Prophecy Update Newsletter
October 31, 2016
God Himself Protects and Defends Israel - By Kit R. Olsen -
Select excerpts taken from Israel's Guaranteed Glory. (First printing June 3, 2016, September 2016 distribution, World Bible Society) God's Promise to "This Generation" Recognition of modern-day Israel in 1948 began the prophetic countdown to Armageddon and the final years of history, as we know them. The rebirth of Israel is a major fulfilled prophetic sign showing that we are living very close to Christ's promised return. "Now learn the parable of the fig tree [Israel]: when its branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; even so you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (Matthew 24:32-34). Jesus said: "This generation will not pass away until all these things take place." This generation is in reference to those who will witness the things Jesus described relating to the end of the age in Matthew 24, including the restoration of the nation of Israel in one day (May 14, 1948). An Awesome Fulfillment of Prophecy "Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy. Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once?" (Isaiah 66:7-8a). The previous Scripture shows that the prophet Isaiah foretold the rebirth of Israel, which came about in one day (on May 14, 1948). We are living in the generation pictured by the Jewish boy in Isaiah 66:7-8a. The Jewish boy portrays how Israel will grow-up as a nation, and by the time he is eighty (2028), the Millennium could very well begin. I think this is a possibility but no one can say for sure. This is not a prediction. The Rapture/Tribulation If we use Psalm 90 as a lifespan gauge (70-80 years), the Scripture is not exactly precise on where within or around those lifespan years the Rapture/Tribulation could take place. And we cannot say decisively if Psalm 90 is even to be used in relation to the Rapture/Tribulation and Second Coming. The Lord's return may happen sooner or even some time well past the eighty-year mark. None of us know. Although, if we watch for the foreshadowing signs we can have a general idea when critical prophetic events will come to fulfillment. The important thing is to stay vigilant and share the gospel at every opportunity while there is still time. Matthew 24:32-34 is in relation to when Jesus said: "This generation will not pass away until all these things take place." This generation is in reference to those who will witness the things Jesus described relating to the end of the age in Matthew 24, including the restoration of the nation of Israel in one day (May 14, 1948). The Battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 and the Imprecatory Prayer of Psalm 83 When the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 (Gog-Magog war) takes place, God will cause those who come against Israel to turn and fight against each other. This particular war is given the most detailed description of any prophesied future war recorded in the Bible. The imprecatory prayer of Psalm 83 to bring down judgment upon Israel's enemies will be answered, and a large number of Israel's enemies will be destroyed or marginalized. It is going to happen in the near future and the entire world will be affected by it. This war will bring about great devastation, but during and at the end of the Tribulation there will be utter destruction. We know that a number of intense Middle East wars have already taken place in our lifetime. Skirmishes and battles will continue. At this time, internally, Israel is very busy fending off individual Islamic terrorists within her borders with no end in sight. Yet some people teach and believe that Israel is about to go out and capture millions of people, imprison them and expand her borders. That is not going to happen. To some degree, war is constantly going on around Israel. The battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is the next biblically prophesied war on the horizon. Russia and its allies who march against her will be woefully defeated by God's miraculous intervention When Does This Invasion Take Place? Respected author, Daymond Duck, wrote an intriguing article titled, "Is God Turning the Bear?" published on the Rapture Ready website in December of 2014. He states: "We don't know when it will happen, but many would not be surprised to see the battle of Gog and Magog in the next two years." Prophetically, what he says makes good sense considering the timeline of seven years necessary to burn the implements of war, and if we consider the generation time span of 70-80 years detailed in Psalm 90. Israel's rebirth was in 1948. We are close to reaching the 70-year generation mark (May 14, 2018), and after that Israel is only 10 years away from reaching the 80 year mark. No one can predict when this epic war will take place but we can have some reasonable idea that we are getting much closer to its fulfillment, especially considering that Russia is very rapidly expanding its power and control in Syria and throughout the Middle East. At some point in the not too distant future, God's wrath will pour down upon the Gog-Magog alliance, which will significantly and overwhelmingly change the world as we know it, accelerating last days events. Considering the anti-Israel, pro-Iran nuclear deal made by the Obama White House, the Gog-Magog war may not be too far off. Especially since the ongoing threatened extinction of Israel by the Iranian