Prophecy Update Newsletter
Closer by the Day - By Daymond Duck -
One, following the signing of the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel, it was reported that the U.S. will sell F-35 stealth jets to the UAE. Critics contend that this will endanger Israel by reducing its military edge over its enemies. It has been reported that the U.S. has not signed an agreement to sell the jets to the UAE, but there is a plan to sign an agreement with the UAE on Dec. 2, 2020. It is impossible to predict what will be in that agreement, but because the U.S. has signed contracts to sell the F-35 Jets to other nations (Israel and Poland), the U.S. expects it to take a 6-7 years to get the UAE planes off the production lines. The idea of a potential agreement tied to a peace treaty with a 7-year timetable is stirring speculation about the future 7-year covenant with many. Two, concerning world government, on Sept. 22, 2020, French Pres. Macron told the UN General Assembly that France wants "a new era of globalization." He said, "We must together lay the foundations for a fairer, more balanced, more equitable, more sustainable globalization." Three, On Sept. 23, 2020, Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Vigano offered a letter to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast that said the outcome of the presidential elections in November "will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world." The Archbishop believes the election is a war between American citizens and the demonic forces of the deep state and against the New World Order" (world government; people like French Pres. Macron; Henry Kissinger and George Soros). Four, last week my article mentioned that Elon Musk has been authorized to put 12,000 satellites (and he wants to up it to 40,000) into orbit to make high-speed Internet and TV service available everywhere on earth. The article pointed out that this will allow the Antichrist and False Prophet to track all buying and selling, for everyone on earth to see the bodies of the Two Witnesses laying in the street and to see them raised from the dead (Rev. 11). An astute reader reminded me that this will also allow everyone on earth to see the Second Coming of Jesus (Rev. 1:7). The writer said, "As I understand it, global satellite internet access will be available in the US to the northern states this year, and it will be available globally by 2025." Here is a link to some interesting information about these satellite launches. . Five, Amazon has installed hand scanners at two of its Seattle, WA. stores that reads palms, lets people enter, and allows customers to buy products by scanning their hand. Amazon believes their hand scan technology will allow people to make purchases in other places, and they expect to install scanners at some of their other stores in the coming months. Six, on Sept. 24, 2020, it was reported that Arab contributions to the PA have been zero since March and foreign aid contributions have been half of what they were last year. Overall, Arab gifts and Foreign Aid to the PA are down 85%. The PA is borrowing money and seeking funding from other sources. This could ultimately lead to war and/or the worthless 7-year covenant. Seven, concerning the days of Noah (specifically wickedness or lawlessness), on Sept. 20, 2020, US Att. Gen. William Barr designated NY City, Portland, Ore. and Seattle, Wash. as "Anarchist Jurisdictions" that will lose federal funding for impeding law enforcement, defunding the police, tolerating violence, endangering innocent citizens, etc. These cities are expected to fight this in court. Eight, on Sept. 22, 2020, it was reported that billionaire Michael Bloomberg, former candidate for the Democrat nomination for Pres. of the U.S., is likely to be the subject of a potential criminal investigation for paying the fines and restitutions of about 32,000 felons who are mostly black in Florida so they can vote in the upcoming election. Data shows that 90-95% of the black voters in Florida vote for Democrats, and there is concern that Bloomberg has raised more than $16 million to illegally buy black votes in Florida. Bloomberg is calling this a political ploy. This comes on top of earlier reports that NY Democrat Mayor de Blasio's daughter was arrested with people that rioted there and that 13 members of Democrat Pres. nominee Joe Biden's staff took up an offering to bail out protesters. It has also been reported that Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky (Bill and Hillary's daughter) has bragged about bailing out protesters. And in the late of night on Sept. 24, 2020, 24 people, including Democrat State Representative Attica Scott, were arrested in Louisville, Ky (where 2 police were shot) for unlawful assembly, failure to disperse, and rioting in the first degree by allegedly breaking windows, damaging busses and trying to set fires. At least one bailed out criminal is already being accused of committing murder. If our nation elects leaders that tolerate or participate in illegal or corrupt activity, our nation will reap the consequences of their leadership. Nine, on Sept. 23, 2020, two U.S. Senate committees (the Homeland Security Committee and the Senate Finance Committee) issued a joint report titled "Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption." The most damning evidence came from the files of Pres. Obama, Vice-Pres Joe Biden, the U.S. Treasury Dept., and e-mails sent by John Kerry whose stepson was one of Hunter Biden's business partners. According to the report, Hunter Biden and another business partner, Devon Archer, received more than $4 million dollars from a corrupt energy company in Ukraine named Burisma - plus Biden, his family and Archer received millions more from foreign nationals of questionable character. The report shows potential criminal activity; possible ties to sex-traffickers and Russians; silencing of concerned government officials; a major coverup by Obama, Biden, and Kerry; and that the House impeachment of Pres. Trump and charges of Russian collusion were part of the effort to keep this information from the public. It has been reported that these things are in addition to Biden's China connections, this was just a partial report, and more is coming. Ten, Los Angeles, County Cal. is trying to send Dr. John MacArthur to prison on contempt of court charges for defying an order to limit worship services at Grace Community Church. The judge presiding over the case has ruled that the case can go to trial. This could well wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court, and the beliefs of the U.S. Supreme Court Judges and the importance of the U.S. Constitution could very well impact religious freedom in the U.S. Eleven, Pres. Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace justice Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court. Barrett has a long history of supporting the U.S. Constitution. Democrats are calling her a threat to the U.S. As far as I am concerned, Amy Coney Barrett is not the real threat to the U.S. The real threat to the U.S. includes trying to remove all mentions of God from our society; trying to lockdown churches; trying to force the LGBTQ agenda on everyone; abortion; bailing arsonists, looters and killers out of jail; defunding the police; including the Muslim terrorist group CAIR in the U.S. government (as Obama and Biden did and Biden seems to be supporting again); disarming U.S. citizens; transforming the U.S. into a socialist nation; surrendering the sovereignty of the U.S. to a world government and an anti-Christ world religion; and more. I expect things to get worse by the day as the Tribulation Period nears, but it never occurred to me that politicians would openly support things like this. There is no doubt that we are getting closer to the Rapture by the day. God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was buried and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] Erdogan: 'Jerusalem is our city, a city from us' - Tobias Siegal - Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opened the Turkish parliament's legislative session on Thursday with a long speech that addressed the city of Jerusalem and the Palestinian people, in which he stated: "Jerusalem is our city." Erdoğan referred to the Ottoman Empire's rule over Jerusalem, which lasted four centuries (1517-1917), to justify his claim. "In this city, which we had to leave in tears during the First World War, it is still possible to come across traces of the Ottoman resistance. So Jerusalem is our city, a city from us," Erdoğan said. Erdoğan mentioned that Jerusalem's walls that still stand today, as well as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem's Old City, were reconstructed and restored by Suleiman the Magnificent, who reigned over the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. "The issue of Jerusalem is not an ordinary geopolitical problem for us," Erdoğan said. "First of all, the current appearance of the Old City, which is the heart of Jerusalem, was built by Suleiman the Magnificent, with its walls, bazaar, and many buildings. Our ancestors showed their respect for centuries by keeping this city in high esteem." Suleiman the Magnificent was known for protecting the Jewish subjects of his empire through unprecedented reforms at the time, and is believed to have had a Jewish mother. Erdoğan then moved to address the Palestinian issue, stating that "we consider it an honor on behalf of our country and nation to express the rights of the oppressed Palestinian people on every platform, with whom we have lived for centuries." "With this understanding, we will follow both the Palestinian cause, which is the bleeding wound of the global conscience, and the Jerusalem case to the end," he concluded. Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak, an expert on contemporary Turkish politics, foreign policy and Turkish-Israeli relations at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, told Israel Hayom that Erdoğan's speech had an internal, political agenda, more than a practical one. "In the broad sense of his speech, Erdoğan referred to three major countries - Greece, Armenia and Israel - and not by accident," Yanarocak noted. "The common denominator of these countries is the fact that they are nation-states composed of the main minorities that existed in the Ottoman Empire and in today's Republic of Turkey. "When Erdoğan lashes out, whether it be against Armenia, via military assistance to Azerbaijan, against Greece or by verbal attacks on Israel, we know that he is translating all of these steps towards electoral success," Yanarocak said. "It's not just about supporting the Palestinians, but about defining the way that the Turkish majority perceives minorities within the country, and how that perspective is reflected in Erdoğan's foreign policy." Israel Watch: A True Believer - Jim Fletcher - I have a Turkish Mauser, made in 1890. It was made in Berlin, for the Ottoman Turks. I often wonder if it was used in Palestine during World War 1, in the climactic battles for the region that led to Allenby walking through Jaffa Gate in December, 1917. That defeat of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire is still raw for certain Muslims, chief among them the belligerent Turkish President Erdogan. He detests Israel and the U.S., and this week made noise about his territorial aims regarding Israel's capital city. From the Jerusalem Post: "Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opened the Turkish parliament's legislative session on Thursday with a long speech that addressed the city of Jerusalem and the Palestinian people and stated: 'Jerusalem is our city.'" "Erdoğan referred to the Ottoman Empire's rule over Jerusalem, which lasted four centuries (1517-1917), to justify his claim. "'In this city that we had to leave in tears during the