Prophecy Update Newsletter
East Meets West - Pete Garcia - 21st century Americans don't give much thought to Columbus Day anymore. For many, it's just another federal holiday. Others as of late are highly offended by something that happened 525 years ago and yet, are only here to complain about it because of being direct beneficiaries of it. On March 31st of 1492, the Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain issued the now infamous Alhambra Decree. This decree (also called the decree of expulsion) set July of 1492 as the no-later-than date for Jews to be gone from Spain. Angered by false (albeit forced) conversions and centuries of Muslim domination of their Iberian Peninsula, the monarchs sought to solidify their control by ridding their empire of any non-Roman Catholics. Any Jews remaining after July, or anyone found sheltering them, risked having all their possessions and wealth confiscated by the state. Of note, the Spanish Inquisition was still in its infancy but would be remembered for its unjust imprisonments, unbelievably brutal torture methods, and being burnt at the stake. But as July 1492 loomed, Sephardic Jews would once again find themselves being uprooted from their homes and moved away. The Old Testament prophets such as Moses, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel recorded how their descendants would be a people scattered about the earth and on the move as a continuation of the divine chastisement for their disobedience. Thus, the entirety of the 1,878 years of Jewish Diaspora would be one marked by expulsion and exile. Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods, which neither you nor your fathers have known-wood and stone. And among those nations you shall find no rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting place; but there the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and anguish of soul. Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life. Deuteronomy 28:64-65 Yet, as if by divine providence, August 3rd of 1492 would be a day that would change the world forever. This was the day that an Italian (some say even Jewish) explorer named Christopher Columbus set sail to find a new western trade route to India. Christopher Columbus has since been largely hailed as opening up the New World to European colonization. It would seem, that the notoriously violent pagan empires of the Aztecs and Mayans, finally got their own version of a comeuppance. Many disagree as to whether this was beneficial or not to the then-current inhabitants of the new continents, but regardless, we are here and that is history. But as Spain, England, and other European and Middle Eastern nations were in varying stages of turning against their Jewish citizens, God was busy preparing another way. The Americas would become a safe haven for the Jewish people for the next four centuries. Granted, it wasn't perfect, but we developed a Constitution based on Judeo-Christian ideals that offered Jews about the best opportunity to thrive when the rest of the world was becoming overly Anti-Semitic. Assessment But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4-5 Reading through the New Testament, we often get the picture that even though Rome was the overarching power structure of the day, it wasn't "that bad." The Romans brought in roads, aqueducts, a common language and currency, and relative stability. What we fail to see, is that for the previous three centuries, Rome was a steamroller busy conquering anyone and everyone they turned their iron-fisted gaze towards. At about the same time, there were more Jews living outside of Judah/Israel (according to Roman historian Theodor Mommsen) then there were inside its traditional, geographic boundaries. Jewish populations still existed in Babylon, Asia-Minor, Alexandria, and other places that were under the Roman thumb. This is why during the major religious holidays such as Passover, Jerusalem would be filled to the brim with Jews from within the Empire. After Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, it was here that the disciples would take this message of the Gospel back with them to their homes once the feast date was over. This allowed the gospel to spread rapidly across the Roman Empire. Hence, 'at the fullness of times' means that this was the most advantageous time for God to share the message of salvation to the most amount of people. So from 33AD until 70AD, Jerusalem was the theological center of Christianity. It was here also that the Christian faith was the most attacked. The tension for those subsequent decades after the Resurrection was increasingly palpable. It would eventually come to a head (not with Christians) but with Rome in which the reality would change. Rome began dealing with the revolt in 67AD and concluded with the siege of Jerusalem in 70AD. Flavius Josephus records that around a million Jews died as well as the Second Temple being destroyed in the siege by Roman General Titus. Another rebellion in 135AD cemented the Diaspora when then Emperor Hadrian forbade the Jews from returning to the land. And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Luke 21:24 