Prophecy Update Newsletter
A Handbook into the Terrifying and Wondrous REALMS of God (PART 1 - Past & Present) - by Mike Mullin - By Pete Garcia -
Long have I wondered about the many different places God has created. We almost live in a bubble in our present lives and seldom give much thought to what has come before, what currently exists, and what will come in terms of actual realms far different than anything like Earth. Below is a bit of an adventure into the many incredible places the God of the Bible has made: Eternity Past - (circa-Pre-Universe >13.7 billion BC) We begin this journey in the near indescribable Eternity past. At one point, prior to the creation of everything we know of - the Angelic Host, the universe, and even time itself, there was just God. We essentially know nothing of this era, other than at one point - God (the Holy Trinity) was alone. I like to think I have a great imagination, but I come up against a wall in trying to even remotely understand this chapter of Gods' incredible life (or...any of the innumerable chapters beforehand). God seemed to live alone and in complete union and satisfaction with Himself. If God created the space and time we are familiar with now, how can we fathom a place without? Very few, if at all in a persons' life do we have encounters or messages from the other side - God's side. I remember long ago in the middle of the night asking God in earnest "Lord, what did you do before you made everything we know of?" I heard a strong voice in my head I will never forget utter 4 words "I dreamt of you" it said. It made me think that God had a plan for us, and was excited upon seeing his sentient creation look up and praise its creator. Ephesians 1:4 "...even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him." Angelic creation - pre-fall Universe and Heaven continued - (circa - 13.7 billion BC, Creation of the Universe) "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation ... and all the angels shouted for joy?" Job 38:4,7 A new chapter began in God's life when He left His perfect solitary state and began to create. As we have glimpses into God's character from the Bible, we know God loves abundance and diversity - think all the species of animals and birds and fish. Therefore, it seems to me He wanted a change in His life. So, create He did! The Universe came to form - whether a big bang or slower formation, whether it took eons or a much shorter timeframe - God made something of inimitable size, vastness, and complexity. My guess is once the Universe came together, God made the angels. Their purpose was to serve Him. There was a hierarchy allotted to them with leadership by an incredibly beautiful and powerful angel - Lucifer. Gabriel and Michael were other near-peer angelic leaders. Outside the boundaries of the physical Universe itself, is a realm where God dwells and allows the angel's access to - Heaven. A description of Heaven at this point in time is mentioned in Isaiah 14:12-15 describing Lucifer's rebellion: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13 You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." Regarding the angels - the Universe may have been a playground of sorts for them to explore and praise the wondrous workmanship of God's brilliant creation. As Job mentions, all the angels were present and in unity when Earth was formed sometime after the Universe was created. This event - the angels singing together for the reformation of a planet among many other bodies in space seems significant and of importance. Perhaps after eons of the angelic host exploring the Galaxies and Universe, God-centered and called attention to the next era and chapter of His life - a new species called Man that would reside in a paradise-like Garden on planet Earth. Earth - The Garden of Eden - (circa >4,000 BC) "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it" Genesis 2:15 With the intention of creating a new species to live and grow on Earth, God began reshaping and altering the planet to suite his new creation. Earth had already been formed billions of years earlier (at best guess 4.5 billion years ago) but God began terraforming it for his new human project "Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters" Genesis 1:2. As Earth had now become habitable for human life - and animal life - God placed Adam, and later Eve, in the Garden of Eden. The location of Eden was placed between 4 rivers in the Middle East, "The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden. . . . Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon . . . . The name of the second river is Gihon. . . . The name of the third river is Hiddekel [Tigris]. ;. . . The fourth river is the Euphrates." Genesis 2 8-14 Adam was tasked with naming and categorizing every single animal and bird. In an incredibly beautiful scene, Genesis describes how God himself brought all of the animals and birds before Adam, for him to name as he saw fit. Adam, far from the fallen humans we now are six thousand years later, had a far superior intellect than any modern humans would have. Life in Eden existed without any death, or pain, or negative emotion of worry or fear. There was a complete harmony with God, and it is said in the cool of the day (evening) God could be heard in the garden walking towards them. I have often thought what a beautiful sound His footsteps on the perfect grasses of Eden would sound like as He approached. Strangely, the serpent or, whom we would now call Satan - also had full access to the Garden. The serpent in the Garden seemed to be an upright walking creature, described as the shrewdest of all the animals. Possibly possessed by Satan, the serpent would infamously lure Eve, and then Adam into disobedience and sin. Interesting to me is what was the world like outside of the Garden of Eden? Could Adam and Eve - prior to sinning - walk in and out of the Garden? Once God had instructed Adam and Eve to leave Eden, it is written that mighty cherubim angels waving flaming swords guarded the entrance from access inward. I have often pondered what if Adam and Eve had not sinned. My theory (big conjecture territory here) is that eventually, Eden would overpopulate, and quickly. If Adam and Eve were immortal and produced offspring eternally - who themselves would produce offspring eternally as well and so on - Eden's population would spill over into the rest of the earth in fairly short notice. Perhaps the reason the Universe is made up of likely trillions of galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars and star systems, was for the accommodation of off-world colonization by mankind. With their radical intelligence, immortal bodies, and eternity ahead of them- perfected mankind likely would begin expanding into the cosmos. In a similar manner to how God may have allowed the angels perhaps eons of time to explore the universe, maybe this was a potential avenue mankind could follow had Eve rebuked Satan in the garden. It was not to be, however, this may be the ultimate plan later on in Eternity Future. As for what became of Eden - it seems lost to misty memories of the ancient past, but it is very likely that the Flood of Noah saw its destruction. Recently in the movie 'Blade Runner 2049', the villain character Niander Wallace- Trillionaire CEO of a fictional future megacorporation played by Jared Leto - wishes to have his replicant android-like creations reproduce on their own. He bombastically laments, "I cannot breed them. So help me, I have tried. We need more Replicants than can ever be assembled. Millions, so we can be trillions more. We could storm Eden and retake her." It made me wonder if the pre-Flood Nephilim ever approached the guardian cherubim at Eden's gates forcibly seeking entrance. Fall of man - Souls begin going to the Underworld In this adventure, we now find ourselves observing the fallen human population exploding on earth. No longer living in harmony with God, the human race becomes subject to sickness, death, and bent towards a sinful nature. Add to that, at some point after the expulsion from Eden, the early events of Genesis 6 happen, where Fallen Angels begin a breeding campaign with human women in an attempt to corrupt the DNA of mankind. The results indicate that at the time Noah enters the Ark, all but eight humans were deemed savable. Where did the rest go upon death? It seems the Realm of Hades in the Underworld was already in existence prior to Adam and Eve being created. Tartarus - (circa - between 4,000 BC and 2,500 BC to current and will cease upon the end of the 6th Day, likely early to mid 21st Century AD) 2 Peter 2:4 "For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell, delivering them in chains to be held in gloomy darkness until their judgment;" At some point prior to the Flood of Noah, a group of Angels (the Book of Enoch describes them as a company of 200 'Watcher' angels) began a campaign of interbreeding with human women (Genesis 6 account). The wicked goal of which was to pollute humanity enough that the coming Messiah could not be born to redeem mankind. Dispatched by Satan, the angelic interbreeding (of likely not just humans) resulted in a world completely out of control and a circus of hybrids, giants, and monstrosities. In all, eight people.....yes 8, out of potentially a billion, were saved, all the result of 200 fallen angels. God ordered punishment, and that punishment was imprisonment to a place in the Earth called Tartarus. Tartarus seems to be a special realm apart from Hades, or perhaps a sub-chamber within or below Hades reserved for these 200 fallen angels. Amazing to think, that as you read this these fallen ones right now are still in chains in 'gloomy darkness' awaiting judgment. Hades/Hell - (circa - Likely before the appearance of Mankind 4,000 BC to current, and will cease upon the end of the 6th Day, likely early to mid 21st Century AD) To the dear Reader, of all the realms our journey has explored, this is the one place I would wish to skip over. At the time of Noah's Flood there well could have been upwards of a billion people on earth. From the Eden expulsion to Noah's Flood, perhaps hundreds of millions had died natural deaths. Then, from this time to the time of Jesus (25 Centuries later) many more billions of millions of people lived and died. Where then