Prophecy Update Newsletter
IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...Featured Article: It Won't Be Much Longer
Hezbollah Has More Firepower Than 95% Of World's Conventional Militaries News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries The Good Old Days? Daily Jot: A sign of prophetic times: The hate continues Daily Devotion: When We Fall Short It Won't Be Much Longer - By Daniel Payne - THE RAPTURE We all know that God does what He does, no matter what we mere mortals may think of what He does. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,' says the LORD. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9). He can even shroud what should be obvious to us within a mystery and hide it in plain sight. God clearly says in His Word that after He created the earth He rested on the SEVENTH day (Genesis 2:2)... and one day with the Lord is as a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8). "For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night" (Psalm 90:4). "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). God calls the millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ His rest: "For we which have believed do enter into rest, as He said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into My rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all His works. And in this place again, If they shall enter into My rest. Seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief" (Hebrews 4:3-6). For reasons known only to God, He pre-determined 7,000 years of earthly human history - the first 6,000 years being current human history as we know it, and the last 1,000 years being the blessed kingdom of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, during which He will physically rule here on earth with a rod of iron from Jerusalem: "Judah is a lion's whelp; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; and as a lion, who shall rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. Binding his donkey to the vine, and his donkey's colt to the choice vine, He washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk" (Genesis 49:9-12). God held the world's population in check from the time of Christ until approximately the 19th century. However, from the 1800s until today, God has allowed world population to soar exponentially, as shown by the following statistics:
Today, the world's population is approximately 35 times greater than it was at the time of Christ. It was not until the technological means were firmly in place to propagate the gospel around the globe that God allowed world population to rocket skyward. Well, I'm sure you smart people have come to the logical conclusion by now: There will be 6 days of work (6 thousand years) before the final day (one thousand years) of rest takes place during the millennial kingdom. Here's an excerpt from "In what year did Jesus die?" - from Got Much has happened on the world stage since the time of Christ, but nothing has ever eclipsed the magnitude and meaning of what happened in AD 30-the death and resurrection of the Savior of the world. As concluded in the excellent article from Got Questions, the Lord Jesus was crucified in approximately AD 30. As such, the approximate year of 2030 will mark 2,000 years from the time of Christ's death and resurrection (until the year 2030). Based upon God's Word, that means that His rest (millennial kingdom) will begin sometime around 2030. Since the Tribulation is 7 years long (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 11:2-3; Daniel 12:11-12) and... 2030 minus 7 is 2023... that means that the Rapture will very likely take place by 2023. If the Lord chooses to add the seven years remaining years onto the end of the 2,000 years (Age of Grace), then the Rapture would likely happen no later than 2030. Either way, it's likely no more than 4-11 years until we meet the Lord in the air. Side note: Evidence exists that shows that approximately 200 years are missing from the Hebrew calendar currently in use. Another interesting point is that it may well be that God chose 2,000 years to elapse from the time of Christ's death until His glorious return and rule in order to represent the fact that Jesus rose from the grave on the third day! God clearly says that no one knows the day or the hour of His return (Matthew 24:36). However, He did tell us that we could know the season, and a season clearly takes place once a year: The Parable of the Fig Tree (Luke 21:29-32) "Then He spoke to them a parable: 'Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place.'" Likewise, we should be able to discern the approximate year (all complete by 2030) of the Lord's return and His judgment upon the earth: Discern the Time (Luke 12:54-56) "Then He also said to the multitudes, 'Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say, 'A shower is coming'; and so it is. And when you see the south wind blow, you say, 'There will be hot weather'; and there is. Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?'" It won't be long until we who believe are finally at rest from this weary earth! "For we who have believed do enter that rest. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His" (Hebrews 4:3a, 9-10) Hezbollah Has More Firepower Than 95% Of World's Conventional Militaries - By Sean Savage - Israel and Hezbollah have been adversaries for decades now, dating back to the Jewish state's involvement in the Lebanese civil war. However, bolstered by the military and financial support of its Iranian patron, the Lebanese terror group now poses a threat to Israel unlike anything the Jewish state has seen in recent history. A new report from the Jewish Institute for National Security of America's (JINSA) Hybrid Warfare Task force, headed by several retired senior U.S. military officials, outlined this striking strategic threat to Israel, as well as the operational and legal challenges the country will most likely face in its next war with Hezbollah. According to the report, the next conflict with Hezbollah will "bear little resemblance to anything that has come before between Israel and its adversaries." "Changes in the strategic environment in the 12 years since the last Israeli-Hezbollah conflict will translate into unparalleled death and destruction," the report said, noting that Hezbollah's recent fighting experience in Syria, its support from Iran and its massive weapons arsenal pose a "quantum leap" in the terror group's ability to inflict devastation on Israel. "Today, Hezbollah possesses more firepower than 95 percent of the world's conventional militaries, and more rockets and missiles than all European NATO members combined," the report stated. Various estimates put Hezbollah's overall rocket and missile stockpiles at between 120,000 to 140,000--up from roughly 10,000 in the last conflict in 2006. While the vast majority comprises inaccurate short-range rockets, the terror group also has several thousand medium-range rockets and several hundred precision long-range missiles capable of striking targets throughout all of Israel. At the same time, Hezbollah has also bolstered its fighting force from 13,000 fighters in 2006 to a current 25,000 active-duty members, in addition to 20,000 to 30,000 reserve fighters. "Hezbollah has placed this expanded rocket and missile arsenal within and around civilian infrastructure, including apartment blocs, hospitals, schools and mosques, in the hopes of deterring and defending against IDF airstrikes, and courting civilian casualties it can hypocritically and disingenuously blame on Israel," the report said. A new appreciation for threats from the north One of the authors of the report, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael S. Tucker, who formerly served as Commanding General of the First United States Army from 2013 until 2016, and who made his first visit to Israel as part of the fact-finding mission for the report, told JNS that he acquired a real appreciation for the threats that Israel faces in the north. "Israel is truly challenged with a situation that does not exist anywhere else in the world," he said. "Because they are a nation-state and they do abide by the law of armed conflict, they are challenged against an enemy that doesn't necessarily follow that, nor is there any accountability on their side." Tucker said he hopes the report will prod the international community into action. "This report should be a wake-up call to the international community that this is a real threat and the potential for this conflict to turn into a large-scale war unlike we have seen yet," he said. Col. (Ret.) Marc Warren, who served as U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps and as the senior legal officer for Multi-National Forces Iraq, and who now is co-chair of Jenner & Block, LLP's Aviation and Aerospace Practice, also made his first trip to Israel for purposes of the report. He told JNS that he was struck by the size and scope of the threat Israel faces. "I was struck by the relatively small size of Israel. That when you overlay the range of missile and rocket batteries in Syria and Lebanon, how much of Israel is well within range of many rocket systems," he said. "The threat is obvious given the size of the country." 'Political defeat' of Israel Despite the tens of thousands of Hezbollah rockets that Israel faces, the report acknowledges that it still remains unlikely that the terror group could inflict a strategic military defeat on the Israel Defense Forces--one of the most well-trained, well-armed and highly capable militaries in the world. Instead, the report notes that Hezbollah's objective will be the "political defeat" of Israel by weaponizing information and international law to its advantage. "By illegally exposing civilians to harm, manipulating the narrative and exploiting misperceptions about the laws of war, Hezbollah will seek to portray Israel as an arbitrary, immoral and illegal murderer of civilians," the report stated. "Hezbollah will hope to survive to fight another day while delegitimizing Israel in the eyes of the world before the IDF can achieve decisive victory," the report said. Warren said that Hezbollah has intentionally placed the civilian population of Lebanon in harm's way with the intent of forcing Israel to create massive civilian casualties and turn public opinion against them. "It is Hezbollah that mixes missiles, rockets and mortars with civilians. It is Hezbollah who builds these villas in southern Lebanon adjacent to Israel that are way out of proportion for the area. They are built for the purpose of creating defensible positions; they are interconnected with tunnels. Fighters have batteries, missiles and rockets stored there," he said. While Warren recognized that terror groups have longed misused protected places, such as hospitals and mosques to mask their forces, he said Hezbollah is taking this to a new level of perversity. "The intent is not only to mask or protect fighters and equipment, but to deliberately create situations where Israel is forced to target those locations," he said. "They are so deep and so numerous that you simply cannot bypass them." As such, Hezbollah can twist the narrative to present Israel as the real enemy. "Thus, you create civilians causalities, and the adversary is able to twist the traditional principles of the law of war--most specifically, discrimination and proportionality--and say to the international media and community, 'Look at what Israel did here; they killed these civilians here, how awful is that.' So Israel is in a strict liability position," Warren said. At