The miraculous happened in June 1967 when "Six Day War" resulted in the Jews reuniting their capital city for the first time in almost 2,000 years. Having returned to the land in 1947, established as a nation in 1948, the Jews were reclaiming more and more of their ancient homeland with each subsequent war. We are again at a point in time when the Jews are the most militarily and economically powerful nations in the world. The United States, having been a safe haven for the Jews for the first four centuries of American history, and now Israel's greatest benefactor, seems to have run its course. Conclusion This author firmly believes that the rash of both natural and man-made disasters that have seemingly plagued the Trump Administration thus far is largely due to an un-kept promise that was made during the campaign trail of moving our embassy to the capital of Israel. Aside from an Isaiah 17 or Ezekiel 38 scenario, the next logical step in cementing Israel's bonafides is having the most powerful nation in the world put her embassy in Israel's capital city of Jerusalem. This would seemingly squash any attempt to further divide the nation's capital once and for all. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate. Daniel 9:27 However, we know that according to Scripture, there is a man coming who will ultimately enter into some kind of treaty not just with Israel, but with the 'many' (nations?) that presumably surrounds Israel. Whether the new temple is already standing at this point is up for much debate, but seeing as the nation of Israel (thanks to the Temple Mount Faithful and other groups) has everything pretty much ready to go. It would seem that all that needs to happen is the right crisis. That crisis could come in the form of war or something that removes the benefactor status away from the United States. That could be the Rapture of the Church, or we could suffer some major calamity that removes us from any significant role for the time being. Ultimately, the third Temple will stand again, and it will be here that this man Antichrist uses as a bargaining chip to put the Jews back in his crosshairs. "And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. Zechariah 12:10 The last seven years of Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy, concludes as the seventieth. It is this week that God pours out His judgments on a Christ-rejecting world. 21-plus hellish judgments are unleashed upon the world, wiping out most of its seven billion inhabitants. Although most of the world is destroyed, God uses this as the chastisement to bring Israel back to the point that they finally realize that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ after all. As to the nations... I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land. Joel 3:2 But for all the travail and troubles the world has poured out on the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews over the course of man's history going back to Abraham, God will finally avenge in a single battle all the egregious crimes ever committed against her, particularly the hopeless times spent in exile, diaspora, and the holocaust. The Jew has survived because God is merciful and He keeps His word. And although God used Columbus to provide a safe-haven to His chosen people, the Jew, the ultimate 'east meets west' will come at Christ's Second Coming... For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:27 'Count down days to death' in Israel - Jews urged to leave as new threat issued to destroy nation in next war In one of the fieriest speeches directed at Israel by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, he called for the ethnic cleansing of all Jews in Israel, the destruction of the Jewish state and told Israelis to begin a "countdown to death." The speech echoed recent rhetoric recently by the Iranian regime and its military officials, who said Tel Aviv would be "destroyed" if Israel made "a mistake," and that Israel would not survive for more than 25 years. "Israel should remain silent and count down the days to its death, because any minor mistake would lead to its demise as fast as lightning," said Iranian army commander Maj.-Gen. Abdolrahim Mousavi. The Investigative Project on Terrorism said the threats contain two messages. "The first message is a reaffirmation of the Shi'ite axis's jihadist, ideological, long-term commitment to Israel's destruction," the report said. "The second message is more immediate; it is an attempt to deter Israeli decision makers from trying to stop Iran and its proxies from taking over Syria." Iran, Hezbollah and several other Shi'ite militias are helping the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad regime complete its victory over ISIS, with the assistance of Russian airpower. The upsurge in war-like rhetoric toward Israel is a signal of growing confidence fueled by their victories in Syria, said the IPT report. Nasrallah has good reason to remain fearful of Israel, for it is the only state that has both the capability and determination to challenge their takeover of Syria. There have been a series of reported Israeli precision strikes on weapons production