Prophecy Update Newsletter
America's Declining Morals - By Daymond Duck - The list of Bible prophecy teachers that say America is in end-of-the-age Bible prophecy is impressive. Speculation abounds as to why (moral decline, economic collapse, sneak attack, etc.). Most of the items in this article are about America's declining morals. One, on Oct. 18, 2020, Dave Hodges reported that Pres. Trump recently said that if he is re-elected, vaccinations for the Coronavirus will not be made mandatory. I cannot predict who will get elected, but I pray that vaccinations will not be mandated. Two, on Oct. 15, 2020, it was reported that Kris Jacks, a member of the Colorado Democratic Party Executive Committee was videoed and taped by undercover reporters with cameras and microphones saying, "I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win (the election). I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that's morally acceptable in this political environment." He suggested that there might be a violent reaction if Trump wins. Three, on Oct. 14, 2020, it was reported that Kamala Harris has ties to Muslim groups (Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood) that have been designated as terrorist organizations, and Joe Biden has been endorsed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that has ties with convicted terrorists. Please explain to me why some Democrats attacked Amy Coney Barrett's Catholic religion at the same time that they are accepting the religion of Muslims in public office and on their staffs. Four, some critics have started referring to the Bidens as the "Biden crime family." In 2014, Hunter Biden was given an absurdly high-paying executive position (86,000 dollars per month for five months) on the board of a corrupt gas company called Burisma in Ukraine. In 2015, Hunter Biden introduced an official of the corrupt gas company (Burisma) to his father, and the Burisma official sent an e-mail to Hunter Biden thanking him for arranging the meeting that allowed him to spend some time with then Vice Pres. Joe Biden in Washington, D.C. A spokesperson for the Biden campaign said there is no official record of the meeting, but that does not mean there wasn't a secret off-the-record meeting. In 2016, the Ukraine government was investigating the corruption at Burisma and, at the same time, seeking U.S. loan guarantees for a one-billion-dollar loan. Vice Pres. Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine and threatened to deny the loan guarantees if the Ukraine government did not halt the investigation of corruption at Burisma (Biden is on video bragging about shutting it down). In 2019, the FBI allegedly seized an abandoned laptop computer that was originally left at a repair shop with Hunter Biden's name on it, several photos and personal information of the Biden family on it, an e-mail thanking Hunter Biden for arranging the meeting between the Burisma official and Vice-Pres. Biden on it, other Biden e-mails, and more (information that proves that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden. Fox News said it has confirmed that the laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden's laptop, and the Biden family has not denied that it is Hunter Biden's laptop. The repair order has Hunter Biden's phone number, e-mail address and signature on it.) Joe Biden denies speaking to Hunter about any of this, but Hunter Biden said they have spoken about it. (Someone is lying. It has also been reported that one e-mail in 2017 shows that Hunter Biden received ten million dollars from a Chinese billionaire just for introducing him to then Vice-Pres. Joe Biden. It has been reported that the e-mail says Hunter had a consulting contract worth ten million dollars a year for three years and Joe Biden got part of the money. Some are calling it a "pay to play" scheme.) By 2020, the Bidens had accumulated millions of dollars from Ukraine, China and Russia, but despite that, Hunter Biden was asked to address the Democratic Convention about his father's honesty. Perhaps, this explains how the Biden family (father and sons) got so wealthy while Joe Biden was a Senator and Vice-Pres. (Follow the money.) If Joe Biden is the Democratic Party, as he claims to be, then the Democratic Party appears to be in moral decline. It remains to be seen, but if Biden is the next leader of the so-called free world, it is my opinion that he will pave the way for a corrupt global leader (the Antichrist). Think about the seriousness of this. Joe Biden supports globalism, open borders, the global warming farce, the global ethic, the gay agenda, wealth-redistribution, socialized medicine, gun control, etc. Voting for Joe Biden is almost the same thing as voting for the Antichrist. The Republican Party has its problems too, but it appears to be worse in the Democrat Party. I recently read that 70% of Republicans (a majority) believe in the God of the Bible, but only 45% of Democrats do (less than half). This is why the Democrats removed all references to God from their party platform. These are facts that will affect our family, the