Prophecy Update Newsletter
Club Med - Pete Garcia - While currently not burning up any headlines in our recent past, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) has slowly been making headway over key foundational issues. So what makes this union of nations so critical to understanding Biblical prophecy? Considering that two of the key end-time players are a national Israel, and a revived Roman Empire, it has a lot to do with it. Currently, we know that the structure of the European Union is unsustainable in its current form. Many of the leading economic giants like former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and billionaire bad boy George Soros have said as much. The truth is, we are watching the pages of Scripture literally coming to fulfillment before our very eyes. The Bible talks of 10 kings that will arise in the end times. From Daniel's perspective in the 5th century BC: "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7) What John was shown at the end of the 1st century AD: "The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast." (Revelation 17:12) From Daniel's perspective, there was no distinction between a future coming Roman empire and what we see today. This was all still future to him, and as history has bared out, one would be logically lead to believe that such a kingdom would have found its complete fulfillment in ancient Rome. But John, having been given further insight into this, was alive at the height of the then Roman Empire, and he is told these kings had not yet received authority, which has to mean that this was as of yet, still future to John. Historically speaking, what is described herein Daniel and Revelation, has not yet occurred. Rome only ever operated with one emperor at a time, the exception being when the empire split in half with one ruling in the west (Rome) and the other ruling in the East (Constantinople) somewhere in the 4th century AD. Our world today has become interlinked to the point that what happens in Greece will have ripple effects all the way to Japan. Depending on the size of a nation and their GDP, will predictably determine the level of effects it will have on the world should significant changes happen. When the United States collapses (which we are currently in the process of but aren't admitting), the world will be left reeling. The Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008 put the frailty of our economic situation on full parade for the world, which is why the world is in a mad dash for another system to be in place before this scenario happens again. The American Model So far, Europe has had two hundred and thirty-four years to see how America has worked. We broke the mold, if you will, for modern nations. Nations who are linked together by a common currency, economy, and religious tolerance are much less likely to fight. True, we had a Civil War in the 1860s, but it took around 250 years from the founding of Jamestown to reach that point, and somehow our Union has still held together until this day. Europe, and all its royal kings and queens, had been the center of the world's power and attention for thousands of years. America, at its founding, was a backwater wilderness where Christian fundamentalists went to slug it out in a spartan existence. Americans are the newcomers, and we have really only been the 'center' of the world's attention for not quite even a century. At the time we were considered to be the largest Christian nation in the world who just happens to come to prominence after the Europeans, Russians, Chinese, and everyone else took the beating of a lifetime. We became the last man standing if you will, at the end of World War II, just in time to arm and support a re-born national Israel. Coincidence? How is the UfM different? Currently, the problem in the European Union, is that it expanded too fast to properly deal with the realities of the financial and cultural disparities such a diverse union was bound to face. All historical baggage aside, Europe's expensive and expansive socialists programs bankrupted their systems, and morally bankrupted generations of Europeans into a 'cradle to grave' mentality, hopelessly addicted to a nanny-state. But Europe wants that limelight back, and they can see the winds of fortune changing in their direction, and so a political entity like the UfM is just thinking ahead of the curve. First off, let's revisit and see where this all stemmed from originally. The idea was first touted at the Barcelona Process in 1995. The idea was out there floating around the atmosphere as a good idea, but no serious momentum built up until French President Nicolas Sarkozy made it part of his 2007 reelection campaign motto. What really motivated him to run with this idea? The goal of Sarkozy's Club Med is therefore not, after all, to reinforce the geopolitical weight of France, but instead to consolidate the power of NATO and the United States over the Middle East. Really it is European Colonialism 2.0 with the Arab/Israeli peace agreement thrown in there for good measure. The intent, therefore, is to rub out any form of Arab nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism, tap into the vast resources of oil, natural gas, and cheap labor. But none of that is possible