centers and arms smuggling attempts in Syria. One strike reportedly targeted the Assad regime's Scientific Studies and Research Center weapons facility, where chemical, biological, and advanced ballistic missiles are developed and manufactured. The targeted facility may have been where Iran tried to hand over powerful weapons to Hezbollah. Israel issued its own warning on what is taking place in the region. "The next conflict, if it erupts, will have a completely different character," said Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman. "Our enemies will try first to strike our population centers and civilian infrastructure. And if our red lines will be breached, the other side must know in advance that it is going to pay very heavy prices." Iran warns of 'crushing response' if US deems Revolutionary Guard terrorists - Tehran Foreign ministry spokesman says America will bear consequences of 'grave mistake' if it sanctions elite unit Iran warned Monday of a "crushing" response if the US designates the country's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist entity. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi said US plans to target the Revolutionary Guard, a powerful branch of the Iranian military, as part of punishments against the regime, would be a "grave and strategic mistake." "But if they do, our response will be firm, decisive and crushing and the US needs to accept the consequences," Qasemi said at a press conference, according to Iranian media reports. "I hope wise people in US will take necessary measures to stop this." Qasemi also described as "baseless" claims that Iran is working with North Korea on nuclear weapons development. Such accusations are, he said, "Iranophobia." The warning came the day after the chief of Revolutionary Guard threatened that if the United States designates the unit as a terrorist group, Iran will consider the US Army equivalent to the Islamic State terror group. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari also said that if new sanctions against Iran go into effect, the US will have to "find a new place for its military bases, 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles) away, outside the range of Iranian missiles," according to Iran's official IRNA news agency. "If reports on the US decision to enlist Iran's IRGC as a terrorist group happen to be true, the Iranian force would also treat the American Army everywhere in the world and especially in the Middle East in the same way as Daesh (IS) terrorists," he said. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif also said Iran would issue an "appropriate response" to the move, vowing that the IRGC would not stop its activity. The moves are expected to come in concert with a decision by US President Donald Trump to decertify Iranian compliance with the nuclear accord, while not dismantling the deal itself. The move to target Iranian organizations allows Trump to show he is not easing the pressure against the Islamic Republic, even though the nuclear deal he has long criticized may continue. The planned actions against Iran include financial sanctions on anyone who does business with the IRGC, as well as millions of dollars in rewards for information leading to the arrest of two operatives of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah group. They form part of the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act passed in August which relates to Iran, Russia and North Korea. It was reluctantly signed into law by Trump. Currently, US military bases are located in countries neighboring Iran, less than 500 kilometers (310 miles) from Iran's borders. Revolutionary Guard troops are currently fighting the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq. Trump's 'Calm before the Storm' Is A Message to North Korea And Iran - By Alan M. Dershowitz - Reporters continue scratching their heads about what President Trump meant when he spoke of the "calm before the storm" Thursday as he was hosting a dinner for military commanders and their spouses. It seems clear to me that he was sending a powerful message to North Korea and Iran: change your behavior now, or prepare to face new but unspecified painful consequences. North Korea and Iran are taking the measure of President Trump to see how far they can push him and how much they can get away with. The North Koreans continue testing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles and threaten to launch a nuclear attack on America and our allies that could kills millions. Iran is likely engaging in activities that could contribute to the design and development of its own nuclear explosive device. If these worrisome actions by the two rogue nations persist, there will be a storm. And as candidate Trump said during his campaign for the White House, he will not tell our enemies what kind of storm to expect -- only that he will not allow current trends that endanger our national security and that of our allies to continue unabated. The president must make some difficult decisions: whether to continue to rely on economic sanctions that don't appear to be working against North Korea; and