Prophecy Update Newsletter
Rough Road Ahead - By Daymond Duck -
Announcements coming from the Biden campaign and the apparent election fraud signify a rough road ahead for many in Israel, the U.S. and the world. Here are a few examples: One, concerning world government, in 2019 Pres. Trump gave the required one-year notice of his intent to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords. On Nov. 4, 2020, the one-year waiting period ended, and the U.S. is now officially out of that agreement. Whether the U.S. stays out of that pact or gets back in may now be up to Biden, but it is being reported that he will sign an Executive Order to rejoin the globalist wealth redistribution scam on Jan. 20, 2021. Two, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, according to the Biden website, if Iran returns to compliance with the Iranian nuclear weapons deal, the U.S. will return to the agreement (Note: Trump withdrew because Iran wouldn’t comply). The Biden website also says Biden will stop giving U.S. support to Saudi Arabia’s effort to contain the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen. Put another way: Biden intends to let up on Iran, Israel’s number one enemy and the number one world’s biggest supporter of terrorism. Three, also, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, on Nov. 4, 2020, an Israeli official said a U.S. return to the Iranian nuclear deal will eventually lead to a war between Israel and Iran. Four, also concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, Iran has vowed to help Syria retake the Golan Heights from Israel. In late Oct. or early Nov. 2020, Israeli planes dropped leaflets on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights that warned Syrian troops and residents that Israel will attack Iranian forces and proxies that are trying to build bases in the area. Israeli intelligence says Iranian troops are dressing in Syrian military uniforms and, in some cases, Iranian officers are commanding Syrian troops. Five, concerning peace in the Middle East, Biden claims that he supports Israel, but he said he will restore U.S. support for the two-state solution which will divide Israel and endanger Israel’s existence. Dividing Israel and scattering the Jews is the reason God will drag the nations into the Battle of Armageddon (Joel 3:2). Six, concerning persecution of believers, on Oct. 31, 2020, Rev. Franklin Graham said he believes a Joe Biden election victory will lead to attacks from the left against businesses, Christian organizations, churches, and groups doing humanitarian work. He believes there will be an effort to tax and close down these groups. Seven, on Oct. 9, 2020, it was reported that PA Pres. Mahmoud Abbas has been covertly contacting Biden in an effort get him to reverse most of Pres. Trump’s pro-Israel policies, including the removal of the U.S. Embassy from Jerusalem. There is no indication that Biden will do it, but if he does, America’s leaders should get in a cave and beg God to let the rocks fall on them (Rev. 6:15-16). Eight, in 2018, Pres. Trump cut off the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars per year to the UN that went to the Palestinian Authority (PA). On Nov. 9, 2020, it was reported that the UN is confident that the Biden Administration will restore these funds. Nine, here are some of my thoughts on the election: · It may take several weeks to determine who won the election. · Regardless of who won, America is still a divided nation, we are still blessed to live in the U.S. (but things are likely to get a lot worse), Christians are still obligated to pray for their leaders, Christians will still go to heaven, and the lost will still go to Hell. · Some of the charges of voter fraud appear to be true, and I am praying that God will expose the fraud and deal with the perpetrators. There is good reason to believe that this is a deliberate coup against the presidency of the U.S. It has been widely reported that several states used voting machines that came from people with ties to George Soros and that these machines were programmed to switch votes from Trump to Biden. Soros funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrats. There have been reports that Nancy Pelosi invested in the company that created the software for the machines. Republicans are investigating this in Michigan. · God is still in control, He has this, He will still decide the outcome, His decision may be grace for America and the world, or it may be that it is time for His judgment to fall. He may use the Tribulation Period to do that. · If Biden wins, it will demonstrate the power and control of the shadow government. Trump was hindering their New World Order. They wanted him out of office badly enough to spy on him, falsely accuse him, impeach him, lie about, falsely accuse and illegally jail some of his staff, and, in my mind, to steal the election. This is just part of their never-ending effort. · If Biden wins, globalists will fast-track world government as soon as he takes office. Biden operatives are not waiting for Jan. 20, 2021. They are already preparing to reverse many of Trump’s policies, enact the Green New Deal, pass global warming legislation, pass Medicare for all, tear down the border wall, rejoin the World Health Organization, re-join the Paris Climate Accords, and more. Many believe tearing down the wall will spread Covid, and some also believe Covid is a scam to bring in world government. · If Biden wins, globalists will fast-track world religion. Democrats have not allowed