demonically-infested thugs-has now become a more imminent possibility. (Iran is part of the Russian-led coalition prophesied by Ezekiel.) In another article titled "Gog's Evil Thought," Daymond Duck brilliantly states (emphasis added): Some say "dwelling safely" means after the Antichrist confirms the seven-year covenant with many for peace in the Middle East (Daniel 9:27). But it doesn't have to mean that because Israel is dwelling safely now under the protection of God who will not allow her to be defeated (Amos 9:15). Where Will the Gog-Magog Invasion Take Place? Israel became a nation again in 1948 but did not get the mountains of Israel until the Six-Day War, that is after the 1967 borders. In the center of Israel there is a "hogback" of mountains between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. (The pre-1967 borders were all west of these mountains and Israel was at one point only nine miles wide.) This war takes place "upon the mountains of Israel" (Ezekiel 38:8). What Happens? God has plans for Russia and the death cult of Islam. Russia will lead a coalition of mostly Islamic nations against Israel. "You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you" (Ezekiel 38:9). This sounds like conventional warfare, an air armada (paratroops to cover the land). In Ezekiel 38:4, a great army, horse and horsemen. We still speak of the power of an engine as a horsepower. The figure of speech is a METONOMY - "the thing for the thing signified" e.g.: "The pen is mightier than the sword." It is not a nuclear event; the fallout (radiation) would be too great afterward. This war will occur before the Tribulation. It could begin as early as three and one-half years before the Tribulation begins or sooner. It will take seven years to clean-up the damage, and seven months to bury the dead (Ezekiel 39:9, 12). The Lord Himself will supernaturally intervene, and the majority of the ruthless aggressors will be obliterated. These warriors will turn against each other. God will shake the earth with tremendous power and the invaders will wish they had never even had a bad thought about Israel. "Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord"' (Ezekiel 38:23). It is here during the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 that we have a major fulfillment of the imprecatory prayer of Psalm 83: "O my God, make them like the whirling dust; As stubble before the wind. As the fire that burneth the forest, And as the flame that setteth the mountains on fire, So pursue them with thy tempest, and terrify them with thy storm. Fill their faces with confusion, that they may seek thy name, O Jehovah. Let them be put to shame and dismayed for ever; Yea, let them be confounded and perish; that they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth" (Psalm 83:13-18). In keeping with a Pre-Tribulation/Rapture view regarding the timing and placement of the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39, Tim LaHaye's reference to witnessing cited below indicates the Church is still here after the Gog-Magog battle. In a 1972 book, Timothy LaHaye stated: If the magnifying and sanctifying of the Lord, as indicated in Ezekiel 38:16, 23 and 39:7, 13, 22 does indeed mean a short period of time when men call upon the Lord as a result of his miraculous preservation of Israel, then we should work diligently to prepare for it. Since we can expect the period to be brief, we should begin now to train ourselves and find positions of service where we can reach a maximum number of people with the gospel. (The Beginning of the End, p. 84) And as a word of encouragement, whatever the Lord's timing is regarding the fulfillment of the remaining end-times prophecies, we must trust Him completely-for He truly is our Blessed Hope. His timing is perfect. One day soon "the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with the min the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). In God's perfect timing the Lord Jesus will call us home, liberating us from an insane world rushing to its own self-destruction-freeing all genuine born-again believers from the physical constraints of this life, and from the spiritual battles that rage every day. Even so come, Lord Jesus. ------------------------------------------------ Anyone who loves God's chosen people will want to read Israel's Guaranteed Future Glory. Kit R. Olsen's wonderful new book highlights the State of Israel showing that God's prophetic promises have not been broken, and that He still has a plan for mankind. The history of the Jews proves the validity of His Holy Word; and the geopolitical climate unfolding today falls in line with God's prophetic messages. Kit has been my dedicated editor/writer for the site for over four years (2012), and I am very pleased to share some of her additional work with our readers and feature her book on the site." --Todd Strandberg Amazon link to: Israel's Guaranteed Future Glory: Israel Greatly Concerned Over Quality, Quantity of Russian Weaponry in Region - By Ruthie Blum -
