Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Great Setup – Jonathan Brentner -
Perhaps I have an overly suspicious mind, but something does not feel right about what I am seeing in the aftermath of the recent election. We know massive election fraud took place late on November 3 and the early morning hours of November 4. The evidence is overwhelming, which in itself makes me more than a little skeptical. Why didn’t those engineering the fraud do a better job of covering up their tracks? Did they actually want their illegal schemes uncovered and thus have the courts throw out all the fabricated votes that favored Biden? Is this a ploy to further enrage the groups that seek to turn the United States into a Marxist state? My mind keeps racing back to a November 1 news item. A GOP congressional candidate in Pennsylvania, Sean Parnell, woke to discover this message spray painted in red on his garage door, “Elections no – Revolution yes!” Is this an indication that the radicals are not depending on the election to forever change the U.S.? I keep wondering. The mainstream media in the U.S. repeatedly pounds us with the message that Joe Biden won the election. Facebook reminds us of his victory under every post that even suggests the results of the 2020 election are not yet final. Besides recounts in at least a couple states, the Trump team has amassed four hundred twenty-nine affidavits from those who witnessed the fraud and recorded twelve thousand incident reports. The Trump lawyers have already brought evidence before the Supreme Court. With all this activity, surely the mainstream media knows that Biden’s victory remains clouded in considerable doubt. Yet they persist in telling those who hang their hopes on their every word that the election of Biden is a done deal and far beyond question. How are we to understand such misdirection? Could it be a setup for future disaster? THE GREAT RESET The first piece of this puzzle is The Great Reset, a term the World Economic Forum (WEF) uses to promote their vision of a one world government. This represents the ultimate goal of all the elite globalists in the world. Many excellent articles and prophecy updates such as one by Tom Hughes cover this topic well. An excellent article on this is Own Nothing and Be Happy": The Great Reset's Vision Of The Future, by Tyler Durden. He writes this about what he gleaned from the WEF website: Using COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions to push through this transformation, the great reset is being rolled out under the guise of a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in which older enterprises are to be driven to bankruptcy or absorbed into monopolies, effectively shutting down huge sections of the pre-COVID economy. Economies are being ‘restructured’ and many jobs will be carried out by AI-driven machines. In a short video showcased on social media, the WEF predicts that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” A happy smiling face is depicted while a drone delivers a product to a household, no doubt ordered online and packaged by a robot in a giant Amazon warehouse: ‘no humans were involved in manufacturing, packaging or delivering this product’; rest assured, it is virus- and bacteria-free – because even in 2030, they will need to keep the fear narrative alive and well to maintain full-spectrum dominance over the population.[i] In an open letter to President Donald Trump dated October 25, 2020, Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote these chilling words about The Great Reset: The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.[ii] This is the vision that the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world have for the inhabitants of earth. And make no mistake, they have powerful allies in both the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States as well as in high level government leadership positions throughout the world. It’s important that we understand the ultimate goal motivating those hoping to steal the election from President Trump. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS THE KEY OBSTACLE The WEF hopes to fully implement their Marxist vision by 2030, which by no coincidence is exactly the year set by the UN for fully realizing their Marxist dream of utopia as stated in the seventeen goals of their Agenda 2030. If they are to make their aspirations a worldwide reality by 2030, they must start making tangible progress now in the United States, but therein lies their greatest problem. President Trump vigorously opposes the plans of the elite to enslave the people of the United States to The Great Reset. On the campaign trail, He repeatedly stated that “as long as he was president, America would never be a socialist nation.” In other words, he will never allow the U.S. to join The Great Reset. In his October 25 letter to President Trump, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò stressed the necessity of Trump’s victory recognizing that he and the U.S. represents the greatest obstacle to the plans of the WEF to implement The Great Reset on a worldwide basis. “Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed.” But will the election of Joe Biden as president accomplish all the goals of the left as quickly as they need to meet their 2030 goal? If the Republicans retain control of the Senate and it looks probable, they will vote down all proposals put forward by Biden or Harris that would move America toward The Great Reset. Biden would still inflict considerable damage to the U.S. in regard to its standing as a free and independent