Prophecy Update Newsletter
Are You at a Breaking Point? - By Jonathan Brentner - If not for my belief in the rapture, I would have reached a breaking point long, long ago. As it is, I sometimes feel anger boiling up within me as I see entertainers celebrating abortions, the evil that intensifies each and every day, and the greed and hatred rampant in our world. Apart from the promises of Scripture, I would throw my hands up in despair as I watch a sadly deluded world embracing the evils of socialism as the solution to all its problems. When has totalitarianism ever solved a problem? I also know many believers have reached a breaking point due to illness, grief, and affliction. Pain touches the lives of so many followers of Jesus. I have no easy answers for those who feel as though they have reached a breaking point, but I know the truths of God's Word are able to calm our hearts and reassure our minds regardless of what confronts us today. It's Supposed to Be this Way in the Last Days When it seems as though I am about to whither under the burdens of the day, I remember what the Bible says about the last days. In short, the Bible long ago predicted it would be this way in the last days. Paul's words in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 describe our world today with its treachery, brutality, harsh exchanges on social media, and loss of self-control. Jesus told us conditions before His return will be like the "days of Noah" as well as the time of Lot (Luke 17:26-29). In both cases, exceeding wickedness continued to grow worse with no end in sight. Revelation 12:12 warns of Satan's increased activity in the last days as he knows his time is short. I believe this not only refers to our adversary's activity in the world, but also his stepped-up attacks on God's children. I know it's not easy for those of us who feel the breath of the devil's fury. But rest assured that God sees our pain and frustration, His relief is on the way, and He is much more powerful than the one who seeks to destroy us (1 Pet. 5:8; 1 John 4:4). The Lord will Judge the Ungodly Scripture also assures us God will judge the wickedness of this world. Those who refuse to repent of their sins will someday pay a severe penalty for their rejection of the Savior, both here on the earth and in eternity. I recently read Psalm 10 and sensed anew its relevance for today. The Psalmist's question in verse 1 is one we often find ourselves asking today, "Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" He answers his own question in verses 14-15, assuring us that the Lord does "see" and that He will "break the arm of the wicked and evildoer; call his wickedness to account till you find none." The Lord's response to the wickedness and deception we see in the world is on the way. Count on it. He will judge the wickedness that confronts us every day. The Lord sees. His relief for our affliction may not arrive as soon as we would like or wish, but rest assured, Jesus' will intervene in our lives just as He surely will in this Christ-rejecting world. Our Ultimate Hope Rests in Jesus' Appearing In the meantime, our focus must remain heavenward because it's from there "we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him to subject all things to himself" (Phil 3:20-21). Our ultimate hope does not rest in the improving of our circumstances, and it certainly does not reside in a fallen world where evil continues to increase exponentially (although it's already far beyond what I thought I would see in the last days before the rapture). Our definitive expectation comes from the Lord's promises to take us to His Father's house in heaven, to a place He is preparing for us (John 14:2-3). After we arrive safely in heaven with our Savior, God will pour out His wrath on an unsuspecting world as described in Revelation 6-19 and in Isaiah 13:9-13. In spite of what we see in a world corrupted by Satan for his evil purposes, we know the Lord's fierce judgment on an unbelieving world is rapidly approaching. We see the signs of this everywhere we look. In spite of what we experience in a fallen and harsh world, we hold on to our certain hope that Jesus not only knows all about our grief, but is coming to take us into His loving arms and keep us safe during the time of trouble coming upon the world (Rev. 3:10). Jesus Will Reign in Righteousness In addition to the rapture, we look forward to Jesus' righteous rule over all creation that begins with what we refer to today as the millennium; this is the time our Savior reigns over the world that once rejected Him (Psalm 2:7-12; Zechariah 14:9-27). The biblical descriptions of this thousand-year reign of Christ tell us that sin will remain on the earth during this time; it will be a period of testing for mankind (Rev. 20:1-10; Zech. 14:16-19). How does Jesus' future reign as king over all the nations encourage us? First, the Bible also says that as believers we are "fellow heirs with Christ" (Rom. 8:17). As such, we will share in Jesus' inheritance of the nations as He reigns over them (Rev. 5:9-10, 20:4). We will reign with Him. Second, we have this wonderful promise in Revelation 21:4, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." Ultimately, we look forward to a time when sin and death will no longer exist, and Jesus Himself will lovingly wipe away all tears and remove all our pain and sorrow. We Walk by Faith Our hope consists of things we cannot see with our natural eyes. We currently do not see the Lord's judgment on the rampant wickedness of our day. We recognize the biblical signs of the last days, but it requires a look of faith to hold on to our hope of Jesus' appearing and our heavenward excursion through the clouds. In 2 Corinthians 5:4-5, Paul writes of our hope in the rapture, "For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened-not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee." Notice how the apostle continues as he describes our lives as we anticipate the