whether to refuse to certify Iranian compliance with the bad nuclear deal and demand that additional constraints be placed on the Islamic Republic's dangerous and provocative activities. President Trump faces an Oct. 15 deadline to decide whether to certify Iranian compliance with the nuclear agreement, which is designed to keep it from developing nuclear weapons for the next few years. News reports say he is expected to refuse to make that certification. U.S. policy toward both Iran and North Korea is closely related, because we must prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club and becoming another, even more dangerous version of North Korea. The sad reality is that even if Iran were to comply with the letter of the nuclear agreement, it will still be able to develop the capability to build up a vast nuclear arsenal within a relatively short time. This is the fundamental flaw of the agreement. And Iran claims that the nuclear deal permits it to refuse to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect military facilities. This has led the IAEA to conclude that it cannot assure the world that Iran is not even now designing and developing a nuclear arsenal with missiles capable of delivering them to American allies in the Mideast and Europe, and soon the U.S. itself. All the Iranians need to do to become a nuclear power is to resume spinning centrifuges. The nuclear agreement, which was reached with the Obama administration in 2015, will allow them to do that in a few years. So whether we like it or not, a storm is coming. Whether that storm will be diplomatic, economic or military depends on the leaders of North Korea and Iran. If they choose to negotiate constraints on their increasingly dangerous activities, they can avoid the other more painful options. Our military options are and should always be a last resort. They are the worst possible options -- other than Iran developing a nuclear arsenal and North Korea developing a nuclear delivery system that can reach our population centers and wipe out major American cities. With fanatical dictators like those in control of North Korea and Iran, we cannot rely on containment and deterrence as acceptable policies to prevent them from using nuclear weapons, as we have done for years with the Soviet Union (and now Russia) and China. So President Trump cannot afford to wait and do nothing as Iran and North Korea grow ever stronger, ever more menacing and become greater and greater threats. He must do something -- now. The nature of what is done, and what kind of storm it may be, is up to our enemies. I hope they choose wisely. My Take on the NFL Controversy - By Daymond Duck - The Bible clearly teaches that a Satanic world government will rule during the Tribulation Period (Dan. 7:23; Rev. 13:7-8). This evil world government will be anti-God, anti-Christ, against patriotism, against nationalism, and pro-Satan. Whether they know it or not, the millionaire NFL owners and players have become puppets of the globalists, leftists and progressives. They are supporting people that are for world government and against patriotism and national sovereignty. In this coming world government, kneeling before Jesus will be unacceptable (Rev. 6:9-11; 20:4). In the current NFL, kneeling before Jesus at a football game, as Tim Tebow did many times, is unacceptable. In this coming world government, praising the murdering tyrant called the Antichrist will be acceptable (Rev. 13:4). In the current NFL, praising the cruel Communist murderer and oppressor, Fidel Castro, as Colin Kaepernick did in Miami in 2016, is acceptable. In this coming world government, wearing the Mark of the Antichrist on one's right hand or forehead, where everyone can see it, will be acceptable (Rev. 13:16-18). In the current NFL, wearing a T-shirt that reads "Know Jesus, Know Peace," as Robert Griffin III did when he was a Dallas Cowboy, is unacceptable. In this coming world government, "people will be despisers of those that are good" (2 Tim. 3:3). In the current NFL, Colin Kaepernick could wear socks with pictures of police dressed like pigs, but when the Dallas Cowboys decided to honor some murdered police officers, the NFL said they couldn't. These facts are presented to show that this article is not out of bounds. The NFL enforces rules that forbid free speech when a player wants to taunt another player, argue with a referee, celebrate too long in the end zone, and things like that. But the NFL overlooked the rules when players refused to stand, clenched their fist, linked arms with others, and stayed in the locker room while the National Anthem was in progress. It is obvious that many in the NFL tolerate disrespect for the National Anthem because they want to. They knew they were offending multitudes (including veterans, police and fans), but they did it anyway. They knew that requiring the players to stand is not a violation of free speech rights. They knew that they could require their players to stand because their Operations Manual says so. They knew that the NBA (not NFL) rule book requires it, many high school coaches require it, etc. They rightly criticized Pres. Trump's