Prophecy Update Newsletter
Israel and election 2020 - By Terry James -
Election results still aren’t settled as I write this. Presidential Election 2020 is, in my many decades of experience, unlike any other. And this is in no way hyperbole. I know I don’t have to convince you of the truth of that statement. Those of you who read these columns have lived through everything from Donald Trump’s 2016 election until this present hour. Little in the four intervening years has not been strange and, to use KJV terminology, extremely “vexing.” Strangest of all regarding this election are the dynamics within the matters involved. Donald J. Trump has had everything imaginable thrown at his presidency—and some things so profoundly evil as to defy anything approaching political normalcy. None of it has touched him. We’ve expressed many times in these articles how Trump seems impervious to and even invulnerable against anything his political enemies and even the minions of Satan can manage against him. The election of 2016 presented, according to all political hacks—and all polls—insurmountable odds against Trump winning. This was the case up until 9 o’clock on that election night. But when the electioneering dust settled, the political pundits all had to sadly report that the woman the Democrats had chosen to coronate as president had gone down to electoral landslide defeat. The rage then exploded across the nation and the world. The globalist-elites’ grand plans for America—thus for the world—had been stopped cold in their tracks. Trump had one thing in mind. Well, two things: 1) To drain the swamp that was Washington, DC, and 2) To “Make America Great Again!” Neither could then nor now be tolerated by the powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12. Those powers and principalities, both human and demonic, had had their power and control diminished. It could not stand, and their rage became, as often described, “unhinged.” We who viewed all this through the prism of Bible prophecy understood that this fury that seemed to make Trump’s human enemies do things that bordered on totally irrational was the result of their throwing off all godly restraints. The opposition party, in fact, voted audibly to kick God out of their party platform. Romans 1:28 thus observably set in, and the rage went wild. There was the Russian collusion hoax brought against Trump twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for years. The political witch hunt went on until the $40 million Mueller investigation had to admit, finally, that Trump wasn’t guilty of even the slightest infraction. The Democrat side of the House of Representatives impeached him for something that a White House recording plainly showed was a non-impeachable matter, with the president’s legitimate call to a Ukrainian official. Still, the phony trial went on for months. Taken to its full course, the inevitable not-guilty verdict made the unhinged party on the left look for all to see to be the evil minions they are. These were the major actions used to assault Mr. Trump. If we dig in a bit, we can present hundreds of less dramatic attacks from the Democrats and their henchmen and henchwomen in the mainstream press. The assaults, as you will remember, were unrelenting. The question, then, to consider—and I believe it to be one of a profound nature as we move farther into this fleeting age: Why, after all of this, in which nothing could remove this president from the Oval Office, no matter what was attempted, does it now appear that he will be removed by the mere electoral process? This, despite the blatant evidence that his opponent is obviously mentally challenged as proven every time he speaks for any length of time in public. Why are voters—at least half of them—so deluded as to elect the radicals who want to remake America into something akin to the old Soviet Union? More profound than this is the question: Why has the Lord of Heaven suddenly seemed to take his hand off, which had so obviously been on this man He miraculously put in the White House? It is especially a profound question, because God’s greatest end-times indicator, His chosen people, Israel, is at the very heart of things accomplished by one Donald J. Trump. He promised to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv after declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from America’s perspective. This is something other presidents had promised but never did. Trump did keep the promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. He has kept practically every promise he has made—to Israel—to the American people. There is no doubt that this is God’s man for this hour at the close of the Age of Grace (Church Age). Why has God decided, as it appears He has as of this writing, to remove him from earth’s most powerful office? Why, if it does happen, would the Lord of Heaven replace him with a person who, being mentally ill, seems to represent, through his incapacity, the entire reprobate (upside-down) spiritual and mental capacity of his political party? Israel must be considered in all this. I haven’t the answers—just the questions. It will be our wonderful God who will provide those answers when He chooses. Covid Passports Are Coming And Our Civil Liberties May Never Be The Same Again – Ron Paul - The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns. After all, the WHO's pronouncements are considered infallible, so much so that