Prophecy Update Newsletter
Through the Looking Glass – Pete Garcia -
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?” The Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland From a faux-impeachment to a CCP-spawned pandemic; from Murder Hornets to massive wildfires; from numerous hurricanes to anarchy and riots; from historic Mid-East peace initiatives to one of the craziest election heists ever seen in American history. The year 2020 will definitely go down in the books as one of the most bizarre, topsy-turvy years on record. Most people (believers and non-believers alike) have been scratching their collective heads trying to make sense of all this. All I can say is that this has been 100 years in the making, and promises to lead to one, inescapable conclusion- the Rapture of the Church, and the world’s coming appointment with divine judgment. * Since the founding of our nation in 1776, our nation has undergone several, significant turning points that have shaped the course of our nation’s destiny. This means had the U.S., gone in the wrong direction, our nation would have never survived. Fair to say, our nation has been under assault by our adversary the Devil, since before its inception, and he has been relentless. The Revolutionary War was the result of our declaration of independence from the world’s superpower at the time. Great Britain, then led by the “mad” King George III, who, either he or his enablers, hardened their hearts against their subject’s pleas for liberty. This led to armed conflict, where thousands lost their freedoms, their livelihood, and even their lives. Satan attempted to strangle this baby republic in its cradle, only to see the church rise up and galvanize the citizens against tyrannical rule. The next major turning point was the Civil War, America’s bloodiest conflict. This war happened when a Republican Union led by a newly elected president, Abraham Lincoln, fought against the pro-slavery Democrats (the Confederates) attempt to secede and form their own nation. Brother fought against brother over the issue of human slavery, costing this nation nearly 700,000 American lives. The next two events were World War I (the Great War) and World War II (the Good War). While the US survived the aforementioned events, it did so at great costs. World Wars I and II were no exception. Our history presents us with the view that World War II was fought by the greatest generation, against the greatest evil, and winning the greatest victory. However, we did not come out of this war the same as we went into it. The Civil War changed us from These United States to The United States, which was/is a subtle yet powerful distinction. Similarly, World War I changed us from being merely those distant cousins from across the pond to new actors on the world’s stage. World War II changed us from being merely actors on the world stage, into the world’s premier superpower. The spoils of victory here were and are still self-evident. Our victory gave us global prestige, economic dominance, and military superiority. History tells us the United States and her allies decisively won World War II; but did we really win? Moreover, what did we lose in this victory? How does this play out today in the 21st century, and what does it mean in this contentious election year of 2020? The answer is both maddeningly simple, yet, intentionally complicated. Simple: With our victory, we lost our sense of American Exceptionalism. Intentionally complicated: We spent the next seventy-years heavily investing ourselves in globalism by way of endless nation-building to combat the spread of communism. We oversaw the rise of the military-industrial complex, and we justified it by declaring a Cold War against the Soviet Union. This inevitably led to speeding the rise of increasingly frightening technologies that will one day enslave humanity. This technology led to the rise of extremely powerful and wealthy multinational conglomerates, which began spreading its ties around the world like an impossibly complicated spider web. In other words, the waters got muddied. ** However, let me back up a second. By the late 18th-century, the American and French Revolutions (followed by numerous others) had influenced much of the European elite that it was perhaps time to sunset monarchial rule. Although Europe has kept their royal families even until today, the true political power began to shift toward nationalist governments by the middle of the 19th-century. This, along with the Industrial Revolution, began to play itself out as a time of great turmoil, as nations jockeyed to become the number one military power. This escalation and overconfidence in the industrial arms race was a large reason why Europeans were so quick to rush into World War I. In early 1914, though, it seemed almost impossible that Britain and France would go to war with Germany to defend Russia against Austria-Hungary over a dispute with Serbia. Yet by June 28, war moved straight from impossible to inevitable — without ever passing through improbable. Four years later, 10 million people had died. (From World War One: First war was impossible, then inevitable; Anatole Kaletsky) Even though World War I cost Europe a generation of young men, it presented itself as the right time to dismantle the old empires, and build a new world (e.g., Sykes-Picot Agreement, Balfour