Prophecy Update Newsletter
Things Fall Apart - Pete Garcia - The law that entropy increases-the Second Law of Thermodynamics-holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. In fact, entropy appears to be the only true natural constant. All things fall apart, and human civilization is not exempt. - Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington With all this talk of the New World Order, the New Normal, and the Age of Aquarius, I have become somewhat nostalgic for the old world order. Now, I know that as a Christian, this world is not our home and we are destined for glory upon glory into the eternal realm, but still, looking back over our lives, there were good and testing moments in our lives that made us who we are today. We are living longer these days, which has caused an excess of generations to all be alive at the same time. From Centennials and Millennials to Generation X and Baby Boomers (even a few Silent Generation folk are still kicking around), the 20th-21st centuries has become a cornucopia of cross-generational experiences. Like many of you, I consider myself fortunate enough to have not only been born in the last century but also in the last millennium as well. However, this idea of cross-millennial generations got me thinking about Dispensationalism and our current predicament as a nation. While easy to blame everything on Centennials (Gen Z, iGen [1996-Present]) on their general laziness and discontent for America, but can you blame them. Most grew up either right before or right after 9/11. They went from that to being a nation at war for almost 19 years. Right around the time they can get a job and start making money, the market crashes (2008). They then get eight-years of the abomination, I mean, the Obama Administration. They lived through H1N1, Ebola, COVID-1984, and every natural disaster known to man. Yet, they were not the first generation to suffer. The Silent Generation (1945 and earlier) saw two World Wars, the Spanish Flu, and the Great Depression. Baby Boomers saw the Korean and Vietnamese Wars and the Hippy movement. Still, Centennials have one greater disadvantage than these previous generations, in that; they live in a largely Post-modern, Post-American, and Post-Christian world. Their lives are being earmarked by the upgrades in technology (pre/post iPhone) Nevertheless, my thoughts of late regarding Dispensationalism has infinitely bordered more on the ambiguous than simply as a hermeneutical construct. It had more to do with the transition between dispensations rather than the dispensations themselves. At least the first two (Innocence and Conscience) had vastly different and physical ramifications in their before and after realities. For those who lived between them (Adam and Eve, Noah, and his family) the differences must have been shocking. Within traditional Dispensationalism, there is a four-part organization regarding each particular age or epoch. The first part is the act, which separates it from the previous era. The second part is the challenge God gives mankind within that particular time period. The third is man's failure to live up to said challenge. The fourth part is the judgment regarding that particular failure. The late Dr. Charles Ryrie explains as follows- The principal characteristic of a dispensation is the economic arrangement and responsibility that God reveals in each dispensation. Such responsibility is a test in itself. Most men fail the test, and then judgment follows. The dispensational scheme has two perspectives: a cross-sectional aspect (which is sometimes misconstrued as cycles but which is in reality a spiral) and a longitudinal aspect (which emphasizes the unfolding progress of revelation and continuing principles throughout the ages of the dispensations). For example:
Thus, Dispensationalism is not just some theological "construct" teasing out academic particulars so that it can be different from other interpretations like Reformed Theology or Roman Catholicism. The failures found in Dispensational theology's dispensations uniquely validates God's word both by history and current events. Simply look around today and look at the strength of the denominational churches. See how watered down and diluted they have become. The modern church has suffered death by a thousand cuts, splintering and crushing professing Christendom under the weight of political correctness, governmental overreach, and the deconstruction of civil society. The failures highlighted by Dispensational theology has everything to do with the reality we are currently living in, the future of America and the Church, and the end of our age. Assessment Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours." Luke 4:5-7 Throughout Satan's long history on planet earth, his desire has always been for there to be one system he could command and control for his own purposes. From Babel until today, he has with limited success, ruthlessly used individuals, kingdoms, geography, resources, religion, mythology, and all sorts of machinations to try to achieve this end. While it is true that many were taking the broad path that leads to hell, thus, Satan was achieving a backhanded victory of sorts, he only really cares about where he spends eternity. He is feverishly trying to derail Bible prophecy so he can, somehow (in his mind), make God break His own word. Mankind was progressing too slowly, and like herding cats, mankind's free will was