Prophecy Update Newsletter
Running Out of Time - By Daymond Duck -
No one on earth knows the day or the hour of the Rapture, but a large number of excellent Bible prophecy teachers believe that those that haven’t accepted Jesus as their Saviour are running out of time if they want to go to heaven before the Tribulation Period. Here are some reasons why they believe that: One, on Nov. 20, 2020, the staff at World Net Daily reported that former U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry and European Commission Pres. Ursula von der Leyen said a Biden win will propel the Great Reset (fundamentally changing America; the end of capitalism, cash, private property, democracy, freedom of religion and speech; the beginning of new rules to live by, the global ethic, digital money that will eventually allow the tracking of all buying and selling; restrictions on the size of houses and vehicles, limits on eating meat, higher fuel prices, and more). As I understand the article, globalist elites are saying world government and world religion will begin with the Great Reset during a Biden presidency. Here is a link to the article: Biden presidency opens door to globalist ‘Great Reset’ America’s crisis is much bigger than voter fraud. The existence of the U.S. and individual freedom are at stake (globalists will link everyone’s global ID to their bank account, health care records, lifestyle, etc. so they can control every aspect of a person’s life). Fortunately for Christians, the Rapture will occur before they get all of this in place, but that marvelous event will remove the Restrainer (Church and Holy Spirit) and accelerate world government. Two, on Nov. 20, 2020, there was a shuffle on the U.S. Supreme Court that placed the Circuit Courts in several Democrat-controlled battleground states under the jurisdiction of conservatives on the Supreme Court. If Pres. Trump’s legal team has the abundant proof of voter fraud that attorneys claim, and they can get it to the U.S. Supreme Court, the cases will be under the jurisdiction of a conservative judge. This could be the answer to the prayers of multitudes that have been praying for the truth to prevail. But regardless of who wins, the U.S. is now a very divided nation (globalists will still push world government; socialists will still pressure moderate Democrats; Democrats will still blame all of their failures on Republicans, especially on Mitch McConnell, etc.), and Jesus was clear that kingdoms divided against themselves will be brought to desolation (Matt. 12:25). Of course, I am speculating, but in case this election gets overturned, the authorities should be prepared for major rioting in Democrat-run cities and states. Three, concerning lawlessness, on Nov. 20, 2020, Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainer said, “The Trump campaign is bringing legitimate accusations to court through affidavits of credible witnesses and other evidence used in its challenges to electoral outcomes in various states.” He said, “The massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was, in fact, fraud that took place. And the other side really needs to answer these questions.” Four, concerning the cashless society, on Nov. 18, 2020, it was reported that the UN announced the rollout of a biometric digital wallet that UN employees can use for travel and other purposes. Five, I have long taught that the Rider on the Black Horse during the Tribulation Period in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 6:5-6) is hyper-inflation and economic collapse. On Nov. 22, 2020, it was reported that John Williams of (Shadow Government Statistics) said the Covid vaccines are not enough to turn the economy around. Williams said the economy has been damaged so much that no matter who wins the election, the budget deficits will continue, a stimulus package will be needed, and they will eventually cause hyper-inflation and great depression. The biggest difference between a Trump or Biden victory is that the stimulus package under Biden will be bigger, and the hyper-inflation will come sooner. Six, on Nov. 22, 2020, in a video conference of the G-20 nations, Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping suggested that the nations should agree to use QR codes (Quick Reader Codes that were invented in 1994 and can be used to store information, scan and track people, etc.) to track people that have had Covid. A QR Code looks like a postage stamp, and it is small enough to put on your thumb nail (right hand). By the way, have you noticed that many places are scanning your forehead before they let you enter? (Scanning one’s right hand or forehead sounds familiar.) Seven, in recent days, there have been several reports that Biden plans to get rid of Trump’s “America First” policy. If he does this, it will signify that the “Old World Order” is gone, and the “New World Order” is here. Globalists probably think they have arrived in heaven. They will probably soon select their 10 Kings. (I haven’t heard anything about it, but I am wondering it that will be included in The Great Reset.) If so, they will soon need a white horse, a bow with no arrows (gun control; like letting gun owners own a gun without bullets), and a crown of victory (to simulate the