choice of words when he said, "Get that (profanity) off the field right now, out. He's fired. He's fired!" But their calling him the R-word (Racism that liberals throw at everyone that disagrees with them), and a white supremacist (bigot) is also a poor choice of words. Pres. Trump clearly said he was talking about patriotism and the National Anthem, and his choice of words was obviously bad. However, deliberately misstating what he said, adding to what he said, and slandering his race and color is also bad. As far as I am concerned, this is the real issue: The globalists are opposed to Pres. Trump's populist, conservative, nationalist agenda. He wants to Make America Great Again, but that goes against making the UN great. He wants to put America First, but that goes against putting world government first. He wants to close the borders and strongly monitor immigration, but that goes against global citizenship that says people (even terrorists) can go anywhere they want to go. Many want to replace the U.S. flag with the UN flag. They want the U.S. flag disrespected, the Christian flag taken out of courtrooms and court houses, the Confederate flag taken down, the Confederate monuments destroyed, the Ten Commandments trashed, prayer on public property and prayer by public officials silenced, etc. Satan is behind it, and God will eventually give them what they want for seven years. Many will not survive that terrible time. Veterans Day is coming up on Nov. 11, 2017. Since that is a Saturday, most people will celebrate it on Sunday and Monday Nov. 12-13. One veterans group is asking football fans to send a message to the NFL by not watching the games on Nov. 12-13. Instead of watching a football game, people can attend a Veterans Day Event, visit a veteran in the hospital or a nursing home, visit a relative that is a veteran or invite him or her over to their home, shop at a veteran-run business, buy a flag and display it on their house or mailbox, take their family on a trip or whatever. These are good ways to show support for our nation, our veterans, our police, those in the service, etc. The spirit of Antichrist in the NFL is obvious. We can see a world government and a world flag coming. We can't stop it, but we don't have to sit idly by and not oppose it. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Sanhedrin Revives Ancient Temple Water Libation Ritual in Shiloah Valley - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Seven days shalt thou keep a feast unto Hashem thy God in the place which Hashem shall choose; because Hashem thy God shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the work of thy hands, and thou shalt be altogether joyful." Deuteronomy 16:15 (The Israel Bible™) On Monday afternoon, a group of approximately 500 set out from the Dung Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem, singing and dancing as they descended into the valley below Jerusalem with one goal in mind: to draw one small jug of water from the Shiloah Pool in order to reenact the Temple water ceremony. Three Kohanim (Jewish men of the priestly caste) wearing priestly garments led the group past the archaeological remains of the City of David. After dancing down winding alleyways, the festive crowd arrived at the Shiloah Pool. To the sounds of silver trumpets playing the Biblically prescribed blasts, the priest knelt beside the holy spring, drawing the water from the same source his ancestors did. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute, presided over the event. "Sukkot was a holiday for all the nations and the nisuch hamayim (water libation) was an essential part of that," Rabbi Ariel said when the procession arrived at the ancient pool. "The rain for the entire world was judged on Sukkot." The procession then climbed to the plaza at the southern wall of the Temple Mount, where a model altar had been constructed of wood. The ceremony, carried out precisely as it was performed in the Temple, took place closer to the Temple Mount than any other Temple reenactment thus far. An equal amount of water and wine were poured into two separate containers. The two liquids then spilled out onto the altar through openings in the containers. The reenactment altar was decorated with large branches from a willow tree to replicate how the altar in the Temple was decorated for the holiday. "This is really what makes Jerusalem special, and always has," Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the nascent Sanhedrin and organizer of the event, told Breaking Israel News. "Just as in Temple Times, people came from around the world to participate in the Sukkot Temple service." The Sanhedrin is already planning future events. Rabbi Weiss emphasized that each successive event re-enacting the Temple service draws a larger crowd, but many prominent rabbis who were reluctant to endorse the project are now supportive. The Chief Rabbi of Hebron Rabbi Dov Lior, Jerusalem's Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern, and Safed's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu all gave their blessings to the event. In Temple times, a libation of water was made together with the