becoming increasingly problematic for Satan. Which is why the Industrial and Technological Revolutions were so convenient and necessary. It is no mistake that for the past 4,000 years, man was limited to the speed of horse. God intentionally put the brakes on us back at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:6). It is also no mistake that here in the last 150 years; mankind's technological innovation has evolved exponentially. Therefore, it is in the last 70 years or so that Satan has increasingly turned towards the use of this technological evolution to push humanity over the edge into his dark, dystopian dream. The great industrial and technological achievements of mankind over the past two centuries were all hailed as our great achievements and upward mobility: global travel, global communications, and the development of information technologies. These were meant to make our lives easier. Instead, they have complicated our lives. Complicated geopolitics. Compounded the threats we face on a daily basis. The same technology that was supposed to make our lives better will one day enslave humanity. Nevertheless, Satan has unregenerate man so blinded by the shiny bells and whistles that they believe they are evolving into some newer, better version of themselves. Mankind is so enamored by the idea of becoming superhuman (thanks in part to Hollywood and pop fiction) that many are literally rushing headfirst to put the mark of the beast prototype technology into/onto their bodies. Satan is using technology to mass-produce fear and anxiety on a global scale so that people willingly turn over their liberty for peace and safety. This has become an increasingly useful twist of fate, as man has entered headfirst into the Digital Age. Actually, the age we are now has many different names, because we are converging into so many different spectrums of maturation as a species: Information Age, Computer Age, Post-Modern Era, and Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is interesting to me that we are now living through the greatest prophetic convergences of events in 2,000 years; yet, the Church Age is also culminating at the same moment information is being weaponized at a terrifying rate. The effect is you would hardly notice our proximity to the end, given the silence of most pulpits. I wonder if the deception Jesus warned us about repeatedly in His Olivet Discourse was not just deception by commission, but by omission as well. Nevertheless, you cannot have this New World Order, without blowing up the old one first. Therefore, the fact that we have seven dispensations, as opposed to having just one, means each has ended (or will end) with Satan's fingerprints all over it. Satan's efforts to pervert, corrupt, and silence our generations, have been effective. Everything (Creation, marriage, gender, history, science, truth, etc.), are on the table for redefinition. It makes sense though. He has to ramp up the fake news, the misdirection, increasingly polarizing bias, and deep fakes because he knows his time is short. Now he has the global stage and microphone to promote his satanic agenda. He knows the Rapture is about to happen. He already has his army of disinformation agents seeding the ground for the great delusion (via propaganda), so when the Rapture happens, he can consolidate his power. Although we do not know exactly when the Rapture of the Church will finally provide Satan the necessary crisis he can use to bring all of the world's governments together. Conclusion As the world is coming to the end of our present dispensation, it is in the process of tearing itself apart politically and ideologically. It is only natural for believers to want the country they live in to turn back to God. We are seeing calls for revival, repentance, and a return to prayer. While those things, in and of themselves, it is, however, not how things will turn out. This is not about my pessimism, nor dispensational doom and gloom theology, but a predetermined end for how the Bible says the world will turn out.
While we, the Church, should actively pray for repentance as a nation and for revival, we should be discouraged neither by our efforts nor by the results. Revival and repentance are never mainstays in our world. They are temporary endeavors because the unregenerate human heart is incurably wicked (Jer. 17:9). It is not that God is not listening, for many in the world are still coming to saving faith. It is because God is even now, in the process, of giving people over to their sins and delusions. The wicked are hardening their hearts because of the mercy of God, not for lack of it. God did not delay the flood because of a lack of converts. He gave ample warning through Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah. The Holy Spirit filled Church (the body of Christ) is the restraining force of evil on the planet. Denominations are not the Restrainers, but the body of believers whom through the Holy Spirit works to fulfill God's plan, is the restraint, holding back evil, wholesale. As the power and authority of the true church diminishes, darkness has begun to creep back over the land. That is not to say the forces of evil (principalities and powers) have not wrought evil and wickedness upon this earth, because clearly, they have. However, the fervent prayers of a righteous man (men and women), availeth much (James 5:16). We have been able to effectively, keep evil at bay from