did all the souls of these people go? We know that the Nephilim upon dying became the unclean spirits that roamed the earth-seeking hosts. Those of the unspoiled lineage of Adam (untainted from the Genesis 6 demonic interbreeding) had two places upon death to enter - Abraham's bosom (Paradise), and Hades (Hell). Many scriptures indicate the realm of the dead at this point was located within the earth. Jesus explains in Luke 16:19-31 the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. Jesus describes the Rich man while in Hell, from afar is able to see Abraham. The land of the dead was separated into two regions by a great abyss or gulf, making the movement between each impossible. Abraham indicates that some members in Paradise wanted to pass over to Hades (based on the context very likely to help those in Hades who were begging e.g. The Rich Man begging for a drop of water)... "And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us" Luke 16:26 Hades is described as being in a state of unceasing fire. The Rich Man had full awareness of his surroundings, remorse, and memory of his former life, and an urge to send help to his unsaved brothers alive on earth. Can you imagine how populated Hell must be? One estimate has concluded that about 108 Billion have walked the earth including today's population. If most of the 108 Billion are currently in or destined to Hell, one must ponder just how big Hell must be? It likely dwarfed Paradise in size, and currently could take up a massive part of the earth's interior. Perhaps it is a layered labyrinth of terrors or an open dome-like chamber - we don't really know. A quick study of people experiencing near-death events usually has two common destinations. Instances of people descending into a hell-like abode usually all have startling common descriptions: ⦁ it is incredibly dark, ⦁ it is cavernous, ⦁ the journey is downward, ⦁ incredibly hot with a choking arid dryness, ⦁ an acrid putrid stench permeates the air, ⦁ there are almost always harassing demonic members that verbally blaspheme and physically torment in the vilest and extreme ways. When Jesus died on the cross and descended to the Underworld, every prisoner of Hell must have leaned mightily against the very edges of the abyss. Awe and wonder to see Jesus Christ himself across the gulf interacting with the inhabitants of Paradise for 3 days and 2 nights. Imagine seeing all of our favorite Biblical characters assemble around Christ? Adam, Noah, Moses, David, Job, - finally laying eyes on their Redeemer. On the 3rd day, picturing the damned in Hell observe them leave for a new home even greater than Paradise is actually hard for me to put into words. The Rich man would witness Lazarus for the last time moving to an even greater realm - Heaven - and lament at his actions to him while on earth. Even worse, other prisoners of Hell would see their saved relatives and friends for the last time. As the last inhabitant left Paradise, the light of Christ surrounding that person probably dimmed the cavernous dome as they ascended upward.....I cannot imagine that silent moment of utter hopelessness as the last one left. Did the light of Paradise dim as Christ ascended upwards with her inhabitants? Alternatively, does it remain an empty but existing realm to this day - were the inhabitants of Hell look over to see a desolate but beautiful place? I have long thought that if History herself could speak, it would say that one of its most devastating moments was when the inhabitants of Hell were left in the dark as Paradise emptied and followed Christ upwards. Prior to Christ, it seems the prisoners of Hell at least had access to the light of Paradise - e.g. the Rich Man could see Abraham from afar. How haunting if that light dimmed as Paradise faded. Abraham's Bosom/Paradise - (circa 4,000 BC to 33 AD) It is incredible that for 4,000 years from Adam's son Abel to the thief on the Cross, the believers all had a destiny in a temporary place in the Earth. It is said in Luke 16 that Angels carried Lazarus to Abrahams's Bosom and literally right to Abraham's side. It would not be farfetched to think this currently happens to this day, that Angels meet us at our last breath here on earth, and subsequently take us for our first breath in Heaven with the Lord. In contrast to the suffering and torture the Rich Man was suffering, the opposite should be said for the inhabitants of Abrahams's Bosom. They would be in a spiritual state of harmony with God, joyful, experiencing no pain, worry, fear or sin. With all the ancient Biblical characters - from hero's and leaders to Patriarchs and prophets, together they must have waited in great anticipation for their Redeemer. Long before Christ in the year circa 1800 BC, Job says in Job 19:25: "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth." It amazes me to think about what they did and spoke of in Paradise. Absent the spiritual body Jesus would later give them upon bringing them up to Heaven to be with God the Father forever, they lived in a spiritual state. After millennia of waiting, a day finally came when the ceiling above them burst with light. Immediately after dying on