Prophecy Update Newsletter
September 29, 2016
Allah, and the False Religion of Islam - Pastor Mike Taylor -
"Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you." (Isaiah 41:24) In these last days of man's attempt to rule this world, God has laid out a challenge to anyone claiming to be a god. Since there is only One God and His Name is Jehovah or YAHWEH, God almighty proclaims in His Word that if there be any other god, then declare the end from the beginning. His challenge is to predict the future. "Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob. Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come." (Isaiah 41:21-22) Prophecy is only known to God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. The bible is 27% prophecy and every point that has been fulfilled in history was foretold in your bible with 100% accuracy. Our God knows what will happen before the world was formed. Those that still need to be fulfilled, will come to pass as the God that formed this universe and all that is in it, has willed it and foresaw it's outcome. The false religion of Islam and their god, Allah, knows nothing. Those that remain unfulfilled are in complete harmony with current secularist futurist predictions. That is to say, events relied on by secular forecasters to develop long-term geopolitical or environmental trends suggest the same outcomes predicted by Scripture. God has shown us the future and it is in His Word..your bible. A FEW EXAMPLES Man sees unrest and wars that virtually cover our planet in a hop scotch form of unrest and upheaval. The Bible predicted wars and rumors of wars in the last days. The elite in Washington predicts a generational war with Islam and the Arab nations. The bible predicts unusual weather patterns and environmental disasters. Weather forecasters have reported nine of the hottest years on record since 1995 and will continue for the unforeseeable future. Earthquakes have increased 400% in the last 10-20 years and volcanoes long thought to be dormant have once again come alive all over the planet. The Bible has predicted there will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars. NASA predicts that there will be shift in the 11 year solar cycles that will produce increasing hotter temperatures on the surface of the earth. The bible predicts that the sun will someday scorch men with painful sores: "And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. (Revelation 16:9) NASA says changes in the ozone layers and increasing ultraviolet light is responsible for most skin cancers. God Himself issues a challenge to other so-called 'gods' to predict the future: "Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob. Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come." (Isaiah 41:21-22) Only our God, the King of the Universe is omniscient and omnipresent and knows what will happen and when it will happen. God not only knows the future, but the circumstances that will bring it to pass. Our God continues to challenge the false religions of this world. Satan can know some of the details, as he will cause them to happen, but he won't know everything, as he can't predict the future. The best he can do is detail what he has planned in advance to one of his 'prophets'. He doesn't know how those plans will turn out. He had a plan to defeat Jesus by having Him killed by His Chosen People. Had he known the outcome, he would have planned things differently: "Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." (1st Corinthians 2:8) Almighty God issues His challenge, because He knows that there are NO other gods, but the God of heaven and earth. He alone is God and it stands to reason that He is able to accurately predict the future. But man led by Satan is determined to be a "god unto himself"... ISLAM, A FALSE RELIGION WITH A FALSE GOD "Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you." (Isaiah 41:24) Although Islam does profess a type of prophecy that they say will happen, they take their predictions from what is said in the bible and twist them to the own end. Islamic predictions of a coming messiah type figure riding on a white horse is taken from Revelation 6:3, "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." They predict this will be the Mahdi, but as Christians we know that the Bible is identifying the coming Anti-Christ that will come with smooth words to conquer by deceit. Islam predicts that this coming "mahdi" will lead a vast conquering Islamic army to conquer the world by the sword. There was no predictions or prophecy of the coming of Mohammed, but the "twelvers" of Shia Islam claim that the Mahdi has remained alive since 860 A.D., but Mohammed is as dead as anybody else. Islam predicts that the returning Mahdi will line up with their version of Jesus (Isa) and subdue the whole earth for Islam. They don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but a prophet of God, and not God Himself. In this coming "war" Isa and the Mahdi will kill 1/3 of all mankind and is a hijacking of Revelation's passages that even Satan can read the prophecies of God written by John the Apostle. Their version lines up with the Anti-Christ and the false prophet. Islam proclaims that this Mahdi and Isa will place a mark in the forehead of it's warriors and followers, as the Bible proclaims the Beast will require a mark on the foreheads, or in their right hand. Coincidence? "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of thebeast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:7) THE RISE OF ISLAM Forty years ago, you never heard of Islam, as it was assigned to the backward nations of the Middle East and Indonesia. Theirs was a culture and way of life right out of the 6th Century with all it's backward ways. Islam was not a threat to the West or for that matter our Christian way of life. But all that changed starting in 1979 with the overthrow of the Shah of Iran by the Mullahs, led by Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeinin, the leader