Prophecy Update Newsletter
Event Horizon - by Pete Garcia - A black hole's mass is concentrated at a single point deep in its heart, and clearly cannot be seen. The "hole" that can, in principle, be seen (although no-one has ever actually seen a black hole directly) is the region of space around the singularity where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, the fastest thing in the universe, can escape, and where the time dilation becomes almost infinite. A black hole is therefore bounded by a well-defined surface or edge known as the "event horizon", within which nothing can be seen and nothing can escape, because the necessary escape velocity would equal or exceed the speed of light (a physical impossibility). The event horizon acts like a kind of one-way membrane, similar to the "point-of-no-return" a boat experiences when approaching a whirlpool and reaching the point where it is no longer possible to navigate against the flow. Or, to look at it in a different way, within the event horizon, space itself is falling into the black hole at a notional speed greater than the speed of light. ( Rightly or wrongly, true, biblical, Christianity often gets lumped in with the kooks and fruitcakes when it comes to falsely predicting events that do not come to pass (seen here). But more than that, even true, sincere Christian's from time to time, prone to get caught up (no pun intended) on the secular bandwagon to try and insert some biblical meaning into strange events or key dates, as if to show the world we still have relevance. For example- 1999-the Y2K panic 2000-the turn of the millennium 2008-the election of the numero uno Antichrist candidate, Barack Hussein Obama 2012-the Mayan Calendar hubbub 2008-2015-the blood moons hype the numerous and dire predictions by Al Gore about world-ending global warming (2016) The rogue planet Nibiru / Planet X coming back (2003, 2012, 2017) However, that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless YouTube videos / channels and webpages devoted to predicting when such and such calamity is going to happen and how the world is going to come to its abrupt end. The History Channel and National Geographic are replete with shows depicting how mankind's time here on earth could come to its abrupt end due to one calamity or another. The other day, I was watching a YouTube channel that I frequent. The host seemed overly distraught over the possibility that CERN could trigger a mini-black hole, which could potentially swallow the earth up. However, it is not just YouTubers freaking out about particle-colliding organizations like CERN. Scientists like Stephen Hawking's and Martin Rees have been warning that CERN's experiments presents a clear and present danger to humanity. The military has also gotten into the apocalypse-predicting business, citing everything from the rise of Artificial Intelligence and autonomous robot armies (the army of none), the weaponization of space, to the collapse of western civilization. Doom and gloom has come back in vogue big time, especially since 2016. The unexpected election of Donald J. Trump has sent Democrats and leftists of all stripes, into an apocalyptic-frenzy. They (with the help of their lapdog media) have been prophesying non-stop that the sheer existence of President Trump in office has put the world at the one-second-before-midnight-mark on the world's Doomsday Clock. Assessment It is times like these, that I am thankful for having a decent understanding of end-times prophecy. While I may not know when everything is going to happen, I can be certain what things must happen, and generally, in what order. It is my understanding that black holes are still considered theoretical, since no bonafide, verifiable proof of their existence has ever been proven. It is believed by many within the scientific community, that a vacuum is created when something as powerful as a dying star collapses inward. The entrance to that black hole is something then known as the event horizon, which serves as the space surrounding the mouth of the black hole where nothing can be seen beyond, or can escape once crossing through it. What is not theoretical, however, is the coming time period known as the 70th Week of Daniel. This seven-year period will be the absolute worst, darkest, wickedest, and most abysmal point in all of human history. It will be so bad, that God will have to cut it short to prevent all life from being snuffed out prematurely (Matt. 24:20-22). In a way, where we are today, is like that event horizon. When the Church (the universal, multi-membered, singular, body of believers) was conceived at Pentecost in Acts 2, mankind was inextricably thrust into the final, period of human history known as the Dispensation of Grace. This period has lasted two-thousand years thus far, and can be viewed in light of the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches as found in Revelation 2-3. In effect, we have been in the last days since Christ's ascension back to heaven. We are now in those final moments before the end, of which there is no return. Let me explain. When Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross, was buried, and resurrected, He triggered an ordering of events, which would have to come to pass. The whole purpose for Him coming to earth and becoming a man was to redeem mankind. Since no man could keep God's perfect standard of righteousness, God the Son took on the form of a man (Colossians 2:9, 1 Timothy 3:16) to bridge the gap between man's fallenness, and God's holiness. This is known as the Incarnation (to take on flesh), and completes an Old Testament principle. By becoming a Man, he in effect became our Kinsman Redeemer (Leviticus 25:47-55, Ruth 