Church, our nation, and the world. Five, when the Biden-corruption story broke, Facebook and Twitter censored it. (Facebook's Election Integrity Expert was an advisor to former Vice-Pres. Biden, and it has been shown that more than 90% of the money that Twitter and Facebook employees donated to politicians in 2020 went to Democrats.) It is time for Congress to do more than give lip-service to its dealings with Facebook, Twitter and Google. They appear to be deliberately and selectively suppressing freedom of speech. I am receiving e-mails from reliable Christian ministries with warnings that they may contain harmful content. When I click on links to some Christian websites, I occasionally receive warnings that they may be dangerous. If social media is suppressing newspapers, YouTube videos, Christian ministries, U.S. Senators, etc., they will eventually suppress anyone that they disagree with. Deception is an end-of-the-age sign, and it exists in the highest places of the social media as well as our government. Note: On Oct. 18, 2020, it was reported that the EU and Japan will join forces with the U.S. in a crackdown on big-tech companies. Six, Pres. Trump is being blamed for ruining the U.S. economy and causing high unemployment during the Coronavirus Crisis. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for the month of August (the latest available data) show that 9 of the 10 states with the lowest unemployment have Republican governors, and 9 of the 10 states with the highest unemployment have Democrat governors. One can only conclude that unemployment in Democrat-run states is worse because they want the economy to fail so they can blame it on Trump. Lower unemployment is one reason why citizens are moving from Democrat-run states to Republican- run states. Seven, about two days after this article is sent to the editor, there will be another debate between Pres. Trump and former Vice-Pres. Biden, and it is being reported that the debate moderator's family has donated large sums of money to Democrats (something stinks at the Debate Commission). Eight, on Oct. 17, 2020, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) said, "There is both a fundamental need and an increasingly widespread demand for a new kind of capitalism." He called for a "Great Reset" of economies, politics and societies. (They want wealth redistribution, world government, and world religion.) Nine, famine, pestilences, and an economic collapse will kill billions of people during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 6:5-8). On Oct. 15, 2020, officials at the International Monetary Fund warned that the Coronavirus Crisis will have a long-lasting impact on the global economy in the form of greater unemployment, greater debt, and increased poverty (things that cause hunger and disease). Ten, God said the days will come when the plowman will overtake the reaper (Amos 9:13) and there will be crops in the desert (Isa. 35, 41), etc., and this is happening in Israel right now. But it is interesting to note that one of the main things the UAE and Bahrain want from their "treaty of peace" with Israel is the technology to produce food in the desert. Eleven, concerning a covenant of peace that will be confirmed by the Antichrist, we are not there yet, but Pres. Trump has received his fourth nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to get a final peace treaty in the Middle East. Twelve, I have felt uneasy about the political nature of my articles lately, but an Oct. 13, 2020, Pew Research poll found that 78% of Evangelical Christians support Trump and Pence because of their bold pro-life, pro-religious, pro-law-and-order, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Israel policies. The fact that almost 4 out of 5 Evangelical Christians (including Franklin Graham) support Trump tells me there is a big difference between the two candidates. In conclusion, it is obvious that America is in a moral decline or the "Biden Crime Family" would have no chance to be elected. If he is elected, the results will be bittersweet. Bitter because the Tribulation Period, world government, world religion, tracking all buying and selling, etc., are very close. Sweet because the Rapture is even closer. God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was buried and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] Trump says, Saudi Arabia next in line for Peace with Israel leading to potential End-of-Days Temple Mount Showdown - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - You will then invoke your god by name, and I will invoke Hashem by name; and let us agree: the god who responds with fire, that one is Hashem." And all the people answered, "Very good!" Kings 18:24 (The Israel BibleTM) With only a few days remaining until the elections, President Trump announced yet another unprecedented peace deal normalizing relations between Israel and a former enemy. One rabbi describes how these agreements are bringing us closer to an end-of-days showdown between the 'Sons of Keturah" and the Jews. And according to the midrash, it doesn't work out the