any references to God in their party platform, and they will go all out to remove God from our society. · A Biden victory will increase persecution of Christians and conservatives. Extremist Democrats call Christians and conservatives racists; homophobes; they have attacked churches and synagogues; rioted, looted, burned businesses, and more. Biden has been supporting mandatory masks and talking about tougher lockdown requirements. On Nov. 9, 2020, Biden announced that his plan to fight Covid includes nationwide lockdowns, Covid testing and contact tracing (sounds a little like a system to track everyone). Another concern is a call from some Democrats to make a list of troublemakers that voted for Trump. · The mainstream media and social media are corrupt. Deception and censorship are rampant. Truth rarely prevails. Fox News is beginning to slip. · The importance of the Georgia Senate race cannot be over-emphasized. If Republicans retain control of the U.S. Senate, they can hinder the plunge toward world government and world religion. · If the U.S. Supreme Court does not intervene, the shadow government has control of that institution too. · A Biden victory will make war in the Middle East more likely. Russia, China, Iran, and the PA are already rejoicing over the possibility that Trump has lost, and Iran is already calling on the Arabs to abandon their normalization treaties with Israel. Biden, who’s son Hunter is under investigation for receiving millions of dollars from China, said he will restore America’s relations with China. · The bad news is it looks like there is a rough road ahead for many. · The good news is that the approaching world government and world religion signify an even closer Rapture, meaning Christians could soon exchange the rough road for streets of gold. Finally, person’s having proof of election fraud have been asked to call True the Vote’s Election Integrity Hotline at 1-855-702-0702, or go to Information is available at the website, and there is a place to contribute to efforts to challenge the vote. God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] The Biblical Book of Esther Playing Out Again Today - By Eric Georgatos - Four years of unconscionable, duplicitous, manipulative, manufactured attempts by the ruling class to get rid of the unacceptable outsider Trump seems poised to achieve success. The deplorables who dared in 2016 to elect Trump in defiance of their ruling-class betters are about to be put back in their place. Maybe the Bible suggests otherwise. The Bible's Book of Esther records the story of how Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai stood up for their Jewish heritage against a conniving, arrogant, anti-Semitic ruling-class "noble" named Haman. Haman was furious that Mordecai wouldn't bow to his presence. Haman was fed up with Mordecai and his people, who seemed to love their religious faith and values more than they cared about his stature and authority. The Mordecai types just weren't going to give him the subservience he felt entitled to, so he came up with a plan to exterminate them and pay for it himself. The king shrugged and let him go forward. The king happened to genuinely love Queen Esther, and he was not aware of her Jewish heritage. He also wasn't aware until late in the story that Mordecai the Jew had actually saved the king's life by outing two of the king's aides who were plotting to assassinate him. Long story short, Esther finally had to step up and steel herself to tell the king what Haman was up to. She did so after having been convinced by Mordecai that perhaps she had become queen "for such a time as this." And when she made it clear to the king that Haman was determined to kill all of her people — including even the man, Mordecai, who had saved the king's life — the king immediately turned on Haman. The king soon ordered Haman to be hanged on a pole that Haman himself had just built for the purpose of hanging the man who wouldn't bow to him, Mordecai. The story of Esther suggests some lessons and portends some parallels. · Don't be surprised by authorities determined to shut down people who won't bow to them, and don't underestimate the depths of depravity to which they can sink. Hyper-wealthy elites with a "shut down" inclination will pay to have the government accomplish the dirty work of their worst intentions. · Exposing evil and corruption among high-level government officials takes courage. · Courage when the stakes are highest is the ultimate in courage — even the willingness to risk life itself to stand up for what is right. Esther summoned that level of courage — she said, "If I die, I die" — and went forward with the explicit exposure of Haman's wickedness. · Evil was exposed by Esther's courage and then destroyed. Good was discovered and remembered — in the form of Mordecai's protection of the king — and preserved. Is the Book of Esther 2.0 about to be played out in the United States of America in 2020? There is treachery in America's Deep State and its hyper-wealthy secular financiers (read: George Soros). There is no one single Haman, but an entire cabal of them. Whether they admit it explicitly or hide it deviously, their real hatred is directed at Americans who cling to their guns and religion, or otherwise have that ingrained American spirit that will not bow to the rule of men. They hate those who revere and uphold the God-given, freedom-grounded Constitution. The Haman’s of today are furious that there are men and women who will not bow to them — to their self-generated