Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Mark of the Beast: Part III - Pete Garcia - The Mark - Part III Imagine your next trip to the supermarket. You spend a couple of hours loading your cart up with goodies, you go to check out and your card is declined. How do you feel? Embarrassed, and then angry? Especially when you KNOW you have money in the bank. So next, you excuse yourself real quick and you run over to an ATM to draw some cash out, but the same thing happens, no money and no service. Now what? Maybe you'll call the bank and give them a good 'whatfor' or you'll just tell the teller that something has come up and you will not be needing the groceries, either way, you walk out empty-handed. Now imagine, that you can't do ANYTHING from filling up your car with gas to paying your bills because your currency is no longer valid. Oh, and by the way, your no longer receiving a paycheck from your employer. You have to have this thing put on your hand or forehead to buy, sell, pay bills, buy groceries, hold a job, pay your mortgage, or anything else that requires a financial transaction for goods or services rendered. That's what it will be like when this kicks off inside the Tribulation. Men, women, families once of good standing (with excellent credit scores to boot) suddenly find themselves the people they once looked down on with pity. But, all you have to do is put this new mark put on your forehead or hand (it really is painless) and all of your former luxuries will be restored. Oh, and by the way, once you do this, you'll be making the WORST decision in the history of mankind. At best, you'll be trading in 7 years of comfort, for eternity in torment and darkness. At worst, you probably won't even live out the full 7 years. Sounds like a bargain huh? Well, there is coming a day and age when this will become reality. Oh, it may not happen lickety-split overnight, but changes are coming. Kinda like how the music industry quit making cassette tapes and moved over to Compact Discs. At some point, all the cassette tapes are relegated to the dust bin and no one is making them anymore. You have NO choice but to buy a new radio that plays CDs. Or like when television left analog and went strictly digital. Did you have any say in it? No. When the time comes for this 'new and improved' way of living/shopping/security/freedom comes about, either you get on board or you get left behind. And by behind, I mean, utterly left to either starve or be killed by a tyrannical government. There is really great article that does an outstanding job in covering this topic. My intent here is not to reveal some deeply hidden mystery that only I am privy to (cause I'm not), but to share some thoughts peripheral to this event. With the body of Christ removed at the Rapture, what semblance of organized "Christianity" that remains, will be both Christ-less and incapable of offering a path to salvation that holds to its ecumenical swayings. I offered up Roman Catholicism, simply because they're the most global "Christian" organization in the world. They've not shown any qualms or regret in the past in either killing true believers (Crusades, Inquisitions) or from embracing non-Christian beliefs in order to stay relevant (Paganism/Islam). Chrislam anyone? Mormonism may play a prominent role in this time as well, since they share such a striking similarity to Islam, embracing both universalism and to an extent, pantheism and will probably be the most organized and intact American religious system left standing, post-Rapture. Either way, what is left is an empty shell of pure religiosity that will be used as a tool to prepare the world to worship the satanically indwelt Antichrist himself. That leaves only the practical matter of enforcement of said worship. The mark is not just a system of worship; it is a system of control. Satan is not God, and at best, can only try to mimic God which is what he attempts to do with the mark. God has and does mark those that belong to Himself. (Deut 6:8; Ez 9:4; 2 Cor 1:21-22; Eph 1:13; Rev 7:3) Satan counters with a system that is emplaced by the Antichrist as a logical, pragmatic choice to many of the world's problems. The world's economic systems are currently being shaken down so that it only leaves the mark as the only practical solution. How does the world get out of the current financial quagmire that it is in? It is completely unrealistic to think the US could pay off 16 Trillion dollars (let alone 65 Trillion in unfunded liabilities). Our citizens have become dependent on many of the entitlement programs that have put a majority of the country on life-support. If the government threatened to; a) impose huge cuts to MEDICAID, MEDICARE, Welfare, and Social Security in order to pay down the debt, or b) move off the dollar to a new system where no cuts were needed, I believe the US population would overwhelmingly elect the latter. Greece, Paris, and London are just tiny microcosms of what we could expect in every major city, if strict austerity measures were put in place. But it's not only the US but the entire world that finds itself in the same debt-laden boat. The problem with the US though, is that we are supposed to be the big pole in the tent that holds up the whole show. If we go down, (as a witness to the 2008 financial collapse) we'll drag the world down with us. Nations like Brazil, Russia, China, and France have only recently expressed openly, a desire to move away from the dollar into a basket of currencies. Whether it is a digital credit, special drawing rights, or a new currency altogether such as the Phoenix, they will all fail. That is not my opinion on the matter that comes straight out of the Bible. The world ends up in one global system, run by one man, using one currency. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 The Man Many theories are out there as to who this man (Antichrist) is. Speculation aside, there is only one man named in scriptures whose number adds up to 666, and that is through the number of family members he has. "The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six." Ezra 2:13 This man's descendants were among those Jews that had been taken captive by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar, and these were the remnant who was returning to Jerusalem at the end of their captivity. I do not know if one of this man's descendants turns out to be the Antichrist or the False Prophet, but I do know that the Jews would never accept a man as Messiah who was not Jewish. All we really know is that the Apostle Paul stated that he (the Antichrist) would not be revealed until the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is removed (2 Thess 2:7-8). But to point out one last thing, Paul called the Antichrist the 'Son of Perdition'. The only other person called that in scriptures was Judas Iscariot (John 17:12). It's not any stretch of the imagination to assume that Paul was familiar with who Judas was, and what he did. If we are to remain true to the symbolism used in Revelation, we then understand that in Chapter 13, the Beast that rises up out of the sea (sea=gentile nations) is a Gentile. The Beast that rises up out of the land (land=Israel) is a Jew (the False Prophet). Maybe the False Prophet is hailed as the Messiah, but he, in turn, directs worship to the Antichrist who the Jews reject (for not being Jewish) which is why he commits the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in Matthew 24:15 and 2 Thessalonians 2:4 like his much earlier predecessor Antiochus Epiphanes IV (Daniel 11:30-32). But those refusing to worship him will have to suffer death or starvation for not receiving the mark since they will not be able to buy or sell. In order for that to be a threat, the technology first needs to exist to make that possible. We've spent the last 40 years being primed for this kind of system. From the gold standard to the fiat system at a national level to the personal desensitization through the use of credit and debit cards, online banking, and moving the society off of cash to plastic. We've also had the conditioning in place by getting us used to instant (food, service, and solutions) and by marketing and advertisements that continually sell us the notion that we deserve the best, and nothing less will do. The mark of the beast will obviously not be labeled as such, nor its consequences, but will be presented as the most logical, reasonable way forward in troubled times. We know that the mark is not used prior to the Tribulation, so whatever technologies are currently out there today (and there are many now that could fit the bill) are just being staged for the right 'crisis' to implement them when the time is right. Assuming that the Rapture of the Church is the trigger that causes the worldwide chaos, I foresee a couple of possible avenues. * If the Rapture is a standalone event, aside from the immediate effects of wrecks, looting, fires, etc.. it will trigger an economic avalanche of panic in the US due to the sudden removal of millions of consumers, employers, employees, tax/mortgage/bill payers that will put the already fragile economy into panic mode. The government will bypass the constitution and move to join an economic union. * If the Rapture is accompanied by some other cataclysmic event (EMP/Solar storm, nuclear or dirty bomb, or mega-thrust earthquake), the US may cede control of the government to the EU "temporarily" until the US can get back on its feet. For those who are not taken in the Rapture, they can expect to be subjugated from the Wrath of the Lamb and an onslaught of satanic terror here on earth. For those who fall in line and take the mark, they can expect the following: * Eternal damnation (Rev 14:11) * Drink from the cup of indignation (unmixed) the wine of the wrath of God (Rev 14:10) * Grievous Sores (Rev 16:2) * Torment on earth (painful darkness, heat, 100 lb hailstones) (Rev 16:8, 10-11, 21) Is it worth it? Are even the worst 7 years of your life worth an eternity in hell, let alone the hell on earth you will face if you 'opt-out' for a few years of momentary comfort here on earth? Would you spend a million dollars on a car that you could only drive for a day? Probably not, so why would you take something infinitely worse? The technology exists today, the hour is late, and our Lord and Savior is returning just like He said He would. "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Revelation 22:12 A New Nuclear Deal with Iran? - by Peter Huessy - Both US contenders of the presidency, the incumbent Donald J. Trump and the challenger, former Vice-President Joe Biden, have indicated that no matter what the election results are around November 3, they intend to negotiate with Iran. Even if the United States secured a new nuclear agreement with Iran, or resuscitated the old one, what makes anyone think that Iran would honor a deal any more than it honored the last ones? US choices seem to come down to : (1) keeping the current JCPOA, a seriously deficient semi-agreement that, contrary to what was promised by the Obama administration -- that it would