Prophecy Update Newsletter
The End Times Unraveled - Jerry McDermott - I have often wondered about the various aspects of the Final Days and have thought other Christians might have the same query. Certainly, we have been asked, "Watta ya mean, The End Times?" Perhaps other terms might be more appropriate such as: The Last Days; The Last Generation; The End of the Age; Final Days; Jacob's trouble; Daniel's 70th Week; The End of Days; Armageddon; The Great Tribulation; Pre-Trib Rapture; The Second Coming; or Millennialism. All of these terms involve the science of Eschatology which is a study of the End Times, our topic today. The Kingdom in the End Times The biblical forecasts of the End Times being revealed almost every day should be reflected in growing fervor among believers in Christ. Traditionally, such events are strong at first, but fade soon afterward. An example is 911 fervor which soon faded after the first increase in church attendance. The happening is apostasy or the falling away. To avoid confusion, the falling away pertains to those who were never true believers. "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us" (1 John 2:19). By contrast, the true believer experiences a lifetime of spiritual growth in their relationship with Jesus. Satan's Kingdom This nefarious army of devils and demons probably began when Satan and numerous angels were thrown out of heaven. The story is the classic result of pride over reason or good sense as Satan wanted to at least be equal to God. He is described as having everything someone created could have, yet he wanted more. His first scriptural reference is in the Garden of Eden where he is revealed as the master of deception. While Satan is still practicing his major role in the End Times, Jesus has warned us about his threat: "Take heed that no one deceives you" (Matthew 24:14). This modern deception is the introduction of semi-"Christian" cults and watered-down preaching/teaching in traditional churches, as well as fostering the apostasy, and especially Replacement Theology. In addition, he is blatantly and obviously pushing occult practices as well as the wiccan and pagan temples and ceremonies. The most obvious is the rise of Satanic churches and "Christian" witches, obviously oxymorons. Our Lord summarized this evil empire so well in a prophecy given to me November 10, 2013: "Seek me and my kingdom as another kingdom is being raised to gather you in. Seek only me." After Christ's second coming and the start of the millennium era, Satan will be imprisoned only to be released 1,000 years later. He will then form a huge army which is divinely defeated by heavenly fire. He will then be deposed forever, joining the Beast and the False Prophet already in the fire pits of Hell after the tribulation. The following are the various areas of "down there": The Netherworld HELL is the common name for the place for those who are eternally lost. GHENNA (aka Gehenna) is the permanent dwelling for lost souls and the scriptural name of Hell. Hades is the temporary holding place where all pre-Resurrection humans were placed after death. It has two sections: one for evildoers (Tartarus) and one for the righteous (Sheol). The comfortable one was known as Abraham's bosom and was visited by Jesus after His death when He brought the righteous to heaven, so it remains empty. By contrast, the wicked will remain in Hades until their judgment and condemnation to areas of Ghenna. This is an area of constant torment that most people call Hell. It is totally devoid of anything Godlike, especially heavenly goodness. It is also called the second death where eternal separation from God occurs. It is the term for the eternal loneliness by separation from God. Early Birth Pangs Jesus proclaimed, "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand" (Mark 3:24). You do not have to look further for an example other than the two American political parties and the recalcitrant Republicans among the Senate and House. The divisional aspect is almost universal and pervades politics as well as American History, anti-Semitism, atheism, and the profound lies against our Constitution and our Judean/Christian founding. This negativity is something we have to live with each day, a pre-Rapture tribulation for believers. Jesus predicted these things would happen which was related in Matthew Chapter 24. Yes, they had to happen as they are the preliminaries to the Rapture and continue after the Rapture. In addition, Paul gave Timothy a prophetic warning of the end-time culture which is being fulfilled every day in our era (2 Timothy 3:1-5). The Rapture At the Last Supper, the apostles had mixed feelings. While they were gathered together to celebrate the feast of Passover, there was sadness. This was due to the recent knowledge that Jesus was due for death by the Roman cross. While Jesus tried to calm their dilemma by revealing that He would return for them to join Him in heaven, they did not understand. Are we in the same situation of disbelief that we are heavenly bound? Yes, some people are not confident that they have a heavenly future. Others pick apart the Rapture, claiming it is a myth, or scoffing at the probability. The third predicament is the forsaking of the word itself or its translation, thus abandoning this revealed truth altogether. To eliminate confusion between two major events: in the Rapture we go up (heaven bound); in the Second Coming, we come down after seven years in heaven (earth bound). Jesus has rescued us from the second death by His passion and resurrection. In a like manner, the Rapture rescues us from many potential deaths in the seven-year Tribulation. In neither case do we experience the wrath of God which happens throughout the Tribulation. While Jesus talked about rescuing His people, it was revealed to Paul by Christ himself that He would summon the living and