the Cross, Jesus Christ descended to meet them. The noise on both sides of the Underworld must have been deafening. How incredible to think of, that for 2 nights and 3 days Jesus would be with his children in Paradise - what did they do? What did they speak about? Did he prepare them for the next stage of their existence, one that would take them from the Underworld to an actual place called Heaven directly with God the Father. On the third day Jesus ascended with his flock, and so began the incredible exodus of Paradise upwards into the realm of Heaven. Coming soon - A Handbook into the Terrifying and Wondrous REALMS of God (PART 2 - Heaven and the Future Realms of God) ⦁ Heaven ⦁ Lake of Fire ⦁ Millennial Kingdom ⦁ New Earth ⦁ New Jerusalem ⦁ New Heavens - Eternity Future Footnotes: 1) Israel Foils Worldwide Jihad After Killing Mastermind - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "He shall be a wild ass of a man; His hand against everyone, And everyone's hand against him; He shall dwell alongside of all his kinsmen." Genesis 16:12 (The Israel Bible™) Mourners carry the body of Palestinian Islamic Jihad field commander Baha Abu Al-Atta during his funeral in Gaza City, after he was killed by an Israeli strike, in a targeted attack, on November 12, 2019. Photo by Hassan Jedi/Flash90 On Tuesday night, the IDF launched a surgical airstrike that killed Baha Abu Al-Ata, a senior commander for Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Al-Atta's wife was also killed in the blast. "Abu al-Ata was promoting preparations to commit immediate terror attacks in various ways towards Israeli civilians and [Israel Defence Forces] troops during the recent few days," the IDF said in a statement. His killing, it added, was a "direct act to remove an imminent threat." "Abu al-Atta was responsible for most of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's activity in the Gaza Strip and was a ticking bomb," it said. Less than one hour later, three missiles hit the Damascus home of an Islamic Jihad political leader, Akram Al-Ajouri. The terrorist group released a statement saying Ajouri survived the attack but his son was killed. Israel did not respond to claims that it was responsible for the attack. Israel has launched airstrikes into Syria but has a policy that it does not comment on military activities outside of Israel. At least 150 rockets were fired towards Israel on Tuesday morning. Several Israelis were injured, including an eight-year-old girl who collapsed while running for shelter in Holon. She was evacuated to Wolfson hospital in serious condition. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is the second most powerful entity in Gaza. An occasional partner of Hamas in terrorist attacks, both groups originated as offshoots from the Muslim Brotherhood. PIJ is supported by Iran and is closely allied with Hezbollah in Lebanon. The state goal of the PIJ is the establishment of an Islamic political entity in place of Israel. The organization expressly rejects any, stating that its goals can only be achieved through military means. It is responsible for countless terrorist attacks inside Israel and rocket attacks targeting Israel from Gaza. Many people outside of Israel may perceive the IDF's actions as part of Israel's political interests, but Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a senior lecturer in the Department of Arabic at Bar-Ilan University, understands the agenda of the Islamic Jihad in a global context. "Israel is the front line against Islamic Jihad, fighting a war that is intended to arrive at America and Europe," Dr. Kedar told Breaking Israel News. "Jihad is the effort to spread Islam all over the world. This could be by military force or unrestrained terrorism. The ends entirely justify any means. This could also be through education or economic means but the goal and motivation remain the same." Dr. Kedar compared Islamic Jihad to the terrorist organizations the U.S. is currently fighting in Syria. "Islamic Jihad is one step down from ISIS (Islamic State)," Dr. Kedar said. "They do not accept any other possibility except Jihad. Hamas is less bad. Hamas has to run Gaza, cater to the people, so they have other considerations that force them to postpone the Jihad. Islamic Jihad does not have those restrictions. Hamas tries to control the Islamic Jihad in Gaza when it suits them but also lets them loose when it suits them." "It would be foolish to think that the Islamic mandate for Jihad is only targeting Israel. It is a struggle against anything that is not Islam. Just as there is BDS that targets Israel, there is a large movement in the Islamic world to boycott anything made in the U.S." Dr. Kedar referred to a manifesto written by the Muslim Brotherhood, Isalmic Jihad's mother organization. The Musli Brotherhood's strategic plan for the United States titled "An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It was approved by the Brotherhood's Shura Council and Organizational Conference and was meant for internal review by the Brothers' leadership in Egypt. The document identified 29 groups as Muslim Brotherhood fronts, many of which are still among