First World War, it is still possible to come across traces of the Ottoman resistance. So Jerusalem is our city, a city from us,' Erdoğan said." These ancient feuds will not be resolved, of course, until the Prince of Peace returns. For now, Erdogan's saber-rattling comes at the same time Gulf States are making peace with the Jewish state. Whether it's from pragmatism or practicality, or even tactical, those Arab states have put the Palestinians on the shelf. The PLO is huffing and puffing, but finds itself with few friends. That's where the Turks come in. Erdogan also said something else very, very interesting: "With this understanding, we will follow both the Palestinian cause, which is the bleeding wound of the global conscience, and the Jerusalem case to the end," Erdoğan concluded. Bleeding wound of the global conscience? Before we dismiss his mediocre hyperbole, let's consider that the Palestinian question is far from over. We know that historical battles wax and wane, and while at this second, the Palestinians find themselves sidelined geopolitically, we understand too that this can change overnight. It happens all the time in the Middle East. We all feel we can take a breath when we have these respites from evil, from the "diplomacy" that threatens Israel. These days are infinitely better than 20 years ago, or 10 years ago, for sure. But just because Israel is riding the headwinds of deals with Arab states, and the US is now a strong ally, things can change overnight. Erdogan has also placed himself in the middle of a local conflict. From the New York Times: "His mission was not to calm tensions between the warring parties, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Instead, he declared all-out support for the Azerbaijanis, close Turkic allies, and accused Armenia of ignoring efforts to negotiate a resolution. He also demanded that Armenia withdraw from lands it occupied 30 years ago. "'I condemn Armenia once again for attacking Azerbaijani lands,' he said. 'Turkey continues to stand with the friendly and brotherly Azerbaijan with all its facilities and heart.'" Remember, too, Erdogan loathes the Armenians. His temper flares whenever anyone in the West demands that Turkey take responsibility for the Armenian Massacre of 100 years ago. Turkey will never do that under Erdogan. Erdogan is only 66. His belligerency will no doubt continue. In the meantime, watch for his continued entanglements within Turkey's reach. In the end, he's just another tinpot Muslim dictator wishing to be seen as the new Suleiman or Saladin. [email protected] Nearing Midnight: The Problem with People Fleeing Leftist States - Todd Strandberg - A huge shift in the American population is currently taking place. Millions of people are moving out of high-crime and high-tax liberal states, and they are relocating to states that are mostly run by conservative governments. The states that are bleeding residents are California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Connecticut. A couple months ago, podcaster Joe Rogan said he was moving to Texas to get away from California. He cited overpopulation, traffic, and "the need for freedom" being a few of the reasons he has been persuaded to move from his current home of Los Angeles. Ben Shapiro has also had enough of California. The conservative writer and broadcaster, born in L.A., just announced that he is heading to Nashville, Tennessee. "I love the state, grew up in the state, married in the state, and have had children in the state," he told Laura Ingraham. But California was "not a great place to raise children and not a great place to build a company." Now we know the true meaning of Calexit. It's not secession. It's exodus. "We've been asked over and over and over again when we would leave California. The answer: now. See you in Nashville, gang! I've lived my entire life in California. Within weeks, we'll be taking our 75 jobs and leaving. We're not the first. And we certainly won't be the last. Terrible governance has consequences," said Shapiro. This whole issue of people running away from social problems has already taken place. In the 60s, social programs promoted minorities to move into white urban cities. As the crime rate soared, whites fled the city, and the cycle of implosion increased. Detroit went from the richest city in our nation to one that declined into bankruptcy. It's hard to understand why cities would have a dozen Democratic mayors in a row that have failed to turn the tide of failure, and the people keep electing the same party. I was shocked to learn last year that Chicago has a zero chance of electing a Republican mayor because there are no conservative candidates in any race. This obedience to the liberal agenda translates to people moving from one state to another. The people that decided to escape California for a better state are going to maintain the same voting record that was the reason for them moving. People that move to Texas from California will tend to support leftist candidates. Since Dallas, Austin and Houston have already become leftist-controlled zones, it may only take a few 100,000 new residents from the Golden State to turn Texas blue. If Texas and Florida become blue states, the nation will become a one-party system. At that point, all 50 states will become just like California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Connecticut. The next step in escaping the madness is to move to another country; but few people have the economic resource to relocate outside the U.S. The only way we will be able to save America from leftist policies is for people to realize they don't work and vote en masse for change. New York Mayor Bill De Blasio has clearly failed at his job. His COVID-19 policies have destroyed 60% of the city's retail space. He hates his own police force while showing only love for the Black Lives Matters Marxists. De Blasio thinks that higher taxes on the rich is the cure for