the same time, Warren also noted that past measures the IDF has used in conflicts in Gaza to warn the civilian population ahead of airstrikes, such as text messages, leaflets and the so-called "knock on the roof," will likely not be available to the Israelis against Hezbollah. "The tragedy of the next war, it will be different than prior recent wars. A lot more combined arms maneuver ... it will not be surgical," he explained. "While the Israelis make great use of precision-guided actions, not all of these targets can be pre-planned, as there will be fleeting ones and new emerging ones. That kind of fight cannot lend itself well to a knock on the roof, leaflets or text messages to civilians. It is going to be much more dynamic than that." Instead, Warren says the next war with Hezbollah will more closely resemble conventional warfare between two states, albeit with one side not adhering to international law. "This report is a bit of a retro report--what is in vogue is counter-insurgency--but this war here would not be the kind of special operating forces, drone strikes and surgical airstrikes that we see more often now. It will be much more extensive than that. The methods Israel uses that exceed the laws of war might not be applicable here." Warren added that the key part of the report is to prepare the international community for what to expect in this conflict. "The key part is to prepare people for the idea that while Israel will adhere to the laws of war, that some of the extraordinary cautionary measures that people have become accustomed to seeing may not be feasible in this war," he said. 'Raise awareness for international community' In recent weeks, Israel has sounded the alarm over Hezbollah's buildup in southern Lebanon and its blatant use of embedding its military capabilities within the civilian population. In late October, the IDF exposed a new Hezbollah forward position on the Lebanese-Israeli border that was disguised as a structure used by environmental-protection activists. "This is a breach of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701," the officer said, in reference to a resolution that bans armed forces other than the official Lebanese Armed Forces from being deployed in southern Lebanon. The new intelligence-gathering post is part of "Hezbollah's tactical military activities in south Lebanon that are being conducted in the last few years," the officer stated. "What we've seen ... is Hezbollah using the civilian front and working in civilian uniforms in south Lebanon in order to act in the region with impunity," he added. "We see them gathering intelligence on IDF activity, watching Israeli communities close to the Blue Line, which is the border between Israel and Lebanon--preparing for attacks against the IDF and against Israeli civilians in the Galilee," the officer said. Tucker expressed dismay over the current response by the international community, especially the U.N. Security Council, which oversees the peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon, UNIFIL, tasked with enforcing the disarmament of Hezbollah under Security Council resolution 1701. "The methodology they [Hezbollah] use to combat the IDF--using human shields, using protective places for military purposes--there needs to be a greater level of situational awareness in the international community to that. To raise questions to the U.N. and to the entire UNIFIL program in southern Lebanon. "The international community should hold the U.N. accountable at that level of fidelity. It [UNSC Resolution 1701] is blatantly being disregarded on a daily basis." As such, Tucker believes that Israel needs to continue to sound the alarm on Hezbollah to the international community, while also continuing to build regional and international coalitions that will support the Jewish state in the next conflict. "They should continue every effort to shed light on Hezbollah, its buildup in Lebanon and its ties with Iran," he said. "We need to create a consensus among the international community on the threat Israel is faced with. And we can only do that through education." News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey - In Luke 21, Jesus gave His disciples a quick list of the signs they should look for as indications His return is near. Jesus said, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven." (Luke 21:10-11 NASB) We find many of the signs Jesus mentioned throughout history. But recent developments make them more immediate than ever. That's because there are three key differences between now and centuries past. The first and most important is "Israel." Second Coming prophecies throughout the Old and New Testaments require the existence of a reborn and legally recognized nation of Israel. The presence of the State of Israel and its control over the city of Jerusalem give meaning and urgency to all the prophecies concerning the Lord's return. The second factor that increases the sense of urgency is "Convergence." The list of signs Jesus gave, and scores of others, are now happening all at once. We're no longer seeing a random sign here or there. We are seeing a rapid confluence of all the signs. The third thing that makes our time different is "Degree." Just as Jesus warned, the intensity and frequency of the signs have either grown dramatically or appear on the verge of unprecedented acceleration. On this week's program, I will examine some of the latest developments from around the world that demonstrate how accurate these prophecies of Jesus are and how rapidly they are now being fulfilled. Believers will be encouraged by the realization that the Rapture of the Church, our "blessed hope," could happen at any moment. But if discussions like this frighten you, or cause you unease, then that means you are not confident