until the Israelis and her angry neighbors come to some sort of peace-agreement and finally, once and for all, lay down their arms. What better way to do this than to incorporate them into the same empire? What makes the leadership of the UfM think they have what it takes to succeed by mixing Southern Europeans with North African Muslims, Jews, Lebanese, Arabs, and Turks? For starters, they too have a shared history. They all belonged to the Roman and Byzantine empires for hundreds of years. (It wasn't until Islam became big enough to become a threat, that it became the threat.) They would control three of the most strategic waterways in the world: the Strait of Gibraltar, Suez Canal, and Strait of Hormuz. They would control over half of the world's oil and natural gas reserves. Lastly, they would control the centers of the world's three main religions: Mecca, Rome, and Jerusalem. Adding to the mix is the gargantuan natural gas fields found off the coasts of Israel and in the shared waters with Greek Cyprus, which has the potential to be a real boom for both economies. Certainly, this will be incorporated into the final paperwork that accompanies any type of peace agreement as Europe seeks a more reliable energy partner. The UfM could then be the main supplier of energy to the rest of the northern EU member nations, pumping much-needed wealth into Greece, Italy, France, and Spain. A large, unemployed labor force eagerly looking for work within the north African nations could facilitate the building and working of the pipelines, oil rigs, and transportation of oil and gas. The UfM could use the framework of NATO (or NATO itself) as the billy-club to wallop any nation(s) who threatens to disrupt the peace again. I believe Libya was the test run for this sort of military diplomacy. The Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 war will leave many in the Sunni-Arab world reeling from the sting of defeat yet again by the Israelis. Too many Muslims have suffered for too long either under corrupt military dictatorships, or brutal Islamic 'brotherhoods' and will seek some sense of normalcy out from underneath the banner of Sharia law. Ultimately, peace on the street and bread on the table will trump ideology. A preemptive strike on Iran over their nuclear ambitions and the destruction of Syria's Damascus might persuade Turkey to join out of necessity, rather than ideology. So who then is left out of the lucrative gold-mine the Mediterranean nations are currently sitting on? The Magogian-Triad: Turkey, Russia, and Iran. Likely, Turkey will seek retribution for not getting cut in on the natural gas fields sitting just outside their maritime borders. Russia will have lost a major client as Europe seeks her energy from Israel. Iran will seek revenge for her crushed nuclear ambitions, and will also seek to bring out the 12th Imam from his hole in the ground. Certainly adequate motivations for an Ezekiel 38-39 scenario and formidable foes to keep the other nations at bay from bailing out Israel. As the Middle East goes up in flames, and America falls into irrelevance, a man will step forward out of the shadows of the former Roman empire and will have a peace plan that actually works. He will succeed where all his previous predecessors have failed, thanks in large part to the foundation already being laid by the UfM, and the technological spiderweb of control that is unique to this generation. All he therefore needs is the right time and the right emergency. As Rahm Emanuel famously once said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." Originally Published at the Omega Letter Monday, February 06, 2012 But wait, there's more. 2020 Update: Since I first wrote this back in 2012, soooo much has happened. 1. Israel has discovered more natural gas than it knows what to do with. Certainly, more than they can use as a small nation, with a small population, and mild winters. (Source) 2. Israel, Cyprus, and Greece have finally agreed to the deep sea pipeline that will link Israel to Europe, via Cyprus and Greece. Of course, Turkey is none too happy. 3. With Europe's intense focus on climate change, this natural gas surplus presents all kinds of opportunities for the UfM. 4. Former Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi once said back in 2007 when declaring that Libya would NOT be joining the UfM, "We shall have another Roman empire and imperialist design. There are imperialist maps and designs that we have already rolled up. We should not have them again." (Source) Interestingly, both France and the US then systematically sought to destroy him (Check) and bring in Libya kicking and screaming none the less (Check). This explains why both Russia and Turkey have had such an interest in what used to be Libya today. 5. The 2020 "Deal of the Century" via the Abraham Accords, presents some obvious winners and losers. Winners: Israel and the US. Losers, the Palestinians, Russia, Turkey, and Iran. Saudi Arabia is seeking something that has largely remained off-radar in most people's attention: "The Saudis want control over the Temple Mount. They already control the two most important Muslim sites and this is the third. For Prince Salman, that would be a significant bargaining chip in his dealings with the Saudi religious establishment. Controlling the three most important sites in Islam will make Riyadh the undisputed leader of the Muslim world and will be a crushing defeat of Turkish President Erdoğan's ambition to lead the Islamic world." 