nation, but the checks and balances of the constitution would slow down the march of America to The Great Reset. The globalists of our world and the deep state within America need something more drastic to meet their timetable of bringing the U.S. and thus the world under their domain by 2030. This takes me to what I call “the great setup.” THE GREAT SETUP I pray I am wrong about my take on the scenario unfolding in the U.S., but it’s the putting of all these things together that makes me wonder if this is all a big setup for disaster in America. Let’s review where we are at: · An abundance of evidence exists pointing to election fraud is something the courts will not be able to ignore. It goes well beyond what I mentioned earlier in this post. · The mainstream media, which is surely aware of the massive amount of evidence pointing to election fraud, unceasingly pounds out the narrative that Joe Biden is the President-elect and only fools dare doubt them on this. · The media is thus purposely raising the expectation of victory with all those on the left. · A Biden victory with a likely Republican Senate helps the left, but it leaves them short of being able to implement their draconian measures necessary to speed up the implementation of The Great Reset within the U.S. · The elite globalists and deep state cannot allow President Trump to remain President until January 2025. That would be disastrous to their plans. There’s also this. Even with what they believe is a clear and unchallengeable victory for Biden, the radical left’s hatred and anger at President Trump and all his supporters has not subsided one bit, not one iota; it’s still as strong, if not stronger than ever. Consider this quote from the website One News now from a November 13, 2020 article: Bolstered by Joe Biden’s expected win over Trump, the so-called Resistance movement of Democrats and “Never Trump” Republicans is blatantly calling for Trump supporters to be punished if they voted for him and put out a yard sign, cheered for him and defended his policies, or served in his administration.[iii] Now combine the still seething rage of the radical left in America with the possible announcement that the courts have overturned Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania and that recounts in the Michigan and Georgia show clear victories for the President. Would not the pent up rage of the left explode into violence on the streets at the news of a Trump victory? I think so. As the evidence mounts day by day and hundreds of people come forward attesting to the election fraud in all of the swing states that currently lie in the Biden win column, my confidence in a ultimate Trump victory grows. At the White House, a prominent staffer for the President says they are planning for a second term; Trump is totally confident of victory. I believe the great setup is this: By calling the election early for Biden, the media hyped the expectations of the left to a fever pitch, which sets them up for over-the-top fury should the Supreme Court give the election to President Trump. This outcome now appears to be a distinct possibility given the massive amount of evidence that the Trump team is assembling. If this happens, I believe we will see the greatest outbreak of violence in America since the Civil War. Was the writing on the garage door indicative of the ultimate plans of the elite globalists, “Elections No – Revolution Yes!”? I think it was. Such violence would make the U.S. extremely vulnerable to foreign enemies. And should the revolutionists overturn the government and put their person in charge (hint: it will almost certainly not be Joe Biden), they will place the United States on a glide path to the Great Reset. Our Imminent Departure from the Earth I cannot write about such a dire possibility without mentioning our hope in the soon appearing of Jesus Christ to take us home. Our ultimate hope is not in anything temporal whether it be “four more years” or an even greater America. Our departure to the place Jesus is preparing for us constitutes our ultimate and immediate expectation (John 14:2-3). The articles I read on The Great Reset tell me that the seven-year tribulation is approaching faster than we can imagine. The things that I read about Bill Gates’ future plans for the COVID-19 vaccine scream the future fulfillment of Revelation 13:11-18; I sometimes wonder how it’s possible that the rapture has not already happened. Satan and his demonic forces are rushing the world toward the final form of the beast described in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Step by step, the globalists are slowly gaining more control over our world. America, however, remains an elusive prize for them. The fulfillment of 1 Corinthians 15:50-56, Philippians 3:20-21, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:10 is so very close. As I finish writing this post, the reality of the nearness of our departure from this world seems more real than ever to me. I would be foolish to predict the timing of the rapture, but I also believe it would be unwise to assume it cannot happen this year or next year. With the seven-year tribulation closing in on us like an out of control freight train, we know that our departure, which must happen first, is ever so close. Perhaps things will turn out differently than I imagine with the great setup. But even if the Democrats succeed in stealing the election from President Trump, the perilous times we now experience will get much, much worse and so the nearness of our ultimate redemption. Maranatha! [i] This article can be found at: [ii] The