Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Death of a Global System - By Matt Ward -
I often wonder about Job and his amazing resilience. I wonder how I would react if the calamities that afflicted him came upon me. To accumulate such great wealth, status, and comfort and have it all reduced to nothing in such quick fashion, and then have your loved ones taken away from you in such a devastating manner as he. It must have been crushing for him. I wouldn’t have the resolve or fortitude of Job; I think few would. Yet today, we are all of us like Job. We stand on the very brink of everything we know and have come to accept as “normal” being forcefully changed in just a moment, and almost nobody seems to know it, or worse, care. We all take everything for granted, even our precious loved ones. Even they can be taken away from us. Very soon, our world will be filled with men and women just like Job. People who have never known the pain of overwhelming and complete systemic loss. People who will very quickly be plunged into the most extreme circumstances of loss imaginable. This is because our current global system is already effectively dead. Right now, we await the emergence of a new global order, a one-world system of governance and control that will leave no person untouched. Something serious has gone wrong with our current world order, and it now stands on the verge of total collapse. This is no mere hyperbole either. There is a feeling, just a sense perhaps, that the masses are finally beginning to realize this, even if only at a subconscious level. There is a deep feeling of unease wherever one chooses to look; it permeates all our societies from the Middle East to Russia, from North America to South America, and throughout Western Europe. And with this volatility and unease, there is a tangible sense of societal failure, betrayal and even foreboding over what might yet be in the not too distant future. People and societies are increasingly on tenterhooks. Stable world orders that last for prolonged periods of time are rare things indeed. Our current world order, now about 75 years old, arose from a period of intense convulsion and violence caused by the Second World War. Over a hundred million people died in the process of birthing our current world order. It is a truism of history that new world orders never arise out of calm but from the ruin of destruction and chaos. Maintaining any kind of stable world order for any length of time requires skillful diplomacy and statecraft, as world orders are made and maintained; they do not just suddenly appear. If they are not maintained and managed effectively with creative diplomacy, with functioning national and transnational institutions to hold them up, and creative effective decision-making at just the right time to avert crisis, global systems eventually break down and fail. This is where we stand today, on the very brink of collapse. Our global system is breaking down and failing right before our eyes. Millions upon millions are still living their lives under the false daily presupposition that the way things are today is the way things will always be in the future, both for themselves and their children. This viewpoint could not be more wrong. Our current global system is fragmenting before our very eyes. It is no feat of extraordinary prognostication to say such things either. All world orders come to an end eventually. It is an inevitability of all history. Ours will be no different. What is not in any way inevitable, though, is what comes in the wake of a collapsed world order. There is no guarantee that one world order will move seamlessly and peacefully into the next. What is more likely is that there will be another intense period of convulsion and violence before another world order is birthed. It is becoming increasingly clear that we are even now heading into another period of extreme chaos. It strikes me as being highly unlikely that we will experience a period of peaceful transition into the next world order. In history, I can think of few such examples ever occurring. Everything in our global system is linked and intertwined. And I do mean everything. The financial system, supply chains, transportation, food, oil production, the electrical grid, nuclear power… everything. When one system fails, it all fails; and the crash, if one is to occur in our global system, will not be a slow one as in previous world systemic crashes, like the Roman Empire that declined over a period of a century or more. When our society crashes, it will be an epic fast crash. The interconnectivity of our global system ensures it. The interconnected nature of our world, which enables worldwide business and trade, which in turn generates such huge profits, has not made our world system strong; it has made it incredibly fragile and brittle. If just one element in the complex system fails, all other systems inevitably crash too. Consider this realistic feedback loop crash related to our dependence on oil. When oil prices rise, so does everything else simply because all things are connected to oil in some way. So, oil prices rise, slowly at first but then very quickly. Food prices then rise in step with the oil price rises. The high price of oil begins to drive many