Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Return of Moloch - By Alice Childs - People, look around you. All masks of pretense are off. When I was a young pre-teen (about a hundred years ago), there was a song whose lyrics were, "The times they are a-changing." Well, if ever there was a time when those lyrics were most apropos, it is now. The times indeed are "a-changing" and not for the better, but rather the times are headed pell-mell straight towards the WORST time that there will ever be in all of human history. This sin-cursed, sin-wrecked, evil world is in its death throes. Moloch is rising. Oh he's always been here hiding in the shadows, biding his time until the time of the end when he will be allowed to finally unmask. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:22-23, "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body" (KJV). This sin-drenched creation is at its terminus. Moloch is rising. Something must be done, and it will be. The millennia-long cosmic warfare between God and Satan will reach its zenith in the last seven years of fallen human history. God is just about to bring this entire stinking, sinful, evil-infested, sin-cursed world to an end. God is about to bring judgment against Moloch. Rebellion, mockery, blasphemy, and outright hatred of God and His people are not just in the open now, but are actually flaunted, encouraged, and praised. Just like it was when the cursed, genetically defiled Nephilim perverted and defiled the earth in Noah's day; just like the Sodomites who openly desired and conspired to rape God's holy angels who came to rescue righteous LOT, those holy emissaries of God's impending wrath who took upon themselves male human forms in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah in order to rescue righteous Lot. Those very same evil spirits of perversion and abominations that were working even then are at work again in our day; but this time, their evil spreads over all the earth. It has become deeply entrenched in every culture - not only in the so-called uncultured, "uncivilized" societies hidden away, but within all of the so-called "civilized" nations of the earth. Moloch has removed his mask. There is no difference between the vile deeds of those pre-Flood judgment cultures and our modern worldwide culture of insanity, barbarity, and death today. Well, perhaps there is one difference: there are a great many more people alive on the earth today than there were then, and this evil now permeates ALL cultures worldwide. There is no place left untainted by the vilest of depravities and debauchery. The sheer number of babies and children that our "modern" "civilized" culture has literally torn apart limb from limb, selling their precious tiny body parts for profit; the staggering number of children gone missing, ravaged, sacrificed, and - vilest of all vilenesses - many who have been literally CONSUMED, actually cannibalized, is exponentially greater than the evils of Noah's day or the days of Lot. Moloch has removed his mask. Our modern-day, demonically infused reprobates are far more culpable because the sheer number of babies, children, women, and other victims of this demon-filled earth are exponentially greater than the ancient cultures of pagans who were equally guilty of carrying out these same atrocities. We modern "civilized" peoples, however, have outdone them all with the sheer number of those who have been sacrificed to Moloch. We are worse because our culture has spread greater, more widespread evil than they ever did. Moloch is laughing. Evil's cup is running over. The masks of civility and deception under which the utterly demonic hid and capered for centuries have been ripped away; and the slobbering, grinning, demonic faces that lurk behind human masks are now all out in the open for everyone to see. No more games. No more hiding. Moloch is here - in the open. Moloch is laughing. We can see his evil face flashing out behind the eyes of the modern-day Bacchantes just as those in ancient pagan cultures suffered his insane hatred, flaring forth from behind the eyes of those whom he has possessed throughout history. Now his evil, demonic face and the gibbering faces of myriads of demonic spirits peer out from behind the eyes of modern reprobates, while hellish voices of insanity spew forth from the mouths of these reprobates who have willingly become human hosts to these wicked entities. We now live in a world that is day by day becoming a hell on earth - an insane asylum of devils roaming the earth, wearing the human skin of those who have willingly given their souls to Moloch. There are no lower depths to which humanity can sink when the vilest of vile actions that have been heretofore hidden away, perpetrated within the darkest caverns of evil, are broadcast openly and shamelessly paraded around in the light without fear and with demonic pride and glee by those who do them - evils such as:
When all of this deep-seated evil becomes mainstream and out in the open, then there are no lower depths to which fallen man can sink. Moloch bides his time. Finally and most abhorrent of all - the most taboo evil of all: the cannibalizing of human flesh, bone, and blood. When these abominations become accepted, paraded around in public, defended, and pushed to be mainstreamed into culture as "normal" behavior, then I say again, there are no lower depths to which mankind can sink. In our day, this is not taking place in a few localized places, but is instead now going on in every nation and in every culture and society throughout the earth. This is why our "modern" culture is worse than either Noah's day or Lot's. This is why we are on the cusp of the very end of human history under Satan's control. Moloch is rising. The Man of Sin, within whom Moloch will one day soon indwell, is being prepared to rise to power and worldwide dominance, preparing to take his place upon the last-days stage in order to fulfill his prophesied destiny. God cannot-WILL NOT allow this hell-spawned evil to stand. His righteous, holy, supremely Just wrath and judgment is coming. Moloch trembles because he knows what is to come. Moloch fears more than anything the roar of the coming Lion of Judah. Here is the evidence that screams that this fallen world is at its very end. Wake up world! Judgment is coming at you like a runaway train down a steep mountainside. Look out world! God's wrath is building - Building - BUILDING. Look up Church! Our Deliverer is coming SOON! Brethren, we will not be here much longer. Like Lot, God CANNOT rain down His judgment, His holy wrath upon Moloch and all his reprobate worshipers in this sin-cursed world, until God's righteous ones are removed first. Look up, body of Christ! LOOK UP! "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Intelligence Report, Iran Much Closer to Nuclear Bomb Than Previously Thought - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - Though I walk among enemies, You preserve me in the face of my foes; You extend Your hand; with Your right hand You deliver me. Psalms 138:7 (The Israel Bible™) As a result of IDF airstrikes against its military bases in Syria, Iran has been forced to transfer its anti-Israel assets to Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon. This effort, involving upgrading hundreds of thousands of missiles, uses nefarious method and may even involve a more imminent nuclear threat than previously thought. Fox News reported on Friday that Western intelligence sources believe Iran has increased its shipments of advanced weapons to the Hezbollah, Iran's terrorist proxy based in Lebanon. It is believed that Iran shipped Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) components to Hezbollah, which will be used to upgrade unguided missiles, turning them into precision guided weapons. Fox reported that one such shipment arrived in Lebanon last Tuesday. This is consistent with claims made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he addressed the United Nations General Assembly in September. Netanyahu warned that Hezbollah was using Lebanese civilians as human shields by hiding missiles in Beirut to be used against Israel. He claimed factories in Lebanon were converting the low-tech missiles into high-tech precision missiles. Following restocking after the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Hezbollah is estimated to have between 100,00 and 150,000 missiles in its arsenal. Most are not believed to be equipped with precision technology. It is believed that Iran transfers at least some of these weapons to Lebanon via civilian airliners. Last month, Israel sent a letter to the Secretary General of the UN accusing Iran of using civilian airliners to smuggle weapons to Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon. The U.S Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued economic sanctions against several of the companies suspected of involvement in transferring weapons. The Iranian missile threat is not limited to Lebanon. In August, Reuters reported that Iran provided Zelzal-3, Fateh-110 and Zolfaqar ballistic missiles with ranges of about 125-435 miles to Shi'ite proxies in Iraq. This would put Israel in range while posing a threat to Saudi Arabia as well. The former head of Israeli Military Intelligence and currently head of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, told Y-Net on Sunday that this was all part of a change in strategy by Iran, moving their assets out of Syria while still threatening Israel. "The Iranians were severely beaten on May 10," Yadlin told Y-Net. "The IDF attacked about 50 targets in Syria where the Iranians were based, it took them some time, but according to my estimates, they changed strategy: instead of basing the precision missile factories in Syria, they decided to do it in Lebanon." The IDF recently admitted to conducting almost 200 airstrikes in Syria last year, most against Iranian military bases, weapons depots, and convoys transporting weapons to Hezbollah. The ability to conduct such strikes is in question after Syrian anti-aircraft systems shot down a Russian military turboprop airplane during an Israeli strike killing 14 Russian servicemen. Russia blamed Israel and responded by providing the Syrian army with the advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile system. Yadlin explained that Iranian missiles in the hands of Hezbollah were a greater threat than missiles in Syria. "It is more problematic for Israel since Israel, to this day, has not attacked the Iranian consolidation in Lebanon or Hezbollah's weaponry, and now there are missile conversion factories. According to the report, these are statistical missiles that strike at a distance of several kilometers. This poses a very difficult dilemma for Israel," Yadlin explained. "If Israel does not do anything, Hassan Nasrallah's organization will turn its order of battle of its statistical missiles and rockets into precision missiles. The price will be paid in war." A recent report indicated that the Iranian nuclear threat was even more precarious than previously thought. The Institute for Science and International Security published a report on Tuesday cited intelligence material collected by the Mossad from an Iranian military warehouse last January. The institute's report claims that the intelligence collected by the Mossad "conclusively shows that the Parchin site did