The IDF is in a panic about the Russian military's presence and deployment of sophisticated weaponry in the region, Israel's Channel 2 reported on Sunday. According to the report, though the IDF is not admitting this openly, high-ranking officers have said behind closed doors that the "surprising" quality and quantity of Russian systems in the area is dramatically hampering the way the Israeli Air Force and Navy are able to operate. Both these branches of the IDF, according to Channel 2, were used to flying and sailing wherever and whenever they saw fit, with no real threat to their movement. But since Russia began to intervene in the Syrian civil war last year in an attempt to protect the regime of President Bashar Assad, things have changed. One particular worry, the report said, was the impending arrival of the Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia's flagship aircraft carrier, which is on its way from the North Sea to the Middle East, and is expected to anchor off the Mediterranean coast of Syria in the coming weeks. The Kuznetsov force is made up of some 1,900 sailors, more than 50 advanced fighter jets, the latest aeronautical defense systems, radars and among the world's best electronic warfare capabilities. The force has anti-submarine capabilities and boats with a wide range of missiles for aerial photography and intelligence-gathering. The report said Israeli defense officials admit that the Russians know about every movement Israel makes in its air and sea space, as there is no way to elude Russian radars, and thus Russia has been able to collect massive amounts of information. As was reported by The Algemeiner in April, the Russians announced several months ago that they were leaving Syria. Since then, however, according to Channel 2, they have been dispatching more ground troops to the area; they have increased their air power; and they have brought in ground-to-air missiles -- with a range of more than 200 kilometers - and are capable of employing cruise and ballistic missiles, planes and drones. At present, they are also reinforcing their naval presence in the eastern Mediterranean, in parallel with a decrease in the presence of the US Navy there. In addition, a spokesperson for the Russian Defense Ministry recently issued a veiled threat, presumably to Israel, by stating, "If anyone thinks he can hide behind stealth technology, let him think again." This, said Channel 2, was in reference to the F-35 stealth planes that Israel is acquiring from the US. Meanwhile, the Russian parliament approved an unlimited time frame for the deployment of the country's air force, which means that Israel could face having the bulk of its areas of interest covered by S-300 and S-400 advanced missile defense systems for decades to come. And it is this understanding that spurred Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to fly to Moscow in the spring with the commander of the IAF, Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, to discuss military coordination with Russian President Vladimir Putin. As was reported in The Algemeiner, Netanyahu made this trip to create a mechanism for avoiding unwanted collisions between Israeli and Russian planes. Despite the arrangement agreed upon between Netanyahu and Putin, however, two Russian drones were shot down, which nearly caused a confrontation between Israeli and Russian planes, Channel 2 said. In addition, two ground-to-air missiles were fired at Israeli jets, though Russia claimed they belonged to a Syrian battery. In an interview with The Algemeiner in June, Mideast and Russia expert Zvi Magen said that the ties between Netanyahu and Putin involve realpolitik, with Israel protecting its interests, chief among them ensuring that sophisticated weapons do not fall into the hands of the Lebanon-based Shiite terrorist organization Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran and allied with Russia in the fight to keep Assad in power. Is Vladimir Putin Gog? - By Daymond Duck -
God foretold a great battle that will take place when three conditions exist (Ezek. 38-39):When the latter years and latter days have arrived (Ezek. 38:8, 16); when Jews have returned to the Promised Land from many Nations (Ezek. 38:8); when the Jews are dwelling safely (Ezek. 38:8, 11). All three of these conditions exist right now (Israel is dwelling under God's protection). This great battle will be led by a man called Gog. He will rule the land of Magog (modern Russia; Ezek. 38:2). Magog lies north of Israel (Ezek. 38:15). Some translations say the "far north." Others say the "uttermost parts of the north." Russia occupies that location. Only God knows, but many prophecy writers, including this one, believe Vladimir Putin is Gog. Gog and his hordes are expected to ascend in Syria and cover the mountains of Israel "like a cloud" (Ezek. 38:9). Gog will provide air cover (planes and helicopters) for the multitude of troops he has moving up the mountains on Syria's side of the border (Ezek. 38:4-6). His attempt to destroy Israel will infuriate God (Ezek. 38:19). The Almighty will enter into judgment against Gog and his hordes (Ezek. 38:19-22). God said when the day of the Lord is near He will do to Israel's enemies what they try to do to Israel (Obad. 1:15). Since Gog and his hordes have gathered to destroy Israel, God will destroy most of them. The destruction will be so great it will take Israel seven years to burn the weapons and seven months to bury the dead (Ezek. 39:9:12). With each passing day Vladimir Putin is getting more deeply involved in the Middle East. In the fall and winter of 2015, he sent hundreds of troops, many planes, helicopters, drones and other weapons to a military base in Syria. He also announced plans for Russia and Iran (a Russian ally in the battle of Gog and Magog; Persia; Ezek. 38:5) to step up