businesses into bankruptcy, which leads, in turn, to a failure in the financial system leading to a collapse in belief in the monetary system. This then leads into societal revolt, which ultimately is what collapses governments. But even that scenario, bad as it is, would not be the end of the matter. It would get even worse from there. Oil prices, which caused this hypothetical fast crash through high prices, would then experience a price crash because demand would fall to zero. All drilling would then stop, and new exploration projects would end, meaning that in likewise fashion all other connected businesses and industries would stop, and the worldwide economy would crash again. A double whammy. It would be a domino crash, with one system bringing down the next, and the next, and so on until all that is left is chaos. And this is just one example of many. It could happen in a thousand different ways. What is important is that it will certainly happen. But are there any indications of this happening today, or even soon? Well, the short answer is yes, there are. There are very real parallels between where our global civilization is today and those of the past, especially to the global system that existed in the mid-nineteenth century, during the Concert of Europe period. This period saw the most sustained efforts up until that time at building and maintaining a truly global world order, until the modern day. From 1815 until the outbreak of the First World War, a little under a hundred years later, this period saw the first real multinational effort to define international relationships through global law and order, and attempted to set basic norms for international conduct between countries. It was the precursor to our own current United Nations-led world system. And it failed catastrophically in 1914 with the outbreak of the “war to end all wars.” The crucial lesson for our generation today lies in the way this world system failed, not in the fact that it did so. The Concert of Europe’s increasing failure and demise had become apparent long before it actually came crashing down, but crucially world leaders and decision-makers failed to recognize that simple fact. This meant that the decline was managed poorly, and that led directly to the calamity and carnage of the First World War. And this is exactly what we are seeing today. We are witness to an ever-growing distrust both within nation-states and especially between them. Civil war is even openly discussed in the United States today as a potentially realistic outcome of the entrenched partisanship of a current US political system that has divided US society, especially in the wake of the recent contested general election. There is chaos and bloodshed everywhere one chooses to look. In the Middle East, there is no end in sight to the undeclared war between Israel and her blood-sworn enemies Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran is resurgent and increasingly bellicose. Syria is still in the grips of a civil war and is now a ruined land, being eaten up by Iran, Turkey and a host of other competing nation-states. Iraq is as unstable today as it has ever been in its history. In Turkey, Recep Erdogan has transformed a once pro-West country into an increasingly Islamized one, and an increasingly anti-Israel one too; Asia is riven by tension, and China is actively seeking to reassert itself globally as the world leader that will usurp the United States’ place over the coming decade. This strain can be seen daily in the ongoing tensions in the South China Sea. Europe is reeling from one crisis to another, mass migration is reshaping the very fabric of the continent, and there is chaos and uncertainty coming to Britain from Brexit. What makes the demise of our current world system a certainty is that America’s traditional dominance in international affairs is rapidly coming to an end, with its influence in world affairs starting to diffuse. This is why we are seeing the power and the influence of the United States being challenged now like never before. The election of Joe Biden, if it stands, will only increase this. None of the current world leaders or decision-makers of today seem to recognize these simple facts. This is likely because the consequences of this actually happening – that our world system actually does collapse – are too awful for many of them to seriously contemplate. But it will, and all we are waiting for is the crisis that will start the free fall and push us all over the edge. The really pertinent question, however, is who or what will come forward to take over when the world emerges from the coming chaos? The Antichrist will. Keep looking up. [email protected] Pledging Allegiance to the Banana Republic - by Steve Schmutzer - A recent tweet by a prominent media person sums up the 2020 election fiasco well. “The same voting machines that got Chávez and Maduro “elected” to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the “most votes” of any candidate in American history. You can understand why this is ending up in the Supreme Court.” This tweet is about voting systems like Dominion. And it’s spot on. According to a 133-page 2012 Human Rights Report, Venezuelan dictator, Chávez, and his followers “….have been building