completely taking over this planet. Thus, our time has become increasingly dark and heavy. Spiritual oppression and alienation are at an all-time high for believers. However, you are not alone. As Ambassadors of Christ, we have to remember, we are not here to change the policies of this fallen planet. We cannot; that is not the role of ambassadors. That would be like trying to fix minor plumbing issues on the Titanic after it has already struck the iceberg and is listing to one side. This ship is going down, and we do not have the means to fix it, nor is it in the plan of God to repair Satan's busted ship. Imagine the Titanic, having struck the iceberg, but is now disabled, sinking, and now, in the path of a massive Category 5 hurricane. That is what is coming. As Ambassadors of Christ, we are here as representatives of our Heavenly Father and His Kingdom. We are here to bring as many people WITH us in the upcoming rescue operation from planet earth. However, God has both the power and ability to hold back the winds of the coming storm, until His perfect timing. He will not declare war on this planet until He has removed His ambassadors from enemy territory first. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." ' Revelation 3:10-13 End Notes: Erdogan's Plan to Take Over the Palestinian Authority - by Khaled Abu Toameh - On September 21, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and requested that Turkey send Turkish observers to monitor Palestinian elections, if and when they are held. The phone call came as Turkey hosted a meeting between Abbas's ruling Fatah faction and the Iran-backed Hamas movement. At the meeting, the Fatah and Hamas reportedly agreed to hold long overdue elections for the PA presidency and parliament, the Palestine Legislative Council (PLC). Abbas's request surprised many Palestinians and Arabs, especially in the wake of charges that Erdogan had forged the 2018 presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey. Shortly after the voting ended, thousands of Twitter users launched a hashtag called #Erdogan_forged_election, accusing him of rigging the elections. This was not the first time that Erdogan has been accused of election fraud. In 2014, Turkey's opposition accused Erdogan's party of rigging the country's local elections. What we are witnessing is an Arab autocrat (Abbas) seeking the help of a Muslim autocrat (Erdogan) in holding "free and fair" elections. Abbas, it seems, is confident that Erdogan's observers would rubber-stamp the results of any Palestinian election to ensure that the PA president emerges victorious. The 85-year-old Abbas, currently in the 15th year of his four-year-term in office, appears to be an admirer of Erdogan's authoritarian rule. While Erdogan is seeking to resurrect the Ottoman Empire and assume the role of Sultan (ruler of a Muslim realm), Abbas is searching for ways to hold onto power until his last day. Erdogan apparently wants to expand his influence in the Middle East by meddling in the affairs of the Palestinians after already involving himself in conflicts in Libya and Syria. Now he has a chance to use the Palestinian elections to try to bring his Hamas friends to power after getting rid of Abbas. Abbas, who has no intention of competing with Erdogan for the title of Sultan, wants to maintain his status as president-for-life of the Palestinians. Abbas is hoping that Erdogan will assist him in achieving his goal. In January 2005, Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority. The next presidential election was supposed to take place in January 2009, but a dispute that erupted between Fatah and Hamas has so far prevented the Palestinians from holding presidential and parliamentary elections. The last Palestinian parliamentary election was held in January 2006, when Hamas won most of the Palestine Legislative Council seats. A year later, Hamas staged a violent coup in the Gaza Strip, overthrowing Abbas's PA and seizing full control of the coastal enclave, home to nearly two million Palestinians. Since then, the Palestinians have been left without a parliament due to the split between the PA-controlled West Bank and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Several attempts by Egypt and other Arab countries to resolve the Fatah-Hamas rift over the past 12 years have failed, leaving the Palestinians with two separate mini-states: one in the West Bank, the other in the Gaza Strip. Abbas, in the past 11 years, has more than once expressed his desire to end the conflict with Hamas and pave the way for holding the long overdue elections. Such statements have often been ridiculed by his critics. "Palestinian elections are merely a lie we've been hearing for years and never see happening on the ground," noted several social media users on Twitter. One posted a video that included various statements by Abbas in which he talks about holding new elections. In 2009, Abbas announced: "I have issued a decree for holding presidential and parliamentary elections on January 24, 2010." In 2016, Abbas stated: "We are continuing our sincere efforts to achieve Palestinian reconciliation [with Hamas] by forming a national unity government on the basis of the PLO program and holding presidential and parliamentary elections." In 2017, Abbas, in a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, called on Hamas to allow the Palestinian Authority to assume its responsibilities in the Gaza Strip and hold