many crowns of royalty that Jesus wears; Rev. 6:1-2; 19:11-16). Eight, concerning deceit, whether it is true or not, I have read that big pharma has given large sums of money to Democrats and Republicans, and the information we are getting about how some people have been impacted by the Covid vaccine tests is slanted to present a positive picture (a small number of people have had major adverse symptoms). Nine, concerning the growth and prosperity of Israel, on Nov. 17, 2020, it was reported that Israel and the EU are discussing the possibility of building a railroad to link the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf States. If they agree, it will possibly be called the “Regional Peace Railway,” and it will probably strengthen the economies of Israel, Jordan, the PA, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Ten, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, according to Biden’s website, if Iran returns to compliance with the Iranian nuclear weapons deal, the U.S. will return to the agreement. On Nov. 22, 2020, it was reported that Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu said Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons…. “There can be no going back to the previous nuclear agreement.” Some believe Netanyahu’s comments were directed to a potential Biden administration. Eleven, good news for pregnant women with Covid: 96.5% of the babies born to mothers with Covid do not test positive at birth. Out of about 105,000 births in Israel since the beginning of Covid (700 to mothers that tested positive for Covid), just 24 babies tested positive. Twelve, concerning persecution, competition may be the best way to fight the left-wing extremism of Facebook and Twitter, two social-media giants that continue to ignore the freedom of speech and religion of Christians and conservatives. By censoring and flagging Christian and conservative websites and postings under the guise of racism, purveyors of hate, conspiracy theories, etc., Facebook and Twitter are driving social-media users to Parler, and that social media is now surging in popularity. Also, for the first time in almost two decades, Fox News Channel’s daytime ratings (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) came in second to MSNBC. The problem seems to have started with Fox being one of the first to call Biden the president-elect. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have not caved to the liberalism, and they continue to lead the ratings in primetime. Thirteen, a reader sent me the following links with information about chips, vaccines, and the Mark of the Beast. I can’t verify the accuracy of all of this, but the reader obviously spent a lot of time compiling the information, so I am passing it on to those that might be interested. Creator of The Chip Speaks RFID Technology Strong’s Concordance Greek (chxs: abbreviation for six hundred sixty-six) Strong’s Concordance Greek (dexios: the right hand or side) New video shows PROOF that AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine is made with aborted human fetal tissue Alert! DOD’s Virus Eliminates Spirituality | thx MrTakeBackAmerica Wikipedia: God gene Experimenting with Spirituality: Analyzing The God Gene in a Nonmajors Laboratory Course Rumor from 2011 About Creating a Virus to Manipulate DNA Finally, God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was buried and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] The Critical Timing Of The Assassination Of Iran's Top Nuclear Scientist – Yaakov Lappin - Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the senior Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated by a hit squad outside of Tehran on Friday, was being "reserved" by the Iranian regime for the day that Iran's nuclear program would enter a new stage, a former senior Israel Defense Forces Military Intelligence analyst specialization in weapons of mass destruction and its proliferation told JNS. Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Raphael Ofek, of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, also served in the Prime Minister's Office in the past. "Throughout the entire time, Fakhrizadeh was responsible, in the language of physicists who deal with these issues, for weaponization," said Ofek. "Among other things, he even arrived as an invited guest to North Korea's third nuclear weapons test in 2013." The stage of accumulating fissionable material--uranium--was not so much under Fakhrizadeh's responsibility, but rather, this fell under the jurisdiction of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, which is headed by Iranian diplomat Ali Akbar Salehi. "As soon as there is sufficient fissionable material ready for a bomb, that's where his role came in," said Ofek. In a report published earlier in November, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stated that Iran has now amassed 12 times the amount of enriched uranium it is permitted to hold under the terms of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a deal struck between world powers and Tehran intended to constrain its nuclear program. In 1998, Fakhrizadeh took over the Physics Research Center (known by its acronym, PHRC) of Iran, which became known as the Amad program, described in 2018 by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as "a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons." Netanyahu made the comments while unveiling a cache of files, which came to be known as the nuclear archive, and which was extracted by Israel's Mossad intelligence agency from a Tehran warehouse. "After taking over, apparently in 1998, he was head of the Amad program throughout the subsequent years," said Rafael. He recalled how, in 2015, before the JCPOA was signed, the IAEA had attempted to interview all of the Iranians involved in the Amad program, and how the Iranian regime had refused to allow Fakhrizadeh to be interviewed. "In short, he is considered a mysterious man," said Ofek. 