Prophecy Update Newsletter
The End of the Age: A Theory - by Pete Garcia and Randy Nettles -
There are few prophecies in the Bible that are both as perplexing, and yet, irrefutable, as the coming war of Gog and Magog. This 2,500-year-old prophecy had appeared all but impossible for at least 2,000 of those 2,500 years, primarily because, Israel did not exist as a sovereign nation. Furthermore, the geopolitical confederation described in Ezekiel 38-39, has never happened before historically. However, since the turn of the 20th-century, the evolving geopolitical landscape appeared to be unfolding in such a manner that seemed to be laying an undeniable (or inescapable) foundation for this particular prophecy to come to pass. Even heads of state were wondering, albeit erroneously, if they were not in some manner, fulfilling this particular event. Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East... The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled... This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins. Quote attributed to Pres. George W. Bush by French Pres. Jacques Chirac circa 2003 First, some basic clarification about the intent of this particular joint effort between Randy and me. We both believe we should always exercise discernment between the knowable and unknowable prophetic events described in Scripture. For instance, even though we know and agree that the Rapture of the Church will happen before the Tribulation (Daniel's 70th Week), we are not going to know when exactly (i.e., day or hour), because Jesus Himself said as much (Matt. 24:36). However, that is the only prophetic event we are specifically told we cannot know the day or hour. Nevertheless, we are told that we can and should know the season (years) of the Rapture based on the biblical signs given to us (1st Thess. 5:1-4). In other words, we know we are close, but we cannot see exactly how close. Since the Rapture sets in motion the rest of the events surrounding Daniel's 70th Week, it makes our attempt here, our best theory. Secondly, there is the issues of logistics and realism. The simple fact of the matter is that certain prophecies take a considerable amount of geopolitical/ technological/ economic/ political/ military muscle-movement to go from concept to reality. In other words, prophetic fulfillment does not usually happen in a vacuum. Granted, with God, all things are possible, so I am not saying He cannot or does not do the impossible. However, (with few exceptions) God has chosen to use/allow natural processes to come to their own prophetic fulfillment often without direct divine intervention. More often than not, the divine intervention usually comes after a prophetic event is already in motion, as we will see concerning Ezekiel's prophecy. Thus, if Ezekiel 38-39 falls into the knowable category (I believe it does given the necessary geopolitical groundwork), then we can move from the how/why it happens, to simply, when. Assessment While this article primarily deals with the Gog-Magog war as a fulcrum of sorts, it is unquestionably tied into the prophetic events both preceding and succeeding it as well. I believe the Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel 38 - 39 takes place shortly after the Rapture of the Church, but before the seven-year Tribulation (aka Daniel's 70th Week). However, if true, then it must occur at least seven years before the "in the midst' moment of the abomination of desolation as described in Matthew 24:15-22. This is because according to Ezekiel, the Jews would burn the weapons of the armies of the nations that attacked them for a period of seven years (Ezekiel 39:9-10). Simultaneous too and juxtaposed with this same period of time, is the warning Jesus gives in His Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15-17). Here, He warned that when they (that generation) sees the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel that they should flee to the mountains. He said that the Jews living in Israel should not waste time getting items out of their house, not even their clothes, but to flee for their lives. Now, if this is the case, then the Jews that are fleeing will not be bothering to burn weapons or continue doing any type of cleanup operations in a post-Magog War world. The weapons should have already been burned up by this time. While we cannot be dogmatic about the exact timing of this certain event, we must consider some things. Bearing in mind two things: logistics, and pattern. Wars are extremely logistics driven. You have to have soldiers, equipment, and motive all in check and ready to go long before you can actually pull the trigger. Secondly, this prophecy is concerning the nation of Israel. Almost everything biblically comes to some pattern concerning national Israel and her feast days. These feast days are divinely appointed events that affect national Israel, and given the propensity for God to use holy feast days as done in the past, we can look over the next decade to see which dates align the best. "The Gog/Magog war will start on Kislev 24 of the Jewish calendar. Haggai describes this war in a very similar way that Ezekiel does with the Gog/Magog war. Haggai even gives the date... the 24th day of the 9th month. Compare Haggai 2:18-22 with