reception of our new bodies, "So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor. 5:6-7). We walk by faith, not by sight. The Bible tells us that wickedness will grow exceedingly strong in the last days, but also reveals the Lord's harsh judgment of an unbelieving world. Scripture warns us of Satan's increased activities in the last days, but also assures us of His deliverance of us from this world. God's Word does not promise us immediate relief from our afflictions or a quick judgment on the evil around us. It does, however, guarantee a joyous future in eternity full of joy, happiness, and pleasure for those who know the Lord as their Savior. While we may be at a breaking point from what we see in the world or experience as a result of this fallen world, we walk by faith in anticipation of a much better day. Our eternity with Jesus could start in the next moment, later today, next week, a year from now, or at a later time. We cannot know the exact timing of His return in this the season of His appearing. But we do know Jesus sees all we see (and much, much more), loves us more than we can imagine, and is now preparing a place for us in His Father's house (John 14:2-3). Until then we walk by faith, relying on the Lord to give us courage in these last days. Jonathan Brentner Website: Our Journey Home Please consider signing up for my newsletter on my website. Thanks! E-mail: [email protected] Divide and Destroy - By Hal Lindsey - The possible impeachment of President Donald Trump is the big news in America and around the world. Could such proceedings carry end-times prophetic implications? You might be surprised. Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on September 24th that the US House of Representatives would begin an impeachment investigation against the President. Significantly, the House did not follow precedent by voting to begin proceedings. Instead, the boss (Nancy Pelosi) just pronounced that it was being done. So here we go. America is already splitting apart. Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Lincoln borrowed that wording from Matthew 12:25 where Jesus said, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand." In the verse above, Jesus spoke of this principle in regard to Satan's kingdom, But the principle is universal. It applies to nations, cities, and even families. Lincoln said those words in 1858, not long before he became President. Shortly after he took office, America would divide, and Lincoln would spend his presidency trying to restore it. So far, things are not nearly as bad as the Civil War. No states have seceded, and there has been no credible call to arms. But in one way, our situation is worse. Even though divided over slavery, Americans of 1861 held to a similar set of values. In his second inaugural address, President Lincoln said that northerners and southerners, "read the same Bible and pray to the same God." Not anymore. The Bible doesn't list the United States as a major player in world politics during the Tribulation. For that reason and others, I have been saying for a long time that the United States will be drastically weakened by the time of the Tribulation. Some prophecy teachers have predicted nuclear war, or that some other weapon of mass destruction will be used against America. Many of us have hoped that between now and the Rapture, so many Americans will come to Christ, that their disappearance at the Rapture will cause the problem. But without the external forces of war, atomic bombs, or Christians being snatched away, America seems to already be tearing itself apart. Liberals and conservatives see the world in starkly different ways. How a person sees the President's July 25th conversation with the president of Ukraine, seems to depend primarily on how that person feels about President Trump. It's not a matter of liking or disliking the President. That's too mild. It's more a matter of loving him or loathing him. There's real passion on both sides - and with that passion comes outrage, fear, and, too often, hate. American families will celebrate Thanksgiving in only a few weeks. Most of the families that don't agree on Trump will simply avoid the subject. Others will experience a verbal war over the turkey, and some will see fisticuffs before they reach dessert. Because Democrats generally see President Trump as evil and Republicans see him as flawed but generally good, we can already get a sense of where impeachment will go. Constitutionally, impeachment begins in the House of Representatives - now run by Democrats. That means there is a strong probability that articles of impeachment will be voted on soon - probably by the end of November. Assuming the House votes to impeach, a trial will be held in the Senate - now held by Republicans. That means unless new and compelling evidence is found against Mr. Trump, the Senate will acquit. No matter which way it goes, the two sides will feel even greater rage than they do now. The seams that became cracks are fast widening into chasms. America is likely to be even more divided and more filled with anger in 2020 than it is today. And a house divided can't go on for long. As I have explained at length on several occasions, Jesus listed what we now call identity politics as a major sign of the end times. In other words, He warned us about these end-times divisions 2,000 years ago. Once again, His word is proving to be true. The Bible has the stunning ability to tell us about the world we live in - almost two thousand years after the last word of it was written. And since the Bible is true in the area of prophecy, we can trust it in every area of our lives. God's warnings are true, but so are His promises. "Anti-Normalization" With Israel: The True Goal - by Bassam Tawil - Arabs who dare to greet Jews in public on the Jewish New Year are being denounced by their fellow Arabs as traitors. Arabs who dare to engage in sports activities with Jews are also being condemned by their