prevent Iran from having a nuclear bomb, instead leads straight to Iran's having as many as it would like; or (2) pin US hopes on a wholesale campaign of diplomatic, political, and economic sanctions against Iran in the hope that Iran might secure an internally generated revolution and overthrow the mullah's regime. There are those who say that the current nuclear deal is the best option for the United States. They assert without a doubt that going back to the JCPOA will bring Iran into complete compliance with a non-nuclear future. One adherent of such an approach is apparently former Vice President Joe Biden, with whom the Iranians say, understandably to judge from his financial track record, they would rather "do business." The defects of the current JCPOA deal are real. As Ambassador Eric Edelman and retired General Chuck Wald recently explained, Iran's search for a nuclear-capable missile was actually given an impetus by the current deal, including a provision ending the UN arms embargo against Iran. The current deal is even worse, given Iran's ongoing space launch and missile production. One expert described them as a "... a crucial building block establishing a global range nuclear missile force..." to say nothing of the potential for stimulating or even underwriting nuclear proliferation. How then can the United States get around the Iranian regime's adamant opposition to any restrictions on its nuclear or missile ambitions and secure a sound nuclear deal? First, tough ongoing and snap-back economic sanctions have significantly reduced Iranian support for its terror proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. Second, U.S. domestic production, and especially fracking, have reduced oil and gas prices by upwards of fifty percent from a decade ago. Those circumstances have insulated the U.S. economy from Middle East oil price shocks including those from Iran, should Iran seek to disrupt oil transport though the Strait of Hormuz or attack Gulf oil storage or export facilities. Third, the U.S. has created a significantly better armed coalition of allied nations including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, which are now vastly more able to counter Iran's malignant behavior in the Middle East. Regional U.S. military commander Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, for instance, has explained that Iranian-created tensions have ebbed. Some coalition members have, in fact, adopted unprecedented formal peace agreements with Israel. Fourth, America's successful destruction of the ISIS "caliphate" removed a major source of Middle East instability and allowed the U.S. to focus on Iran's threat. Fifth, the U.S. took out Iran's top terrorist leader -- General Qassem Soleimani -- thereby proving to the Iranian mullahs and US allies that the America, at least under the current administration, means business. Sixth, and perhaps most importantly, more and more expert analysts have determined the JCPOA was an extremely toxic agreement; fatal flaws identified by the Israelis years ago have now been confirmed. Even if these six factors may now make it possible to give "diplomacy a chance," it might be advisable only to try that route if it is reinforced with resolute military force. Of what should a sound nuclear deal with Iran consist? First, there should be five principal prohibitions:
The original JCPOA gave Iran the right to enrich uranium -- a right that no other non-nuclear member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty had ever been granted. With no right to enrich, possessing advanced uranium centrifuges have no legitimate purpose. With no nuclear warheads in Iran's future, ballistic missiles with which to carry such warheads also become unnecessary. Given the seriousness of these issues and the lack of trust in the mullahs, all provisions must not have "sunset clauses" but be permanent. Finally, if Iran wants to "do business" as a normal nation state, the mullahs must also reject their jihadist agenda. There are no legitimate grievances that justify Iran's terrorism. Any normalization must also include reparations paid to American victims of Iranian terrorism. The principles for such a deal with a possible chance for tenuous success are well known; the real question seems if anyone in charge of Iran will actually abide by them. Iran may indeed reject any deal outright. Is there a third way? The JCPOA it is not only a fraud, it is camouflage for the appeasers of the world to pretend they are doing something about Iran's nuclear ambitions when in fact they are not doing anything but allowing Iran, after a short delay, to have nuclear weapons. So, keeping the JCPOA deal means that the mullahs get nuclear weapons; waiting for the mullahs to come to their senses also means that the mullahs, down the road, get nuclear weapons. The mullahs will not change on their own. Diplomatic options are poor and unrealistic. The JCPOA deal not only fails to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them, it also hides Western inaction in confronting Iran's missiles, nuclear sites and terrorism. Vote the Right Way - By Hal Lindsey - Are you sick of being told to vote? Celebrities, television networks, sports leagues, and businesses across the land seem to all be saying the same thing right now - VOTE. While I agree that every eligible voter should exercise that precious right, I want people to do more than just vote. I want voters to become informed. Citizens need to think through their votes and give them appropriate prayer. In this election cycle, the