a system in which the government has free rein to threaten and punish Venezuelans who interfere with their political agenda.” Maduro was no better. A 2019 Amnesty International report found his regime to have promoted “….a systematic policy of repression against opponents or those perceived to be opponents.” That report concluded with an international plea for justice. Dictators Maduro and Chávez rigged their elections to “win office.” Honest voting processes would’ve meant a loss for them instead. A NY Times article this month stated the same elections software that governed America’s 2020 elections was used in Venezuela and “….was manipulated to report a skewed tally.”In the late-night hours of Nov. 3rd, when the data showed Trump’s votes were soaring to historic figures, a decision was made in several swing states to stop counting the votes. Whaaat?!? Abruptly stopping our voting counts was unprecedented. This sort of corruption only happens in Banana Republics – – like Venezuela. In the wee morning hours after the vote counts were stopped, many tens of thousands of ballots were dumped into the system. Multiple batches of these ballots only had one mark on them – “for Biden.”This adulteration of our voting process was unprecedented. This sort of corruption only happens in Banana Republics – – like Venezuela. Elections fraud expert, Russell Ramsland, of Allied Security Systems, reviewed the 2020 Elections data and concluded, “There are a stunning 3,276 precincts where the Presidential Votes Cast compared to the Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics ranges from 84% to 350%…this reveals 431,954 excess ballots. This pattern strongly suggests that the *additive algorithm* was activated.” Ramsland continues, “In the data are 4 spikes totaling 384,733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of only 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is physically impossible given the available equipment at the 4 reference locations.”Various other reviews of America’s 2020 elections data by voting experts have found that, in many cases, and AFTER the voting software was manipulated, Biden consistently earned a greater percentage of votes across several states than those votes earned by Trump – BY THE EXACT SAME DECIMAL FIGURE. This is not statistically possible – – not without human intervention. The reality is millions of votes that were FOR Trump were flipped to Biden instead. The way this election was rigged for Biden was unprecedented. This sort of corruption only happens in Banana Republics – – like Venezuela. Not anymore! It gets worse. According to a November 18th Gateway Pundit article, Smartmatic, the software operating Company which was used by Dominion, is a known supporter of Antifa. Their software, designed to rig elections, was developed – guess where – in Venezuela! A Wall Street Journal article in 2006 seems to affirm this fact. It states, “Federal investigators are looking into whether Smartmatic Corp., a voting-machine company whose equipment is used widely in the U.S. and abroad, paid bribes to win a Venezuela election contract in 2004.”So much more like this could be said. At this point, the evidence of corruption in America’s 2020 elections has now reached staggering proportions. The sheer volume of examples – many incidents of which have been preserved in sworn affidavits – would fill several large books. We have a big problem. Here are some facts to keep top of mind. Number one. Joe Biden is NOT yet the President-Elect. There is a proper process for earning that designation, and until those lawful procedures are followed, he’s just “Hiden’ Biden.” The media does not have the legal authorization to state who the next President will be. Number two. President Donald J. Trump…..still is! Until such point, as he’s not, he has the Constitutional authority to ensure America has transacted a free and fair election process. Right now, as things stand, that process appears highly dubious – and evidence affirming this suspicion continues to pour in. Number three. Face the obvious. If you’re persuaded that serious corruption has not infected this elections cycle, you have your head in the sand. You’re either willfully ignoring the facts or you’re too lazy to look them up. Social media will probably place some sort of flag on my post here – as it does whenever the facts are stated, but you still have an obligation to learn the truth. Number four. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck – – OK, you get my point. It’s high time to admit what’s clear. The left’s strategy is to operate like a third world, corrupt, fraudulent, tyrannical Banana Republic – – like Venezuela. Here’s the thump – it shows who they really are. Number five. Ask yourself what you value. Is it law and order? Is it “….one nation under God?” Is it our Constitutional rights and liberties? Is it a legal due process? Is it a “free and fair” election? Is it integrity and justice? Is it true? If you hesitated or answered “no” to any of those questions, you’ve got an ethical dilemma. Your spiritual condition may be at stake. That last point leads me to my concluding comment, and I need to be blunt. The facts about America’s 2020 election – as they continue to emerge – will force every person to