of the revolution, supported by various leftist and Islamic organizations and Iranian student movements. From that point, with the kidnapping of our American citizens as hostages, that then POTUS Carter was ill equipped to deal with, a declaration of war was declard and waged by the rising Islamic nation led by Iran. It has now been 37 years since that "silent" war erupted and it has been getting louder with each passing year. All over the world, Islam is the fastest growing "religion" that is 1 billion + and growing stronger with new converts even in the once great Christian nation of the U.S.A. As the home of the brave, land of the free becomes more steeped in apostasy, Islam continues to fill the void left by those who abandoned and forsaken the God of heaven. DID GOD RAISE UP A LEADER OF JUDGMENT? We now have a "leader" (and I use that tongue in cheek) who on camera professes his form of "christianity" but behind the scenes praises Islam and promotes its religious idealogy whenever he gets a chance. Many believe, as I do, that he is a closest Muslim, himself. Christianity of those who follow Jesus Christ are regarded as a danger to modern society, by hate speech, ridicule and sometimes even prosecution for their once honored beliefs in the One true God that this nation was founded upon and our motto "IN GOD WE TRUST" was held in high esteem. IN the past, I have had little hope of this nation rising out of the apostasy that has engulfed her. On our borders, illegal immigration has become rampant, and possible terrorists, even such as ISIS, may have infiltrated our country and are planning attacks, all in the name of "Allah". Many have already taken place, in San Bernadino, Orlando, and even in Oklahoma. More are sure to come...unless? I see the news reports, of attacks that are growing from "migrants" that have come from countries bent on our destruction and this "idiot in chief" who promotes their repatriation into this country, and a Democratic candidate that would increase that amount 500% if we are so unfortunate to have her as our next POTUS. Illegal immigration and the growing terrorist risk that confront our country are number one on the minds of most Americans that truly have their head above ground and not stuck in the sand and ignoring what is happening. One candidate wants to build a wall on our southern border and I say "build that wall". Rid this country of the scourge that has infiltrated it in the last 10 years and remove the threat to our freedoms and our way of life. He wants to remove illegal immigrants who have come here illegally and break our laws. We should do as the Netherlands has done and remove all Muslims and tear down all Mosques and ban Sharia law that is anathema to our Constitution and our way of life, as this is war on our soil and we should own up to it......Further, one nominee wants to "make America great again" and make her first in dealing with other nations. He says, "Put America first". I don't want to get political, but America is at a breaking point. Either she will rise out of these ashes with a leader who has his head on straight and sees the danger, or be lulled to sleep by someone who thinks that there are no problems in this country and wants more of the same of the last 8 years...God forbid!! This coming election is pivotal. We will continue to be a nation of laws, and God will give us a leader who will pull this nation out of her stupor, or, as a nation, we have been judged as wanting, and God's judgment is about to fall on this land we have grown up in from sea to shining sea, and its inevitable implosion into utter chaos. I know it is in God's hands and His plan for the end of man's rule will come to pass, no matter what we wish. THE COMING ANTI-CHRIST IN the past, I have made an hypothesis that the coming Anti-Christ will be Muslim. If he comes from the Middle East, and called the Assyrian, we have a high probability that this man is indeed Muslim. Of course, there are many problems that Israel will face, should this man be of such a religion...but what does the Bible say about this man? "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up." (Daniel 8:23) "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things." (Daniel 11:38) "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." (Daniel 8:25) Whether this man proclaims a false Christianity, or believes and follows the war-like ideology of Islam, the bible says he will magnify his own name above all....He will abandon the God of the Bible, or the false god, Allah for himself. ISLAM, THE TERROR OF THE NATIONS Is the Anti-Christ Islamic? Is the supposed coming of the 12th Imam, the Anti-Christ.? Understand that Satan is a powerful deceiver. He relishes deceiving mankind with a parallel false religion that mirrors God's way and His salvation message. Could Islam be that false message, with its false god and its false messiah? Some believe that Islam will be defeated in the battle of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38& 39, but it would do well as a watchful Christian to keep an eye on Islam prior to these battles, as Islam is the antithesis of all that is Holy and ordained by our Almighty God, Jehovah or Yahweh...the great I AM, THAT I AM. Paul spoke of this man called the Anti-Christ and his false religion: "The coming of the lawless one (the Anti-Christ) is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." II Thessalonians 2:9-12. IRAN IS AGAIN LEADING IN THE NEWS It has been almost 40 years since Iran stuck their slimey head above the political landscape and has been almost daily the center of Islamic barbarism. From the time of 9/11 and the World Trade Center, the nation of America has dealt with the ideology of Islam and Iran has become the focal point of all that Islam stands for in their crusade for conquest and world domination. I was horrified to learn that this so called Iran Nuclear Deal, was nothing but a sham by our current POTUS and gives Iran license to pursue their goal