Prophecy Update Newsletter
It’s All About the Moment – Jonathan Brentner -
The voices we hear from the world are increasingly at odds with what read in God’s Word. The commercials we see on television encourage us to get the most out of this life, to “just do it.” The message of the world is all about living for the moment. And I would agree . . . although I have a much, much different “moment” in mind. In 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Paul wrote, “Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” (emphasis mine) For those of us who belong to Jesus, it’s not about the thrill of a moment in time; it’s all about the moment when eternity begins for us. It’s all about the “twinkling of an eye” when Jesus takes us home to the place that He’s now preparing for us (John 14:2-3). It’s this future “twinkling of an eye” that has repeatedly refreshed my soul during this shocking year that has forever changed life on planet earth. THE MISERY OF 2020 POINTS TO A MUCH GREATER THREAT I am sure we all can recall heartbreaking and disturbing experiences from 2020. We have witnessed the activity of our enemy in our world as never before. The devil has created a culture of fear in our communities and furthermore, his minions have made their endgame abundantly clear; they plan to take full advantage of COVID-19 to make Satan’s plan for world domination a reality. The coronavirus and what the World Economic Forum (WEF) dubs as The Great Reset go together like a couple in love walking down the street arm in arm. These elite globalists intend to use COVID-19 as a springboard to advance their plans for a Marxist New World Order. The articles and videos on the WEF website openly describe their radical plans for controlling the lives of everyone on planet earth. One of the videos begins with these chilling words about their vision for 2030, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”[i] They make The Great Reset sound like a glorious utopia when in reality it will become a living hell for those alive when it comes to full fruition. The intent of the world’s most powerful and wealthiest people is communism; how else can one describe their vision for 2030 where no one owns any personal property, not even the clothes they wear (yes, they actually say this in one of their articles). This is Satan behaving precisely as Jesus described him in John 10:10. Satan will work through the Antichrist and those who follow him to “steal and kill and destroy.” These words precisely sum up what the elite globalists at the WEF and UN have in mind for the people under their jurisdiction. According to James Delingpole of Breitbart News, “COVID-19 has provided the perfect pretext” to usher in “a globalist takeover” of virtually every aspect of human life. “Put simply,” Delingpole continues, The Great Reset “is the blueprint for a complete transformation of the world economy. There will be no money, no private property, no democracy. Instead, every key decision — what you do for a living, how much stuff you consume, whether you can take a vacation — will [be] decided for you by a remote, unaccountable elite of ‘experts.’”[ii] Lest you think the idea of The Great Reset is the product of a bygone era when John Lenin sang Imagine about a wistful utopia, it has become a hot topic today. Newsweek recently devoted an entire issue to it. The campaign slogan of Joe Biden, “Build Back Better,” comes directly from the WEF and their plans for world dominance.[iii] Kerry, who Biden named as his special presidential envoy for climate last week, has already affirmed his allegiance to the radical agenda of the WEF. “The notion of a reset is more important than ever before, I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.” Kerry further assured the elites of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that a Joe Biden presidency would quickly advance the globalist “Great Reset” agenda “with greater speed and greater intensity than many might imagine.”[iv] In a recent prophecy roundtable led by Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell said, “The Great Reset is the great tribulation.” I wholeheartedly agree. A lady from Australia recently sent an e-mail to me in which she said the tribulation is coming toward us at “warp speed.” This is so true! What we see happening around us is the beginning of what the apostle John wrote about in the book of Revelation. And if this is the case, and it is, then the rapture will happen sooner than many people can even begin to imagine. OUR ETERNAl HOPE FAR EXCEEDS ALL EARTHLY THREATS So why bring up all the current news about the coming Great Reset in a post about the moment Jesus comes for us? Because it confirms that the tribulation is knocking on the door, and this means Jesus’ appearing is ever so near. The threat to our future wellbeing is substantial, but our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing is greater; our hope far exceeds all threats from the enemy of our souls. Because the rapture must happen before the tribulation, we are not waiting for the “Reset” of life and the radical transformation of life as we know it, but rather for our ascent into the clouds. We may see more of Satan’s plans for this world come to fruition before the rapture, however, the Bible assures us that we will be with Jesus in heaven well before the antichrist assumes control of the rapidly