social media sites silence anyone who dares challenge the great and powerful WHO. Yet, governors, mayors, and other government officials across the country are ignoring the WHO's anti-lockdown position. Instead of admitting that the lockdowns were a mistake, many in the political class, which includes a disturbing number of medical professionals whose positions and prestige depend on government, claim that we cannot return to normalcy until a coronavirus vaccine is in wide use. This suggests that people among the majority of Americans who do not wish to be vaccinated will remain under lockdown or be forced to be vaccinated against their will. The assault on our liberty will not end with deployment and use of a vaccine. Moncef Slaoui, the chief adviser of the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed, a "public-private partnership" in charge of producing and delivering a coronavirus vaccine, has said that those who receive a vaccine will be monitored by "incredibly precise ... tracking systems." Slaoui has also indicated that tech giants Google and Oracle will help the government keep tabs on the vaccinated individuals. So, the vaccine program will lead to an increase in government surveillance! Slaoui is just the latest "expert" to endorse forcing the American people to relinquish their few remaining scraps of privacy to stop coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates have urged development of a digital certificate for those vaccinated for coronavirus. People without the certificate would find their liberty severely restricted. Those who think that the new surveillance system will be limited to coronavirus should remember that Social Security numbers were only supposed to be used to administer the Social Security program. They should also consider that the PATRIOT Act's expansion of warrantless wiretapping was supposed to be limited to stopping terrorists. However, these powers have been used for a wide variety of purposes. Whenever government is given power to abuse our rights for one reason it will inevitably use that power to abuse our rights for other reasons as well. Fauci and Gates' digital certificate could, and likely will, be expanded to include proof individuals have received a variety of other vaccines and medical treatments. The digital certificate could even extend to monitoring a person's lifestyle choices on the grounds that unhealthy habits make one more susceptible to diseases... similar to China's social score system which monitors and rates every lifestyle decision you make. The digital certificate could also be tied to the REAL ID program to deny individuals who have not been vaccinated the right to travel. It could also be combined with a future mandatory E-Verify system to deny unvaccinated individuals the right to hold a job. Those who consider this "paranoia" should consider Britain is already developing a covid passport. Liberty lost in the "war on covid" will not be voluntarily returned when the coronavirus threat ends -- assuming the government ever stop moving the goal posts and declares the coronavirus threat is over. Instead, the people must be prepared to take back their liberty from the politicians. Fortunately, we still have the ability to do so by the peaceful means of educating our fellow citizens and pressuring our elected officials to reverse course. We must all do what we can to use these peaceful tools before we are in a "dark winter" of authoritarianism. The Return of Radical Islamic Terror - By Hal Lindsey - On September 2nd, 14 individuals went on trial, accused of murdering 12 people in a 2015 terrorist attack in Paris. The attack came in response to cartoon images of Mohammed published in the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo. In France, the trial sparked renewed interest in how a secular society should respond to demands from Muslims that everyone be bound by some portions of Islamic law. In mid-October, a Paris middle school teacher led his class in a discussion of the cartoons and secular government. He received attention in the press when Muslim parents at the school made an official complaint. A few days later, a radical Islamic terrorist beheaded the teacher. On October 28th, ISIS issued a video calling for more attacks on France. The next day, terrorists hit a church in Nice. They killed three, one by decapitation. Some veteran police officers described it as the worst thing they had ever seen on the job. On November 2nd, radical Islamic terrorists struck in Vienna, Austria. They killed at least four and left many more wounded. Police shot and killed one of the gunmen. He had previously been convicted on terrorism charges after trying to join ISIS. In December, authorities granted him an early release. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told The Wall Street Journal, “He was a dedicated Islamist terrorist who had pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State terror organization.” As of this writing, he remains the only terrorist caught, but many more helped. Early reports called the incident a coordinated assault simultaneously carried out in six separate locations, including outside a Jewish synagogue. Many of the terrorists carried rifles. Like much of Europe, Austria was just about to return to a nationwide Covid-19 lockdown. It was a beautiful night, and large numbers of people were on the streets enjoying one last night out with friends. At the beginning of the attack, people across central Vienna sought shelter in bars and restaurants. Several hours later, police began moving those people to safety. It was a night of gruesome events and images. One video showed a gunman shooting a man with a long gun, then coming back to his victim to shoot him twice more with a handgun at close range. More will be known about the magnitude of this attack in coming days. But we do know this. Islamic terror has not disappeared. I have only mentioned attacks in Europe, but we have also seen a new wave of terrorism in the Middle East. The world is in an unprecedented state. Violence and hatred are being amplified by amazing new technologies. Hatred seems to be having its day. But stay confident in God. In Romans 15:13, Paul prayed, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Let us pray that prayer for one another. God is still the God of hope. He still fills us with “all joy and peace.” Let us “abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” The Return of King Jesus – Jonathan Brentner - I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies. Of the three, my favorite is The Return of the King. When all looks lost for the fortress of Isengard, King Aragorn arrives and saves the stronghold from certain devastation and a great loss of life. Try to imagine The Lord of the Rings without the final installment of The Return of the King. There would be no final defeat of evil or victory over the vile schemes of Sauron. Because of the timely arrival of King Aragorn, justice wins out over wickedness and death. The king saves human life from annihilation. The Lord of the Rings is allegory; Jesus’ future return to earth at the end of the tribulation is reality. In Tolkien’s symbolic tale of the Second Coming, King Aragorn defeats the forces of the demonic Sauron that are attacking Isengard and in doing so saves humanity. In biblical prophecy, Jesus triumphs over the forces that Satan gathers against Jerusalem (and against Jesus’ return) and in doing so saves human life from annihilation (see Matt. 24:22-29). The apostle John describes the glorious return of our great King in the book of Revelation. From beginning to end, it’s all about Jesus (Rev. 1:1)! He is the head of the church to whom belongs all worship and adoration (chs. 1-5). He judges the wickedness of the world, wipes out Satan’s kingdom, destroys the antichrist and false prophet (chs. 6-19), and takes His rightful place on the throne of David ruling over the nations of the world (ch. 20). After Jesus’ final defeat of Satan, death and all other enemies, God brings in the eternal state with the new earth and New Jerusalem (chs. 21-22). Perhaps the demise of Satan at the end of Revelation explains his fierce opposition to the book. Down through church history, many have negated it’s encouraging message by claiming it’s nothing more than allegory, history, or symbols intended exclusively for believers living in the first century AD. One commentator blatantly states that the book of Revelation has no meaning whatsoever for believers today. Do the prophecies of judgment and future glory in Revelation have significance for our lives today? Absolutely! Let examine the evidence for defending the futuristic interpretation of the book of Revelation. JOHN WROTE THE BOOK IN AD 95 Some who disagree with the futuristic outlook of Revelation say John wrote it in about AD 65, five years before the Romans captured and destroyed Jerusalem. Those with this perspective place the fulfillment of all its prophecies, or the vast majority of them, before AD 70 when they allege Jesus returned to earth. Church history, however, tells a much different story. Irenaeus, a prominent theologian of the second century AD, grew up in the city of Smyrna, one of the original destinations of the book of Revelation. More than that, the key disciple of the apostle John, Polycarp, mentored Irenaeus in the faith. In his famous work, Against Heresies, Irenaeus placed the writing of the book of Revelation late in the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian, who ruled until AD 96. It’s highly improbable that someone who grew up in the church of Smyrna early in the second century AD and received instruction in the faith from a disciple of John would mistake the time when the apostle wrote Revelation. Several other early church fathers agree with Irenaeus regarding the timeframe that John penned the book. Furthermore, the spiritual conditions of the churches in Revelation 2-3 do not match what Paul wrote in the books of Colossians and Ephesians (about AD 60) or in the books of 1 and 2 Timothy (about AD 66-67). The Lord would not have described the church at Laodicea as “rich” if the John wrote Revelation in AD 65 since an earthquake had recently brought much destruction to the city just a few years before then. In addition, the persecution under Nero happened primarily in Rome while under Emperor Domitian the opposition to Christianity extended across the empire as we see in Jesus’ message to the church in Smyrna. THE BOOK CLAIMS TO BE PROPHECY As to its futuristic nature, we have the testimony of the book itself, “And he said to me, ‘These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place. And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.’” (Rev. 22:6-7). Notice that in verse 7, Jesus Himself says that the book of Revelation is “prophecy.” The main event of the book confirms the prophetic nature