message seems to be to vote on every ballot measure even if you have no idea what that ballot measure really means. In other words, they want you to vote based on vague impressions left by TV ads and yard signs. But voting is not like grabbing a snack among the impulse items along a supermarket checkout line. It's serious. Votes change history. The NFL is running an ad campaign that says, "Make your voter game plan." On TV, they emphasize checking out various voting options. On the internet, they have a far better presentation. They say, 1) register, 2) check your ID requirements, 3) check your flexible voting options, 4) research your ballot, 5) vote. Number 4 in their game plan - research your ballot - is crucial. Yet it seems to be missing from most get-out-the-vote campaigns. Without it, you might as well be throwing darts at your ballot. Look into the candidates and the issues. Ask questions. Pray. But what if, for one reason or another, you are not able to do the research? Or maybe you can't make up your mind on certain issues. Remember that it's okay to vote only on the candidates and measures that you feel sure about. Suppose you have a strong opinion about the presidential race and maybe a few others, but don't know about some of the more obscure ballot measures or maybe county judges. Not voting on every line of the ballot is called "undervoting." It's perfectly legal. In fact, it's your right. Ballot initiatives can be difficult and misleading. Friends in California tell me that if you want to read this year's actual ballot measures for yourself, you will have a long slog. The 12 propositions on this year's California ballot add up to 215 pages of sleep-inducing material. Long, complicated measures discourage ordinary citizens from actually reading them. As a result, some people just don't vote - even though they may feel strongly about their presidential candidate. That's a mistake. Even if you can't vote knowledgeably on the entire ballot, at least vote what you know. There are many trustworthy organizations that offer helpful voter guides to people who lean in certain political directions. If you really trust them, allow them to give you some help. Just remember that some voter guides are designed to fool you. For instance, if they know you are a Republican, they might suggest you vote for some things that almost every Republican would be for. Then they might slip in a "yes" on something more obscure - something you might not really agree with. So, make sure your resources are trustworthy. Remember, learn the issues and vote on everything if you can. But if you can't knowledgeably vote on everything, at least vote for the candidates and measures you feel sure about. In all this, keep praying for your country and your community. Think on These Things - Nathele Graham - [email protected] Life has become a very unnerving experience. Disease, unrest, anger, hatred, and many more evils fill the news, and dwelling on these things can cause fear to cripple us. It's easy to become discouraged. Although we have network news and newspapers telling us all that's going wrong, we aren't the first generation to face hard times. Still, we are in the very last days prior to the Rapture, and we can expect demonic forces to be run wild. Biblical prophecy has warned us in order to prepare us. We can dwell on these frightening events, or we can dwell on positive things. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8. God's blessings still abound, and we have a choice whether we see the bad or the good. Choose to see God and fill your thoughts with His promises. When we surrender our life to Jesus Christ, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Because of that fact, people around us should see the change in us. The circumstances that surround us haven't changed, but the way we see those circumstance should have changed a lot. "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another." Ephesians 4:22-25. The Greek word "anastrophe", is translated in King James English as "conversation", but in modern terms it means the manner in which we conduct our life. Accepting Christ for salvation is more than just saying a few words, it's a life changing event. The person we were (the "old man") has been reborn into a new creation in God. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:12-13. That's an important event. If we continue to dwell on things of the world, we will become discouraged and never move forward in our walk with Jesus. If you always dwell upon the things that kept you in bondage to sin, then you'll continue in that bondage. Instead, turn your thoughts to Jesus and His truth. He loves you enough that He shed His blood to save you from eternal damnation. Think about that when you are overwhelmed by news headlines or face the temptation to return to your old ways. Think on things that are true, honest, and are of God. Not only will you lift your own spirits, but you will encourage people around you. It's easy to see that there's much injustice in this world. The reason it seems that criminals don't pay for their crimes while the "good guys" struggle and are persecuted is that we aren't looking at things from God's perspective. We see what's happening today and think that the rewards of this life are all that matter. God sees what's going on in the world. There are crooked politicians who seem to go unpunished for their crimes, rioters who are filled with hatred but don't seem to be held responsible for destroying property, child molesters who get a slap on the wrist, and