house high explosive chambers capable for use in nuclear weapons research and development." The report concluded that Iran was closer to being able to build a nuclear weapon than previously thought. Nearing Midnight: The Poisoning of Sexual Relationships - Todd Strandberg - The liberal feminist movement has been chewing away at the family and traditional sexual roles for many decades. In the past couple years, we have descended to a point where relations between the sexes have become absolutely toxic. The press is constantly maintaining a mode of sexual crisis by highlighting and blowing out of portion any mistreatment of women. They give full coverage to any woman who is willing to step forward to play the role of victim. I've never seen so many women who are bizarrely eager to share the fact that they were sexually abused at some time in their life. This climate has created an environment where some women are a little too eager to experience assault. A New York woman is facing a significant backlash after she called 911 on a young black boy last week, claiming that he sexually assaulted her inside the Sahara Deli Market. A video taken by a resident captured Teresa Klein apparently on the phone with a 911 operator after she claimed the child had grabbed her buttocks inside the store. The store's surveillance video did not support her claims. She thought the 9-year-old had groped her, but it was actually the child's backpack that brushed up against her. The video was quickly viewed over 8 million times, and it became clear that Klein was a person of questionable sanity. During the incident, she claimed to be a police officer, which was false. After returning to the Sahara Deli Market to watch the video, Klein apologized, telling the boy, "I was wrong." By that time, the damage was done. Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams asked the NYPD to investigate if Klein broke the law by impersonating a police officer, adding, "This incident is a modern-day Emmett Till moment, though the fortunate availability of video footage in this case will hopefully ensure justice is served." The Grievance Study is a group of liberal academics who decided to submit articles filled with absurd leftist nonsense to academic journals to see if the journals could tell the difference between real and fake articles. They recently submitted a rewritten section of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to one of the top feminist journals in the country, Affilia - and Affilia accepted it. When Affilia editors became aware that they'd been had, the journal released a statement that said the article went through two rounds of edits with the authors and reviewers. Affilia made it clear that they just don't post anything; but in doing so, they revealed how interchangeable their thinking is with the Leader of the Third Reich. It is impossible to follow the logic of the #metoo movement, because there is none. If you are someone on the right like Brett Kavanaugh, you can be accused of rape without any evidence. We have stupid statements being made like, "I was raped, so I believe Christine Blasey Ford." When you have people like Bill Clinton on the left, he can do no wrong. Hillary Clinton was on the 'CBS Sunday' Program, and she was asked if her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky while president was an abuse of power. Hillary said no because they were both adults. Five major women's advocacy groups - National Organization for Women, Time's Up, Planned Parenthood, Ultraviolet and Feminist Majority didn't say anything about her remark because they are all part of the same liberal cabal. The worst thing about this sexual abuse is the phony level of concern. North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp's campaign publicly named several women as victims of domestic violence in a cheap shot attack on her opponent. Heitkamp's didn't even bother to get these women's consent, so some of the women have announced they are getting ready to sue the campaign. CNN reported, "The misstep has led some women misidentified in the ad to decry the Democratic candidate and question how their names landed on the list, with one group of women saying they are seeking 'a lawyer who will take our case' because the ad has 'interfered with, or downright ruined, our lives.'" The Bible does not give long-winded advice on how to have proper sexual relationships. The Word of God mostly uses the Golden rule as guidance for maintaining harmony. Until Jesus comes back to restore order, I expect this insanity will only get worse. "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33 NIV). "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.' 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate" (Mark 10:6-9). The Swedish Are Micro-Chipping Themselves By The Thousands - Thousands of people in Sweden are microchipping themselves in an effort to make their daily lives easier and speed up their day but what are the long-term consequences of such actions? According to a report by NPR, the microchips can be used for a plethora of different things. The chips are designed to speed up users' daily routines and make their lives more convenient when accessing their homes, offices, and gyms. The microchips make it is as easy as swiping their hands against digital readers. The microchips can also be used to store emergency contact details, social media profiles, e-tickets for events, and rail journeys within Sweden. At least one scientist is speaking out on the possible negative outcomes of having a massive number of people microchipped. Ben Libberton, a British scientist based in southern Sweden, is among those starting to campaign for lawmakers