Prophecy Update Newsletter
Tribulation Chronicles Part 2: The Lie - By Alice Childs -
If you are following these chronicles, it is apparent to you by now that an event unlike any other in history has just occurred. In fact, the magnitude and scope of what has just happened is so breathtakingly unprecedented that you cannot yet fathom just how profoundly your world has now been altered. Of course I am referring to the event I told you about in the last letter. That event was the rapture of the Church. I know that many, if not everyone, to some degree or other has at least heard of the rapture either through movies, books, YouTube, or whatever; but most likely what you know or THINK you know is a "Hollywood-ized" version that bears little, if any, resemblance to the truth. In order to learn the truth, you are going to need to turn to the Bible - a book with which you most likely have had little to no acquaintance, or a nominal one at best. Perhaps you have never picked up a Bible. Either way you need to find one now. In fact, you need to find as many as you can get your hands on, because very soon the Bible will most likely become a banned book; and after the rapture, merely to possess one will put your life in jeopardy. So while you yet can, gather as many as you can find, and find a secure place to hide them. Do this as quickly as you can; for after the rapture has occurred, online sites such as this one will almost certainly be shut down sooner or later, made inaccessible fairly rapidly. This site in particular was specifically created for the explicit purpose of having archived in one place a wealth of Biblical teaching for the sole purpose of giving you, the left behind ones, the truth amidst all the lies you will be told about what has already happened, and about those things which are shortly to come to pass. If possible, download and print out as much of the information and Bible studies published and archived here. Put them in a place of safekeeping along with as many King James Bibles (my own personal preference) as you can find. The language may seem a bit archaic to you at first, but because the Bible is God's 'living Word,' God Himself will help you to understand what you read. If you trust the Lord and believe in Christ as your Savior, His Holy Spirit will open your understanding. As I stated in the last letter, it is no longer your physical life that matters. You will almost certainly lose your physical life during these final seven years of human history under Satan's usurpation of this world system. It is the destiny of your immortal soul that is the only thing that matters from here on out. As things begin to rapidly spiral out of control, very few are likely to live through this last seven years. What matters most is not how you can prepare to live through this time, but rather are you prepared to die? Where will your conscious, sentient, immortal soul - the very essence of all that is you - end up after you die? Now that I have told you of the first things you need to do, let me now tell you what you need to know. You need to be aware that there is an agenda that the global powers that be - those who operate a globalist world system under the power and authority of Satan (the Father of Lies and the avowed enemy of the Most High God) are working towards fulfilling. I must give you warning that these rulers of darkness do not want the truth regarding the rapture to be known. Once people realize that the Bible not only predicted this very event 2,000 years ago, many will soon realize that everything the Bible stated is truth, and truth is the one thing that Satan and all who follow him cannot abide or allow. Satan has had millennia to perfect "the lie" that he will continue to perpetrate in order to continue to deceive and lure the rest of mankind into an eternal Hell. Why does he do this? Very simply, he does so because he hates God. Because God loved mankind enough to send Jesus, God the Son, to die in our stead to redeem fallen man. Satan hates man too. Satan hates you. You have been left behind because you believed his lies and rejected Christ during the era of grace that was the Church Age. He has already deceived you once. Do not be deceived again. So, what is "the lie" that Satan has always used but will perfect during these last seven years? Why, it's the oldest lie in the universe, and it goes straight back to the Garden of Eden. The Lie is this: that man can become his own god within himself apart from the Creator God. It is the self-same lie that brought down creation when Adam and Eve believed it, and it is the self-same lie that is the rotted foundation upon which every single false religion is built - the lie that MAN can create his own reality apart from the eternally existent, all omnipotent Creator. Satan will continue to use this lie (and the many variations of it) to bring in his ultimate deception. Let me give you some examples of variations of the lie that he could likely use to explain away