fellow Arabs as traitors. In the past week, many Arabs have taken to social media to express outrage over a Jewish New Year greeting by Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). On September 29, the minister posted on his Twitter account "Shana Tova" ("Good Year" in Hebrew). His greeting to Jews celebrating the Jewish New Year has triggered a wave of condemnations from many Arabs, including Palestinians, who accused the minister of promoting normalization with Israel. The vicious ad hominem attacks on the UAE foreign minister included prayers that God allow him to burn in hell and several posters comparing him to a monkey. Because of the greeting, the minister is also being denounced as a "Zionist," "war criminal," "dog," "traitor" and "pig." Some Arabs expressed hope that the UAE will vanish "just like Israel will cease to exist." Others seized the opportunity to remind the "shameless" minister of the Qur'an verse (Al-Ma'idah, 51) that says: "O you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are allies of one to another (when against you), and whoso from amongst you takes them for allies, is indeed one of them." The attacks on the UAE foreign minister came as many Arab social media users strongly condemned Qatar for allowing Israeli athletes to participate in the 2019 World Athletics Championship, held at the Khalifa International Stadium in Doha from September 27- October 6. The presence of the Israeli athletes in Qatar drew sharp criticism from many Arabs, who expressed outrage on social media through a hashtag titled, "Normalization is Treason." Qatar has been accused by its Arab neighbors, including Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies, of sponsoring and funding the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and extremist groups such as Hamas, the Palestinian terror group ruling the Gaza Strip. Qatar's alleged support and financing of extremist groups, however, has not spared it criticism from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the second-largest terror group in the Gaza Strip. In recent months, Qatar has been playing a role in preventing all-out war in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas. The Qataris have also been delivering millions of dollars in cash to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as part of an effort to boost the Palestinian economy there and help poor and unemployed Palestinians. Hamas and Islamic Jihad now seem to be spearheading the campaign of incitement against Qatar for its decision to allow Israeli athletes to participate in the World Championships in Doha. Hamas expressed "regret" over Qatar's decision and said it considers the hosting of the Israeli athletes as "a form of normalization that will be used [by Israel] to whitewash its image in front of the world." This is the same Hamas that has been begging Qatar for cash in the past few months. Similarly, Islamic Jihad issued a statement strongly condemning Qatar and repeating its call for Arabs and Muslims to boycott Israel. The terror group also took Qatar to task for allowing the athletes to raise the Israeli flag in Doha. Many Arab social media users claimed that the Israeli athletes were "soldiers" serving in the Israel Defense Forces. Mohammed al-Madhoun, a Palestinian media personality and political activist from the Gaza Strip, commented: "The presence of an Israeli athletic team in Qatar is a stain of disgrace on the forehead of those who hosted them and allowed to participate. Does the host [Qatar] know that the members of the team are soldiers in the occupation army? I wish you would ask them: Did they participate in the Gaza massacres? How many Palestinians did they kill during their military service? How many times did they storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]?" Some Arabs posted photos of Israeli runner Adva Cohen, who participated in the World Championships in Qatar, and falsely accused her of "slaughtering" Palestinians. The incitement is directed not only against Qatar, but also against the Israeli athletes who are now being forced to see their photos taken from their own social media accounts in the context of the "Normalization is Treason" online campaign. Some Palestinians went as far as inciting Arabs to revolt against their leaders for reportedly engaging in normalization with Israel. The "anti-normalization" campaign is even targeting Jordanian divers who teamed up with Israeli colleagues to clean the beach in the Jordanian Gulf of Aqaba and the Israeli city of Eilat. The divers were participating in the first-ever ecological festival during International Beach Clean-Up Day and the United Nations International Day of Peace. An anti-Israel group called the Association for Supporting Resistance and Confronting Normalization claimed that Jordanians who work in Eilat and other Israeli cities are often recruited as informants by the Israeli security services. The group accused the Jordanian government of "complying with all the demands of the Zionists on the pretext of cooperation for the sake of peace." The claim that Jordanians who go to work in Israel or help clean the beach are recruited as spies is aimed at painting them as traitors, a charge that is likely to put their lives at risk. Instead of thanking Israel for allowing Jordanians to come and work in Eilat, the "anti-normalization" activists are inciting the workers to boycott Israel. These activists, of course, are not offering the Jordanian workers jobs and salaries. In March 2019, Israel agreed to increase by 33% the number of Jordanian day laborers employed at hotels in Eilat from 1,500 to 2,000. The permits for the Jordanians are designed to allow them to work in the hotel industry of Eilat, close to the border with Jordan. The move is part of an agreement signed between Israel and Jordan to advance ties between the two countries through economic and social cooperation initiatives. As far as the "anti-normalization" activists