in your relationship with God. When I produce a program like this, one of my goals is to prove how accurate the Bible's prophecies are. And if the Bible can be so spot-on about developments and events -- even weapons of war -- that could not possibly have been conceived of thousands of years ago, then the Bible can be trusted with everything else it says. And the Bible tells us that we don't have to be afraid when we see how rapidly this Age of Grace is coming to an end. In fact, it shows us explicitly how we can escape the horrible events that will soon burst upon this old world. Nothing you can do on your own, nothing you can pay or promise, can gain you entrance into heaven when you die. But don't be discouraged, that's the good news. Jesus Christ has already done it for you! He bought you a ticket to heaven by taking upon Himself the guilt for all of your sins and dying in your place to pay the penalty you owed. To redeem that ticket, all we must do is accept the free gift of pardon for our sins that Jesus purchased for us with His death on the cross. And it is so simple to do. Just believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God. Admit to Him that you are a sinner and can never qualify for heaven on your own. Humbly ask Him to forgive you for that sin and cover you with His own righteousness. Then accept that pardon and believe that God will do everything He has promised. If you do that sincerely, then you don't have to be afraid as you see the prophecies of the Bible spring to life all around you. No matter if you die or if you are snatched away from this earth when Jesus returns to "rapture" us away to heaven, you will be ready to go. For now you are a child of the Living God and part of his forever-family. When He comes or when you die, you'll just be going home! Don't miss The Hal Lindsey Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or . Please check your local listings. The Good Old Days? - By Grant Phillips - Have you ever wished we were back in the good old days? Maybe you've heard someone say those words. It's been many years, but I've been guilty of saying that myself. When I think about today's immorality, crime rate, high cost-of-living, threats of war, apostasy, etc. it is tempting to wish for the good old days. On the other hand, we would not have all the conveniences that are available today. Perhaps it would be better to be content with where we are now and enjoy what the Lord provides each day. Yeah, I think so too. I could close at this point and have the shortest article I've ever written, but there's more to say. My wife and I have been studying the Old Testament, having finished the New Testament, and during this time I have noticed one glaring fact. As a Christian, I am so glad to be living in the dispensation of the Church as opposed to the dispensation of the Law. In traveling through Exodus and Leviticus, for example, we notice immediately that very rigid rules apply, from God, for just about everything. There are many types of sacrifices to be carried out to the letter. There are days, years and seasons to observe that must be observed religiously. The Tabernacle had to be set up perfectly to God's standards, and even the positioning of the tribes around the Tabernacle was a precise maneuver. Please keep in mind that I am just skimming the tree tops. I have not gone down into the forest of very, very rigid commands that had to be followed precisely or die. If you think I'm making this up, ask Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron's priestly sons. (Leviticus 10:1-5) They learned the hard way, with their lives, to obey God or die. It didn't matter that they were sons of the high priest, Aaron. God took their lives for disobeying Him and disrespecting their position. And get this, Aaron, their father, was not even permitted by God to mourn their deaths. Some may say, "Oh that was so cruel of God." No it wasn't! God had to demonstrate to mankind, through Israel, that He is holy and is to be treated as holy. Bottom line ... He is God. We are not. He demands respect as the one and only true God. If we were still under the Law today, I hate to imagine the predicament we would all be in today. However, payday is coming for this world, but that's another subject. Today, we can all be thankful for the tremendous blessings that have been provided by Jesus giving His life for us on the cross. Further, what a blessing that He rose from the grave and is now in Heaven as our great High Priest. Those who come to Jesus today asking to be saved do not need to bring a bloody sacrifice to the altar. Instead of looking toward the cross, as Israel did in those days, we are now looking back to the cross. Our sacrifice has been provided by God; the sacrifice of Himself. All we need do is call upon His name in faith, believing upon Him and He will save us. As a Christian I do not need to meticulously keep many, many rituals required by the Law. Jesus fulfilled the Law for us. God is not far off, requiring that I come to Him through a tabernacle priest. I can now come to my Father in Heaven any time, day or night, and talk with Him. Why is that? Jesus made that possible on the cross. If you recall, the veil that separated the holy place from the holy of holies was split in two from top to bottom. There is no longer a veil between us. (Those of you who are Catholic are being duped by the leaders of your false religion.) Another wonderful blessing is that we have the entirety of God's Word in the book we call the Bible, a joining of the Old and New Testaments. This was not possible prior to the dispensation of the Church age. When we consider that we can carry in one hand (the Bible) all that God wants us to hear from Him, and talk with Him anytime, what a wonderful blessing that is! There is