of the apocalypse. The Second Coming as described in Revelation 1:7 and in chapters 19 and 20 has not yet happened. When Jesus returns, everyone on earth will see Him; this will be a spectacular worldwide event that no one will miss. If He returned in AD 70, why is there no mention of such an event in the first three centuries of the church? Irenaeus not only confirms the late date of the writing of Revelation, but also the book’s claim to be futuristic prophecy. In Book 5 of Against Heresies, he recounts the details of the future rise of the antichrist as recorded in Revelation 13. Even though the Romans had destroyed the Jewish temple 110 years earlier, Irenaeus wrote about the antichrist defiling a future temple at the midpoint of the tribulation just a Jesus said would happen (Matt. 24:15). Irenaeus possessed a clear futuristic view of the book of Revelation. If the leaders of the Smyrna church had regarded the letter to them as symbolism, allegory, or something only specific to their current persecution, how did Irenaeus, who grow up in the Smyrna, come to possess such a contradictory opinion of the book of Revelation by AD 180? The only suitable explanation is that those in Smyrna, as well as those elsewhere in the church of the second century AD, regarded the book of Revelation to be what it claims, that of unfulfilled future prophecy. JESUS PROMISES TO COME QUICKLY Much confusion springs from the translation of the Greek word tachos in the book of Revelation. Many versions translate this word as “soon” throughout the book. Tachos, however, most often refers to the speed of an event rather than its nearness in terms of time. The apocalypse is about events that will “quickly” take place, not those in the near future from time John wrote the book. In John 11:31, John uses the same word he did in Revelation 1:1 to denote quickness of action, “When the Jews who were with her in the house, consoling her, saw Mary rise quickly and go out, they followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep there” (emphasis mine). It does not make sense to translate tachos as they “saw Mary rise soon.” The same is true in Revelation 3:11, 22:6-7, 12, and 20. In each instance, the word is a form of tachos, which denotes the quickness of His return rather than its nearness in the passing of time. The fact that second coming has not happened confirms that “quickly” is the best translation of tachos. Those who squeeze the complete fulfillment of the book of Revelation into the first century AD on the basis of the word “soon” err in their understanding of the prophetic nature of the book and of the meaning of the Greek word tachos. The futuristic events of the apocalypse remain unfulfilled, but someday soon they will happen quickly, just as Revelation 1:1 tells us! JOHN WROTE THE BOOK OF REVELATION AS AN EYEWITNESS Perhaps the most popular assault on the prophetic nature of the book of Revelation comes from those who relegate its hopeful message to allegory. In a previous post, Biblical Prophecy Preserves My Sanity, I discuss the roots behind the allegorizing of prophetic Scripture. This way of interpreting Scripture originated as a way to combine the teachings of the pagan philosopher Plato with God’s Word. The apostle’s choice of words contradicts the allegorical interpretation of the book of Revelation. John uses the word “saw” 44 times by itself and 12 times with the word “looked.” He uses the word “heard” 30 times to indicate he was writing down words he heard. John wrote as an eyewitness to future events. It's clear from the language he used that the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation as an eyewitness to what he saw and recorded the words that he heard both from Jesus and the angels. If anything, John overemphasized the fact that he was recording what he saw and heard. THE BOOK OF REVELATION COMPLETES GOD’S REDEMPTIVE STORY The book of Revelation completes God’s story of redemption. The Bible begins with the paradise of the Lord’s pristine creation and ends with paradise restored on the new earth and in the New Jerusalem. In between these two perfect worlds, we have the story of God providing the perfect Sacrifice for our sins so that we might live forever. Jesus did not suffer and die on the cross just so we could have a nice future life on the current earth, He gave His life so that we might have a joyous life in a wondrous paradise as we share in Jesus’ triumph over sin and death as described in Revelation 20-22. The book of Revelation, from beginning to end, is the story of Jesus completing the triumphant story of redemption that He began with His death and resurrection. The rapture, the Lord’s judgment of sin on the earth, our reign with Jesus during the millennium, and our eternal residence on the new earth and in the New Jerusalem complete His total and absolute deliverance of us from sin and death to our eternal existence in paradise. Yes, many other views of Revelation retain Jesus’ return to earth, but it’s more of an end of the age mop-up operation than the glorious return of a powerful, glorious, and victorious King that John portrays for us in Revelation 19-22. We must separate allegory from reality. Tolkien’s Return of the King is an allegorical rendering of Jesus’ triumphant return to earth. The book of Revelation is the real deal; it depicts the futuristic and glorious return of King Jesus first to judge humanity during the seven-year tribulation