to keep a closer eye on developments. "What is happening now is relatively safe. But if it's used everywhere, if every time you want to do something and instead of using a card you use your chip, it could be very, very easy to let go of personal information," he says. Libberton, a trained microbiologist now working in science communication, says one of his main concerns is how the chips could be used to share data about our physical health and bodily functions. "Because it's implanted in your body, when more health-related information starts being used and incorporated into the chip and being transmitted -- that could create an extra layer of privacy that we really need to look at and take care of before it's widely used," he says according to NPR. So many in Sweden are signing up to be chipped that the main company producing the microchips says it cannot keep up with the demand for this technology. More than 4,000 Swedes have decided the technology would be perfect for them and have a microchip embedded in their hand, but with one company, Biohax International, dominating the market, demand is outpacing supply. The chipping firm was started five years ago by Jowan Österlund, a former professional body piercer. After spending the last two years working full time on the project, Österlund is currently developing training materials so he can hire Swedish doctors and nurses to help take on some of his heavy workloads. "Having different cards and tokens verifying your identity to a bunch of different systems just doesn't make sense," Österlund says. "Using a chip means that the hyper-connected surroundings that you live in every day can be streamlined." As a result of such changes the amount of hard cash in circulation has decreased by 40 percent in the last 7 years. Sweden is even beginning to look at doing away with physical money in favor of a completely digital currency which may include such a microchip under the skin. Commuters in Sweden are an example of trading cash for convenience as several hundred have already been chipped to be able to use the SJ Rail transit system. The train conductor can then simply read the chip with a smartphone to confirm the passenger has paid for their journey. See the video below: Swedish rail company swaps paper tickets for embedded microchips Although there are advantages to microchip technology, opponents have pointed out a wide range of risks and concerns that come along with it. Infringement on Privacy One of the main concerns about implanting microchips is that it infringes on personal privacy. Even if a person should volunteer for the implant, there is a good chance that they are not fully considering the level of privacy that they are giving up. Furthermore, as in the case with the company in Wisconsin, there could be a certain level of peer or other pressure that may force someone to "volunteer" for the implant. Tracking Along with giving up some level of personal privacy, those that have a microchip implanted are also risking that they could be tracked. Over the past few years, it has become more and more clear how much of our information is being tracked by the major Internet and social media companies. With microchips, depending on the chip's design and how it is programmed, a company could track even more of your daily life, including your location, how much time you spend sleeping, and what you spend your money on. It also remains to be seen how this accumulation of data could be used against you in the future. There has already been proposals to use microchip implant tracking with criminals and immigration procedures and while these past proposals might have failed it is only a matter of time before they come up again. Hacking Another concern that many people have is that there will always be a risk of hacking into the microchips and databases. Although microchip implants are considered to be very secure and difficult to break into, hackers always seem to be a step ahead of security measures. If someone is able successfully to hack into your microchip account, they may be able to replicate your chip. In these situations, it would be incredibly easy for a hacker to easily steal your identity and make major purchases in your name. Big Brother The fourth concern about microchip technology is that it is just the first step towards a "Big Brother" society that is depicted in the book "1984". In the novel, all people in a fictional society are chipped and tracked on an ongoing basis, as there is an utter loss of freedom. Even though the current use of the microchips may seem extremely limited compared to the uses depicted in the novel, it clearly could be a first step in that terrifying direction. It is easy to see a few positive benefits to chipping. Animals have long been chipped as a means of inventory and disease control, to say nothing of recovering lost or stolen pets. Persons with compromised mental capacity, e.g. Alzheimer's, who wander off and get lost could greatly benefit from having a chip. An NBC News report last year asserted the microchipping of children will happen "sooner rather than later" due to parental safety concerns and that Americans will eventually accept the process as something just as normal as the barcode. "It's not a matter of if it will happen, but when," electronics expert Stuart Lipoff told the network. Pre-Conditioning For The "Mark" of Revelation The Book of Revelation warns that during the Tribulation every person will be required to accept a mark which will signify worship of a one world leader and be necessary for commerce: "And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark -- the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six". Revelation 