Ezekiel 38:18-22. The Rapture will precede the Gog/Magog war. I believe it will only be a small gap of time of months and not years. Of course, this is just an educated guess, as the Bible doesn't speak on this issue. After the Rapture, the U.S. of America will no longer be militarily capable to protect Israel against Russia and her allies. They will only be able to give a mild protest to the U.N. regarding this invasion (Ezekiel 38:13)." {1} If this is true, that means there will be four years between this war and the start of the Tribulation. The years of 2022-2029 for the 2nd Coming does not fit within these parameters as there is not enough time for the seven-year interval (Gog/Magog war-Abomination of Desolation) to occur. The earliest this seven-year interval could happen is 2024-2031. For this date to be correct, the Gog/Magog war would have to begin on Dec.9, 2020. While it is possible, I think it is highly unlikely it could happen this soon. The years 2025-2032 allow for a little more time for this war to occur, but there is nothing prophetically significant about the dates in this time period. The one that really "stands out" is 2026-2033. The dates line up well with the Feasts of the Lord and other important Jewish historical anniversaries. Of course, the most important aspect of this seven-year timeline is that the year 2033 will commemorate the 2000th year since Jesus was last seen on planet earth. In addition, the years A.D. 33 and 2026 align up perfectly on both the Jewish and Gregorian calendar as described in In the Midst: Part III. This alignment also correlates with the Church's conception AD 33 and with the start of the future Tribulation in the year AD 2026, when the Antichrist signs/confirms the peace covenant with Israel and the many for seven years. Here are the end-time events and dates for this period, as well as some pre-Tribulation events and their speculative dates. Of course, these dates are best guesses, but they seem to make sense as God has frequently orchestrated certain important events for Israel to occur on the same day of the month (Jewish calendar). That will be an article for another time. I have listed the events in what I believe to be chronological order. PRE-TRIBULATION EVENTS - A.D. 2020-2026 1. Rapture - The date is unknown, but in this example, it will come before the Gog/Magog war and possibly, in conjunction with the Isaiah 17 war, which occurs in the latter part of 2022. 2. Worldwide chaos and panic will ensue. Deaths will ensue due to car, bus, truck, and plane crashes. Accidents and murders will skyrocket. Babies, toddlers, small children, and adults (mostly older Christian men and women) will disappear. If you think the rioting is bad now, just wait (no don't) until the Rapture occurs. Of course, the worst will be in the United States, as we have more Christians spread throughout our social strata than in any other nation. This will be the beginning of the demise of America as the dominant power in the world. 3. A one-world-government, presumably led by the United Nations, will emerge, with the financial backing of the Central Banks and their owners; as well as the super-rich globalist elites, such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Rockefellers, etc. The United States will have no choice but to join and become part of this global government. If you think our government is bad now, just wait (no don't) until you experience the ineptitude and mismanagement of this socialist and technocratic nightmare. It will get so bad, that illegal immigrant will try to sneak out of the United States to get back to their home country. America will soon become just another third world country. The experiment known as the United States of America will have failed, as all governments and countries have because of their sins against God. Pre-Tribulation birth pangs (Matthew 24:8) occurring after the Rapture but before the Tribulation: 1. Wars, mostly regional conflicts, will break out throughout the planet. China - India, India - Pakistan, China-Japan, North Korea - South Korea, Turkey - Russia, Iran (Hamas, Hezbollah) - Israel, are a few examples. These could start as early as 2021. 2. Isaiah 17 War between Syria and Israel. Damascus will be obliterated by some sort of weapon of mass destruction (possibly nuclear) and will forever cease to be a city. Thus, the oldest inhabited city in the world will be no more. I believe this will occur in the "dog days of summer" replicating the Six-Day War between Israel and her enemies, Egypt and Syria, that occurred in 1967. For more information go here. It took the Israelites only six days to defeat their old foes...June 5- 10. I believe the Isaiah 17 War could occur on this anniversary date: June 5-10, 2022. The Rapture could happen any time between now and this date, approximately 20 months. 3. Psalm 83 War between Israel and the neighboring Arab nations. This war may or may not occur, as this chapter is a prayer from Asaph, King David's seer, to God regarding destroying the enemies that surrounded Israel at the time. There is no answer from God that is recorded in the Bible, regarding the acceptance of this prayer. 