3:9, Rev. 5:8-10). According to the rules God set forth in the beginning regarding sacrifice, blood was necessary to atone for man's sins. However, the blood of animals could only temporarily atone for man's sins. This is why the Israelites were given a system that had to be done daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. It was meant to be cumbersome, and drive them to the realization that the sacrifice of animals could only ever be a temporary fix. It was meant to point them to the necessity of a human redeemer, the Messiah (Hebrews 7:27, 9:22). The Prophet Daniel was given a prophecy by the Angel Gabriel, which would foretell the rest of the entire history of the Jewish nation (Daniel 9:24-27). They were given seventy-weeks of years (or 490 years), by which everything pertaining to the covenanted nation of Israel (Gen. 12, 15) would be summed up. Clearly, there has been more than 490-years since Daniel received this (circa 540BC), but this time, like the other 490-year cycles, only counted when Israel was back in their land, and had a functioning tabernacle/temple. The Four Great Jubilee Redemption Cycles of 490 years are: (i) Birth of Abram to the Exodus (Israel's first Great Jubilee). (ii) The Exodus to the Dedication of Solomon's Temple. (iii) The Dedication of Solomon's Temple to the Decree to Restore Jerusalem. At the close of these 490 years was a DECREE by the Persian Emperor Artaxerxes Restore Jerusalem (Ezra 7). In response to this Decree were the efforts of Ezra and Nehemiah to return and rebuild the City of Jerusalem and Israel's national life. Thus at this Jubilee they were restored to make a fresh start as a nation. (iv) Decree to Restore Jerusalem to the Death and Resurrection of Christ. This is the period described by Daniel's 70 Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) This is the final cycle for Israel before Messiah comes to establish His Kingdom. This last 490-year cycle was cut short by seven-years at the crucifixion of Christ (Dan. 9:26), leaving one "week" of years left. This last week of years has many names, but it is referring to the 70th Week of Daniel, the 'Day of the Lord', or most commonly known as 'the Tribulation.' Here are some common misconceptions about 'the Tribulation.' The Rapture of the Church starts it.
The Church must go through part, or all of the Tribulation.
As soon as the Rapture happens, the Tribulation begins.
Conclusion There is not much certainty in life these days. We seem to be in a constant state of flux and change. However, what is certain is that this world is on a one-way trajectory into utter darkness and will not escape its divine destiny. Like that event horizon, there is coming a time, in which nothing- not light, not darkness, not humans, not animals, not nature, and not even time itself can escape the coming black hole of Daniel's 70th Week. It will literally become hell on earth. The ONLY way to escape is to not enter it. The ONLY way to not enter into it is to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior now! Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." John 14:6 Although we look forward to the Day of Christ when He returns to receive His bride the Church up to Himself at the Rapture, none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. Eternal salvation is free for the asking, but if you die without receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you die in your sins. This will eternally separate you from God. When you become born-again, you become a new creation and are covered with the blood of Christ, which makes you acceptable to God (1st Cor. 5:17-21). However, salvation through Christ does not guarantee you physical ease and a life of ease in the here and now. You will have trials and tribulations in this life. To be a Christian today is to live in fallen world, behind the lines of enemy territory. This world has temporarily been given over to the Devil, and he will relentlessly wage war against you in the meantime (1st John 5:19). But fear not, because as a believer, you are not only eternally saved by the blood of Christ, but you are indwelt and sealed by God the Holy Spirit. You are sealed until the day of redemption (Eph. 1:13-14, 4:30). This is the Gospel (the good news) that saves you- Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures (1st Cor. 15:1-4) Here is how to be saved- ...that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame." For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:9-13) Even so, Maranatha! The Palestinian Battle against a Plan that Does Not Exist - by Khaled Abu Toameh - No Palestinian -- or anyone else for that matter -- has been made privy to US President Donald J. Trump's long-awaited plan for peace in the Middle East, which has also been referred to as the "deal of the century." This minor detail however, has not prevented the Palestinians from rejecting the rumored plan, on the pretext that it is aimed at "liquidating" the Palestinian cause and national rights. Hardly a day passes without Palestinian leaders and officials across the political spectrum behaving as if they know every detail of the "deal of the century." The Palestinians are not even prepared to wait until the US administration actually presents a plan. The Palestinian rejection of a yet-to-be-announced peace plan should not surprise anyone. The Palestinians will never accept any plan from a US administration they consider extremely "hostile" to the Palestinians and "biased" in favor of Israel. Even before Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December 2017, the Palestinians had made up their minds: As Trump administration is on the side of Israel, and its policies seem mainly designed to appease