6. The massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4th, 2020 has afforded France's Emmanual Macron an opportunity to once again, reassert itself into Lebanese politics. 7. Trump calls out Germany's Angela Merkel NATO-hypocrisy for backdoor deals with Russia on natural gas. Russian pipeline (Nordstream 2) was halted (Dec 2019) and may drive the EU to Israel instead of Russia. Turkey Is The Next Iran - Dan Schueftan - Bernard Lewis, the preeminent Middle East researcher of the past few generations, said after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rose to power that Iran could turn into Turkey and Turkey might morph into Iran. Lewis meant that after the mullah regime was ousted, Iran might fulfill the hope for moderation and contribution that were once hung on Turkey, whereas Erdoğan could drive the modern and moderate Turkey he inherited into destructive radicalism in the style of the Islamic Revolution. For now, the threat from Ankara is materializing, but not the hopes for Tehran. In addition to the disaster he has brought down on his own country, Erdoğan's megalomaniacal policies have outraged his neighbors in the Fertile Crescent, the Arabia Peninsula and the Mediterranean Basin. The damage he is causing is being discovered in Europe. His policy is hurting American and Israeli interests. Hamas, Qatar, Azerbaijan and the government of Fayez al-Sarraj in Tripoli are his only allies. In Europe, he poses a multifaceted threat. The NATO alliance was established by democratic nations to address the Soviet danger. Turkey was a little unusual, but gradually developed democratic characteristics, and NATO could depend on its large military. Recently, we have been seeing a stark contrast between the democratic characteristics of most NATO members and Turkey's regime of oppression. Erdoğan's close ties with Russia, and acquisition of an air defense system that poses a threat to NATO aircraft, testify to his intentions. Erdoğan's steps to eradicate government functionaries and weaken Turkey's armed forces erode its value as a military asset. His policy is ruining Turkey's credibility; it is now a Trojan horse in NATO. Erdoğan isn't even trying to hide the threat to European society and politics in two sensitive areas: enclaves of Turks and refugees. He is blatantly encouraging a process of radicalization among the million Turks who have emigrated to Europe since the 1970s, mainly to Germany. That radicalization demands that they remain loyal to Turkey and their Islamic culture, at the expense of their citizenship and process of integrating into their new home countries. In the fall of 2015, Erdoğan encouraged a wave of about a million refugees to Europe, mostly from Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Given the Europeans' helplessness in addressing the matter, he struck a "protection" deal with German Chancellor Angela Merkel--he would stop the influx of refugees for a billion euros. Since then, he has been using his ability to reopen the dam as a way of extorting benefits and money from the frightened Europeans. The danger he poses to American interests is clear, and it's hard to understand why President Trump accepts his outrageous behavior. The damage he has done to NATO hurts the United States, too. Weakening European society through radicalized Muslim citizens and a flood of refugees also hurts Europe's ability to stand up to Russia and bolsters their already-strong tendency for pacification. Erdoğan's battle against the Kurds hurts the United States' trusted allies in Syrian and Iraq and sends a message to local forces that the Americans cannot be depended upon. We also need to add the threats the Muslim Brotherhood--with Erdoğan's encouragement--poses to pro-American governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf and Jordan, and his hostile policy toward Israel. Nor does the United States want Turkish hegemony in the Mediterranean Sea. The only American punishment meted out to Erdoğan so far--a refusal to sell him F-35 aircraft because he bought a missile system from the Russians--is no deterrent. Israel has a long list of problems with the anti-Semitic megalomaniac from Ankara. He supports Hamas, he tried to break the maritime weapons blockade on the Gaza Strip and allows terrorists to operate in his country under Turkish passports. He threatens Turkey's most important Arab allies, wages a pan-Islamic war against Israel in Jerusalem and sends his agents to fight it. In the Mediterranean, he threatens Israel's economic assets as well as its allies. Erdoğan is hated and isolated. Turkey is vulnerable mostly in the economic sector. About a month ago, Moody's lowered Turkey's credit rating to B2, the lowest in the 30 years it has been measured and five steps below the rank it needs to attract investment. Aside from his nationalist incitement and oppressive measures, Erdoğan is holding on because the economic situation remains tolerable. This is where he can be reined in, but for that to happen, we need the Americans to take the lead. Trump