Declaration, San Remo Conference, League of Nations, etc.). The world leaders of the 1920s decided nationalism would be the solution to the world’s problems. This decision turned former colonies into nation-states almost overnight. Most of these former colonies were often ill-equipped for self-governance. Predictably, freedom, when given to people who have never had it, often turns bad, quickly as the first strong man to grab the reins, often never let go. Within two decades, the world was filling up with tin-pot, banana republics. However, even a modernized and civilized nation like Germany was not immune to poorly thought-out decisions. The Treaty of Versailles for instance was so heavy-handed in its punishment against Germany that socialism and communism became the preferred solution to their problems. This allowed for an unknown political entity called the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazis, to rise to power. As history has borne out, the Third Reich became the vilest expression of nationalism had ever seen. The world once again marched quickly toward war. Nevertheless, if WWI was the rallying cry to dismantle the old world order, then WWII became the rallying cry to create a new one. The Nazis had just provided globalists the perfect crisis to expose the evils of nationalism and supposed virtues of globalism. This then provided the perfect justification for a United Nations. Even the great British statesman Winston Churchill was not immune to the globalist euphoria sweeping the late 1940s. He took it a step further and proposed creating a united Europe with a single leader. The End state: Globalism good. Nationalism bad. That was the way of the world for roughly the next forty years until President Reagan came along. In fact, no president since Abraham Lincoln had done more to champion American Exceptionalism than Ronald Reagan. *** In asking what we lost by winning, what we really lost was western civilization. With socialism (communism-light) the most predominant form of government in the post-WWII era, one notable change was the subtle, yet, increasingly aggressive attacks on American history, our civic duties, on Christianity, and the family. This corruption came through the education systems, through pop culture, churches, and the political machinations of both the ideological left and the bureaucratic establishment. Their goal? To fundamentally change America. How would they do it? By corrupting America from the inside out. Not to be outdone, there was also a war to corrupt America from the outside in. The political, military, and economic interests became multinational in scope and international in reach. From endless wars and conflicts arising from our global nation-building during the Cold War to the industrial empires rising out of the ashes of the old world order. Add in the political and unelected power brokers (Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, etc.) who began to exert their influence over the elected powerbrokers. Their goal? To make America so hopelessly entangled in world affairs that we had no choice but to embrace globalism. Granted, Reagan was not perfect (no president is), but he understood what made America exceptional. It wasn’t our political power. It wasn’t our economic power. It wasn’t even our citizens. It was our Constitution and our shared history that forged us into a nation like no other. After Reagan’s second term ended in 1988, it would be nearly thirty-years later until we saw this same mentality rise again, through the likes of the most unlikely of candidates, Donald Trump. **** There are six major narratives being spun today, that bear sorting through to make any sense of what we are seeing here in the waning months of 2020. One candidate, the incumbent populist/nationalist Republican, President Donald J. Trump, ran against the former Vice President, Joe Biden, in one of the most lopsided campaign years ever recorded. Let us go through these together. · Illegitimacy: The Democrats spent four years trying to delegitimize the Trump Administration. After four years of complaining, rioting, protesting, boycotting, and investigating supposed Russian interference in the 2016 election surprise victory by Donald Trump, the Democrat Party, and it’s sycophants- the MSM, Big Tech, academia, and Hollywood are actively working overtime to convince everyone the 2020 election was legitimate. This, despite egregious abuses and irregularities that are too obvious to ignore. · Suppression: The mainstream media (MSM) ignores the actual outright and blatant election fraud and interference by major social media platforms and news outlets. They are selling this false narrative (polling propaganda) that a candidate who: did not campaign, could not string two sentences together, has promised to pack the courts, continue lockdowns, kill energy industries, and raise taxes, has preemptively won the 2020 Presidential election in a historic landslide. In fact, they have all declared him the defacto winner. Joel Osteen would be proud. · Scandal: The massive “laptop from hell” scandal broke out weeks before this election. What it exposed, rather graphically, is corruption at the highest office. More evidence is coming out on how the democrat candidate’s flagrant abuse of ‘selling influence’ to the Chinese and Ukrainians in the years leading up to 