are concerned, inciting their people against Israel and the Jordanian workers is more important than any economic and social initiatives. These activists hate Israel to a point where they prefer to see 2,000 workers lose their jobs than continue working and earning good salaries in Eilat. If greeting a Jew on his or her holiday, cleaning the beach with an Israeli, or working in Israel are considered by many Arabs a "crime," what will be the fate of any Arab who makes peace with Israel? Those who are calling for boycotts of Israel -- and are threatening and inciting their people against any Arab who dares to host a Jew or send him or her greetings -- are also emphatically opposed to peace with Israel. For them, making peace with the "Zionist entity" is considered an act of treason. They are worried that an Arab who greets a Jew may one day make peace with Israel. They are worried that an Arab state that hosts Israeli athletes may one day make peace with Israel. They are worried that Arabs who go to work in Israel may fall in love with Israelis and stop thinking of ways to kill them or destroy Israel. Pure Water Of Life - By Grant Phillips - "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:22) Those of us in this country cannot imagine taking a bath or shower in dirty water, but many in other parts of the world have no choice. They don't even have clean water to drink. How blessed we are! There is really no excuse for anyone in this country not having clean water to drink or bathe in. I recall that when I was young we had a hand dug well in the front yard. There was also a hand dug well on my paternal grandparents' farm that functioned for many years. Actually, I think it is still operative. Folks, you just haven't tasted good water until you have drunk from a hand dug well. It's cold and very pure tasting. I would add that there remains another area where I was raised that people to this day go to with empty jugs to get fresh mountain water. Washing dishes is something I really don't mind doing and actually enjoy to a point. Most guys would eat off the floor before they would wash a plate, but I was not raised that way. I was the oldest of two sisters and a brother. Our chores were to do whatever needed to be done, as long as we were physically capable. For example, my sisters were not expected to carry in a bucket of coal because it was too heavy for them to carry. (My brother was too young, so guess who got the job.) However, we all would help my Dad with weeding and hoeing the garden, and my Mother with the summer canning. In between all that we gathered the produce from the garden, helped with household chores and also anything to be done outside; mowing the yard for example. My Mother preferred that I mow, since I put more effort into it. My Dad and brother gave it a lick and a promise, so they could get it behind them and move on. By the way, for many years prior to my mowing the yard, we would sweep the yard because we had no grass. All the children kept it worn off. I also enjoyed ironing, believe it or not. People rarely do that anymore except my wife on some clothing items. My brother loved to mop the floors. I always wondered if my Mother or Dad dropped him on his head when he was younger. Okay, let's get back to washing dishes. I have seen people wash dishes in what I would definitely consider dirty water ... no, filthy water. They run the water but don't rinse the plates off first. I can't stand that. I rinse the plates, etc. so well they almost don't need washing before I actually wash them. (Yes, we do have a dish washer, but rarely use it. My wife uses it to store her canning jars.) The point is: dirty, contaminated water is fit for nothing. I'll bet you're wondering if I'm ever going to get to the point. Eventually. Let's read another Bible verse first though. "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." (Revelation 22:1) When I read this verse I think of the river that is located near the location of my childhood. It is called Tug Fork River and is a tributary of the Big Sandy River which is a tributary of the Ohio River. It isn't very clean, but I can remember that when the miners had their two week vacation each year it would clear up ... a little. My paternal grandfather told me when I was about ten or so that when he was growing up the river was so clear and clean you could see the bottom and the fish swimming around. Well those days are gone. In the next passage Jesus is speaking to the woman at the well. If you would like to read of the entire account you can find it at John 4:1-21. I am only showing five of the verses below. "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:10-14) Just as unclean water isn't acceptable to wash dishes and a dirty river isn't suitable to swim in, man is unclean and not fit for Heaven. If I would never wash dishes in dirty water or swim in a river of impurities, how could I possibly expect God to allow me in His home as an unclean vessel? The Bible says that, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)" Thanks to the Gospel of Jesus Christ I have believed and am a child of God, and because of that the Holy Spirit purifies my life through the Word of God. (Hebrews 10:22 see above) Because I am a child of God my home is now God's home and I am bound for Heaven. There will be a continual flow of eternal life from the throne of God to each of us who are His. (Revelation 22:1 see above) Today we have to use purifying methods to have clean water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes, dishes, even our cars. Our local water company sends us a bill each month for this service. Can you imagine drinking water from the faucet today that has not met the purifying standards of our water plant? I don't even want to think about it. We appreciate our local water company because our earthly bodies will always thirst, but just as Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14) This water is Jesus Christ. In Him we