dead believers to join Him in the clouds. Once gathered there, we would always be with the Lord. Notice the word "always." It does not mean forever in heaven because seven years later at the end of the Tribulation, we will come back to earth with Jesus for the Millennium reign. The Marriage of the Lamb This heavenly event takes place in heaven before the Second Coming of the Lord. Paul speaks of the church as the Bride of Christ where Jesus is the bridegroom (Ephesians 5:23-24). The terminology is likened to a Jewish wedding, culminating with the indissoluble unity between the Bride and the Bridegroom. Marriage Feast of the Lamb This is the celebration of the marriage of the Lamb and His church. It takes place on earth after the Second Coming. An angel told John to write: "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:9). Heaven How can you describe it, for heaven IS truly the HEAVEN! Our Lord knows we are curious, so He described it in Revelation 4:21 and 22:1-6. There is no light in heaven, for the glory of the Lord illuminates it. Perhaps you will see the green rainbow reflecting on the crystalline golden roads (Revelation 4:3). We will sing and adore our Lord with the choir of angels, interact with others, and learn from Jesus. As far as what gifts we will exhibit with our heavenly bodies, scripture already gives us a clue. Jesus was transported from Jerusalem. "Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee" (Luke 4:14). In the story of Phillip and the eunuch, Phillip was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord to Azotus (Acts 8:39-40). Hopefully, we will be able to use the gift of the Spirit to move about as Jesus did. He also moved through doors or walls (John 20:19). In Heaven, we will know our family and friends, but what about knowing Moses, Abraham, or the prophets and apostles? Regardless, how will we recognize anybody in this vast number of saints? I do not think we will wear a name tag for eternity. Again, we can turn to scripture. How did Peter, James, and John recognize Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration of Jesus? There weren't any drawings, paintings, or mosaics of them. The answer could be mental telepathy or a Word of Knowledge as the Old Testament heroes were introduced. Will we learn a new language, perhaps Hebrew? Or will we retain our earthly language and other people understand us by the Holy Spirit's gift of understanding. I also believe we will interact with angels, but how will we learn to cavort with them? New Testament Judgments The Historic Judgment From the beginning, upon death, people were sent to either of Hades' two locations. Believers were sent to a comfort zone, and unbelievers or sinners to a pre-hell existence. The saved area was emptied when Jesus took them to the third heaven called Paradise at His ascension just as Jesus told the good thief, "Today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). Since the Ascension of Jesus, the souls of believers that have passed go directly to Paradise. The non-believers who died throughout history will be removed from Hades to appear at the Great White Throne Judgment after the Millennium period before being sentenced to the lake of fire. The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat) This event takes place in heaven after the Rapture. Rather than a judgment by trial, Jesus reviews the depth of our earthly Christian life. The purpose is an awards ceremony with distinct rewards including five crowns given for exemplary Kingdom endeavors. This is also known as the BEMA Judgment, the word originating from the Greek word for the winner's platform. Note that the rewards are only given to believers, as un-believers are not present (Psalm 62:12). The Bema Judgment is often called the Doctrine of Rewards. However, it is not about sin as all the people assembled have accepted salvation by the Lord's activities. Some are given rewards; others will be aware of what they could have done in their earthly existence. Regardless, all will receive heavenly eternal life with Jesus. Armageddon At the end of the Tribulation, Jesus and the armies of heaven are mounted on white horses to battle the army of the Anti-Christ (Revelation 19:11-14). Both the anti-Christ and the False Prophet will be captured and thrown into the lake of fire. Their army will be slain by Jesus as the Word of God (Revelation 119:20-21). The Goat & Sheep judgment This judgment takes place after the Great Tribulation. Jesus uses animal references as He judges the goats (those condemned) versus the sheep (those saved). The souls of the people who were martyred in the Tribulation due to their belief in Christ will go directly to be with Jesus. Their bodies will be resurrected when Christ returns to earth at the end of the Tribulation. The Judgment takes place in Jerusalem where Jesus sits on His throne in the temple. The sheep at the right hand are saved, and the goats at the left hand are sent to everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:31-46). The ones saved will join the Millennium with normal human bodies while the Raptured people will have heavenly bodies. It should be interesting. The White Throne Judgment This heavenly convocation is a required gathering for unbelievers who have refused the life that the Son of God offered for redemption. In fact, Jesus proclaimed the differences: "He who overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God, and he shall be my son" (Revelation 21:7). He also declared that the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the fiery lake which is the second death (Revelation 21:8). The dead non-believers will be resurrected to appear before Christ who will judge them. In addition, any unbelievers alive at this time will be part of the throng and also be judged. The absence of your name in the Book of Life means a condemnation and being