hasn't suggested it yet and Joe Biden will almost certainly not want anything to do with it. Nearing Midnight: A Record Fire Season for California - Todd Strandberg - In a year that has already brought apocalyptic skies and a charred landscape to the West Coast, California set a grim new record last week when officials announced that the wildfires of 2020 have now scorched a record 4 million acres. The unprecedented figure - an area larger than the state of Connecticut - is more than double the previous record for the most land burned in a single year in California. We still have two more months before snowfall will likely bring the fire season to a close. "The 4 million mark is unfathomable. It boggles the mind, and it takes your breath away," said Scott McLean, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, known as Cal Fire. It is an area that is larger than the state of Connecticut. "And that number will grow." Cal Fire said in a recent statement that there have been more than 8,200 wildfires since the start of the year that have burned "well over 4 million acres in California" or 6,250 square miles. The previous record was set two years ago when wildfires destroyed 1.67 million acres (2,609 square miles). It may not be possible to set a new record in the future. So much of California has burned in the past five years, there is little room for fires to sweep over old-growth forests. North of San Francisco, a dozen fire zones have burned one third of the land. Very few of these fire events overlap each other. When you take into consideration lakes, fields, and urban areas, there is not much left to feed future wildfires. The fires have consumed almost everything that could fuel a conflagration. Grass fires can burn the same area each year, but these types of fires are generally easy to manage. The endless fire events have taken a heavy toll on people who live in the danger zone. "I'm sort of numb at the moment," said Sonoma County Supervisor Susan Gorin as she drove away at about 1 a.m. from her evacuated home in the Oakmont community on Santa Rosa's eastern edge. All of Oakmont's 4,500 residents were ordered to leave. Gorin has lived this nightmare before. Three years ago, the Nuns Fire consumed her Oakmont home, which is still being rebuilt while she lives in another home in the same neighborhood. While fleeing to a hotel in Novato, Gorin contemplated the horrendous prospect that the same fate could befall her once more. "It seems surreal to me that we would be facing this again in some of the same areas that lost so many homes so traumatically just three short years ago," Gorin said. "It's like God has no sympathy, no empathy for Sonoma County." It is amazing that this record has not caused people to truthfully wonder if the Good Lord is trying to get their attention. The state has just voted to relax pedophile laws, and few people dare to wonder if there is a divine connection to their sudden misfortune. Gorin actually points the finger of blame at climate change. She cited rising temperatures as causing California's vegetation to be drier than normal, leading to ruinous infernos like the ones unfolding now. But temperature is not the only factor. There have not been as many wind events as in previous years. Most fires burn themselves out by randomly hitting obstructions (water, mountains, deserts) that will not burn. The fires of this season seem to have a guiding force that allowed them to seek out a continuous path of combustible material. I think liberal policies have been a major factor in why the fires are so bad in California. Many of the most destructive fires sparked in the northern part of the state, where hills and mountains dotted with many dead trees have provided plenty of fuel for fires. These wildfires are so far off the scale, they have to be a warning from God. Many people had thought that 2018 would be a record that would stand for many generations. Here we are, two years later, and the old record now looks like a small brush fire. Since we are rapidly running out of woodland for the Lord to burn in order to send a message of warning to the nation, an opportunity for repentance may be coming to an end. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). Stewards of the Vote - By Hal Lindsey - Churchgoers often cringe at the word "stewardship" because they tend to associate it with sermons on money. But stewardship isn't just about giving to God's work. defines a "steward" as, "A person who manages another's property or financial affairs." Everything we have belongs to God. We are to act as God's agents in managing those things. Do you remember the parable of the talents? A man going on a journey placed servants in charge of some of his wealth. He placed five talents in the hands of one, two in the hands of another, and put a third man in charge of one talent. He then held them responsible for how they handled his property. So, what has God placed in your hand? Whoever you are, the list is long. And it probably includes money. With the money under your control, He expects you to take care of your family, meet obligations, pay taxes, support His work, etc. But it's about more than money. We are custodians of all the things He has given us, including time, energy, strength, intelligence, and