their military co-operation. In the spring of 2016, he suddenly announced that he was removing some of his troops, planes and weapons from Syria. He did, but he replaced them with more troops; better planes, helicopters and drones; and more powerful and advanced weapons. It was even reported that he sent in missiles with nuclear warheads. In the summer of 2016, he sent two advanced bombers armed with smart bombs to the Syrian air force and announced plans to send eight more in the near future. His stock of troops and weapons included ten naval vessels that were stationed at or nearby a port in Syria. Vladimir Putin also announced plans for Russia and Turkey (another Russian ally in the battle of Gog and Magog; Togarmah; Ezek. 38:6) to expand their military ties. Fall has now arrived and before this article gets posted those ten naval vessels will be joined by about ten more naval vessels: An aircraft carrier with more than fifty jets and helicopters, a nuclear missile cruiser, two destroyers, several fully loaded supply ships, submarines and who knows what else. It is being reported that Vladimir Putin may soon use these troops and weapons against Islamic forces that are holed up in the Syrian city of Aleppo. That may well be true, but Israel considers them to be a threat to her. The IDF is very concerned that Vladimir Putin's massive build-up of troops and weapons in Syria may head toward the mountains of Israel in the future. If they do, it will be a world changing event. Prophecy Plus Ministries Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Iran's Tel Afar op is in sync with Russia in Syria -'s-Tel-Afar-op-is-in-sync-with-Russia-in-Syria
The pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite drive to capture Tel Afar, 55 km from Mosul in western Iraq, was designed less to complete the encirclement of the Islamists in Mosul - in support of the US-led coalition - and more to forge a link in the land bridge Tehran aspires to build to give its Revolutionary Guards free passage to Hezbollah and the Shiite groups fighting for Bashar Assad in Syria. This is reported by debkafile's military and intelligence sources. The Iraqi Shiite battle for Afar is led by Iran's Al Qods chief, Gen. Qassem Soliemani from the front lines. US and Iraqi commanders of Operation Inherent for expelling ISIS from Mosul welcomed the Iran-led Iraqi Shiites' initiative to take Tal Afar in order to sever ISIS' supply lines from Syria to Mosul. But Iran's overriding motive in initiating this operation was laid bare by Ahmad al-Asadi, spokesman of the pro-Iranian Iraqi Hashid Shaabi Shiite groups, when he spoke to reporters Saturday, Oct. 29 in Baghdad. After "clearing" these "terrorist gangs," from 14,000 sq. km of Iraq including Tal Afar and the regions bordering on Syria, he said, "We are fully ready to cross the border into Syria and fight alongside President Bashar al-Assad. According to our sources, this plan was not coordinated directly with the US-Iraqi command of the Mosul operation, but with the Russian military command center in the Syrian province of Latakia. It is important enough for the Russian command to have just established a new center for military and intelligence interchanges. It is staffed by Russian, Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi Shiite and Iranian officers. This mechanism has been put in charge of coordinating Shiite military operations both in Syria and Iraq. It was decided that when US military assistance or air support is deemed necessary, requests will be piped through the bureau of Iraq's Shiite Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and passed on to the US-Iraqi command of Operation Inherent. Russian, Iranian and Turkish officers have thus effectively hitched on to the decision-making process for the Mosul offensive alongside American officers. The irony of this arrangement is that, the US armed the Iraqi army, and indirectly the Shiite militias, for this offensive with top-notch Abrams M1 tanks, M1-198 Howitzers and M88 Recovery vehicles for tanks. All this s valuable hardware looks like ending up away another battlefield away from Mosul in Syria, and under a different command, Russia.. Season of the Witch - Jack Kinsella -
Religious holidays are all but illegal in 21st century America. Those few that survive have been watered-down beyond recognition. Thanksgiving, a day once solemnly set aside to thank God for our blessings as a nation, has morphed into Turkey Day, a day set aside to worship the guest of honor at dinner. "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." (Romans 1:25) Most Americans don't gather to give thanks to God, they gather to eat and watch football. For millions, it is the one day a year they say grace before meals, and that is about as religious a holiday as it is gonna get. But there is still one religious holiday that is untouchable by either the Political Correctness Police or a vote-hungry Congress. Hallowe'en. Your kids will be encouraged to dress up as witches and hobgoblins, to exchange Hallowe'en cards or small gifts, to wish each other a 'Happy Hallowe'en' and to engage in a day-long celebration that doesn't end until well after dark. Make no mistake about it, Hallowe'en is a religious holiday. It just isn't a Christian holiday. It derives its name from 'All Hallow's Eve' -- the day before the Catholic holiday of "All Saint's Day" on November 1st. According to the, Halloween was adopted