approaching Great Reset. I do not know what the remainder of 2020 or 2021 have in store for us who believe. We may experience greater restrictions on our freedoms and perhaps added suffering. Circumstances, no matter how terrifying they seem, cannot derail our hope nor hinder the Lord’s sovereign agenda for His church, Israel, and the world. In other words, nothing can interfere with our “blessed hope.” Jesus is coming soon to take us home; that is the moment when our faith will become a reality. In Philippians 3:20 Paul wrote, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” The word for “await” in the Greek denotes an eager anticipation of something. I believe it signifies the apostle’s “goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14) SPECTACULAR NEWS FOR ALL THOSE SECURELY IN CHRIST Paul also wrote about his excited expectation of Jesus’ appearing in Romans 8:23-25. I especially like his words in verse 23, “And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” This is spectacular news for all my fellow groaners in 2020. Jesus will not disappoint us; He is coming and at that moment we will receive immortal bodies and fully experience our membership in God’s forever family. If you are wondering why I am so certain that our departure from this world will occur before the start of the coming tribulation, see my blog post entitled The Biblical Necessity of the Pretribulation Rapture. If you groan because the events of 2020 have taken a heavy toll on you, take heart and focus on the prize that lies ahead of you. The Lord may keep us waiting a bit longer, but we can be absolutely certain He will not disappoint us. Jesus will surely reward our patient endurance just as He promises us in Revelation 3:10-11. If you have not read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 recently, I encourage you to do so often as a reminder of your wonderful and glorious hope. These verses reveal the outcome of our faith. Many today make the foolish mistake of divorcing our “blessed hope” from the Gospel message; they say it’s a third order doctrine. It’s most assuredly not! Our imminent departure from this world is the essence of our Gospel hope per the Lord’s assuring words through the apostle Paul in Romans 8:18-25. I very much need a constant reminder of my hope and I suspect that many of you do as well. Despite writing about it, I far too often lose sight of the Lord’s appearing as the true prize that awaits me as well as all those whose sins are covered by Jesus’ blood. You see, it’s all about the moment Paul described in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; it’s the “twinkling of an eye” when the glorious hope of the Gospel becomes reality for us and Jesus turns our perishable bodies into imperishable and immortal ones. I cannot imagine a better moment than that. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks! [i] The WEF has revised this video, but it still can be seen here on the Zero Hedge website: [ii] James Delingpole, The Great Reset Is Trending. Here’s Why…, On the Breithart website at: [iii] Ibid. [iv] Article on the LifeNews Website: John Kerry: Biden presidency would advance globalist ‘Great Reset’ with ‘speed’ at: Iran's Mullahs Want the "Nuclear Deal" - by Majid Rafizadeh - Iran's ruling mullahs, who are celebrating presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden's possible presidency in 2021, are already calling on him to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal, which, incidentally, Iran never signed. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani -- already urging the next US administration, which he hopes is the Biden administration -- also pointed out, according to the state-run IRNA agency: "Now, an opportunity has come up for the next U.S. administration to compensate for past mistakes and return to the path of complying with international agreements through respect of international norms." Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif also advised Biden on Twitter to abandon President Trump's Iran policy of maximum pressure and rejoin the nuclear deal. The Trump administration, after pulling out of the nuclear deal, imposed significant pressure politically and economically on the Iranian regime and re-imposed sanctions on the mullahs. Iran's leaders are excited about the prospect of resurrecting the nuclear deal for several reasons. First, the return to the nuclear deal means that the current sanctions against Tehran will be lifted and the regime will join the global financial system. Through the nuclear deal, the Iranian regime will again buy itself a blank check to advance its aggressive and fundamentalist policies across the Middle East as it did after the nuclear deal was reached in 2015. The 2015 nuclear deal allowed the flow of billions of dollars into the Iranian regime's treasury, thereby providing the revenues for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that they needed to escalate their military adventurism in the region. That project included financing, arming and supporting their terror and militia groups in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, as well as in South America (here, here and here). After the nuclear agreement, Iran's meddling, interventions in the region and funding of militia groups escalated. Iran also increased its deliveries of weapons to its militias, as the number of