2020, completely compromises him as the POTUS. Furthermore, the Democrat scandals of the outgoing Obama Administration (spy-gate, Hillary’s laptop, Benghazi, etc.) have plenty to lose with a Trump reelection. · Desperation: The year 2020 also saw a complete change in our voting processes, which, supposedly due to the global pandemic, meant voting in person, was deadly. This was the justification for the universal distribution of unverified, unsolicited mail-in ballots, which blanketed our nation, particularly in swing states. Of course, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) predictably reversed this decision two weeks before the election, despite the fact, mail-in ballots had already been sent out. They presumably did this because they saw the potential for the “red wave” happening. Now numerous states have to contend with “double-ballots” (mail-in and in-person), ballot harvesting, the stashing of blank ballots used as a fail-safe against a Trump victory in swing states. · Interference: Technology and its social media platforms are actively being used to alter/interfere with the outcome of this election in swing states. The vote-counting machines (Dominion) in nearly 30 states are linked to the Clinton Foundation. These machines have already demonstrated “glitches” which automatically switch votes from Republican to Democrat. · Bizarro-World: Superman once had an “evil twin” who came from an opposite world called Htrae (earth backward) that did everything the opposite of how it is done on earth. 2020 sorta feels like that. Rioting, looting, and tearing down statues is good, peaceful protests and Trump rallies are evil, super spreader events. Extended lockdowns, face masks, mail-in ballots are good, economic recovery, no facemasks, and voting in person are bad. Now we all know how Alice felt when she fell into Wonderland. Most of you already know all this. I am writing this for posterity’s sake, so that in the months and years ahead (should the Lord tarry), there will be some evidence of the absolute lunacy we are witnessing today. In addition, I have included the full timeline of the COVID-19(84) viral scheme recently added to this website. Conclusion “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him. Daniel 2:20-22 Belief in political ideologies, whether they be nationalism, globalism, communism, or even something as hopeful as American Exceptionalism, does not occur in a vacuum. Ephesians 6:12 states that there is a spiritual war going on all around us, in which the evil forces are trying to shape and dictate the direction this world will go. There is always a spiritual connection to the ways in which mankind derives his understanding of governance. Ultimately, we know God is on the throne and that our focus should be more on Jesus regardless of who sits in the White House. Still, the election of Donald Trump to the world’s highest office in 2016, seems to run counter to where the forces of evil want this world to go. While it seems their victories are mounting, we also know it is temporary. We know, according to Scripture that this world is going to get worse before it gets better (2 Timothy 3, 2 Peter 3). We also know that we should be anxious for nothing, but instead, placing our faith in Christ and His promise to take us where He is (John 14:1-3). We also know that that many people Christians have suffered far greater fates than we, however, it is not a fair comparison to say that we shouldn’t be outraged at the corruption going on simply because other people have had it worse than us. God places each of us at our appointed time and place, and we are to continue to be the salt and light in an increasingly darkening world. I believe that Trump’s 2016 election victory was not a fluke, nor accidental, but by design. I believe God put Trump in there primarily, to begin moving things along with Israel that are primary to her role in the last seven years. Whether that is the recognition of her capital Jerusalem, or the Embassy move, or even the Abraham Accords. I suppose that if Obama or Bush had done those things already, Trump would have been unnecessary to the grand prophetic scheme. Nevertheless, Trump’s victory, and his subsequent protection since then, has been nothing short of miraculous. I am 46, and I do not know of any other human on the planet who could have endured the 24/7 onslaught that man has had to endure since before he took office. Furthermore, the fact he was able to get his Supreme Court candidate ACB through the process at the right time, and also, she just so happens to be a woman of great faith; again, another miracle. Surely, he could not control how long RBG would live for, and neither could he predict how his nomination would turn out in an election year, so fortune here, favors the one whom God’s hand is upon. With all these things mentioned, I have four major talking points (with pros and cons) for you to consider regarding the outcome of this 2020 election and whether or not I believe Trump is actually is reelected. I believe he will, however, please consider the following and come to your own conclusions. [Pro = Trump reelected / Con = Biden elected] Hardening 1. Pro: Literally, the entire world, save two news networks (and the appropriate government agencies) have called this election for Joe Biden. Considering how deranged the wicked have become since 