of becoming a nuclear power. For the last 30 years, Iran has been secretly planning on conquest and developing a nuclear weapon and this administration has given them the green light, and wrapped the deal in a ribbon with a big red bow. Their not so hidden agenda is to be the hegemony power in the Middle East and plans to destroy Israel is priority #1 on their list. The fulfilling of Ezekiel 38 & 39 are on our doorstep and awaits for its prophetic completion. Those who believe your bible, know that the God of heaven will defend Israel with a vengeance and fury that will be devastating to this coalition led by Iran when they come down to Israel. I believe that Islam will be dealt a major blow when 5/6 of this invading army is defeated by God Himself on the mountains of Israel. But know that Islam will not be totally defeated, in my humble opinion. THE UNVEILING OF THE ANTI-CHRIST I'm a firm believer that what is holding back the total onslaught of Islam and the rise of the Anti-Christ is the U.S.A standing in it's way. That's why this election is so important. Either the unveiling of the Anti-Christ will come shortly in the near future, or be delayed because American becomes stronger by being led by a patriot that loves this country. If Islam is the underlying "religion" of the man of sin, then it is being held in check by One all powerful Force, God's Holy Spirit, which is the essence of His power on earth. If , and I make that with all sincerity, this nation falls into further apostacy and God's judgment falls on this land, then the unveiling of the Anti-Christ, could be coming sooner than later. But this nation with it's large Christian population could suspend judgment on this nation, (although it will come on the whole world) for a season. I am reminded of II Chronicles: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (II Chronicles 7:4) God is in control. He sees the end from the beginning. He sees the future of this country and it's rise, or it's fall. He sees the false religion of Islam and will judge her and her leader harshly with fire and brimstone in their ultimate defeat. He will finally judge the nations, the Anti-Christ and his false prophet in the lake of fire. The only thing that stands firmly in Satan's path to complete destruction of this world, are Christians who pray and hold fast to the teachings of the Bible. If this nation does not turn back to God, then God will bring judgment on this nation, but not before removing all restraint that is holding back that judgment: 6 "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (II Thessalonians 2:6-10) It all comes down to God knows the future...we are watching and praying for His will to be done. When God removes the Restrainer (God's Holy Spirit), God will also remove His people, the Church at that time. It will be sooner, or it will be later. It doesn't bother me who will be elected this time around. I will do my civic duty and vote my conscious, but whoever is elected, it will hasten or slow the removal of God's Church and the revealing of the Anti-Christ. Whether he be Muslim, false christianity, or finally atheist in the end, does not matter to those who are born of the blood and the water of Jesus Christ. The blood from being covered by His atonement death on the cross, and the water from being baptized and embracing that we have died to the former lives we had, and we live anew to God in our bodies...Till He Comes. WHERE TO DO YOU STAND? If you have been following the news and see that the world is even a more dangerous place than you can ever remember, what will you do when all hell breaks loose and the end of this age is upon us...not in your head, but for real!!. Will you wake up one day and find millions gone and haven't a clue to what has happened? I tell you what has happened before it happens for real. God has removed His Church and you are shackled with the knowledge that the Tribulation will start on Day 1 of God removing His church from this planet. Will you submit to the religion of the Anti-Christ, or Islam, and take whatever that mark is planted on your forehead and in your right hand? What will you do, what will you think, and where will be your faith be? Will it be in men, or in God? Men will fail you, but God never will. Like I said, this election is pivotable for the near future. We will, as a nation, go down in flames, or rise up for a season until Jesus comes and removes His Bride from this earth. God knows the future. He is God and He has given us ample warning of the nearness of the hour of the soon coming of His Son, Jesus Christ. It could be this's could be next could be before I finish this message. But make no mistake, God knows when that time is up...we can only see the season. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 what the signs would be. Would you not agree that they are all around us?...the times are shouting at each of us, growing more fervent in their attempt to bring us to repentance and choose His Son while there is still time. "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up yourheads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28) We have been seeing these signs for a number of years, since the creation of Israel as a nation in 1948. That generation will not pass away till all things be fulfilled..Men have tried to pinpoint the coming of Jesus, but God said that we will know the season, and we will know the length of a generation. It's in your bible...70 years, and 80 by strength. We are near the end of that generation. Jesus could come and if you're not ready, will catch you by surprise and flat footed. Don't let that happen. Make Jesus your Savior right now.. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) This is pastor Mike Taylor, praying you accept Jesus as your Savior today..if you need prayer, counseling, or just a listening ear, email me at [email protected]. God bless you all, TILL WE MEET AT JESUS FEET. The Phony Threat of a "Palestinian Majority" - By Stephen M. Flatow -