ballistic missiles deployed by Iran's proxies rose to an unprecedented level. Now, however, due to the current administration's policies, a cash-stripped Iran is at least unable fund its mercenaries and proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah. Second, Iran's mullahs love the nuclear deal because of its fundamental flaws, especially the sunset clauses that remove restrictions on Iran's nuclear program after the deal expires soon. The nuclear deal, rather than preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, as it was falsely touted to do, in fact paves the way for Tehran to become a legitimized nuclear state. Under the nuclear deal, Iran's military sites, such as Parchin, which is reportedly where nuclear development and research is conducted, is out of the reach of International Atomic Energy Agency's inspectors. In addition, the nuclear deal that Iran cherishes has no reference to Iran's ballistic missile program, a core pillar of its foreign policy and, as the delivery system for nuclear weapons, closely linked to the nuclear program. Third, with the nuclear deal, the regime would gain global legitimacy, making it even more difficult to hold Iran's leaders accountable for any malign behavior or terror activity across the world. Finally, Iran's ruling clerics want immediately to rejoin the nuclear deal because it would again alienate other governments in the Middle East and inevitably lead to a worsening of relations between the US and its traditional allies, especially Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. The 2015 nuclear deal needlessly excluded Israel and Gulf states from negotiations with Iran, despite those countries living on Iran's doorstep and feeling the consequences of Iranian proxy action more acutely than any of the Western JCPOA nations. This flawed deal, in favor of Iran, failed to recognize the rightful concerns of other countries in the region about Iran's potential nuclear capability, missile proliferation or funding of violent proxies -- both within and next door to their territories. The Iranian leaders are not alone in desiring to resurrect the nuclear deal: Biden has said that that rejoining the JCPOA is a top priority. After all, the deal was reached when Biden was the Vice President in the Obama administration. Additionally, in an opinion piece for CNN, Biden wrote: "I will offer Tehran a credible path back to diplomacy. If Iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the United States would rejoin the agreement as a starting point for follow-on negotiations. With our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the nuclear deal's provisions, while also addressing other issues of concern." Both the ayatollahs and Biden, it appears, want to resurrect the dangerous nuclear deal. It would not only empower Iran's predatory proclivities and terrorist groups, but also provide a glide path for Iran to obtain its long yearned-for nuclear bomb. Coming Here Soon? 3 Years In Jail For Speech Offending LGBT People – Michael Brown - For more than 15 years, I have been saying that those who came out of the closet would want to put us in the closet, meaning that gay activists calling for "equality" and "tolerance" would want to silence dissenting voices. About 10 years ago, a Christian attorney said to me, "Mike, take that one step farther. Those who were once put in jail will want to put us in jail." When I repeated his comment on Christian TV, I was widely ridiculed by the left. "No one wants to put people like you in jail!" So No One Wants to Put People Like Us in Jail? That tune quickly changed when, in 2015 Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, was jailed for refusing to follow a court order and issue a marriage certificate for a same-sex couple. Many on the left applauded her arrest, thrilled that she was in jail and hoping she would not get out anytime soon. And on social media, comments were completely unhinged, like this one: "Kim Davis, by Virtue of defying the Constitution and the Supreme Court is NO BETTER than those men who conceived, executed, and plotted those attacks on the World Trade Center and the pentagon on September 11. Granted, there haven't been any lives lost in the wake of Mrs. Davis' shenanigans, the ideology of using her religious beliefs as justification to defile the Supreme Court and the Constitution make her a religious terrorist along the order of Osama bin Laden and ISIS." Would stating that there are only two sexes cross that line? Would denying the term "marriage" to a same-sex union cross that line? "But," someone might say, "the arrest of Kim Davis proves you're exaggerating your point. She refused a direct order from a judge, and still, she only spent a few days in jail. Don't make a martyr out of her or give the false impression that this is an everyday affair." More Examples: Canadian Father Can't Call His Daughter by Birth Name, Court Ruled Actually, I could multiply other examples, not just from America but from other countries as well, like the case of a father whom I met last year in Canada. He objected to his 14-year-old daughter's desire to identify as a male and begin to receive hormone therapy. But the courts ruled with the daughter, not only affirming her "right" to begin the therapy, but also banning him from referring to his own daughter by her birth name or referring to her as female, even in the