'Saved for when the window of opportunity would arise' Asked to assess the damage caused by the assassination to the Iranian military nuclear program, Ofek said he was not sure such an estimate is possible. "Since 2015, the Iranians attempted to hide their nuclear-weapons program. It's hard to know to what extent they really continued it. They could have continued through computer calculations, but apparently not through actions on the ground," explained Ofek. "From 2015 onwards, I'm not sure where Fakhrizadeh was. He was apparently in the picture. But it's not clear that he could conduct things that would point to Iran renewing its military nuclear program." "It seems that he was always apparently saved for when the window of opportunity would arise, such as when the JCPOA's sunset clauses could have expired," he added, referring to temporary restrictions placed by the 2015 agreement on aspects of the Iranian nuclear program. Despite accusations by Tehran that Israel was behind the assassination, Ofek said that "it can't be ruled out that others were behind it, like the Mujahedin-e-Khalq opposition group. It could be that they did it on their own or in cooperation with foreign elements. In any case, the Iranians always blame Israel." Looking beyond Iran's vows of revenge, the question of what Iran can actually do in terms of action is now a central consideration for the defense establishment, noted Ofek. Meanwhile, i24 News reported a statement by an Iranian official who said that the same elements who sabotaged the Natanz uranium enrichment facility with an explosion in July were behind the killing of Fakhrizadeh. Got Any Adversaries? - By Steve Schmutzer - Tell me about the adversaries in your life. No, not the taxman or the bill collectors. Everyone deals with them. And I don’t mean pain and distress, health issues, family problems, or financial uncertainty. Most folks I know can relate to all those things. This is not about your job either. A lot of us get up every morning wondering if we have the strength to put our nose to the grindstone again. We all struggle in that space from time to time. I’m talking about people. You know – the folks that don’t like you, who attack you, who put you down, and who conspire against you. I’m talking about people who disagree with you at every available opportunity and who basically wish you weren’t even a blip on their radar screen. I’m talking about THOSE kinds of adversaries. What!?! You don’t have any? What’s wrong with you? In conversations I’ve had with several people lately, we’ve talked about the issue of adversaries. I didn’t bring the subject up. They did. Those chats went something like this. General discussions about national affairs gradually got more personal. Somewhere along the line, they told me they aren’t at odds with anyone – and as far as they see it, nobody’s got any issues with them. What bothers me is they seem proud of that. They feel it’s some sort of badge of honor, a sign they’re getting along and doing something right. Excuse me while I barf! Our world today doesn’t need any more dead fish who float downstream. It needs live, vigorous, determined fish who swim upstream. The world needs more fish who will battle the currents, bounce off the rocks, and assume the risks and challenges of standing apart. I am not a fish, and nor are you. But the analogy applies. Our times urgently need people who will stand for virtue, speak the truth, and not endorse politically correct opinions. Said another way, the world needs people who are willing to earn adversaries. Even fierce ones!I chanced upon an excerpt by 19th-century Scottish poet, Charles Mackay. He puts this issue much better than I. Here is what he wrote: “You have no enemies, you say? Alas! my friend, the boast is poor; He who has mingled in the fray duty, that the brave endure, Must have made foes! If you have none, Small is the work that you have done. You’ve hit no traitor on the hip, You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip, You’ve never turned the wrong to right, You’ve been a coward in the fight.” I’m not clear if that’s the whole poem or part of it, but it’s enough to make the essential point. If one has no adversaries, then one has not stood for anything – or anyone. They are a coward. That’s nothing to be proud of. Look around you. Our world today is being ripped apart by unprincipled people. They are not concerned with law and order, and for them “the end justifies the means.” Their corruption is marked by an activism fueled by ignorance and confidence. They are determined to speak their mind. What about the rest of us? Speaking as a believer in Jesus Christ, I am mostly concerned with those who claim to be of the Christian faith. Many of those gather each Sunday preoccupied with being ‘seeker-friendly.’ They’ve mostly dismissed the fact that people who have chosen darkness rather than light (John 3:19) are often at odds with – and even hostile to – the truth. Why? Jesus Himself said we should expect the world to hate us and to hate the things we stand for and support because it first hated Him (John 15:18-20). Several conclusions can be made here. First, if the lawless groups of the world have no bone to pick with you, if they feel you’ve got a lot in common with them – then you’re not standing for the truth. Second, it’s not possible to do what’s right and avoid earning adversaries. You cannot have it both ways. In the same way, you cannot run around with skunks without smelling like one, you cannot be a pioneer for truth without receiving arrows. And third – that whole badge of honor thing? It’s really about earning adversaries the right way. While we are instructed to be at peace with everyone if it’s within our means to be so (Romans 12:18), this is no instruction to sidestep our responsibility to stand up for the truth. It’s to our own gain when we do the right thing the right way for the right reason (Luke 6:22). The basic point is this: to be right with God has often meant to be wrong with man. When we demonstrate a right relationship with God, when we properly say the things that need to be said, when we stand up for law and order, when we expose the deeds of darkness, and when we demand justice, we will become a target. That’s just the way it is. There is no way around it. If you don’t have any adversaries, you’ve got a problem. The Killing of a Nuclear Scientist May Save Countless Lives - by Richard Kemp - With unfailing predictability, EU external affairs spokesman Peter Sano as well as other European Iran-appeasers rushed to condemn the targeted killing on November 27 of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. In doing so they exhibited shocking disregard for the death, destruction and suffering likely to be inflicted by the totalitarian Iranian regime utilizing the pernicious expertise of Mr Fakhrizadeh. From across the Atlantic they were joined by, among others, former CIA Director John O. Brennan, who described the killing as "state-sponsored terrorism" and "a flagrant violation of international law". Yet Mr Brennan was in the White House Situation Room in 2011 when the US launched an operation to kill Usama bin Laden on Pakistani sovereign territory. Presumably he was not whispering into President Barack Obama's ear that SEAL Team Six were violating international law. As Obama's counterterrorism adviser and then Director of the CIA, Mr Brennan also presided over and publicly justified an extensive program of CIA targeted killing by drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and elsewhere. Some years earlier, I was in meetings with Mr Brennan when he extolled the utility and legitimacy of targeted killings against terrorists. In an apparent attempt to reconcile his stance now with his roles and moral position while in government, Mr Brennan described Mr Fakhrizadeh's elimination as "far different than strikes against terrorist leaders & operatives of groups like Al Qaida and Islamic State". Although pronouncing this targeted killing illegal, Mr Brennan's objections seem to focus more on fear of the "lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict" that he considers likely. There is also the apparent subtext, shared by many others on the left, of concern that this attack makes a Biden administration's return to the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran more problematic. Mr Brennan's perspective encapsulates the most common objection to targeted killing in modern times. It tends to be less about the often-disputed legality of such action — targeted killing in war has never been absolutely prohibited under international law — and more about the legality, morality or advisability of the foreign policy under which such techniques have been carried out. In turn, this leads to opinions of what is and is not war, and the status of state vs non-state actors. Mr Brennan says targeted killings are lawful against illegitimate combatants, i.e. terrorist operatives, but not officials of sovereign states in peacetime with the implication that in this case the perpetrators of the killing were not at war with Iran. This is to misunderstand the reality that war can no longer been seen as defined periods of hostilities characterized by sweeping movements of armor across the plains, grand naval battles and dogfights in the skies. Instead, the lines between peace and war have been intentionally blurred by countries such as Iran and Russia, often using surrogates to strike their enemies, as well as by non-state actors such as the Islamic State and Al Qaida, with unprecedented capacity for global violence. Under the slogan "Death to America", Iran has been at war with the US, Israel and their Western allies since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, using proxy