definitions of morality and their concept of unlimited power to control the lives and businesses and families of others. The Haman's of today are determined to teach such deplorables a lesson. So far, the Newscom’s and Cuomo’s and their Big Tech and MSM enablers haven't ordered extermination of patriotic religious people, but they are leveraging the pandemic (which itself looks more and more contrived) to take dead aim at shutting down churches and synagogues and the congregations of people who might worship and obey something other than the secular ruling class. (Joe Biden has said he will order the creation of a 100,000-person force to carry out "track and trace" to battle the phony pandemic — which is another way of saying he intends to create a surveillance state in the land of the free and the home of the brave.) The good news is that there are Esther's rising up all over the country "for such a time as this." Sidney Powell looks like an Esther-type figure all by herself — ready to go not to the king, but to the American court system to make clear how enormous the plot against the Republic really is. Because no matter how many Karl Roves try to characterize America's struggle of 2020 as just another every-four-years political battle of Rs vs. Ds, or even as a unique clash of personalities named Trump and Biden, the American people sense that something far, far more serious and fundamental is at stake. They know that the 2020 election was stolen by the radical left/Deep State/Democrat Party/mainstream media mob. They sense that the theft wasn't about a few thousand votes in a few states — it was likely a system-wide manipulation of the vote count that transformed a Trump electoral landslide into the utterly preposterous notion that a senile old man who couldn't draw 200 people to a personal campaign appearance, and who carries the baggage of demonstrable corruption of the worst kind staring the American people in the face — he appears clearly compromised by Communist China — drew a record 80 million or so votes. That didn't happen, and the fact that every ruling-class institution of America is trying to sell the American people on the absurdity that it did happen is a measure of evil that Haman would be impressed with. America is at a crossroads. Sidney Powell has rightly characterized the next two months as the most important in the history of America. The context of Queen Esther's "trial" of courage was really the age-old but simple struggle between good and evil. So is this one. It is the good of preserving the American constitutional structure and heritage of individual freedom and responsibility under God versus the evil of a Deep State ruling class determined to impose godless, tyrannical socialism on America. Here's to American Esther's everywhere, and to the judges who will hear the cries of the American people that are not really about legal arguments per se; they are about heartfelt anguish as to whether the American rule of law can still stand as a bulwark for preservation of their exceptional nation from the evil that seeks to destroy it. And they are pleas to see the Haman's of today outed and appropriately dealt with. Free and Fair? - By Steve Schmutzer - Along with millions of other Americans, I was glued to my TV on November 3rd. Like many doing that, I was watching the election coverage on Fox News. I was frustrated that FL and TX were not called for President Trump till long after it was plain he’d won them. I smelled a rat when AZ was called for Biden after just a fraction of those votes had come in. When several swing states suddenly decided to stop counting the votes after Trump’s numbers were soaring, I knew we’d been had. By ‘we,’ I mean all supporters of law and order. By ‘had,’ I mean election fraud was now running full speed. There never was an ‘if’ about any of the fiasco, and the ‘when’ part had happened in prime time. In the days since, a mountain of evidence – yes, EVIDENCE – has accumulated to show the magnitude of the corruption that has characterized the 2020 elections. In Pennsylvania, President Trump was up by 700,000 votes late into the election night. But more than a million ballots have since been added – many of them only having one mark on them “for Biden.” It was no different in places like Wisconsin and Michigan where, in the wee morning hours after counting stopped, over 100,000 votes that were 100% for Biden were suddenly dumped into the system. In a free and fair election, this is statistically impossible. In Georgia, we’ve all watched efforts to implement a harvesting system just for Biden after November 3rd. In Nevada, tens of thousands of votes were from out-of-staters and had unverified signatures. In multiple swing-state precincts, there were more votes than registered voters. In data from Edison Research, and as reported on The Gateway Pundit and other news sources, it now appears that over 500,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden on highly suspect computer voting systems like Dominion. So many questionable transactions occurred within the three main vendors of voting equipment – Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic and Election Systems and Software – that independent assessments of the matter are now reporting that more than three million electronic votes may have been manipulated. At this point, there are thousands of witnesses who have come forward, and many who have prepared sworn affidavits concerning election fraud. The situations are diverse, but they all have a common thread: blatant corruption. There are USPS supervisors telling their subordinates to postdate mountains of ballots, and there are trucks and cars that arrived after counting had been stopped in swing states to unload – GASP! – tens of thousands of exclusively-Biden ballots. There are records of 25,000 nursing home residents all ordering mail-in ballots at exactly the same moment in time, and there are masses of dead people voting for Biden. GOP voting observers were prevented from doing their job, and the list of infractions mounts from here. Many of the sworn affidavits – all of which qualify as admissible evidence – are backed up by videos, photos, and various other supporting records. What are we to make from this? Where to go from here? Well, for starters, Attorney General Bill Barr, had to – by law – wait 6 days after the election before he could intervene on the problem. He has now done that. Based on the immense amount of ‘substantial voting irregularities,’ he and the DOJ are now looking into the situation. I’m not a huge fan of Barr, so I’m not holding my breath here… It’s worth noting that in response to Barr’s order, Richard Pilger, the top DOJ official overseeing voter fraud investigations, promptly quit. This is the same Richard Pilger who worked closely with Lois Lerner at the IRS during Obama’s term to unfairly target Tea Party organizations and other conservative groups. No surprise there; he’s already shown his cards. As well, it’s no surprise that President Trump and his attorneys have filed many lawsuits to get to the bottom of all this corruption. They need to! As a nation we need to ensure the rules governing a ‘free and fair’ election are upheld. This isn’t about Trump; it’s about our nation’s laws. Who knows where all this will go? It’s possible that when all the facts are exposed, a very different outcome than what the media is hastily promoting will emerge. It’s possible states won by Biden will be won instead by Trump. It’s possible that this issue may make it all the way to the SCOTUS – and frankly, it’s anyone’s guess as to what will happen there if it does go that far. What’s plain to a clear head and an honest conscience, however, is this: significant corruption HAS taken place! President Trump had many rallies of thousands upon thousands of attendees. Some rallies were well north of 50,000 people in places like Pennsylvania. Meantime, Biden was drawing a few dozen honking cars while mostly hiding out in his basement. President Trump also had record minority support, and massive spontaneous car and boat rallies erupted all over the US on his behalf. Trump was on track to have a bigger win than he had in 2016 – at least until unethical people decided to shut down the counts and resort to Plan B. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that, comparatively speaking, very few people were even enthusiastic about Biden. There was no evidence of the kind of support for Biden that Trump had – and yet we are supposed to believe that Biden’s vote count surpassed the greatest rubber-meets-the-road campaign in US history? Sorry – I’m not buying that one. No reasonable person would. Furthermore, are we supposed to believe that Joe Biden defeated President Trump while losing a bunch of seats he needed in the US House and state legislatures? Again, this is highly improbable. To quote a very compromised leader, “C’mon man!” As if to underscore the patently obvious corruption, a double standard has now been added to this mix. Ben Rhodes, the former deputy national security adviser during the Obama administration, claimed that “foreign leaders are already having phone calls with Joe Biden.” The problem is, Gen. Mike Flynn, the first national security adviser for President Donald Trump, was prosecuted under an obscure law called the Logan Act for having exactly this type of communication with foreign leaders before Trump was sworn in. The case against Flynn never had any merit, but the obvious double standard now is shocking to see. As I’ve said before, it all comes down to whether one has a “D” or an “R” after their name. I want to wrap up with a few thoughts. Though I am personally convinced that massive election corruption has been imposed upon the American people by evil politicians and agendas, the matter is now in God’s hands. He has a sovereign plan, and no aspect of human intention, intervention, interruption, and infraction can prevent it. God is not done writing the story. More details will come, and nobody on this earth knows how all this will ultimately unfold. But God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). That’s an infinite timeline in both directions. Perhaps the bigger takeaway from that verse is, “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Nothing catches God by surprise, and He’ll have His way. Meantime, it’s a really unwise move to get on the wrong side of God – and He’s keeping detailed records (Rev. 20:12). When we elevate corruption, support injustice, celebrate depravity, bury the truth, defend lawlessness, behave foolishly, and believe wrongly, we are in a very bad spot. We are only developing a strong case against ourselves. A time is coming when “….every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:10-11). Yes, that means EVERYONE! But the tragic fact is it’ll be too late for most. The best advice I can give you is to get your heart right with God right now while you still can. Our COVID Police State Wants To Take Thanksgiving And Christmas Away From You Too - by Michael Snyder - Haven’t they taken enough