4. Ezekiel 38-39 War between Israel and a confederacy of nations that include Russia, Iran, and Turkey. This war must occur seven years before the Abomination of Desolation that takes place "in the midst" of the Tribulation as described above. This God-intervening, supernatural event may occur on Kislev 24 of the Jewish calendar and December 17, 2022, on our modern Gregorian calendar. 5. The breakup of the U.N. led global government and the formation of the ten kings/ten kingdoms government (the Beast). This could be as early as 2023. Ten of the kings will rule until 2030. Seven of the ten will rule until 2033. These ones survive the Antichrist's attacks and relinquish their authority to him before the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation. Some wars will continue but eventually, the Ten Kings will have relative peace for a year or two. 6. The arrival of an "eleventh" king, the Antichrist, onto the world scene in 2025. He is probably a great general from some European country and is expanding his territory into three of the king's lands. They will have battles and wars for several years into the fall of 2026. He shall be different from the first 10 kings, and shall eventually subdue three of them, per Daniel 7:24. 7. Beginning of 144,000 Jewish evangelical's ministry of Revelation 7:1-8 on the Day of Atonement, Tishri 10, 2026. The date on our Gregorian calendar will be September 20, 2026. The duration of their ministry is not given in the Bible. 8. The beginning of the Two Witness's ministry. I believe it is Moses representing the law, and Elijah representing the prophets. Revelation 11:3-6 describes the powers that God gives them over their enemies; "I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days, clothed in sackcloth. If any man tries to hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth, and devours their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have the power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will." 9. These verses describe the miracles that these two Old Testament prophets performed during their ministry....calling fire from heaven (Elijah) and tuning blood to water (Moses). God always has commanded for the truth of the matter to be determined by at least two witnesses. 10.These Two Witnesses will preach the gospel and truth to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the world for 1,260 days. I believe the start of their ministry will occur one month before the start of the Tribulation on November 10, 2026,/ Heshvan 21, 2026. The reason for this date will be made known as we continue with our timeline of end-time events. This is the last Pre-Tribulation event to occur before Jacob's Trouble/ Daniel's 70th Seven officially starts. TRIBULATION EVENTS - A.D. 2026-2033
Amen, even so, come Lord Jesus. End Notes: 1. Nearing Midnight: Pope and "Mother Earth" - Terry James - As we as a generation of inhabitants of Planet Earth pierce ever more deeply into the end of the age, the picture of the emerging Tribulation world order comes into view. Presently that view is in the process of tightening into high-definition focus. We adjust the knobs of that focus with our new book. LAWLESS: The End-Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist, we believe, makes clear and in sharp relief against the darkening, prophetic skies that the evil and chaos being churned marks this as the very end of this dispensation. This is a book of compilation. That is, seventeen authors -all top Bible prophecy writers, broadcasters, speakers, and teachers-have contributed chapters. Each has written in depth on matters dealing with the lawlessness we've been witnessing and what it all means. It is, I believe, truly a book for these troubled though exciting times just before Christ calls the Church to Himself. (The book will be released, Lord willing, sometime in October.) I begin the book in my introduction with the following: Planet earth needs a savior. This declaration is at the center of the demand by true believers that all people of this endangered sphere must acknowledge. Those deniers-nonbelievers-are branded as heretics. Those in denial of this unimpeachable assertion deserve to be, at the very least, incarcerated for their denial. This mantra is central to the religious fervor of today. But, it is not the religious fervor of those who adhere to truth found in God's Word, the Bible. The zealots who hold to this theology are, from heaven's perspective, lawless in their anti-God demands. The elitists in government and the news and entertainment media who believe man is destroying the planet and only man can stop the destruction. There is no God to be considered in the controls they intend to exert. And it is indeed religious zealotry. It is for certain a theological mantra that festers at the lawless hearts of those who rave about climate change and mankind destroying the planet through wanton disregard for the welfare of Mother Earth. Right on schedule, a global religious leader has emerged to the forefront of prophetic stage-setting. He has been instrumental in igniting the fever for the global warming (now "climate change") fanaticism we see developing. Many, even among top Catholic clergy, have expressed they believe this man could be the final pope. A number among those believe him to possibly be the false prophet-the second beast-of Revelation