way you might expect. PEACE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND SUDAN WITH MANY MORE EXPECTED On Friday evening, President Trump announced that Israel and Sudan have reached an agreement that will lead to establishing normalized relations between the two countries. The deal was finalized in a phone conference between the president, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, and Transitional Council Head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. In the wake of the agreement, the State Department will remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism after it pays $335million it had pledged to pay in compensation to the victims of al-Qaeda attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. Sudan fought in wars against Israel in 1948 and 1967, provided a haven for Palestinian guerrilla groups, and is suspected of sending Iranian arms to Palestinian militants in Gaza several years ago. At the same time, Trump announced that there are currently five more countries that will be announcing normalization agreements with Israel. "This will be the third country where we're doing this - and we have many, many more coming," Trump said. Netanyahu said, "Sudanese and Israel delegates will soon be meeting to discuss cooperation in many areas including agriculture, trade and other important areas for our citizens. Sudanese airspace is now open to Israel. This allows for shorter direct flights between Israel and Africa and South America." IS SAUDI ARABIA NEXT? In his remarks, the president hinted that Saudi Arabia is considering a similar move. "We have many countries as you know getting ready and I'm also sure you'll see we also have Saudi Arabia in there very soon," Trump said from the Oval Office. "I really believe that will happen too. And very good relations with Saudi Arabia. You'll see something very special. This is very special. But we are going to be signing numerous countries in the not too distant future so that'll be great. President Trump did not rule out a similar agreement that would include Iran conditioned upon their abandoning a path towards nuclear genocide against Israel. "Whoever is cheering death to Israel cannot obtain nuclear weapons," he stated. "I would like to help Iran and return it to its correct course, but they must abandon nuclear weapons." END OF DAYS SHOWDOWN ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end-of-days author, emphasized that such agreements served a spiritual as well as a political purpose. "When Jews go out into exile, it is to gather the sparks of holiness that belong to the Jewish people that were scattered," Rabbi Winston said. "When the last sparks of holiness are returned, the exile ends and the Jews leave the place. In the case of Iran, or more accurately Persia, this was accomplished for the most part by Mordechai and Esther. A few more sparks may have been gathered until the time of the Shah." "Iran is an empty shell today. That is why they hate Israel; they are jealous of our holiness. The same is true of the elements in Europe and the US who have an unreasoning hatred of Israel. The final sparks of holiness are gone so they hate us for the obvious holiness that is here." "These trade agreements that Israel is signing with the Arab countries is a way for us to access the final sparks that are left there." Rabbi Winston explained that the Abraham Accords are presenting an unprecedented reality: Jews and Arabs praying side by side on the Temple Mount. Though perplexing to some, this phenomenon is consistent with a prediction made in Jewish literature concerning the Temple Mount in the end-of-days. Rabbi Winston cited a midrash brought in the book Pirke Eliyahu. In the midrash, the Bnei Keturah (sons of Keturah) come to the Temple Mount in the end of days. Keturah was a concubine of Abraham. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham married Keturah after the death of his first wife, Sarah. Abraham and Keturah had six sons. The medieval Jewish commentator Rashi, and some previous rabbinical commentators, related a traditional belief that Keturah was the same person as Hagar. According to the Pirke Eliyahu, the Bnei Keturah will be friendly with the Jews in the end of days and will invite them to a contest on the Temple Mount similar to the contest held by Elijah the Prophet on the Carmel against the Priests of Baal. The Bnei Keturah and the Jews each bring a sacrifice. Whoever's sacrifice is not accepted must convert to the other religion. Shockingly, the Midrash states that fire comes down from heaven and consumes the sacrifice of the Bnei Keturah, indicating that their sacrifice was accepted. "This will be the final test of the Jewish people," Rabbi Winston said. "Many will convert but a small contingent will call out 'Shema yisrael, hashem elokenu, hashem echad' (Hear O Israel, God is our Lord, God is one). They will go out into the desert. Messiah will be among them. 45 days later things turn around and in the end, it is clear that the Jews are God's Chosen." "The midrash makes it seem that they were on a friendly basis to