all the indicators of the very worst of politics where peoples' lives and those of entire families are being defamed for the belief that the end justifies the means. Proverbs 14:2 says, "He that walks in his uprightness fears the Lord; but he that is perverse in his ways despises him." Stand in the gap for righteousness. Speak the truth to those who have ears to hear. Daily Devotion: Walk Like a Christian - By Greg Laurie - He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. -1 John 2:6 I don't like running. But when I was in high school, I ran track and field, and I sort of enjoyed it. As I got older, however, I began to like it less and less. I traded in running for walking. Often my wife and I will walk together, and she'll say to me, "Let's just run to the end of the block." "No, I don't want to. I like to walk." "Just run to the end of the block." I don't like to do it, because I know it's a trick. When I get to the end of the block, she'll say, "Let's go one more block." She's trying to get me to be a little more active. Sometimes she tells me she's going to meet some of her friends, and they're going on a walk. But when she goes for a walk with the girls, it isn't a walk; it's a talk. That's really what it is. I think they have it right in many ways, because when the Bible speaks of walking with God, that is exactly what it should be. It's a talk. It's all about communication. When we say we're walking with someone through life, we are basically saying we are there with them through the rough patches and the great times, the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs. You are there to love them and understand them. When we say we're walking with God, it's essentially the same but even more so. Some Christians have a burst of energy and great passion for the Lord, and then they suddenly collapse in a heap. Or they walk away from the Lord altogether, which makes us wonder if they ever were Christians to begin with. Spiritual growth doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. FROM THE HEART
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