chapter 13. I don't go that far. But certainly this man who came to papal power in such strange fashion exhibits characteristics of one who denies truth and leads the flock astray. Pope Francis has, for example, stated that even atheists will one day be in Heaven. He has said such things as all religions should pray to their gods for relief from COVID-19. He has said there are other ways to Heaven than through Jesus Christ. He has called for world governmental authority over all people. I have all these declarations documented in my files. These are not false accusations. This pope has made no secret of his disdain for the current president and his administration. Trump's anti-globalist, "Make America Great Again," determination has driven the one-worlders into frenzy. Pope Francis is proving to be their champion, as demonstrated by the following news excerpt. Pope Francis asked Christians to care about creation, saying that the abuse of ecosystems is a "grave sin" while lamenting the negative impacts of global warming and targeting President Trump "everyone abusing the ecosystem should be held accountable." We must look after our common home, "to the earth and to every creature," the pope said during a speech in the Vatican's San Damaso, "all forms of life are interconnected, and our health depends on that of the ecosystems that God created and entrusted to us to care for." "Abusing them, on the other hand, is a grave sin that damages us, and harms us, and makes us sick," he explained. "Everyone who abuses the ecosystem and avoids accepting the fact that our 'common home' is in danger should be held accountable," the pope stated referring to President Donald Trump. "It is easy to fall prey to an unbalanced and arrogant anthropocentrism, the 'I' at the centre of everything, which gives excessive importance to our role as human beings, positioning us as absolute rulers of all other creatures," he continued. "A distorted interpretation of biblical texts on creation has contributed to this misinterpretation, which leads to the exploitation of the earth to the point of suffocating it," he added. "Exploiting creation: this is the sin. We believe that we are at the centre, claiming to occupy God's place and so we ruin the harmony of creation, the harmony of God's plan," the pope explained. "We become predators, forgetting our vocation as custodians of life," the pope continued... Our poorest brothers and sisters and our mother earth lament for the damage and injustice we have caused, and demand we take another course," he added. "demands of us a conversion, a change of path; taking care of the earth too, of creation." ("Pope Francis Takes Aim At President Trump In A Recent Speech: 'Abusing The Ecosystem Is A Grave Sin, Trump Should Be Held Accountable'," ConsROOM, Rapture Ready News, September 18, 2020) I write further in my introduction to LAWLESS: The End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist: Mother Earth worship is the central unifying concept the father of lies has perpetrated that fits most propitiously within this spirit of Antichrist model. Branding against deniers of climate change as being the worst sinners within the religion of humanism is designed to make Christianity appear to be a false worship system. This is because the Bible declares that Jesus Christ, who is the very Word of God (John 1:1-3), is who has this earthly orb in His grip. It is not man who controls planet earth. This, of course, is antithesis to the unimpeachable declarations of the environmental gurus who say man is destroying the earth with greenhouse gases from carbon emission. Only man, himself, through draconian actions to stop these deadly gases, can save himself from choking to death from unbreathable air or drowning because of the melting ice of the North and South poles. Make no mistake, denial of God's truth regarding creation and Jesus Christ is at the black heart of the lawlessness and evil comportment we are experiencing. The young are especially affected and infected by this Antichrist spirit. The rebellion is prophetically scheduled to get worse-much worse, and climate-change fervor will increase the nearer the age draws to the time of Tribulation. While we move through this election season and watch the evil become increasingly worse, let us acknowledge that there is only satanic deception within the "Mother Earth" delusion being foisted particularly upon the young minds among us. Let us take the apostle Paul's exhortation to heart: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (1 Timothy 2:1-6) Why Are So Many Asteroids Having Close Calls With Earth In 2020? - by Michael Snyder - Have you noticed that it seems like stories about asteroids that are approaching the Earth are constantly in the news this year? It wasn't always this way. In the old days, maybe there would be a story about an asteroid every once in a while, and those stories were never a big deal. But now asteroids are zipping by our planet with frightening regularity, and several more very notable passes will happen over the next few weeks. For example, an asteroid that was just discovered on September 18th will come very, very close to the Earth on Thursday. According to NASA, it will actually come closer to our planet than many of