only one thing that can top that, and that would be when we see Him face to face in Heaven, when we can touch Him with our hands, and worship at His feet. Yes, the world is a sin infested, devilish hell-hole today, despite all the modern conveniences, but there is one thing I love about living in the 21st century. I love knowing that we will soon see Jesus come for His Church and deal with Satan and his followers. What a thought, knowing that we are at the threshold of the book of Revelation (and others) being fulfilled! Why would any Christian long for the good old days, when actually the good old days are just ahead. They are not in the past! They could be any day now! I don't know the date our Lord will return for us, but I do know that He will. He gave us His Word, and His Word has never failed. His last words to us were, "Surely, I come quickly." (Revelation 22:20) Now those will be the good old days! Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: A sign of prophetic times: The hate continues - Bill Wilson - A mob of violent left-wing Antifa-affiliated "protesters" tried to break down the front door of Conservative Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson's house Wednesday night. Police reports indicate that the mob vandalized his house, driveway, and car, and threatened his wife with chants "Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night." They also shouted that he was a "racist scumbag." Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. Meanwhile, white women are the target of leftists in the media and on social media for supporting Republican candidates in Florida, Georgia and Texas. They are collectively accused of putting their white supremacy over their womanhood and betraying the left. The soon-to-be Democratic Party leadership is having a meltdown over the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by President Trump because they believe it will jeopardize their precious Russian influence investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The longer the investigation goes, the more negative stories the leftist media can report. It's good for the hate business-never mind that after two years, there has been no indictments for Trump-Russian collaboration in influencing the 2016 presidential election. Leftist "news anchor" Chris Cuomo interviewed Nancy Pelosi about the Sessions firing, Both of them arrogantly accused Trump of interfering with the Mueller investigation. No bias here, right? New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote a column blaming the "extremist" National Rifle Association for the killing of 12 people at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California last Thursday. Hollywood's Chelsea Handler, Stephen King, Josh Gad, and Ellen Barkin added varying levels of blaming Trump, Republicans and gun owners for the deaths. They ignore that the shooter used a legally purchased handgun and that California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, among them: universal background checks, gun registration, red flag laws, ten-day waiting period for gun purchases, "assault weapons" ban, one-gun-per-month limit on handgun purchases, minimum firearm purchase age of 21, ban on campus carry, "good cause" restriction for concealed carry, and controls on ammunition purchases. If you are white male, white female, a gun owner, a conservative, or a Christian, there is no end to the suspicion, vitriol and hate coming at you from a certain persuasion of people. There is no public discourse on issues of concern anymore. It has deteriorated to "if you disagree with my way of thinking, you are not only wrong, but immoral." In short, the hate continues. These are signs of prophetic times. Jesus spoke of the end times in Matthew 24. He said in verses 9-10, "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." Right here in America, we are witnessing a type and shadow of how this hate incubates in one of the world's largest Christian-populated nations. Daily Devotion: When We Fall Short - By Greg Laurie - At that time a severe famine struck the land of Canaan, forcing Abram to go down to Egypt, where he lived as a foreigner. -Genesis 12:10 Abraham, whose very name is synonymous with faith, had a lapse in faith. God had told him to leave his country and his relatives, so he headed toward the land of promise, the land of Canaan. Then a great famine swept the land. The same God who brought him that far would have gotten him through somehow. Yet we don't read of Abraham praying or calling on the Lord. Effectively he took matters into his own hands and went down to Egypt. And any step away from God is a step down. Abraham stopped trusting God. To make matters worse, he asked his wife Sarah to participate in a lie by saying she was his sister. Pharaoh saw the beautiful Sarah and added her to his harem. But then a series of plagues started coming on his household. Pharaoh discovered that it was because Sarah was another man's wife. He took her back to Abraham and basically said, "Why didn't you tell me she was your wife? Take her and get out of here." It's really a sad thing when an unbeliever corrects you. It's even worse when they're right. Abraham's sin was exposed. (And by the way, sin always will be exposed.) The Bible says, "Your sin will find you out" (Numbers 32:23 NLT). It doesn't matter how carefully you hide it. It will come out one day. We all sin. We all fall short. We all mess up. Maybe like Abraham, you've told lies. You've told lies to cover up your lies. You don't even know what is true anymore. You just know your life is a mess. There is no joy. There is no peace. God can fix it, but you have to admit it and reach out to Him. He will forgive you of your sin. FROM THE HEART
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