make a choice between what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s improper to defend this election debacle in the face of such blatant fraud and perversion. It’s wrong to suppress the truth or suggest this nation’s God-fearing, Constitution-loving, and law-abiding citizens are somehow the ones at fault. Proverbs 17:15 says, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” That’s a precarious thing to be! Lawlessness on Display - By Terry James - It comes as no surprise that, as we move ever deeper into the last of the last days, a foreshadow of the coming man of lawlessness can be seen in the latest doings of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. He has commanded that all worship services be severely limited in attendance, and that other draconian restrictions be put into place, ostensibly because of the supposed resurgence in the number of cases of COVID-19. I say “supposed” because there is growing evidence that the numbers are greatly overestimated and that lockdowns, like masks, do little to slow the coronavirus spread. And, experts say, the increases in case numbers are highly inaccurate. More and more, the “pandemic” is looking to be a disease ginned up mostly for political purposes. Considering all of the other shenanigans, as they’re being called (I don’t like that word because it makes the voter fraud and other deception taking place seem less evil), we can conclude with good reason that it’s all setting the stage for Antichrist to come forth. In Cuomo’s reaction to the US Supreme Court’s decision that his shutdowns are unconstitutional, he dismissed the legal decision by the land’s highest court as “irrelevant.” This attitude is indicative of the left’s political rebellion against any lawful rendering that goes against its agenda. In this case, the governor’s agenda includes his self-declared right to put himself above the law. This, by any term or definition, is lawlessness. The following story gives more detail. Update (1338ET): Responding to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to block New York from setting capacity limits at houses of worship during the pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said the ruling was “irrelevant.” During a Thanksgiving Day conference call with reporters, Cuomo said the order was moot because the religious institutions involved in the lawsuit are no longer in designated red and orange zones in Queens and Brooklyn—therefore the restrictions, capping attendance at houses of worship—no longer apply. “The Supreme Court made a ruling. It’s more illustrative of the Supreme Court than anything else,” said Cuomo (via the NY Post), while knocking the Supreme Court’s (arguably) conservative bias given the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. “It’s irrelevant of any practical impact because of the zone they were talking about is moot. It expired last week,” he added. “It doesn’t have any practical effect.” (“Cuomo Calls Supreme Court Ruling on Churches ‘Irrelevant’” by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, November 27, 2020) While technically, Cuomo is correct in that the Brooklyn zone he had demanded be locked down is no longer in the red zone as part of his edict, the attitude that his law supersedes the supreme law of the nation is at the heart of the lawlessness we’re suffering. It’s the same for all rebelliousness of this troubled day. Nearly half of the country believes that doing what is right in their own eyes should supersede not just the law of the land, but the Supreme Law—that of the God of Heaven. Nothing could make this truth more manifest than the voting-fraud schemes that are attempting to steal the election in terms of the presidency. Every conceivable tool available to the principalities and powers in the dark wickedness of high places are being used to defraud the electorate. The Democrat Party, social media, Silicon Valley-run businesses, and mainstream media–every establishment tool has been in play to make sure their candidate steals this election. To my way of thinking, in terms of human help, this president has two powerful things going for him in facing down the whole world of resistance coming at him: 1) The millions upon millions of prayers going up before the throne of God; and 2) his unprecedented support of God’s chosen people and nation, Israel. No chief executive has done more to honor and back Israel’s right to exist among the nations of the world. These things must count mightily in God’s holy eyes. The Lord of Heaven has made the vow, and His Word is absolute truth. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (Genesis 12:1–3) Two Scripture passages that might harbor a huge impact on the matters before us in the upcoming days are the following: 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Genesis 12: 1–3. ***MOST IMPORTANT!