our weather satellites... An asteroid about the size of an RV or small school bus will zoom past the Earth on Thursday, NASA announced, passing within 13,000 miles of the Earth's surface. That's much closer than the moon and is actually closer than some of our weather satellites. This asteroid will speed by at more than 17,000 mph, but the good news is that it is so small that it would not be a serious threat even if it hit us. But two other very large asteroids are also going to pass the Earth by the end of this month, and both of them are large enough to do an enormous amount of damage... Two large asteroids will pass Earth in the next two weeks, with one measuring up to 426 feet in diameter and the other 656 feet-comparable in size to ancient Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza, which is 455 feet tall. The first, smaller asteroid will pass by Earth on September 25 at a distance of 3.6 million miles, according to NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies, which tracks and predicts asteroids and comets that will come close to Earth. The second larger asteroid will fly by on September 29 at a closer distance of 1.78 million miles. The good news is that neither of them have a chance of hitting us this time around, but the fact that the Earth's neighborhood has so much "traffic" these days is a major concern. Any soldier will tell you that if enough bullets get fired at you there is a very good chance that eventually you will get hit. Let me give you a couple more examples of "near Earth objects" that are headed our way in the near future... In October, an "unknown object" is expected to enter our gravitational field and become a temporary "mini-moon"... An object known as 2020 SO is heading towards Earth, and from October, it will be a 'mini-moon', which could stay in orbit of our planet until May next year. While we have The Moon, Earth regularly gets many small asteroids and meteors which caught in its orbit, which astronomers call 'mini-moons'. And in November, we are being told that a small asteroid will come very close to our planet on the day before the election... An asteroid is projected to come close to the Earth on November 2, a day before the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the Center for Near Earth Objects Studies (CNEOS) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory confirmed. The asteroid known as 2018VP1, first identified at Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, has a diameter of 0.002 kilometers (over 6.5 feet), according to the data. Scientists say that it is not likely that this asteroid will hit us, but they admit that they cannot claim this with 100 percent certainty... And that's why the future of 2018 VP is uncertain. It was observed 21 times over 13 days, which allows its orbit to be calculated fairly precisely. We know it takes 2 years (plus or minus 0.001314 years) to go around the Sun. In other words, our uncertainty in the asteroid's orbital period is about 12 hours either way. That's actually pretty good, given how few observations were made - but it means we can't be certain exactly where the asteroid will be on November 2 this year. Fortunately, this particular asteroid is also too small to seriously hurt us, and we should be thankful for that. But the fact that so many space rocks have been headed our way is definitely alarming. Back in August, an asteroid the size of an SUV came extremely close to hitting our planet. The following comes from NASA... Near Earth Asteroids, or NEAs, pass by our home planet all the time. But an SUV-size asteroid set the record this past weekend for coming closer to Earth than any other known NEA: It passed 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometers) above the southern Indian Ocean on Sunday, Aug. 16 at 12:08 a.m. EDT (Saturday, Aug. 15 at 9:08 p.m. PDT). What made that incident so unsettling was the fact that NASA didn't even see it until it had passed us... The flyby wasn't expected and took many by surprise. In fact, the Palomar Observatory didn't detect the zooming asteroid until about six hours after the object's closest approach. "The asteroid approached undetected from the direction of the sun," Paul Chodas, the director of NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies, told Business Insider. "We didn't see it coming." Unfortunately, the truth is that our scientists simply cannot see everything that is up there. They are doing their best, but everyone agrees that our technology is limited. But over the last 20 years our technology has definitely improved, and at this point the number of asteroids that our scientists have identified is far greater than it was a couple of decades ago... The animation maps out all known near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) - space rocks that get within about 30 million miles (50 million kilometers) of our planet's orbit - from 1999 through January 2018, in roughly 10-year time steps. The differences are stark. In 1999, identified NEAs speckled the inner solar system thinly, in a light dusting. Many more were discovered by 2009, and Earth's neighborhood looks absolutely swamped in the present-day portion of the video. Of course more giant space rocks are being discovered all the time, and