wisdom. Can you sing? Do you write poetry? We're to be stewards of all the things He has placed in our hands. For Americans, that includes the vote. If, over the last fifty years, all Christian believers had been voting regularly, this would be a different and better nation. As a group, God has given us an astounding level of power. And yet, many treat it as something they might take advantage of or might not, depending on how the day goes. Do you remember the presidential election of 2000? It became clear early on that the winner of Florida would probably win the presidency. At 7:50 that evening, the Associated Press called Florida for Vice President Al Gore. The major TV networks quickly followed. By about 10 PM, things had changed. Governor Bush's numbers were on the rise. The networks began retracting their earlier projections. By 2:15 that morning, George W. Bush's lead had risen to 50,000, and all the news organizations started calling both Florida and the nation for Bush. At 2:30 AM, Al Gore called George Bush to concede. It had been a strange night, but things seemed to be shaking out and beginning to look like a normal presidential election. But by 3 AM, the Bush lead had fallen to a mere thousand votes. Gore called Bush again, this time to retract his earlier concession. And then America began a strange and unprecedented odyssey of counts, recounts, hanging chads, and election-related lawsuits - lots and lots of lawsuits. The weird journey ended on December 13th when Al Gore conceded again, this time in a nationally televised speech. Americans were dumbfounded by the whole process. In an era when computers regularly handled fantastic levels of data in mere seconds, it took 36 days to learn who the next president would be. Our computers are far more sophisticated now, but the process has become even more inscrutable and chaotic. We should demand that local, state, and national leaders address voting problems in fair and common-sense ways. In the meantime, we have another duty to perform. Vote! Bush officially won Florida by only 537 votes out of almost six million cast. Your vote matters. Vote like the nation's future depends on it - because it does. More than half of all Americans "plan to stockpile food and other essentials" for the chaotic months ahead - by Michael Snyder - There was a time when preppers were relentlessly mocked, but nobody is laughing now. Today, most Americans are thinking about stockpiling food, and this massive shift in our national mindset has been sparked by concern about what is going to happen in the months ahead. Many Americans believe that another wave of the coronavirus pandemic is coming, others believe that our ongoing economic depression will get even deeper, and yet others are convinced that the upcoming election could produce widespread violence. Of course there have always been people that have been deeply alarmed about future events, but we have never seen anything quite like this. In fact, a brand new survey has found that over half of all Americans are currently planning "to stockpile food and other essentials"... Slightly more than half of Americans in a recent poll from Sports and Leisure Research Group say they already have or plan to stockpile food and other essentials. The chief reason: fears of a resurgent pandemic, which could lead to disruptions such as new restrictions on businesses. On Oct. 2, the number of COVID-19 cases in the USA was its highest in almost two months. People still remember the shortages that we witnessed earlier this year when the coronavirus pandemic first erupted in this country, and those that ended up being stuck at home without enough toilet paper would rather not repeat that experience. So as the mainstream media continues to hype a new wave of the pandemic, we should expect to see Americans hitting the grocery stores really hard. And according to data company Envestnet Yodlee, there is evidence that this is already happening... Already, there's some evidence that grocery sales are rising, according to data from industry sources. The typical bill for a trip to the grocery store rose to $72 for the week ended October 6, or 11% higher from the week before, according to data company Envestnet Yodlee. "That's the highest we've seen since the first week of June and the second-highest since we started tracking this in January," said Bill Parsons, group president of data and analytics at Evestnet. Fortunately, many grocery store chains anticipated a spike in demand in advance and started stocking up ahead of time. The following comes from CNN... Grocery stores across the United States are stocking up on products to avoid shortages during a second wave of coronavirus. Household products - including paper towels and Clorox wipes - have been difficult to find at times during the pandemic, and if grocery stores aren't stocked up and prepared for second wave this winter, runs on products and shortages could happen again. During a time when other retailers all over the nation are failing at a pace that we have never seen before, many grocery store chains are actually experiencing booming sales. And of course I have been warning that this would eventually happen for a very long time. During a time of crisis, demand for food and other