the disappearances of those who have been taken home to Glory. Be aware of these and be on the lookout for any other "explanations" that cast GOD as the evil one and which cast Satan (Lucifer) as the good or benevolent "god." Below, I will list the top six most likely (from my personal perspective) explanations that Satan may use to explain away our disappearance. Possible Lie # 1 - That extraterrestrials (ET's) have been monitoring our planet ever since man "evolved" and have stepped in to remove all those who were unwilling to join with the rest of the world's religions, in order for "peace" to be achieved. Watch for catchphrases such as: (A) Panspermia - the belief that this planet was seeded by visitors and beings from other galaxies and worlds; that humanity is the descendant of alien races. (B) Ascended Masters - beings from other planets or dimensions who have "spiritually evolved" beyond humanity and who have evolved beyond the need of bodies of flesh - entities who claim to be pure consciousness and who have been guiding humanity throughout humanity's spiritual and physical evolution into a higher form. Possible Lie # 2 - That the earth itself is a living sentient being; that "Mother Earth" (sometimes referred to as the "goddess" Gaia) is now in the process of cleansing herself of all human entities who possess negative energies and who have been impeding her "rebirth." The entire religion of ecology (which includes the entire climate change pseudoscience) is based on the belief that Earth is a living being with self-awareness and sentient intent. Possible Lie #3 - That humanity has just taken a giant Gestalt, spiritual, evolutionary leap forward; that all those who were unprepared or less "spiritually enlightened" were removed to another dimension (or planet) until they could become more enlightened and spiritually attuned; that mankind has just moved beyond "homo-sapien" into "homo-noeticus," and all those not ready to evolve had to be removed to "work out their karma" in another existence; that all the children were taken to another planet or dimension to protect them from the planetary changes that the earth is about to endure, to prepare them to be returned when Earth and the "more enlightened ones" who were left here after the "great vanishing" (or the great purge as they will likely call it) will have come through this transitional period. Possible Lie # 4 - That all who were taken were merely random accidents or were possibly the targets of some new or super-secret weapon. Possible Lie #5 - That there was an accident with CERN and that those missing were pulled into some alternate universe or alternate dimension, or possibly that this is all the result of some giant Mandela Effect involving a rip in the space-time continuum, an accident involving the transfer of the missing ones into another parallel multiverse, or some such thing. Possible Lie # 6 - that the rapture was an elaborate HOAX - a false flag event carried out by the governments of the world via something like Project Blue Beam - that the rapture never actually happened, but was made to appear real, and all of the missing ones have been either incarcerated inside FEMA camps here in the United States and other prison camps worldwide, or perhaps the missing have been taken into some kind of protective custody. These are but a few of the possible explanations that may be used by the globalists - the New World Order elites, who will, under Satan's guidance, be running the show in this New World Order. The most important thing for you to know is this: all of these explanations along with any others the ruling elite may put forward will be a LIE. The truth is simple and direct. What will have really happened to us is this: all genuine believers in Jesus Christ - those who were part of His Church - were taken to Heaven by Jesus Christ Himself. We are now with Him in Heaven in the Father's House. This is the truth. Be alert. The Bible says that all who do not come to faith in Christ during this last seven years will be brought under a strong delusion and will believe "the lie." I implore you, before you go any further: ADMIT that you are a justly condemned sinner in need of a perfect Savior. BELIEVE (place your faith and trust) in the truth that Jesus - God the Son - died on the cross as payment for your sins and mine - that He rose again bodily on the third day. Accept this truth and believe that Christ Jesus is the only way of obtaining eternal life. I beg you, do this before it is too late, for as you will learn from the next chronicle, what is coming next is nothing less than World War III, and it will be DEVASTATING beyond your wildest imaginings. Israel planning UN action against Iran, says intelligence minister - By Josef Federman - Yisrael Katz says international community must enforce ceasefire agreement with Hezbollah, keeping Iran-backed terror group out of south Lebanon Following the surprising resignation of Lebanon's prime minister, Israel is planning a diplomatic offensive to step up pressure on Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah at the United Nations, a senior Israeli government minister said Thursday. Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz told The Associated Press that he believes conditions are ripe to take a stand against Iranian actions in the region, including its support for the Lebanese Shiite terrorist group. In particular, he said that Israel wants the world, after years of inaction, to tightly enforce a 2006 cease-fire agreement that called on Hezbollah to disarm and stay away from Israel's border. "The resignation of Lebanon's Prime Minister (Saad) Hariri exposes Hezbollah's real face," said Katz, who is also transportation minister. "Iran is taking over Lebanon. Hezbollah is taking over Lebanon." Israel has long considered Iran to be its greatest foe, citing the Islamic Republic's hostile rhetoric, suspect nuclear program, development of long-range missiles and support for anti-Israeli terror groups. It has closely been watching Iran's involvement in the war in neighboring Syria and is deeply concerned that Iran, along with Hezbollah, will maintain a permanent presence in post-war Syria. It fears that Iran could use Syrian territory to stage attacks on Israel, or create a land corridor from Iran to Lebanon that could allow it to transfer weapons more easily to Hezbollah. Hezbollah and Israel battled to a stalemate in a month-long war in 2006 that ended in a UN-brokered cease-fire. The agreement, UN Security Council Resolution 1701, called for the disarmament of militant groups in Lebanon and an end to arms transfers to them. The only armed forces allowed in southern Lebanon were the Lebanese national army and UN peacekeepers. The cease-fire, however, has been poorly enforced, and Israel believes Hezbollah has amassed an arsenal of some 150,000 rockets and missiles aimed at Israel, much of it stockpiled near the border. "We don't need a new resolution. We just need to implement an existing one," said Katz, who will head to the United States later this month to press Israel's case. "I think Hariri's resignation allows Israel to lead a process with the United Nations, with the Security Council, United States, France and other countries and demand to implement Resolution 1701," he said. "That first of all is a process we plan to lead." Announcing his resignation last Saturday in a pre-recorded speech from Saudi Arabia, Hariri accused Iran of meddling in Arab affairs and Hezbollah of holding Lebanon hostage. Hezbollah has members in the Lebanese unity government that Hariri formed last year. Hariri's surprise resignation has thrown Lebanon into turmoil, with many people accusing Saudi Arabia of carrying out a power play aimed at wrecking the unity deal with Hezbollah. On Thursday, Hariri's party in Lebanon demanded he return from Saudi Arabia, implying he was being held against his will. Katz spoke before Thursday's accusations against Saudi Arabia, but discounted the possibility that the kingdom was behind his resignation. "I don't think they forced him to resign. The threat against him in Lebanon is concrete," Katz said. Israel has long sought better enforcement of the UN cease-fire. But Katz said changing circumstances make the time ripe for diplomatic action. He cited the strong support for Israel by the new US administration, the international jockeying for influence as the Syrian war moves toward an end and what he called Israel's "shared interests" with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arab countries who also feel threatened by Iran. In a sign of progress for Israel, the Security Council under American pressure renewed the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon in September with new orders for more patrols and detailed reports on run-ins with Hezbollah. Israel has largely stayed on the sidelines throughout the six-year Syrian war. But officials have acknowledged carrying out dozens of airstrikes inside Syria against suspected weapons shipments bound for Hezbollah. Israel has been lobbying both the US and Russia, Syria's strongest ally, for safeguards that Iran and its allies will remain far from its borders in post-war Syria and that sophisticated weapons will not be able to reach Hezbollah. Katz said Israel prefers diplomatic arrangements, but is ready to use military action if necessary. "Israel has made clear what its red lines are and we will stand by those red lines," he said. Muslim Civil War in Middle East Could Draw in Israel & U.S. - By Michael Snyder - People better start waking up and paying attention to what is happening in the Middle East, because the situation is becoming quite serious. If things go badly, we could be facing a major regional war which would involve not only Saudi Arabia and Iran, but also potentially the United States and Israel. Yesterday, I quoted an article in the New York Times that warned that tensions between the Saudis and the Iranians were raising "the threat of a direct military clash between the two regional heavyweights". And now Jake Novak of CNBC is saying that a "direct conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as opposed to the proxy war they're fighting in Yemen, looks inevitable." I put those last two words in bold so that there wouldn't be any confusion. In fact, Novak is warning that the Saudis "are marching ever closer towards a wider regional war". Novak understands the dynamics of the Middle East, and he realizes where things could be headed if cooler heads do not prevail. Saudi Arabia and Iran have already been fighting proxy wars against one another in Syria and Iran for quite a while, but a direct military conflict between the two could literally be a nightmare scenario. One of the primary characters in this ongoing drama is Saudi Arabia's extremely hawkish crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. He hates Iran with a passion, and he has already said that he believes that a peace dialogue with Iran is impossible. And over the past several days, events in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon have moved talk of war to the front burner... First, the kingdom squarely blamed Iran for a missile attack on Riyadh from Yemen that was thwarted by the U.S.-made Patriot anti-missile system. The Saudis called that attack "direct military aggression by the Iranian regime and may be considered an act of war." Second, the Saudis accused Lebanon of -- figuratively at least -- declaring "war" against it because of aggression from Hezbollah. That statement spurred even Saudi ally and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to publicly urge for calm. And now Saudi Arabia has issued a notice for all it's citizens to leave Lebannon immediately. In an article yesterday, I discussed the "purge" that is currently taking place in Saudi Arabia. Many believe that this purge is all about removing any potential obstacles to a war with Iran. Mohammed bin Salman and his father have made dealing with Iran their number one strategic priority, and they have even enlisted the Israelis as allies in their cause... As is already well-known, the Saudi and Israeli common cause against perceived Iranian influence and expansion in places like Syria, Lebanon and Iraq of late has led the historic bitter enemies down a pragmatic path of unspoken cooperation as both seem to have placed the break up of the so-called "Shia crescent" as their primary policy goal in the region. For Israel, Hezbollah has long been its greatest foe, which Israeli leaders see as an extension of Iran's territorial presence right up against the Jewish state's northern border. If Saudi Arabia and Iran go to war, it is probably inevitable that Hezbollah will strike Israel at the same time, thus getting the Israelis directly involved in the conflict. Not only that, if a major regional war does erupt in the Middle East it would almost certainly mean that the U.S. would have to get involved as well. Here is more from Jake Novak of CNBC... But if full blown war breaks out directly between the two countries, it's hard to see the U.S. being able to sit it out without at least some form increased weapons support and other aid. Then it will be up to Iran's possible allies, like Russia and China to make the next move. If you are thinking that this sounds like the type of scenario that could cause World War III to erupt, you would be correct. Others nations such as Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey could easily be drawn in not to mention Russia. The conflict between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam has a long and bitter history, and the bad blood between the Saudis and the Iranians is never going to subside until one side or the other ultimately prevails. Let us hope that a "hot war" between Saudi Arabia and Iran does not erupt any time soon, because such a war would not be good for the United States whatsoever. Pretty much every scenario that you can imagine ends with enormous numbers of innocent people dead, and such a conflict could ultimately be the spark that sets off World War III. Have Biblical Adam and Eve Been Found by Genetic Science? - By Yehezkel Laing - "The man named his wife Chava, because she was the mother of all the living." Genesis 3:20 (The Israel Bible™) Following the recent trend of congruence between science and Bible in different fields, fresh genetic research suggests that all females are descended from a single female and all males from a single male - corresponding with the Biblical account of Adam and Eve. For many years the multiregional hypothesis, suggesting multiple origins for humanity, was predominant in genetic research. But new studies suggest that all of humanity has a common origin. "The Torah has always claimed one common ancestor to all humanity as well as creation ex-nilo," Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman told Breaking Israel News in response to the finding. "Recent