Prophecy Update Newsletter
Rules for the Remnant - By Pete Garcia -
But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 Situation That day was supposed to be like any other. Before it happened, life went on like it always, school, play, family. But then it happened. And now no one knows what is going on. All anyone knows is that a bunch of people and all the children are disappeared. So if you're reading this and you find yourself in the above scenario, know that this event is called the Rapture of the Church. The Church is not a denomination, but people from all walks of life. Anyone, who has either placed their faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ or is under the age (or mental capacity) to make such a decision, is caught up to heaven. They have been changed from mortal to immortal, and now exist in the reality of eternity. They have been given perfect, flawless, and timeless bodies to exist with and in the divine order for the rest of eternity. This was the Rapture. It's in the Bible. Read it for yourself if you can find one. [John 14:1-3; 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2nd Thess. 2:1-3; 1st Corinthians 15:50-56; Philippians 3:20-21; Revelation 3:10]. So if you're reading this, you need to know what is coming. You're life and eternity will depend on it. Timeline The Rapture- this just happened. The Church is rescued and evil is no longer restrained on the earth. The Time Gap- we don't know how long this gap will last, perhaps months or even a few years, but there is a window of time between the Rapture and the official start of the Tribulation. During the gap, there are some things we think will likely happen:
The Tribulation (Revelation 6:18) the official name for this is the 70th Week of Daniel (Daniel 9:27). It is a seven-year period, which God will unleash 21 divine judgments upon the earth. Over 1/2 the world's population dies as a result. The seas are turned to blood, fresh drinking water is turned to blood, and the sun and moon cease to give its light. A contract between the Antichrist and the nation of Israel begins the 21 judgments. The Seven Seals (Revelation 6): 1/4 of the world's population dies 1. The White Horse (Antichrist-false peace) 2. The Red Horse (War) 3. The Black Horse (Drought/Famine/Economic disaster) 4. The Pale Horse (Plague/Disease) 5. Martyrdom of those who refuse to worship the beast (slaughter of the Tribulation saints) 6. A Great Earthquake that causes such a geological disturbance, the dust and smoke obscure the sun, stars, and moon 7. Silence in Heaven The Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8-11): 1/3 of the world's population dies 1. Hail and fire mixed with blood 2. A great mountain cast into the sea 3. Wormwood- a meteor that poisons (makes bitter) a third of the drinking water 4. A third of the sun, moon, and stars darkened (great cold, darkness) 5. First Woe (Demonic Locusts plague those who take the mark) 6. Second Woe (one-third of mankind killed by a demon army) 7. Third Woe (Lightning, Voices, Thunder, an Earthquake and Great hail.) The Seven Vials/Bowls (Revelation 16) 1. Grievous Sores on those who take the mark of the beast 2. The rest of the seas turn to blood 3. Rivers and fountains turned to blood 4. Great heat 5. Great darkness over the seat of Beast Kingdom 6. Euphrates River dries up 7. A massive earthquake and vast earth changes The Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19) At the end of the seven-years, the Beast's armies, along with the kings of the east, gather in the Megiddo Valley (Israel) try to destroy what remains of the Jewish people. The skies are rolled back and Christ returns in power and glory, followed by the Armies of Heaven. He destroys the armies gathered there. The Beast & False Prophet are cast alive into the Lake of Fire. The Judgment of the Nations (Matthew 25) Christ judges the remaining nations. Those who aided Israel during this 70th Week, are allowed entrance into the earthly, millennial kingdom, of which, Christ rules as the undisputed King. Those who attacked or did ill towards the nation of Israel (and her inhabitants), are cast into outer darkness and await judgment. The Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20) Christ will reign upon the earth for 1,000 years. The world is released from the curse of sin and becomes a paradise. People will be given unnaturally long life spans. If a person does not choose to follow Christ, they will die at the age of 100. At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan is loosed for a season and is cast into the Lake of Fire. The Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:10-14) The unsaved/unredeemed dead of all ages is brought before Christ and are judged according to their works. Everyone here is ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire because their works cannot save them. What is determined here is how severe their torment will be in the Lake of Fire for all of eternity. Death and hell also cast into the Lake of Fire. Eternity Future (Revelation 21-22) A new heaven and new earth are created, as the former ones are passed away. For the