thrown into the lake of fire. There will be degrees of punishment. The judgment for each is qualitative depending on the depth of unforgiven sinfulness. You can avoid eternal damnation by repenting of any sins; believing in Jesus Christ; and inviting Him to be Lord of your life before your passing. As a Born-Again Christian with infilling of the Holy Spirit, you will be led to further repentance, a change of mind and actions. The Great Tribulation Just by itself, the word tribulation is enough to cause concern. The dictionary describes it as grievous trouble, severe trial or suffering. While all of these meanings are part of the subject, they still do not represent the horror that is coming. Perhaps the prophecy of Jesus will convey the terrifying meaning: "For then, there will be great tribulation such as not been since the beginning of the whole world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the elect's sake, those days will be shortened" (Matthew 24:21-22 and Daniel 12:1-3). Revelation begins with Jesus evaluating the seven churches. His remarks of the Laodicean church are prophetic as He says they are neither hot nor cold, which fully describes the churches of our era as well. In this book formerly called The Apocalypse, next relates John being brought to heaven as Jesus says, "Come up here and I will show you what must take place in time to come" (Revelation 4:1b). John then relates the events of the seven-year Tribulation including the Great Tribulation which starts after 3-1/2 years. These seven years take place after the Rapture but the scriptures are silent about the exact timing of the Rapture. Therefore, we do not know whether it is days, months, or years from now. Regardless, some individuals have attempted to come forth with dates that are obviously spurious since it has not happened. The Tribulation or suffering of this era is initiated when the Anti-Christ makes a peace treaty with Israel, only to be broken after 3-1/2 years. The book of Revelation gives a complete rendering of this era with the seals, trumpets, bowls, and incredible characters. The full seven years includes the wrath of God for not accepting His Son. During the Tribulation there are 144 Jewish missionaries formed as twelve from each tribe to preach that Jesus is the Messiah. They are protected from any harm by the Lord. Joining the 144,000 in the first part of the Tribulation are two heavenly prophetic witnesses with awesome power. These two witnesses will be killed by the anti-Christ at the midpoint of the Tribulation, and their corpses will be viewed by the world for 3-1/2 days. They are then resurrected and ascend to heaven. The last 3 ½ years is the Great Tribulation, when events are amplified. The anti-Christ will proclaim himself to be God and cause all to take his mark of worship or be killed. The major war in this era is Armageddon where the forces of evil come against Israel and God. Jesus returns with us and defeats this vast army from every nation. The Second Coming This is the big M, the Millennium or one-thousand-year reign of Jesus in Jerusalem as King of kings and Lord of lords. He rules over all nations in the new millennial temple after defeating the evil warriors. The anti-Christ is not Satan but is used by him for the evil empire of the anti-Christ and the False Prophet, both of whom are sent to hell after their defeat at Armageddon. The thousand years are exemplary for all the good things promised Raptured believers for eternity. In addition, those believers who survived the seven-year Tribulation will live in the Millennium. Commentary on the Millennium Since the Millennium is in the future, is it important to us today? Yes, our position in the judgments is contingent on our conduct in our era, the present time. Paul confirms this in a letter to Timothy that if we died with Jesus, we would live with Him; and if we endured, we would reign with Him. Likewise, if we dismissed Him, He will dismiss us (2 Timothy 2:10-13). The Last War With the termination of the Millennium, Satan will be freed and deceptively influences a vast number of people to join him in a war against God. The vast army is destroyed by fire, and they and Satan are sent to hell for eternity. Eternity Revelation describes everlasting life as everything new and closeness with God. John relates that he saw a new heaven and a new earth, as the first had passed away along with the seas (Revelation 21:1). He also described the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven. He exclaimed, "Behold the tabernacle of God with men. God Himself will be with them and be their God (Revelation 21:3). For eternity we will enjoy peace and freedom, basking within the glory of God and actually having companionship with our Lord. Final Commentary This has been a brief summary of the timing within the End Times. "But as it is written, eye has not seen, or ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for them that love Him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). However, Jesus did tell us that "In my Father's house there are many mansions" (also translated as rooms or dwellings). Interesting that house is singular whereas mansions is plural. Is Jesus describing the enormous New Jerusalem building? Is the building so vast as being necessary as there are that many saints in heaven? Or is our humble abode indeed mansion-size? Pompeo's statement on settlements is a diplomatic turning point - Caroline Glick - Monday will long be remembered as a turning point in Middle East history. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement Monday that Israeli settlements are not illegal per se is the most significant shift in U.S. Middle East policy in the past generation. Jerusalem's status as Israel's capital has been a matter of U.S. law since 1996. There was little interest in Washington in recent years in pressuring Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights. But the issue of the legality of Israeli settlements has been the defining issue of much of the international discourse on Israel for a generation. In the vast majority of cases, the discourse has revolved around the widely held allegation - with no basis in actual law - that Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal. This allegation has served as the justification for a continuous barrage of condemnations of Israel in international arena and for anti-Israel legal verdicts in international courts including the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 2004 and the European Court of Justice last week. The unsupported allegation that Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal was also the basis for UN Security Council Resolution 2234 from 2016 and is a basis of the International Criminal Court's ongoing probes of Israelis. Pompeo made two revolutionary assertions in his statement. First, he said that "after carefully studying all sides of the legal debate," like the Reagan administration before it, the Trump administration has concluded, "The establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law." Second, Pompeo noted, the near ubiquitousness of the false assertion that settlements are illegal has not advanced the prospects for peace. To the contrary, it has harmed the chances of getting to peace. In his words, "calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law has not advanced the cause of peace." And of course, it hasn't. Placing a lie in the center of the discourse on the Palestinian conflict with Israel is no way to promote understanding and coexistence. In the interest of promoting peace, Pompeo instead told the truth. Not only are Israeli settlements not illegal. Pompeo noted that they are arguably more justified than civilian settlements built in other disputed territories. In his words, the administration's determination "is based on the unique facts, history, and circumstances presented by the establishment of civilian settlements in the West Bank." That is, it is based on the historic ties of the Jewish people to Judea and Samaria. These ties lay at the heart of Jewish history and religion. Finally, Pompeo said that the legal status of the settlements is itself irrelevant to prospects for peace. As he put it, "There will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict, and arguments about who is right and who is wrong as a matter of international law will not bring peace. This is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians." Pompeo's statement, and indeed the Trump administration's decision to publish its position now represents a complete rebuke of the European Union. The EU has made its false determination that Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria are illegal the basis for its hostile, discriminatory economic and political policies towards Israel. The European Court of Justice's verdict last week which requires EU member states to place distinct labels on Jewish-made exports from Judea, Samaria, united Jerusalem and the Golan Heights is self-evidently a bid to use a deliberate misinterpretation of international law to implement an anti-Semitic policy. Israel's own Foreign Ministry should take a lesson from the Trump administration. After a bitter, two year bureaucratic and political fight, in 2017 Israel's embassies worldwide published a paper that explained the legal validity of Israel's settlements in Judea and Samaria. But unlike the Trump administration, the Israeli government has still not stated outright that international law is irrelevant to the cause of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Pompeo's statement is first and foremost an extraordinary gesture of support for Israel and the rights of the Jewish people on the part of President Donald Trump and his administration. But from a U.S. perspective, it also represents a key advance in Trump's realist foreign policy. Since taking office, Trump has worked consistently to align U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and beyond to the world as it is, rather than to the world as "experts" imagine it to be. In the Middle East, this realignment of U.S. policy has provided the nations of the region - including Israel and the Palestinians - with the first chance of reaching genuine peace they have ever had. Nearing Midnight: The Mexican Murder Meltdown - Todd Strandberg - Mexico is quickly becoming a nation ruled by violence. Our southern neighbor had record murder rates in 2017 and 2018. Figures for the first nine months of 2019 suggest that this year's homicide toll could surpass that of last year. In December 2006, then-President Felipe Calderón launched a "war on drugs," deploying more than 50,000 soldiers and federal police officers. Since that campaign began, over 300,000 people have lost their lives. In 2018 the number of people killed was more than four times that in 2007. The liberal media have a set agenda of downplaying the bloodshed. Because Trump cited the violence in Mexico as justification for building his wall, the press has had a blockade on all negative news from that nation. The violence in Mexico occasionally reaches a level that forces the liberal media to report the truth. About two weeks ago, nine Americans were killed during a highway ambush by drug cartel members. The victims were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that have lived peacefully in Mexico for over 100 years. The situation keeps going from bad to worse because violence has reached the point where it feeds on itself. Impunity in Mexico, where 95% of killings go unpunished, has spurred more people to take up arms - and carry out their own justice. The Justice system in Mexico is simply rotting away. Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, commonly known as "El Chapo," was sent to the U.S. primarily because Mexico had become so corrupt, it could no longer contain the man. El Chapo was able to escape two major prisons in spectacular fashion largely because the guards were paid to look the other way. In October, one of El Chapo's sons, Ovidio Guzmán López, was freed on the orders of the Mexican government after Sinaloa cartel gunmen flooded the city of Culiacán and surrounded security forces to press for their boss's release. Even the wife of El Chapo has gotten into the act. She will be appearing on VH1's reality TV series "Cartel Crew." The wealth she enjoyed was from drugs that destroyed probably over a million people, and she is being glamorized as a drug kingpin's celebrity. The end point of the Mexican drug trade is America. You don't hear any talk about our moral responsibility for the carnage we create with our collective hunger for drugs. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics finds that the number of overdose deaths involving cocaine almost doubled in two years - jumping from 5,892 in 2014 to 11,316 in 2016, the most recent year for which data was available. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration's 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment, the rise in cocaine use can be attributed to increases in availability. The Drug smugglers are always a step ahead of DEA ability to uncover the means of distribution. When we find all the drug tunnels between Mexico and America, the Cartel is now moving drugs to the states by way of cheap submarines. Eventually, the package of cocaine that DEA agents posed with for News shots will be sold on the streets the next day because the feds are on the payroll of the Cartel. We do have a fake drug crisis that can put the public's mind at rest. Doctors that overprescribe opioids to Grandma for legitimate pain are being sent up the river. Many politicians are ready to blame the whole Prude family for being the source of the Great Opioid crisis. Meanwhile, a ship with enough fentanyl to kill 30 million people arrives in Philadelphia and gets little coverage when the ship is impounded. I don't think Mexico's problem is that it needs an elite force of untouchables to clear out the corruption. When the whole nation is in moral bankruptcy, no one will tolerate a group that interferes with the system. The cop that arrested El Chapo's sons was shot 155 times. His fellow officers must have just shrugged and wondered why he didn't just take the bribe like everyone else. God is in full control of all world events. As we get closer to the tribulation hour, the Lord is slowly granting Satan more freedom to do the evil things taking place in Mexico. At some point, God will say enough is enough, and He will trigger the rapture. There is no way to second guess the greatest Being in the universe. Anyone with an IQ above 70 would know that his patience is likely to run out in short order. "The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved" (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). Hidden Dangers of Impeachment - By Hal Lindsey - America's founders knew there had to be a constitutional method for removing a president from office. But they were leery of it. They expressed concern that it might become a political weapon. They knew that if politics were to override matters of justice, an impeachment-happy Congress could radically weaken the American republic. A few days after pronouncing that the House of Representatives was beginning an impeachment inquiry, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said something important. She said that with such an inquiry, "We must be somber, we must be prayerful, and we must pursue the facts." I agree that impeachment hearings should be entered into somberly and prayerfully. But prayer and a somber pursuit of facts should start well before the decision to begin the official inquiry. Once it starts, damage to the nation is already being done. Impeachment should never be a political tool. It's much bigger than that. An impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate would override the constitutional selection of a President. And here's the scary part. So far, the present inquiry has been a completely partisan exercise. To my knowledge, not one Republican in the House or Senate has called for impeachment. Did President Trump attempt to "bribe" President Zelensky of Ukraine in their phone call last summer? As a matter of policy, calls between US Presidents and other heads of state are not recorded. But the best available transcript of it was declassified by President Trump and made available to Congress and the public on September 9th. Anyone who wants to read it, can read it. The first to testify in the hearings was Ambassador William Taylor. He did not hear the phone call. He has never met President Trump. He briefly met Rudy Giuliani once twelve years ago. His testimony was filled with opinion - lots of "I think" statements. And he told about things he heard from other people. At one point, he said, "I'm not here to take one side or the other, or to advocate any particular outcomes. Let me just restate that. Second thing is that, my understanding is only coming from people that I talk to." In court, they call that "hearsay." This is a House hearing and not a court, but basic rules of evidence are still important. If hearsay evidence can be admitted, then almost anyone can testify because we've all "heard things." But fairness demands "best evidence." That means someone who was there, not someone who heard things from other people. And if opinion can be admitted, then once again we are all qualified to testify because everyone has an opinion. Then they had the former ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch. She had been appointed by President Obama and was upset that President Trump wanted