general elections. Last year, in another speech at the UN General Assembly, Abbas again announced his intention to hold presidential and parliamentary elections. "Upon my return to the homeland," he said, "I will call general elections in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem." In September 2020, during a videoconference meeting of leaders of Palestinian factions, Abbas said: "Despite all the obstacles you are aware of, we are preparing to hold the parliamentary election, and then the presidential election, with the participation of all the Palestinian factions." Abbas has long managed to avoid fulfilling his election promise, once by blaming Hamas and another time by blaming Israel. As far as Abbas is concerned, everyone is to blame for the absence of free and fair elections except himself. Now Palestinians and some Arabs are saying that they no longer believe Abbas. A hashtag trending on Twitter under the name "The Election Play" shows that many Palestinians and Arabs are skeptical of Abbas's real intentions. "We have become used to the talk about elections," remarked Hesham Abo Al-Hosom, a Palestinian political activist from the Gaza Strip. "The elections Abbas is talking about are a play steeped in lies and delusions." Palestinian social media user Rawan Armana commented: "We are fed up with speeches, lies and deceit. We have lost confidence [in our leaders]." Tareq Al-Farra, a member of Fatah, derided Abbas's repeated promise to hold elections: "When will this play end? We are tired of statements about holding general elections and achieving national unity. Stop your lies." Yara Lolo, who describes herself as a supporter of Abbas's arch-rival, Mohammed Dahlan, wrote: "The people who elect corrupt opportunists and swindlers are not considered victims, but rather partners in crime." Commenting on Abbas's request that Turkey monitor the Palestinian elections, Egyptian social media user Ahmed Maka wrote: "Did you know that the Palestinian Authority president called on Turkey to monitor the Palestinian elections, despite the fact that Turkey itself rigged the local elections [in Turkey], according to the testimony of international observers?" Lebanese political analyst Nidal Al-Sabeh also expressed concern over Abbas's demand that Turkey monitor the Palestinian elections. The PA president's request to Erdogan, Al-Sabeh said, "exposes to Abbas's stance against Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Syria, and his involvement with the Qatari-Turkish project." Khairallah Khairallah, a Lebanese journalist and political commentator, wondered whether the proposed elections would lead to real change on the ground and put an end to Hamas's "Taliban-style Islamic emirate" in the Gaza Strip: "With the exception of Turkey, which hosted the Fatah-Hamas meeting to assert its regional role, it is not known how the elections will lead to a profound change that the Palestinians need more than ever... The elections can be the gateway to a major change. Most of all, the elections can be a bridge to a transformation that leads to the birth of a different Palestinian leadership. It is terrifying that Abbas speaks as if he lives in another world. Is there a Palestinian interest in attacking the US administration, even if this administration takes unfair positions against the Palestinians? Is there a Palestinian interest in referring negatively to the peace accords between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain? There is a Palestinian need to return to reality. There is a Palestinian need to come to terms with the truth." Khairallah called on the Palestinian factions to explain what they mean when they talk about achieving national unity and holding new elections. "There is a need to stop selling illusions," he added. "There is a need to adapt to international and regional developments. There is a need to acknowledge that national unity cannot be restored by appeasing Turkey or Iran, or by acknowledging the legitimacy of what Hamas is doing in Gaza. Palestinian elections cannot be held without a clear vision that is based above all on preserving an independent Palestinian decision, away from the interference of Turkey and Iran." Palestinian political analyst Hani al-Masri said it was "useless" to talk about holding elections while the Palestinians are divided. "Without a unity government that provides an atmosphere of confidence and respect for human rights and freedoms, combats corruption, and unifies institutions, especially the judiciary, there can be no elections... What is required is a new and strategic vision, a single leadership, and a true partnership." Erdogan's renewed interest in the Palestinian issue might be seen in the context of his embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates, including Hamas. If Erdogan is going to send Turkish observers to monitor the Palestinian elections, it is because he would like to help his friends in Hamas win the vote. A report by the Century Foundation on the Turkish government's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood estimated that 20,000 Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood members live on Turkish soil. Recently, another report revealed that Turkey has given passports to a dozen members of Hamas in Istanbul. Erdogan evidently cares about Hamas more than Abbas does. The Turkish leader would certainly like to see Palestinians hold new elections -- and he is prepared to