away from us already? The deeply oppressive lockdowns that were instituted earlier this year plunged us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, caused the cancellation of thousands upon thousands of important events, and sent the suicide rate absolutely skyrocketing. Once those lockdowns were lifted the American people were greatly relieved, but now our COVID police state is back for more. As I have been documenting over the last several days, new lockdowns are being instituted all over the country right now, and even our most cherished holidays are being targeted. Let me start by discussing an interview that CNN’s Jake Tapper just conducted with Anthony Fauci. Most Americans had assumed that once a vaccine was widely distributed that we wouldn’t need masks or social distancing anymore. Well, according to Fauci that is not the case at all… Jake Tapper said, “Once somebody has been immunized … Once the process is complete, does that mean they can take off their mask, don’t have to social distance, and go about their lives as before?” Fauci said, “I would recommend that is not the case. I would recommend you have an added area of protection. Obviously, with 90 plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident, but I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you’ve been vaccinated.” As I have repeatedly warned my readers, they intend to change the way that we live permanently. During that same interview, they were discussing a timeline for vaccine distribution, and Tapper blurted this out: “Christmas is probably not gonna be possible.” In other words, Americans should not plan to have a normal Christmas this year because we are going to be expected to stay home, wear masks and keep members of our extended family away. Of course Thanksgiving is a lot closer than Christmas, and our COVID overlords are telling us that we can’t have a normal Thanksgiving either. For example, this is what the head of the CDC is saying… U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield held a call with the nation’s governors on Tuesday. CNN obtained audio of the chat, in which Redfield said: “What we’re seeing as the increasing threat right now is actually acquisition of infection through small household gatherings… Particularly with Thanksgiving coming up, we think it’s really important to stress the vigilance of these continued mitigation steps in the household setting.” Needless to say, many of our top politicians are going to fall right in line with the directives that our “health authorities” have issued. For example, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has issued new restrictions for the city of Chicago which begin on Monday… The order, which begins Monday, extends through Thanksgiving festivities. Residents are “strongly advised” to not have guests in their homes outside of essential workers — even family and close friends. “Chicago has reached a critical point in the second surge of COVID-19, demanding that we undertake this multi-faceted and comprehensive effort to stop the virus in its tracks,” said Mayor Lori Lightfoot in the release. At least Lightfoot’s order is not as draconian as the mandate that California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered all Californians to follow this Thanksgiving. If you can believe it, Newsom has decided to limit Thanksgiving to a two hour “outdoor event”… Celebrities have taken to social media to slam California Governor Gavin Newsom’s ‘ridiculously unenforceable’ Thanksgiving crackdown that bans singing and shouting and limits the holiday to a two-hour outdoor event. ‘If my Aunt comes over, can I throw her a slice of turkey from the window?’ mocked actor Rob Schneider as he blasted the ‘Emperor Newsom’. The good news is that the American people are sick and tired of having their rights taken away and are starting to push back against absurd restrictions such as these. The bad news is that the new lockdowns that are being instituted all over the U.S. will inevitably crash our economy again. If they last long enough, some industries may be almost entirely destroyed. For example, even before these new lockdowns we were being told that it would be a miracle if half of the hotels in New York City survive this pandemic… According to Vijay Dandapani, chief executive of the Hotel Association of New York City, if half the city’s 640 hotels survive it will be a “great” outcome. While occupancy rates have recovered from their worst point in April where occupancy was down more than 60% year on year, they remain 20% lower than for the same month in 2019, a level which means much of the debt backing the properties will be impaired (i.e., default). Should New York impose a new round of draconian lockdowns, it will only get worse. But of course there are some businesses that are booming during this time. For instance, psychologists and therapists are extremely busy treating those that are “feeling lonely and depressed”… Business is booming for Maria Mir. Under normal circumstances, she takes little time off in November and December; the holidays are her busy season. But this is 2020. Nothing is normal. And everyone seems to need her at once. Mir is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She’s used to patients feeling lonely and depressed as Thanksgiving and Christmas near. But “this particular time is different,” she says. “Even people who haven’t felt lonely in the past are now feeling that isolation.” This is yet another example that shows that elections really matter. For years, the