full text of the letter can be found at: [iii] The full article can be found at: The Top Ten Bible Prophecy Stories of 2020 - By Jan Markell – 1) The Decline of America. There is really no end-time power in the Bible other than a Revived Roman Empire from which the Antichrist will headquarter. Thus, prophecy watchers have always known America must decline. This year we have watched capitalism come under attack and socialism and globalism be heralded. Some progressive but deluded political leaders are even hailing Marxism, including many on the Biden team. 2) The Rise of Lawlessness, Anarchy and Spirit of Antichrist. We see unbridled lawlessness in Matthew 24 and parts of Revelation, although the context of both is the Tribulation. So once again, we see Tribulation events casting a long shadow on the Church Age. Here in America, literally "all hell is breaking loose" and our Republic and rule of law are disintegrating right before our eyes! At the root of this is the spirit of the Antichrist. 3) Peace Efforts in the Middle East. We can debate the practicality of these events and should America and Europe even intrude on Israel with peace efforts? Nonetheless, they are setting the stage for peace deals proposed by the Antichrist. And, the year is not over, so more peace efforts may take place before year-end. But, I am reminded of the haunting words in Jeremiah 6:14: “Saying peace, peace, when there is no peace.” 4) Increasing Attacks on Christians, Christianity, Churches, etc. Thanks to Covid-19, churches, and Christianity in general, became gross inconveniences in 2020. Churches were either shut down or marginalized starting in March. Christians in America were harassed and even arrested for wishing to just practice their faith and meet for worship. Believers in the Mideast and Africa were slaughtered by the thousands. Jesus said a day was coming when we would be hated for His Name’s sake (Matt. 10:22). 5) Growing Apostasy and Wolves Among the Flock. Sound biblical preaching is fading with a rise in the love for experience, emotion, and unsound doctrine. There is even the love of the “doctrine of demons” (I Timothy 4:1). The New Apostolic Reformation continues to surge. A new, but very false teaching in both churches and seminaries, is the Marxist Critical Race Theory. At the same time, Bible prophecy has vanished from most pulpits, as well as support for Israel. 6) Pre-Tribulation Birth Pangs. The worst of the birth pangs are in the Tribulation, but we see a foreshadowing of these horrors now in the Church Age. Natural disasters are unprecedented globally. The destruction is heart-wrenching to watch and the suffering is unspeakable. This will increase to such a level in the Tribulation that what is happening now is minuscule in comparison. But the stage is again being set. All of the earth is groaning. 7) The Continued and Rapid Decline of the Culture. Everywhere evil is being called good (Isaiah 5:20). Aberration is celebrated. Netflix seemed to honor pedophilia with its “Cuties” feature and film. California passed pro-pedophilia legislation, removing felony status for sex with minors. Today’s character of mankind is outlined in Romans 1 and II Timothy 3—and it’s all predicted for a final generation. The Washington D.C. swamp is murkier than ever before! 8) The Rise of Strong Delusion. So much delusion arose in 2020 it is incalculable. What thinking person wants all police abolished? Or thinks America is a racist nation? Or destroys the economy over a virus? Or its youth think the Holocaust is a myth? II Thessalonians 2 suggests such a delusion is sent because there is no love of the truth. This will then cause people to fall for the lies of the Antichrist. 9) A Covid-19(84) Surveillance State Worsened and Preparation for NWO. Government intrusion and “contact tracing” abounded in 2020. People even had to “register” for church so they could be traced. The goal lines for easing government restrictions, lock downs, quarantines, and even face masks, kept changing. Clearly, society is being prepped for the Antichrist here in 2020. Around the world, people are being turned into mind-numbed robots. Many are cowering in fear. 10) The Longing for a Savior. With the world in a meltdown mode, millions are looking for just one superhuman man to bring back peace and prosperity. He is waiting in the wings! Most have rejected Jesus Christ. They will cheer for a short season for the Antichrist. That’s my short list of prominent events in 2020 that have end-time significance! It could be seen as a heartbreaking list, but it heralds an imminent happening that many believers have been longing for—the return of the King of Kings. It could even be today. Keep your eye on the Great Re-Set in 2021. Recently, World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab said that they are working on implantable chips that can read our thoughts. If you think things will "return to normal" in 2021, think again. So more uncertainty is ahead, as even the results of the 2020 election hang in the balance. God is shaking us up, trying to wake us up so that we will look up. If anything has been proven to be a surety in 2020, it is that this world is fading and is not our home. But, believers have a glorious one awaiting us. Nearing Midnight: Ready to Deal – Terry James - Questions and comments coming fast and furiously in these volatile times ask why the election has turned out this way, or they want to know what it must all mean. I’ve tried to answer most emails I’ve received like this, but it’s time to address these matters here. “Ready to Deal” isn’t to imply that I