many more sins that go unpunished. Or do they? God is perfect and His love is perfect. Even the smallest sin disqualifies us from eternal life, and unless a person is perfect, there's no chance for eternal life. Because God loves us, He stepped into His creation to become sin in our place. If you've accepted Christ's sacrifice for salvation, then you've been justified. "And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." Acts 13:39. Praise God. On the other hand, anyone who rejects Christ's free gift condemns themselves to eternal damnation. So, when you see pictures of injustice in this world, think of the justice of God. Those criminals have rejected God and will spend eternity understanding God's justice. Still, if they repent and turn from their wicked ways, God will forgive them, just as He forgave you and has justified you. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:" Romans 5:1. Think about that and you'll find peace. Paul also tells us to dwell on "whatsoever is pure". Is there anything in this fallen world that's pure? We might think of a newborn baby who's so innocent and vulnerable, but that precious little bundle of joy has a sin nature just like you and me. So, what could we possibly dwell on that is pure? "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times." Psalms 12:6. Christians need reassurance, and there's nothing more reassuring than God's word. That's where we find pure truth. A Christian who neglects to study Scripture misses out on God's encouragement. "Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it." Psalms 119:140. If we dwell on the poison the world feeds us, we miss what God wants us to feed upon. Instead of filling your mind and heart with the latest news feed that brings into focus just how corrupt this world is, dwell on Scripture. It tells of God's love and forgiveness. It also gives us prophecy. Studying prophecy will open your eyes to the fact that God saw what's happening today and told us so we wouldn't be surprised. Prophecy has to be fulfilled, but it's a comfort to know that the signs all point to the Rapture happening very soon. God is with us all the way. When I read of the throne of God with Seraphim proclaiming "Holy, Holy, Holy" day and night, I get goosebumps and I long to be there. I long to see the crystal sea, loved ones who have gone before, and most of all, long to see Jesus. Dwell on those things, brothers and sisters, and the fears of this life will fade. It's been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all of us have thoughts and memories of lovely things. The hug of a loving parent, the first time you saw your spouse, holding your own baby are all lovely memories. It's always awesome to look at God's creation. The stars, the ocean, purple mountains majesty! Even though we live in this fallen world, there's much to behold that is lovely. King David was a man of war who had strife in his kingdom and in his family. There were many things that could have caused him to turn away from God in bitterness and anger, but his psalms are filled with just how awesome God is. "...The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalm 19:1. When life becomes overwhelming, go find a flower and really look at it. God spoke everything into existence, including flowers. Dwell on His power and His love. It will change your attitude and bring peace to your soul. We choose what we set our minds to. We can look at the evil in this world and become disheartened, or we can dwell on Christ and what He's done for us. The evil in the world is real, and it's all from Satan, who is the god of this world and is behind the wickedness we see. On the other hand, God is very much at work. It's important to keep things in perspective and control our thoughts instead of letting them control us. "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2 Corinthians 10:5. Don't blame God for the wrongs in this life. Instead, turn your thoughts to Jesus and the fact that He has overcome Satan and defeated him at the cross. This is the truth we need to think on. Paul reminded us "...whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8b. The victory of Christ over death is definitely a good report with virtue and worthy of praise. Think on that when you get discouraged, and soon you will be praising the Lord with all your heart. We have no idea how many people may find encouragement from our attitude in times of testing, but it is certain that God will use us in good times and bad if we allow it. On a missionary trip, Paul had gone to the city of Philippi. That city was filled with pagan practices. Because Paul cast a demon out of a damsel, he was beaten and put in prison. Did he pout? Not at all. "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them". Acts 16:25. They didn't hum to themselves, or quietly mumble words of discontent to God. They sang loud enough for their fellow prisoners to hear. There was no question as to who Paul and Silas worshipped. Then the earthquake hit. The prison doors opened and the chains which held the prisoners were loosened. The prisoners could have escaped, but the attitude of Paul and Silas affected the people around them. Had the prisoners escaped, the warden of the prison would be held responsible and he would face death. That warden was about to commit suicide when Paul called to him that no one had escaped. The grateful warden cleansed Paul and Silas' wounds and then gave his life to Christ. It would have been a different story if Paul and Silas hadn't chose to praise God in spite of their