by the Catholic Church as a day of "communion with the saints" who are still paying for their sins in purgatory and those who've either paid their sin debt themselves or were "prayed out" by someone still alive. A person could obtain a plenary indulgence by saying a particular formula of prayer performed on November 1st. "In 835, Pope Gregory IV moved the celebration for all the martyrs (later all saints) from May 13 to November 1. The night before became known as All Hallow's Even or "holy evening." Eventually the name was shortened to the current Halloween. On November 2, the Church celebrates All Souls Day. The purpose of these feasts is to remember those who have died, whether they are officially recognized by the Church as saints or not. It is a celebration of the "communion of saints," which reminds us that the Church is not bound by space or time. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that through the communion of saints "a perennial link of charity exists between the faithful who have already reached their heavenly home, those who are expiating their sins in purgatory and those who are still pilgrims on earth. Between them there is, too, an abundant exchange of all good thing." "Purgatory" is a doctrine unknown to the Bible. It is based largely on one of the books of the apocrypha and Catholic tradition that was formulated into a cohesive doctrine of the church at the Councils of Florence and Trent. But Hallowe'en was originally a Celtic religious holiday. The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living. The dead would roam the earth seeking living bodies to possess. Naturally, the still-living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of October 31, villagers would extinguish the fires in their homes, to make them cold and undesirable. They would dress up in all manner of ghoulish costumes and noisily parade around the neighborhood in order to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess. The holiday was known as the Feast of Samhain, and was the High Holy Day of the Druidic pagan religion. The Romans later adopted the Celtic practices as their own. In the first century AD, Samhain was assimilated into celebrations of some of the other Roman traditions that took place in October, such as their day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The thrust of the practices also changed over time to become more ritualized. As pagan belief in spirit possession waned, the practice of dressing up like hobgoblins, ghosts, and witches took on a more ceremonial role. The custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840's by Irish immigrants fleeing their country's potato famine. The custom of trick-or-treating is thought to have originated not with the Irish Celts, but with a ninth-century European custom called souling. On November 2, All Souls Day, early Catholics would walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes," made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggars would receive, the more prayers they would promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it was believed that the dead remained in limbo for a time after death, and that prayer, even by strangers, could expedite a soul's passage to purgatory and on to heaven. Assessment: The Druids were the priestly caste of the ancient Celts. The Druids were polytheistic pagans who also deified elements of nature. The Druids were reputed to have possessed 'the ancient knowledge' -- or witchcraft. There is little doubt in my mind that the Celtic Druids worshipped Satan, (the angel of light) and there is plenty of documentation of the 'ancient knowledge'. (Modern archeologists are still scratching their heads over Stonehenge). Other ancient pagan religions also claimed divinely-obtained knowledge, and left behind similarly perplexing ruins, like the Mayan temple, the pyramids of Egypt or the statues of Easter Island. Genesis Chapter Six makes reference to the offspring of an unholy mating between angels and the daughters of men in the period before the Flood. "... the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." (Genesis 6:3) Of the offspring of these unholy unions, Genesis tells us, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:4) The ancient Greeks and Romans worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses, together with strange mythical creatures like minotaurs, centaurs, and so on. Joshua spoke of the 'gods' from before the Flood that were still being worshipped by the ancient Israelites: "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether THE GODS WHICH YOUR FATHERS SERVED THAT WERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FLOOD, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua 24:15) When I was a young Christian, I used to rail against the celebration of Hallowe'en because it was Satan's high religious holiday. But as I've matured in the Lord, I've come to see it a bit differently. And maybe because of contemporary history. As Christian religious celebrations are being secularized, Hallowe'en just keeps growing in popularity. And as it grows in popularity, Hallowe'en's Satanic background becomes more a part of its celebration. It is an object lesson to Christians of the reality and existence of Satan and a testimony to his status as the prince and power of the air and the 'god of this world'. (2nd Corinthians 4:4) C. S. Lewis wrote that the "greatest trick the devil ever