myself will now “deal” with these matters. The title instead suggests my belief that the Lord of Heaven is now ready to “deal” in power and authority with the world and the rebellious state it has reached. To strive to “Make America Great Again” was a noble desire, a worthy goal. I believe that most of us—half of the nation—truly meant the slogan, not with hubris in our hearts and minds, but with a genuine desire to see America returned to principles installed by the founding fathers. We wished, only as de Tocqueville believed, that in order to see to it that America is great, we must make it “good.” Christians with understanding know that there is only One who is good. Only that One, Jesus Christ, can make anything noble to the point of greatness. The Lord of heaven is destined—we believe very soon—to reign on the earth as the King of all kings. The “goodness” America has been blessed with has faded precipitously, it’s easy to see. America’s greatness long ago began its darkening descent from its time as that shining light on the hill. We now more easily understood why this, the apex nation of world history, isn’t mentioned by name in God’s Word. The question, then, is not: Is America moving into a future shrouded in a murkiness that it almost certainly won’t emerge from? Many of us believe the answer to that question is yes. The question we need to consider instead is this: Why is this happening now? Why—especially knowing that, before the sudden infliction of COVID-19, America indeed seemed to be on the cusp of becoming robust in its influence for good upon the rest of the world? The Lord almost certainly was laughing the anti-God forces to derision, as the KJV puts it in Psalm 2. Nothing they tried in attempting to bring down the hated populist president of the US worked. Even with the national and world mainstream press joined to the powers and principalities to effect a coup d’état, the Restrainer (God the Holy Spirit) observably and easily swatted them away. Nothing they could do would stop Mr. Trump from doing his utmost to “Make America Great Again,” thereby taking the nation farther and farther from the globalist influence the powers and principalities wanted to exert on America. And America is the greatest obstacle preventing them from achieving their new global order, geopolitically speaking. Just when it seemed that the Lord was seeing to it that those powers and principalities were kept at bay and even were in total disarray because of their reprobate state, He suddenly seems to have taken away His mighty hand of restraint. It’s as if He suddenly said on America’s election day 2020 that He has seen enough. Of course, God is not capricious. He doesn’t make rash decisions like we do. He knows all about this election and everything else, and He has since the unfathomable times in eternity past. We as Christians should take great comfort from this reality. The timing of all these events was set in Heaven, not by political authorities or powers and principalities on earth. The bottom line is always that God’s will be done, no matter what. He is always in complete control. So our next question to ask is this: What is God’s will in this sudden removal of His restraining hand to let evil once again rampage through its destructive, global-world-order construction project? I believe with all that is within my spiritual senses that Heaven is once again at the point of beginning to deal, like in antiquity, with God’s chosen people, Israel. The succeeding administration (if contested election results turn out that way), whose many stated goals include bringing America into the internationalist (read “global”) order, also wants to give Israel’s archenemy, Iran (ancient Persia), the same nuclear deal as did the administration before Trump’s. Mr. Trump has been Israel’s most faithful friend. America, under his presidency, therefore, has blessed the Jews in ways that are yet to be fully assessed. That blessing could turn into a curse with a succeeding president who would turn his back under pressures from the global constructionists. And, globally, Israel has no friends of significant power and influence, with the exception of America during Trump’s time in office. Key to everything in the whole matter of this election—the seemingly inexplicable turn of events in the nation electing a man who is at the very least mentally challenged due to diminished capacity, and bringing to power a party vowed to take the nation into the new global order—is the most central national entity in all of Bible prophecy: the nation Israel! Without reservation, I submit that God is on the very verge of being set to deal again with Israel in order to bring back to Himself a remnant of His people. With these, He will establish His millennial kingdom as the chief nation, from which His Son Jesus Christ will rule and reign over the earth. The Lord, I believe, is also dealing with the rebels who populate this violent, anti-God planet. He must purge them while He is gathering His remnant of chosen people. He is about to deal with all Gentile believers who will accept His Son for salvation during that Tribulation hour. And, to those of us who call on the Name of Jesus Christ for salvation, I’m thankful to be able to say that God is also getting ready to deal with us. Before He will begin dealing with His chosen people, the earth’s rebels, and the Gentiles who will become believers during the Tribulation, the Lord will take His Church from the planet. At that moment of Rapture, the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit resident within each believer, will