provide all the help needed. By inviting Turkey to monitor the elections, Abbas is playing into the hands of Erdogan and Hamas. Abbas is advancing Turkey's mission of replacing his regime with a Muslim Brotherhood-led government. A Swarm Of Nearly 600 Earthquakes Rattles Southern California As Speculation About "The Big One" Starts To Rise Again - by Michael Snyder - Over the last few days, a swarm of almost 600 earthquakes has shaken southern California, and a lot of people are becoming extremely concerned about what will happen next. In fact, if you go on Twitter right now you will find a tremendous amount of speculation that "the Big One" could be coming. The experts are trying to calm the general public by assuring them that it is probably not likely that "the Big One" is imminent, but they don't know for sure. Forecasting earthquakes is not like forecasting the weather, and experts will continue to tell us that a major event is not likely until the day when one finally happens. But what everyone can agree upon is that earthquake swarms cause the probability of a major event to rise. Of course that doesn't mean that there will be a major event associated with this current earthquake swarm, and there may not be a major event if an earthquake swarm occurs next month. But without a doubt what is going on in southern California right now is worth watching. According to the Los Angeles Times, this current swarm of quakes has been centered "around the town of Westmoreland in Imperial County"... A swarm of hundreds of small earthquakes struck in and around the town of Westmoreland in Imperial County over the past couple days The Southern California Seismic Network recorded nearly 600 earthquakes, the smallest a magnitude 1.1, as of 6 a.m. Thursday, according to a report from the project by Caltech and the U.S. Geological Survey. Most of the rumbling has been relatively minor, but during a period of less than three hours on Wednesday there were 45 earthquakes of at least magnitude 3.0... 'In just 2.5hr Westmorland swarm has had 45 quakes of M≥3.0. One of the largest swarms we have had in the Imperial Valley - and it is historically the most active swarms in SoCal,' seismologist Dr Lucy Jones wrote on Twitter on Wednesday night. A magnitude 4.9 quake has been the largest event so far, and we shall see what else happens over the next several days. According to Dr. Lucy Jones, this earthquake swarm has occurred along some small faults "that connect the San Andreas and Imperial faults"... None of the earthquakes that have been happening in the Imperial Valley are anywhere near the San Andreas fault. They are in the Brawley Seismic Zone - a network of small faults that connect the San Andreas and Imperial faults. This is an area that has had some pretty serious earthquake swarms in the past. In fact, the USGS is telling us that there were also large swarms in the area in 1981 and in 2012... The quake swarms "are located in an area of diffuse seismic activity between the San Andreas fault in the north and the Imperial fault to the south," the USGS says. Previous swarms in the area happened in 1981 and 2012. "Past swarms have remained active for 1 to 20 days, with an average duration of about a week," the USGS reported. Obviously the swarms of 1981 and 2012 did not produce something much larger, and hopefully this one will not either. But the USGS is warning that there is a "very small probability" that a quake of magnitude 7.0 or above could potentially happen... 'The ongoing swarm could trigger an earthquake significantly larger than the M4.9 that occurred on the 30 September (i.e., M7.0 and above),' they warned. 'While this is a very small probability, if such an earthquake were to occur, it would have serious impacts on communities nearby and would be followed by aftershocks that would increase the number of smaller earthquakes per day.' However, as I noted above, the truth is that they don't really know. None of the experts has any way to reliably forecast earthquakes in advance, and someday when "the Big One" finally strikes there may not be any sort of advance warning at all. But the experts do believe that it is inevitable that eventually "the Big One" will arrive, and one particularly alarming study concluded that the full length of the San Andreas fault could potentially "unzip all at once".... For years, scientists believed the mighty San Andreas-the 800-mile-long fault running the length of California where the Pacific and North American plates meet-could only rupture in isolated sections. But a recent study by federal, state and academic researchers showed that much of the fault could unzip all at once, unleashing a rare, singular catastrophe. Now, insurers have used that research to come up with a new analysis of the damage that could be caused by statewide break of the San Andreas. Could you imagine the utter devastation that such an event would cause? Scientists have discovered that enormous earthquakes in the distant past caused the ground to sink by as much as three feet in some portions of southern California, and some scientists have warned that if such an event happened today that "it could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly"... The Big One may be overdue to hit California, but scientists near LA have found a new risk for the area during a major earthquake. They claim that if a major tremor hits the area, it could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly. If you have read my new book, you already understand why I keep relentlessly warning people about these things. Unfortunately, one day the time for warning will be over and disaster will strike. According to Cal State Fullerton professor Matt Kirby, a big enough quake could cause vast stretches of southern California to sink dramatically "relatively instantaneously"... 