groups to kill hundreds of Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and other places; and to launch terror attacks across the Middle East, Europe, the US and Latin America. Iran supports President Bashar Assad's murderous regime in Syria, materially aids the Islamic State and Taliban and has deliberately harbored and facilitated senior Al Qaida leaders, one of whom, Abu Muhammad al-Masri, was killed in Tehran in mid-November. Iran has prosecuted a long-term concerted war against Israel with the declared intention of eliminating the Jewish State. It has funded and directed attacks from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, inside Israel and against Israeli citizens and government officials beyond the region. It has built an extensive missile complex in southern Lebanon, deploying many thousands of rockets pointed at Israel. It has sought to develop a base of operations in Syria from which to attack Israel. It has fomented, funded and armed an insurgency in Yemen from which to conduct a proxy war against Saudi Arabia. It has also launched drone and cruise missile attacks against Saudi oil facilities. This decades-long global war is organized and controlled by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), whose former Quds Force commander, Qasem Soleimani, was killed in Baghdad by a US drone strike in January. The IRGC is designated a terrorist organization by the US and several other countries. Mr Fakhrizadeh was a brigadier general in the IRGC and therefore not only a senior military commander in a country at war with the US and its allies but also a proscribed international terrorist. He was, however, much more than that. He was the founder and long-term director of the illegal Iranian nuclear weapons program which is controlled by the IRGC. The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that he led the program, known as Amad, which sought to develop nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian energy project. Amad was shelved in 2003 but replaced by the Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research, SPND, which he headed until his death. The work of Amad, SPND and other covert bodies was exposed in an extensive nuclear archive seized by Israel's Mossad from Tehran in 2018, to which I was given access last year. The acute threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb was recognized by President Obama, who pledged in 2012 to prevent it, using military force if necessary. Like his red line over President Assad's chemical weapons in Syria, Obama's assurance dissolved into a faint pink with his negotiation of the JCPOA nuclear deal in 2015 which, rather than halting Iran's program, paved the way for it. Obama's apprehension over the Iranian danger was shared around the world by countries that recognized the threat was not just to the Middle East as Iran continued work on long range missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. They knew also that the Iranian program would trigger in the Middle East a nuclear arms race which is now under way, mainly involving Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt. The fear of Iran's nuclear program, as well as its regional and global aggression, was the major incentive for years of under-the-radar cooperation between Arab states and Israel -- a cooperation that has recently matured openly into the Abraham Accords. With Obama's failure to support the Arabs against Iranian aggression, they saw Israel as the one country they could depend on for protection. Iran will never abandon what it considers its absolute right to become a nuclear-armed state, not under the current regime nor any future regime. The nuclear archive proves that while the regime has consistently denied its weapons program, it has forged ahead with it, in breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that it signed in 1970, and despite its obligations under the JCPOA, and has put in place measures to continue to do so. It has lied to the IAEA and the archive even sets out in detail the ways in which it has deceived the inspectors. Despite claims to the contrary, the JCPOA was never going to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and was not designed to do so. Its sunset clauses meant that, at best, the deal might have delayed Tehran's acquisition of nuclear weapons for a few years, kicking the can down the road for future generations to pick up in a far more dangerous context. Any return to the JCPOA by a Biden White House, as is being pushed by Mr Brennan and other prospective administration officials, will not see a strengthened deal but more likely an even weaker one. Other than regime change with a highly unpredictable outcome, that leaves no alternative to coercion. Israel ended the Iraqi nuclear project in 1981 and the Syrian project in 2007 by air strikes. These were condemned by the US and European countries at the time. But they were later recognized as vital steps for regional security when Saddam's invasion of Kuwait had to be repelled and the Islamic State in Syria crushed. Iran has learnt from these earlier actions, and effective air strikes against their nuclear program would be far more difficult and bloody, though cannot be excluded if necessary. Meanwhile, an