privacy of his home. If he dared to do so, he could be arrested on the spot. For several years now, in New York City, "discriminatory" treatment in the workplace against those who identify as transgender can result in a $250,000 fine. And what, exactly, constitutes discriminatory treatment? According to the official government website, this would include failing to use an individual's preferred name or pronoun, refusing to allow them to use the bathroom of their choice, or even "sex stereotyping." Cross any of these lines, and you could be in a heap of debt -- or worse. Australia - Parents Lose Custody of Daughter After Denying Her Irreversible Gender Transition Treatment An Australian couple have had their teenage daughter taken into state care after they were judged to be abusive and potentially harmful for failing to consent to the teen's irreversible gender transition treatment. According to The Australian, Police removed the 15-year-old from her home in October after a state children's court magistrate said the teen was in danger of mental abuse and at risk of self-harm. "Authorities say we will not allow her to change gender, so it's dangerous for her to come back to our house because we will mentally abuse her -- they want us to consent to testosterone treatment," the girl's father told the paper. Norway Makes Speech That Offends LGBT Persons Illegal: Up to 3 Years Jail Now, "Norway Has Made Biphobic, Transphobic Speech Illegal." More specifically, "The penal code states that those who are guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in jail for private comments, and a maximum of three years in jail for public remarks. Furthermore, those charged with violent crimes that are motivated by a victim's orientation or gender identity will receive harsher sentences." So, a private comment deemed hateful to an LGBT person or persons could get you a one-year jail sentence. Make this comment in public, and you're looking at three years in jail, the same penalty for third-degree murder (meaning, by neglect) in Norway. You heard that right. Supporters of the bill note that "for prosecution comments must be direct attacks against LGBTQ+ people or include language that intentionally dehumanizes them to the public." But would quoting relevant verses from the Bible cross that line? Would stating that there are only two sexes cross that line? Would denying the term "marriage" to a same-sex union cross that line? This much is sure. There are plenty of LGBT activists and allies who are more than ready to bring potential cases to court. What About America? Time to Decide to Do What's Right, No Matter What Back here in America, in January of this year, Joe Biden tweeted that transgender rights are the Civil Rights issue of the day. And he has made clear that one of his first legislative priorities (in the event that he is sworn in as our next president) will be to pass the Equality Act, which constitutes a direct threat to our religious freedoms. Do not be deceived. This is one of many reasons so many of us strongly opposed a Biden-Harris administration. And it's another reminder that my Christian attorney friend, who himself was on the front lines of the culture wars, was hardly exaggerating at all. Now would make a great time to determine that you will do what is right and stand up for what is right regardless of cost or consequence. Your compassionate courage could be the very thing that stands as the last bulwark against dangerous government overreach. The Nations Will Never Learn - By Grant Phillips - For approximately 1,500 days straight, the militant liberal politicians, news media and entertainment crowds of this once great country have been chewing on President Donald Trump like a ravenous wolf on a dead carcass. I’ve always thought I was one who could take a great deal of pressure in the working world, but the constant badgering President Trump has had to deal with would have caved me in a long time ago. Maybe God knows that it would take someone with a super ego along with thick skin and a tough hide to survive (God provided this with Ezekiel, by the way; Ezekiel 3:8-9), which leads me to repeat that I am in no doubt that God placed this man in the position of President of the United States of America in 2016. So, what is going on in 2020? President Trump should never have won the presidential race in 2016, but by the grace of God, he did. I’m not sure he knows why he won, but he was put in office by the power of God. “He [God] controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars” (Daniel 2:21). So, if God put this man in office four years ago, why does it seem God is now allowing the God-haters of this country to have their way? Why is He allowing the malfeasance of public officials, the media, et al. to determine the outcome of an election? President Trump has strongly supported Israel, the right to life, Christianity, and America. He does not support a one-world order, illegal immigrants and violence from thugs. He has made us totally oil independent, has brought jobs back and uplifted the economy. He has not wrapped the White House with rainbow colors or openly pushed the slaughter of innocent children. Is this not what God would want for a country that puts Him first (I’ll get back to this)? I think so, but all of this will be reversed if the Democrats regain power in the White House once more. Will God allow