Prophecy Update Newsletter
Justified - by Pete Garcia - Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. President John Adams On the surface, there does not seem like there is a lot to be thankful for in the 2018 version of America. Wildfires, hurricanes, typhoons, mass shootings, lawless migrant caravans, a nation divided, political witch-hunts, mob violence, and leftist media frenzy have all become part of the new normal. Issues like gender and marriage, which should not be controversial simply due to common sense aspects, now are. Men want to be women, and women, men. Islam is somehow peaceful. Christianity is somehow hateful. Everything seems turned upside down and inside out. The newer generations are quick to be angry and offended about everything. They demand we upend 6,000 years of human history, to accommodate their "outrage." Victim-identity has become fashionable. Claiming victimhood for some injustice done to their ancestors is done so they can have a pass for their current reprobate behavior. People are seen as narrow-minded bigots, and labeled homophobic, islamophobic, transphobic, etc., as well as being ostracized, for not wholly endorsing destructive and unnatural ideologies and lifestyles. But at the root of it all, is the overwhelming sense of generational entitlement and justification for decadence. It seems that the decline of Western Civilization will not come with a whimper after all, but with a defiant, self-inflicted, gunshot to the head. Assessment Mankind in his natural state is incapable of having peace either with each himself, or with anyone else due to the unregenerate heart restlessness and anger. While you may meet people whom you presume or know to be unsaved, and they may seem kind and peaceful on the surface, do not be deceived. The unregenerate has deep undercurrents of dark waters swimming through their veins, just as we once did. The reason the unregenerate heart is restless and angry, is that as sentient beings, we seek out some very fundamental answers to the most important questions we are programmed to have, such as:
The world is currently under management by Satan at present (Luke 4:5-7) and he has done everything he can, to deceive, confuse, and hide the answers to these questions. He cannot afford to let the truth out.This obscuration of the truth is why the human heart rages and is perpetually at odds with God. That is not to say that everyone who comes to the knowledge of the truth as to be saved, continues on that path. Many, turn back to the pleasures of this world because they have been deceived. Many, follow after false paths thinking they are being enlightened, when in reality, are just straying further into darkness. And the longer a person lives with these questions unanswered, the more likely they will turn to one of three options: fear, pride, or indifference. "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 Fear drives men to become desperate, and in their desperation, turn to do or believe incredibly stupid and/or evil things. With pride, men are deceived into believing they are somehow in charge of their destiny due by their own efforts. With indifference, men give up and just go about living materialistically, trying to get all they can out of this short life. As Solomon once said, there is a way that seems right unto a man, but in the end, is death (Prov. 14:12). And after buying into said deception (false religions, ideologies, mythologies, etc.), the deceived quickly go about to gain converts. Either way, the unregenerate human heart becomes at war with its Creator. We here, in the last hours of the last days, have come full circle. It is why the world of today, seems so eerily reminiscent to the days of Noah, when he faithfully and dutifully preached righteousness to the masses while building the ark (Genesis 6:5, Luke 17:26-27, 2 Peter 2:5). This is why the whole world seems to be afire with injustice and perversion, and both burning with equal vigor. There is not a corner on this planet, where one can go to for respite from wickedness, where great evil has not somehow taken sway in some form or fashion. All of it has become antichrist (1 John 2:22). It is why two opposing lifestyles can tolerate each other, both being evil, but cannot stand God (or the things of God) in any way, shape, or form. For evil delights with evil. Evil will tolerate the most absurd of ideas, simply because it shares in their same essence with another seemingly opposing viewpoint; because they are both at enmity with God. We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. 1John 5:19 Conclusion I wonder if the founders of this great nation could have seen into the future at what was to become the United States, would they have still sacrificed all that they did to create it? Did they envision a bright future, with a nation full of noble men and women having the same wisdom and foresight they did? Did they think we would go on to make the world a better place? Could they imagine the very liberty they fought so hard for, would be abused in the manner that it has as of late? I imagine that if they could have seen what we have become, and what we have created, it is likely; they would have aborted the whole process in its infancy. Moreover, our grandparents, who were the greatest generation, created a nation so powerful and wealthy, that its descendants would lack for nothing. Could they have imagined their offspring becoming hostile to this great privilege? This is not a white privilege, or any particular races privilege for that matter. All Americans share in the fruits of this national labor and sleep under its protection as citizens. We are privileged beyond any others in the history of mankind and even our poor and destitute are better off than the poor around the world. However, it is not just the United States who is suffering meltdown syndrome, but the world entire. Things seem to becoming unhinged with greater intensity and frequency with each passing day. Mexico and Central America, Venezuela, the Middle East, the European Union, South Africa (and the rest of the African continent) are all undergoing massive and seemingly unsolvable problems. Economic upheavals, Ebola, lawlessness, and terrorism have become part of our new reality in the 21st-century. Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilence, famines, and many other problems are increasingly overwhelming man's ability to deal with them. Yet, in our desperation to find solutions, we (going back to my opening statement) turn to anything and everything but God to find the answers. Ancient pagan religions are being revived. New technologies are attempting to supplant God's role as creator. Political ideologies omit any mention of Jesus Christ, for fear of offending the intolerant left. Yet, all other religious views are given broad platforms to preach from, because we herein the West have become so tolerant. The human race is working overtime to present a façade of unity, while at the same time, aggressively seeking each their own agendas. Yet, all of these human efforts seemingly work in concert against the truth from being presented to the masses. We could probably summarize the entire world's position regarding this with Pontius Pilate's infamous, what is truth, question. (John 18:38) The truth is, that man was created by God with eternity built into his heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11). God designed us to specifically have a relationship with Him. However, we can only do that, when we have been reconciled to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). This is truly what is most offensive about the Gospel, in that, man cannot save himself. Christ did what no other person could ever do, and that was to take on the form of a Man, redeem mankind unto Himself through a perfect life and death, and then rise from the dead on the third day. There is simply no other way to have peace with God (and by extension, ourselves) apart from Jesus Christ. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight-Colossians 1:21-22 Therefore, it is with this in mind that despite all that is wrong in the US and the world, that we can have thankful hearts this Thanksgiving. For all of you around the world who do not share in this uniquely American holiday, blessings to you anyway. We might not have much to be thankful for as Americans (or wherever you're from), but as Christians, we should be very thankful, because our justification does not come from our own efforts, but from Christ. We are not flailing about in darkness trying to figure out who we are, where we come from, or why we are here. We do not wrestle with uncertainty of where we are going after we pass on from this world, because our hope is rooted in the reality that Christ conquered death and hell (Rev. 1:18). But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57 As born-again believers, we are all foreigners to this world, regardless of where you are from. As born-again believers, we are now ambassadors for Christ, whose citizenship is now in Heaven (2 Cor. 5:17-21,Philippians 3:20), for whom we eagerly await our risen Savior. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, Heal so predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called,these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. Romans 8:28-30 Palestinians: We Cannot Accept Anything from Trump - by Khaled Abu Toameh - Hardly a day passes without the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) affirming its strong opposition to US President Donald Trump's yet-to-be-announced Middle East peace plan, also referred to as the "deal of the century." Palestinian leaders have convinced their people that Trump is the worst person on the face of the earth and that no one should be doing business with him. The Palestinian Authority is not the only Palestinian party that continues to voice its opposition to the upcoming peace plan. No Palestinian group or individual has come out in favor the plan, although no one in the Middle East seems to have seen it or knows anything about its details. Trump has united the Palestinians in a way that no Palestinian or Arab has been able to do since the beginning of the Hamas-Fatah war 11 years ago. The Palestinians are united in their opposition to the Trump administration and its policies, especially in the aftermath of the US president's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as well as its decision to cut US funding to the Palestinian Authority for paying terrorists and to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). The Palestinians have already determined that the US peace plan is "biased" in favor of Israel, and that is why, they say, they cannot accept it. The Palestinian Authority and its rivals in Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions appear to disagree on everything except their hostility to Trump and his administration. They all refer to the "deal of the century" as a "conspiracy aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and rights." The anti-Trump rhetoric that the various Palestinian parties employ is identical: Trump is not someone the Palestinians or any Arab or Muslim can trust. Trump, they argue, has surrounded himself with a team of "Zionists" who have allegedly endorsed the policies of the Israeli government. This week, after reports surfaced that Trump was scheduled to meet with his top national security and foreign policy advisors to discuss the details and release of the US peace plan, the Palestinians stepped up their verbal attacks on the US administration. This time, the Palestinians accused the Trump administration of endorsing a "Zionist policy" in the Middle East. According to the reports, the White House "peace team," led by senior adviser Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt, has been working on the plan for two years -- and Trump wants it