'It´s something that would happen relatively instantaneously,' Kirby said. 'Probably today if it happened, you would see seawater rushing in.' Right now, most people living in California are not thinking about earthquakes because they are dealing with the worst wildfire season in the history of the state. Millions of acres have already burned, and the skies have been filled with smoke for weeks on end. For many residents, this has been the final straw and they are finally moving out of the state. But of course most Californians will just continue to stay where they are no matter what happens, and one day "the Big One" will turn all of their lives upside down in a single moment. No Greater Love - By Grant Phillips - When I was a young teenager back during the early 1960s, our church choir performed a few John W. Peterson cantatas on Easter Sundays. He must have been a man with a heart for God because the music he composed really blessed the heart. He wrote a lot of beautiful Christian music. One year our choir sang an Easter cantata called "Hallelujah! What A Savior!" The following year we sang an Easter cantata called "No Greater Love." I, and others my age, sang with the adult choir on a regular basis. We spent a great deal of time in preparation for our performance of these great musicals, and I still warmly reflect on those years long ago. I don't know what made me think of the words "no greater love," but when I did, these Easter cantatas came to mind as did the following Scripture verses. "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). "Hallelujah" is only mentioned four times in Scripture (Revelation 19:1, 2, 4, and 6). (The KJV and NKJV list it as "Allelujah.") "Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns'" (Revelation 19:6). As my mind recalls the music while I consider the greatness of our God, I am overwhelmed by the love He has for all of mankind. Even during the Tribulation, when His wrath is at fever pitch, His love shines through all the devastation as His patience waits for others to come to Him and be saved. Yes, our God is a God of wrath against His enemies, but His love is there to save any who will come to Him. Even the enemy can be saved if they will turn and come to Him, acknowledging they are a sinner and asking Him, in belief, to save them too. "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life" (Romans 5:10). There is nothing more tragic than one who lives his life on this earth and then dies without believing in Jesus. He may possess everything the world has to offer; riches, fame, beauty, power, but what good is it when death ends this life on earth? We cannot buy our way into Heaven. Fame is only good while alive on earth; afterward, it means nothing. Our beauty is changed to a rotting corpse. None of us has enough power to come back to life and start over. Only those who trust in Jesus can leave this world through the gate called "death" with a smile and peace in their soul. They have gathered riches in Heaven. They are known by God. The beauty of His righteousness is their beauty, and death has no power over them. Riches for the Believer "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal" (Matthew 6:20). Fame for the Believer "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10). Beauty for the Believer "And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper" (Revelation 21:10-11). Victory over Death for the Believer "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:55, 57). Every believer in Christ has everything to look forward to, but every unbeliever has nothing but judgment that waits in hell. We wonder why God would even care about us, but He does, and you can be saved if you repent (change your mind) and come to Him. "But one testified in a certain place, saying: 'What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the son of man that You take care of him? You have made him a little lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands. You have put all things in subjection under his feet.' For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone" (Hebrews 2:6-9). Verse nine says it all. Jesus became one of us and died in our place that we might have life in Him. One day every believer in Jesus will joyfully shout, "Hallelujah! What a Savior!" Every believer knows now and will understand even more so then that there is no greater love than God's love for us. Our eyes will be opened to the wonders of God and Heaven. "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). Every unbeliever in hell will be asking themselves, "Why didn't I listen?" Every unbeliever standing before the White Throne judgment will grasp for an excuse, hoping to avoid the Lake of Fire, but none will escape. Every unbeliever suffering forever in the Lake of Fire will be separated from God forever, never having another opportunity of changing their fate. Every moment of the flames will be a reminder of all the opportunities they had but ignored. In the following passage, the God of Heaven calls out to all who will listen: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. "God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. "There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son. "And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. "All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. "But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants" (John 3:16-21). There can be no greater love than the love God has shown for mankind. He has shown us that love by the sacrifice of His own Son to save all who will come to Him through His Son Jesus. Jesus gave His life, was buried and rose again for us. Today ... He can be our Savior and Lord. Once we leave this world ... He can be our Savior if we accept Him today, or He will be our Judge if we reject Him. Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: How was I to know? - Bill Wilson - Dad not only ran the family cattle and horse farm, he also worked several entrepreneurial jobs on the side. Or maybe the farm job, though full time, was on the side. For example, Dad did custom combining in the summer months for farmers all over Portage County, Ohio. He also baled hay. Me and my trusty pony Tricker (renamed Trigger during my Roy Rogers days) followed along Dad's tractor and combine, and if I was lucky, the farmer would let me tie up Tricker and help with the bags of wheat or oats. I would help fill those bags when the auger was dropped, then tie them shut and drag them to the farthest point on the wagon. Loved helping and riding. Anything I could do to do a man's work. The mainstay business of my Dad's many enterprises was the Wayland Gas and Oil Company. He had three 50,000 gallon tanks above ground, a bulk plant to pump the fuel into a delivery truck, three pumps to fill cars/trucks/tractors with 1,200 gallon underground tanks. The business model was to deliver fuel oil in the winter time to heat homes and gasoline or diesel fuel in the spring, summer and fall to the farmers. He worked long hours in the heat, cold, mud, rain, sleet, whatever. And when the day was done, it was not done because there were still chores with the animals that needed to be done. To this day, I don't know how Dad kept up with all of it. And he still had time to show horses on the weekends. One of the jobs Dad gave me was salesman. I used to ride in the fuel truck with him when I wasn't in grade school, probably beginning when I was about four years old. It was quite the privilege to climb up into that big truck and ride with my Dad on his daily rounds. Being the talkative overachiever that I was, Dad put me to selling Shelltox-a pesticide used by farmers to rid their barns and houses of mosquitos, roaches, wasps, anything insect. Dad would buy Shelltox from his fuel vender Shell Oil Company by the case of 24. Each spray can cost a dollar retail. Dad gave me fifty cents commission on every can I sold. I would enthusiastically load up a couple of cases of Shelltox every time I got to go with him. It just wasn't fair. Hardly a farmer or farmer's wife (many of whom baked cookies for me hoping I was riding with Dad) could resist my sales pitch. My goal was to sell a can to every farmer, and if I didn't, try to sell two cans to the next farmer. I made money to add to my matchbox car collection, buy GI Joe accessories, saddlebags, what have you. We didn't know at the time that DDT was harmful and Shelltox had a lot of it. I think it was banned in 1967. I remember cleaning out the farm after Mom passed and running into a partial case of Shelltox, thinking, "My, how things have changed." It's kind of like Acts 17:30, "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent." I don't sell DDT anymore, but how was I to know? They say ignorance is bliss, except when it's not. Daily Devotion: When It's Time to Part Company - by Greg Laurie - Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts. -2 Timothy 2:22 - Listen I don't think I'm an actual hoarder, but I do save a lot of things. It drives my wife, Cathe, crazy because she's very neat and tidy. For instance, I always bring extra items with me when I travel. But sometimes these things slow me down. When we're running the race of life, however, we don't want any excess baggage. If we want to win, then we need to run light. The Bible tells us, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" (Hebrews 12:1 NLT). Do you have some people who are actually slowing you down in the race of life? Are they dragging you down spiritually? Here's my question for you: Is that a relationship you want to continue? Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future. In Genesis, we find the story of Abraham and his nephew Lot. Abraham walked with God, but Lot started dragging Abraham down spiritually. When a conflict developed, they parted company. Then the Lord began to speak to Abraham again. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, "Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts" (2 Timothy 2:22 NLT). We want to influence people for God's kingdom, of course. But if someone in your life influences you with their unbelief, their skepticism, their bitterness, or whatever else it might be, that could be someone who's slowing you down in the race. Sometimes there are people in our lives who may be toxic for us spiritually. We want to run light, and we want to run with other people who love the Lord as well. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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