no longer hold back the evil to the same degree He is now. The Lord is ready to deal, I’m convinced. That’s not a matter of gloom and doom, but it’s a glorious prospect if you know Christ and will be kept out of the coming time of judgment and wrath. Here is comfort from His very Word: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” (Revelation 3:10) UN Returns To Israel Bashing: 138 Nations Pass 7 Anti-Israel Resolutions – Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - Last week, the United Nations General Assembly's Fourth Committee passed seven resolutions condemning Israel without mentioning any transgressions by any other nation. One resolution referred to Jerusalem's Temple Mount solely by its Muslim name of Haram al-Sharif in a manner that seemed to imply that it was the source of massive bloodshed and humanitarian abuses perpetrated against Palestinians (i.e. Arabs who live in Israel) at the hands of the Israeli government. "The UN is gravely concerned by the tensions and violence in the recent period throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory [Israel], including East Jerusalem and including with regard to the holy places of Jerusalem, including the Haram al-Sharif, and deploring the loss of innocent civilian life," the resolution declared. The resolution concerning the Temple Mount does not mention Judaism by name but mentions the "significance of the holy sites, and the importance of the City of Jerusalem for the three monotheistic religions." Arabs refer to the Temple Mount as Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) due to it being the site purchased by King David for the construction of the Temple built by his son, King Solomon which was destroyed in 586 BCE. The Second Temple was built in the same location in 516 BCE and destroyed in 70 CE. "The UN today showed contempt for both Judaism and Christianity by passing a resolution that makes no mention of the name Temple Mount, which is Judaism's holiest site, and which is sacred to all who venerate the Bible, in which the ancient Temple was of central importance," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based, independent non-governmental watchdog organization. The resolution mirrors almost identical UNESCO resolutions that sparked controversy in 2016. The resolutions called the Occupied Palestine Resolutions condemned Israel for failing to protect Muslim exclusivity at the Temple Mount and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Following the passing of the resolution, Israel officially cut all ties with UNESCO. The resolution also called "for full compliance with the Israeli-Palestinian agreements reached within the context of the Middle East peace process, including the Sharm el-Sheikh understandings, and the implementation of the Quartet road map to a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." It should be noted that the Palestinian Authority openly declared that they have reneged on all these agreements and will no longer cooperate with Israel in any manner. The resolution also condemned Israel for constructing a security wall. The wall, in actuality 90% of which is a chain-link fence, was begun in 2002 in reaction to the second Intifada which killed over 1,000 Israelis and left thousands severely injured. Its construction has led to a drastic reduction in terrorism. Syrian President Bashar Assad, who has used chemical weapons against civilian populations and whom the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights say is responsible for at least 100,000 civilian deaths in his country's nine-year civil war, co-sponsored a resolution which decried "the economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan." Only the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel and three Pacific Ocean island nations voted against the resolution. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan criticized the resolutions. "What is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?" asked Erdan. "By supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting U.N. resources; you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace." "Instead of persuading the Palestinians to choose the path of negotiations and peace, these resolutions only encourage them to harden their positions. Every voice in favor of these resolutions is another step toward turning the U.N. into an irrelevant body," said Erdan. Erdan assailed the U.N. for supporting a resolution pertaining to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), saying that "one of the biggest reasons for the U.N.'s failure in ending the conflict is its continued support of UNRWA. Simply put, UNRWA's very existence makes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict unsolvable, and I don't intend to allow business as usual anymore." "Instead of functioning like the U.N.'s refugee agency to integrate refugees in their countries of residency, UNRWA exaggerates the number of 'refugees' and automatically recognizes every Palestinian descendant as a refugee, even those who have already become permanent residents of other countries," added Erdan. As for the resolution referring to the Temple Mount by its Muslim name only, Erdan denounced it as an "audacious attempt to rewrite history" and erase the centuries-old Jewish connection to Jerusalem. "As minister of public security, I ensured that all religions had access to Jerusalem's holy sites," he said. "During my term, the number of Jews visiting the Temple Mount each year more than tripled. No resolution passed here will stop that process. No resolution passed here will