published between December 2018 and February 2019. These reports have made the Palestinians rather anxious. They say that do not want to deal with the Trump administration in any way. They say that they consider the Trump administration one of the most anti-Palestinian administrations in modern history. Palestinian leaders have also radicalized their people against the Trump administration to a point where no Palestinian would ever dare to even be seen meeting in public with a representative of the Trump administration. The situation is so bad that Palestinians who recently met with Greenblatt in Jerusalem asked that their names not be published. Here is all that Greenblatt was able to say on Twitter: "I appreciated a candid discussion yesterday on the path to peace with Palestinian friends. We're committed to hearing from all partners who share this goal." In case anyone was wondering why the "Palestinian friends" were afraid to have their names published, it is worth noting that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority have been officially boycotting the Trump administration. In recent months, Palestinian activists belonging to Abbas's ruling Fatah faction have been waging a campaign against Palestinians invited to meet with US officials in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Last September, for instance, the activists staged a protest outside a hotel in east Jerusalem where Palestinian businessmen were scheduled to meet with a US delegation. Some of the Palestinian businessmen turned back and left the hotel out of fear of being shamed and physically attacked by the activists. Last July, Palestinians thwarted a planned visit to the city of Nablus in the West Bank by a US consular delegation. The planned engagement was part of an ongoing US commitment to improve cooperation and expand economic opportunities for Palestinians. The visit was cancelled out of concern for the safety of the US delegates, after Palestinian protesters threatened to foil the meeting and called for boycotting the visiting delegation. Earlier this year, Palestinian protesters chased US diplomats out of Bethlehem. These incidents are the direct result of the Palestinian Authority leadership's recurring attacks on the Trump administration. Abbas and his senior officials and spokesmen in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians, have turned the Trump administration into the number-one enemy of the Palestinians. The Palestinian media is full of examples of how the PA leadership has delegitimized and demonized the US administration in the eyes of Palestinians. This week, for example, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Foreign Affairs again accused the Trump administration and its officials of being "blindly biased" in favor of Israel and its policies. The Palestinians also "never miss an opportunity" to point out that Trump's "peace team" consists of Jews like Greenblatt, Kushner and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. In its statement, the ministry referred to Friedman as "the settler," denounced the "peace team" as an "American Zionist team" and accused them of "misleading international public opinion and world leaders." In recent months, Abbas himself has vowed at least 15 times to thwart Trump's upcoming plan. At one point, Abbas went as far as comparing the unseen plan to the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which saw the British government commit to the creation of a state for Jews in historic Palestine. "If the Balfour Declaration passed, this deal will not pass," Abbas said in reference to the prospective Trump plan. In another speech demonstrating the degree of anti-US sentiments, Abbas called the Trump administration "liars" and boasted that the Palestinians were the first to stand against and combat the "deal of the century." The Palestinians, he pledged, will "continue to fight against this plan until they foil it." Given that strong incitement against the Trump administration and its policies, as well as the continued boycott of White House officials, it is hard to see how Abbas or any other Palestinian would be able to accept anything that comes from the Americans. This move is precisely parallel to the one they have taken with Israel. Abbas and his representatives in Ramallah have radicalized their people against the Israeli government to a point where meeting or doing business with any Israeli official is tantamount to treason. That is why Abbas does not and cannot return to the negotiating table with Israel and also why Abbas cannot change his position toward the Trump administration. Rather than building state institutions and imposing reforms, democracy and accountability, the Palestinian Authority leadership is now focusing its energies on foiling the US peace plan. Apparently, this effort is more pressing than improving the living conditions of the Palestinians. Wasel Abu Yousef, a senior Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official, summed up the current Palestinian strategy when he said this week that the Palestinians were moving on three levels to thwart Trump's upcoming plan: rallying worldwide support for the Palestinian position against the plan, uniting all Palestinians, and opposing attempts to normalize relations between the Arab countries and Israel. Were Palestinian leaders to impose a small portion of these efforts to bringing democracy, freedom and accountability to their people, the Palestinians would be further from the brink of disaster. But the two Palestinian governments -- in the West Bank and Gaza Strip -- are far from interested in doing something so positive for their own people. On the one hand, these regimes are still engaged in a struggle to the death over money and power; on the other, they agree on sabotaging a peace plan they know nothing about. A peace plan just might include something positive for the Palestinians -- something else the Palestinian leaders