have such a dialogue," Rabbi Winston said. "The fact that they call it the Abraham Accords is amazing. It is clear Divine Providence pointing right at this Midrash. This agreement could never have happened even five years ago." "I don't know how well the Abraham Accords will serve us. We can only know what our eyes tell us but we have to leave room for what we don't know, for what prophecy brings." Israel Watch: Biden's Middle East - Jim Fletcher - It must be weird to live in another reality. Or, more accurately, a false reality. The LA Times, clinging to the fantasy that Joe Biden is anything other than an historically weak candidate for president, projects what might happen to "Arab-Israeli peace" if Biden wins the White House. As we've said many times, the disastrous, corrupt Oslo deal gave the PLO 25 years to play games and hurt Israel. Swamp Creatures like Biden propped-up this disaster for a quarter-century. It failed in every way, rewarding the murder of Jews while coddling the murderers. But the LA Times dreams of returning to disaster: "If he wins the presidential election, Joe Biden will find a Middle East quite different from the one at the end of the Obama administration. "'Nuclear threats may once again be on the horizon in Iran. Militant groups are on the ascendance in Lebanon and Yemen. And Israelis and Palestinians stand further away from settling their conflict than they have in a long time. "Biden says his first task will be repairing much of what he and his supporters consider to be the damage done by President Trump, who demolished long-standing norms and decades of U.S. policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "'Joe Biden will benefit just by not being President Trump,' Biden's top foreign policy advisor Tony Blinken said in a recent interview. 'That is the opening opportunity.'" Notice that the Times editors do not acknowledge that Obama's Middle East was a brush fire. Beginning in 2011, Obama enacted curious policies aimed at undermining Middle East stability. I will just throw this out there, but he did exactly what a Shiite entity like Iran would want done. When Trump entered office by taking on Iran head-on, conditions ripened that are now bearing fruit; only today, Sudan announced it would normalize relations with Israel! Career diplomats in the West, and editors and reporters hate that, because it eliminates the need for...them. Without chaos and continual meddling, they are irrelevant. Now, notice what Biden's typists at the Times really long for: "'I think the best we can hope for from a Biden government is undoing a lot of the damage and doing no more harm, while giving the Palestinians space to get their own house in order,' said Khaled Elgindy, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, a Washington think tank, and director of the Palestine and Israeli-Palestinian affairs program. Space to get their house in order? The Palestinians had 25 years to get their house in order. Even long before that, they were tolerated, coddled, and affirmed by the West. Munich '72? The Six Day War? Hijackings? The Palestinians got a pass for decades. What is needed is space for new agreements to flourish, if they are going to. Biden is thoroughly corrupt. A hollow, craven grifter that cares for no one but no. 1. I do not believe he has a chance to overturn Trump's achievements, but take nothing for granted. Vote on Nov. 3! [email protected] Are we going to witness the worst national emotional meltdown in U.S. history once this election is over? - by Michael Snyder - Right now we are experiencing the calm before the storm. Many Biden supporters believe that a Trump victory would literally be the worst thing that could possibly happen to our country, but at the moment most of them are quite confident that Biden will win. Likewise, many Trump supporters are absolutely convinced that we will plunge into a horrifying socialist abyss if Biden wins, but for now most of them are convinced that the polls are wrong and that Trump will pull out another victory in November. So with just a little over a week until Election Day, most Americans that really care about politics are pacified because they believe that a positive outcome is right around the corner. But soon that will change, and tens of millions of Americans will simultaneously melt down emotionally right in front of our eyes. I think that just about everyone realizes that this national temper tantrum is coming. It is just that most of those that deeply care about politics assume that it will happen to the other side. At this point, even Facebook is preparing for the worst. In fact, they are getting ready to implement "emergency measures" that are usually reserved for the most "at-risk" countries... As the U.S. braces for election-related unrest next month, Facebook executives are implementing emergency measures reserved for "at-risk" countries in a company-wide effort to bring down the online temperature. The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that the social media giant plans to limit the spread of viral content and lower the benchmark