someone else in the position. She seems to have forgotten that when President Obama came into office, he fired all the US ambassadors around the world who had been appointed by President Bush. This is important because Presidents conduct foreign policy. The decision about who officially represents the country is a matter of foreign policy. You don't impeach a President for conducting foreign policy, even if you don't agree with it. During the hearing, President Trump was criticized for using what are called "backchannels" in foreign policy. Should a President be impeached for using a civilian rather than a State Department employee to reach out to a foreign government? Presidents have been doing it for decades, if not centuries. It was through a backchannel connection to the Soviet Union that John Kennedy was able to diffuse the Cuban Missile Crisis and avoid World War III. State Department employees almost always resent the use of backchannels because they see it as infringing on their turf. But it is an invaluable component in a president's foreign policy toolkit. It should have nothing to do with impeachment. Using impeachment as a political tool is not just dangerous to this President, but to all the Presidents that will follow - whether Democrat, Republican, or something else. It's part of the ongoing schism in American life - a schism that threatens the very fabric of the Republic. And, as I have explained elsewhere, it is a fulfillment of end-times prophecy when people groups live in rage against one another, especially when they are acting against their own self-interest. Daily Jot - Prophetic truth and consequences - Bill Wilson - I just couldn't bear to read all the news stories this morning. Part of the reason is that I was in New York City yesterday and was bombarded all day with CNN and other counterfeit news about the impeachment hearings. If you take a step back and just observe, what do you see? I see a news media that is using any small thing they can to insinuate, cast doubt, infer, incite and otherwise confer that the President deserves to be removed from office. It appears that there is no "other" side to the story. It's all bad, all the time. Rasmussen reports that 53% of likely voters believe the media is trying to help impeach Donald Trump. To me, the other 47% have no idea how to discern the truth if it hit them in the face. Discerning the truth is a lost art, if ever it was an art. Ephesians 5:6 says, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." There are consequences to being deceived. Christ said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Then he went on to explain a chronology of events prophesied to occur of his coming and the end of the world. Yet, people still argue over when and how these things will take place, even though Christ also said in John 8:32 that if you continue in his word, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Truth is key to living as a disciple of the Christ. He said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." But if one doesn't recognize or discern truth, there are consequences. Deception is an art in of itself. What you are seeing and hearing every day is deception. A little bit of truth makes a better lie. So if politicians and the news media can weave just a mustard seed of truth into their narrative, it supports the lie they want you to accept. Christ confronted the Pharisees in John 8:44-45, "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe me not." The Pharisees were so full of lies that they could not believe the truth. So it is with many politicians and the news media. Their agenda is more important than the truth. Christ spoke of how when he leaves he will send the Spirit of truth to guide the disciples, "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." And this is how you discern truth to this very day. First, can you determine whether someone is of Christ or not? Remember, by their fruits you will know them. Then determine whether what they say is truth. If the Holy Spirit is guiding you, truly guiding you, you will know the truth. If you do not recognize the truth, there are consequences. Discern the truth and act on it. Daily Devotion: Too Busy to Pray? - by Greg Laurie - Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?-1 Corinthians 6:19 My grandkids always bust me when I forget to pray before a meal, and I love that. We don't always pray as much as we ought to. In fact, we could pray a lot more. When a crisis hits, what is our first inclination? It's to say, "God, take this problem away." Sometimes He does. But there are other times when He doesn't. The reality is that problem, that difficulty, keeps us in touch with God. It keeps us dependent on God. And it keeps us praying without ceasing. The apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Rome, "For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers" (Romans 1:9 NKJV). Then 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 tells us, "Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (NKJV). Maybe you're saying, "Pray without ceasing? How that is even possible? I have a life. I have to go to work. I have to do a lot of things. I can't just pray all day." Why not? It doesn't mean you have to be on your knees with your eyes closed. It is not just a prayer before a meal or praying with other believers. It's simply living in prayer, living in communion with God. When you're cruising down the freeway or stuck in traffic, your vehicle could become a sanctuary. It could be a place to hear God's Word, worship the Lord, and pray (just keep your eyes open). You can be close to God wherever you go. Why? Because the dwelling place of God is with us. If you belong to Christ, you're the temple (see 1 Corinthians 6:19). So you, too, can pray without ceasing. FROM THE HEART
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