A group advocating Palestinian statehood took out a full-page ad in The New York Times last week to warn that there will be "a Palestinian majority" in Israel in less than a decade unless such a state is created. A reader of the ad might think he had fallen into a time warp and ended up sometime prior to the signing of the 1993 Oslo accords. The ad, sponsored by the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace, was headlined "Separation Between Israelis and Palestinians is Essential." It featured what it called a "population breakdown from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River" - a frightening chart that showed the current Jewish population and that of projected estimates; in 2015, 52 percent Jewish; in 2020, 49 percent Jewish and in 2030, 44 percent Jewish. Those statistics are not merely ignorant; they constitute deliberate deception. The number of people between "the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River" is not the same as the number of Israeli citizens. That territory consists of two entirely separate bodies of people: Israeli citizens and Palestinian Authority residents. Among Israeli citizens, there is an approximately 80 percent Jewish majority, and it will remain that way for a long time to come. Among the PA's residents, there is a 100 percent Arab majority and that will not change. Israelis vote in Israel's elections. PA residents vote in Palestinian elections (when their dictator permits them). Israelis and Palestinians lead geographically separate lives. The cities where 98 percent of the Palestinians reside are governed by the PA, not Israel. Israelis do not venture into those cities. (When they accidentally go there, they risk being lynched.) In short, the number of Palestinians has no effect on Israel's demography. Even if there were, right now, twice as many Palestinians in the PA areas, Israel would still have the same 80 percent Jewish majority. Back in the 1980s, the "demographic argument" was one of the main weapons in the rhetorical arsenal of Jewish supporters of the Palestinians. They even got then-Sec. of State George Shultz to embrace the idea that Israel faced "a demographic time bomb." Pundits such as Thomas Friedman of The New York Times wrote innumerable articles about how Israel could not be both Jewish and democratic unless it allowed creation of a Palestinian state. Then Yitzhak Rabin came along and turned everything on its head. The Peace Now camp at first embraced Rabin's Oslo accord because they thought it would lead to creation of a Palestinian state. But Rabin wanted to test the Palestinians first. He wanted to make sure they were sincerely committed to peace. So, before agreeing to a state, he signed the Oslo II accord, in September 1995, which provided for Israel to withdraw from the areas where the Palestinians live. But a Palestinian state did not follow, because, instead of embracing peace, the PA decided to sponsor terrorism against Israel, shelter terrorists from arrest, and inculcate its young people with anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred. All of which brings us to today. The "occupation" is long over. The "separation" that the S. Daniel Abraham Center is now demanding was already implemented 21 years ago. The "demographic time bomb" was defused. Israel is still both Jewish and democratic. Now you can see why the advocates of Palestinian statehood feel so frustrated. They've run out of cogent arguments. All they can do now is try to wind the clock back to the days before Oslo, so that they can portray Israel as an occupier. That is nothing less than a callous, cynical attempt to manipulate the public. And it's a grievous insult to the memory of Rabin. Rabin's separation plan tested the Palestinians. They failed the test. Now it's time for the statehood advocates to admit this painful truth and stop living in the past. Middle East, Europe Will Be Swallowed in War of Gog and Magog, Warns Mystic Rabbi - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz -
"And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions." Joel 3:1 (The Israel Bible™) Just a few days prior to the Jewish New Year, Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a noted kabbalist with thousands of followers in Israel, has revealed a divine redemptive plan for the world which will see Europe overrun with Muslims, Syria's chaos spilling into the West, the US elections spelling disaster for American Jews, and Israel's importance becoming greater than ever. But the end result of all this strife is closer, and more rewarding, than anyone can imagine: Messiah. "Everyone is ready, waiting for the public revelation of the Messiah!" the rabbi last week began a post on his webpage. "Everyone understands and knows that the Messiah is active right now," he wrote, noting that all of the world events this year are merely preludes hinting at what will come. Rabbi Ben Artzi, an Israeli rabbi who gained followers after rumors began to circulate of his prescient abilities in his youth, warned of the impending messianic war of Gog and Magog, which he said is a part of a spiritual process becoming clearly visible in the Middle East. "God is creating Gog and Magog, a situation of tohu vavohu (unformed and void, confusion) in the entire world, in order that the Jews will understand that there is Redemption and Messiah, and that it is God protecting the Holy Land," the rabbi said. The chaos of the coming redemptive war is already spreading, he continued, pointing to Syria as evidence and predicting that it is just the beginning. "Syria will continue to be wiped out. It is a wasteland, harming countries who try to intervene there," he said, explaining that America and Russia would end up getting burned by their interference in the quagmire. "They are only engaged in blowing it up entirely, harming themselves in the process. "Even Syria is intent on killing itself. In the end it will be a wasteland that grows, affecting everyone who comes