American people have been voting for psychotic control freaks all over the nation, and so now we shouldn’t be surprised that they are actually acting like psychotic control freaks during a major crisis. We are being told that this is going to be a very “dark winter”, and just like we witnessed earlier this year many Americans are feverishly stocking up on food and other basic goods… Concerns that rising cases will encourage people to buy in bulk and stock up on basic goods has prompted major grocery chains to take pre-emptive action and limit purchases. Kroger, the largest grocery chain in the U.S., has imposed purchase limits on essential goods like bath tissue, paper towels, disinfecting wipes and hand soap, according to Fox Business. If you have not done so already, I would very much encourage you to get stocked up as well. These are such uncertain times, and I have a feeling that things are going to get even crazier in the weeks ahead. If the case numbers keep rising, the restrictions placed upon us are just going to become even more cumbersome, and it definitely appears that we are in for a very rough start in 2021. Daily Jot: Don’t be chasing the wind – Bill Wilson – There are so many stories flying around in the news media and the email-o-sphere that it is difficult to know what is real and what is fake. So many people are willing to pass on a wild-eyed story just because they want to believe it rather than because it is factual. As followers of Christ, we are supposed to have Holy Spirit discernment and we are to walk circumspectly. This means that we should be leading in truth rather than adding to lies. Think about what you are reading. Ask yourself questions. Think about the impact of passing along something that is most likely untrue and its impact on how you represent the Lord as an ambassador. Your leadership is needed during these times of turmoil in our country. The election integrity issue is one such example. Many people fervently believe that President Trump had ordered the government to put watermarks on ballots so he could have a massive sting operation to arrest those who fomented election fraud, or that he had the US military raid a private company in Germany to seize a server that could prove election fraud. Neither of these stories can be verified as this column is written. Ballots are not federal jurisdiction. A military raid in an ally’s country without prior approval of that country would be unthinkable. These would be draconian tactics that violate law and process. What if a leftist president used jackboot tactics against you without due process? This is why we have laws and a legal process so that the heavy hand of the federal government cannot abuse its citizens. In the case of the election, we are all concerned about the integrity of the election process. Hopefully, President Trump’s efforts will expose the weaknesses in the system, how fraud is exploited, and who is behind it. We simply must restore confidence in the system otherwise the foundation of our Constitutional Republic is endangered. These efforts focus on three main areas: 1) electronic voter fraud, 2) illegal mail-in ballots, and 3) illegal voting by the dead and the ineligible. Forensic investigations, recounts, legal challenges and the court system—are all parts of the established legal process that is being followed to hold accountability. President Trump is pursuing these things with the highest intensity. Ecclesiastes refers often to chasing the wind. We must be careful to not be chasing the wind with what we want to believe even though it is untrue. Christians are in the world but are not supposed to be of the world. How does it speak to our character to pass on lies as truth, just as those do who we criticize for the very same thing? Righteous lies are still lies. Likewise, as James 5:16 says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Our prayers and efforts need to be focused and intentional because our nation is in an extraordinarily perilous time. Pray for the truth to prevail; that these things done in the darkness Daily Devotion: Heavenly Goals - by Greg Laurie – But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. —1 Corinthians 3:13 - Listen A while back I went to my grandson’s soccer game, and I noticed a problem with sports for kids today: they don’t keep score. The rationale is that everyone is a winner. However, this doesn’t prepare kids for real life. In real life there are actual winners, and there are actual losers. And by the way, God doesn’t say that everyone is a winner. In fact, the Bible teaches that the Lord will judge Christians one day in Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ. There He will reward us for our faithful service to Him. He will give rewards to those who have achieved things for Him. And those who didn’t achieve much for Him won’t receive any rewards. The apostle Paul described this judgment in 1 Corinthians 3: “But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward. But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames” (verses 13–15 NLT). We will go to Heaven because of what God did for us in sending Jesus to die on the cross. The Bible tells us, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” (Ephesians 2:8–9 NLT). Although God has saved us by His grace, do we really want to have nothing to show for our lives when we’re in Heaven? We want God to reward us because of our faithful service to Him. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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