unattributable campaign to contain Iran's nuclear ambitions has unfolded, including Stuxnet and other cyber attacks, sabotage and covert action against nuclear facilities, and targeted killings of nuclear scientists. The elimination of Mr Fakhrizadeh was the latest and arguably most significant of these, both in terms of deterrence and denial of expertise. The potential effectiveness of these actions has been increased by President Trump's "maximum pressure" campaign of economic sanctions. Together these measures stand the best chance of retarding Iran's nuclear program, as well as restraining its non-nuclear aggression, short of conventional strikes or all-out war. Those that argue against this policy fail to understand the danger that a nuclear-armed Iran presents to the region and the world, wrongly believe that the program can be halted by diplomatic means or are happy with the idea of a nuclear-armed fanatical dictatorship. Mr Brennan and the European supporters of his argument seem to believe that Iran can be contained by appeasement and negotiation rather than military strength and political will. This is a failure to comprehend either the psychology or ideology of the Iranian leadership. The path advocated by the proponents of appeasement can only lead to infinitely greater bloodshed, violence and suffering than the death of a proscribed terrorist on the streets of Iran. Daily Jot: A citizen of darkness or light? – Bill Wilson – As we enter the holiday season, there will be many opportunities to either shine the light of Christ or participate in the darkness of the world. How you respond could well determine the future of our nation. There is disruption on all levels of our society, a lot of it spurred on by an out-of-control media pitting us against one another. There is no rest from disruption. It is so, because the media and the disrupters make it so. There they are making their noise, spewing forth hate, derision, suspicion and darkness. What is it to us? We do not have to allow them to influence us. Their darkness does not overcome the light of Christ and the Holy Spirit in each of us. We are of another citizenship. In John 8:12, Christ said, “I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” In Matthew 5:14-16, Christ affirms this transfer of light, saying, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Philippians 2:14-15 says, “Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Proverbs 4:14-18 says, “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence. But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.” Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” There is a pattern here that there is a path we all travel, but we do not have to travel in darkness because Christ is the light for the just. He transfers it to his disciples that they might also be the light of the world. As you see friends and family during this season, you do not have to take part in the darkness around us. You can be that light to others, that joy in the midst of sorrow. Everyone seems to be at everyone else. Peace is but a fleeting moment like an insincere greeting. Remember, though, that as the light of the world, you are also an ambassador of Christ, an emissary of the kingdom of God. We don’t have to enter into the darkness because it already has been defeated by the King of Kings. Renew your mind. Have a perspective of light. As is written in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” So let your light shine. Daily Devotion: A Perfect Friend - by Greg Laurie – So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. —Romans 5:11 - Listen Someone has said that a true friend stabs you in the front, not in the back. We all need friends who will tell us the truth. For instance, maybe you’re getting ready to leave the house, and you’re not sure whether you’re dressed OK. So you ask some friends, “Does this look good?” “You look awesome. Let’s go.” But then you turn to another friend and say, “What do you think?” And your friend says, “I think you need to change.” That’s a true friend. Those other so-called friends don’t really care about you because a real friend will tell you the truth. Though we’ve done nothing to merit it, God has made us His friends. The Bible tells us, “So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God” (Romans 5:11 NLT). We have friendship with God because Jesus made it possible. Maybe you have a friend that you constantly text or communicate with. It’s an ongoing conversation throughout the day that picks up the next day. That’s what friendship is. My best friend is my wife (she’s also my prettiest friend). But I don’t get up in the morning and say to her, “Most awesome Honey, please make me a blessed breakfast today.” She’d wonder what was wrong with me. Instead I might say, “Cathe, I’m late. I’ve got to go. Can you make me something to eat?” She understands that because she’s my wife and my friend. In the same way, I think we sometimes overly formalize our friendship with God. He’s always there, ready to communicate with us, because friends like to spend time with each other. And He will always tell us the truth because He loves us. He’s always in our corner. FROM THE HEART
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