2016, I am seeing a hardening occur, that reminds me of the Pharaoh of the Exodus (Exodus 8-14). Perhaps this is intentional, and God will allow this hardening to continue through a second Trump term…especially when they thought they had this in the bag? 2. Con: Let us say Biden wins the election recount and he is pushed through to become the 46th president regardless of what the courts find. The wicked would party and rejoice as if they had all won the world’s biggest lottery. They will be marrying and giving in marriage. Buying and selling. Finally, they say, “peace and safety.” Well, you know what follows (1 Thessalonians 5:1-9). I could see this going either way. God could be prepping this last generation by separating, as it were, the wheat from the chaff. He could be hardening them by keeping his man in office. If I were Satan and spent the last 100 years trying to get the world to embrace globalism, and ultimately, a one-world government, I would not want a “Trump” in office derailing all my hard work. Gog-Magog Part I 1. Pro: According to Ezekiel 38, Israel will be living in a time of prosperity and living peacefully in their land. The only scenario I can envision this is if Trump is still in office. They were/are on the way to finally get their dream of normalization with all their Arab neighbors with the Abraham Accords. 2. Con: Given the Obama-Biden Administration’s history with the Arab Spring and Iran, I think the Abraham Accords would all fall apart rather quickly. Biden would remove the sanctions from Iran, and get them back on track to building a nuclear bomb. Israel would not be living safely with an empowered Iran. I believe the Gog-Magog Invasion happens between the Rapture of the Church, and the official start of the 70th Week. I am not dogmatic about the timing of this, but I feel like this makes the most sense regarding all that must occur with the rebuilding of the invasion (attempted), the arrival of the Two Witnesses, the building of the Third Temple, etc. New Babylon 1. Pro: My third reason for believing in a Trump reelection is the creation and/or rise of the new Babylon. We know the Saudi’s have a plan for the construction of a new mega-city called Neom that will border Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. I do not know if this will be the “new Babylon” or not, but it sure seems like it wants to be it. This is feasible under a second Trump administration, especially given his friendship with the Israelis and the Saudi’s, and his extensive real estate and construction background. 2. Con: If Biden is elected, I think we get the Arab Spring 2.0. I have a difficult time seeing how a Democratic administration, which had already destabilized the Middle East once, somehow, shifts US foreign policy back to friends with Iran and simultaneously gets the Sunni’s and Israelis to back any US foreign policy interests. We know according to Scripture that this new Babylon (if it has to be a literal interpretation) should be rebuilt in Iraq, however, Iraq lacks the waterway access to ports and the oceans like Neom would. Perhaps this new Babylon will span (once complete) from Iraq into where Neom will be built through high-speed rail (Iron-Silk Road extension) or some other means of rapid transportation. I could see a political headquarters in Iraq, with its financial districts at Neom. Either way, I do not see a new Babylon coming about under a Democratic Administration. Gog-Magog Part II 1. Pro: I discussed Israel’s state of affairs under both a Trump and Biden Administration and how different they would likely look. Now we need to go to antagonists for this future drama, namely Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Despite the lack of press coverage, Trump has dealt rather harshly with these three during his first four years. What this has done, in effect, has been to isolate these three from the rest of the world. It has forced these three to become more intertwined; perhaps even more than they even want. 2. Con: I see the policy of appeasement (leading from behind) with a Biden Administration. Historically, appeasement has invited further aggression, which could lend some credence to the Gog-Magog invasion, however, I do not think Israel would fit the profile of living safely in their land were that to happen. President Trump’s political, diplomatic, and economic pressure on Russia (Gazprom pipeline), Iran (Sanctions), and Turkey (Armenia), has effectively been to stress and further ostracize these three nations. Given the success of the Abraham Accords, and Israel’s newfound natural gas exporting endeavors, I believe we are starting to see how the two are going to come to a head in the not too distant future. Now Biden’s presumed policy of both destabilization and appeasement does invite violence, but more terrorism (ISIS) and anarchy (Libya, Syria) and less mass military incursions. The Obama administration’s previous payments to the Iranians gave them breathing room. They would not be as desperate to attack Israel if the sanctions were lifted and other nations were making deals with them once again. Again, these are largely my prognostications, and I cannot see the future. I, like you, see through the glass darkly. With that said, I could easily end up being wrong. Biden could be elected and largely not do anything in the Middle East. He could serve one, two, three, or four years and then someone else takes over after him. However, I have tried to look at these things from a Biblical, historical, and geopolitical perspective, and hopefully, have given you some things to consider. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Nearing Midnight: Biden, Israel, and Peace Prospects – Terry James - Prefacing this with the fact that the election is far from settled, with the possibility of the Supreme Court having to weigh in, I wanted to look for a moment at what a Joe Biden administration would portend. Particularly, how the relationship between Israel and the United States would be changed is an issue that bears serious consideration. First to think on is that, according to Mr. Biden’s own words over a number of months during the campaign, America will immediately rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. That means that the nation would again be brought into the drive for globalist control. The US Treasury and other assets would be again available for the internationalists to plunder at will. With the House of Representatives controlling much of the money outlay and with a president who believes in the new world order objectives, there would be few safeguards against the imposition of a global tax against US citizens. We would pay for our “excessive” carbon emissions and other infractions of the PCA. Our temperatures in our homes would eventually be governed by our would-be global masters. Fuel prices for our cars—and for all forms of transportation—would skyrocket. At the same time, America would become totally dependent on other nations for any fossil fuel imports. All that is disconcerting to anyone who loves our nation and its independence from confiscatory influences from outside our borders. Added to the controls by the new world order forces would be the influx of millions of immigrants, mostly illegal, whom Mr. Biden’s political party would use to create a voter base that can never be overcome by any opposition. Imposition of a one-payer health insurance, government run, would mean that the citizens would eventually lose private insurance coverage and would instead pay heavy duties in premiums in order to pay for the government programs that would first serve those same illegals and their needs. We would be put on waiting lists that would make today’s waits in doctors’ offices seem but a few minutes in length. We could look at dozens of ways our lives might change under uncontrolled impositions by a Biden administration. But to look at all of this from the Bible prophecy perspective, we only have to consider how America’s relationship with Israel would change. We remember how the Obama-Biden administration dealt with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Recall how, when Netanyahu came to call at the White House, upon Obama’s request, the president had him enter from the rear portions of the White House. Then, after only a few minutes of talking with the Prime Minister, Obama abruptly left, saying he was going to dinner upstairs with family. It was a snub of the first order—a thing unheard of in civil diplomatic interaction. So with that track record, and one that is much more egregious in some cases, can we expect anything better from a President Biden? But the real worry in regard to a Biden administration will be the dangers to which Israel will almost certainly be exposed. Again, Mr. Biden has stated on numerous occasions that he will return to old ways in the matter of America and Israel. Of specific worry are his statements that we will return to the “Iran Deal,” which President Trump immediately exited once coming into office. Remember the reported $150 billion in cash that Obama sent to a runway concourse in Iran, to the Ayatollahs’ anti-Israel regime. It was stated that it was money that was wrongfully kept that had belonged to Iran during the Bush years. This allegation has never been fully explained or proven. Mr. Biden wants to bring America again into the “nuclear deal” between Iran and much of the Western world, which once included the US. The following news excerpt tells how this has our strongest ally in a great deal of consternation. Democratic candidate for president Joe Biden’s position on the Iran Deal could lead to war between Israel and Iran, Settlements Minister Teach Hanegbi warned on Wednesday night. “Biden has said openly for a long time that he will go back to the nuclear agreement,” Hanegbi said. “I see that as something that will lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran.” The minister told Channel 13 News that he, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most Israelis saw the Iran Deal signed by the Obama administration in 2015 as “mistaken—and that’s an understatement.” “If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” he stated… [Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Zvi] Hauser argued that “today, everyone understands the agreement wasn’t enough to prevent” Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and “countries of the free world know this is their test” – to stop Tehran from doing so. A nuclear Iran would trigger an arms race, in which Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt would develop their own nuclear weapons, Hauser warned. “No one sees Iran’s behavior, creating instability in the Middle East, and thinks its right to let them win,” he added. “Neither the Americans nor Israel will allow a nuclear Iran.” (“Israeli Minister Warns of War if Biden Returns to Iran Deal: ‘If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,’” Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post, Israel News, November 5, 2020) However things shape with regard to the election outcomes, one thing is certain. God’s hand is in all of it. We can’t help worrying as human beings concerned with the well-being of our families and our nation. But as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we know the ultimate outcome is glorious beyond all imagination. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9) Israel Watch: Choosing Joy in a “Dark Winter” - Jim Fletcher - Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13) I saw Joe Biden in person, once. This is a very small anecdote, but it always stayed with me. I was in a hotel lobby in Washington on a rainy day. Biden came in with his entourage. As some of them attempted to help him off with his coat, he angrily pulled away and said something unpleasant to them. He then went upstairs. Anybody can have a bad day. All of us are harried from time to time. But something tells me that Ol’ “Lunch Bucket Joe” is like this all the time. I have watched his political career for decades and believe him to be a typical craven grifter. Now that we are days on the other side of a bizarre election night, let me be clear about what I think happened. The Left stole the election. At the time of this writing, some hold out hope that court challenges will lift Trump to victory, but there are also reports that Jared Kushner has approached the President about conceding. I also just read that Bibi Netanyahu sent congratulatory comments to Biden. Sickening. Somehow, I did not see this coup coming. I thought that even though there is always voter fraud, we had a system in place that would not allow us to become a Third World country. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. A friend of mine predicted this—he really did—but I was mostly dismissive. I now see very clearly that America as we have always loved her is gone. Some friends Friday night said they held out hope that the Republicans can retake the House in two years and someone like Tom Cotton can become president in 2024. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, in order to cope. I intended to make this column more about what Israel can expect under Biden, but I’d like to offer you hope about the future. I will not be part of Biden’s Dark Winter. (Forever, I will consider him illegitimate. His friends on the Left, the legions of them, include prominent evangelicals.) Now to the good stuff! I thought of Terry James this week. Terry’s harrowing tale of his heart attack always inspired me, as it did many others. One reason is, he survived the “Widow Maker,” but retained his joy of life. His assurance that we will all see Jesus soon—I love it. That is the reality, no matter our circumstances. I was almost killed in an accident four years ago, and while I know many of you know that, you don’t know the circumstances. I am not going to write about that today, maybe one day, but I wanted to make the point that my survival in 2016 was literally miraculous. The accident came out of nowhere (we never know the details of our Home Going ahead of time!). Yet this week, even in the midst of this mind-blowing coup in our country, I visited with friends and had a great time around a fire. I visited with my amazing niece, who is a great girl and looking to a bright future. I visit with my mother every day; she lives on the “Farm” with us, our little patch of ground. She is in great health and mentally sharp and fun, at 78. I have so many blessings in my life, I can’t count them all. I have a quiet place, a bench, overlooking a valley. I sit there every day and talk to God and think about life. I am building my dream home near there. None of this would be happening if God had not spared my life. So, no matter what life throws at me, I am winning. And you know what? I know that because God’s Word is true, my new home will be enjoyed but for a few years. Then I go to the place He has prepared for me. Joe Biden is not my president. But Donald Trump is also not my Savior. I will pray for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris—if they do in fact take office through nefarious means—that they come to know the Lord and stop practicing evil daily, hourly. Donald Trump is the greatest president of my lifetime. There will be pressure on many of us to go along in the days ahead. I can assure you, I will not roll over politically. I could write many, many thoughts (couldn’t we all!) about the treachery in this country. But that for another time. I can choose every day to focus on the life Jesus has given me, and the one He is preparing for me. If we don’t live in Mayberry anymore and we have to run a gauntlet of hate, others that have come before have had worse to deal with. I think of Washington’s desperate gamble to cross the Delaware at Trenton. Can you imagine how depressed he must have been during that Christmas night, knowing that the Revolution hung by a thread? I think of our guys at Bataan and Corregidor. Knowing there were no replacements coming to defend against the Japs? Or missionaries in countries where that