the most prominent Muslim- American organizations in the United States. The manifesto describes the first step in global Jihad as "Settlement", the process in which Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood become a part of a host country. "The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means," the Memorandum read. "The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." Dr. Kedar noted that this subtle, non-violent method of Jihad is nefarious and subtle but contains the same goal as violent Jihad. "The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement is a monetary Jihad," Dr. Kedar said. "Anti-Israel activity on campuses is also a jihad. Usually, they will not name it 'jihad' because they are afraid to expose the real nature of their actions." Though these activities may appear secular to Westerners, Dr. Kedar emphasized that they contain powerfully religious motivations. "There is always a combination of religion and politics or worldly issues but in Islam, there is no separation between religion and state like there is in the West," Dr. Kedar said. "They are two sides of the same coin. Any worldly issue is deeply connected to religion. This is in sharp contrast to Western culture. The battle with Israel is multi-layered but the basis for Arab nationalism is religion." "For our enemies, they see Allah as their chief combatant, the warrior that goes out to battle with them in the Jihad." Dr. Kedar served as an officer in IDF Military Intelligence for 25 years and is intimately familiar with decision-making in the upper echelons of the Israeli government. "Most Israeli politicians are secular cannot cope with the religious aspect of our conflict with Arab Muslim nations. They tell me not to turn it into a religious struggle but I respond that it already is a religious struggle. Religion is deeply woven into everything in the Arab states. Here in Israel, especially in the IDF, we try to avoid bringing religion into our perception and actions while coping with a conflict that is essentially religious." Nearing Midnight: Political Gridlock Around the World - Todd Strandberg - There has been a sharp increase in the level of public unrest all around the world. We currently have protests going on in France, Spain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia. Not since the protests of the 1970s have there been so many street marches. It would be logical to conclude that all this fighting and protests would translate to the political worlds. Amazingly, there has been little reaction from most politicians. In key nations like the U.S., Great Britain, Israel, and China in respect of Hong Kong, political gridlock is the rule. In the U.S., there is an endless battle between President Trump and Republicans on one side and the Democrats and the liberal media on the other side. A massive chasm has formed between the two sides. Nothing is getting done in Washington, DC, because most of the city is fixated on one subject: Donald Trump. "It seems like Republicans and Democrats are intractable," said Mark Updegrove, a presidential historian and chairman of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation. "They are both adhering to their own versions of reality, whether they're based in truth or not." Polling conducted by Gallup shows that an average of 86% of Republicans have approved of Trump over the course of his time in office, and no less than 79% have approved in any individual poll. That's compared with just 7% of Democrats who have approved on average, including no more than 12% in any individual poll. The anti-Trump crowd has failed time and time again: He will never run for president, he will never be the GOP candidate, he will never be president, the markets will crash if he is elected, he will never make it one year, Stormy & Avenatti will take him out, Robert Mueller will bring him down, and we'll find something to impeach him on. Great Britain has been in gridlock over the subject of Brexit, which involved a scheduled withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Following a June 2016 referendum in which 51.9% voted to leave, the UK government formally announced the country's withdrawal in March 2017. The withdrawing has been delayed several times. Every time the British Parliament was presented with a method to deliver Brexit, it would be voted down by the members. Because of the impasse, Prime Minister Boris Johnson found himself forced to call for early elections. Israel has the most profound level of gridlock. After failing to form a government for the second time in two consecutive elections, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving prime minister, will likely need to call for a third vote. Netanyahu is considering the option of holding direct elections for the prime minister if coalition talks fail. It's not certain that the dysfunctional Knesset could be relied on to pass a law making a direct vote possible. I find it very odd that China would be gridlocked over what to do with the protest in Hong Kong. In the past, tanks and bullets would be the response to any region protesting authority of the central government. In the