essentials tends to go up and demand for non-essential items tends to go down. Needless to say, this is something that is not just happening in the United States. All over the world we have seen demand for food on the rise, and this comes at a time when global food production has become increasingly stressed. As a result, food prices all over the world are starting to escalate quite aggressively... Food prices continue rising during the coronavirus pandemic, jeopardizing food security for tens of millions worldwide. On Thursday, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations said world food prices rose for the fourth consecutive month in September, led by surging prices for cereals and vegetable oils, reported Reuters. FAO's food price index, which tracks the international prices of the top traded food commodities (cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat, and sugar), averaged 97.9 in September versus a downwardly revised 95.9 in August. Sadly, this is just the beginning. Global food supplies will continue to get even tighter, and global demand for food will just continue to shoot higher. So I would stock up while you still can, because prices will never be lower than they are right now. Meanwhile, our society continues to unravel right in front of our eyes. You would think that the Lakers winning the NBA title would be a time to celebrate for the city of Los Angeles, but instead large crowds of young people used it as an opportunity to riot and attack police officers... A crowd of more than 1,000 revelers descended into the area around Staples Center after the game. Unruly individuals mixed within the crowd began throwing glass bottles, rocks, and other projectiles at officers. That is when an unlawful assembly was declared, and only a limited number of people complied and began to disperse. A larger portion of the group broke off and began vandalizing businesses while continuing to engage in violent behavior, some aimed at responding officers. In Portland, protesters just toppled statues of Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln during a "day of rage", but the mainstream media didn't seem to think that this was any sort of a problem. And in the middle of the country, the violence never seems to stop in the city of Chicago... Five people were killed and 48 others were injured by gunfire this weekend in Chicago. Five of those wounded were teenagers. Last weekend saw 37 people shot throughout the city, five of them fatally. Of course things could soon get a whole lot worse. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of all Americans expect "an increase in violence as a result of the election". Isn't that incredibly sad? Many are still hoping that such a scenario can be avoided if one of the candidates is able to build an extremely large lead on election night. A large enough lead could potentially cause the candidate that is behind to concede fairly quickly, and that may ease tensions. But I wouldn't count on that. At this point we are about 500 hours away from the election, and both sides are indicating that they are prepared to fight until the bitter end. And the side that ultimately ends up losing is likely to throw a massive temper tantrum, and that won't be good for our country at all. So it makes sense that so many Americans are making extra preparations for the months that are ahead, because it definitely appears that they could be quite rocky. Daily Devotion: Angry About the Wrong Things - by Greg Laurie - Just kill me now, LORD! I'd rather be dead than alive if what I predicted will not happen. -Jonah 4:3 - Listen If I were Jonah and were writing my own story, I would have ended the book with chapter 3. It's an epic ending. Thousands of people in Nineveh believed. It was a great revival. Drop the mic. Exit stage. But to Jonah's credit, he gave us chapter 4. It begins this way: "This change of plans greatly upset Jonah, and he became very angry. So he complained to the Lord about it: 'Didn't I say before I left home that you would do this, Lord? That is why I ran away to Tarshish!'" (verses 1-2 NLT). Amazingly, Jonah was angry because God didn't wipe out the Ninevites. He should have been rejoicing, and instead, he was really mad. He said, "I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people" (verse 2 NLT). Jonah was also preoccupied with himself. He said, "Just kill me now, Lord! I'd rather be dead than alive if what I predicted will not happen" (verse 3 NLT). I love God's response: "Is it right for you to be angry about this?" (verse 4 NLT). A clear translation of what God said would be this: "You are very angry, aren't you?" In the original language, that word angry means "to burn with anger." Jonah was fuming. Think about it. Here was a guy who survived three days and three nights in a fish's stomach. He repented and prayed and preached the truth. The people of Nineveh came to believe. And then, amazingly, we see Jonah in this condition. This reminds us that no matter how powerfully you are used by God, you can still crash and burn. No matter how incredibly God blesses you, you can still self-destruct. You can still sin-and sin horribly. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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