13:16-18 Most Christians recognize that current chip implants are not the actual "mark of the beast", yet there is concern that acceptance of such technology is conditioning people for when the real one does come along. What often starts off as voluntary can just as easily become mandatory and whereas tech itself may be neutral, in the hands of the wrong person it could be extremely dangerous. Imagine the technology of today in the hands of Hitler. Christians have long debated the meaning of the "mark of the beast". Our generation, however, appears to be the first to have the technology to fulfill this prophecy. Soon, you may have to answer the question: 'would you get chipped'? Daily Jot: Invasion of America - Bill Wilson - Mexican authorities are now saying that the mob of invaders being escorted to the US border by Mexican law enforcement now total in the neighborhood of 14,000. This is just not your everyday mob of illegal anarchists. It has been reported from reliable sources that mixed in with the invaders are members of the violent extremist MS-13 gang and possible terrorists from the Middle East, Africa, and Bangladesh. The mob is also a haven for drug traffickers, kidnappers, sex slave and human traffickers and other criminals. Is it no coincidence that the invaders expected time of arrival at the US border is election day and that the Democratic Party is largely silent about this impending breech of national security? While admitting that there are criminals, previously deported illegals, MS-13 gang members and even terrorists in the advancing mob, the leftist news media, seemingly speaking from the same talking points as the Democratic Party candidates and officeholders, say that the growing mob is comprised of refugees. Open borders advocate and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos says, "The vast majority of these people are not criminals. They're not terrorists. And they're not even immigrants. They're refugees. And as a nation in the United States, we have to choose what kind of nation we are and treat them with respect. We cannot pre-judge them. We cannot say all of them are criminals...that is not true. So what we have to do is listen to them, hear their cases, and if they deserve political asylum, then grant it to them." David Frum of the Atlantic reported, "In the Democrats' liberal base, the mood toward the caravan is positively sympathetic. The caravan's slogan, "People without borders," chimes with the rising sentiment among liberals that border-enforcement is inherently illegitimate, and usually racist, too." And that's where it comes down. House and Senate Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Charles Schumer (NY) issued a joint statement on October 20 to Democratic Party candidates urging them to ignore efforts to discuss immigration. They said, "The president is desperate to change the subject from health care to immigration because he knows that health care is the number one issue Americans care about." Despite the Democratic Party wanting open borders and advocating for illegals to vote, the Bible is very clear about how to handle immigrants. Exodus 22:21 says, "You shall neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him." This is repeated in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. In context, Exodus 12:49 says, "One law shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the foreigner who sojourns among you." This is also repeated in Numbers and Leviticus.One law for all. In this context it is God's law, but these people neither want to submit to the laws of the nation or to God's laws. If they enter here illegally, they have broken the law as their first act. Hard as it is, policymakers must address this, otherwise our country is in danger of becoming a lawless society and both our national and personal security is compromised. Daily Devotion: The Commitment of a Lifetime - By Greg Laurie - Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. -Genesis 2:24 You can take almost every social ill in our culture today and trace it back to a broken home. The other day I was reading a couple of articles about sex trafficking and how young girls get pulled into this lifestyle. Sometimes guys will follow them on social media and look for weaknesses in their lives. When a girl talks about being unhappy or lonely, he'll start preying on her and make contact with her in some way, like instant messaging. Then guys will take these young girls, many of whom are underage, get them drunk or high, and have sex with them. They take pictures of them and threaten to blackmail them with the photos unless the girls do what they tell them to. Suddenly the girls are caught inside a vortex and become victims of sex trafficking. In every instance where a girl fell prey to this lifestyle, she came from a broken home. Sometimes a couple will ask, "Should we stay together for the sake of the kids?" Yes, that's a good reason. The kids matter, because the decisions you make have ramifications for generations to come. But I have another reason couples should stay together: because God said so. Of all the pictures that God could have chosen to show His love for the world, of all the pictures that God could have chosen to show how much His church loves Him, He chose marriage (see Ephesians 5:25). In marriage you feel a lot of love at first, and then it ebbs and flows. It changes and you change and your spouse changes and life changes-but you honor that commitment. Your emotions will catch up with your commitment in time. The point is that you keep that commitment throughout your lifetime. Stay together for life. FROM THE HEART
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