know precious little about. News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey - People sometimes wonder why I bother to talk about the dangers of Islam. They say, "Why not just present the positive aspects of the Gospel?" They forget that Jesus Himself warned of dangerous belief systems. And He called them by name! As a minister of the Gospel, it is my duty to show that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just another "religion." It is the very truth of God! Sometimes that can best be accomplished by revealing the danger of purely human, even demonic, belief systems that claim to compete with the Gospel. It is also crucial to understand that I serve as a "watchman on the wall." God has charged me to sound a message of warning when I see danger on the horizon. Islam is one of the truly great dangers facing the world today. Dr. Peter Hammond is a missionary from South Africa. He has served in Mozambique, Angola, and Sudan. He's seen first-hand the tragedy caused by the Muslim faith. By necessity, he became an expert on the subject. On this week's program, I am going to draw from Dr. Hammond's extensive research on how Muslim populations, historically, have impacted the nations which they have entered as refugees and immigrants. Dr. Hammond breaks down the demographics into easily understood explanations. And the information is stunning. In fact, we are seeing each of the scenarios he describes played out on the evening news every day. Europe has become the textbook example of Dr. Hammond's findings. America may be next. Ingrid Carlqvist, a Swede, is alarmed to see these population impacts manifesting in Sweden. She warns that Islam is not compatible with democracy because it is not simply a religion. It is "a political ideology, a justice system (Sharia), and a specific culture that has rules for virtually everything in a person's life: how to dress; who your friends should be; which foot should go first when you enter the bathroom.... Islam aspires to control every aspect of the human life -- the very definition of a totalitarian ideology." This is happening in different degrees across Europe and is now beginning to impact our lives here in the United States. Folks, immigration that is not followed by assimilation is just another name for "invasion." But Islam is not the only tyrannical ideology troubling America today. The LGBT movement is proving more influential with far, far fewer numbers than Islam. In fact, the latest ludicrous jackboot tyranny -- the transgender issue -- is being perpetrated on 99.7% of the American public by a paltry .3%. That's not 3%, that's .3%. Three-tenths of a percent who identify as "transgender." Yet hypocritical multinational corporations, organizations, governments, and public figures are risking their entire reputations and fortunes in an effort to force their skewed values on every person in the United States. To them, it doesn't matter what the average American believes or thinks! Why? It makes no sense. Unless these are the end-times. That is one of the characteristics of the end-times predicted by the Bible prophets -- that the wrong would be called right and the right would be called wrong. Last year, we observed the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War. 50 years ago last June, in 1967, a brief war erupted between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The world has never been the same. This week, I'll reminisce a bit about that crucial event. Finally, I want to discuss Christ's authority. Most Christians have some vague concept of the power and authority that belong to Jesus, but they can't put their finger on just how He got His authority or how it relates to them. I cannot think of another truth that has been more foundational to my whole understanding of God's working in my life than the truth of Christ's victorious defeat of Satan. It's impossible to appreciate your position of victory in Christ until you know how He won His victory over your three great enemies: the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or . Check your local listings. I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Never lose that spirit of gratitude and thankfulness to God for His many blessings. The Things Done for Christ - Nathele Graham - [email protected] We all have things. As I look around my house I probably have more things than I really need. Nothing I have is of much monetary value, but there are treasures I wouldn't want to lose, such as pictures of my wedding, of my children, of my grandchildren, and old family pictures. I also have a knickknack holder that had belonged to my mother and a China cabinet my husband had specially made for me just because he knew it would make me happy. These things are priceless to me and can't be replaced. In the last year or so the news has been full of major disasters. The United States has been hit by some hurricanes which have destroyed homes and businesses. People's lives have been endangered as they face these storms, and some have not survived. As I write this commentary there are two wildfires burning in California. The one in Northern California is raging in the area where my husband grew up. Homes have been lost, property destroyed, and people have died. The fire in Southern California has also claimed lives and we hear of many movie stars who have lost their mansions. I'm sorry for them because I'm sure they had mementos and things of value that have been destroyed. Insurance will rebuilt houses, some things cannot be replaced. The one that weighs heavily upon my heart is the life work of L.A. Marzulli. His small home, his studio, and the products he sells for his ministry have all been destroyed in the fire, and much of his loss was uninsured. I know that other Christians have also lost their homes in these fires. How does a person recover from these tragedies? "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:19-21. If your treasure