Muslim Uighur province, Chinese men have been assigned to monitor the homes of Uighur women whose husbands are sent to prison camps. They were told to sleep in the same bed with the women. The endless protest in Hong Kong has had a hugely negative impact on the local economy. The latest Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) crashed to 39.3 in October - the lowest since November 2008, with business activity crashing at the fastest pace in the survey's 21-year history. I know that the leaders of Beijing doesn't want to violate the agreement that made Hong Kong an autonomous territory because of the economic impact such a move would have. With China already being a brutal dictatorship, it seems odd that monetary concerns would hold back a crackdown. I think a key reason for the political gridlock is that the stage is being set for the arrival of the Antichrist. When he comes, he will solve all the world's problems. With the world already in a profound mess, the time seems about right for the arrival of this false messiah. "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand" (Daniel 8:25). "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev 13:7-8). The Unthinkable: When Those You Love Are Left Behind - By Jan Markell - What do you imagine when you envision the post-Rapture, "left behind", scenario? Chaos, tumult, anarchy, lawlessness, and confusion, perhaps? A few will figure out what just happened. Perhaps one billion people will vanish-and all at the same time. Many of those left behind will have been pestered by loved ones to make a decision for Christ-to turn their lives around. Maybe they will have been witnessed to hundreds of times and they blew everyone off. The regret some will feel will be literally overwhelming. Then there are the serious and rather offensive online products being peddled right now. One website asks you to send them $14.95 and they will send e-mails to anyone you ask them to once you've been taken in the Rapture of the Church. This outfit will apprise friends, co-workers, family members and skeptics who have been left behind, about what just happened! Other websites promise to take care of your pets if you'll send them a few dollars. The problem is these outfits are run by unbelievers and atheists who are secretly laughing at you and also laughing all the way to the bank. Many of those left behind will be in "strong delusion" and will just believe lies (II Thess. 2:11). Does this mean they are too far gone to even be saved during the Tribulation? Some would say yes. These folks will be glad their evangelical pest friends are gone. Good riddance. But is any heart really too hardened that God cannot break through to it? Find the product here for $30 + S/H - Others who are left behind will want answers! They will not be too proud to start inquiring and to reflect back on the words of those who warned them. Left behind will be some nominal churchgoers, occasional Bible readers, and people who have been proud of their "good works". They were sure these things were good fire insurance. The Bible says an untold number will vanish in the twinkling of an eye. The scenario is not like a lengthy illness where you prepare for the inevitable! Most of these left behind folks will have started out their day like any other day. Their routine was familiar. It's just that this day had a twist to it they weren't expecting. Now what do they do? The impact of this ordeal will be staggering. Consider those who actually realize the wrath that is to come because you told them about it. But most of those left behind will be in a state of confusion. They just won't know what to do. Life won't be the same. The economy won't be the same. Some world leaders will be gone. Key people in their lives suddenly have vanished. The Seal, Bowl, and Trumpet judgments will be staggering. Getting real answers may be the most difficult. A tyrant will rise and he's called the Antichrist. He'll promise to restore order out of chaos! Let me introduce you to The Rapture Kit produced by the "I Am a Watchman Ministry." The Rapture Kit resource is designed to aid believers in actively reaching out to individuals who are not yet saved and may be left behind at the Rapture of the Church just prior to the Tribulation. It contains hours of videos, books, a Bible, and much more. This is a wonderful tool to tap into now as it will be a life-saver in the post-Rapture world. All content is on a small flash drive. The Rapture Kit-which has taken a year to produce-includes: * A Bible * A digital folder with more than 120 pages of important information (information on how to be saved, what has happened, what to expect, and how to prepare for what is to come) * 8 books (on the topics of prophecy, geopolitics, the Christian walk, and being a Watchman for the Lord) * 12 video teachings (on prophecy, how to be saved, apologetics/reasons for faith, and living out your faith) * A two-part audio teaching on why and how to share your faith * An illustrated storybook for children * Several spiritual tracts from World Missionary Press * A 50-minute video presentation noting what the Rapture is, what has happened, and what