unfortunately many of them are not identified until after they have had a close encounter with our planet. If NASA couldn't see the asteroid that almost hit us in August in advance, what else can't they see? And is it just our imagination that the number of close calls seems to be increasing, or are scientists just getting a whole lot better at detecting them? At this moment we don't have all the answers, but we should be thankful that our experts are trying to keep a close watch on the skies because scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time before we are hit by a giant asteroid. In the movie Deep Impact, such a scenario was called an "extinction level event". As I write this article, there are thousands of giant space rocks floating around up there that could cause such a disaster, and NASA is working to catalog them all as rapidly as they can. Media Ignores Tens Of Thousands Of Christians Converging On Washington DC - Michael Brown - Did you hear about the large Christian gatherings in Washington, DC this weekend? Did you see the news reports about the mayhem? The looting? The vandalism? The calls to "Burn it down!"? Did you hear the speakers calling for acts of violence and destruction? Oh, you didn't? That's because tens of thousands of Christians did gather in DC this weekend, but they came to pray for the nation and repent for their sins. The two main events were The Return, which began Friday night and ended Saturday night, and Franklin Graham's prayer march, which was held from noon to 2:00 PM Saturday afternoon. Both events attracted tens of thousands, and The Return was watched by a reported global audience of tens of millions. But there were no angry voices. No calls for violence. No fistfights. Or brawls. Or looting. Or shooting at police. In fact, at The Return, where I participated on Saturday, there was hardly any police presence at all. It was not needed. I didn't even see any counter-protesters. Worship prevailed. Prayer prevailed. Humility prevailed. Repentance prevailed. And while a constant theme of the events was the broken condition of America and the urgent need for repentance, that repentance started with the participants, with each of us. We, the followers of Jesus, have sinned and fallen short. We who are called to be light of the world and the salt of the earth have not lived up to our high and lofty calling. That's why The Return began its Saturday morning program with pastors and leaders asking for God's mercy and confessing their sin. Repentance starts with us. Significantly, Saturday was also the day when President Trump announced his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Who could have foreseen this? These events were planned months in advance, at which time no one had any idea that Justice Ginsburg would pass away, let alone pass away during this sacred season on the biblical calendar. Even the timing of Trump's announcement seemed propitious. As I tweeted, "So, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes away at the beginning of the Jewish New Year, as the shofar blast is heard, & Amy Coney Barrett is announced as her replacement as shofars were being blasted at The Return event in DC, watched by 10s of millions globally. Coincidence?" On this same day, Saturday, September 26, 2020, major prayer gatherings were held in the Philippines and other nations as well. (An Asian leader told me at The Return that three million Indonesian Christians participated in a prayer event just hours earlier.) But this is exactly what we must do. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, a global shutdown, a time of global shaking - and that means there nothing more important we can do than pray. All the more does this hold true in America, where deep divisions are literally tearing us apart. But the goal of these gatherings is not to impress people. The goal is not to put on a performance and please the crowds. The goal is to get the attention of our Father in heaven. Only He can turn the hearts of a nation. And only He can hold back His judgment and wrath. In Jewish tradition, the constellation sign associated with Tishrei, the seventh (and current) month of the biblical calendar (but the first month of the traditional calendar), is a pair of scales, symbolizing the scales of justice. As one Jewish website explains, "The symbol of the month of Tishrei is a pair of scales. How fitting are the scales of justice to this month! On the Day of Judgment, Rosh Hashanah, our good deeds and mitzvos (commandments) are weighed against our sins. If we have more mitzvos than sins, we are inscribed for another year of life. Obviously, this is not a quantitative evaluation, that is, the number of offenses verses the number of good deeds. The judgment takes into account the quality of our deeds." Yet even with the very best quality of deeds, and even when we work our hardest, there is no way America could survive a test like this, weighing our good deeds against our bad deeds. How much weight does a single abortion carry, let alone tens of millions? How much weight does a single act of sex trafficking carry, let alone tens of thousands? That's why we plead for mercy. That's why we repent so deeply. That's why, in the synagogues, beginning Sunday night, Jewish