near." The rabbi quoted Psalms to describe what is happening now in Syria: Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. Psalms 37:15 "Leaders will destroy their nations, and nations will destroy their leaders over this situation," the rabbi predicted, noting that the crisis is already threatening to engulf neighboring Turkey. Indeed, claiming humanitarian intent, the world's superpowers have only succeeded in creating more destruction in Syria and bringing their own countries closer to war. The situation has already led to confrontations between Turkey, a NATO member and US ally, and Russia, with a resurrected and aggressive military. The war will have massive and terrifying international implications, including refugee crises, Rabbi Ben Artzi continued, warning that the Syrian refugee situation in Europe today is only a small prelude to what will be. He predicted that a revolution in Turkey would send "tens of millions" of refugees from the Muslim country to Europe. Then, he said, "Europe will become a Muslim continent and people will flee from there like from a fire." The ongoing Islamification of Europe is already a critical issue faced by European leaders who, after welcoming hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into their countries last year, saw a shocking spike in radical Islam and terror attacks. Bombings, stabbings and shootings left hundreds dead across the continent. Rabbi Ben Artzi also touched on the US presidential elections in his talk, including an unusual warning to American Jews. "In the upcoming elections it is important to remember that the next president will be the one that God chooses," he insisted. "They can say what they want, do what they can, but the one who will be elected is the one who loves the Jews in Israel but hates the Jews in America. That is the big surprise that will happen." Indeed, Israel figures large in world events, as "the entire world is sustained on the merit of Israel," the rabbi announced. The rabbi warned in no uncertain terms, "Anyone who touches Israel will disappear from the world. They will immediately get hit with earthquakes, floods, fires, and storms. Hamas and the Palestinians have so much, but since they don't leave Israel in peace, in the end they will be left with nothing." Interestingly, in June, just as world leaders were stepping out of a meeting in Paris concerning a French-led initiative to force Israel to create a Palestinian State within its borders, rain began to fall and the Seine began to rise. Within 24 hours, Paris suffered its worst flooding in over 30 years. After his dire predictions, the rabbi concluded with encouraging comments on the imminent arrival of the Messiah. "Everyone, including those no longer alive, including the matriarchs and patriarchs, are waiting for the Messiah, and everyone knows it is imminent. But the exact date is only known by God," Rabbi Ben Artzi stated. "All of the difficulties that come on Israel while they are waiting are meant to purify them, bringing the time for the revelation of the Messiah even closer." Exit United States - By Matt Ward -
The United States of America, under the leadership of President Barack Hussein Obama, has effectively abdicated all real current and future leadership within the Middle East arena. Worse still, this abdication of power and influence will knowingly benefit a growing key strategic enemy of America, Vladimir Putin's Russia. This almost complete U.S. capitulation has been solidified by the recent signing of the tenuous Syrian ceasefire agreement, on September 9, 2016. This deal is an affront to U.S. regional power and a betrayal of key US allies within Syria. Under the terms of the now signed agreement the rebels in Syria, more specifically rebels in the Aleppo region, are abandoned by the United States. No wonder John Kerry and Barack Obama were so intent on keeping this deal a secret during the G20, if at all possible. These rebels now find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place; they are caught between the recent Turkish-Russian rapprochement agreement and this new US-Russian deal, leaving them out in the cold and entirely exposed. Russia and Turkey are quickly moving to assume complete control of the entire region. The Russian reaction to this now signed deal has been swift. They have immediately demanded that the United States dissolve the joint War Room that they currently operate from the Jordanian capital of Amman. All US-Western anti-Assad and anti-IS operations run out of this center. Russia and Turkey want America gone from the region and they want the U.S. out as soon as possible. President Barack Obama, true to past form, is acquiescing; in fact it would seem that he can't move fast enough for them. The implications of the closure of this U.S. Cent-Com Forward Command are huge for Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE. Officers from each of these countries currently play large and active roles in the Amman command; they are active in the decision making process. If this command post closes, and every indication is that it will, these countries will effectively be frozen out of all decision making and intelligence gathering related to the Syrian battlefield, and more widely-the Middle Eastern theatre in the general. It is a typical Russian, old cold-war era strategy of divide and conquer, and Obama has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. The signing of this U.S.