all problems. "What changes thing is the redistribution of wealth. Tax the wealthy at a much higher rate," said De Blasio. This reminds me of an old joke: A Socialist walks into a bar and says, "The drinks are on me! Who's buying?" Voters will have a lot of choices to make this November, from picking a president and a U.S. senator to dozens of state representatives and local judges. But one of the most important decisions before Illinois voters will be Gov. J.B. Pritzker's "Fair Tax" amendment. The ballot initiative will ask voters to approve a change to the state constitution that will allow lawmakers to set a graduated income tax rather than the flat tax that currently exists. According to Democratic lawmakers, 97% of Illinoisans would end up paying less. The rich are already fleeing the state because Illinois is one of the highest tax rates in the nation. Raising the tax rate another 8% is only going to speed up the exit. Since the government always gets what it needs to operate from taxpayers, that promise to the 97% will quickly turn into a lie. America's problems have become so profound, it is hard to expect the voting process could ever be used to set things straight. Any type of political reform would need to come from the churches. The key cause of our troubles is that we have collectively allowed evil people to rule over us. "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan" (Proverbs 29:2 ESV). Daily Devotion: Principalities of Darkness - Bill Wilson - The Wilson family's prayers are with President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania and their family and staff. We wish them a speedy recovery from this horrible virus visited upon our land. We also pray against the principalities of darkness that continue to vex our nation and the presidency. Ephesians 6:11-12 says, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Good advice for all of us in these perilous times-especially for those who dare to challenge the principalities and wickedness in high places. At least on the surface Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden is showing some class by taking off some negative ads during president Trump's sickness, but it isn't setting any example for the haters and Democratic Party attack dogs. "West Wing" star and socialist Bradley Whitford tweeted, "Two opposing thoughts. 1. I'm very sorry you are sick. 2. You are a vile human being." "The Daily Show" correspondent Jaboukie Young-White tweeted, "children keep dying of the flu in ICE detention centers but y'all praying for trump." Former staffer for Barack Obama and a former spokesperson for Hillary Clinton Zara Rahim tweeted: "It's been against my moral identity to tweet this for the last four years, but I hope he dies." "Arrested Development" star David Cross tweeted: "When I awoke to the news this morning, I didn't know whether to be thrilled or excited." Left-wing documentary director and Biden supporter, Michael Moore tweeted: "That poor virus got sucked into his body and is now trapped there. How can it escape? He wants to use it as a prop. "See this China Flu? I BEAT IT! Just like I'll beat Biden! They're both a hoax!" My thoughts and prayers, too, are with Covid-19." The editor of China's state-run "Global Times" tweeted, "President Trump and the first lady have paid the price for his gamble to play down the COVID-19. The news shows the severity of the US' pandemic situation. It will impose a negative impact on the image of Trump and the US, and may also negatively affect his reelection." So there we have it. In alignment with communist China, Hollywood celebrities and Democratic Party operatives have wished President Trump ill and have condemned him for contracting COVID. They say Trump well deserves it because he has let over 200,000 people die. Their sickness is far worse than COVID because they are dying a long-drawn out death of spiritual decay. They claim the moral high ground, but in reality, they are the examples of everything of which they accuse the president and, quite frankly, anyone who supports him. They are the haters. They are the human manifestation of the spiritual wickedness in high places. Put on your full armor of God and pray that what is good and right can withstand the evil of this world. Daily Devotion: How to Break the Power of the Past - by Greg Laurie - But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 3:13-14 - Listen On New Year's Eve in New York City a few years ago, people had the opportunity to put unhappy reminders of the previous year into a giant shredder. A lot of people showed up. One person said she felt liberated after she put a photograph of her ex-fiancé and his new girlfriend into the shredder. Another person wanted to shred away her high cholesterol, her high blood pressure, and her bills. That sounds fun, but shredding things won't necessarily make them go away. I don't have a big shredder, but I do have a great Savior. And He can help you put your sins behind you. The apostle Paul said, "But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV). "Forgetting those things that are behind" doesn't mean that Paul failed to remember them. Rather, it means those things no longer influenced or affected him. This means that, like Paul, you break the power of the past by living for the future. You don't have to be controlled by your past failures or sins. And one sure way to forget your past is to not repeat your mistake. Learn from it. As I like to say, learn how to fall forward. This simply means that if you stumble, you want to remember the very difficult lesson you just learned, so you don't do it again. Jesus said, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62 NKJV). To run this race of life well and to finish it well, we need to look to Jesus. Because it doesn't matter if you start well, it matters if you finish well. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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