kind of thing gets you killed? Can you imagine being a missionary in Asia in the early 20th century, and seeing your entire family murdered in front of your eyes? I can’t, either. Those who remain steadfast and keep their eyes on the Savior will emerge from this just fine. I will soon be 58; I hope I live many more years. But if not, I’ve had a magnificent life. And the one I’m going to, according to Paul, I couldn’t handle the glory of it if God didn’t give me a new body! I spit in the face of the Enemy, in the face of totalitarianism. I’m going to get a t-shirt that reads: “It was a Coup.” And I give Bibi a pass, since I still believe his sole goal in life is to defend his people. He’s known Biden for 40 years and knows WHAT Biden is. He’s making a political calculation. But apart from politics, I choose joy. Life is good. It is a gift from God. Let me encourage you going forward to get into and stay in God’s Word. To quote another Netanyahu, Jonathan, who led the spectacular Raid at Entebbe: “It’ll be okay.” [email protected] Iran: Mullahs Celebrate What They Hope Will Be the Return To Their Nuclear Bomb - by Majid Rafizadeh - The Iranian regime has excitingly announced former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's possible victory in the US presidential elections and is celebrating that the next US administration will, they hope, be from the Democrat Party. Iranian authorities view the chance that Biden might take over the White House as a definite win for Tehran. Hesameddin Ashena, an advisor to Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, tweeted that Iranians "stood their ground bravely until that coward's time [Donald Trump] came to leave". Headlines in the state-controlled newspapers, which celebrated the news, included, "World without Trump!" (Aftabe Yazd newspaper), "Mr Withdrawal is Close to Being Kicked Out of White House", "Go to Hell You Gambler!" (Sobhe Now newspaper) "Trump's Card No Longer Valid for Media!" (Aftabe Yazd newspaper), "The Bankrupt US President Got Humiliated" (Mardom Salari newspaper), and "Trump Must Leave" (Donyaye Eghtesad newspaper). The last three years has indeed been a nightmare for the Iranian regime and its proxies. No US administration before the current one has imposed such a draconian pressure on the mullahs, their rogue state and their allies. At the beginning, President Donald J. Trump pulled the US out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, which Iran never signed and which paves the way for Iran to have nuclear weapons. Then, the Trump administration re-imposed primary and secondary sanctions on Iran's energy, banking and shipping sectors. During the last two years, several other Iranian entities were added to the sanction list. The killing of General Qassem Soleimani was also a huge blow to Iran's regime, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its proxies across the Middle East. The sanctions, in fact, have imposed significant pressure on the Iranian government -- to such an extent that the Iranian leaders have had to cut their funding to their allies, militia and terror groups. A year into the pressure, the state-controlled Syrian newspaper Al-Watan reported that Iran halted its credit line to the Syrian government. Some of Iran's authorities publicly announced that they also do not have money to pay their mercenaries abroad. In an interview with the state-run Ofogh Television Network, for instance, Parviz Fattah, the current head of the Foundation for the Underprivileged (Mostazafan Foundation) stated: "I was at the IRGC Cooperative Foundation. Haj Qassem [Soleimani, commander of the IRGC Quds Force who was killed by a US drone strike] came and told me he did not have money to pay the salaries of the Fatemiyoun [Afghan mercenaries]. He said that these are our Afghan brothers, and he asked for help from people like us." Tehran's diminishing resources have also caused Iranian leaders to cut funds to the Palestinian terror group Hamas and the Lebanese militant group, Hezbollah. Hamas was forced to introduce "austerity plans" while Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Iran's proxy, Hezbollah, has also called on his group's fundraising arm "to provide the opportunity for jihad with money and also to help with this ongoing battle." The country's economic situation became so dire that the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani admitted that the Islamic Republic is encountering the worst economic crisis since its establishment in 1979. The political deputy of the province of Bushehr, Governor Majid Khorshidi, told a gathering on July 14 that they should not ignore US sanctions: "We used to see this approach [of ignoring US sanctions] from the previous [Ahmadinejad] administration and unfortunately it still continues," he added. "But I have to say that sanctions have broken the economy's back". Thanks to the current administration's pressure, Iran's currency, the rial, has been in free fall in the last three years. As of November 7, 2020, a US dollar is worth approximately 250,000 rials. Before the current US administration imposed a "maximum pressure" policy against Tehran, a US dollar had equaled nearly 30,000 rials. During the last year, Iran's oil exports also sank to a record low. The country's budget heavily relies on selling oil. As pressure kept mounting against the