change the eternal connection between the Jewish people and the holiest site of our faith--the Temple Mount. They will also not change the fact that today, our connection to Jerusalem is stronger than ever. A growing number of countries are moving their embassies to Jerusalem, our united and undivided capital," said the U.N. ambassador. "Unlike this chamber," he added, "which is detached from reality, a growing number of nations are acknowledging that Jerusalem is the undeniable capital of the Jewish people and the Jewish state." Daily Jot: Stealing Elections–a longstanding progressive tradition – Bill Wilson – On November 7, 2016, The Daily Jot warned of voting machine fraud. It was a story that could have been written today, Here is the report: “There has been much circulating the Internet this year about voter fraud. There are videos that actually show voter machines changing votes from Republican to Democrat. There are also reports of dead people voting, illegals voting, and felons voting. Alas, the Progressives (translated communists) have progressed this country so well that stealing elections is one sure way to advance the cause. They have applied enough political pressure to do away with the paper ballot. Thus we have voter machines that electronically record and tally your votes. By early indications, votes are already being stolen, but the progressives laugh and roll their eyes about these charges, dismissing them as wild conspiracy theories. Across the country there has been documentation where people have cast their votes early, but the voter machines keep counting for the Democratic candidate when the people have actually voted for the Republican. Elections officials say the machines are operating properly, but may need to be “re-calibrated.” In other words, if a voter catches these machines malfunctioning, which apparently have been programed in favor of Democrats, they need to be reported and “re-calibrated.” Question is: how many early votes were stolen before someone was observant enough to notice that the machine did not correctly record their vote? How do we know any machine correctly records the vote? The fact is, we don’t. In the days when we had paper ballots, even machines punching paper ballots, at least we knew that our vote was our vote. Of course, the Progressives used the “hanging chad” issue to switch things in their favor–to electronic voting machines. Now what happens if just one vote per precinct is stolen electronically? One vote per precinct would have elected Richard Nixon over John F Kennedy. The same with Al Gore over George W Bush. As it was, Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the electoral college. So voting machines could make more of a difference in this election than you might think. In the last presidential election, the Republican National Committee (RNC) thought it was a problem. In 2012, the RNC wrote a letter to Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller pointing out how machines are not recording the correct vote. Miller called the claims “irresponsible and unfortunate” and defended the voting machines. Miller said the claims “undermine the public’s confidence in the electoral process.” DUH! Nothing has really changed. In 2012, I demanded a paper ballot in Maryland. They told me it was against the law.” Here we are eight years later and the problem has grown far worse. The central challenge by the Trump campaign concerns these voter machines. Psalm 101:7 says, “He that works deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that tells lies shall not tarry in my sight.” It’s time to say “Not in my house.” Perhaps we have people fed up with this system enough that something will be done about it. Daily Devotion: Marked for Life - by Greg Laurie – I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. —Psalm 119:11 - Listen Most American homes today have a Bible, but ironically, fewer than half of all American adults can name the four Gospels. And in a survey about Americans’ knowledge of the Bible, most participants could name all four Beatles, but they couldn’t name one of the Ten Commandments. But it gets worse. One in 10 people thought Moses was one of Jesus’s 12 apostles. In addition, 12 percent of American adults thought that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. And 50 percent of graduating high school seniors thought Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife. Although many people own a Bible, they don’t read the Bible. The number one reason people give for not reading the Bible is they don’t prioritize it. And if they do read it, they’re reading without any comprehension. However, we would be better off reading 10 verses from the Bible with comprehension than reading 10 chapters without grasping what we’re reading. The Bible often uses the word meditate. This has nothing to do with the Eastern version of meditation, which is to clear the mind. The biblical meaning of meditation is “to ponder and consider.” It’s sort of like chewing your food. When you meditate on Scripture, it helps you internalize it more deeply. Think about it. Consider it. Contemplate it. Take your time; don’t rush through it. And if you want to take it to the next level, read your Bible multiple times throughout the day. The psalmist said, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11 NLT). It isn’t enough to go through the Word of God; the Word of God needs to go through you. It isn’t how you mark your Bible; it’s how your Bible marks you. So let God’s Word impact your life. FROM THE HEART
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