is on earth then you have no consolation. If your real treasure is in heaven then nothing can destroy it. When tragedy happens, many people blame God. Why? God didn't start the fires, but He gets blamed. God loves people even if they don't love Him, and whether you recognize His blessings or not you still benefit from His lovingkindness. "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45. The context of this verse is Jesus admonishing us to love our enemies. God loves those who come against Him and blesses them in spite of their rebellion. They receive His blessings of sunshine and rain showers just like those of us who love Him. God's desire is that those who reject Him will come to a saving faith in Him. Those who are opposed to God and reject Him won't have the blessing of eternal life, but they have the same opportunity to turn to Jesus for salvation as Christians have. The difference is that Christians have recognized their need for salvation. Instead of blaming God when things go wrong, take a strong look at your life and see if you treasure the wrong things. Our choice to sin is the cause of much calamity. Divergent lifestyles cause disease, alcoholism causes disease, smoking causes disease. Do you see a trend there? These activities are your choice so you can't blame God when bad things happen. Even if you live a life dedicated to sin, God is calling you to repent and ask Him to forgive you. Then you can start laying up your true treasure in Heaven by living your life for Jesus. If you've already accepted Christ and face trouble, don't despair. On this side of Heaven we all face illness and loss. For Christians we have the blessed assurance that our true Home and treasure is eternal. The question we all need to ask is where is our treasure? As Christians, do we treasure the things we possess, or do we understand that our real treasure is in Heaven. We may have a comfortable home and we work hard to pay the mortgage and the upkeep. There's nothing wrong with having a nice home, but what happens if that home is lost? Paul knew the difference between things we do for ourselves and things we do for Christ. The congregation in Corinth was very worldly and Paul wanted them to understand that the foundation of their lives was Jesus Christ. That truth is as important today as it was when Paul wrote his letter. "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:11. Every building that is constructed is only as solid as its foundation. If the foundation is flawed then the building won't last. Jesus Christ is the foundation on which a Christian's life is to be established. Our works are to be built upon Him. When we accept Jesus for salvation our desire should change from desires for self gain to becoming more like Him. The ungodly desires of the flesh that cause us to sin will always bring grief and are part of a flawed foundation. If the treasures you accumulate can be lost in a flood or fire then you've been building upon the wrong foundation. Build your life on Jesus Christ. Paul divides works into two categories...those that will burn and those that will not. The things we do that don't honor God are wood, hay, and stubble. When judgment comes they will burn and be of no value. On the other hand, the things done for God are everlasting and like gold, silver, and precious stones. Everybody will one day face judgment, but the judgment a Christian faces is not one of condemnation because Jesus already paid the price for our salvation and we have eternal life through Him. Our works will be judged, not us. "Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is." 1 Corinthians 3:13. Everything you've done will be made known. The secret sins you try to hide from other people are known to God, so confess them to Him and turn from your sin. Start today to build lasting treasure in Heaven. The works that will survive judgment are the things you do for Christ. For instance, a person may give generously to charity or do wonderful things for the community, which are deemed good works. If those works are done for your own glory then they mean nothing. When you give money or do a kindness, do it in the name of Jesus. It's OK for you to be thanked for your kindness, but give God the glory. Our works cannot save us; only the blood of Jesus Christ brings salvation. Only things done for Him will bring rewards. "If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." 1 Corinthians 3:14-15. Non-Christians will one day face the white throne judgment of God. That's where their works will be judged. Since they have rejected Christ and have done nothing in His name everything they've done in this life will be burned. According to Scripture works cannot save anyone. The sweetest little old granny who rejects Jesus for salvation is as condemned as the most hardened criminal. The difference between salvation and condemnation is faith in Jesus Christ. Christians will also be judged after death at the bema seat. Our righteousness is through Jesus Christ, not because we've earned or deserve forgiveness but because He is our righteousness. Our sins are forgiven when we sincerely accept Christ for salvation, but the works we've done will either be burned or will bring rewards. The Christian who has continued to live a worldly life will have no reward. Paul reminds us that only his works will be burned, but he shall be saved. When you stand before Christ, who bled and died for you, you will want rewards. Not for your own glory but to be able to cast them at His feet in honor and praise and thanksgiving for His love and mercy. The things we accomplish in this life are important to us but they are fleeting. As I read of the tragedy and loss caused by the wildfires my heart breaks. I wonder, though, how many of the people who have lost so much have lost their only treasure. The rich and famous have lost their worldly possessions, but most of these people have lived selfish lives which are opposed to God. This