pulled was in convincing the world he doesn't exist." But for Christians, is the one day of the year when Satan is unmasked and exposed as a real entity. I don't know if I ever made a convert by railing against little kids having fun dressed up in Hallowe'en costumes. I rather doubt it. Hallowe'en's roots are no more pagan than those of Saturnalia, also adopted by the Catholic Church, but renamed 'Christmas'. So I don't rail against it anymore. It is too good a witnessing opportunity to waste by sounding like a wild-eyed fanatic railing against little kids in cute costumes having fun playing dress-up and gorging on tiny Hershey bars. "And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) In the end, they aren't worshipping Satan. They're making fun of him. And they are learning about him in the context of heaven and hell. That tends to spark questions in young minds. For many, the controversy about Hallowe'en festivities will eventually spark the same question -- and the same choice -- Joshua laid out before his men. If Satan is real, then God is real. And if God is real, then you have a choice before you. It was that logic that first caused me to choose Christ. And it also demonstrates the truth of Paul's comforting assurance that all things do work together for good to them who are the called according to His purpose. Even Hallowe'en.
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Small things that become big things - Greg Laurie -
Pastor Greg Laurie notes, 'It is not how you look ... it is who are on the inside' Church history tells the story of a Christian who was brought before the Roman emperor and was told to renounce his faith. The emperor said to him, "Give up Christ, or I will banish you." The Christian said, "You can't banish me from Christ, for God says, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.'" The ruler said, "I will confiscate your property." The Christian replied, "My treasures are laid up in heaven. You can't touch them." Then emperor said, "I will kill you." The Christian answered, "I have been dead to the world in Christ for 40 years. My life is hid with Christ in God. You can't touch it." The emperor turned to the members of his court and said in disgust, "What can you do with such a fanatic?" What can you do? You can pray that we have a whole lot more just like him. This is what we need today - people like that Christian, people who will stand up for what is right, no matter the cost. The Bible tells the stories of men and women who had great character and integrity and stood the test of time. But it also tells the stories of those who did not and paid the price. One man who comes to mind is King Saul, the first king of Israel. He had all the makings of a potentially great leader. He was tall, handsome, brave and anointed by God to be the king. God even gave him the ability to prophesy. But as you read his story, you see his life unraveling as he disobeyed God in the small things, and then in the big things. Then, when God chose another to take his place, specifically David, King Saul became filled with fear, paranoia and jealousy. Ultimately, he threw his life away, committing suicide. The problem with Saul was that he didn't have any character or integrity. He looked good on the outside. The Bible says he was handsome. He stood head and shoulders above everyone else. But there was nothing inside. And that is what matters in the long run. Like Saul, Samson also had opportunities, but he squandered them. For Samson, sex was more important to him than anything else, including God. He threw it all away. In direct contrast to Samson and Saul, there was Joseph. Talk about character. The Bible doesn't have a single critical thing to say about him. The only thing even debatable is whether he should have shown off his new coat his dad gave him. If that is the worst thing he ever did, it's pretty minor - if it was a bad thing at all. Joseph was such a godly young man that even after his brothers sold him into slavery, he was not bitter against them. He tried to make the best of the situation he was in. He ended up in the house of a man named Potiphar, who left him in charge of his estate. It wasn't long before Potiphar's wife cast a lustful look toward the good-looking young Joseph and tried to entice and seduce him. He resisted her advances and was thrown into prison on false charges. But he maintained his character and integrity. In fact, it only deepened. When he finally was released from prison, he was made the second-most powerful man in the world after interpreting the pharaoh's dream. And when the very brothers who had betrayed him were brought before him, he did not give them what they deserved but extended grace to them. He showed his genuine character and integrity. It is not how you look on the outside; it is who are on the inside. We spend so much time on our appearance, so much time on our image, so much time on the way we want people to think about us, yet so little time on who we really are. We need to remember this now as we go into a presidential election. It isn't about who looks the best or who has the best sound bites. It's about where these candidates stand on key issues that are important to us as followers of Jesus Christ. That is what we need to be looking for in a president. Sometimes there are areas in life that cause us to wonder, "Is it all right for a Christian to do this?" "Is this permissible, or is it a sin?" We wonder about certain things because perhaps we can't find a particular verse that addresses them specifically. We need to recognize, first of all, that all of us are different. Sometimes there are things some people can do, and it won't harm them as much as it might harm another. Here are four little questions you can ask yourself in those so-called gray areas of life: 1) Does this build you up spiritually? 