and then to reign forever as King of kings. This is the future tense of the Gospel! During the chaotic times in which we live, we urgently need the hopeful and encouraging message of the last book of the Bible. Life may become extremely dangerous for us in the near future, but we can remain confident of the message John gave us in the book of Revelation and its depiction of our future glory in the last three chapters. That’s why we defend the integrity of the entire apocalypse; it’s the essence of our hope. Therefore, we can know with absolute certainty that the words of Revelation 21:4 are not symbolic of another reality nor do that relate to a time long gone; they depict our future as New Testament saints: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Oh, and one more thing: He is coming “quickly.” I also believe Jesus’ appearing will happen soon; we live in the season of His return. Maranatha! Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: The Hunted – Bill Wilson – On our hundred-acre farm, hunting was a tradition. As a youngster, I would beg to go hunting with my Dad and two brothers, who were 9 and 14 years older than me. The one way that I would get to go along was to do a job for them. The job was to be the dog. I was instructed to go out in front about 20 yards and try to scare out a rabbit. The rabbit would go zooming past me, zig zagging in front and whoever had the cleanest shot, would shoot over or around me. If we got a rabbit, Dad and the brothers would make over me like I had done something great. I loved it, never thinking about the implications of this particular ritual until many years later. And I’m sure it is not culturally current content for today. Now that may seem cruel or unwise to many, but it was a team effort. We all got to participate and, quite frankly, it was probably safer than you think—at least I’m still here and alive. But there were a couple of times where it wasn’t so safe. I remember walking through the woods one autumn Saturday morning and coming to the clearing that led up to the sawdust pile. The sawdust pile was like a mountain, the remains of a sawmill that cleared out some of the land there. It wasn’t unusual for me to go on long walks where I would make up these adventures in my mind and drift away into the woods acting them out. On this particular morning, I was just enjoying the walk in the woods. Until I heard a gunshot. And the splinters of the bullet landing in the fallen tree next to me. I jumped behind the tree and yelled out, “Hey, you can’t be shooting at me,” as I located the guy about 100 yards away. He replied, “I can do whatever I want. Who are you to stop me?” And he shot at me again, missing by a considerable margin. I yelled back, “My dad owns this land and you are not allowed on it.” And the guy shot at me again, laughing and yelling back, “Your dad isn’t here right now is he?” It was kind of a stand off, but the man with the gun most certainly had the leverage. I yelled that my dad was a Deputy Sheriff (which he was in the mounted patrol), and that I would turn him in. That seemed to bother him and he ran off into the woods. Another time, Sonny and I were in our teens. We were walking back in the woods when we heard repeated gunfire. We kept walking until I felt the whistling wind of a bullet nearly graze my cheek. I said to Sonny, “Get Down.” We dropped to the ground and the shots kept coming. After one shot, I yelled, “Ahhhh, they got me!” All of a sudden these two guys came running out toward us. They were scared to death that they had shot someone. They were from the city and were visiting our neighbor who let them “target practice.” We explained that they couldn’t shoot into the woods and they apologized over and over again. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. Daily Devotion: The Good Fight - by Greg Laurie – Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses. —1 Timothy 6:12 - Listen World War II was one of the biggest conflicts in the history of humanity. Think for a moment about how different the world would be if America had not entered that conflict. Things would look very different than the world we have now. War is never desirable, but sometimes you have to fight. And it was right for the United States to stand up, especially when Hitler’s goal was to eradicate the Jewish population of Europe in his so-called “Final Solution.” Sometimes it’s good to fight. Generally, most of us don’t like fighting. But there are some people who like to fight all the time. They look forward to fighting. They seem to thrive on arguments and conflict. I don’t know about you, but I’m not one of those people. I try to diffuse conflict. I try to get along with others to the best of my ability. But there are times when you have to just step up and fight. On more than one occasion, the Bible compares the Christian life to a conflict on a battlefield. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3 NKJV). Later in the same letter he wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (4:7 NKJV). In 1 Timothy 6, Paul said, “Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses” (verse 12 NLT). Notice that Paul said it’s a good fight. We have to stand up and fight. The good news is that we win in the end. Guaranteed. The gospel is going to win, and the kingdom of God is going to win. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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