world is where their treasure is. I'm painting with a broad brush here, but we hear so much about the evil lifestyles that are so prominent in the Hollywood scene. On the other hand, those who serve the Lord, such as L.A. Marzulli and his ministry, have built upon the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. Although the loss is tragic, their true treasure is laid up in Heaven where it won't be burned in the judgment fire. Heavenly Father, the news headlines are filled with tragedy. People have lost so many earthly possessions due to fires, hurricanes, and other disasters. These worldly possessions on can be rebuilt and replaced, but the loss of human life is the real tragedy. Father, You gave Your only begotten Son so that we can have everlasting life but many people reject Your gift and their treasure is only in this world. I pray that You will use these evil disasters for Your good in that Christians will help fellow Christians rebuild and restore their lives and ministries. I pray that those who don't know You will see the strength and joy that comes from You and be led to accept Christ for salvation. That's when their true treasure will be in Heaven. In Christ's name I pray. Amen. Houses and cars are a major loss in this world, but if you have no treasure in Heaven then you have no treasure at all. Only those things done for Christ are eternal. God bless you all, Nathele Graham [email protected] [email protected] Ron and Nathele Graham's previous commentaries archived at All original scripture is "theopneustos" God breathed. If you'd like to be on my mailing list to receive the commentaries just drop me an email and let me know. Daily Jot: The day Black Friday died - Bill Wilson - When you consider the extreme commercialism of Black Friday, remember it fondly. It may not survive the future of America. As America's youth are more accepting of socialism, all that may well change. Recent survey's of Americans ages 18-35 indicate that about 45% have a favorable view of socialism. Some 60% of Democrats favor socialism. Hispanics, Asian Americans and African Americans place socialism higher than capitalism. Even a quarter of the Republican demographic believe socialism is the answer to America's problems. A government paying for health care, tuition, and housing could tax people so excessively that Black Friday could go dark as there may be no money for gifts. We need look no further than Argentina to see how in a short time government took control over the financial and physical lives of every individual in the nation. We also can see just how fast the economy spiraled downward, where people are now starving. Socialism would also restrict the guarantees of free speech and freedom of religion. In true socialism and communism government takes the place of God. It is the government that enjoys the fruits and labors of the people who are enslaved to it. This is in great opposition to many parts of the Bible. Solomon, for example, writes in Ecclesiastes 3:13, "...that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God." He didn't say it was the gift of government as socialism and communism require. From a Christian worldview, it is Christ's people, not a centralized government, that must minister to the poor, and provide healing, restoration, comfort and vigilance over Liberty. The earliest account of American history provided by Mayflower leader William Bradford indicates that the ability to worship freely was the central theme of the Pilgrims. And in that, he writes, "We are knit together as a body in a most strict and sacred bond and covenant of the Lord, of the violation whereof we make great conscience, and by virtue whereof we hold ourselves straitly tied to all care of each other's good." And they proved this when they were dying sometimes two or three per day in their care for one another's health. When the Pilgrims were starving while trying to grow food communally, Bradford gave them their own land to till, which turned the colony around. He says, "The failure of this experiment of communal service, which was tried for several years, and by good and honest men proves the emptiness of the theory of Plato and other ancients, applauded by some of later times--that the taking away of private property, and the possession of it in community, by a commonwealth, would make a state happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than property was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment which would have been to the general benefit and comfort." Are we to repeat this disastrous example? Daily Devotion: A Prerequisite for Giving Thanks - By Greg Laurie - For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! -2 Corinthians 4:17 To give thanks, we must realize as Christians that God is in control of all circumstances that surround our lives, both good and bad. In 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 we are told, "For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever" (NLT). The apostle Paul also wrote, "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love" (Romans 8:38 NLT). God loves you, and He is always looking out for your eternal benefit. God is wiser than we are. And if He tells us to not do something, He does so for good reason. Now, the devil doesn't want you to believe that. He would whisper in your ear, "God hates you. God wants to ruin your life. All those rules in the Bible are just there to make life miserable. You Christians serve an oppressive God who doesn't want you to have any fun." What a bunch of nonsense. I've lived apart from Christ. I've had the so-called fun this world has to offer, and it wasn't fun at all. I've also found that a life with Christ is a life of fulfillment and purpose. We must realize that God loves us and is always looking out for our eternal benefit, even if what we are presently going through is difficult. FROM THE HEART
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