-Russian agreement and the potential closure of this forward command center would not simply be a betrayal of friends and allies on the ground in Syria, but the active betrayal of important allies in the region itself. It would leave these allies, especially Israel and Saudi Arabia each very much more isolated against a significantly more unified and now aggressive bloc of enemies; Russia, Turkey and Iran. Israel firmly believes that the demand to close this U.S. Forward Command Center is the precursor to a much wider and more aggressive Russian-Turkish take over in Syria. The closure of U.S. Cent-Com Forward Command Center would also mean the rapid destruction of the anti-Assad rebels in Southern Syria who are backed by Israel and Saudi Arabia, and by implication therefore the United States. Russia and Turkey will quickly wipe them out in order to ensure continued long term stability for Russia's puppet regime in Damascus, headed by Assad, and to protect Turkish territorial claims in the area. It is becoming increasingly clear that Obama and the United States no longer have any influence or power in Syria or in the wider Middle East. Putin and Turkey's Erdogan now hold all the cards. It will be these two men, Putin and Erdogan, Russia and Turkey side by side, that will chart the course and the future of the Middle East, not the United States, not Europe, certainly not little Israel. When reading and considering Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, and the Gog - Magog war which it describes in such detail, who can continue to seriously doubt the veracity of Scripture? The alliances depicted by the prophet Ezekiel nearly 3,000 years ago have come together in our time and in our day alone. It is worth noting that in the entirety of history, these alliances have never existed as they do today. The prophecy cannot be in reference to any other time but our time. This alliance of nations is solidifying and they are actively seeking to alienate and isolate Israel. Countries that are in loose alliance with Israel, including Saudi Arabia, are being divided. The informal Israeli-Saudi understanding that has existed over the past few years is being systematically undermined and destroyed, leaving each partner very much alone in a hostile Middle East. The situation will rapidly reach the point that if there was to be a wider Middle East take over by Russia, Iran and Turkey (as we know there will be), these countries will be unable to do anything about it. This is perhaps why, in Ezekiel, the prophet describes a country called "Dedan," (modern day Saudi Arabia) voicing only a lame complaint over a huge Middle Eastern invasion which so obviously stands in opposition to its modern day interests, "Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, 'Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?" (Ezekiel 38:13) Is it because Saudi Arabia has become so completely isolated by this point, against such a great horde, that a process of isolation which has now begun and is moving apace, effectively nothing they can do to challenge the Russian-led invasion but voice such a weak and pathetic protestation?: "...have you come to take a plunder?" The present day actions of Russia and the United States in the Middle East are rapidly making that an imminent prophetic future a modern day reality. We are witnessing the final stages in a hostile take-over of Syria. This hostile take-over will continue and ultimately find its conclusion, likely one day soon, in utter destruction on the mountains of Israel at the hand of the Lord God Himself, "Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured." (Ezekiel 39:4) [email protected] Prophecy Watchers On High Alert as Rare 'Black Moon' This Friday Will Usher In Jewish Feast Of Trumpets - by Geoffrey Grider -
The first day of September brought with it a 'ring of fire' solar eclipse - where the moon falls in line with the Earth and the sun above Africa, making it appear as if the sun had darkened. This year, the Black Moon phenomenon has a twist to it - it will usher in the Jewish Feast of Trumpets. On Friday September 30, a rare Black Moon will occur right before the Jewish Feast of Trumpets, which many are linking to the apocalypse. "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." Luke 21:25,26 (KJV) The spectacular Black Moon occurs when the illuminated side of the moon is caught in the shadow of the Earth, making it virtually impossible to see. The phenomenon happens roughly every 32 months, but this one holds special significance due to other universal activity this month. The first day of September brought with it a 'ring of fire' solar eclipse - where the moon falls in line with the Earth and the sun above Africa, making it appear as if the sun had darkened. This year, the Black Moon phenomenon has a twist to it - it will usher in the Jewish Feast of Trumpets. As Bible believers we know that the next event we are looking for is the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. The glorious appearing of the Lord for His redeemed will bring about the darkest time in human history - the time of Jacob's trouble. The verses at the top of this article refer to that time period. In the Bible, the First Advent of Jesus Christ happened on or near the Feast of Trumpets, and it is highly likely that His Second Advent will happen around that time as well. But the Rapture and the Revelation are not the same thing. They are two distinctly different events separated by a 7 year period of Tribulation mainly focused on Israel. So this Friday night enjoy the visual feast of the Black Moon as it rises over the night sky. But have your Bible close by and pay attention. You never know what can happen. God loves to celebrate His Feast Days...are YOU ready for what comes next? "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;" Titus 2:13 (KJV)
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: By Our Love - Nathele Graham - [email protected]