and strengthen Israel, the Palestinians apparently decided that they should boycott the US administration. This boycott is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future, especially in light of continued Palestinian denunciations of the US administration and its policies towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians, it appears, have become hostage to their own vitriolic rhetoric. It is hard to see how after nearly a year of attacks on the Trump administration, any Palestinian leader would be able to accept the proposed "deal of the century," no matter what is in it, or to have any dealings with US officials. The massive anti-US campaign that the Palestinian leaders have been waging for the past few months in the media and every available platform has made it impossible, if not dangerous, for any Palestinian leader to do business with the Trump administration. While Palestinian hatred for Trump and his administration does not come as a surprise, what is strange is that the two Palestinians factions -- Fatah in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip -- are now using the President Trump's awaited plan to throw mud at one another. The two rival Palestinian parties have been at each other's throats for many years and are still engaged in a power struggle. Hamas and Fatah hate each other so much that they are even prepared to accuse each other of "collaborating with the enemies," America and Israel. President Trump is most likely unaware that he has secret Palestinian "agents" working for him in Fatah and Hamas. This is only true, of course, if one is to take seriously the mutual accusations made by Fatah and Hamas. Welcome to the Palestinians' Theater of the Absurd, where fabrication, lies and conspiracy theories have long been part of the fabric of Palestinian culture and society. It is a sign of the times that Fatah, ruled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, would accuse Hamas of being in collusion with an Israeli-American plot "to destroy the Palestinian national project." In other words, Fatah is telling the world that Hamas -- an Islamist movement that has killed and injured thousands of Jews and many others since its establishment three decades ago -- is now working with the enemies of the Palestinians against the interests of its own people. Consider, for example, the reaction of the Fatah and its leaders to the recent effort to solve the power shortage in the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave of Gaza. Qatar paid for the fuel needed to keep the power plant there running, while Israel facilitated the delivery of the fuel with the help of the United Nations. Outraged by the aid to the Gaza Strip, Abbas's Fatah claimed that Hamas was "practically implementing the deal of the century." Fatah seems convinced that Trump's plan aims at separating the West Bank from the Gaza Strip and establishing an independent Palestinian state only in the Gaza Strip. Fatah and its leader, Abbas, claim that Hamas's readiness to conduct indirect negotiations with Israel -- about a truce and humanitarian and economic aid to the Gaza Strip -- facilitates the US administration's goal of "consolidating" the split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. According to a statement issued by Fatah in Ramallah, the (unseen) "deal of the century" requires Palestinians to "give up Jerusalem and the right of return and the right for compensation for Palestinian refugees." Trump's plan, according to Fatah's imagination, also envisages separating the West Bank from the Gaza Strip "to prevent the establishment of an independent and sovereign state, on the pre-1967 armistice lines, with Jerusalem as its capital." What Fatah is telling everyone is that Hamas leaders are traitors because they agreed to accept Qatari-funded fuel for the power plant in the Gaza Strip. The Fatah leaders also appear to want Palestinians and the rest of the world to believe that by accepting the fuel and conducting indirect negotiations with Israel to reach a truce agreement in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has "given up the rights of the Palestinians." No one knows on what basis Fatah is making these claims about a plan that does not yet even exist. Perhaps these allegations can be traced to unconfirmed reports in various Arab and Western media outlets. Evidently, the Palestinians have taken these speculations as facts and have built entire arguments around them. In the West Bank, the PLO Executive Committee, another Ramallah-based Palestinian body dominated by Abbas loyalists, echoed the same charge against Hamas. After a meeting on October 11, the committee "affirmed its rejection of the plan to separate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank" as part of the "deal of the century." Again, this is an accusation by Abbas and his officials that is aimed at convincing Palestinians that Hamas is involved in a conspiracy against them and their rights. Abbas evidently wants the world to believe that Hamas is working for Trump and Israel. Hamas, for its part, wants Palestinians to believe that if anyone is part of the Trump administration's "conspiracy," it is Abbas and his Fatah faction. Hamas's message to the Palestinians basically boils down to this: "We're not the traitors working with Israel and Trump. The real traitors are Abbas and his Fatah, who are imposing economic sanctions on the Gaza Strip and obstructing efforts to improve the living conditions of the Palestinians." "The Palestinian Authority," said Hamas spokesman Hazel Qassem, "has paved the way for the implementation of the US vision for liquidating the Palestinian cause". He was referring to Abbas's refusal to lift the