discoveries in these fields seem to confirm these truths." The theory was first developed in 1987, when leading science journal Nature published a study investigating humanity's origins. The study researched mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from mother to both daughter and son. Because mitochondrial DNA is only passed on by the mother and never the father, it reveals maternal lineage. Knowing this, the researchers were able to determine that every human being alive today can trace their ancestry back to a single woman now referred to as "Mitochondrial Eve." The original research placed Eve somewhere in East Africa between 140,000 and 200,000 years ago. More recent research suggests she may have lived less than 100,000 years ago. The study was quickly attacked by other researchers, but subsequent studies confirmed the original findings and the theory is now generally accepted in the scientific community. Professor Karl Skorecki, an expert on DNA and the discoverer of the "Cohen Gene", which identifies members of the Jewish priestly caste through genetic testing, explained to Breaking Israel News how the findings harmonize with the Biblical account. "Analysis of mitochondrial DNA of all contemporary humans sampled today indicates that all of the different variations in the sequence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) trace back, or converge to an original sequence in a given woman," he explained. "That woman, Mitochondrial Eve, transmitted her mtDNA sequence to her offspring, and over generations slight variations in sequence occurred and accumulated, leading to the diversity of existent sequences in men and women populating the earth today." Professor Skorecki said that while the findings confirm a single mother to all humanity, they do not suggest she was the only woman of her time. But this, he pointed out, is harmonious with the Bible, which identifies other human populations at the time of Eve. Ancestral Adam was found in 1995, when a separate study on male ancestry examined the Y-chromosome, passed directly from father to son. Science published the results of a study in which a segment of the Y-chromosome from 38 men from different ethnic groups were analyzed for variation. Their conclusion was that every man alive today actually descended from a single man whom scientists now refer to as "Y-Chromosomal Adam." "The last fifty years of science, especially in the fields of cosmology and quantum physics, have brought Torah and science together as never before," Rabbi Trugman noted. "Perhaps now the same will occur within anthropology and Torah." "Although the Torah is not a science, history, anthropology, philosophy, or cosmology book in the common sense, it is actually all of these and much more," he added. The first studies concluded that "Eve" lived much later than "Adam" - some 140,000 years later. But recent studies indicate that Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam may indeed have lived around the same time. End-times expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston took the comparison even further than confirming the Biblical account, explaining how he sees the confluence between the scientific view of Eve and the Biblical account as a signal of redemption. "During the exile there was great Hester Panim - a hiding of God's face. As a result the Bible became relegated to the back of man's consciousness," he said. "At the same time, science at first seemed to diverge from religion. "But since the Torah is the basic fabric of reality it cannot be hidden forever. As the redemption moves forward and the Jews return home, the Bible is coming back to the forefront of man's consciousness. Along with this we see a growing harmony between science and the Bible. We have even gotten the point where science is now borrowing concepts from the Bible - such as with Mitochondrial Eve." The Power Has Gone - By Grant Phillips - "But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene-walk!" (Acts 3:6) In Revelation chapters two through three our Lord identifies seven churches of Asia. These were real churches during the days of the apostle John, each with its own characteristics. These churches also characterize the Church from the time of the apostles to today. Ephesus - (Apostles) the church of the apostolic age; legalistic Ephesus was doctrinally sound, but had lost their first love. The era ranged from about 30-100 AD and the church had become legalistic. Smyrna - (Martyrs) the church under severe persecution; persecuted Smyrna was faithful unto death, and Jesus pronounced nothing against them. They suffered mightily for the Lord. The era ranged from about 100-313 AD. Pergamum - (Constantine) the church settled in the world; liberal Pergamum stayed true to the Lord, but allowed the way of Balaam and the Nicolaitans to enter their midst. The church began with Constantine and the era ranged from about 313-590 AD. Thyatira - (Popes) the church in idolatry; pagan & cultic