God is love. His love is universal and available to every man, woman, and child. He created all things and whether we believe in Him or not, His love is evident everywhere and only those who choose blindness will not see it. Christians are to share God's love because Jesus says to. "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35. Jesus gave this command to His disciples just after Judas left the dinner table to go and betray Him. As a general rule it's important to show God's love to everyone we meet, but Jesus specifically instructed His followers to "love one another" so everyone would know they were His disciples. That command is still in place today. The un-saved world cannot understand God's love, but they can look at Christians and see His love shining through us. The way we treat fellow Christians is an example of how God loves us. We should also show His love to those who have rejected Him, but let's not forget to love the brethren. There is evidence that Christians care for the lost through many charities that reach out to them, and that's good, but sometimes it seems we forget Jesus' command to love the brethren. How do we show God's love to each other? Helping in times of need is a good way to show our love for the brethren. The early believers knew the sacrifice they were making by accepting Christ as their Saviour. Family would reject them and they were expelled from the Temple. Both of these things made daily life very difficult. In order to help each other survive the hard times, these first Christians took care of each other. "And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." Acts 2:44-45. Today people rely upon the government for food stamps, welfare, and whatever other needs may come along. Instead of looking to the local Christian fellowship for help in times of struggle. Even Christians look to secular government for help. The government looks for ways to spend money, but does not care at all as to the condition of our soul. Where will help be found when those "government benefits" aren't there? When the US Government fails many people will find it hard to survive. God will provide for those who love and serve Him and Christian love towards fellow Christians will be important then. Can the non-Christian community see our love one for another and understand that Christ lives in us? "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16. Good works by a Christian are a beacon of God's love. Missionary work is very important in winning souls to Christ. When Christians reach out to needy people in foreign countries we show God's love. Christ's last command was to teach the Gospel. His command was to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:19-20. Evangelism is a command, but do we really follow Christ's words? So often missionaries seem to just build houses, give farm animals, or do other charitable works to help the needy. That's nice but is it actually teaching the Gospel? It isn't an easy life in the mission field, but Christ specifically says to "teach" the unsaved what He had taught. That's what Paul did. He never asked for money for himself or for the people he was reaching out to. Wherever he went he taught people the Gospel. When he ask for money it wasn't for himself or the lost, but for fellow Christians in need. We read in Acts and also in his letters about the collections for the brethren. "Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea" Acts 11:29. "For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem." Romans 15:26. "Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye." 1 Corinthians 16:1. This money was not to provide for Paul's mission work, but to provide for needy Christians. There are many Christians today who need financial assistance, but instead of turning to the local fellowship they turn to government. The "Church" (institutional organizations based on religion and not necessarily based on Biblical teachings) sits back and watches Christians turn away, and walk away, from Christ. Jesus said it's by our love for each other that non-Christians would know us. Have we dropped the ball? It may not only be money that is needed but Godly advice or someone may need a ride to a doctor's appointment. Whatever the need, Christians show God's love by helping fellow Christians. It isn't wrong to give money to non-Christians in the name of Jesus because that may be what opens the way for them to come to salvation, but Jesus said to teach them. Peter and John demonstrated this when they came across a crippled beggar at the Temple. He wanted money, but needed Christ. "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Acts 3:6. If they had given him money he would have gone right on begging, but they shared Christ with him and he was healed. Because of that healing he praised God and many people saw the miracle and heard his praises. Sin is a problem for everyone and God loves us too much to ignore it. That great gulf that separated us from God could only be bridged by God Himself. So, Jesus Christ entered His creation and shed His blood to purchase our salvation. Do we demonstrate God's love when we ignore sin? When Jesus walked among the people He never ignored it. When confrontations with the Pharisees happened He got right to the point. "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Matthew 23:33. The Pharisees should have been leading the people in faith, but instead they were hypocrites who served their own self-interest rather than serving God. Jesus cut them no slack. On the other hand, He showed love and mercy to lost sinners like you and me. When a group of men lowered their sick friend through a roof for Jesus to heal him, Jesus showed mercy. "And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee." Luke 5:20. The woman taken in adultery should have been stoned for her sin, yet Jesus showed her mercy and forgave her. "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." John 8:10-11. He didn't condemn her, but he told her to stop sinning. We need to take note of those words: go, and sin no more. There are more examples of the love and forgiveness that Jesus has for sinners, and He is our example. When we know someone who claims to be a Christian but is caught up in a sin, we need to lovingly bring it to their attention. Take them to Scripture and show them where they're going wrong. The Holy Spirit will convict them and bring them to repentance. If the person isn't a Christian, your concern for their sin and the condition of their soul just might bring them to a saving faith in