economic and financial sanctions which the PA president imposed on the Gaza Strip last year, apparently as part of an attempt to undermine Hamas. The Trump administration would doubtless be overjoyed to hear that Hamas and Fatah have become "collaborators" and "agents" working with the US and Israel. On the one hand, however, Fatah and Hamas say they are strongly opposed to Trump's upcoming peace plan. On the other, the two rival Palestinians parties are now accusing each other of collaborating with the Trump administration to help him pass his upcoming "deal of the century." Guess who gets caught in the crossfire -- again? The Palestinians. It is they who continue to pay the price for the vicious strife between their "leaders" -- in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Turning Biblical - By Daymond Duck - Several weeks ago, I read an article by a Jewish rabbi who said the events in the Middle East are turning Biblical. I agree with him, but would say that it is a global issue, not just a Middle East issue. First, based on Psa. 83 and Ezek. 38, many prophecy teachers believe Israel will get into a war with her neighbors in the latter days and latter years. Pres. Trump has stopped giving millions of dollars to the PA, their economy is near collapse and demonstrators are becoming more aggressive, violent and dangerous. On Oct. 4, 2018, Israel moved more Iron Dome systems and troops to the border and placed those troops on maximum readiness for all developments. On Oct. 7, 2018, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu sent out a warning that Israel will not hesitate to launch a full-scale invasion of Gaza if the situation keeps growing worse. Second, based on statements by Jesus, many prophecy teachers expect an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end of the age. On Sept. 28, 2018, a 7.5 earthquake and a tsunami with 20-foot waves struck a city called Palu on one of the islands of Indonesia; and on Oct. 3, 2018, a volcano erupted on that same island. So that one island was struck by a 7.5 earthquake, a tsunami with 20-foot waves moving at 500 mph and the eruption of a volcano in one week. On Oct. 8, the death toll was approaching 2,000 people, and approximately 5,000 people were still missing; houses, businesses, ships and boats were destroyed along several miles of coastline. Third, based on statements by Jesus and by John in the book of Revelation, many prophecy teachers believe pestilence is a Tribulation-Period sign. In late Sept. 2018, the east coast of the U.S. was struck by Hurricane Florence that killed several people, flooded large parts of the Carolinas and damaged many homes and businesses. On Oct. 3, 2018, it was reported that people that have suffered from all of these things are now being attacked by mega mosquitoes 20 times larger than normal. Fourth, based on prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation, many prophecy teachers believe there will be a world government during the Tribulation Period. For many years, prophecy teachers have warned that globalists want to surrender the sovereignty of the U.S. to a world government, and they have been accused of promoting a conspiracy theory. On Sept. 24, 2018, Pres. Trump stood before the UN (seat of the wannabe world government) and said, "We will never surrender American sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans." He said, "We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism." He also said, "America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination." The coming world government is a Bible truth, not a conspiracy theory. Fifth, regardless of what Pres. Trump said, on Sept. 30, 2018, he got an agreement to replace NAFTA with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). It has been reported that most of the people that negotiated the USMCA are career diplomats and known globalists from the Obama Administration, and most of the language in the USMCA was copied from the TPP, a globalist trade agreement that was written to cause nations to surrender their sovereignty. I encourage people to pray that the U.S. Senate will refuse to pass this if it surrenders U.S. sovereignty and that God will guide Pres. Trump to do His will. I also encourage people to pray about the upcoming election and that the U.S. will abandon the two-state solution in Israel. We should also thank God that the attempt by the globalist George Soros to buy a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court by hiring mobs of protestors failed. Sixth, the Bible teaches that Gentiles from all nations will visit Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles during the Millennium. On Sept. 27, 2018, 7,000 Christians from the U.S., Latin America, Africa, Asia and other places marched through the streets of Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. Seventh, according to the Bible, the area where the Dead Sea is located was a well-watered valley before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Lot, but the fire and brimstone that fell on that area turned it into a wasteland (Gen. 13:10; 19:24-28). Nevertheless, the Bible teaches that there will be fish in the Dead Sea at the end of the age (Ezek. 47:10). On Oct. 4, 2018, it was reported that the water level in the Dead Sea is unusually low and sink holes are being exposed that are being filled by underground fresh water; and scientists are discovering fish and vegetation in some of them. Some believe that a future system could be developed to send desalinated water into streams that could reach the Dead Sea and cause the fish to thrive even more. Israel has already appropriated the money to build two more desalination plants. Eighth, the Bible teaches that God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel, and what people do to Israel when the Tribulation Period is near will come back on them (Gen. 12:3; Obad. 1:15). During the Obama Administration, two leaders in the Democrat Party, Pres. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, used taxpayer money in an effort to prevent the election of Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu. But Mr. Netanyahu was elected, and the Democrat Party has now lost control of the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. On the other hand, Pres. Trump has given Mr. Netanyahu and Israel incredibly strong support; and despite unprecedented opposition, he keeps winning. But people need to pray for America, because the chair of the Democratic National Committee is seeking revenge and calling upon people to make the Republicans "pay a price" (a house divided against itself cannot stand; Matt. 12:25). Ninth, the Bible says no weapon formed against Israel will prosper (Isa. 54:17). On Sept. 17, 2018, Syria mistakenly shot down a Russian plane and killed 15 Russian soldiers. Russia blamed Israel and used the incident as an excuse to build up her missile defense and satellite communications systems in Syria. Some believe this Russian military upgrade threatens Israel's ability to defend herself. On Oct. 5, 2018, it was reported that Pres. Trump has ordered the U.S. military to immediately transfer some of America's F-35 stealth planes to Israel's military. These planes may not be impacted by Russia's new weapons. Tenth, a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof is a sign of the last days (II Tim. 3:1-5). A group of sanctimonious U.S. Senators (people that should be examples of honesty and moral integrity) lying and blinding themselves to the facts so a woman can abort her baby (a sin as bad or worse than sexual misconduct, drinking too much alcohol or throwing a piece of ice) and denying what the Word of God teaches - if that isn't a form of godliness, I don't know what a form of godliness is. Those pious hypocrites demonstrated that people can sin without guilt and shame. There are many reasons to believe that current events in this world and especially the Middle East are turning Biblical. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] One State - Jim Fletcher - [email protected] The latest murder of Israelis by Palestinians is much more than the final straw. It should have been a final straw the first time it happened, especially after the charade of Oslo. Daniel Greenfield has written a fine piece on the subject at Frontpage, addressing mostly a Jewish audience. My goal is to address the same subject among Christian supporters of Israel. Kim Levengrond Yehezkel, and Ziv Hajbi were tied up by a Palestinian terrorist, then shot at close range this week. The killer, Ashraf Walid Suleiman, remains at large after the murders in the Barkan Industrial Zone. According to a report from Arutz Sheva: "MDA medics David Baruchi and Neria Ketua described the scene. 'When we arrived, there was chaos at the scene. People shouted that there were wounded persons inside, they led us in to one of the rooms, we saw a man and woman of about 30 lying unconscious without pulse and not breathing. We undertook medical checks, they had no vital signs and we were forced to confirm their deaths.'" "We searched the scene and found another 54 year old woman under one of the tables. She was fully responsive with a gunshot wound to her upper body. With the help of MDA EMT Hadas Wilps, we extricated her and provided lifesaving medical treatment including hemorrhage control, medications, and we evacuated her to Belinson with severe yet stable injuries. During the evacuation, she was interacting with us, and was able to recount the incident. She also requested that we notify her family, which we did." The area where the two were murdered has been considered a place where Arabs and Israelis can coexist. Guess not. As Greenfield writes: "The two state solution isn't peace. The PLO and Hamas have never been at peace with Israel. It's two Rabbis murdered in January and February. It's a receptionist wondering until the last moment whether she will make it home to her baby. It's Hava Roizen, a Russian immigrant from the Soviet Union, who worked as a photographer, hit by a car. And it's the terror victims of tomorrow. And the day after." The two-state solution isn't peace. I'm honestly shocked at those pro Israel Christian leaders who support a two-state solution. To what purpose? Any "state of Palestine" would be used for further bases of operation by Hamas and the PLO, the latter still led by strongman Mahmoud Abbas, a butcher and fiend who shouts that his terror organization will continue to pay killers-even at the expense of the needs of law-abiding people. This is madness. Any leader not vehemently condemning these murders is no friend of Israel or Jews anywhere. The murder of Jews anywhere, for any reason, is completely unacceptable. There is a real desire on the part of "the Right" to be overly polite and agreeable. I don't hear much anger from pro Israel Christian leaders about these murders. It's sickening. In 2002, I went to the scene of a bus bombing in Jerusalem. Bodies were hanging out of windows; the whole bus was torched. Last year, I visited Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv and saw firsthand the carnage caused by these Palestinian demons whose sole purpose in life is to inflict pain. May they be removed from the earth. This morning on Facebook, an anti-Christian Zionist Christian bemoaned the incarceration of "boycott" activists in Israel. I've wondered for years why these useful idiots are even allowed into the country. Have