Thyatira's strength was service, but they allowed the spirit of Jezebel to corrupt them. This church began with the popes and ran from about 590-1517 AD. Sardis - (Reformation) the church that is dead, yet with a believing remnant; dead Sardis had no strengths. They were a dead church. The era was the Reformation from about 1517-1790 AD. Philadelphia - (Missionaries) the church in revival; alive Philadelphia was strong in mission work, and Jesus offered no negative comments against them. The era was about 1790-1900 AD. Laodicea - (Apostate) the church in the final stage of apostasy; worldly Laodicea had nothing good said about it by Jesus. Its weaknesses are that it is lukewarm, pompous, apathetic and worldly. It began with the time of German criticism from about 1900 AD to present. Even though remnants of some of the churches can still be seen today, we are now in the final stage; i.e. the Laodicean church. When studying the book of Acts isn't it exhilarating to see the power of God that was in the beginning of that Ephesian church age? In Acts 2:41 we are told that about 3,000 souls were added to the Church. In Acts 4:4 we are told that 5,000 men heard and believed. (Obviously, there were women and children that were also saved.) Keep in mind, these numbers are from Scripture and are real, true numbers. I strongly doubt that that many have been saved at one time since then. God has not changed. The Gospel has not changed. The power of God has not changed and is still readily available. So what happened from then until now? The church was growing in leaps and bounds during the apostolic era (Ephesus) since the power of God was unleashed. Satan hated this of course, so persecution became extreme (Smyrna). Much to Satan's surprise, the church grew even stronger. The blood of the saints just increased the roll call of Heaven. Satan decided that if persecuting the Church made it grow, maybe it would be better to co-mingle it with the world (Pergamum). This was accomplished through a Roman emperor named Constantine who embraced the Church and welcomed it into the empire of Rome. Sure enough, the fire quickly began to fade. But that's not enough, says Satan. So popes and cardinals were installed to be over all the commoners in the Church (Thyatira). The emphasis of the Church is taken from Christ and put upon men and sacraments. One earthly man now determines what all will and will not believe and follow. Thankfully there was a rebellion called the Reformation begun by Martin Luther who finally realized that it is grace that saves, not works (Sardis). Splinter churches came from this movement, but many of the practices of the Catholic Church were kept and continued. Not much had changed but the actors on the scene. The church was dead. Only God can bring the dead to life, and that He did on the mission fields (Philadelphia). Men gave their lives to print the Holy Scriptures and put them in the hands of the commoner. Many others gave their lives to carry the message of the true Gospel to their own countries and others far away. Thousands upon thousands began coming to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, but Satan wasn't finished. This would never do, so Satan got men to thinking about higher criticism, and from German criticism we learned that "God is dead." We have now become so much smarter than God; we don't need Him (Laodicea). Dr. J. Vernon McGee related an incident that sums up what has happened to the Church down through the ages. "An incident is told of one of the early saints of the church in Rome who walked in on the pope as he was counting money. Realizing that he had walked in on something which was private, he started to walk out. The pope said to him, "No longer can the church say 'Silver and gold have I none.'" As the saintly man continued walking out, he said, "Neither can the church say to the impotent man, 'Rise up and walk.'" Look around you at our churches today. What do we have? We have plenty of silver and gold. There are millions of dollars in cash and assets owned by the churches of the 21st century. How much of these 'riches' are being hoarded and used for selfish gains? How much is being freely and gladly provided to further the Gospel of Christ? Yes, we have the silver and gold, but we do not have the power. Now before some get their tail-feathers ruffled, some of our churches can be identified with Philadelphia, for example, but by and large, we are neck deep in the Laodicean age. We think we are rich, but we are poor. Now how can that be? As Jesus said we are neither hot nor cold. We think we're rich and need nothing, but we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Then He goes on to say, "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." (Revelation 3:18-22) There were three critical components of the Gospel the apostles always preached that we rarely hear today. Sin - We are sinners in need of a Savior. Blood - Jesus shed His blood on the cross for us. Resurrection - Jesus