Jesus. Sin is ugly. It causes disease, anger, turmoil, hatred, and many other hurtful things. If you love someone you'll try to lead them away from sin. It's always a good idea to take a good look at your own life and see the sin you need to repent of. The ultimate love was shown by Christ. "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." John 15:12-14. Notice again that Jesus is talking to those who followed Him. He was talking to His disciples and said to "love one another". Will a non-believer desire to be a part of the fellowship you attend because they can see Christ's love there? Our love for each other should also cross denominational lines. We are one in Christ and His love is what binds us together. Heavenly Father, please show me how I can be a better instrument of Yours to share Your love. I may not have silver or gold to give, but let me share the gifts You have given to me to help my fellow Christians in times of need. Lead me in ways that I can also teach Your perfect love to those who are lost. In Christ's name, Amen. Can everyone see that you're a Christian by the love you have for the brethren? Look for ways to share His love and you just might be surprised at how many opportunities there are. God bless you all, Nathele Graham [email protected] [email protected] Ron Graham's previous commentaries archived at All original scripture is "theopneustos" God breathed. If you'd like to be on my mailing list to receive the commentaries just drop me an email and let me know. Daily Jot: New terror law aimed at close Clinton ally - Bill Wilson -
Congress enacted a law to allow families of victims to sue Saudi Arabia for its implicit role in 911, and seize Saudi assets if they obtain a judgment against the Saudi government. The "president" fiercely fought the legislation and vetoed it. Congress, in a rare show of both unity and spine, overwhelmingly overrode his veto. Hillary Clinton's running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, did not vote, signaling that team Clinton also opposed the legislation. Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, released a statement in June saying that the Saudis fund 20% of Clinton's campaign, which is illegal. Put two and two together and Clinton's terror sponsoring donors can now be sued and their assets seized. The New York Times reports that the law allows families of the Sept. 11 victims to alter lawsuits already underway--or file new suits--to directly sue Saudi Arabia and to demand documents and other evidence. It amends a 1976 law that grants foreign countries broad immunity from American lawsuits. Now nations can be sued in federal court if they are found to have played any role in terrorist attacks that killed Americans on United States soil. The Saudi Arabian government lobbied hard against the bill. Clinton and the Saudis share a long history. In 2008, for example, the Saudis gave up to $20 million to the Clinton Foundation, which oft has been accused of laundering money to Clinton political causes. These ties go deep. John Podesta, is Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman and founder of the Podesta group. The Podesta Group is receiving some $200,000 a month for "public relations services" from Saudi Arabia. When the Deputy Crown Prince's statement was posted, the Podesta Group issued a correction through Petra (Jordan's official news agency) that Petra did not publish the statement by the Saudi Deputy Crown Prince, that it was hacked and the statement appeared. Notwithstanding, Breitbart reported that records verify Hillary Clinton's foundation has taken between $74.5-87.8 million from Algeria, Brunei, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates--all Islamic nations. Clinton admits that some sponsor terrorism. Hillary says that the Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis and others should stop sponsoring terrorism. Yet her foundation has taken at least $75 million from them and others, with one claiming it funds 20% or $42 million of her presidential campaign. Add that Huma Abedin, whose family is foundational to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization, is Clintons top aide, and her campaign chairman John Podesta works for the Saudis, and there is the appearance of something deceptive, illegal and dangerous to Americans taking place with Ms. Clinton. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Just make sure these free-walking criminals do not deceive you. Daily Devotion: Getting Ready for Heaven - Greg Laurie -
For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! -2 Corinthians 4:17 There are lessons we learn in the storms of life that we don't learn anywhere else. When Paul and Barnabas visited the believers in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch of Pisidia, the Bible tells us they strengthened them and encouraged them "to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). This isn't a verse you would usually see hanging on someone's wall, is it? It is almost as bad as "everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12). There are some promises we would rather forget, but they are just as true as Romans 8:28, which promises that "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" and Jeremiah 29:11, where the Lord says, "For I know the plans I have for you. . . . They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." No one is exempt from experiencing the storms of life. God is doing a work. And that is what we have to understand: God is at work. He will not waste our pain. He will produce something in our lives that we need. He is looking for a desired result. As 2 Corinthians 4:17 reminds us, "Our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!" God will take the things we are going through and use them for His glory in time. God's endgame, if you will, His primary purpose for us, is to make us more like Jesus. He is getting us ready for Heaven. FROM THE HEART
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