will never thirst. Why is that? We never thirst because our spirit is in union with His Spirit that lives within us. We will never thirst because His righteousness is pure and undefiled, but that's not all. He gives us His righteousness. "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels." (Isaiah 61:10) As long as we live in these bodies we will thirst for water from the earth, but what about our soul? It also thirsts. It thirsts for God. Until we recognize and admit that we are unclean, a sinful man, we will never ask God for this pure water that can only come from Jesus Christ. We would never knowingly put water in our body that is contaminated, but Satan waters our soul with all the contaminates of his evil being. Now is the time to ask Jesus for the life giving water of eternal salvation in Him and accept His righteousness. All we have to offer are dirty rivers, mud holes, and filthy dish water at times. Only God can give us that water which is absolutely pure and undefiled. We get His best even when all we have to offer Him is ... well, nothing really. And that is the only way to come to Christ. We must come to Him thirsty with nothing to offer but our faith in Him. Then, He promises to save us by His grace. At that point our rags come off and He clothes us with His righteousness. Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: Rubbing noses into the stench of corruption - Bill Wilson - After a week-long media blitz on impeaching President Trump, the media and the Democratic Party leadership have whipped themselves up into another frenzy as Trump encouraged China to investigate former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Trump, as the media insinuates, is boldly rubbing the impeachers' noses in the very thing about which they are trying to impeach him on-asking countries involved with alleged Biden corruption to investigate the corruption. They apparently can't believe that Trump is flaunting his impeachable offenses before the entire world. Trump, however, says he has a duty to expose corruption. In a tweet, Trump said, "As the President of the United States, I have an absolute right, perhaps even a duty, to investigate, or have investigated, CORRUPTION, and that would include asking, or suggesting, other Countries to help us out!" He previously said at the White House, according to AP, "China should start an investigation into the Bidens." The rub of the nose into the stench of corruption comes from Democrats believing it is against the law to ask another country for an investigation of a political opponent, even though that opponent openly bragged about how when he was vice president he withheld funds from Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son for corruption. Hunter Biden is also involved in similar deals in China. What was Hillary Clinton and the ex-president doing with Russia and Ukraine against Trump? AP, which long has left any semblance of balance in its reporting about Trump, is having apoplexy. AP writes, "The boldness of Trump's call Thursday also suggests he will continue to act as though requests for other countries to investigate potential opponents in the 2020 election are normal, even in the face of broad condemnation from Democrats and some Republicans. It's a tactic Trump has used successfully before, pushing questionable secret conversations into the open, hoping to inoculate him against charges that he is engaged in nefarious action, cover-ups or obstruction of justice." Interesting. AP appears to believe that being open about what's going on is an attempt somehow to cover up the facts. Quite frankly, if Biden seeks to be president, shouldn't all his dealings be transparent? Shouldn't he welcome that? If anything was learned from the Mueller Investigation into "nefarious action, cover-ups or obstruction of justice," it was that Trump was exonerated because the nefarious action was conducted against him. The same players-deep-state operatives, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), the news media, and Democratic Party leadership-are repeating their operations, hoping something will stick to remove Trump from office. In that process, we are seeing first hand some of the corruption. As citizens, as Christians, we should expect, demand, and pray for the truth to be revealed. As is written in Job 34:12, "Yea, surely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert judgment (distort justice)." Let the light shine! Daily Devotion: A Habit of Prayer - by Greg Laurie - But Peter and the apostles replied, 'We must obey God rather than any human authority.'-Acts 5:29 What if a law were passed in the United States of America tomorrow that made it illegal to pray? You could no longer pray in a restaurant when your meal arrives. You could no longer pray in church or even in your home. Would you obey that law? I wouldn't, because there are times when the laws of God supersede the laws of man, and that would be one of those times. The Bible tells us that the prophet Daniel faced that very situation. King Darius signed a new law that made it illegal to pray to anyone but him for thirty days. Now, Daniel could have said, "I'm long overdue for a vacation. I'm going to leave town for thirty days, and when I get back that law will be expired." Or, he could have said, "You know, I'm pretty prayed up, so I think I could go without praying for thirty days." Then again, Daniel could have said, "I can be subtle. I don't have to close my eyes or get on my knees. I'll kind of do it undercover." But Daniel didn't change a single thing. The Bible tells us, "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days" (Daniel 6:10 NLT). It's been said, "Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a destiny." This can be good or bad, depending on what kind of a habit it is. Daniel had a habit of prayer. He was a man of prayer. And we, too, should be people of prayer. FROM THE HEART
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