pouring out of wine at the morning service on the last six days of the week-long Sukkot holiday. Though not explicitly mandated in the Torah, the water libation is part of the oral tradition passed down from Moses. Sukkot is a joyous holiday and the water libation was the focal point of this joy. In the Temple, the ceremony would take fifteen hours with accompanying celebrations lasting all night until the Temple service began again the next morning. Daily Jot: The air of rebellion - Bill Wilson - Rebellion is in the air. If you concentrate, you can smell its foul stench. But it is everywhere. It threatens the status quo. It is a bender of your life. This rebellion pits everyone against everyone by issue, skin color, sport, politics, social stature, thought, gender, age, religion, even belief systems within religions. It is a divider of humankind. It cries out for change, demands conflict of the mind, provokes synthesis of thought, and forces new ways that are the antithesis of life's standards for behavior and ideology. Every where you turn, everything you listen to, most of what you see all add up to the revolution in the air. It's on the billboards, TV, radio, Internet, magazines, and more--Rebellion, societal rebellion. The masked thugs that comprise Antifa are visible reminders of how people are trying to tear down American society, destroy the American ideal. They attack police officers. In the name of anti-fascism, they perpetrate fascism. A militant arm of Antifa is the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM). On its website RAM says it, "is a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in the United States. We situate our political movement in the context of the abolitionist struggle against slavery and continue in the tradition, from Nat Turner to the Black Liberation revolutionary anarchists, the abolitionist struggle must be extended to the state and capitalism, the perpetrators of oppression....We will burn down the American plantation once and for all." In other words, these people are seeking to overthrow the American government, and establish a Marxist dictatorial state where both the state (or any rule of law) and capitalism (free market) are abolished. This would look like a futuristic Mad Max movie. This is an example of an extreme, but it is very real as these people seek to destroy the way of life here in this country. Look around, and you will see lesser examples, but they all seem connected to this one word-Rebellion. There is also rebellion taking place in the very dialogue within our society. There is great vitriol being espoused by those who find others disagreeing with their beliefs--Free speech so long as it agrees with their speech. Smell that rebellion in the air? At the heart of rebellion is the rejection of the word of God and of godly authority. In 1 Samuel 15:23, Samuel showed Saul that his act of disobedience to the Lord was akin to rebellion, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king." Saul admitted that he had sinned because he transgressed the commandment of the Lord, feared the people, and obeyed their voice. A plumb line for rebellion is whether it is in alignment with the commandments of God. Antifa, RAM, and the like are godless organizations, promoting a godless society, polluting the air with the stench of rebellion. What seems like rebellion to a dark and dying world, would be overcoming evil with good, the fresh air of spring. Which air would you rather breathe? Daily Devotion: The Secret to a Worry-Free Life - By Greg Laurie - "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." -Matthew 6:33 There are many things you can seek to live for in life. You can live for a lot of things. You can live for your physical appearance. You can live for a successful career. You can live for pleasure. But here is what Jesus said: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need" (Matthew 6:33 NLT). With those words, Jesus gave us the secret to living a worry-free life: Instead of worry, put God and His will first in your life. Among a number of options, put God in the number one position. Let's take your career for example. Is your career choice, your line of work, really for God's glory? Are you seeking Him first in what you're doing? You might say, "Greg, you're a pastor. It's easy for you to seek God first. I work in the real world with real people." I understand. But here is what your goal should be: to honor God in everything you do. Here is what you need to ask yourself: "As I'm doing this thing, what is my goal?" If your goal is just to make money no matter what it takes, you have the wrong goal. Your goal should be to honor God, give honest work, and have personal integrity and a good testimony in the workplace. When the day is done, you want to have a good name and a good reputation. Proverbs 22:1 says, "Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold" (NLT). Seek first the kingdom of God. If you want a life free of worry, anxiety, and fear, then put God's kingdom before everything else. Seek Him first, and He will take care of you. FROM THE HEART
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