redeemed, eternity future will be a glorious adventure. One filled with worship of God will being in His presence, exploration (seeing all that God has been working on these past two thousand years), of peace, joy, comfort, happiness, contentment, and love forever. Rules for the Remnant 1. Do place your faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. A. Admit you're a sinner and need a Savior (Romans 3:23, 6:23) B. Believe in your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and God raised Him from the dead (John 3:16, Romans 5:8) C. Call upon the name of the Lord, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation (Romans 10:9-13) 2. Do NOT take the mark of the beast. This means you will not be able to buy or sell anything, but if you take the mark, you are damned forever. Better to struggle for a few years than to suffer for all eternity. (Revelation 14:9-11) 3. You will probably be martyred. The Beast's systems will be vast; artificial intelligence, global surveillance, robotic weapon systems, as well as supernatural forces (demons) aiding them. Do not fear the first death (physical). Do fear the second death (spiritual). The first death is not the end, only the beginning of a glorious future with Christ. If you die spiritually as well, you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. 4. Endure to the end if you can. Run, hide, pray. If you survive the seven-years, you will enter into the Millennial Kingdom. Turkey, Russia, Iran: Filling the Vacuum - by Erick Stakelbeck - On the Iran-Iraq border a few weeks ago, I found myself just a few hundred meters from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), standard bearers of a regime that has practically copyrighted the phrases, "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." At the Kurdish Peshmerga military base stood a series of small, white structures spread out across the mountaintops on the Iranian side of the border. "IRGC observation posts," said one of my Kurdish hosts, eying the mountains warily. The Pershmerga generals interviewed in Iraqi Kurdistan seemed eager to talk about the threat posed by the IRGC and the Iranian regime-not only to the Kurds, Israel and the broader Middle East, but also to the United States. They were understandably more reticent, however, in discussing the other looming threat in their immediate neighborhood - an increasingly aggressive Turkey, led by Islamist strongman President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan's longstanding threat to invade northeastern Syria - under the pretext of targeting terrorists from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) - has become a reality. Following the sudden announcement by the White House that U.S. troops would "no longer be in the immediate area," and that Turkey would be "moving forward with its long-planned operation into Northern Syria," Erdogan's forces made their move. If reports are accurate, their targets, predictably, reach far beyond the PKK and prove that Erdogan had much bigger designs all along. Turkish forces are reportedly shelling Kurdish areas in northeastern Syria indiscriminately, threatening the area's large Christian minority and deliberately targeting fighters from the U.S.-aligned Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a group comprised mainly of Kurdish fighters. In recent years, these same SDF forces, assisted by American air support, took the lead role on the ground in crushing the ISIS caliphate that had once covered 34,000 square miles of territory across Iraq and Syria. Now they're once again defending their homes and neighborhoods against jihadists - this time, from the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which has aligned itself with Turkish forces in the invasion. A humanitarian crisis seems all but imminent, with more than 160,000 people having already been displaced by the fighting, according to the UN. A distraught U.S. Special Forces member on the ground in Syria who witnessed the Turkish invasion up close told Fox News that "atrocities...are happening," and that U.S. forces, their hands tied by the White House's abrupt decision, are "sitting by and watching it unfold." With President Trump's announcement last weekend that all U.S. forces are withdrawing from northern Syria, and with Turkish forces driving ever further into Syrian territory, the Kurds, in desperation, have now cut a deal with Russia and the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in hopes of finding some protection from Erdogan's expansionism. To see a longtime, loyal U.S. ally forced to turn to two anti-American regimes for survival is particularly troubling. As that same U.S. Special Forces member told Fox News, "The Kurds are as close to Western thinking in the Middle East as anyone." Erdogan, by contrast, moves further from the West and Turkey's all-but-erstwhile NATO allies seemingly by the day. In response to European leaders' concerns over the Turkish invasion, Erdogan has threatened to allow 3.6 million Syrian refugees to flood Europe- echoing a similar threat he made last month. While the White House announcement last week stated that, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years," it was Erdogan who allowed the Turkish-Syrian border to become a virtual sieve and transit point for thousands of jihadi foreign fighters to enter Syria during the height of the ISIS caliphate. Trusting Erdogan - a committed Islamist in the Muslim Brotherhood mold - to oversee the thousands of ISIS prisoners currently held in northeastern Syria creates an instant fox-guarding-the-hen-house scenario. Already, there are reports that more than 785 ISIS fighters have escaped prison and detention camps in northeastern Syria amid the chaos of the Turkish invasion. Their swift recapture is likely not high on Erdogan's priority list. Erdogan, has, in fact, openly harbored members of ISIS, as well as the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas on Turkish soil. Erdogan, who lamely insists that Hamas is not a terrorist organization, has repeatedly slammed Israel as a "terrorist state" and engages in some of the most vicious anti-Israel rhetoric by a world leader this side of Iran's mullahs. His budding alliance with Iran and Russia, and his sweeping crackdowns on Turkish dissidents and journalists, have made Turkey's shift to the East all the more pronounced. In short, Turkey, under Erdogan's radical leadership, can be best described today as NINO, or NATO In Name Only. The U.S. Congress is looking to push back against Erdogan's brazen foray into northeastern Syria. For months, there has been a bi-partisan effort on Capitol Hill to convince the Trump administration to implement sanctions on Turkey in the wake of its purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system. The events of this past week will likely only escalate pressure by Congress against the Erdogan regime. Meanwhile, as Syria's Kurds try desperately to stave off a massacre at the hands of Turkish forces, Iraqi Kurdistan lies directly in the line not only of Turkish but also Iranian fire. As the Iranian regime continues - through Shia militias and other proxies, including the Houthis and Hezbollah - aggressively to expand its influence across Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, the Iraqi Kurds interviewed fear that they could be next in Iran's crosshairs. In September 2018, for instance, IRGC forces fired seven missiles into Kurdistan in what Iran's regime claimed was an attack on Iranian Kurdish dissidents based there. At least 11 people were killed in the strike, which occurred just a short distance from a Peshmerga military position visited by the author. Today, the U.S. troop withdrawal from neighboring Syria, combined with the glaring lack of response by the West in the face of escalating Iranian and Turkish aggression in the region, have left Iraq's Kurds and other U.S. allies in the Free World feeling more exposed than ever to the expansionist aims of both Erdogan and Iran's mullahs. Given the Kurds' painful history, including genocide at the hands of Saddam Hussein, and the threats they currently face, it's no wonder that many shared an affinity for Israel - and a concern for the future. "We defeated ISIS," a Peshmerga general said, "only to see Iran and its Shia militias become stronger. They are filling the vacuum." Islamist-led Turkey has now joined those same Iranian-led forces in filling that vacuum - with the full acquiescence of the United States. What The Golan Heights Can Teach Us About Peace For Israel - By Rami Dabbas/ - Israeli wine has taken the world by storm. And some of the very best comes from the Golan Heights. Similarly, the Gaza Strip during the pre-Islamic era, when it was still mostly populated by Jews, produced wines to compete with the finest in the Byzantine Empire. But where is Gaza today? Sadly, it has become a place of squalor, unemployment, and a haven for terrorists, while the Golan has transformed into a place of life and productivity. Across the Arab world, it is widely believed that former Syrian President Hafez al-Assad secretly bartered the Golan Heights to Israel in the years following the 1973 Yom Kippur War (in which Syria briefly recaptured parts of the strategic plateau), either in exchange for a large sum of money, or for Israel's assistance in keeping the Assad regime in power. This alleged exchange was the subject of a recent Al Jazeera documentary, as it has been - over the past several decades - of numerous reports and surveys that cite Syrian officers who served in the 1967 and 1973 wars and were privy to Assad's decisions. Nor does the idea of such a covert deal come as much of a surprise to most in the Middle East, considering that the ruling Assad family belongs to Syria's tiny Alawite minority, and being able to point to an external threat like the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights helped them maintain control over the country's Sunni majority. Known in ancient times as the Bashan region (see Deuteronomy 43:4 and Joshua 20:8), the Golan is a relatively small, but very strategic bit of real estate. Recognizing its importance to any future Jewish settlement, Baron Edmond de Rothschild in 1894 purchased a large plot of land in the Golan. Other wealthy Jews from the US, Russia, Canada, and Europe similarly bought up portions of the Golan. Such land sales were prohibited by the Ottoman authorities of the time, but, just as today, money has the final word. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Syria and the Golan fell under the French Mandate. Following the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Syria built fortifications in the western Golan Heights overlooking the Sea of Galilee, but did little else to develop the region. In the final days of the Six-Day War in 1967, after having defeated Egypt and Jordan, Israel turned its attention to Syria, and the IDF began advancing up the steep slopes of the Golan. The Syrians fled and Israel put the Golan under military administration, but it had no intention of treating the plateau as anything but a big army base, as the Syrians had done. But in the decade following the war, no fewer than 30 Jewish settlements were established in the Golan Heights, transforming it into an agricultural and industrial success story. With the unilateral annexation and introduction of Israeli civil law in 1981, the Golan further flourished. In the subsequent decades, there have been several attempts to negotiate an Israeli surrender of the Golan in exchange for peace with Syria. But they have all come to naught (perhaps, as noted above, because the Assad regime didn't really want to regain the Golan). And that's probably for the best. Because not only has this border been far quieter with the Golan under Israeli rule, but most of the Muslims and Druze living there have quietly confirmed to regional media outlets over the years that they prefer to remain part of the Jewish state. Nearing Midnight: The Fed is Running Out of Financial Tricks - Todd Strandberg - For the past several weeks, the Federal Reserve has been pouring money into the banking system. About $400 billion has been used to keep the short-term loan market from freezing up. This action was only to last a few days, but it has lasted a couple months now. Some of you may have heard the term repurchase agreements or "repo." In the repo market, borrowers seeking cash offer lenders collateral in the form of safe securities-frequently Treasury bonds-in exchange for a short-term loan. The term of these loans can be as short as overnight. When the Fed adds money to the financial system through the repo market, it is acting as a lender. The Federal Reserve chair, Jerome H. Powell, said that the central bank was resuming Permanent Open Market Operations after a 5-year hiatus. It would again begin expanding its portfolio of government-backed securities, called quantitative easing (QE), and continued to leave the door open to another interest rate cut this month. While "policy is not on a preset course," Mr. Powell said, the Fed will "act as appropriate to support continued growth." "Because Congress has granted the Federal Reserve significant protections from short-term political pressures, we have an obligation to clearly explain what we are doing and why. And we have an obligation to actively engage the people we serve so that they and their elected representatives can hold us accountable," Powell said. "My colleagues and I will soon announce measures to add to the supply of reserves over time," Powell said at the National Association of Business Economics meeting in Denver, Colorado. "This is not QE." In the past, the unchecked printing of money has always resulted in hyper-inflation. It is amazing that we have been able to avoid calamity by simply calling it QE. Eventually, people will realize what is taking place, and they will run for the door. The federal budget deficit for 2019 is estimated at $984 billion, a hefty 4.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and the highest since 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said last week. I looked at the Fed's website for Sep 30, 2018, to Sep 30, 2019, and the year deficit was $1.2 trillion. There is at least $200 billion of bonds that need to be issued to cover the bonds that were allowed to expire between February and September. The Fed now needs to issue a trillion dollars in debt each month to cover bonds that have a short duration. Our total national debt currently stands at nearly $23 trillion. The U.S. dollar has been rising against most global currencies because most nations have their own massive budget deficits. It is stunning to note that the reaction to this sea of red ink was for rates to drop below zero. By Oct 1, 2019, negative-yielding debt had grown to more than $18 trillion. Greece has defaulted four times on its national debt, and it has just issued its first negative yield bond. Anyone with a basic understanding of how financial markets work knows that the day will eventually come when the Fed and Wallstreet will become powerless to prevent a monetary meltdown. The ability of us to reach levels of absolute absurdity shows that some form of supernatural intervention is at work. God is holding things together until the tribulation hour springs on humanity like a bear trap. We are now in the longest period of positive growth in American history. Because