2) Does it bring you under its power? 3) Do you have an uneasy conscience about it? And 4) Could it cause someone else to stumble? Sometimes people will ask, "Can I do this and still be a Christian?" That is the wrong question to be asking. It doesn't matter what they're asking about. To even ask it in that way is a concern. Rather, the question should be, "Because I am a Christian, because God has so graciously extended his forgiveness to me, what can I do to get closer to him?" Are you compromising in little areas of your life? Little things will become big things in a good or a bad way. Little compromises will become big compromises. Little commitments will turn into bigger commitments. A little honesty now will mean a lot more of it later. And a little deception today will mean a lot more of it later. My hope and my prayer is that we will be men and women of character and integrity. Daily Jot: Clinton, the governmental organized crime boss - Bill Wilson -
Americans must suspend their disbelief as the FBI has reopened its criminal investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a most bizarre turn of events just days before the presidential election. Her pay for play influence bribery scheme, acceptance of millions of dollars from terrorist sponsoring Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, and a host of other self-enriching scandals appear to expose Hillary Clinton as a governmental organized crime boss. Clinton's careless and seemingly criminal administration of America's most sensitive secrets, however, may be the final link that would make even the staunchest of Democrats finally believe that where there is smoke, there is hellfire. The daisy chain of events emanates from Clinton's longstanding aide, Huma Abedin, whose ties to the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorist organization and Clinton's rumored lesbian lover, failed to negatively impact the presidential campaign. Until now. Abedin's estranged husband Anthony Weiner is under FBI investigation for alleged sex texting a 15 year old girl where more Clinton emails were recovered. There allegedly were emails from unsecured servers from Clinton, Clinton's Chief of Staff at the State Department and Abedin that are suspected of containing classified information, a criminal offense. FBI Director James Comey wrote Congress Friday to "supplement" his previous testimony about Clinton's case. Comey wrote, "In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation. Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony." Clinton has been blaming Russia for hacking emails to influence the election. But no state enemy would have to work very hard to hack emails from the way Clinton protects national secrets on private email servers and using unsecure email accounts. To date, Clinton's criminal actions have been protected by the political machine that is using every legal and political measure to remain in power. This is governmental organized crime, and Clinton is the boss. Clinton will never give up this con. She will deny, deny, deny and shift blame to the FBI, the Republicans and anyone else she can. The news media will help her. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Suspend your disbelief. This is Clinton's America and we'll have a lot more governmental organized crime if she is elected. Daily Devotion: Preparing the Way - Greg Laurie -
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? -Romans 10:14 In the years before I became a Christian, I don't ever recall anybody engaging me with the gospel. I often would hang around down in Newport Beach, leaning against a wall with a tough-guy look on my face. I remember seeing the Christians walking around and handing out their religious tracts. In my heart, I was saying, Please, come and talk to me. But I was too proud to ask. I noticed they would engage other people in conversation, but when they came to me, they would sort of look at me and just thrust the tract in my hands. But I didn't throw it away. In my room at home, I had a big drawer that was filled with religious literature. And every now and then, I would pull out that drawer and read through this stuff, trying to make sense of it all. I needed someone to show me the way, but I don't remember anyone doing that. The way that I ended up hearing the gospel was by going to a Christian meeting I wasn't even invited to. I saw this girl on my high school campus that I found attractive, and I wondered why a cute girl like her would be a Christian. So I went to the meeting to check it out. The last thing I ever planned on doing was becoming a Christian. But I heard the gospel for the first time in a way that I understood, and I gave my life to Christ. As I look back on my life, I see there were unsung heroes who helped prepare the way for my conversion. And we can all identify people who made a contribution-people whom God used in our lives. Will you be that person for someone today? FROM THE HEART
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