*** Please listen to the following program. It is most imformative about the on-going evil being perpetrated in the election process and beyond. It is an hour long, but worth every second of your time. Yes, This Makes Perfect Sense: Cities All Over America Are Slashing Police Budgets As Crime Rates Soar - by Michael Snyder - If violent crime rates are surging, should the police get more funding or less funding? You would think that the answer should be obvious, but unfortunately major cities all over the nation are choosing to significantly reduce police budgets right now. With less police on the streets, criminals are going to have even more freedom to terrorize urban communities, and that will likely accelerate the mass exodus out of our major cities that we have already been witnessing. It is so sad to watch so many of our once great cities degenerate into crime-ridden, gang-infested war zones, and the fact that our economy is crumbling so rapidly is just going to make things even worse. Let me illustrate what I am talking about by giving you some specific examples. In Seattle, the city council just voted to reduce the police budget by 69 million dollars… The city council voted last week to slash about $69 million in funding for officer training, salaries and overtime, and get rid of vacant positions in the police department as well as transfer parking officers, mental health workers, and 911 dispatchers out of the department. The goal is to ultimately reinvest in alternatives to police in situations such as mental health crises. Of course this comes at a time when crime rates have been steadily rising in the city. In fact, there have already been more than 8,400 reported burglaries so far this year… Meanwhile, Seattle had seen 55 murders this year as of Monday, the highest level since at least 2008, the last year of data available. The troubled city is also suffering a spike in violent crime, with 8,418 burglary incidents, up from to 7,634 last year, according to police. In New Orleans, police funding is being reduced by 11 million dollars and a new furlough policy is causing many officers to leave the force entirely… New Orleans Police Chief Shaun Ferguson says as he deals with rising homicide and carjacking rates, the city’s furlough policy is causing him to lose officers. The NOPD is being forced to take an $11 million budget cut in the year ahead. Meanwhile, homicides are up 60 percent this year, and carjackings are up “more than 100 percent”… He told the city council that most of those who left last week blamed city imposed furloughs that cause officers to lose two days of pay each month. The furloughs come as the city deals with a 60 percent rise in homicides and a more than 100 percent jump and carjackings. In Minneapolis, the politicians are still squabbling about how much they want to take out of the police budget… Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Medaria Arradondo on Monday rebuffed a proposal by three City Council members to cut the Minneapolis police budget by nearly $8 million, with Frey calling the plan “irresponsible and untenable” amid a year of rising violent crime and a shrinking police force. Why they would want to take any money away from the police is a mystery, because carjackings in the city are up a whopping 537 percent in 2020… Within a one-hour period Saturday morning, police reported three separate carjackings in southeast Minneapolis, including one where an elderly woman was struck on the head. The often brazen, daytime attacks are up 537% this month when compared with last November, said police spokesman John Elder. If carjackings are up 537 percent, your city is officially out of control. I have relatives that live in Minneapolis, and it has been heartbreaking to watch what has happened to a city that was once so peaceful. In Los Angeles, the police budget was slashed by 150 million dollars this year. Yes, you read that correctly. Is it just a coincidence that people are now being gunned down all over the place in many parts of the city?… Killings are up 25% over last year and shootings are up more than 32%, mirroring increases in violence that are driving concerns in big cities across the nation. Last week, a pregnant woman was gunned down. Children and elderly residents have been killed. Of all the year’s victims, nearly 20% have been homeless. Gangs are suspected in many cases. I could go on and on, but I think that you get the point. In this sort of an environment, an execution in broad daylight that is captured on camera barely makes a blip in the news… New Jersey-based rapper Tripple Beanz was walking to his SUV in Newark on Friday when he was confronted by two masked gunmen and shot dead execution-style in broad daylight. The cold-blooded killing of the 29-year-old recording artist, born Corey Thompson, was caught on surveillance video, which showed his attackers fire multiple shots at the victim as he rolled on the ground. Why didn’t Corey Thompson’s death get much attention from the media? It is because people are being gunned down all over the country on a constant basis. It has become so common that such incidents are no longer newsworthy. And those that have read my new book already know that the violence is only going to escalate in the years ahead. 