regime, Tehran also faced several widespread protests in the country, which endangered the hold on power of the ruling clerics. Now, the regime feels that all of the current administration's pressures will be lifted soon and the golden days will be back again. It is unfortunate that Iran's ruling mullahs view a possible victory of the Democrat Party in US elections as a win for the Tehran regime, its proxies and militia groups. President Rouhani has already called for restoring the nuclear deal. It could well be a loss for continuing peace in the region and for finally restoring the violated Iranian people's hoped-for human rights. Daily Jot: Beware of the Trump Accountability Project – Bill Wilson – In true Marxist fashion, leftists associated with the Democratic Party have established, The Trump Accountability Project to cancel those who supported President Donald Trump in any way. The site says “We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.” It says, “We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience: Those who elected him; those who staffed his government; those who funded him.” There is no threat on the website as to what these people will do to those who supported Trump, but it is clearly a jack-boot communist concept to silence any and all opposition to the agenda. This is what happens when people like this are allowed to assume power. The website further describes its mission, which is based on lies: “We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically. But those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart. The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time, and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.” Remember how Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Trump supporters should be harassed at restaurants, grocery stores and gas stations? Democratic leaders are embracing this next step. Former Bill Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart tweeted: “the people around @realDonaldTrump who have enabled him to bring our democracy to the brink have to be held responsible for what they’ve done. ”The left-wing ezine Slate suggested putting White House advisor Stephen Miller in prison for the southern border child separation policy (which was initiated by the Obama Administration), saying, “Like all men who commit crimes against humanity, he should be imprisoned by the society he wounded, forever prevented from spreading his pestilence and fear.” The Washington Post reports: Both MSNBC host Chris Hayes and former Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich want a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” the term given to panels that operated in post-Apartheid South Africa. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” Michael Simon, former Obama staffer, tweeted, “Yes we are. The Trump Accountability Project.” A former staffer of Pete Buttigieg’s campaign, who is on the Biden transition team, Hari Sevugan, said he was part of the launching. These actions lead to oppression and death—think Venezuela, Cuba, China, Russia, and the list goes on. As said in 2 Timothy 3:1, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” For anyone who disagrees with these politically intolerant ideological bigots are subject to all sorts of harassment. Also remember they especially dislike Christians and anything referencing God. Times are indeed perilous. Daily Devotion: Believing in a Sovereign God - by Greg Laurie – Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honor the King of heaven. All his acts are just and true, and he is able to humble the proud. —Daniel 4:37 - Listen Awhile back I received a text from one of our pastors about his high school coach. He had shared the gospel with this coach, but he wanted nothing to do with God. But then this coach became very ill. And when he was near death, his care provider pleaded with him to watch our film, Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon. When he was only moments away from eternity, this man who never wanted to hear the gospel watched how God had changed Steve McQueen’s life. That former high school coach accepted Christ, and now he’s in Heaven. This reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of God. The Bible tells us about the unexpected conversion of King Nebuchadnezzar, the most powerful man on earth at that time. Because of Daniel’s faithfulness and influence, he turned to the God that Daniel believed in. Daniel was a fearless follower of God who spoke truth to Nebuchadnezzar, then to his grandson Belshazzar, and later to Darius, who conquered the kingdom of Babylon. Daniel believed in a sovereign God. In Daniel 4:25 he said, “The Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses” (NLT). Daniel understood that dictators and kings, who thought they were in control, would come and go. But ultimately, he knew the Lord was in control. Let’s not forget that Daniel was taken from his homeland of Israel and became a captive in Babylon. He had his entire life turned upside down. They even changed his name. But they could not change his core beliefs or his convictions. Daniel believed in a sovereign God, and we need to believe that too. So when things in life aren’t making sense, go back to what you do understand: God is in control of your life. FROM THE HEART
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