Jesus said he would come at a time of "peace and safety," I think the Rapture is the only explanation for why we have a Goldilocks economy. "I heard the third living creature say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine" (Revelation 6:5-6). "For when they shall say, 'Peace and safety'; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape'" (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Daily Jot: Welcome to the Impeachment Game show - Bill Wilson - Come on down for the new game in the nation's capitol--the Impeachment Game--hosted by Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), produced by Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and sponsored by the Democratic Party. The goal of the game is to remove the President from office using the most outrageous false claim. Contestants are summoned by the Democratic leadership to appear in secret tribunals. The host gathers information to leak to the media, and spins the Wheel of Deception, which lands on the act the sponsor actually did, for which the president will be accused. All television networks will carry the Impeachment Game live every day, all day, until the public demands removal of the President or the ratings crash. Just to spice things up, the producer of the show rewrote the rules to mimic the Constitution's impeachment process. It is real enough to make the American public think it is the same, but there are some subtle changes. Pelosi modeled the game off of old communist and socialist dictator coups where secret tribunals were established to accuse and convict people of false acts that could be considered high crimes and misdemeanors. The game has a social twist to it, where the audience must discern what is real. The audience is polled daily to decide which false accusation is gaining the most momentum to remove the president. The game also provides for Defenders of the president. The Defenders must navigate the rules which are controlled by the producer and are written as the game continues to prevent exposing what is discussed in the secret tribunals, of which no Defender is allowed to attend. Defenders of the president are not allowed to call witnesses to expose the deeds the sponsors committed, but are used to accuse the president. Defenders also must navigate public opinion after being labeled continuously as bigots, homophobes, Islamophobes, misogynists, xenophobes, racists, having toxic manhood, benefactors of white privilege, capitalists, Christians, or other slurs the sponsor believes to be derogatory. Contestants are summoned to testify before the secret tribunal, knowing that everything they say will be twisted when it is leaked to the news media. Contestants choosing not to testify, will be allowed to select consequences, such as going to jail, being fined large sums of money, or simply having their reputations ruined. Another group in the game is Complicit Participants. Complicit Participants are those who watch the Impeachment Game, but do nothing about it. The sponsor believes this group of people will ultimately determine whether the game is successful at removing the president. Hollywood is promoting the Impeachment Game as a blockbuster television hit, sure to demonstrate a social phenomena depicting a new normal for America. The game slogan is from Matthew 24:4: "Take heed that no man deceives you." Daily Devotion: Spirit Dominated - by Greg Laurie - Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.-Daniel 6:3 Daniel's spiritual life wasn't merely an afterthought. It wasn't something that he found time for in his busy schedule. His life revolved around it. As Daniel 6 opens, Babylon has fallen. Darius is now in charge of the Persian kingdom. And immediately, Daniel appears on the new king's radar. Why was that? Daniel had integrity and honesty. He stood out from other people. And at around eighty years old, he was a seasoned saint. King Darius wanted to elevate Daniel above his other advisors, making him the most powerful man in the kingdom, next to the king himself. The king chose him for such a position as a result of his hard work, excellence, and integrity. We need Christians like Daniel in our government and schools. We need them in medicine, music, and sports. The list goes on and on. We need believers to let their lights shine everywhere. And like Daniel, Christians should always do their best work. They should be the best at whatever they do. In effect, Daniel had a ministry in politics. He influenced world leaders and didn't compromise the truth. The Bible tells us that he "distinguished himself above the other governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him" (Daniel 6:3 NKJV). "Excellent spirit" also translates "spirit dominated." You're never more clearheaded than when the Holy Spirit is directing you. Although Daniel lived at the epicenter of rampant idolatry and incredible cruelty, he remained a righteous man. In the midst of widespread sexual immorality, Daniel flourished spiritually. That is because Daniel made time for what mattered: his relationship with God. FROM THE HEART
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