you noticed that critics of Israel take issue with the inconvenience to anarchists and Jew-haters? And they clamp their mouths shut when Jews are murdered? This is fiendish and unacceptable. I will never support a two-state solution. A young mother was tied up then shot? I hope she is avenged. Pro Israel friends who do not place Jewish life above Palestinian life are not friends, for me. I will go my own way. We are seeing similar problems in this country. Decades of appeasing evil and being deferential have gotten us to a place where senators are hounded from restaurants, and Democrats call for assassinations. If civil war is forced, then civil war it will be. For the record, I support only the state of Israel in the Middle East. There are vast territories uninhabited that the Palestinian Arabs can go live in. Let them stew in their fetid villages and desert holes. If you finish this column and aren't thinking of the kids of Kim Levengrond Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi first, you're doing it wrong. [email protected] Daily Jot: Negative propaganda machine in full swing - Bill Wilson - Reading stories from CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post and so on, one could easily ascertain that President Trump and his Administration were the most corrupt, no good scoundrels on the face of the earth. The attacks are relentless. To the normal, run of the day, low information voter, this is good enough to throw the bums out of office. That's why informed voters need to get out and vote. Those who are fighting so hard to take over are in support of most every issue that is counter to the Holy scriptures, the precepts of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Just witnessing how the Democrats are now blaming the Republicans for the Kavanaugh vitriol is an example. This example has plenty of legs, too. The news media just laps up whatever these leftists say and report it as fact without verification. A recent CNN story quoting Hillary Clinton is an excellent example. Clinton said, "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again." She went on to say that Republicans "demeaned the [Supreme Court] confirmation process" and "insulted and attacked" Christine Blasey Ford-who testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about a sexual assault she alleges Kavanaugh committed in 1982-along with other "women who were speaking out." Clinton says the Democrats should get more uncivil because the rest of America wants to destroy what she stands for. In other words, Americans who disagree with her brand of socialism and ungodly morals should be subject to incivility. This is the bottom line of why these leftists are so angry. When Clinton lost, the capstone of their communist revolution was interrupted by Trump. Clinton is also accusing Republicans of demeaning the Supreme Court Confirmation process by insulting and attacking the lady that accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. No evidence was provided to justify the charges, and Republicans bent over backwards to make sure the lady was heard, her charges investigated and that she was treated respectfully. Not so with how Democrats treated Kavanaugh-guilty even if proven innocent. Clinton was the first to demean and call liars the many women who provided evidence of her husband's philandering. Yet she says that because Republicans actually investigated and questioned the claims of a female accuser of Justice Kavanaugh, that they "insulted and attacked" all "women who were speaking out." Nonsense. But those listening to CNN surely believe what she says or at least it sowed a seed of doubt in their minds about what is true. As Proverbs 12:22 says, "Lying lips are abomination to the Lord." They should be an abomination to all those who can discern truth, even as the media's propaganda machine is in full swing and people like Clinton are able to say anything without question. Daily Devotion: Finish Well - By Greg Laurie - So I run with purpose in every step. -1 Corinthians 9:26 When I take my grandkids to a playground, they want me to join them. They know they're little and need help. In effect, they're dependent on me, and I'm there to help them. For believers who have known the Lord for a while, it can be very easy to become more vulnerable than a young Christian. As some believers grow in their faith, they might say, "I'm doing well. I can pretty much lower my guard." Thinking they've reached a plateau of some kind, they begin to lower their defenses-and suddenly they find themselves vulnerable. On the other hand, younger believers know they can potentially fall. They're more careful. We see this played out in the Scriptures. Moses, the man to whom God gave the Ten Commandments, the man whom God used to lead the Israelites through the wilderness, arrived at the very brink of the Promised Land and then lost his temper with the Israelites. He disobeyed God, and because of this, God didn't allow him to enter the Promised Land. David, the king of Israel, the little shepherd boy who sang praises to God, the giant killer in the valley of Elah, the warrior, the poet, and the man after God's own heart, also was an adulterer. He ultimately was a murderer. He did many things wrong later in life. His son, Solomon, who at one point was the wisest man who had ever lived, went into a horrible time of backsliding. This reminds us that we can run a good race, but if we run in first place all the way to the end and then collapse before the finish line, we lose. It doesn't matter whether we were ahead for most of the race. It isn't just about starting well; it's also about finishing well. FROM THE HEART
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