this political faction, one that hates everything that is of God, to take over? President Trump reminds me in some ways of Nebuchadnezzar. He (Nebuchadnezzar) was intelligent, and he would keep his word (unlike Zedekiah; 2 Kings 25:4-7). He was wealthy and powerful, and he was also full of himself. As a side note, I believe after God humbled Nebuchadnezzar, then brought him back to his senses, there is a possibility he worshipped God from that point on. Could this be what God is doing with President Trump? I don’t know. Maybe that’s a possibility. Let us consider another scenario from the following Scripture passages. “For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire; He blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord. The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts” (Psalms 10:3-4). “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure” (Psalms 2:1-5). These few verses certainly sum up the attitude of the unrighteous in this nation, and in every nation for that matter. The “Anointed” spoken of in these verses, of course, is Jesus the Messiah. The world hates the Son of God, and its rebellion is growing more fierce each day. I feel many of us have recognized that the sin problem has been growing exponentially worse in this country for the last twelve years. It has reared its ugly head for all to see and is no longer nearly as invisible as it was in years gone by. What has made rebellion against God gain such a hold since the sixties and race to the forefront today with such fierceness? That question leads me to the next Scripture verse found in the book of Revelation. “Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short” (Revelation 12:12). Keeping in mind that the background for this verse is the Tribulation era, could it be Satan has everyone all fired up against God because he knows his time is closer than you and I are aware? Is God getting ready to usher in the “time of Jacob’s trouble,” the seven-year Tribulation? We can’t answer this question, but there is one thing that is certain; we are closer today than we were yesterday. The good news for every true, born-again believer in Jesus Christ is that the Rapture is even closer since our Lord will remove us before He brings down His wrath upon this fallen world. I know some Christians are concerned that we may have to endure some unpleasant times that will be brought on by political leaders who have no regard for God. I wish I could reply with, “No, we won’t,” but I cannot. Only God has that answer, but we are assured that we are not alone. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age‘” (Matthew 28:18-20, emphasis mine). “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me” (Psalms 23:4). If the Democrats regain control, and they may, they will disavow any and everything that is Godly. In my opinion, this will simply hasten God’s judgment that will come in the Tribulation. So keep this in mind: politicians can make the lives of the citizens unpleasant, but they cannot direct our destiny. If our faith is in Jesus Christ, our destiny is secure in His hands. We belong to the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He will protect His own. “For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Earlier I asked, “Is this not what God would want for a country that puts Him first?” Obviously, we have not put God first in a long time. As individuals who make up the bride of Christ, we have nothing to fear; but as a nation, we are headed for judgment just as surely as every nation in history has been judged that has rebelled against God. Perhaps the outcome of the election has little to do with President Trump, from God’s point of view, and more to do with us. God warned us in Romans 1:24, 26 and 28 that He has given us over to our own desires, and the day of reckoning is fast approaching. Three times it is said, “God gave them over.” Throughout history, this process has been repeated, and the nations just don’t get it. History keeps repeating itself, except now, we stand at the threshold of God’s final judgment. Our Lord says in this next passage concerning Israel that their religious hypocrisy was bringing judgment down upon them. “Put the trumpet to your lips! An eagle is over the house of the LORD because the people have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law. Israel cries out to me, ‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’ But Israel has rejected what is good; an enemy will pursue him. They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval. With their silver and gold they make idols for themselves to their own destruction. Samaria, throw out your calf-idol! My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of purity?” (Hosea 8:1-5). The eagle flying over the house of Israel is actually a vulture, i.e., Assyria. Israel says she is righteous, but she rejects what is good. She cries out to God, but why? She doesn’t listen to God anyway. She sets up her own leaders, contrary to God’s approval, and worships her own riches instead. Judgment came down upon Israel hard and swift via the Assyrians in 721 B.C. Will there be a date listed after our name, i.e., America 20?? A.D. Will we be taken into captivity by our own greed and ego, maybe even to a foreign land? Israel didn’t think it would happen to them either, but it happened. Neither did Judah, but it happened. So I ask: · Is God trying to persuade President Trump to refocus his adulation? · Is He giving His enemies more rope to hang themselves? · Is He showing He can take an impossible situation (Trump’s supposed loss) and defy the odds with Trump’s victory, even against all the underhanded maneuverings of the left? The race is not over yet. · Or is He simply allowing the world to step closer to the day of wrath? I certainly don’t have the answer, but I am confident our God knows what He is doing, and with that, I am content. Instead of looking toward Washington D.C., perhaps we should be looking up. Our redemption is drawing nearer with each passing day (Luke 21:28). Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: Doing more harm than good – Bill Wilson – There are many headlines this morning about attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell double-crossing President Trump in Georgia by urging voters to boycott the runoffs that will determine control of the US Senate. Both urged Georgia voters not to vote in the upcoming Senate runoff until the election can be proven to be honest. Wood, a long time Democrat who is working with Powell to prove election fraud in the 2020 Presidential race, said, “Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election, for god’s sake! Fix it! You gotta fix it!” This is the context of an election double-cross because Wood and Powell are working against election fraud for Trump, but their advice may give Senate control to democrats. Herein is the issue: Georgians can boycott the election in protest of election fraud and by doing so help elect candidates that put the Senate in control of Democrats. Georgians can go ahead and vote in the election and help maintain the Senate control by Republicans. In this situation, where Senate control hangs in the balance, boycotting an election is a principled stand with dire consequences. Turning Senate control over to the Democrats means that if Trump somehow wins reelection, his every move will be blocked by partisan party politics. It is even likely that he would be removed from office by another impeachment. If Trump does not return to office, Democratic Party control of the Senate is an open highway to socialism with Joe Biden as President. These are the types of consequences we face with politics. A few percentage points of voters voted for the Libertarian candidate for President, which in some states may have turned the balance against Trump. They did so based on their principles. Same goes for those who felt they couldn’t vote for Trump because of his so-called “lack of character and bombastic tweets.” But the result of this type of thinking is counterproductive to the nation, and to you as an individual citizen. To guarantee election of a candidate or a political party that would be counter to everything you believe because you can’t vote for someone who has a few faults that go against your beliefs seems to be legalistic and self-destructive. I understand what Wood and Powell are trying to say—best to fix what is broken than to allow it to continue. Problem is, the “fix” is not boycotting an election when doing so is highly detrimental to everyone in America. The “fix” is to expose election fraud now and adjust the results accordingly, then work very hard to place accountability into the system so it is truly fixed and the American voters have confidence in election integrity. Once again, however, the media is using Wood and Powell to drive a wedge, confuse and divide people. Trouble is, Wood and Powell gave them the opportunity. Proverbs 17:28 says, “Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.” Wood and Powell should be careful that they don’t do more harm than good. So should we all. Daily Devotion: The Choice to Rejoice - by Greg Laurie – We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. —Romans 5:3 - Listen Everywhere the apostle Paul went, there was either a riot or a revival. Paul never had a boring day in his life that we know of. There was always something going on with him. Yet Paul didn’t merely endure these experiences but rejoiced in them. He wrote, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation” (Romans 5:3–4 NLT). Paul was describing the kind of trials in which there’s nothing we can do to make them go away. But when Paul went through those hardships, he made the choice to rejoice. And we have that same choice before us. I can’t control what happens around me, try as I may. But I can control how I react. When difficulties come my way, when things that seem unfair happen to me, when I’m going through a time of hardship, I can choose to be better or bitter. Some people choose the latter. They’re bitter. They’re mad at God, mad at the world, and mad at their family. They’re mad at everything. However, others say, “Lord, I don’t know why you’ve allowed this, and I wish you wouldn’t allow it. But I want to be better. I want to learn through this.” Some trials that come into our lives are short-lived. But others don’t go away, and there’s no way around them. So what should we do? We need to put our hope in God. Remember, Paul said, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.” Maybe you don’t understand it at the moment, but there’s a reason for what you’re going through. God is working through it. And He never will let you down. FROM THE HEART
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