for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts using internal tools previously deployed in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. So what would those "emergency measures" look like? Well, that could potentially even include manipulating your news feed to alter what sort of content you are allowed to see... Facebook has a number of options it could take including "slowing the spread of viral content and lowering the bar for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts" and "tweaking the news feed to change what types of content users see," the Wall Street Journal reported. Of course Facebook has already been manipulating our news feeds for a very long time, but that is a topic for another article. Personally, I absolutely detest all of the censorship that the big social media companies have been doing, and I am not surprised that they are preparing to go even further. According to Facebook, these new "emergency measures" will be implemented if there is "election-related violence"... However, the social media colossus only plans to put these restrictions in place in the event of election-related violence (something many others are fearful of and preparing for). However, during a staff meeting CEO Mark Zuckerberg said "a decisive victory from someone" could "be helpful for clarity and for not having violence or civil unrest after the election" which would reduce Facebook's need to step in. Considering the fact that we are seeing election-related violence almost constantly now, I would say that there is a pretty good chance that Facebook will actually proceed with these emergency measures. Meanwhile, the Washington Post is also deeply concerned about what this election may do to our nation. In a very long article that they just published, they discussed the fact that both sides are convinced that "the wrong outcome will bring disaster"... One week before Americans choose their path forward, the quadrennial crossroads reeks of despair. In almost every generation, politicians pose certain elections as the most important of their time. But the 2020 vote is taking place with the country in a historically dark mood - low on hope, running on spiritual empty, convinced that the wrong outcome will bring disaster. "I've never seen anything like it," said Frank Luntz, a Republican political consultant who has been convening focus groups of undecided voters for seven presidential cycles. "Even the most balanced, mainstream people are talking about this election in language that is more caffeinated and cataclysmic than anything I've ever heard." Emotions were definitely running high in 2016, but we have never seen anything quite like this. Most Democrats believe that Trump and his supporters are deeply evil, and likewise most Republicans believe that Biden and his supporters are deeply evil. And of course there are also many that are entirely convinced that all of them are deeply evil. When you have a nation that is this deeply divided, how is anyone ever going to be able to bring us together in unity? It has been said that a house divided with surely fall, and at this point our divisions have brought us to the verge of national collapse. Here is more from the Washington Post... But now, the worry on the right that a Democratic win would plunge the nation into catastrophic socialism and the fear on the left that a Trump victory would produce a turn toward totalitarianism have created "a perilous moment - the idea that if the other side wins, we're in for it," said Peter Stearns, a historian of emotions at George Mason University. "The two sides have come to view each other not as opponents, but as deeply evil," he said. "And that's happening when trust in institutions has collapsed and each group is choosing not to live near each other. It seems there's no middle ground." But as I pointed out at the beginning of this article, for now both sides are relatively calm because they both believe that they are going to end up winning. In 2016, the big national polls were dead wrong and Trump pulled out a close victory when the mainstream media had assured everyone that it was inevitable that Hillary Clinton would win. And once again this year there are indications that the big national polls may be flawed and that Trump may be doing significantly better than the mainstream media is telling us. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton never came close to the 50 percent mark in most national polls in 2016, and Joe Biden has consistently been above that level in recent weeks. Democratic operatives would have us believe that indicates that there are far fewer undecided voters this time around. So I guess we will just have to wait until the real results start coming in to see who was right and who was wrong. Because so many Americans are voting by mail, it is going to take a lot longer than usual to count all the votes, and a number of key swing states are likely to be very close. If the results are close enough, it may take weeks before we have an official winner. Once an official winner is finally declared, there will be tens of millions of Americans in deep emotional pain. When all of those deeply hurting people start lashing out, you won't want to be anywhere around. Daily Jot: Joe-We are not victims-We are Americans - Bill Wilson - Dear Joe, your performance at the last debate was not only typical of a party-machine politician with all the trimmings, it was offensive to me and should be to every middle-class American. As you pandered into the camera, you said that the debate is "about your family, and your family is hurting badly. If you're a middle class family, you're getting hurt badly now. You're sitting at the kitchen table this morning deciding, well, we can't get new tires, they're bald, because we have to wait another month or so, or are we going to be able to pay the mortgage, or whose going to tell her she can't go back to community college. Those are the decisions you're making." Well, Mr. out-of-touch millionaire, neither me nor my family are victims. Yes, we make decisions. My car with nearly 140,000 miles needed $3,000 in repairs last week. I'm not asking the government to pay for that. I am an American. I make my own bed and I sleep in it. I don't need the government's nose in my relationships, nor do I need you butting in on whether I can pay my mortgage or buy tires or what I discuss around my kitchen table. Or what I have to wear. All my kids that wanted to go to college, by the grace of God, did it. And those who didn't are successful anyway because they are hard workers, self-reliant, God-fearing, good kids. Your government had nothing to do with it, except for putting those who did go to college in nearly a life-time of debt with government loans that didn't make school cheaper, but lined some leftists' pockets at my kid's expense. They are not victims. They are Americans. Being an American is not an idea as you recently said. It is an ideal. It is the belief that through our hard work, rugged individualism, lovingkindness to our neighbors, and treating others how we want to be treated, we come together as a nation. We share in life's struggles. We help each other when we need to. We raise our kids the best we can, teaching them God's values, which also should be American values. We work hard for our money, and we don't try to scam people with influence peddling and under the table bribes or winks. We are the backbone of America. Yes, the middle-class family. The farmers, front-line workers, laborers, mid-level professionals, small business owners who make this nation great. We are not victims. We are Americans. You seem to think that the government should be involved in every decision we make. You believe that government is the answer to every problem we as Americans face. The fact is, government is the problem. Stay out of our lives except to keep things fair. Take care of national security. But you can't even do that. You say be tough on China. Yet, you and your son have taken millions from the communist Chinese for access to our, what-OH, our government. How can you with a straight face say you will be tough on China and protect our national security? We have a problem here, Joe. You see, government is not my God. As my Lord and Savior said in Mark 12:17, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Take your government and leave my family to God. We are not victims. We are Americans. Daily Devotion: Look What God Did! - by Greg Laurie - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. -Hebrews 13:8 - Listen My wife keeps a journal of answered prayers. She said to me the other day, "One year ago, do you know what we were dealing with?" As she told me about it, I realized I had forgotten. Then she said, "We prayed, and look what the Lord did." It's good to reflect on the things God has done for us. In Exodus 17, we find the Israelites at a place called Rephidim. By this time, they've had their meat. They've had their manna. And now they want something to drink. So they began complaining to Moses, saying, "Give us water to drink! . . . Why did you bring us out of Egypt? Are you trying to kill us, our children, and our livestock with thirst?" (verse 3 NLT). They weren't reflecting on all that God had done for them. He spared them from slavery, and He didn't allow the plagues in Egypt to come upon them. He parted the Red Sea, and He destroyed the Egyptian army. Then He led them step-by-step through the wilderness with the best GPS ever: fire by night and a cloud by day. He fed them with manna. Yet they complained. If you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, think about what God has done for you. First, He saved you from Hell. He brought you out of darkness into His light. He forgave all your sin. He filled you with the Holy Spirit. He has provided for you, He has guided you, and He has protected you. Maybe He has even healed you. Remember that when things aren't making sense. Remember that whenever you're tempted to say that God has abandoned you. No, He hasn't. God was with you yesterday, He is with you today, and He will be there for you tomorrow. FROM THE HEART
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