rose from the grave. We have no power because we have forsaken what the Gospel is all about. It isn't about buildings, bank accounts, beautiful stages, comfortable pews, opinionated sermonettes, the good life, no worries, no problems, health and wealth, and comfort. It is about: "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23) Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: Honoring the keepers of liberty - Bill Wilson - Some time ago, I was re-watching the movie "Midway." Six months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, they were trying to set a trap for the US Navy and destroy it. The American commanders actually set a trap of their own and the highly outnumbered US forces won a decisive victory. I am always humbled by the selfless and heroic efforts made by the World War II generation. They sacrificed their lives for something they believed was bigger than them. They knew the value of family; the power of God; and that life and liberty was foundational to being an American, and it was worth fighting for. They were defined by their courage and character, their dedication to what was right and good. For me, Veterans Day was always a solemn day, a day of great remembrance. The current environment, where people are disrespecting the flag which is a symbol of those who serve and have served our country in the military, law enforcement, and first responders, has made this year's Veterans Day even more important to observe. So many of our young men and women are giving life and limb in endless war against the many enemies of freedom around the world, and even now in our homeland. What they endure, no one can ever measure. I recall my mom and dad's friends Warren and Sue McCarthy, Gene and Betty Flynn, Bob and Doris Harris. Warren and Gene served on D-Day. They survived it. And they were decorated war heroes. Not much of what they did was ever discussed. But you somehow knew that they were special. My dad, who was a farmer during World War II, was best friends with these men. He knew what went on, but would never say. They were among the finest men I knew growing up. My uncle Bob Harris served in the Philippines. There were times when he had flashbacks. My dad would get a call from my aunt and he would find Uncle Bob, talk him down and hold him until the terror passed. He, too, was a decorated hero. All these men knew the price of freedom and they understood their civic duty to their families, their God and their country. I'm sure you have stories as well about the brave men and women who served in our nation's armed forces. President Ronald Reagan remembered veterans in his speech May 26, 1986. He said, "If we really care about peace, we must stay strong. If we really care about peace, we must, through our strength, demonstrate our unwillingness to accept an ending of the peace. We must be strong enough to create peace where it does not exist and strong enough to protect it where it does." To me, there will never be peace on earth until the Lord returns. Jesus said, however, in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Many have sacrificed themselves that we may have peace and freedom. Let us honor their deeds this Veterans Day. Daily Devotion: A Powerful Testimony to a Divided World - By Greg Laurie - "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." -John 13:35 Before I became a believer, one of the things that attracted me to the Christian faith was the way Christians loved each other. I was raised in the sixties, when the hippie and drug culture was coming on strong. We wore peace symbols and used words like groovy. It was all about love and peace. But it was a sham. There was no love and peace. I quickly saw that it was hypocrisy. Having been raised in a broken home, I wanted love and peace, and I thought maybe this culture was where I needed to look. I actually bought into the philosophy for a time. I wasn't looking for a buzz or excitement; I was looking for meaning in life. But I never found it until I started meeting Christians. They had the love and peace I was searching for. They would get together for Bible studies on my high school campus, and I would watch them hug each other and say, "God bless you." I thought, "This can't be real. They can't really care about each other. There's no way." But as I kept watching them, it started bugging me. And then I thought, "What if they're right and I'm wrong? What if the love is real and not an act? What if God really is living inside them? What if they have the truth? If that is true, then I don't have it, and I don't have the answers. That means I need to hear what they have to say." Can people see that love in your life as well? When people of different ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultures set aside differences and come together to worship in the name of Jesus Christ, it is a powerful testimony to a world that is more divided than ever. FROM THE HEART
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