to do now. Plug the flash drive into a computer and access all of the above. Two of the Watchmen and producers of the product were on air with me recently. Many appreciated the product and hundreds of my listeners have tapped into it. Other believers, sadly, have made snide comments, when, in fact, the post-rapture time will be the most serious time in the history of the world. The Rapture Kit tries to offer reassurance and most of all, salvation, for God is the God of second, third, and fourth chances. The Tribulation is a time of great judgment, indeed, but also a time of evangelistic harvest never seen before in the history of the world. And you can be a part of that by checking out The Rapture Kit. Learn more about the "I Am a Watchman Ministry" here - Daily Jot: Daily Jot Guide to Impeachment - Bill Wilson - As I peruse through the headlines each day, it is somewhat overwhelming what the news media is writing about the impeachment inquiry and the subsequent hearings. One would think that President Donald Trump was the worst criminal that occupied the White House. Part of the problem with the coverage is that all the accusations are so sensationalized that it appears of wrongdoing, when in reality, nothing may have been done illegally. In addition, the Democratic leadership has stacked the deck. Transcripts are edited to reflect a guilty narrative. Witnesses are controlled-even to the point of being coached on what points to emphasize. Only the sensational claims are being released and reported. What to believe? There is a simple guide to this entire process. One first must understand that the deep state and the Democratic Party wants Trump out of office. They were working on making sure he is removed since before he was elected. In fact, what these hearings are revealing is a concentrated effort during the previous president's two terms and Hillary Clinton's tenure at the State Department to "deep root" a Marxist cohort to facilitate a long-term socialist running of the US government. This legion is as what George Washington warned of in his 1796 Farewell speech: "potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." With the warnings of George Washington some 223 years ago in mind, the entire impeachment proceedings currently taking place reflect the foundation of usurpation previously built that is now coming to fruition. Breitbart News reported Monday, "Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, urged folks to take a wait-and-see approach to the proceedings. He explained how Democrats and the media will attempt to frame the storylines but added that the recently released transcripts from the closed House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings last week show the testimony given was "devastating to the Democrats." Strong advice from my heart comes from Ephesians 5:6, "Let no man deceive you with vain words." While the Daily Jot and myself personally find the headlines and the misinformation repugnant and unworthy of reporting, it is also imperative that you be well informed about the ongoing machinations of these cunning and ambitious Marxist minions. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Isaiah 5:13 says, "Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst." This impeachment isn't as much about Donald Trump as it is about allowing the weed of tyranny to choke out the tree of liberty. And in that liberty is your freedom of speech and of religion. Speak boldly to preserve it. Daily Devotion: Finding Strength in Weakness - by Greg Laurie - Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.-2 Corinthians 12:9 I have four granddaughters, and for a while they really liked dolls. They also would break them sometimes, so I bought extras and set them aside. One day my granddaughter came in and was upset because her doll's head came off. "I can fix it," I told her. "It's okay." But as much as I tried, I couldn't get the doll's head back on. "It's not okay. You don't understand," she said. "I do understand. It's going to be okay," I said. "Look at this!" Then I gave her a brand-new doll. Suddenly everything was okay. She didn't even want the old doll anymore. That is how it can be in our lives as well. We'll say, "God, why did You let this happen?" "It will be okay," He tells us. "It's not okay. You don't know what You're doing." "No, I know what I'm doing." "You don't understand." "I do understand. It's going to be okay. You'll see." The apostle Paul had what he called "a thorn in the flesh." It actually can be translated "stake in the flesh." We don't know what it was, but it was bad. And He asked God three times to take away this affliction. But God said in response, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT). Paul went on to say, "So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me" (verse 9 NLT). Paul had a heavenly perspective. He could say, "Yes, this stuff is hard. But I can rejoice in it." God promises that He will work all things together for good. He doesn't say He will make a bad thing good, necessarily. But He says that good will come despite the bad thing. FROM THE HEART
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