100 years ago, young people in America didn’t act like this, and that is because they were raised much differently. When you put garbage in, you are going to get garbage out. We have filled the minds of our kids with the most horrible things you can imagine, and it gets worse with each passing year. A lot of people think that “education” is the answer, but our schools are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to corrupting young minds. In fact, it is being reported that administrators all over the country are now spending enormous mountains of money to promote the “woke agenda” in our public schools. In a society that is starting to spiral out of control, a strong police presence is more necessary than ever before. Unfortunately, those on the radical left will continue to push to defund the police no matter how high crime rates go. This is going to have disastrous consequences from coast to coast, and many of our major cities will never be the same again. Daily Jot: The present darkness – Bill Wilson – There are so many reports about election fraud and counter reports that there is no evidence of election fraud that the main report is confusion. Many political agendas are in the mix, and unfortunately, this election fraud quagmire is about power not making your vote count. The problem with this particular election, in part, is whether “We the People” had much of a say with our vote. If we are diligent enough to educate and inform ourselves about the candidates and the issues and then cast a vote, we expect that our civic duty has some weight. This election, however, is showing us that corporate media, political party shenanigans, and crooked systems disenfranchised all our votes. This must stop otherwise we have no Constitutional Republic. If the winning candidate is determined, not by votes, but by power politics after the vote, then we have an oligarchy or worse. Currently, about half the people in America are confident that the election system is systemically flawed. They have no trust that their vote was properly counted or that others’ votes were even legal. Judges are reluctant to rule that there is widespread voter fraud because of the very fact that admitting it and overturning an election because of it, undermines the foundation of our nation’s very existence as a free society governed by elected representatives and held accountable by the rule of law. Currently, the presidential election is in the hands of lawyers and judges. It will likely go to the US Supreme Court. While that is the best chance of President Trump winning the election, it is not the best chance for Americans to win confidence in the election system. Democratic President-in-waiting Joe Biden is silent on the situation, releasing names of those he will offer as cabinet members and announcing policy changes—as if this is a normal transition period. It is not. And if he cared anything about the future of this nation, the moral and political weight of the office, and the enfranchisement of every voter now and in the future, Biden would join Trump in demanding that election fraud accusations are resolved. Now there are legal challenges and politically-appointed judges doing their political deeds and translating laws through their political lenses. Biden, who benefits from the massive last-minute votes that came in his favor, hasn’t a bit of statesman in him. He should demand a fair election free of fraud. This will not happen though, because power is more seductive than righteousness in the eyes of the unrighteous. For example, the governors of California and New York are already defying the Supreme Court’s ruling on religious freedom. As Isaiah 59:13 says, “In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood”—this is the mantra of the present darkness that our nation is experiencing. But light overcomes darkness. Daily Devotion: Unclaimed Spiritual Wealth - by Greg Laurie – And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. —Romans 5:5 - Listen I read an article about a couple in Louisiana who were cleaning up their home and came across an unclaimed lottery ticket worth $1.8 million dollars. They bought it and had forgotten about it. It was still valid, so they went and claimed their winnings. That’s like us sometimes. Many of us live as though we’re spiritually impoverished. We say, “I need more love, more faith, and more peace.” Yet God is saying, “I’ve given these things to you already.” Romans 5:5 tells us, “For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love” (NLT). In fact, the first 11 verses of Romans 5 show us some of the amazing things that God has done for us. We have peace with Him (verse 1). We have free and open access into the presence of God, and we have the hope of glory (verse 2). In addition, we have God’s love toward us, and we won’t face judgment (verses 5–10). Finally, we have joy in the Lord (verse 11). So God already has given us what we need. But I think at times we’re praying for what we already have. Let’s say, for example, that you’re having troubles in your marriage. The romance is gone, and you’re beginning to wonder if the marriage will even last. You’re saying, “I just don’t feel the love.” Why don’t you start doing loving things instead of waiting to feel the love? Or maybe you’re thinking, “Well, someone has hurt me. I can’t forgive them. I just don’t feel it.” Do it anyway. The emotions will catch up. Instead of praying to feel forgiveness, instead of praying for more love, just start doing loving things. In time, I think your emotions will match your actions. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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