prayers will focus on pleas for mercy and lengthy confessions of sin. There is no boasting of our own righteousness in the sight of a holy God. That's why these gatherings in DC, with minimal press coverage and without the drama of the protests and the riots, could well be the thing that saves the nation. And while the media may not have paid sufficient attention, we trust that God Himself did. That is what really matters. Daily Jot: What you need to know about Judge Barrett - Bill Wilson - While the Democratic Party is scrambling to discredit President Trump's nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court, there is really no debate. For example, AP just published a story saying that Barrett belonged to a Catholic organization that "hold men are divinely ordained as the "head" of the family and faith." Oh WOW, stop the presses! Seriously, Barrett already has been vetted and confirmed by the Senate as a jurist on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Having said that, the relentless personal attacks on Barrett are par for the course. They are shameful. All this is a sign of our times when elected officials care nothing about the law or integrity, but everything about tearing a person down. A White House source sent me the following information about Judge Barrett that may be helpful in informing and equipping you as a foundational basis that brings both facts and understanding to who Judge Barret is and why she is qualified to sit on the highest court of the land. From the White House: "Judge Barrett's extensive experience as a professor and litigator, record of academic success, and outstanding judicial record make her an excellent choice to serve on the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett has demonstrated a steadfast dedication to upholding the Constitution as written, and not legislating from the bench. Judge Barrett's excellent judicial record shows she will protect the rights of Americans and defend the rule of law. "Judge Barrett's character and work ethic have earned her awards and bipartisan praise from the legal community. Judge Barrett's colleagues at Notre Dame Law School signed a letter supporting her 2017 nomination, calling her "a model of the fair, impartial and sympathetic judge." In 2017, a bipartisan group of law professors - including professors from Harvard and Stanford and other law schools around the country - urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to confirm Judge Barrett to the Seventh Circuit, describing her work as "rigorous, fair-minded, respectful, and constructive." The American Bar Association rated Judge Barrett as "well qualified" in 2017. "Since 2017, Judge Barrett has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit after she was nominated by President Trump and confirmed on a bipartisan vote. Judge Barrett was appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts to sit on the Advisory Committee on Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, where she served from 2010 to 2016. After graduating from law school, Judge Barrett clerked for D.C. Circuit Judge Laurence Silberman and for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia." Since the Senate already approved her for the Seventh Circuit Court, Judge Barrett should have no obstacle to the Supreme Court, except the ongoing obstruction that has become the hallmark of the Democratic Party. Despite what you hear or read, this is a Matthew 24:4 moment: "Take heed that no man deceive you." The constitution is at stake. Daily Devotion: God's GPS - by Greg Laurie - That's the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty. -Ecclesiastes 12:13 - Listen I have a love-hate relationship with my GPS because sometimes I think it takes me the wrong way. In fact, I've read some interesting stories about people who followed a GPS and ended up in some pretty strange places. When the Israelites left Egypt, their GPS system was very simple: they moved when the Lord told them to move, and they went where the Lord told them to go. Today, God directs us through His Word. It's our GPS system, so to speak, confirmed to us by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. We can find everything we need to know about God and about life in the pages of the Bible. Psalm 1 summarizes this for us: "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers" (verse 1 NLT). If you want to be happy, according to Psalm 1, then don't hang out with ungodly people, go to ungodly places, and do ungodly things. The psalmist goes on to say, "But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do" (verses 2-3 NLT). God has laid out His parameters for our own protection, for our own good. And as we get older, we start seeing the repercussions of the decisions people made when they were younger. Solomon, the king of Israel, was renowned for his wisdom. With his unlimited resources, he decided to see for himself everything this world had to offer. Eventually, he came to this conclusion: "Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty" (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NLT). It comes down to this: God's way is the right way. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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