circumstances. Christians represent Christ, and if we love Him, we should honor Him with our words and actions. People should easily see Christ living in us. That means we take thoughts captive, dwell on things of God, and live holy lives that are different than how worldly people live. "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Titus 2:11-14. Our blessed hope is Jesus Christ and all He has promised: forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and the soon Rapture. We will dwell with Him forever. Think on things of God and you'll find that the cares of this world will pale. God bless you all, Nathele Graham [email protected] [email protected] Ron and Nathele Graham's previous commentaries archived at All original scripture is "theopneustos" God breathed. If you'd like to be on my mailing list to receive the commentaries just drop me an email and let me know. Daily Jot: Voter Fraud - Bill Wilson - This presidential election is a set up for voter fraud, and the US Supreme Court is part of the reason. As reported widely, SCOTUS voted 5-3 to allow late-arriving North Carolina mail-in ballots so long as they were post marked by election day and in a separate action allowed for counting late-arriving mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. These are two swing states important to determining the overall electoral college. In North Carolina, ballots may arrive as late as November 12 and be counted. The deadline for Pennsylvania is November 6. Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr., and Justice Brett Kavanaugh voted with the liberals on the court. The longer after the election that votes count, the higher the chance for election fraud. Then there is the idea that in some states, a citizen can actually change their vote if they cast it early by voting by mail or by absentee ballot. That may appear on the surface to be a good option, especially in light of the recent revelations that Presidential candidate Joe Biden is compromised because of China, Russia, and Ukraine business deals using his position as Vice President to enrich (nice way of saying "bribe") his family in selling influence. Think of the 70-plus million people who did early voting and how they may be regretting the box they checked. No worries for some of them. In New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Minnesota, folks can change their vote. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota are all states that are on the bubble regarding which way they will land in the electoral college. Michigan voters can change their vote by submitting by October 30 a signed request to have their vote nullified. Minnesota voters had until October 20 to request a new ballot. Wisconsin voters had until October 29 to request a new ballot. In New York and Pennsylvania, you can just show up on election day and cast your vote and your early vote will be nullified. All these examples allow for voter fraud in that ballots can be counted twice if election officials don't pay attention or have nefarious designs in mind. The idea that this nation should have a long lead time for early voting or mail-in voting that is allowed to be counted days after the election is an assault on America's voting integrity. Voting is a right afforded all citizens 18 years or older. And every eligible citizen should exercise that right. Appeasing political parties and oiling up party machines that seek ways to steal elections only undermines our Constitutional Republic. It broadens the field for voter fraud and makes America like a third world country that disputes elections for weeks or months. This is a slippery slope on which we are sliding. And it has no good end because as in 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." We may never know the true winner of this presidential election. We do know, it won't likely be honest voters. Daily Devotion: Just Deliver the Message - by Greg Laurie - How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? -Romans 10:14 - Listen When I was a kid, I had a paper route. I delivered the Daily Pilot on my Schwinn Sting-ray bicycle. I became pretty adept at throwing those papers. I knew how to clear a hedge and how to land one on a porch. My job wasn't to write the news or make the news; my job was to deliver the news. I was just a delivery boy. That's really what we are as Christians. We're people delivering the message of the gospel, the message God gave us. We don't have to apologize for the gospel, and we don't need to add to it, take away from it, or edit it in any way. We need to simply deliver it in its raw, explosive power. The apostle Paul said, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek" (Romans 1:16 NKJV). In the original language, the word Paul used for power speaks of explosive power. In other words, there's explosive power in the story of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I've seen it time and time again. The story simply connects with people. It's God's story, and we need to just deliver it and let God do what He wants to do. When we're doing God's work, the results are up to Him, not us. Yes, we should make every effort to succeed. But the outcome is up to God. And ultimately, God is not going to require success from us; He's going to require faithfulness from us. I don't have any power to convert anyone. Neither do you. Our job is to deliver the message as clearly as possible and then leave the results up to Him. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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